Employee Discipline Management
Employee Discipline Management
Employee Discipline Management
Identify disciplinary offences and penalties
Understand domestic investigation
Discipline involves controlling work and behavior of
employees in compliance with all the relevant rules
and regulations in order to achieve organizational
goals and objectives
H.H.D.N.P. Opatha
Loss involved
1. Nature of the offence
2. Consequences of the offence
3. Previous offences done by the employee
4. Whether relevant rule or rules has/have been properly
5. Job performance record
6. Special contributions made by the employee to the organization
7. Whether there was any provocation
8. Whether the offender was physically fit or not
9. Previous disciplinary actions inflicted
10. Past disciplinary actions inflicted by other organizations engaged in
the same industry for similar rule violations
11. Employee’s length of service with the organization
Progressive discipline means that there are stronger
penalties for repeated offences. The purpose is to
give an employee an opportunity for self correction
before more serious penalties are applied. A
progressive discipline is as follows
Informal talk
Verbal warning
o Loitering