Ad Tech 2019
Ad Tech 2019
Ad Tech 2019
Ad Tech 2019
Executive Summary and Intro
Since AT&T debuted a campaign with the very irst banner ad in 1994, the Read on to discover:
world of advertising has never been the same. With the advent of advertising
technology, new channels and devices started to ofer diferent ways for 1 The Ad-Tech landscape
advertisers to connect with customers.
From the pop-up-happy 90s to Google’s debut in 1998 and Facebook’s 2 The Art & Science of Conversion
launch in 2004, there has been one clear direction for ad-tech:
personalization. But how are advertisers working toward that direction? And
3 The Secrets to Re-Engagement
what is the state of ad-tech going to be in 2019 and beyond?
In this report, we’ll be diving into exclusive research indings from our work 4 The Ad Platform for the Open Internet
with research irm Euromonitor International on our survey, “Acquire, Convert,
Re-engage.” We spoke with 901 marketers around the globe about how they
convert customers today - and what works best..
The Current Ad-Tech Landscape 1 2 3 4
The world is digital. The majority of people will have multiple 2 Transparency, Transparency, Transparency.
devices. So you’d think it would be easy for advertisers to
reach their target consumers. But ad-tech has never been
more complicated. Here’s what we see for the top 2019 ad-
tech trends:
Marketers want to know where their ads are being placed. They want to How can you personalize content but ensure customer data is secure? How
know which ads are working and how much revenue each ad contributes. can you know that a partner is using your ad dollars to create the best
Consumers want to know how their data is used. Publishers want to know possible campaigns?
how audiences interact with the ads on their websites and how much
revenue is really being generated for partners. All of these issues are at the forefront of the industry. New solutions,
strategies, and partnerships will happen next year as companies work on
Wherever you are in the ad-tech ecosystem, you probably want more adapting to this new reality.
transparency. As the big tech players keep consolidating – and building
higher walls – it’s hard to really dive into the details on ad performance.
With the passage of GDPR and more privacy laws on the way, we know
that transparency, privacy, and security are intertwined. Ads are at the
center of the storm.
1 2 3 4
Top 2019 Ad-Tech Trends
Consumers can get great discounts anywhere on the Internet. Ads need to
be personalized to the point of telling a story to the individual consumer.
That means creating a full funnel ad experience – through data.
Great ads will matter more than ever, but especially those that understand
a customer’s needs and tell a great story through product and content. The
best ads in 2019 won’t sell. They will entertain, educate, and inspire.
1 2 3 4
Ad-Tech by the Numbers
200 191
183 177 178
You don’t have to look much further than our research on 150
increased at a CAGR of 14.6% from 2014-2017. 100 91
35 36 35
32 33 32 33 34
Marketing Budget Allocation by Activities, N=901
Paid Display
(41% is with Retargeting)
Page / Website 9%
When it comes to tactics, marketers are spending the most 9%
on paid display. Social media ad spend is increasing as well.
Globally, 16% of marketing budgets went to paid display, with Social Media
Advertising (PPC) 9% 14%
41% of that budget spent on retargeting. The second highest Marketing
All of these marketing tactics are meant to build customer relationships throughout the shopper journey.
At Criteo, we deine this by the “Awareness, Consideration, Conversion” methodology.
Finally, during the conversion phase, marketers track sales across Traic Web sales
Audience Reach
each channel. App installs App sales
Objectives Views
App engagement In-Store sales
In our study with Euromonitor, we dug into the details around Retail
Revenue per click Revenue per impression
conversion campaigns.
1 2 3 4
A conversion can happen in an instant or it can happen over the course of a few months.
That’s also why it can be a challenge to deine a methodology for conversion tracking.
Unlike measuring web traic, conversion campaigns can’t be measured by looking at just
one marketing vehicle. With a variety of tactics across channels that can all contribute to a
conversion, it’s also hard to measure which tactics are bringing the highest ROI.
What we found is that marketers distribute their budgets across 10 primary channels. They face
diferent challenges across the board, but shared with us some of their strategies for success.
1 2 3 4
Multiple teams and multiple systems means fragmented data. As marketers use so many diferent channels and tools
to execute conversion campaigns, it becomes diicult to keep everything uniied. Without a single view of what’s
happening on a customer level, marketers can’t link conversions to the advertising driving those conversions.
With today’s shopper journey often starting in-store and ending online — or vice versa — conversion campaigns aren’t
really about targeting one group over the other. It’s about having a uniied view of both. Trends like in-store pick up
and same-day delivery make it easy for shoppers to move in either direction. The most efective conversion campaigns
can target a customer who starts looking in a store, and then decides to buy on their phone later in the day.
1 2 3 4
The Conversion Tactics that Work
For marketers everywhere, it doesn’t matter how good your ads are if
they’re not seen. According to global marketers, having high quality ad
placements is key to conversion campaigns. In APAC, leather goods brand
Bellroy makes sure their banners appear on top regional newspapers, which
over-index for their target audience, a person in-market for a new wallet.
1 2 3 4
Strategies for Success
Start by deining the objective that matters to you. Marketers worldwide told us that there is no
one true metric when measuring conversion. The top ten listed were:
Conversion campaigns are as much about attribution
as they are about sales numbers. Without being able
New revenue 35% to show which channels and tactics really move the
The Secrets to
Re-engagement Research shows the success rate of selling to an existing customer is between 60-70%,
while that of selling to a new customer is 5-20%. Also, returning customers can bring in
up to two-thirds of your brand’s profits.
When we surveyed marketers about re-engagement, Marketers indicated that campaign KPIs depend on the type of campaign. For
we focused a lot on mobile tactics. It’s the part example, an app-rengagement campaign might focus on driving a new qualiied visit
of the sales funnel where your customers, already from a lapsed user. An app-repurchase campaign might focus on in-app post-click
conversion rate.
familiar with your brand and products can become
brand advocates and loyal customers.
1 2 3 4
The US Leads in All Three Campaign Types
68% 68%
marketers ran three type of re-engagement campaigns, the 67%
61% 62% 62%
US leads all other markets in all three campaign types.
Source: “Acquire, Convert, Re-engage,” Euromonitor & Criteo, 2018, N=901 (Global), N=551 (APAC), N=150 (EU), N=100 (USA)
1 2 3 4
Metrics Used to Measure Re-engagement Success
Source: “Acquire, Convert, Re-engage”, Euromonitor & Criteo, 2018, N=601 (App Re-Engagement), N=558 (App Re-Activation), N=653 (Repeat Purchase)
1 2 3 4
The Challenges of Re-engagement Campaigns
2. Data available is limited or 2. Lapsed users have lower 2. Diicult to measure ROI in
has quality issues conversion rates a meaningful way
3. Existing customers not keen 3. Lapsed users have lower 3. Limited or stale
to switch channels average order values irst-party data
Source: “Acquire, Convert, Re-engage”, Euromonitor & Criteo, 2018, N=601 (App Re-engagement), N=558 (App Re-activation), N=653 (Repeat Purchase)
1 2 3 4
The Re-Engagement Tactics that Work
Deliver personalized ads Make ads visually appealing Deliver personalized ads
Source: “Acquire, Convert, Re-engage”, Euromonitor & Criteo, 2018, N=601 (App Re-Engagement), N=558 (App Re-Activation), N=653 (Repeat Purchase)
1 2 3 4
The Re-Engagement Tactics that Work
Every tactic in our survey goes back to data. And, in turn, personalization. As marketers,
we know that personalized ads are efective. As more marketing budgets go digital
around the world, personalization has to get more sophisticated.
That’s why the biggest tech giants today do so well. With massive amounts of data, it’s
easy to create an individual experience for every shopper at every touchpoint. Most other
companies can’t collect or activate the data on that scale. But, by working across the
Open Internet, it’s possible.
1 2 3 4
Advertiser and Consumer Benefits
We’ve tried to build a foundation for the Open Internet with the
Criteo Ad Platform.
When companies work with the Criteo Ad Platform, their Advertisers Publishers
advertising campaigns are powered by data from 1.4 billion active
• Performance • Performance
shoppers and more than $615 billion in annual sales transactions.
• Transparency • Direct access
That amount of data allows ads to be extremely personalized • Automation
and extremely intelligent – and allows companies to own the • Self-Service
relationships with their customers from start to inish.
1 2 3 4
Advertiser and Consumer Benefits
Consumers beneit from higher quality ads which directly support the
publisher community responsible for the zero-cost content enjoyed
by all. They also have a much stronger, more direct relationship with
1 18,000+ retailers and brands
brands and retailers.
Criteo has already come a long way in building the Open Internet. 3 1.4 billion active monthly shoppers
We were founded on the principles that everyone should have an
equal opportunity across the ad-tech ecosystem.
transparency and inclusiveness. 2,700 Criteo team members partner with over 18,000 customers and thousands of
publishers around the globe to deliver effective advertising across all channels, by applying advanced machine
learning to unparalleled data sets. Criteo empowers companies of all sizes with the technology they need to better
know and serve their customers. For more information, please visit