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A Review of Least Squares Theory Applied To Traverse Computations

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A review of least squares theory applied to traverse adjustment

Article  in  Australian Surveyor · December 1991

DOI: 10.1080/00050326.1991.10438744


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1 author:

Rod Deakin
RMIT University


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Department of Land Information
RMIT University

Phone: +61 3 9925 2213

Fax: +61 3 9663 2517
e-mail: deakin@rmit.edu.au

This paper was originally published in two parts in The Australian Surveyor, Vol. 36,
No. 3, September 1991, pp. 245-53 and Vol. 36, No. 4, December 1991, pp. 281-
90. Minor changes have been made to notation.

January 1999.


This paper presents the general outline for a least squares adjustment of a traverse network by Variation of
Coordinates. The standard methods set out lend themselves to computer solution and thetechnique is
adaptable to Resections and Intersections, Triangulation and Trilateration schemes and combinations
thereof. A method of constraining bearings, distances and angles in the traverse network is outlined and
necessary matrix equations developed for solution. Equations are also developed which enable precisions of
adjusted bearings and distances to be estimated.


A traverse is the basic element of many surveys. Good survey practice demands that traverses be closed so
that miscloses may be used to assess the precision of the traverse measurements. If the misclose is within
acceptable limits, it is usual for the surveyor to adjust the measurements so as to eliminate the misclose. This
is sound practice as the traverse is now mathematically correct and hence all figures derived from this
traverse should also be mathematically correct.

Shepherd (1968, pp.317-347), lists some of the traverse adjustments that may be used:

Bowditch, Transit (Wilson's method), Smirnoff, Crandall, Scale Factor axis method, and the xy
(Ormsby) method.

The common virtue of these adjustment methods is their mathematical simplicity. Unfortunately these
techniques are non-rigorous and often based on assumptions that are not valid for todays survey equipment
or techniques. Traverse measurements derived from these adjustments may suffer accordingly.

The method of least squares is a rigorous technique that can be applied to the adjustment of single traverses
as well as networks of connected traverses to yield the most likely values of the survey measurements. Leahy
(1974) has an excellent summary of the theoretical basis and development of the least squares technique.

This paper will attempt to outline the basic principles of least squares as applied to the adjustment of traverse

A worked example of a traverse adjustment is provided in Appendix B as a means of understanding the

principles and methods used.


A traverse is a combination of two basic survey measurements, distances and directions, which are indirect
measurements of the coordinates of traverse points. Assuming that mistakes and systematic errors are
eliminated, traverse directions and distances are affected by small random errors which manifest themselves
as miscloses in closed traverses. A residual has the same magnitude as an error but opposite sign and since
distances and directions are indirect measurements of coordinates, it could be said that the residuals are
functions of the coordinates of the traverse points.

A least squares traverse adjustment is the determination of a set of traverse coordinates which makes the sum
of the squares of the residuals a minimum.

This set of coordinates will be the most likely and the underlined section above is often referred to as the
Least Squares Principle.


The diagram below shows the bearing and distance between traverse points

Ek - Ei Pk

αi k Nk - Ni
αi3 φi k l ik

Pi Zi
αi 1


Figure 1.


P1 , P2 , P3 , " Pi , Pk traverse points ( Pi is the instrument point),

α i1 , α i 2 , α i 3 , " α ik observed directions from Pi ,
li1 , li 2 , li 3 , " lik observed distances from Pi ,
Ei , N i , Ek , N k coordinates of points Pi and Pk respectively,
φ ik and sik bearing and distance of line Pi to Pk ,
Zi orientation constant.

Referring to Figure 1, Observation Equations for the direction and distance of the line line Pi to Pk , are;

α ik + vik + Z i = φ ik = tan −1
RS E k
− Ei
TN k − NiW
lik + vik = sik = bE − E g + b N
k i
k −N g

where vik is the residual.

In equations (1) and (2) the observed directions and distances are expressed as non-linear functions of the
coordinates Ei , N i and Ek , N k . Mikhail and Gracie (1981, pp.266-272), show how these equations can be
expressed as linearized approximations using Taylor's Theorem as;
α ik + vik + Z i = φ ′ik − aik ∆N i − bik ∆Ei + aik ∆N k + bik ∆Ek

lik + vik = sik′ − cik ∆N i − dik ∆Ei + cik ∆N k + dik ∆Ek

These equations can be re-arranged as residual equations for directions and distances respectively,
vik = − aik ∆N i − bik ∆Ei + aik ∆N k + bik ∆Ek − fik (3)

vik = − cik ∆N i − dik ∆Ei + cik ∆N k + dik ∆Ek − fik (4)


∆N and ∆E are small corrections to approximate coordinates E ′ and N ′ such that E = E ′ + ∆E and
N = N ′ + ∆N .
∆Z is a small correction to the approximate orientation constant Z ′ such that Z = Z ′ + ∆Z .
sin φ ′ik cos φ ′ik
aik = − and bik = are direction coefficients.
sik′ sik′

cik = cos φ ′ik and dik = sin φ ′ik are distance coefficients.

φ ′ and s′ are the computed bearing and distance using the approximate coordinates.

fik takes the general form: f = observed - computed

in equation (3) b g
fik = α ik + Z i′ − φ ′ik

in equation (4) fik = lik − sik′

Inspection of equations (3) and (4) shows that a residual for each measurement can be expressed as a linear
function of the unknown corrections to approximate coordinates of the end points of the traverse line. In the
case of direction measurements, an unknown correction to the approximate orientation constant at the
instrument point is also included. The "f-term" is a function of the measurement and the approximate

Equations of the form of (3) and (4) can be written for each observed direction and distance and in a closed
traverse or traverse network there will be more equations than unknowns. These residual equations can be
represented in matrix form as;
v = Bx − f (5)

u number of unknowns,
n number of equations,
v a n,1f is an n by 1 vector of residuals,
Ba n ,uf is an n by u coefficient matrix containing various combinations of direction and
distance coefficients,
x a u,1f is a u by 1 vector of unknown corrections to the approximate coordinates and orientation
fa n,1f is an n by 1 vector of numeric terms derived from the measurements and computed
values of bearings and distances.

The residual equations given in matrix form by equation (5) are partitioned in the following manner;
1 11 B12 OPLM x OP − LM f OP
1 1
2 21 B22 Q N x Q Nf Q
2 2

where the elements

v1 and v 2 are the residuals associated with the directions and distances respectively
x1 and x 2 are the corrections to the approximate coordinates and orientations respectively
f1 and f2 are the numerical terms associated with directions and distances respectively
B11 is a sub-matrix of direction coefficients a and b of the corrections to the approximate
B12 is a sub-matrix of coefficients of the corrections to the approximate orientation constants
B21 is a sub-matrix of distance coefficients c and d of the corrections to the approximate
B22 is a sub-matrix of zeroes

Associated with every set of measurements is a square matrix Σ mm of order n and known as the variance
matrix. The diagonal elements of Σ mm contain variances of measurements whilst the off diagonal elements
contain covariances between measurements. The variance of a measurement is its standard deviation squared
and hence a measure of precision, whilst the covariance is a measure of the dependence between two
measurements. If two measurements are independent then their covariance will be zero.

In any least squares adjustment it is assumed that apriori estimates of the variances and covariances are
available and the variance matrix Σ mm is estimated by Q mm

In many least squares adjustments the measurements are independent and hence the apriori variance matrix
Q will be diagonal and its inverse is commonly known as the weight matrix W = Q −1 whose diagonal
elements are the weights of the particular measurements.

The sum of the squares of the residuals can be represented in matrix form as:

vT W v = B x − f g W bB x − f g = ϕ

where vT is the transpose of v . Mikhail and Gracie (1981, pp.68-73), show how calculus is used to minimize
ϕ and obtain a set of normal equations of the form;

dB W Bi x = B W f

Nx = t (7b)
The solutions of the normal equations are;
x = N −1t (8)

N( u,u ) is a u by u matrix of coefficients of the normal equations (7b),

t( u,1) is a u by 1 column vector of numeric terms.

and the vector x contains the corrections to the approximate coordinates and orientation constants which
makes the sum of the squares of the residuals a minimum. This technique of traverse adjustment is known as
Variation of Coordinates and is essentially an iterative process of solving for corrections to approximate values
which is terminated when the corrections reach some predetermined value.


The least squares technique set out above requires at least two points in the traverse network to have fixed
coordinate values before a solution for the corrections to the approximate coordinates of the other points can
be determined. This is illustrated by pinning the network diagram to the wall through two traverse points.
Remove one pin and the network will rotate around the other thereby making the coordinates of the other
traverse points indeterminate. This constraining of the network can also be achieved by holding one point
fixed and the bearing of a traverse line fixed.

As well as these minimal constraints it is also possible to have additional fixed points and constrained
bearings in the network as well as distances and angles constrained to certain fixed values.

Constraining bearings, distances and angles in a traverse network to specified values means the following
equations must be satisfied.

Ek − Ei
tan φ ik =
Nk − Ni

sik = bE k − Ei g + bN − N g
k i

θ iLR = tan −1
RS E − E UV − tan RS E
R i −1 L − Ei UV
TN − N W
R TN i L − Ni W
where φ , s and θ are constrained or fixed traverse bearings, distances and angles respectively and the
subscripts L and R refer to the left and right traverse stations defining an angle at the instrument point.

Using the techniques outlined previously leads to the following constraint equations for bearings, distances and
angles respectively.
− tan φ ik ∆N i + ∆Ei + tan φ ik ∆N k − ∆Ek − gik = 0 (9)

− cik ∆N i − dik ∆Ei + cik ∆N k + dik ∆Ek − gik = 0 (10)

b g b g
− aiR − aiL ∆N i − biR − biL ∆Ei + aiR ∆N R + biR ∆ER − aiL ∆N L − biL ∆EL − giLR = 0 (11)
b g b
gik = Ek′ − Ei′ − N k′ − N i′ tan θ ik g in equation (9)

gik = sik − sik′ in equation (10)

gik = θ iLR − θ ′iR − θ ′iL g in equation (11)
These constraint equations can be expressed in matrix form as;
Cx − g = 0 (12)

c number of constraint equations,

u number of unknowns,
Ca c,u f is a c by u coefficient matrix,
x a u,1f is a u by 1 vector of unknown corrections to the approximate coordinates and orientation
ga c,1f is a c by 1 vector of elements derived from the constrained values of bearings, distances
and angles and the approximate traverse coordinates.

Mikhail (1976, pp.214-33), shows how the least squares principle can be applied (using constrained minima
by Lagrange multipliers) to the combined constraint and residual equations (5) and (12) to give the solution
for the vector of unknowns x, and the Lagrange multipliers k as a partitioned matrix equation of the form;



Nk Q N C 0

the vector to the left of the equal sign contains (u+c)elements, the first u elements are the corrections
to the approximate coordinates and orientation constants and the remaining c elements are Lagrange

the partitioned square matrix to the right of the equal sign is of order (u+c) whose upper left sub-
matrix of order u by u contains the coefficients of the normal equations multiplied by -1, the lower left
sub-matrix of order c by u contains the coefficients of the constraint equations, upper right sub-matrix
of order u by c is the transpose of the lower left sub-matrix, and the lower right sub-matrix of order c by
c contains zeros,

the vector to the right of the equal sign contains (u+c) elements, the first u elements are the numeric
terms multiplied by -1 and the remaining c elements are the numerical terms of the constraint

Equation (13) may be written as;


Nk Q N β γ
where the partitioned matrix to the right of the equal sign is the inverse of the matrix in equation (13).

Constraint equations add flexibility to the adjustment process. If desired, any lines in the traverse network
can be constrained to particular values of bearings and distances. The two extreme cases being;

(a) when all traverse bearings are fixed, in which case only the traverse distances will be adjusted and

(b) when all traverse distances are fixed, in which case only the traverse bearings will be adjusted.

It may also be desirable to maintain certain angles in the traverse network as they were "set out" in the field,
such as an angle of 180° at a traverse point on line between two other points, or perhaps an angle of 90°
between two traverse lines at a particular point.

These constraints can be accommodated in the adjustment by combining the particular constraint equations
with the normal equations and solving equation (13).


Traverse adjustment by the method of Least Squares allows precision estimation of the adjusted coordinates
of traverse points as well as derived bearings and distances.

The variance matrix of the traverse measurements Q mm is a necessary apriori estimate of the "true"
measurement variance matrix Σ mm . Mikhail (1976, pp.285-88) shows that the relationship between the true
variance matrix and the apriori estimates is:
Σ mm = σ 20 Q mm (15)

where σ 20 is the variance factor.

The variance factor is defined as "the sum of the squares of the residuals divided by the degrees of freedom"
and can be computed from;
vT W v f T W f − xT t
σ 20 = = (16)
r r
where r = n − u + c is the degrees of freedom.

The degrees of freedom in a least squares traverse adjustment is a combination of the number of redundant
measurements and the constraints in the network and when this figure reaches a statistically significant level
then the expected value of the variance factor is unity if the apriori estimates of the measurement variances

are correct. The difference between unity and the variance factor is often used as a measure of confidence in
the adjustment results but is dependent upon a sound knowledge of the apriori measurement variances as
well as the degrees of freedom in the network.

Mikhail (1976, pp.77-81, 159-61, 229-30) shows that the Law of Propagation of Variances applied to the
least squares adjustment gives the variance matrix of the adjusted quantities as:
Σ xx = σ 20 N −1 (17)
when there are no constraints in the network and
Σ xx = − σ 20 α (18)
when there are constraints in the network (α is obtained from (14)).

The variance matrix Σ xx contains the variances and covariances of the "adjusted quantities". The diagonal
elements will be the variances of coordinates or orientation constants in the same sequence as the elements
of the vector x. The off-diagonal elements of Σ xx are the covariances between particular coordinates and/or
orientation constants. The variance matrix Σ xx may be partitioned in the following manner;

Σ xx =
LMΣ 11 Σ12 OP (19)
NΣ 21 Σ 22 Q

Σ11 is a symmetric sub-matrix containing the variances and covariances of the adjusted
Σ 22 is a symmetric sub-matrix containing the variances and covariances of the adjusted
orientation constants
Σ12 is a sub-matrix containing the covariances between coordinates and orientation constants
Σ 21 = Σ12


An upper-triangular portion of the symmetric variance sub-matrix Σ11 is shown below

LMσ 2
N1 σ N 1 E1 σ N 1 N 2 σ N 1 E2 " σ N 1N i σ N 1Ei σ N 1N k σ N 1Ek " OP
MM σ 2E1 σ E1 N 2 σ E1 E2 " # PP
σ 2N 2 σ N 2 E2
MM σ 2E2
% # #
MM σ 2
σ N i Ei σ NiN k σ N i Ek "P
σ 2Ei σ Ei N k σ Ei Ek "P
σ 2N k σ N k Ek "P
MM σ 2Ek "P


σ 2N i , σ 2Ei , σ 2N k , σ 2Ek are the variances of the adjusted coordinates at points Pi and Pk


σ N i Ei σ N iN k σ N i Ek
σ Ei N k σ Ei Ek are the covariances
σ N k Ek

The standard deviation of an adjusted coordinate is simply the square root of the appropriate variance.


Bearings and distances computed from the adjusted coordinates of the traverse network are non-linear
functions of the coordinates and can be represented in a linearized matrix form as;
N s Q NB Q 21

φ are the computed bearings
s are the computed distances
B11 , B21 and x1 are defined in equation (6)

[Note that there are the same number of computed bearings and distances as there are observed directions
and distances respectively and in the same order as equation (6)].

Applying the Law of Propagation of Variances gives;

2 T

φ 11 11
2 11 (21)
s 21 21


σ φ2 and σ 2s are the variances of the adjusted bearings and distances respectively.

The matrix equation (21) gives the following formulae for the variance of an adjusted bearing and distance

d i d
σ φ2 ik = ai2k σ 2N i + σ 2N k − 2 σ N i N k + bi2k σ 2Ei + σ 2Ek − 2 σ Ei Ek i (21a)
+ 2 ai k bi k σ N i Ei + σ N k Ek − σ N i Ek − σ N k Ei i

d i d
σ 2sik = ci2k σ 2N i + σ 2N k − 2 σ N i N k + di2k σ 2Ei + σ 2Ek − 2 σ Ei Ek i (21b)
+ 2 ci k di k σ N i Ei + σ N k Ek − σ N i Ek − σ N k Ei i
and the standard deviations of the adjusted bearings and distances are the square roots of the variances.


Error ellipses are a graphical representation of the precision of the adjusted coordinates of a traverse point
with respect to the fixed points in the network. They can be used to gauge the "strengths and
weaknesses" in a network. Circular ellipses indicate a strong position fix and elongated ellipses indicate a
weak position fix.

Mikhail (1976, pp.30-31), gives the equations for the lengths of the semi-axes of the error ellipse as;

a2 =
1 2
σ N + σ 2E + dσ − σ 2E i + d2σ i IJK
2 2

b2 = Gσ
N + σ 2E − dσ 2
N − σ 2E i + d2σ i IJK

and the angle θ between north and the major axis of the error ellipse as;
2σ N E
tan 2θ = (23)
σ 2N − σ 2E

The correct quadrant of 2θ is determined from the signs of the numerator and denominator in equation

It is interesting to note that precision estimation can take place before any measurements are taken. A scale
diagram of the network is sufficient to determine approximate bearings and distances from which
the coefficient matrix B may be deduced. Solving the system in the manner set out will enable the variance
matrix Σ xx to be "estimated" and error ellipse parameters calculated. The strength of the network can then
be assessed and additional measurements taken if desired.

An important point to bear in mind when assessing precision is the number of constraints in the network.
Holding one point fixed and constraining one bearing to a particular value are the minimum
constraints that can be placed on a network using this method of solution and will yield a particular number
for the sum of the squares of the residuals vT W v . Applying additional constraints will cause
vT W v to increase with a commensurate increase in the variances and covariances in Σ xx and an apparent
loss of precision in the adjusted coordinates. Constraints should be carefully chosen so as not to distort the
network or concentrate residuals at particular traverse lines.


Least Squares is an adjustment technique founded on well accepted principles of measurements and their
errors and is regarded as superior to all other methods of adjustment.

The Least Squares method of adjustment, Variation of Coordinates, outlined above is a systematic method of
determining the most likely values of traverse coordinates when the number of measurements exceeds the
number of unknowns, as happens in all closed traverses. The technique is adaptable to many surveying
applications such as Resections and Intersections, Triangulation and Trilateration schemes as well as
combinations of these and lends itself to computer solution.

The inclusion of constraints in the form of bearings, distances and angles adds a degree of flexibility to this
well proven adjustment process.


Leahy, F.J., 1974. 'Two hundred years of adjustment of survey measurements', Two Centuries of Surveying
(1874-1974-2074): Proceedings of The Institution of Surveyors, Australia, 17th Australian Survey Congress,
Melbourne, 23 February -1 March 1974, pp.19-29.

Mikhail, E.M., 1976. Observations and Least Squares, IEP–A Dun-Donnelley, New York.

Mikhail, E.M. and G. Gracie, 1981. Analysis and Adjustment of Survey Measurements, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.

Shepherd, F.A., 1968. Surveying Problems and Solutions, Edward Arnold Ltd., London.


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