Principles of Computer Programming: Profesor: Doc. DR Marko Tanasković Assistent: Doc. DR Marko Tanasković E-Mail
Principles of Computer Programming: Profesor: Doc. DR Marko Tanasković Assistent: Doc. DR Marko Tanasković E-Mail
Principles of Computer Programming: Profesor: Doc. DR Marko Tanasković Assistent: Doc. DR Marko Tanasković E-Mail
• Basic literature
1.) Lecture and exercise slides (course webpage
• Additional literature
1.) Internet (Google as your best friend)
• Students can maximally obtain 100 points for this course. Out
of these 100 points, 70 can be won during the semester and
30 on the final exam
The future of IT industry
Dta Science
Embedded Systems
Orogramming Databa
languages ses
Maths, Principles of
Why should you study this course?
Week Team/Activity
I Introduction to principles of programming and the C
programming language
II Types, operators and expressions
III Control flow
IV Functions and program structures
V Pointers and arrays
VI First Midterm
VII Structures
VIII Input and output
Silabus – Course outline
Nedelja Tema/Aktivnost
X The UNIX system interface
XI Standard libraries
XII Second Midterm
XIII Recapitulation, introduction to writting large projects in C
XIV Example of a complex programming project in C
XV Example of a complex programming project in C, preparation for
the final exam project
Principles of computer
LSB – least
significant bit (the
most right digit)
MSB – most
significant bit (the
most left digit)
Program in C is a function
that is always called main. It
takes no arguments and in
this case returns zero
Your first program in C
• You will further extend this program during the exercise class