HRM Sem IV Full Notes
HRM Sem IV Full Notes
HRM Sem IV Full Notes
Unit 1: Industrial Relation Perspective, Industrial Relations and the Emerging Socio-
Economics Scenario.
Unit 2: Industrial Relation and the State, Legal Framework of Ind. Relation.
Unit 3: Role and Future of Trade Union, Trade Union and the Employees.
Labour Laws:
Unit 1: Emergence & Objectives of Labor Laws and their Socio Economic Environment.
Unit 4: Social Security laws- Laws Relating to workmen Compensation, employee State
insurance, Provident Fund & Maturity Benefit Act.
Article 14 lays down that the State shall not deny to any person equality before
the law or the equal protection of laws.
Traffic in human beings and forced labour, and the employment of children in
factories or mines or other hazardous work is prohibited. The directive
principles, though not enforceable by any court, are nevertheless fundamental in
the governance of the country, and it shall be the duty of the State to apply those
principles in making laws from time to time.
Labour is in the concurrent list of the Constitution on which both the Centre as
well as the States have the power to make laws
Articles 39, 41, 42 and 43 have a special relevance in the field of industrial
legislation and adjudication. In fact, they are the substratum of industrial
Article 41 lays down that the State shall, within the limits of its economic
capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right to
work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age,
sickness and disablement, and in other cases of undeserved want.
Article 42 enjoins the state government to make provision for securing just and
humane conditions of work and for maternity relief.
Article 43 makes it obligatory for the State to secure by suitable legislation or
economic organisation or in any other manner to all workers, agricultural,
industrial, or otherwise, work, a living wage, conditions of work ensuring a
decent standard of life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural
Article 43-A makes it obligatory on the State to take steps by suitable legislation
or otherwise to secure the participation of workers in the management of
undertakings and industrial establishments.
Social security is guaranteed in our Constitution under Articles 39, 41 and 43.
The Employees‘ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and the
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 are also social security measures to help fulfill the
objectives of directive principles of our Constitution. The Provident Fund Scheme
aimed at providing substantial security and timely monetary assistance to
industrial employees and their families. The Maternity Benefit Scheme is
primarily designed to provide maternity leave with full wages and security of
The object of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is to provide a scheme for the
payment of gratuity to employees employed in factories, mines, oil
fields, plantations, ports, railways, shops and establishments.
Besides social security benefits, efforts have also been made to provide ample
opportunities for employment and for workers‘ education.
Employment exchanges play an important role for the job seekers. The
Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1969 has
made it obligatory on the employers to notify vacancies occurring in their
establishments to the prescribed employment exchanges before they are filled.
The voluntary workers education scheme was launched in our country in 1958
to educate the workers in trade union philosophy and methods, and to promote
physical awareness of problems, privileges and obligations as workers and
The Factories Act, 1948 provides for health, safety, welfare, employment of young
persons and women, hours of work for adults and children, holidays and leave
wages. Labour welfare funds have been set-up to provide welfare facilities to the
workers employed in different mines such as coal, mica, iron ore and limestone.
Article 43 of the Constitution provides for a living wage. To provide social justice
to the unorganised labour and to prevent exploitation, the Minimum Wages Act,
was enacted. It provides for the fixation of minimum rates of wages by the
central or state governments within a specified period for workers employed in
certain scheduled employments. The minimum wage in any event must be paid
irrespective of the capacity of the industry to pay.
All systems of industrial relations have a legal framework if they operate within a
legal system. The legal framework may take the form of recognising the
of certain institutions and remove any impediments to their existence.
In India there has been a large degree of agreement on the need for reforms.
Certain acts do not apply to registered trade unions, namely:
i) The Societies Registration Act, 1860;
ii) The Co-operative Societies Act, 1912; and
iii) The Companies Act, 1956.
The main object of the Act is to provide for the registration of trade unions and to
give registered trade unions a legal and corporate status, and immunity to their
officers and members from civil and criminal liability for legitimate trade union
The Act provides that the appropriate government shall appoint a person as
Registrar of Trade Unions for each state. Any seven or more members of a trade
union may, by subscribing their names to the rules of the trade union and by
otherwise complying with the provisions of this Act relating to registration, apply
for its registration.
Provided that no trade union of workmen shall be registered unless at least ten
percent or one hundred of the workmen, whichever is less engaged or employed
in the establishment or industry with which it is connected are the members of
such trade union on the date of making of application for registration.
Every application for the registration of a trade union shall be made to the
Registrar, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the rules of the trade union
and a statement of the following particulars, namely:
i) The names, occupations and addresses of the members making the
ii) The names, occupations and addresses of the place of work of the members of
the trade unions making the application.
iii) The name of the trade union and the address of its head office; and
iv) The titles, names, ages, addresses and occupations of the office-bearers of the
trade union.
A registered trade union shall not be liable in any suit or other legal proceeding
in any civil court for any tortuous act done in contemplation or furtherance of a
trade dispute by an agent of the trade union.
The matter pertaining to terms and conditions of industrial employment was first
brought before the fifth Indian Labour Conference in 1943 and was subsequently
deliberated in its sessions in 1944 and 1945. In order to fill the long-standing
lacuna in Indian labour legislation, the legislature passed the Act on 23rd April
1946. The Act came into force on 1st April 1947.
The object of the Act is ―to require employers in industrial establishments to
define with sufficient precision the conditions of employment under them and to
make the said conditions known to workmen employed by them‖. The Act was
The draft standing orders have to provide for all matters set out in the Schedule
to the Act and should conform, as far as practicable, to the model standing order
prescribed by the government. The Schedule to the Act provides for the following
i) Classification of workmen, e.g., whether permanent, temporary, apprentices,
probationers, or badlis;
ii) Manner of intimating to workmen periods and hours of work, holidays, pay-
days and wage rates;
iii) Shift working;
iv) Attendance and late-coming;
v) Conditions of, procedure in applying for, and the authority which may grant
leave and holidays;
vi) Requirements to enter premises by certain gates, and liability to search;
vii) Closing and reopening of sections of the industrial establishment;
viii) Termination of employment, and the notice thereof to be given by employer
and workmen;
ix) Suspension or dismissal for misconduct and acts or omissions which
constitute misconduct;
x) Means of redress for workmen against unfair treatment or wrongful exactions
by the employer or his agents or servants;
xi) Any other matter which may be prescribed.
On receipt of the draft standing orders, the certifying officer shall forward a copy
thereof to the trade union of the workmen functioning in the establishment, and
if no such union exists, to three representatives of the workmen in the
establishment elected at a meeting called for the purpose.
After giving to the parties an opportunity of being heard, the certifying officer
shall decide whether or not any modification of the draft is necessary, and
make an order in writing accordingly. In doing so, the certifying officer can
adjudicate upon the fairness and reasonableness of the provisions in the draft.
The certifying officer shall thereupon certify the standing orders with or without
modification, and forward the authenticated copies thereof to the employer and
to the trade union or other prescribed representatives of the workmen within
seven days from the date of his orders.
The standing orders finally certified under this Act shall not, except on
agreement between the employer and the workmen, be liable to modification
until the expiry of
six months from the date on which the standing orders or the last modifications
thereof came into operation. A modification even before six months is permissible
by an
agreement between the parties.
The Act provides for penalties and procedures in case where:
(i) an employer fails to submit draft standing orders;
(ii) who does any act in contravention of the standing orders finally certified
under this Act for his industrial establishment.
i) Submit draft standing orders with the required information to the Certifying
Officer for certification within the time limit mentioned in the Act.
ii) Act in conformity with the certified standing orders in the day-to-day dealings
with the workmen.
iii) Modify certified standing orders only with the approval of the Certifying
iv) Post prominently the text of the certified standing orders near the entrance
and also in all departments where workmen are employed.
v) Pay subsistence allowance to the charge-sheeted employee during suspension
pending enquiry as per the Act and the Rules.
1) Work in conformity with the certified standing orders or model standing orders
as the case may be.
2) Comply with the provisions of the Act in regard to modification and
interpretation of standing orders.
The Industrial Disputes Bill was introduced in the Central Legislative Assembly
on 8th October 1946. The Bill was passed by the Assembly in March 1947 and
law with effect from 1st April 1947. The Act contains 40 sections, which have
been grouped in 9 chapters.
The Preamble to the Act reads: ―An Act to make provision for the investigation
and settlement of industrial disputes and for certain other purposes.‖
a) To ensure social justice to both employers and employees and advance the
progress of industry by bringing about harmony and a cordial relationship
between the parties.
b) To settle disputes arising between capital and labour by peaceful methods and
through the machinery of conciliation, arbitration and, if necessary, by
approaching the tribunals constituted under the Act. If disputes are not settled,
there would be strikes or lockouts which would entail dislocation of work,
essential to the life of the community.
c) To promote measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations
between the employer and workmen.
d) To prevent illegal strikes and lockouts.
e) To provide compensation to workmen in cases of lay-off, retrenchment and
f) To protect workmen against victimisation by the employer and to ensure
termination of industrial disputes in a peaceful manner.
g) To promote collective bargaining.
i) Who is subject to the Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950), or the Air Force Act, 1950
(45 of 1950), or the Navy (Discipline) Act, 1934 (34 of 1934); or
ii) Who is employed in the police service or as an officer or other employee of
prison; or
iii) Who is employed mainly in a managerial or administrative capacity; or
iv) Who being employed in a supervisory capacity, draws wages exceeding rupees
1,600 per mensem or exercises, either by the nature of the duties attached to the
office or by reason of the powers vested in him, functions mainly of a managerial
The duty of the works committee is tO promote measures with a view to securing
and preserving amity end, to comment upon matters of their common interest or
concern and endeavour to compose any material difference of opinion in respect
of such matters.
A labour court shall consist of one person only with necessary judicial
qualifications, and will be appointed by the appropriate government.
Industrial Tribunals: The appropriate government may, by a notification in the
Official Gazette, constitute one or more industrial tribunals to adjudicate
industrial disputes relating to any matter, whether specified in the Second
Schedule or in the Third Schedule.
The Third Schedule provides for the adjudication of the following matters:
i) Wages, including the period and mode of payment;
ii) Compensation and other allowances;
iii) Hours of work and rest intervals;
iv) Leave with wages and holidays;
v) Bonus, profit-sharing, provident fund and gratuity;
vi) Shift working otherwise than in accordance with standing orders;
vii) Classification by grades;
viii) Rules of discipline;
ix) Rationalisation;
x) Retrenchment of workmen and closure of establishment; and
xi) Any other matter that may be prescribed.
b) Examine the growth of trade unions in the recent past. Also briefly make a
note on its evolution
Trade Unions
It seeks to develop among workers a spirit of combination, class-consciousness
and solidarity of interest and arouses a consciousness, for self-respect, rights
and duties. It creates organisation for their self-protection, safeguarding of their
common interest and betterment of their social and economic position.
Early Period
Efforts towards organising the workers for their welfare were made, during the
early period of industrial development by social workers, philanthropists and
other religious leaders mostly on humanitarian grounds.
The first Factories Act, 1881, was passed on the basis of the recommendations of
the Bombay Factory Commission, 1875. Due to the limitations of the Act, the
workers in Bombay Textile Industry under the leadership of N M Lokhande
demanded reduced of hours of work, weekly rest days, mid-day recess and
compensation for injuries.
Bombay Mill owners‘ Association conceded the demand for weekly holiday.
Consequently, Lokhande established the first Workers‘ Union in India in 1890 in
the name of Bombay Mill hands Association. A labour journal called
―Dinabandu‖ was also published.
Modest Beginning
The beginning of the Labour movement in the modest sense started after the
outbreak of World War I in the country. Economic, political and social conditions
of the day influenced the growth of trade union movement in India.
Period of splits and mergers: The splinter group of AITUC formed All India Trade
Union Federation (AlTUF) in 1929. Another split by the communists in 1931 led
to the formation of All India Red Trade Union Congress. Thus, splits were more
common during the period. However, efforts were made by the Railway
Federation to bring unity within the AITUC unity. These efforts did bear fruit and
All India Red Trade Union Congress was dissolved. Added to this, All India Trade
Union Federation also merged with AITUC. The unified AITUC‘s convention was
held in 1940 in Nagpur. But the unity did not last long.
The World Was II brought splits in the AITUC. There were two groups in the
AITUC, one supporting the war while the other opposing it. the supporting group
established its own central organisation called the Indian Federation of Labour.
A further split took place in 1947, when the top leaders of the Indian National
Congress formed another central organisation.
Indian National Trade Union Congress: The efforts of Indian National Congress
resulted in the establishment of Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
by bringing the split in the AITUC, INTUC started gaining membership right from
the beginning.
Other Central Unions: Socialists separated from AITUC had formed Hind
Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) in 1948. The Indian Federation of Labour merged with the
HMS, Radicals formed another union under the name of United Trade Union
Congress in 1949. Thus, the trade union movement in the country was split into
four distinct central unions during the short span of 1946 to 1949. Some other
central unions were also formed. They were Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) in
1955, the Hind Mazdoor Panchayat (HMP) in 1965 and the Centre of Indian
Trade Unions (CITU) in 1970. Thus, splinter group of INTUC formed Union
Present Position
There are over 9,000 trade unions in the country, including unregistered unions
and more than 70 federations and confederations registered under the Trade
Unions Act, 1926. The degree of unionism is fairly high in organised industrial
sector. It is negligible in the agricultural and unorganised sectors.
Though the number of unions has greatly increased in the last four decades, the
union membership per union has not kept pace. The National commission on
labour has stated that only 131 unions had a membership of over 5,000. More
than 70% of the unions had a membership of below 500. Over the years the
average membership figures per union have fallen steadily from about 1387 in
1943 to 632 in 1992-93.
There is a high degree of unionisation (varying from 30% to over 70%) in coal,
cotton, textiles, iron and steel, railways, cement, banking, insurance, ports and
docks and tobacco sector. White-collar unions have also increased significantly
covering officers, senior executives, managers, civil servants, self employed
professions like doctors, lawyers, traders, etc. for safeguarding their interest.
Due to the development of large scale industries, many social evils like
employment and exploitation of woman and child labour erupted in India who
work in the deplorable conditions, more likely worse than the conditions of
labour in England. Workers were not organised at that time and were very often
at the mercy of the employers.
The first concerted action was taken in 1875 under the leadership of Sorabji
Shaparji who along with some social workers started the agitation to draw the
attention of the Government to the deplorable conditions of woman and child
labour in Indian industries.
After the First World War trade union movement got intensified and the
leadership of trade unions passed from the hands of social workers into the
hands of politicians. That was the year of labour unrest all over the country.
(i) The industrial unrest grew up as a result grave economic difficulties created
by the war. The rising cost of living prompted the workers to take collective
action for the increase in their wages.
(ii) The Swaraj Movement also intensified the movement, widened the gulf
between employers and employees and brought about mass awakening among
the workers demanding racial equality with their British employers.
(iii) The success of Russian Revolution 1917 also created a revolutionary wave of
ideas, class consciousness and self-respect among workers.
(v) The non-cooperation movement of Mahatma Gandhi during 1920-21 and his
support to the demands of working class also greatly influenced the labour
The Second World war which broke out in September 1939, created new status
in the united trade union movement. The leaders of the various factions in the
AITUC again divided on the question of whether the AITUC should support the
Government on war. Again a rift took place in 1941 and the Radicals left the
AITUC and formed a new central labour federation known as the Indian
Federation of Labour (IFL).
The shifts in the national political situation, continued to affect the Indian labour
movement. The political situation compelled the communists of India to support
the Government on war issue and leadership of AITUC which was in the hands of
Indian National Congress, fell into the hands of communists.
By 1949, there were four central organisations led by different political parties
i.e., the INTUC led by Congress, the AITUC dominated by the communists, the
HMS, affiliated to the Socialist party and the UTUC, led by the Revolutionary
Socialist party. It was an indication that the political involvement in trade union
The Indian Trade unions have now got a legal status and now they are not as ad-
hoc bodies or strike committees. They have now become a permanent feature of
the industrial society. They have succeeded in organising Central Union
Federations which help in the determination of principles, philosophy, ideology
and purposes of the unions and give some sense of direction to the otherwise
scattered and isolated unions.
The unions now have gained a remarkable status in the labour movement. Now,
the Government and the employers consult them on all matters concerning
labour. Unions also participate in formulating policies and ideologies at State
and National levels.
Disputes mainly relate to the strife between employers and their employees.
According to the Industrial Dispute Act,1947 sec(2(k)),Industrial disputes mean
any dispute or difference between employers and employers, or between
employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, which is connected
with the employment or non-employment or terms of employment or with the
conditions of labour of any person.
(A)Industrial Factors : Under this category, some of the causes of dispute may
be : (i) An industrial matter relating to employment, work, wages, hours of work,
privileges, the rights and obligations of employees and employers, terms and
conditions of employment including matters pertaining to :
(a) Dismissal or non-employment of any person
(b) Registered agreement , settlement or award : and
(c) Demarcation (establishing limits) of the functions of an employee
(iii) An industrial matter in which both the parties are directly and substantially
(iii) disputes arising out of unemployment, inflation, change in the attitude of
Primary strikes are generally against the employer with whom the dispute
exists. They are :
(i) Stay Away Strikes: In this strike workmen stay away from the work place.
They organize rallies, demonstrations, etc.
(ii) Stay-in or sit Down Strikes : In this strike, workmen come to the place ,
they stay at the work place but they don‗t work.
(iii) Tools Down, Pen Down Strike : Here the strikers lay down their tools in
case of factory workers , office workers lay down their pens,
(iv) Token or Protest Strikes : It is of very short duration and is in nature of
signal for the danger ahead. In this strike workers do not work for an hour
or a 0ay.
(v) Lightening or Wild cat strike : In this strike, the strike is done without any
prior notice or with a shortest notice.
(vi) Go–Slow : In this strike, the workers intentionally reduce the speed of
(vii) Work to rule : In this strike, the strikers undertake the work according to
rules or job description.
(viii) Picketing : It is an act of protesting by the workmen in front of the
premises of the employer.
(ix) Boycott: It aims at disrupting the normal functioning of the enterprise.
(x) Gherao : It is a physical blockade of a target either by encirclement,
intended to block from and to a particular office, workshop etc.
(xi) Hunger Strike : This type of strike is resorted to either by the leaders of the
union or by some workers all at a time for a limited period or up to the
period of settlement of disputes.
Secondary Strike : Secondary strikes are against a third party. These strikes are
sympathetic strikes.
Other Strikes : These strikes are in the form of general, particular, political and
Features of Grievance:
1. A grievance refers to any form of discontent or dissatisfaction with any aspect
of the organization.
2. The dissatisfaction must arise out of employment and not due to personal or
family problems.
3. The discontent can arise out of real or imaginary reasons. When employees
feel that injustice has been done to them, they have a grievance. The reason for
such a feeling may be valid or invalid, legitimate or irrational, justifiable or
4. The discontent may be voiced or unvoiced, but it must find expression in some
form. However, discontent per se is not a grievance. Initially, the employee may
complain orally or in writing. If this is not looked into promptly, the employee
feels a sense of lack of justice. Now, the discontent grows and takes the shape of
a grievance.
5. Broadly speaking, thus, a grievance is traceable to be perceived as non-
fulfilment of one‘s expectations from the organization.
The effects are the following:
1. On the production:
2. On the employees:
3. On the managers:
Gathering facts- The managers should gather appropriate and sufficient facts
explaining the grievance‘s nature. A record of such facts must be maintained so
that these can be used in later stage of grievance redressal.
Execution and review- The manager should execute the decision quickly,
ignoring the fact, that it may or may not hurt the employees concerned. After
implementing the decision, a follow-up must be there to ensure that the
grievance has been resolved completely and adequately.
e) Elucidate the role of government in solving Industrial Disputes.
f) Employee Empowerment
Employee Empowerment
Gone are the 1950s ways of working when the boss wielded all the decision-
making power and the staff were merely subservient to the whims of
That hierarchical style may have worked for many businesses, and, whilst many
still rely on that business model, thinking has moved on.
Authority — The first thing you must evaluate to ensure customer satisfaction
is that your employees truly have the ability and the autonomy to provide the
best service possible.
Training — You won‘t provide the best possible experience for your customers if
you haven‘t provided excellent training to your employees. A well-trained
employee will feel comfortable, confident, and empowered during customer
They won‘t hesitate to answer questions, fix issues, and troubleshoot with you
because they will feel secure in the training they‘ve received from the
Jiffy Lube took the top spot on Training Magazine‘s list of 125 best companies for
training after securing a staggering 148,000 certifications for its employees in
one year. With that much training, you can be sure their staff feels comfortable
assisting customers and providing a positive experience.
Vision Statement — If your employees have a strong sense of what the company
stands for, what its goals are, and why it exists, they will feel more connected to
the business. That connection will promote confidence and keep them invested
in organizational objectives.
Types of Strike
In all such cases, the workmen after taking their seats, refuse to do work.
Even when asked to leave the premises, they refuse to do so. All such acts on
the part of the workmen acting in combination, amount to a strike. Since
such strikes are directed against the employer, they are also called primary
(b) Go-slow
Some workers may resort to fast on or near the place of work or residence of
the employer
(e) Work-to-rule
Prior to the year 1947, industrial disputes were being settled under the
provisions of the Trade Disputes Act, 1929. Experience of the working of the
1929 Act revealed various defects which needed to be overcome by a fresh
legislation. Accordingly the Industrial Disputes Bill was introduced in the
Legislature. The Bill was referred to the select committee. On the
recommendations of the Select Committee amendments were made in the
original Bill.
Experience of the working of the Trade Disputes Act, 1929, has revealed that its
main defect is that while restraints have been imposed on the rights of strike and
lock-out in public utility services no provision has been made to render the
proceedings institutable under the Act for the settlement of an industrial
I. Works Committee -
It shall be the duty of the Works Committee to promote measures for securing
and preserving amity and good relations between the employer and workmen
and, to that end, to comment upon matters of their common interest or concern
II.Conciliation officers -
V.Labour Courts -
VI. Tribunals –
The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
constitute one or more Industrial Tribunals for the adjudication of industrial
disputes relating to any matter, whether specified in the Second Schedule or the
Third Schedule and for performing such other functions as may be assigned to
them under this Act.
(3) The notice of lock-out or strike under this section shall not be necessary
where there is already in existence a strike or, as the case may be, lock-out in
the public utility service, but the employer shall send intimation of such lock-out
or strike on the day on which it is declared, to such authority as may be
specified by the appropriate Government either generally or for a particular area
or for a particular class of public utility services.
(4) The notice of strike referred to in sub-section (1) shall be given by such
number of persons to such person or persons and in such manner as may be
(5) The notice of lock-out referred to in sub-section (2) shall be given in such
manner as may be prescribed.
(6) If on any day an employer receives from any person employed by him any
such notices as are referred to in sub-section (1) or gives to any persons
employed by him any such notices as are referred to in sub-section (2), he shall
within five days, thereof report to the appropriate Government or to such
authority as that Government may prescribe the number of such notices received
or given on that day.
Dunlop’s System Model of Industrial Relations
One of the significant theories of industrial labor relations was put forth by John
Dunlop in the 1950s. According to Dunlop‘s System Model of Industrial
Relations consists of three agents – management organizations, workers and
formal/informal ways they are organized and government agencies.
These actors and their organizations are located within an environment – defined
in terms of technology, labor and product markets, and the distribution of power
in wider society as it impacts upon individuals and workplace. Within this
environment, actors interact with each other, negotiate and use
economic/political power in process of determining rules that constitute the
output of the industrial relations system. He proposed that three parties-
employers, labor unions, and government– are the key actors in a modern
industrial relations system.
Thus it can be said that industrial relations industrial relations is a social sub
system subject to three environmental constraints- the markets, distribution of
power in society and technology.
Dunlop‘s model identifies three key factors to be considered in conducting an
analysis of the management-labor relationship: