Article1402658853 - Bhattacharjee and Dey
Article1402658853 - Bhattacharjee and Dey
Article1402658853 - Bhattacharjee and Dey
Vol. 8(24), pp. 2332-2342, 11 June, 2014
DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2013.6374
Article Number: 0444FCA45320
ISSN 1996-0808 African Journal of Microbiology Research
Copyright © 2014
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
Fertilizers supply essential plant nutrients, mainly nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and phosphorous (P).
These fertilizers increase the yield of the crop but they cause several health hazard. Due to the several
health hazard, consumer preferences shift towards the use of the organic food grown without use of any
chemical. In recent years, biofertilizers have emerged as an important component for biological nitrogen
fixation. They offer an economically attractive and ecologically sound route for providing nutrient to the
plant. Biofertilizers are low-cost renewable source of nutrient that supplements the chemical fertilizer.
Biofertilizers gained importance due to its low cost amongst small and marginal farmer.
Key words: Biofertilizer, isolation, mass multiplication, N2 fixers, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR),
organic agriculture.
The term biofertilizer, represent everything from manures bacteria, nitrogen fixing bacteria, fungi of Trichoderma
to plant extracts. “Biofertilizers” are those substances that and yeast. Biofertilizers have shown great potential as a,
contain living microorganisms and they colonize the renewable and environmental friendly source of plant
rhizosphere of the plant and increase the supply or nutrient. Biofertilizers are ready to use and used as a live
availability of primary nutrient and/or growth stimulus to formulation of beneficial microorganisms, when it
the target crop. There are numerous species of soil amended to seed, root or soil, it mobilizes the availability
bacteria that colonize mainly in the rhizosphere of plants. and utility of the microorganisms and thus improves the
These bacteria are collectively known as plant growth soil health. In general, bio-fertilizers are microbial
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Some PGPR promote preparations containing living cells of different
the growth by acting as biofertilizer. Microorganisms microorganisms which have the ability to mobilize plant
mainly nitrogen fixer, phosphate solubilizer and nutrients in soil from unusable to usable form through
mycorrhizae are the main sources of biofertilizer. The biological process. Bio-fertilizers are used in live
microorganisms used for the biofertilizer are bacteria of formulation of beneficial microorganism which on
Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, photosynthetic application to seed, root or soil, mobilize the availability of
Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
International License
Bhattacharjee and Dey 2333
Table 1. Carriers.
nutrients particularly by their biological activity and help to and kept in saline for 5 min. With a forceps, root was
build up the lost microflora and in turn improve the soil immersed to a semisolid Bromothymol blue medium broth
health in general (Ismail et al., 2014). Their mode of containing 0.8% agar in a test tube and incubated at 20
action differs and can be used alone or in combination. to 25°C for at least a week. A loopful of culture adjacent
For easy application, biofertilizers are packed in suitable to the root in the broth was transferred to bromothymol
carrier such as lignite or peat. Carrier also plays an blue media plates. The culture was incubated at 20 to
important role in maintaining sufficient shelf life (Singh et 25°C for at least a week.
al., 1999).
Rhizobium is the most studied and important genera of
nitrogen fixing bacteria (Odame, 1997). Azospirillum spp. Isolation of phospho bacteria from the rhizoids
contribute to increased yields of cereal and forage 1. Soil samples: They are collected from the different
grasses by improving root development in properly agricultural land.
colonized roots, increasing the rate of water and mineral 2. Serial dilution method: 10 g of soil sample is dissolved
uptake from the soil, and by biological nitrogen fixation in the 100 ml of distilled water and the sample is mixed
(Okon, 1985). Biofertilizers have shown great potential as well, and by dilution making the sample101. Then the soil
supplementary, renewable and environmental friendly sample in sterilized water is serially diluted up to 107
sources of plant nutrients and are an important dilution. Then 105, 106, 107 dilution is taken into spread
component of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) and plate technique.
Integrated Plant Nutrition System (IPNS) (Raghuwanshi, 3. Spread plate technique: Nutrient agar are poured in to
2012). Naturally grown biofertilizers not only give a better the plate, after solidification of medium 0.1 ml of medium
yield, but are also harmless to humans and lead to better are poured into the agar medium plate, then they are
sustainable economic development for the farmers and incubated at 37°C for 24 h.
their country (Mishra and Dash, 2014).
Carriers (Table 1) increase the effectiveness of the
Isolation technique for Rhizobium spp. biofertilizer. It enables easy handling and increases the
storage or shelf life. Carriers which are used for making
Intact root nodules from a healthy Sysbania exaltata plant solid type of biofertilizer products are clay mineral,
were selected. One of the pink juvenile root nodule was diatomaceous soil, and white carbon as mineral; rice,
selected and transferred to a drop of sterile water in a wheat bran, peat, lignite, peat soil, humus, wood charcoal
Petri dish. The nodule in the drop of water was crushed in and discarded feed as organic matter. However, clay
between two glass slides causing the release of nitrogen mineral and rice bran are most often used as carriers. To
fixing Rhizobium bacteria into the drop of sterile water. achieve the tight coating of inoculant on seed surface,
The smear of the crushed root nodule was streaked onto use of adhesive, such as gum arabic,
yeast extract mannitol agar (YEMA) plate with 1% Congo methylethylcellulose and vegetable oil is also available.
red dye. The culture was then incubated at 20 to 25°C for
Isolation technique for Azospirillium spp. Criteria for strain selection
Juvenile root from a healthy sugar cane plant was taken Efficient nitrogen fixing strains is selected and then
2334 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
Production of biofertilizer
Figure 1. Production of biofertilizers.
multiplied on the nutritutionally rich artificial medium the information eg. name of the product, leguminous crop
before inoculating in the seed and soil. for which intended, name and address of the
manufacturer, type of carrier, batch or manufacture no,
expiry date. Each packet should also be marked with the
Culturing in the flask containing broth ISI mark. The biofertilizer should be stored in the cool
place and keep away from direct heat.
The isolated strain is inoculated in the small flasks
containing suitable medium for inoculums production.
Now, the carrier was autoclaved at 15 psi at 121°C for 20 Types of biofertilizer (Table 2) available
min. The culture broth was mixed with the carrier at 30%,
that is, for 1 kg carrier; 300 ml of culture broth was used. 1. Nitrogen fixing biofertilizer: Rhizobium, Azotobacter,
The mixture was spread on a plastic sheet in a closed Azospirillum, Bradyrhizobium.
room for air drying. The biofertilizer was packed in sterile 2. Phosphorus solubilising biofertilizer (PSB): Bacillus,
plastic air tight bags and stored. For large scale Pseudomonas, Aspergillus.
production of inoculums, culture fermenters are used. 3. Phosphorus mobilizing biofertilizer: Mycorrhiza (Plate
4. Plant growth promoting biofertilizer: Pseudomonas.
Quality control
Like every product, the biofertilizers should also follow Mode of action of biofertilizer
some standards. The inoculants should be carrier based,
and it should contain 108 viable cells per gram of carrier They fix nitrogen in the soil and the root nodules of the
on dry mass basis within 15 days of manufacture. The legumes crop and make it available to the plant. They
inoculums should have a maximum expiry period of 12 solubilise the insoluble form of the phosphate like
month from the date of manufacture. The inoculants tricalcium, iron and aluminium phosphate into the
should not have any contaminant. The contaminant is available form. They produce hormones and anti
one of the biggest problems faced by the biofertilizers metabolites which promote root growth. They also
industry. The pH of the inoculant should be 6.0-7.5. Each decompose the organic matter. When biofertilizers are
packet containing the biofertilizer should be marked with applied to the seed and the soil they increases the
Bhattacharjee and Dey 2335
Biofertilizer Microorganism
Azolla pinnata, Rhizobium spp., Azotobacter
Nitrogen fixers
Azospirillum lipoferum, Acetobacter
diazotrophicus, Derxia gummosa
availability of the nutrient to the plant and increases the Alternative for King’s B broth (Pseudomonas spp.); 1.
yield up to 10-20% without producing any adverse effect Fish extract, 10 ml; 2, Algal water, 25 ml; 3, Aloe vera
to the environment. Therefore, significantly increase the extract, 5 ml; 4, Tap water, 100 ml; 5, pH, 7.2.
plant growth parameters viz., plant height, number of The broth was prepared, inoculated with P. flourescens
branches, number of roots, root length, shoot length, dry and incubated at 27°C for 24 h on rotary shaker.
matter accumulation in plant organs and vigour index etc.
(Ezz El-Din and Hendawy, 2010; Ateia et al., 2009;
Mahmoud, 2009; Leithy et al., 2009; Gharib et al., 2008; Uses of PSB
Ismail et al., 2014).
PSB can be used for all the crops including paddy,
millets, oilseeds, pulses and vegetable.
Phosphorus producing biofertilizer
Method of application of PSB
Phosphate solubilising microorganisms include several
bacteria and fungi which can grow in the medium 1. Seed treatment: 10 kg of normal size seeds of lentil,
2336 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
Increase in yield over yields obtained Increase in yield over yield obtained with
Crop Crop
with chemical fertilizers (%) chemical fertilizers (%)
Food grains Other
Wheat 8-10 Potato 13
Rice 5 Carrot 16
Maize 15-20 Cauliflower 40
Sorghum 15-20 Tomato 2-24
Cotton 7-27
Sugarcane 9-24
For mass multiplication of Azolla, microplots (20 m2) are Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus
prepared in the nurseries in which sufficient water (5-10
cm) is added. For profuse growth of Azolla 4-20 kg P2O5 G. diazotrophicus is a nitrogen-fixing, acetic acid
is amended. Optimum pH 8.0 and temperature of 14- bacterium first isolated from sugarcane plants. It belongs
30°C should be maintained. Finally, microplots are to phylum Proteobacteria (comprising Gram negative
inoculated with fresh Azolla. An insecticide (Furadon) is bacteria) section a-Proteobacteria, order Rhodospirillales
used to check the insect’s attack. After 3 weeks, the mat and family Acetobacteraceae. Currently, this family
of Azolla is ready for harvest and the same microplots are contains three nitrogen-fixing genera, comprising of
inoculated with fresh azolla to repeat the cultivation. seven species, namely Acetobacter nitrogenifigens,
Azolla mat is harvested and dried to use as green Gluconacetobacter kombuchae, Gluconacetobacter
manure. johannae Gluconacetobacter azotocaptans, G.
Bhattacharjee and Dey 2339
diazotrophicus, Swaminathania salitolerans and Collectively, such bacteria are called plant-growth-
Acetobacter peroxydans. promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). These bacteria vary in
their mechanism of plant growth promotion but generally
influence growth via P solubilization, nutrient uptake
Rhizobium enhancement, or plant growth hormone production
(Bashan et al., 1990; Okon and Labandera-Gonzalez,
Rhizobium belongs to family Rhizobiaceae, it is symbiotic 1994; Goldstein et al., 1999; Richardson, 2001). Bertrand
in nature, it fixes 50-100 kg/ha nitrogen with legumes et al. (2000) showed that a rhizobacterium belonging to
only. It includes the following genera: Rhizobium, the genus Achromobacter could enhance root hair
Bradyrhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Azorhizobium, number and length in oilseed rape (Brassica napus).
Mesorhizobium and Allorhizobium (Vance, 2001; Graham
and Vance, 2000). It is useful for the pulse legumes like
chickpea, red-gram, pea, lentil, black gram, etc., oil-seed POTENTIAL ROLE OF BIOFERTILIZER IN
legumes like soybean and groundnut and forage legumes AGRICULTURE
like berseem and lucerne (Table 5). It colonizes the roots
of specific legumes to form tumour like growths called The biofertilizers play an important role in improving the
root nodules, which acts as factories of ammonia fertility of the soil (Kachroo and Razdan, 2006; Son et al.,
production. 2007). In addition, their application in soil improves the
Rhizobium has ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in structure of the soil minimizes the sole use of chemical
symbiotic association with legumes and certain non- fertilizers. Under low land conditions, the application of
legumes like Parasponia. Population of the Rhizobium BGA + Azospirillum proved significantly beneficial in
population in the soil depends on the presence of legume improving LAI. Grain yield and harvest index also
crops in the field. In the absence of legumes, the increase with use of biofertilizers. Inoculation with
population decreases. Azotobacter + Rhizobium + VAM gave the highest
increase in straw and grain yield of wheat plants with rock
phosphate as a P fertilizer. Azolla is inexpensive,
Frankia (N fixers) economical, friendly, which provide benefit in terms of
carbon and nitrogen enrichment of soil (Kaushik and
Frankia is the genus of N2-fixing actinomycetes (Benson Prassana, 1989). Some commercially available
and Silvester, 1993; Huss-Danell, 1997). These are also biofertilizers are also used for the crop (Table 6). Raj
called actinorhizal plants and they are also used in land (2007) recorded that microorganisms (B. subtilis,
reclamation, for timber and fuel wood production, in Thiobacillus thioxidans and Saccharomyces sp.) can be
mixed plantations, for windbreaks, (Schwencke and Carù, used as bio-fertilizers for solubilization of fixed
2001). Frankia N2 fixation has been estimated to be micronutrients like zinc. Soybean plants, like many other
similar to rhizobial symbioses (Torrey, 1978; Dawson, legumes can fix atmospheric nitrogen symbiotically and
1986; Dommergues, 1995). about 80 to 90% nitrogen demand could be supplied by
soybean through symbiosis (Bieranvand et al., 2003).
Bio-control, a modern approach of disease management
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria can play a significant role in agriculture (Tverdyukev et
al., 1994; Hoffmann-Hergarten et al., 1998; Yang-Xiu
Various bacteria can promote plant growth (Bashan, 1998). Juan et al., 2000; Sharon et al., 2001; Senthilkumar and
2340 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
Table 6. Commercially available biofertilizer and their manufacture, beneficial crop and associated microorganisms.
Rajendran, 2004; Li-Bin et al., 2005; Hossain et al., production of biofertilizers in the country is 10,000
2009). Trichoderma based BAU-biofungicide has been mt/annum and the production capacity is 18,000
found promising to control root knot diseases of French mt/annum. Average annual consumption of biofertilizers
bean (Rahman, 2005). Use of antagonist bacteria like in the country is about 64 g/ha.
Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium also has significant effect
in controlling root knot of mungbean (Khan et al., 2006).
Growth, yield and quality parameters of certain plants Limitation of biofertilizer
significantly increased with biofertilizers containing bac-
terial nitrogen fixer, phosphate and potassium solubilizing 1. Biofertilizers never mix with the chemical fertilizers.
bacteria and microbial strains of some bacteria (Youssef 2. Biofertilizers are never applied with the fungicides,
and Eissa, 2014). plant ash at a same time.
3. Biofertilizers are never exposed to direct sunlight.
4. Stored at room temperature not below 0 and 35°C.
Constraints in the use of the biofertilizer
(unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio). Biofertilizers can Goldstein AH, Braverman K, Osorio N (1999). Evidence for mutualism
between a plant growing in a phosphate-limited desert environment
also make plant resistant to adverse environmental
and a mineral phosphate solubilizing (MPS) rhizobacterium. FEMS
stresses. Control of root-knot disease of soybean caused Microbiol. Ecol. 30:295-300.
by Meloidogyne javanica may be explored through use of Gonzalez LJB, Rodelas C, Pozo V, Salmeron MV, Mart nez, Salmeron
BAU-Biofungicide and BINA-Biofertilizer for eco-friendly V (2005). Liberation of amino acids by heterotrophic nitrogen fixing
bacteria. Amino Acids 28:363-367.
management of this nemic disease avoiding chemical
Graham PH, Vance CP (2000). Nitrogen fixation in perspective: An
nematicides. The proper application and use of overview of research and extension needs. Field Crops Res. 65:93-
biofertilizers will not only have an impact on sustainable 106.
agriculture’s economic development but it will also Hoffmann-Hergarten S, Gulati MK, Sikora RA (1998). Yield response
and biological control of Meloidogyne incognita on lettuce and tomato
contribute to a sustainable ecosystem and the holistic
with rhizobacteria. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und
well-being. Pflanzenschutz 105(4):349-358.
Hossain MA, Mahbub M, Khanam N, Hossain MS, Islam MM (2009).
Effect of Bio-agents on growth and root-knot (Meloidogyne javanica)
Conflict of Interests disease of soybean. J. Agrofor. Environ. 3(1):77-80.
Huss-Danell K (1997). Actinorhizal symbioses and their N2 fixation.
New Phytol. 136:375-405
The author(s) have not declared any conflict of interests. Ismail EG, Walid WM, Salah K, Fadia ES (2014). Effect of manure and
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expression profile of Silybum marianum. Adv. Agric. Biol. 1(1):36-44.
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