At Norton Chemical Process Products Intalox High-Performance Other Norton mass transfer products
Corporation, an Intalox® High- Structured Packing Hy-Contact Fractionation Trays
Performance System is an entire « Provides maximum predictable
packed tower — a tower which • Valve, sieve and bubblecap trays
fractionation efficiencies
contains well-matched components • Standard or cartridge assembly
• Combines high capacity and low
for optimal distillation, absorption or
pressure drop per theoretical stage Ceramic and Metal Random Packings
stripping performance. We call our
• Saddles, pall rings and
high-performance systems INTALOX • Features a unique double-
Raschig rings
because this well-respected trade- corrugated sheet construction
mark represents the predictable and • Associated tower internals
• Patented sheet surface texturing
reliable performance of thousands of improves separation efficiency Grid-Type Packing
Norton-packed towers in service • Provides great structured strength
worldwide. Intalox® Snowflake® High-Performance
Plastic Packing and fouling resistance
In every Intalox High-Performance
System, you will find a superior • Optimizes absorption and stripping Liquid/Liquid Extraction Tower Internals
Norton tower packing and a carefully towers • Feed pipes and dispersion plates to
selected liquid and/or vapor distribu- • Combines high capacity with high accompany various packings
tor, engineered to assure specific efficiency in one packing size Denstone Catalyst Bed Support Media
distribution levels.
• Provides lower pressure drop than • Available in a variety of sizes and
90 mm (3.5 in.) plastic packings ceramic materials
• Exhibits greater efficiency than other Plastic Tower Packing,
38 mm (1.5 in.) plastic packings Internals and Trays
IMTP® High-Performance • Products available in a variety
Intalox® Liquid and Vapor Distributors
Random Packing of thermoplastic and fiberglass
• Each design is based on Norton's
• Provides greater capacity and rating system for quantifying distrib- materials
efficiency than fractionation trays ution uniformity
and other random packings
• With Intalox distributors, packing
• Exhibits approximately 40% lower performance is independent of
pressure drop than equal-sized tower diameter and bed depth
pall rings
• Intalox distributors are essential in
• Minimizes liquid residence time towers requiring many stages with
through low liquid hold-up low HETP
• Quickly installed; requires minimal • Intalox distributors are available in
changes in existing vessels; struc- pan-type, deck-type and trough-
tural strength allows packing depths type construction
up to 15 m (50 ft) or more
IMTP Packing Performance
0.10 0.03
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00
Flow Parameter, X
0.001 0.01 0.1 10.0
Flow Parameter, X
= 1.87 mm Hg/ft
= 6.15 mm Hg/m
= 817 Pa/m
Value of Packing Factor F
(Average Values) No. 60 No. 70 Norton's Packed Tower Design
No. 15 No. 25 No. 40 No. 50
Program employs different values of
549 441 258 194 172 129
Packing Factor F for different liquid
51 41 24 18 16 12 rates. Average values shown should
not be used above the liquid rate limit.
For liquid rates above the limit, use the
34 73 122 122 122 122 rating program or contact Norton for
14 30 50 50 50 50 an appropriate F value.
IMTP Packing Efficiency
The efficiency of packing in most Non-uniform liquid and vapor With Norton Intalox liquid
distillation towers is expressed as distribution will cause actual HETP distributors, the HETP of IMTP
HETP, or height equivalent to a values to be substantially greater than packing is independent of tower
theoretical plate. the System Base HETP value. diameter and packing depth.
The mass transfer efficiency of However, commercial towers with
all mass transfer devices is system proper liquid and vapor distribution
properties dependent. System consistently approach the System
properties that affect the efficiency are Base HETP within 13%. For this rea-
liquid viscosity and surface tension. son, Norton designs often use HETP
The efficiency of a packed system values 13% above the System
also depends on the uniformity of Base HETP.
liquid and vapor distribution. What represents proper liquid
The concept of System Base HETP distribution for a commercial tower? In
assumes that a specific separation towers requiring few theoretical
receives uniform liquid and vapor stages, traditional distributors can
distribution. This concept is useful approach the System Base HETP
because it isolates the system's effect value. Conversely, in towers requiring
on HETP away from the distribution many theoretical stages Norton Intalox
considerations. distributors are required to approach
As a first approach in projecting the System Base HETP value.
HETP values, Norton has developed
a correlation for estimating HETP from
the system properties. It is desirable
to confirm the projected HETP values Values of A and В
with test data in columns having No. 15 No. 25 No. 40 No. 50 No. 60 No. 70
uniform vapor and liquid distribution in
272 330 401 526 616 758
the same system or a system having
very similar properties. Norton has an 10.7 13.0 20.7 24.2 29.9
extensive bank of operating data from 296 366 439 579 678 827
a wide variety of systems and can 11.7 14.4 17.3 22.8 26.7 32.6
provide reference data to confirm final
HETP values upon request.
The efficiency correlation applies to
systems which (a) are non-aqueous,
(b) are non-reacting and non-ionizing,
and (c) have low relative volatility
(less than three). Relative Volatility < 3
In these systems, the System Base lf(j>27, use 0- = 27
HETP of IMTP packing for distillation
and reboiled stripping services can
be estimated by:
Г о-1-0.16
System Base HETP = A
(1.78) for /л < 0.4 cp
2.0 <(j< 26.6
or 0.06 < (A < 0.83
a 1-0.19 0.21
System Base HETP = В for ju, > 0.4 cp
20 J 0.2
The performance of a mass transfer throughput capacity for a given level IMTP packing has greater capacity
device is typically measured by com- of efficiency. In vacuum service, the and efficiency than trays, as illus-
paring its capacity and efficiency. An pressure drop of the device is also a trated by the following charts.
effective device will allow a high measure of its performance.
0 0 £ I I
-o "О 0 13 О
сл 3D
^ 1 55 л 1 СЛ л -o CO
л TJ
^ ^
Design Example
Statement of Problem:
A deep bed of No. 50 IMTP packing Liquid Rate - 244,940 kg/hr Vapor Rate - 76,200 kg/hr
is to be used in a 2438 mm (96 in.) ID (540,000 Ib/hr) (168,000 Ib/hr)
11.0 bar ga (160 psig) hydrocarbon Liquid Density - 544.6 kg/m3 Vapor Density - 22.4 kg/m3
stripper. Rate the packing capacity (34.0 Ib/ft3) (1.40 Ib/ft3)
and estimate its pressure drop Liquid Viscosity - 0.25 cp Surface Tension - 10.5 dyne/cm
under the following hydraulic loadings.
Г 22 4 I05 1 40
3. Capacity Factor, Cs г* о 9П9/1 сs оее-чГ ' T5
° S 4
[544.6-22.4] ° °'CC 1 [34.0-1. 40 J
(see pg. 4)
= 0.0419 m/s = 0.1 374 ft/s
Capacity Rating:
From the capacity chart on page 4, C0 = 0.061 m/s (0.20 ft/s) for No. 50 IMTP packing at X = 0.65.
10 5 1в 0 25 1 5 1в 25 1
6. Efficient Capacity, Csc г тпр-пГ - Т Г - ~Г гGSC - (°-0)[
(п"оЛ°-JТ [ Г°-
o.2 JГ
(see pg. 4) c sc - (0.001)^ 2Q
j ^Q2j 20
Pressure Drop Estimation:
8. Ordinate Value
(see pg. 5) Y = (194)(0.0419)2 (0.46)01 = 0.315 Y = (18)(0.1374)2 (0.46)° 1 = 0.314
9. Pressure Drop
AP= 14 mm H2O/m AP=0.17in. H2O/ft
(see pg. 5)
Case Study
System Base HETP = 13.0 Г—1 '" (1.78)0065 = 18.3 in.
System Base HETP = 526 ГЦ-Т " (1.78) = 757 mm
System Base HETP = 20.7 \~ '" (1.78)0065 = 29.8 in.
Data Summary
Measured HETP values should be
equal to, or slightly above, the System
Base HETP values estimated by the
correlation. Because the deethanizer
HETP values are very close to the
correlation values, we conclude
that the deethanizer's packing is
achieving the best efficiency that
can be expected.
Liquid Distribution for Intalox Systems
Liquid Distribution Quality How can distribution uniformity or Norton has developed a distributor
Many researchers in the distillation distribution quality be analyzed to rating system* for quantifying distribu-
field have proven that uniform liquid quantify the degree of uniformity? tion uniformity. We rate distribution
distribution over tower packing is quality as a percentage, where 100%
imperative for developing the full effi- quality indicates ideal uniform distribu-
ciency of the packing. This concept, What degree of uniformity is required tion and 0% indicates a significant
however, poses questions concerning for a commercial packed tower to portion of packing is receiving no
liquid distribution devices: perform satisfactorily? liquid at all.
The significance of Norton's
distribution quality rating system is
that the rating correlates to tower
Norton has found that towers with
deep beds of high-efficiency packing
are sensitive to liquid distribution qual-
Typical Packed Tower Layout
ity. Conversely, towers with shallow
beds of traditional packing are less
sensitive to distribution quality.
Norton Intalox distributors are The effect of liquid distribution quality on tower
engineered for performance is shown by this correlation:
• High purity product distillation 20
• Distillation services operating 18
close to minimum reflux
• Heat transfer services with 16
close temperature approach Stage з per E led wi h Sys em Base HETP/
о 14
• Services with high stage count
per bed Ч*.
Norton traditional distributors are Iсо 1 2
designed for towers where fewer
ф 10
stages are required, or where о.
achieving the System Base HETP i
of the packing is not critical. In fсо 8
these towers, a small amount of
extra packing permits the use 16
of a less expensive traditional ч
Norton Services
LI 1
type and size on printouts for
improved readability. The program •II
runs on Windows NT, Windows 3.x or
Windows 95 operating systems.
We at Norton Chemical Process The processes of Continuous We will develop and sustain our
Products Corporation have a mission Improvement and Total Quality quality system emphasizing total
to achieve and sustain a market Management are essential to our employee involvement, teamwork,
leadership position in our core success. Our philosophy is to collaboration, break-through thinking,
businesses: Mass Transfer and implement management systems judicious resource allocation, creative
Catalytic Products. We believe our which provide value and satisfaction problem solving, constancy of
long term success depends on our to our customers. Our focus is purpose, and the determination
ability to deliver excellence in both directed toward achieving and to succeed.
perceived and realized value of our exceeding customer expectations.
products and services to our We will provide products and services
customers. Further, it is our obligation that are clearly of a higher quality than
to provide a safe work environment those of our competitors.
for our employees through appropri- We recognize that quality is a
ate training and an ongoing safety never-ending process of improvement
program supported throughout the aiming at complete customer
organization. In our culture "Quality in satisfaction and conformance to
everything we do" is the only their changing requirements. We will
acceptable behavior. maintain open communications with
our customers to assure that their
present and long term requirements
are our primary consideration.
A Saint-Gobain Company