Physics 2008 Ans
Physics 2008 Ans
Physics 2008 Ans
not completell''elastic),resulting in
the molecules moving slou'er. and
hencea lo* er pressure.Also, after 1,, PAPER 1
the gas starts to cool from 70"C bY \\ - n u - - J1On =O- 2 . o t n s r
l. D a- r
ladiation. As temperaturefalls. the
molecuiestnovervith a slowerspeed. 2. B The speed increases from 0 to 4 m/s
ar-rdthis results in a lorver pressure initially (non-unitbm acceleration as it
as the moleculeshit the r"'allsof the is not a straight line). and then the speed
cylinder lvith iessertbrce. remains constant at .1 m/s. The speed
then decreaseslrom 4 to 0 mis (ur.riform
OR acceleration).Note: deceleration is just
(a) When the tuning fork r,ibrates. a soutld
negativeacceleration. As the speedis 0 m/s,
rvave travels torvardsthe disc.
the object is at rest
Sound u'aves are longitudinal waves^and
the moleculesof air vibrate left and right L B Since the car is moving fbrrvard, only an
E.nergyfrom this soundr.vaveis transferred increasein the lbni'ard force. Q, r.r'illcause
to the disc, causing it to vibrate lefi and an increasein speed.
right as r'r,ell. -+. C Oil reduces friction betu'een the tyles and
When the disc vibratesleft and right. the the road, thus causing the car to take a
magnet moves in and out of the fired longer time to sior'vdorvtt.
coil, causing a change in the tnagrletic
5. D Since the object is stationary.the surn olthe
flux lir.rkageu ith the coil" and an induced
forces nrust be eqr-ralto zero. Thus u-hen a
is set up due to Faradal's larrs of
vector diagram is an'orvs must
s t a n a n d e n d a t t h e s a m ep o i n t .
Sir.rcethe ma-snetis llo\ ing in and out. the
direction of tl.reindtLcedculrent changes 6. B Weight is a force. and in this case.
as r.r'ell,resultingin an altematinge.m.f. W F 2 O O- 2 0 k g
rlr: o o - rt Un
(b) Gleater loudnessresrtltsin a greateranl- .* -
\nsu ersto O-LevelPhl'sicsYearl"v
( SAPGroupPteLtd 2008
15.8 At a higher temperature,the molecules 25. B Sincethe metal ball is earthed,the positive
move at a greater speed. However, the charges r.vill be neutralised by electrons
pressure is the same as the piston moves fiom earth.
out, rvhich ntust mean that the rate of
26. D Electric field lines go from positive to
collision is reduced. Note: If the rate of
negative charges.
collision is greater, the pressurewill be
g r e a t e ra s u e l l . 27. B From the equation,Q - lt, rve have:
.r- .f tqn tnn a
16.A0-f r l0o.c-;:0_i6dt00.c
: 600
28.8 When su'itch S, and S. are closed, the
17.C During boiling. there is no change in eff'ective resistanceof the 3.0 f2 resistors
terrperature and it is the intennolecular in parallel is 1.5 Q. Thus we need another
bonds that are broken. ,1.5 Q resistor to make the total resistance
6.0 L Sri itch S..must be open, in order to
18.D This rs a transverse\vave. r.vhichmeans "lbrce" all the current to flow through the
that all the \\'ave particlesare just moving ,1.5Q lesistor.Note: If S. is closed. ther.r
up and dou n
the toial resistanceis only 1.5 Q as there is
\\'aVeorrecuon a short circuit acrossthe -1.,5
fJ resistor.
Wire X
e . g .c o p p e r
1. (a) A vector quantity is a physical quantit)'
, wlre I
that has both magnitude and direction.
A scalar quantity is a physical qualititr-
that has magnitude only.
(b) Acceleration lnsidejetengine At 0'C
Hotjunction Coldjunction
(c) LetI cm:40N
(b) Before we can use the thermocouple
thermometer, we will need to calibrate
it. We u'ill first put the cold junction of
the thermocouple into pure nlelting ice at
0 " C a n d t h e h o t j u n c t i o ni n l o p u r e s l e l n t
at 100'C. This u'ill give us a readins in
terms of mV which will be capturedbr'
the digital voltrneter.Next r'r'eu'ill place
the hotjunction (servesas a probe) rnto
the jet engine and take note of tire ne*
l'oltmeter reading.
To calculate the temperatrlre. \\'e can
use the fomula:
. Lengthof Fu :4.3 cm V '-I '
. Tensionin stringB - 4.3 x 40 N T, ..,. ,r''
' 0 0 ,-l
' r )
loo c
: 1 7 2N
( c ) l. It respondsvery quickll to rapidl.v
' Lengthof f'.. = 2.55cm changingtemperature.
. Tensionin stringC - 2.55x 40 N 2. ltcanmeasurereryhightemperature
: t02N which cannot be done on notrnal
2 (a) As the man falls from positionA to B,
the man loses gravitationalpotential ( a ) (i) X-ray has rvarelengthbet\\'eenl0
energy. His speed of falling should to 0.01 nanometres,
{nsrvers to O-[.evel Physics \early- f:dition
a SAP GrouD Pte Ltd Year2008
L e t t h e n a r e l e n g t ho l - X - r a 1b e
1x 10em.
(ii) Usingv-fi
Assuming the speedof X-ray
- I x l{ls 11/5
.Ans\\'crsto L) [,evel Phl sics Yearly Edition
c S;\P Croup Pte Ltd Year2008
current r'vill be kept low. This means 10. (a) (i) Polystyrene is a good insulattng
that less heat will be generatedand less material' As the foam seParatethe
power ''vill be lost as heat. inner u'ail with the outer v'a11,heat
conduction will be reduced'
(ii) The cooling unit is located at the
toP of the refrigerator. Cold air
9. (a) (i) The massof the car rvithout load is
900 kg. being denserwill descendnaturally
When the car is loadedn'ith 80 kg. and this cools the content of the
it onlY increasesthe total mass of refrigerator that is belorv the
the car bY 8.89%. cooling unit. Hot air will rise uP
When the car is loaded r'vith 160 as it is less dense and convectton
curent rvill be set uP.
kg. it only incteasesthe total mass
(iii) White smooth surface reflects heat
ofthe cal bY 17 8%
away better than dark and rough
Hence, the additional rnass will
onlY dectease its acceleration
slightly due to the small increasetn
(b) (i) EnergYloss bY the water
: mcAT
Percentageof the rnass.
: 100g x'1.2 J/(g'C) x (50 - 46) "C
(ii) There are t$'o main forces acttng
: 1 6 8 0J
on the car, namely the air reststance
and fiiction. As the sPeed of the (ii) Thermal energYneeded
: mcAT
car increases' the air reslstance
also increases.Most of the engine
- 579.6J
porver is used to overcome the
resistil'e tbrce and hence. the net (iii) Latent heat of fusion
polr'er uscd to increasethe speedof : I 6 8 0 - 5 1 9 . 6 : I 1 0 0 . 4J
the car uill be limited. Hence, the = 1100J
car u ill have a tnaxirnumsPeed. (iv) Latent heat of fusion : m x lr
(b) (i) From the table"marimum speedof 1100J-3xl'
the car is 10 9 nlls \ : 3 6 7 J / g( 3 s . f . )
Maximum distancetravelled bY the
car is 49 km.
(a) (i) Live means it allows electrlc
Time taken current ftom source to reach the
a p p li a n c e .
(ii) Neutral allows the same cunelrt to
return to the source and coulplete
= 4 5 0 0s ( 3 s . t . ) the circuit.
(ii) EnergyprovidedbYthe battery' (b) (i) The 5 A fuse will, Prelent an\
- po\\'erx tltne current higher than 5 A to flos
: (1.24x 1000)W x '1495s through if there ls a current sllrge'
- 1 9 . 1M . l ( 3 s . f . ) Horvever, rvhen the fuse is replaced
: :18V bY 30 A 1use,the current allosed
liii) Porver: IV 95 Ax
- : 1 5 6 0w to flon'through w'ill be increasedto
E n e r g -l P o \ \ c r ) t i m e 30 A rvhich can electrocutethe user
e n e r g } 1 9 . 1x 1 0 " J ofthe aPPliance.
| ilne - Tr(\\er : 1560w (ii) When the earlh u ire is not
- 4 18 8 . 6 connected to the metal case' th€
= 4 1 9 0s ( 3 s . f . ) metal case u'ill beconle live u'hen
(ii') We areassuming thereis no power the wire is dan.ragedand touches
the case.Anyone touchesthe metal
l o s sd u r i n gc h a r g i r rPgr o c e s s .
henceno caselvill be electrocuted.
(c) No exhaust is beinggenerated'
(c) A circuit breakerrvill s$'itch ofi all the
air pollution.
\ns$ ers to O-Ler el Phl sics \tarll' Edition
q S.\P Group Ptc Llci Year2008
circuitsin the housein a very shorttime (c) Let V* : potentialdifferenceacrossthe
if an earthleakagecuffentof morethan i.6 kQ resistor
25 mA occurs.It can breakthe circuits Let V.,.: potentialdiff-erenceacrossthe
so quickly that the risks are greatly thermistor
reduced. A t 1 0 ' C ,V R : 0 . 9V
(d) Apparatus needed: vr:6-0.9:5.1v
1) r,oltmeter At 20"C,V* = 2.2V,
2) ammeter vr: 6- 2.2:3.8Y
3 ) r.'ariable resistor(VR) A t 4 0 ' C ,V R : 3 . 6V
,1) battery Vr:6-3.6:2.4V
5) 5A fuse A t 6 0 ' C ,V R : 4 . 5 V
6) sn itch Vr:6,4.5:1.5V
7 ) l i g h tb u l b A t 8 0 ' C ,V R: 5 . 1 5V
A t 1 0 0 ' CV, R : 5 . 5V
V'=6 5.5=0.5V
5 A fuse
Procedure: voltmeter
Filst set up the apparatus as shown. readlng +
i:1, ya
\,/ :r ra T-
OR 0 20 1rr 60 80 100
( d ) Apparatus: 1) Sn'rtch
in thethermistor\,villdecrease.
Therefbre. bv Lrsing the lormula fbr 2 ) heater
3) temperatureprobe
p o l e n t i adl i r i d e r . \ U
*\ Procedure:
the potential ditterence across the 1.6 First of all. set up thg apparatus as
kS) resistor u ill increaseand this rvill shou'n in the circuit. Include a switch
be shoul br the voltmeter connected befbre the 1.6 kQ resistor. Place a
acrossthe L6 kQ resistor. heater next to the thermistor as u'eli
(b) At 40"C. the r oltmeterreadin-s: 3.6 V as a temperature probe attached to the
Applying the potentialdir ider equation: thermistor to measure the temperature
\' /' -- R , R ,
+R, \v/ of the thermistor.
By adjusting the temperature of the
1600 heaterat regular intervais, we can record
J.6-1600 6*here R is lhe
0 both the temperature of thennistor as
resistanceo I rhe thermislor: l"'ell as the potential diff-erenceacross
3 . 6 x 1 6 0 0+ 3 . 6 R : 1 6 0 0x 6 the 1.6 kf2 resistor.To obtain the graph
R : r 066.7 in Fig. 11.2, .'ve plot the p.d. recorded
R = 1070Q (3 s.f.) against the temperaturerecorded.