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Taking Alarm Management From Concept To Reality: A Step by Step Guide

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Taking alarm management

from concept to reality:

a step by step guide
A quick survey:
In my institution: Strongly Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Excessive alarms are a serious problem, 1 2 3 4 5

impacting efficiency, but also quality
of care and patient satisfaction

The increasing frequency and volume of 1 2 3 4 5

alarms will ultimately be unsustainable

Recognizing the problem of excessive 1 2 3 4 5

alarms is easier than finding solutions

Although we believe there are real solutions 1 2 3 4 5

to the problem of excess alarms, we have had
limited success in addressing the problem

In the absence of clear evidence-based protocols, 1 2 3 4 5

it is hard to know where to begin with
implementing an alarm management program

We are ready to take action on alarm management, 1 2 3 4 5

but do not yet have a clear action plan

Your score:
>20 You are ready to tackle the problem of alarm management – read on
for a step by step guide to improving alarm management in your facility

<20 You may have a problem with alarm management that you do not
yet recognize – we suggest you read Philips “Just a Nuisance?”
A problem that many recognize,
but few have solved
An unsustainable situation The result is that alarm settings for each
In an audit conducted by Philips Healthcare device are highly sensitive. This focus
at one customer site, a Telemetry Charge is perfectly rational for each individual
Nurse was found to be receiving and device, but creates an irrational situation
responding to an average of 3.7 alarms in the aggregate. Although clinicians can
per minute over the duration of the change settings to rationalize the alarm
audit. Even allowing for minimal time to environment, adjustments are rarely made.
respond to each alarm, it is clear that this
situation was problematic. A majority of If an event from alarm fatigue or mismatched
that nurse’s time was spent responding to settings occurs, the most common
alarms, and inevitably some were missed. response has been to INCREASE the
sensitivity of settings, RESTRICT ability
Not every hospital or department has to modify them, and TURN UP volume.
reached such a point, where the alarm In effect, there is a one-way street.
environment reaches crisis. But most
identify that excessive alarming is a Much progress, but no easy answers
problem, and many recognize that the As alarm management has become a topic
current trajectory points inevitably of increasing priority in the US healthcare
towards a future breaking point system, many solutions have been proposed,
unless concerted action is taken. and results of specific interventions studied
and reported. Positive results have been
Headed towards crisis reported from a wide range of interventions
The logic of inevitable crisis is simple: the – from very simple (changing EKG electrodes
consequences of a false negative result daily) to technologically sophisticated,
(patient needs urgent clinical attention, proprietary approaches (multi-parameter
but no clinician is alerted) are far more alarms and ‘alarm of alarms’). Many
immediately harmful than a false positive approaches entail solutions that cannot be
result (patient does not need clinical easily duplicated, or that are specific to the
attention, but a clinician is alerted). care setting in which they were studied.
Therefore, alarm settings for each device
emphasize sensitivity over specificity, and Today, relatively few hospitals have
allow for a large number of false positives developed comprehensive programs to
in order to prevent any false negatives. manage their alarm environment. More
often, alarm management is occurring at
Regulatory requirements push the level of individual departments, or
manufacturers to set default settings even individual nurses. Ad hoc solutions to
to high levels of sensitivity, and fear of excessive alarms, including unsanctioned
liability for adverse events can dissuade adjustments to alarm settings, can be as
clinicians from changing default settings. much part of the problem as the solution.

Background: There is wide acceptance
that excessive alarms are a real problem
More than just a nuisance A nursing management issue
In Junicon’s Web Survey, a majority of 8 Chief Nursing Officers also completed
nurses indicated that they perceive alarm Junicon’s Web Survey, and their responses
management to be a major issue, with were even more pointed than those of
serious clinical consequences beyond department nursing. CNOs are aware
the simple inconvenience of distraction. of the clinical, operational and human
However, although the consequences resource impacts of excessive alarming,
of alarms are acknowledged, and the and are seeking ways to address it in ways
nursing community is ready to address that do not compromise patient care.
the problem, easy fixes are hard to find.

Nurses generally accept that alarming is a real clinical and economic problem…

In an environment of continuous alarming,

clinicians become desensitized to individual
patient alarms

False and nuisance alarms can have

important clinical consequences

False and nuisance alarms contribute to delayed

response time to truly 'actionable alarms’

False and nuisance alarms contribute to

increased psychological stress among
healthcare workers, patients and families

False and nuisance alarms contribute to

increased costs to the hospital

…and refuse to accept excessive alarms as ‘just part of the job’…

Constant alarming is something nurses have

to learn to live with

A high number of false alerts is just an

inevitable consequence of providing highest
quality of care

Completely agree
…but do not feel that there are easy answers available to solve the problem. Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
False and nuisance alarms are an easy
Somewhat disagree
problem to fix
Completely disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Figure 1: Nurses recognize alarms as more than just ‘a nuisance’. Source: Junicon Web Survey, N=56

Background: The joint commission is requiring action
A demand for action… alarm environment for which they
In June 2013, The Joint Commission are responsible. Without clear, universal
published a National Patient Safety Goal on best practice guidelines, responsibility for
Alarm Management (NPSG.06.01.01). The determining the best approach for each
goal has explicit performance requirements facility is going to fall on the leadership
that are effective from January 2014, some of that facility. Managers are now faced
of which will be measured in the calendar with a need to respond to The Joint
year 2014. Others will be measured from Commission’s NPSG, but without specific
2016. Furthermore, the Goal indicates that guidance on what a response needs to
future requirements are possible or even include. An effective approach will require
likely as best practices become clearer. a thorough understanding of the current
alarm environment, and a rational strategy
Therefore, US hospitals will be subject to focus on top priorities and root causes.
to performance evaluation by The Joint
Commission on specific features of alarm
management. In 2014, hospitals will be
required to establish alarm management as a
key priority, and to have identified necessary
alarm management priorities based on
real data specific to their environment.

…Appropriate to each hospital “There is general agreement that this is an

Thus far, the Joint Commission does
not have standardized evidence-based important safety issue. Universal solutions have
recommendations on best practices yet to be identified, but it is important for a
for alarm management – other than to hospital to understand its own situation and to
take it seriously and establish a strategy.
NPSG.06.01.01 recognizes that best develop a systematic, coordinated approach to
practices in alarm management are hard clinical alarm system management. Standardization
to define, and need to be adjusted for contributes to safe alarm system management,
the unique conditions of each individual
hospital or unit: “... issues vary greatly but it is recognized that solutions may have to be
among hospitals and even within customized for specific clinical units, groups of
different units in a single hospital.” patients, or individual patients. This NPSG focuses
Do something. Anything? on managing clinical alarm systems that have the
The challenge for hospital managers is most direct relationship to patient safety. As alarm
now to formulate a coherent strategy for system management solutions are identified, this
alarm management grounded in a data-
based understanding of the specific
NPSG will be updated to reflect best practices.”
The Joint Commission NPSG.06.01.01

Background: excessive alarms can have many causes…
Failure mode Component Role

Data generated does not reflect Generates data as part of normal

underlying status, but indicates a transient function that is a proxy for underlying
change of limited clinical importance status of the object
Examples: Patient stands up or coughs, Object Examples: SpO2, ECG, BP…
nurse disconnects line… (Patient)

Sensor does not capture patient data Acquires data that may give insight
correctly into the underlying status of the
Examples: Sensor is faulty, Examples: ECG electrode,
sensor is displaced from patient… Sensor BP Cuff…

Signal transmitted does not accurately Transmits data to a processing or

represent data generated display unit
Examples: Sensor is not connected Examples: cables, wireless
properly to the processor, interference… Transmitter

Predefined limits do not correspond Identifies if status exceeds

well to meaningful changes in status predefined limits, and generates a
Examples: Settings do not allow for new signal to a clinicians
transient changes, settings do not Processor Examples: patient monitor unit
triangulate, settings are too sensitive…

Clinician is not notified Captures attention of clinicians

Examples: Alarm not heard, too many Examples: bells, buzzers, lights,
alarms sounding simultaneously… pager…

Clinician does not respond to the alert • Acknowledges alarm

Examples: Signal is not investigated, • Investigates cause
signal is interpreted inappropriately, • Interprets patient information
interpretation and judgment of clinical Subject • Judges whether to change
situation is imperfect clinical course

Figure 2: Possible failure points in the alarm pathway.

Clinical action

…and many possible solutions
Failure mode Component Possible solution

Data generated does not reflect • Triangulate data sources to ‘censor’ artifact
underlying status, but indicates a transient
• Educate staff and patients to minimize behaviors that
change of limited clinical importance
trigger artifacts, or pre-empt the ensuing alarm
Examples: Patient stands up or coughs, Object
nurse disconnects line… (Patient)

Sensor does not capture patient data • Replace single use sensors more frequently
• Use highest quality sensors
Examples: Sensor is faulty,
• Educate staff and patients to minimize loss of signal
sensor is displaced from patient… Sensor
• Triangulate data sources to ‘censor’ artifact

Signal transmitted does not accurately • Adjust ergonomics of bedside to minimize

represent data generated opportunity for cable disconnection
Examples: Sensor is not connected • Confirm wireless transmission is free from
properly to the processor, interference… Transmitter interference

Predefined limits do not correspond • Adjust limits to match meaningful changes in status
well to meaningful changes in status
• Employ multi-parametric algorithms to better
Examples: Settings do not allow for identify/predict dangerous changes in status or trends
transient changes, settings do not Processor • Empower staff to adjust limits for each patient
triangulate, settings are too sensitive…

Clinician is not notified • Use ‘Quiet alarms’ that selectively notify target
Examples: Alarm not heard, too many clinicians only
alarms sounding simultaneously… • Rely on more carefully graded hierarchy of alarms
Alarm to allow clinicians to prioritize effectively

Clinician does not respond to the alert • Educate staff on how to deal with alarm fatigue
Examples: Signal is not investigated, • Provide education on how to prioritize signals and
signal is interpreted inappropriately, ensure all critical alerts are adequately investigated
interpretation and judgment of clinical Subject
situation is imperfect (Clinician)

Figure 3: Possible Failure Points in the Alarm Pathway

Literature review identifies many technology
based solutions…
Filtering technology can improve Technology can help also
the yield of alarm settings help eliminate artifact
Not all patient populations are alike. In a paper written by a Johns Hopkins team,
Settings may be too sensitive for some Using Data to Drive Alarm System Improvement
populations leading to high alarm loads and Efforts, nurses stated that they were more
non-actionable alarm signals. Algorithms, likely to respond to alarm signals if the
filters or customization of limits can overall alarm load was decreased. Their
reduce alarm load and false alarm signals study resulted in increased patient safety
without reducing sensitivity or specificity. and decreased environmental noise by
switching to disposable leads and using a
Customizing alarm limits increased the multi-parameter algorithm. Overall alarm
positive predictive value of an alarm signal signals were reduced 41% per bed per day.
by 31.9% in a study by Schoenberg et
al, 1999. A study by Gross et al, 2011 Similarly, a pre-alarm signal delay can be
found that alarm load can be reduced introduced to suppress motion artifacts
by customizing the alarm settings to the from patient movement. Chambrin
population in which they are used. A change et al, 1999 reported that 52% of alarm
in the heart rate limit from 120bpm to signals were as a result of patient motion.
130bpm reduced the alarm load by more Makivirta et al, 1994 found that by
than 50%. Graham et al, 2010 showed increasing the pre-alarm signal delay from
that educating nurses to customize alarm 5 seconds to 10 seconds reduces alarm
parameters reduced alarm load by 43%. load by 26%. Gorges et al, 2009 applied
a 14 second and 17 second pre-alarm
Similarly, new algorithms and filters can delay and reduced non-actionable alarm
reduce unwanted false alarm signals. signals by 50% and 67%, respectively.
Fuzzy logic algorithms, which follow
probabilistic reasoning rather than exact,
have had success in some studies.

Otero et al, 2009 found that applying Study Before alarm After alarm
a fuzzy logic algorithm produced only 7% adjustments (%) adjustments (%)
false alarm signals. Oberli et al, 1999 Aboukhalil et al, 2008 42.7 17.2
found a reduction in false alarm signals Oberli et al, 1999 75 1
from 75% to 1%, an increase in sensitivity Otero et al, 2009 7
from 79% to 92% and an increase in Study % Reduction
positive predictive value from 31% to Hu et al, 2012 2.2-11.2
97% by applying a fuzzy logic algorithm. Cvach et al, 2013 46

Table 1: False Alarm Signal Reduction

A logic algorithm was used in a study by
Schoenberg et al, 1999 to increase
the urgency of the alarm signal based on
the number of times that alarm signal has
occurred. It resulted in a tenfold increase in
positive predictive value from 3% to 32%.

…while key alarm management bodies identify
a multitude of potential interventions
Effective alarm management: Device design improvements: Elements of alarm system performance
Recommendations from the literature Joint commission 2006 national patient that are needed to be an effective alarm
safety goals and expectations (Imhoff et al, 2009)
Environmental changes: (http://www.jointcommission.org) • Detection of life-threatening situations
(Healthcare Technology Foundation: 2006 • Goal 6: Improve the effectiveness • Detection of life-threatening
National Survey on Clinical Alarms) of clinical alarm systems device malfunction
• Better design of facilities • Requirement 6A: Implement • Detection of imminent danger early
• Communication regular preventive maintenance • Detection of imminent device malfunction
• Monitoring (rounds) and testing of alarm systems • Diagnostic alarms that monitor
• Requirement 6B: Assure that alarms pathophysiological condition rather
Administrative changes: are activated with appropriate than out-of-range variables.
(Healthcare Technology Foundation: 2006 settings and are sufficiently audible
National Survey on Clinical Alarms) with respect to distances and Actions to improve alarms
• Evaluate Purchase items for usability competing noise within the unit (Healthcare Technology Foundation:2006
• Test alarms in their environment National Survey on Clinical Alarms)
• Software setup/ testing Medical warnings will be more effective if: • Design
(Edworthy et al, 2005) • Smart alarms
Care management and staff changes: • Warning sounds are standardized • Integration/remote
(Healthcare Technology Foundation: 2006 • The acoustic properties of alarms • Usability/human factors
National Survey on Clinical Alarms) are given proper consideration • Standards
• Training • The learnability of alarms is
• Monitoring (rounds) given proper consideration Characteristics of an ideal alarm sound
• Use best practice guides • Prioritization of alarms is (Edworthy et al, 2006)
• Institutional standards possible within the system • Easy to localize
• The urgency of alarm sounds • Resistant to masking by other sounds
matches their criticality • Allows communication
• Trigger points are appropriately set • Easy to learn and retain
• Intelligent alarm systems are used
Recommendations to decrease alarm fatigue
(Cvach et al, 2012)
• Smart alarms can reduce the
number of false alarms
• Alarm technology that incorporates
short delays can decrease the number
“An ideal alarm system would only warn when of ignored or ineffective alarms
caused by patient manipulation
appropriate; there would be consistent use
• Standardizing alarm sounds may be an
of the same alarms for the same functions effective way to reduce the number
regardless of organization or manufacturer; of alarms that staff must learn
• Animated steps on the monitoring
the urgency of alarms would be appropriate
equipment for troubleshooting
to their function; false alarms would be alarms would be helpful in assuring
rare rather than common; and the alarms best practice with equipment

would be easy to learn and retain..”

Edworthy et al, 2005

Learning from those with more experience is
challenging: Wisdom is often too general, or too specific

Fig 4: Word cloud analysis of recommended actions in 2011 AAMI,

FDA, TJC, ACCE, and ECRI Institute Alarms Summit.

Actions taken by hospitals • Different alarms so that people don't • Patient education on why alarms are
participating in Junicon’s web survey become immune to them and ignore used as well as utilizing different alarm
• Making sure alarm setting are the them, or different sounds to determine technology. We have also started to
right ones for each patient. which is a bed alarm vs a call light, assign "zone coverage" for alarms,
• Appropriate patient sensitivity settings bathroom, IV, vent or monitor alarm so floor staff are assigned zones to
and of course purposeful hourly rounding. • Setup alarm protocols with specific cover alarms instead of covering
• Hospital has reevaluated the alarms times where alarm parameters just for their patient assignment.
that are sent to spectra link phones. needed to be reassessed. • Adjusting preset parameters to
Also evaluated and reduced which • Change limits on overly sensitive alarms. eliminate nuisance alarms without
alarms are sent to phones. In the Encouraging staff to take appropriate impacting critical alarms
NICU we have changed our saturation measures to prevent alarms • We are trying to be more proactive with
alarms to be severe low alarms • We had pump leasing company exchange hourly rounding and checking with patients
• Parameters are pt centered and and service all pumps to ensure accuracy. before the alarms sound, when possible.
adjusted at each change of shift based We also have increased Nursing in-
on previous 12 hrs worth of data services on ways to prevent alarms.
• Ensuring alarms are individualized • Evaluate settings, provide education
for each patient. on proper use of monitors & alarms
• Making sure the alarms are set • More specific alarm settings. New
correctly and also making sure that monitors. Better sensitivity.
there is no defect to the products.

A path forward: What approaches can be generalized?
A need for a comprehensive approach, striving to provide quality of patient Searching for consistency in
but a shortage of solid guidance care, efficiency, and adherence to best alarm management solutions
While many investigators have practices throughout the facility, it is In order to understand the underlying
shown their results, there is no one critical that the hospital administration principles and success factors, a three-
study that shows ‘the universal best understands and leads the change. pronged approach sought out consistent
practice in alarm management’. It is a Particularly for approaches that may factors in successful alarm management:
truism that alarm settings that work change the balance between sensitivity • A comprehensive literature review was
effectively in one clinical department and specificity in patient monitoring, it is conducted, looking at published papers
and one typical patient population vital for the hospital to approach alarm on interventions to reduce alarm burden
will not be appropriate for others. management in a programmatic way. and/or improve the yield of alarms.
• 9 authors and wider opinion leaders were
However, it is clear that successful This then has been the challenge for interviewed to understand their approaches
intervention in alarm management should CNOs, Department Heads and Quality to alarm management, and capture
be led proactively rather than deferred Managers in hospitals across the USA. lessons learned on how to approach
to organic solutions that evolve at the There is a clear mandate to lead change in an alarm management intervention.
point of care. There is an enormous terms of alarm management, but with no • A thorough internal review of Philips
amount that can be learned from solutions clear, evidence-based best practice, experience with alarm management –
and workarounds on the unit, and it can be challenging to know how quantification, diagnostics/audit, and
many of the best approaches will come to begin tackling the problem. interventions – was completed.
from common-sense practices at the Our conclusions are presented below.
point of care. However, for a hospital

A path forward: 4 steps for a successful program

align align align

Step 1: Assess Step 2: Measure/analyze Step 3: Design Step 4: Execute

Understand your starting Observe, measure and quantify Establish a program, and Implement changes:
point: the problem: specific initiatives: • Provide clear organizational
• What policies are in place? • How many alarms? • Create a customized and cultural direction
• What information is • How many resulted in action? approach that accounts for • Label an executive champion
available? What do you • Which alarms were informa- organizational idiosyncrasies • Go live with technology
measure? What do you tive, which not? • Select from the broad palette changes
need to measure? • Execute a root cause analysis of possible interventions the • Go live with procedural
• How does change occur in to find opportunities ones that will be feasible and changes
your hospital? • Identify ‘low-hanging fruit’ impactful in your context • Set timing and criteria for
that can be quickly and easily evaluation

Did the What Measure outcomes vs.

intervention work? has changed? baseline

Fig 5: 4 steps for a successful alarm management intervention.

Step 1: Assess
Understanding the baseline is critical implementing a solution, is also critical; if factors influence readiness for change.
Before undertaking any program to address resources and data are not readily available, There is a great opportunity to learn
alarm management, a hospital needs to then the hospital may need to consider from the experience of others.
understand the starting point, from an approaching outside experts for help. • Observation and measurement needs to be
organization and demographic perspective. positioned carefully with staff: it is critical
It is highly likely that any program to Key determinants of success that the clinical team do not perceive
improve the alarming environment will that Philips has observed: measurement as a ‘hostile audit’, in which
involve CHANGE MANAGEMENT. • Objective observation and they have more to lose than to gain.
In order for change management to be documentation of policies and
successful, it is critical to understand procedures is critical: a third party
the starting point for the organization. can benchmark against a wide “Then you also have a major problem
Documenting the ‘way things are’ makes it experience of hospitals, and identify in many care settings where you may
possible to successfully change them, and can unusual or innovative practices. have, and we discovered this in my own
identify potential landmines. Understanding • Product inventory should be executed hospital, you may have 5 different kinds
how change happens is also vital. by professionals with deep knowledge of telemetry monitoring equipment,
Critical things to understand include: of equipment: it is necessary to because you buy a few pieces of new
current processes, policies, and culture. understand not just models and current equipment, but don’t replace everything.
Simply documenting product inventory settings of equipment, but also possible Each time you don’t necessarily buy
and current settings on devices that alarm configurations and software settings. from the same vendor. All different
provides a baseline. Understanding what • A third party can provide an objective types may sound differently, all which
information is available within the hospital, insight into culture and organizational have different methods for setting
and what resources can be dedicated readiness: hospitals and healthcare parameters and for the alarms going off.”
to measuring, analyzing, designing and systems differ dramatically, and many Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, RN, FAAN

Step 2: Measure and analyze

Measurement is needed Analysis is needed to form Key determinants of success
to build consensus the basis for action that Philips has observed:
Even if the organization is aligned around A solid action plan must be founded on • It takes someone with deep
the need to tackle alarm management, it is the most pressing priorities. Alarm event knowledge of equipment and systems
critical to build alignment on how to do so. statistics can identify the culprit alarms and to pull accurate and relevant data:
Different stakeholders may have different situations in which non-actionable alerts are a third party can benchmark against
perceptions of the problem, and key decision most frequent, enabling clear prioritization a wide experience of hospitals, and
makers may have limited appreciation for to focus on a manageable scope that will have identify unusual or innovative practices.
the realities of the alarm environment highest impact. Root cause analysis is needed • Building a ‘value stream map’ is
on units. Measurement is the bedrock of to determine the least disruptive solution a great way to understand and
consensus, getting all stakeholders on the to each problem – the same issue might be communicate proposed change: a
same page. Frequently, the administration addressed by changing settings, adjusting ‘before’ and ‘after’ schematic of workflow
and the clinical team alike will be shocked at response protocols, or by a different sensor can be posted in nursing staff rooms
the stark numbers: 100s of alarms per bed placement technique – but these could as a constant reminder of how daily
per day; less than 30% of them actionable… have radically different impacts on clinical change works towards a future goal.
workflow, staff education, and patient safety. • Consensus can be built by providing
clear materials for everyone in
“If I were at a community hospital, number one I would the hospital to refer to: a visual
need to be able to measure what is currently happening guide to the change process is great
and that’s not even happening at hospitals. Most hospitals tool for getting everyone on the same
don’t have the ability to measure their problem.” page, and clearly illustrating irrational
Maria Cvach, MSN, RN, CCRN aspects of current workflow.

Step 3: Design
A careful plan is necessary to ensure should be identified, and charters set. • A realistic evaluation of available
effective change management Without a formal plan, execution is likely to resources is important to set a
Change management frequently fails due be half-hearted and delayed, implemented in plan that can truly be realized
to inadequate preparation, unrealistic the rare ‘gaps’ between day-to-day activities. before energy and enthusiasm
expectations, and underestimation of the Without clear responsibilities and timelines fade: many efforts to change clinical
resources required to implement change. with accountability, tasks will slip, and practice fail because lack of dedicated
Therefore, a realistic plan is required before without broad education and engagement, resources and demands of a day job
embarking on any major steps. Not only initiatives will fail through incomplete result in a loss of momentum and slow
is it critical to identify what will be done, compliance and inconsistent deployment. progress. Realistic expectations and
but also who will do it, when, and with willingness to engage external resources
what resources. Realistic expectations Key determinants of success are vital to prevent disillusionment.
about what can be achieved, and how much that Philips has observed:
effort is required to execute effectively. • Change management should draw
“You can’t just buy an ‘out of the
Ineffective execution may be worse than on lessons from similar experiences
box’ solution, and you can’t just
no action at all – in part because it can in different institutions: include team
widen alarm limits indiscriminately.
poison enthusiasm for further change. members or advisors who have seen how You need to really think about
A champion and a project team should be similar changes have played out in other what your situation is, and
identified, and time allocated. A formal institutions: there are pitfalls and mistakes make intelligent changes.”
project plan is needed, with process that can be easily avoided by taking note
James Blum, MD
owners and timelines. External partners of the experience of other institutions.

Step 4: Execute
Execution requires continuing Key determinants of success needs to be budgeted for staff education
attention and effort that Philips has observed: beyond the implementation team, in
Change management should draw on • Set realistic expectations: few trainings and workflow adaptations.
lessons from similar experiences in organizations change fast without painful • Assign change leadership
different institutions: include team disruption. Think what it would really take accountability: without a leader or
members or advisors who have seen how to even make a ‘simple’ intervention like leadership team with clear accountability,
similar changes have played out in other changing policy on electrode utilization. there is no impetus to keep change on track,
institutions: there are pitfalls and mistakes Many stakeholders throughout the hospital and to overcome the likely hurdles that will
that can be easily avoided by taking note could be involved, requiring changes to emerge downstream. One approach to
of the experience of other institutions. policies, procedures and contracts. effective change management is to use an
• Obtain executive commitment: external resource to serve as a "lightning rod"
A realistic evaluation of available resources changes may require alignment of multiple in driving change and accepting accountability.
is important to set a plan that can truly hospital functions, including purchasing,
be realized before energy and enthusiasm risk management, and the entire clinical “What we found was that if you can
fade: many efforts to change clinical team. Without executive commitment correct the technical alarms you can
practice fail because lack of dedicated and a clear mandate, the implementation get rid of a lot of patient alarms. We
resources and demands of a day job team may struggle to get alignment. did a study in our hospital, just doing
result in a loss of momentum and slow • Provide realistic resources to a simple intervention, just changing
progress. Realistic expectations and implement change: an implementation the electrodes every day. We found
willingness to engage external resources team needs to be resourced with dedicated that if you have good electrode
are vital to prevent disillusionment. time allocation. The team needs to source the contact with the skin not only are
right set of capabilities, often from external you going to get rid of your technical
resources – nursing education, biomedical/ alarms but you are going to reduce all
clinical engineering… Furthermore, time of your patient alarms by about 50%.”
Maria Cvach, MSN, RN, CCRN

Continuous requirement: Align!
Repeatedly ensuring alignment Once into ‘Execution’, working to maintain
is necessary for success alignment becomes even more important.
Obtaining alignment of stakeholders is a Strains and pressures on consensus may
key step at the outset of any intervention emerge as the challenges of change are
to improve management of clinical alarms. manifested in day to day work – new expenses
Indeed, it may often be a pre-requisite: a for the administration, changes in workflow
minimum level of management engagement is for the clinical team, requirement for special
needed to even begin the process of diagnosis time to be dedicated for staff education and in-
and quantifying the problem. servicing, and various other tasks – expected
or unexpected. This is the most sensitive
Alignment can be facilitated by education and time; where poor implementation and an
information. Many stakeholders, both among unprepared team can lose alignment and the
the administration and on hospital units, project can be derailed by loss of commitment
have a limited appreciation for the evidence and compliance.
and documented impact of excessive alarms.
Educating a wider team can raise the profile of
the issue and build agreement on the need to
invest attention and resources.

Understanding the hospital starting point and

capturing objective data in the ‘Assess’ and “You have leadership who really walk the walk,
‘Measure/Analyze’ steps can further help
drive consensus, as discussion focuses around they do rounds on the unit, they are talking with
objective realities in the hospital, and a need frontline people about the patient care challenges,
for change can be expressed in a quantitative they are learning about the safety challenges that
way as a change from the current status.
staff have. In many of your magnet facilities you
By the time the hospital is in the ‘Design’ are going to find this. There are leadership teams
stage, it is critical that no key stakeholders in some places that are helping staff to put in
in the hospital remain in opposition to
change, and that at least some clinical and systems that will help to reduce alarm fatigue. “
administrative champions are committed Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, RN, FAAN
to providing the attention and resources
needed for change to be successful. In order
to plan for resource requirements effectively,
as well as to set timelines and metrics of
success, a comprehensive alignment across
the organization is necessary. All stakeholders
need to sign-off on the project plan.

Appendix: detailed descriptions of purpose and methods
Philips Focus Methods
Philips Healthcare has always had a strong 1: Literature Review
commitment to providing solutions that help Junicon conducted an extensive review of the
hospitals improve their quality performance. published literature on current patient alarm
As a leading provider of equipment for systems, alarm fatigue, and improvements that
monitoring physiological parameters, Philips can be made to those systems. The PubMed
is a direct participant in the provision of database of abstracts and GoogleScholar
patient alerts, and is critically aware of the were searched using a variety of terms,
problem of excessive alarms. Philips has including: “patient alarm(s)”, “hospital alarms”,
several major initiatives underway to address “alarm fatigue”, “false alarms”, “nuisance
and mitigate the problem of non-specific alarms”, etc. References from studies
alarming, including sensor and monitor retrieved under these search terms were
technology, multi-parametric intelligent also reviewed. Literature published between
alarming, alarm measurement and audit 1990 and August 2012 was considered.
through the PIIC iX platform, and consulting
services to manage customer alarm settings. 2: Web Survey
Junicon also conducted a 20-minute web survey
Research into alarm management with 56 nurses who worked in acute, general
In order to understand and quantify floor departments. Respondents were drawn
the clinical impact of managing alarm as a random sample from the Epocrates panel
management, Philips has worked with of >200,000 nurses. The first 56 sequential
Juniper Consulting Group, Inc. to better qualified respondents to an email invite were
understand the topic. Juniper Consulting sampled. Interviews were completed between
Group (Junicon) is a healthcare and life October 3rd and October 8th 2012.
sciences consulting company, with practices
in market research, strategy, and health 3: Opinion Leader Interviews
economics & epidemiology. Together, Philips In September and October 2012, Junicon
and Junicon conducted extensive research held several extensive phone conversations
into current practices, expectations and with 9 clinicians that have published on the
beliefs of clinicians, and experiences topics of alarm fatigue, alarm sensitivity
with implementation of new practices. and specificity, and alarm management
An extensive review of the evidence for improvement initiatives, as well as sites with
alarm management was also conducted. experience in the organizational changes
required when implementing new protocols.
In light of the learning from this
process, Philips has decided to share
the results with US hospitals.

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14. Varpio, L., et al. “The Helpful or Hindering Effects
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