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Python Course Module

“Training with Certification”

In this course, Participant will learn to write reusable scripts with Python. Through
intensive exercises, participant learn to use Python in your operating system and
application environments as well as apply built-in functions of the language and
make use of external modules.
Students should already be comfortable using the operating system (Linux, Unix,
Windows, Solaris, Mac OS X, etc.) on which they will be running Python. While
not mandatory, basic skills with at least one other programming language are
Course Objectives:
 How to program in Python.
 Implementing Data types, Statements, Operators and Strings etc.
 Implementing OOPs in Python.
 Create GUI Applications using Python.
 Connecting with Databases.
 Implementing TCP Socket connectivity.

Course Outcomes:
 Create your First Program in Python IDLE.
 Use Arrays and Data Structures.
 Implementing Error Handling.
 Implement OOPs concepts in your programming.
 Create Application with support of Graphics in Python.
Duration- 50 Hours

1) Python – Introduction
 Python: AnOverview
 History ofPython
 Version of Python
 Feature ofPython
 Simple
 Open Source
 High Level ProgrammingLanguage
 Portable
 Object Oriented & ProcedureOriented
 Interpreted
 Easy toMaintain
 Comparisons of Python with OtherLanguage
 Java
 C++
 JavaScript
 Perl
 Execution of Programs
 Python Comment
2) Python Variables & DataTypes
 What isvariables
 AssignVariables
 DataTypes:
 Numeric DataTypes
 Boolean Data Types
 Compound Data Types
 Dictionaries
 Sets
 Array
3) Operators:
 Types of Operators
 ArithmeticOperators
 Relational Operators
 Assignment Operators
 Logical / BooleanOperators
 IdentityOperators
 Membership Operators
 BitwiseOperators
 Operators Precedence &Associativity
 Precedence ofOperators
 Associativity ofOperators

4) Python ConditionalStatements:
 The IfStatements
 The if-elseStatements
 The ElifStatements
 The Nested If – ElseStatements

5) Python LoopingConcept:
 Python for Loop
 Python While Loop

6) Python ControlStatements:
 The Break Statements
 The ContinueStatements
 The Pass Statements

7) Python Data Type Casting

8) Python Number
 Mathematical Function
 RandomFunction
 TrigonometricFunction

9) Python String
 Accessing Strings
 BasicOperations
 String slices
 String Built-InFunction

10) Python List

 Introduction
 Accessinglist
 Operations
 Working withlists
 List Slices
 Aliasing
 Cloning
 ListComprehension
 Deleting List
 Built-inFunction

11) Python Tuple

 Introduction
 Creating Tuple
 Accessing Tuple
 Modifying Tuple
 Deleting Tuple
 Built-in Function

12) Python Dictionary

 Introduction
 Creating Dictionary
 Accessing Dictionary
 Deleting Dictionary
 Built-InFunction

13) Python Array

 Importing anArrays
 Declaring anarray
 Operation onArrays
 Built-In Function

14) Python Date &Time

 The TimeModule
 The CalendarModule

15) Python Function

 Defining afunction
 Calling afunction
 Types of functions
 Function Arguments
 Anonymous functions
 Global and localvariables

16) Module
 Introduction
 The Import Statement
 The From…Import Statement
 The From…Import*Statement

17) File Handling (Input /Output)

 Introduction
 Opening & closingFiles
 Reading & writingFiles
 Rename & RemoveFiles
 TheDirectories

18) Exception Handling

 Error in PythonProgram
 Syntax error
 Exception
 Types ofException
 Handling Exception inPython
 Raising Exception
 User DefinedException

19) OOPs Concepts

 Class andobject
 Attributes
 Inheritance
 Overloading
 Overriding
 Interface &Abstraction

20) Multithreading
 Thread
 Starting athread
 Threading module
 Synchronizingthreads
 Multithreaded Priority Queue

21) Python Mail SendingProgram

 Introducing
 Execute mail program

22) RegularExpression
 Match function
 Search function
 Matching VS Searching
 Modifiers
 Patterns

23) DatabaseConnection
 Introduction
 Connections
 Executing queries
 Transactions
 Handlingerror

24) Interacting withNetworks

 Socket inPython
 TCP/IP Client &Server
 Creating a Client / ServerProgram
 Executing SocketProgram

25) GUI (Graphical UserInterface)

 Introduction
 Tkinterprogramming
 Tkinterwidgets
26) Python WebScraping intro
 Introduction
 Scrape all the details of anywebsite
27) How to Execute Linux Commands in Python
 OS Module
 Subprocess Module
28) Python Data Science
29) Introduction with Python MatchingLearning
30) Introduction with Python ArtificialIntelligence
31) Automation


 Implementing Expressions, Variables, Quotes, Basic Math

operations, Strings: Basic Strings Operations & String Methods,
 Tuples, Dictionaries, Arrays.
 Implementing Statements and Functions.
 Implementing OOPs Concept.
 Implementing Exception Handling and Multithreading.
 Implementing GUI Programming using Tkinter.
 Connecting to MYSQL Database.
 Implementing connections with TCP and UDP Sockets in

Exam Information:

 Exam Code : 507-114

 Exam Pattern : Multiple Choice
 Exam Duration : 2 Hrs
 Passing Score : 70%
C-3/207, Kanishk Complex, Near Maharaja Banquet, V3S Mall, Nirman
Vihar, Metro Station, Delhi-92 Phone: - 011-42041399 / 011-45701457
Mobile: - +91-9555378418 Email: info@krnetworkcloud.org

Python Certification Authorized Training Partner

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