Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) : How It Works, Limitations, and Some Guidelines For Operation
Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) : How It Works, Limitations, and Some Guidelines For Operation
Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) : How It Works, Limitations, and Some Guidelines For Operation
For more information or if you have special accommodation needs, please contact
Ecology’s Shorelands Section at (360) 407-7291.
Figure 1. Sphere formed using time to calculate a distance from a receiver position to a
Figure 2. Circle formed by measuring the distance from our position to two satellites.
Figure 3. Two points formed by measuring the distance from a position to three satellites.
Figure 4. Clocks errors prevent the three ranges from intersecting in a single point.
Figure 5. Fourth satellite used to solve the four unknowns, X, Y, Z, and time.
Figure 10. Accuracy of GPS derived position for a stationary GPS receiver before and
after selective availability (SA) was turned off.
Figure 11. Converting between WGS 84 and a local map grid such as Washington State
Plain South NAD 83.
Figure 12. Record of equipment, equipment settings, and procedures used for GPS data
collection efforts.
Table 1. Error sources that must be considered when calculating position with GPS.
Table 3. Laws and administrative codes of the State of Washington concerning the
practice of Land Survey and Engineering.
As the cost of mapping grade GPS systems (±10.0 to 0.50 meter accuracy) have dropped
over the last few years the number of GPS users within Ecology has increased. A concern
has been raised by the Geographic Information Systems Users Group at Ecology that the
purchase of this equipment may be occurring in a haphazard fashion and that many of the
new users are unaware of the limitations of the equipment and potential legal
ramifications associated with it use. Based on this concern, an ad-hoc committee was
established to develop a proposed set of guidelines and standards for the use of GPS at
These guidelines are not designed to mandate a particular make, model, or manufacturer
of GPS receiver. Rather, these standards are designed to assist new and old GPS users
alike in:
This document is divided into several sections. Section 1.2 and 1.3 provide a primer to
assist new users in understanding how the GPS system works. Section 1.4 discusses the
types of GPS receivers and the common modes and methods that are used when operating
them. Section 1.5 discusses the datum and projection issue, while Section 1.6 provides a
checklist of questions that should be answered by the GPS user prior to any field activity.
Failure to answer the questions in Section 1.6 can make it a difficult task to convert the
collected GPS data to a form suitable for use in a GIS. Section 2 contains a brief
description of survey networks and what they consist of and provides the coordinates for
a GPS benchmark located at Ecology’s Lacey building. In addition, Sections 3 and 4 of
this document contain a review of current state law as related to the use of GPS
equipment by Ecology employees and a glossary of terms commonly used in the GPS
surveying community, respectively.
Based on the cursory review of current laws and regulations governing the practice of
land surveying in the State of Washington the following observations were made
concerning the collection of GPS data and the use of GPS for survey work at Ecology.
1. The retracing of existing records of survey does not require the services of a
Registered Land Surveyor.
2. The collection of point, line, and other survey data does not constitute land surveying
as described in law as long as the data is not used for the delineation of a boundary for
legal purposes or for the division of land. (E.g., construction of a digital elevation
model from GPS point data would be allowed, but the generation and use of a specific
contour elevation from the data for regulatory purposes would require the supervision
of a Registered Land Surveyor).
3. The placement of markers and reference stations in support of the work of Ecology
does not require the services of a Registered Land Surveyor as long as the markers do
not delineate a legal boundary.
4. When the proper performance of a proposed survey requires technical knowledge and
skill and will be used for determining a legal boundary, the services of a Registered
Land Surveyor are required.
1.2. GPS, How it Works
The whole idea behind GPS is to use satellites in space as reference points for locating
positions here on earth. If we can accurately measure the vector from three objects we can
"triangulate" our position anywhere on earth. Our distance from the satellite is measured
by calculating the time it takes for a radio wave to travel from the satellite to our GPS
receiver. We multiply this time by the speed of light to get our distance. Because radio
waves travel at 300 million meters a second, the clocks used to measure the travel time
must be extremely accurate (i.e.: hundredths of a nanosecond, 1 nanosecond = 1 billionth
of a second).
For one satellite, the distance (d1) of a GPS unit is equal to the time its takes the radio
signal to travel between the two, multiplied by the speed of the radio signal (the speed of
light). The time of the signal is determined by measuring the difference between the same
parts of the coded signals, as shown in the figure below. The set of all points where our
GPS receiver could be at that distance (d1) can now be represented as the surface of a
sphere in the second figure below.
Figure 1. Sphere formed using time to calculate a distance from a receiver position to a
satellite (Trimble 1994).
If we measure our distance to a second satellite and find out that it is (d2) meters away.
That tells us that we're not only on the first sphere but we're also on a sphere at its
respective distance from the second satellite. Or in other words, we're somewhere on the
circle where these two spheres intersect. This intersection is the circle as seen in Figure 2
Figure 2. Circle formed by measuring the distance from our position to two satellites
(Trimble 1994).
If we make another measurement to a third satellite at distance (d3), this narrows our
possible positions down to two points shown in Figure 3. So by ranging from three
satellites we have narrowed our position down to two points in space.
Figure 3. Two points formed by measuring the distance from our position to three satellites
(Trimble 1994).
To decide which of these two points is our true location we could make a measurement
from a fourth satellite. However, usually one of the two points is a ridiculous answer
(either out in space, underground, or traveling at an impossible velocity) and can be
rejected without a measurement.
To be able to fix our position with only three satellites requires that there be accurate
clocks not only in the satellites but also in the receiver units. A clock at the receiver unit
is needed to ensure that the signals are perfectly synchronized. Because these clocks are
so expensive, it is impossible to put them in receivers. Instead, receivers use the
measurement from a fourth satellite to remove clock errors. Figure 4 shows how the
receiver senses the error.
Figure 4. Clocks errors prevent the three ranges from intersecting in a single point (Trimble
When a GPS receiver gets a series of measurements that do not intersect at a single point,
the computer inside the receiver starts subtracting (or adding) time until it arrives at an
answer that lets the ranges from all satellites go through a single point. It then works out
the time offset required and makes appropriate adjustments. Because of this, four
satellites are required to cancel out time errors if you require three dimensions. Figure 5
shows the employment of a fourth satellite for 3D work.
Figure 5. Fourth satellite used to solve the four unknowns, X, Y, Z, and time (Trimble 1994).
Errors Sources. Because no system is perfect, it is important to analyze specific sources
of error that can exist in our GPS measurements. The typical error sources and values for
most receivers are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Error sources that must be considered when calculating position with GPS.
Theses values correspond to averages of many readings rather than the error which might
result from a single reading. Although experimentation shows that the more fixes you
record the better the data become, the increase in accuracy after collecting about 180 fixes
at a given location is minimal and seldom worth the extra time it takes to record them.
Later in this paper, better methods are discussed to get really accurate data.
Clock Errors. The ability of a GPS receiver to determine a fix depends on its ability to
determine how long it takes a signal to get from the satellite to the receiver antenna. This
requires that the clocks in the satellite be synchronized. Even a small amount of
difference in the clocks can make large differences in the distance measurements.
Receiver Errors. The receiver cannot exactly measure and compute the distance to each
satellite simultaneously. The computer in the receiver works with a fixed number of digits
and is therefore subject to calculation and rounding errors.
Atmospheric Errors. For most of its trip from the satellite to the receiver antenna, the
GPS signal travels through the virtual vacuum of “empty space”. Half of the mass of the
earth’s atmosphere is within the first 3.5 miles of the surface. Virtually all of it lies within
the first 100 miles of the surface. This means that the signal gets to go the speed of light
for more than 19,000 of its 20,000 kilometer trip. When it gets to the earth’s atmosphere,
however, the speed drops by an amount that varies somewhat randomly. This small
change in speed induces a small error in distance and therefore errors in position (about 4
meters). These errors from the ionosphere are primarily from charged particles under the
influence of the earth’s magnetic field. More sophisticated GPS units are able to calculate
and remove the effects of the ionosphere. The troposphere, the denser atmosphere closer
to the earth, generates error primarily due to changes in atmospheric pressure and depth.
Currently, this error source is ignored for most applications.
Selective Availability (SA). As you can see from table above, that the lion’s share of the
error in the GPS system is from the deliberate corruption of the signal by the U.S.
Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD does not want a potential adversary to be able to
use our own technology against the United States. Un-tampered with, the system is
accurate enough to be used for the guidance of weapons in real time, which means they
could potentially use a GPS unit as a guidance device on ballistic missile. Selective
availability is one technique the military uses to keep the system from being too accurate.
The error is induced by randomly dithering the exact time of the signal (making it
inaccurate). This random dithering affects Coarse/Acquisition or (C/A) code, the one
which most GPS receivers use. GPS satellites also transmit a “Precise” code (P-Code).
The P-Code is more accurate and generally used by military and survey accuracy
receivers. The military has the ability to encrypt the P-Code and make unavailable to any
but military users with the properly encryption equipment. The encryption of the P-Code
signal is called “Anti-Spoofing” and once it is done the encrypted P-Code is referred to as
the Y-Code.
Getting Accuracy. When you take a single position with a GPS unit, even with selective
availability on, you are 95% guaranteed that you will be within 100 meters of the point’s
true position. In 5% of the cases you will be further away. You can improve your
accuracy in the autonomous mode, by taking many readings at a fixed location. This is
because GPS readings tend to cluster around the true value and averaging a large number
of readings cancels out the random errors.
With averaging it is possible to drive down the error down to one to two meters but it
would take several weeks to months of data collection to obtain this accuracy. By
averaging over 180 positions, you can improve your fix accuracy to about ±30 meters. If
you recorded 1 fix per second, it would take you about 3 minutes to achieve this accuracy.
There are other methods like differential correction that allow you to collect very accurate
points very quickly.
Figure 6. CEP scatter for positions for 100 fixes (Trimble 1994).
1.3 The GPS Network
The U.S. GPS satellite design calls for a total of 24 solar-powered radio transmitters,
forming a constellation where several are “visible” from any point on earth at any given
time. The first satellite was launched in secrete on February 22, 1978. Additional
satellites were launched until mid-1994 when all 24 satellites were broadcasting. This
became the standard GPS constellation of 24 satellites, which includes three spares.
Figure 7 shows the various satellites and their launch dates.
The satellites are at a “middle altitude” of 20,000 kilometers (km), or roughly 12,600
statute/10,900 nautical miles (nm), above the earth’s surface. This put them above
standard orbital heights of the space shuttle and most other satellites but below most
geosynchronous communication satellites. The constellation of satellites is called
NAVSTAR their paths are neither Polar nor equatorial, but slice the earth’s latitudes
at about 55 degrees. Each satellite orbits the earth in about 12 hours, and an observer
on earth will see the satellite rise and set 4 minutes earlier each day. There are four
satellites in each of six distinct orbital planes. The orbits are almost exactly circular
and produce a wide variety of tracks across the earth’s surface. Figure 8 shows what
the constellation looks like from space.
Ground Stations
While the GPS satellites are free from drag by the air, their tracks are influenced by the
gravitational effects of the moon and the sun, and by the solar wind. Further, they are
crammed with electronics. Because of this their tracks and inner workings require
constant monitoring. This is accomplished by four ground base stations, located on
Ascension Island, at Diego Garcia, in Hawaii, and at Kwajalein atoll in the Pacific. Each
satellite passes over at least one monitoring station twice a day. Information developed by
the monitoring station is transmitted back to the satellite, which in turn re-broadcasts to
GPS receivers. The broadcasts contain information on the health of the satellite’s
electronics, how the track of the satellite varies from what is expected, the current
almanac for all the satellites, and other information. Other ground-based stations exist,
primarily for uploading information to the satellites. The master control station is in
Colorado Springs, Colorado at the Air Force Space Command Center. See Figure 9 on the
following page.
Figure 9. Ground Station and their locations (Trimble 1994).
1.4 GPS Receiver, Modes, Methods, and Types
GPS receivers are available in a wide range of configurations and price levels. Receivers
may be purchased for as little as $99 or as much as $50,000. This range in cost is directly
related to the features and precision that are achievable with the given unit. Users need to
be wary of any low price unit that claim to be accurate to ±10 or better, as the advertised
precision of a unit is often based on the best case scenario, which may or may not be
achievable in the field.
The precision of a GPS receiver is determined based on the signals the receiver utilizes to
calculated its position as well as the methods and modes used while it is in operation.
Please note that the precision of a unit is based on the smallest significant unit
(centimeter, decimeter, meter, tens-of-meters) that the receiver is able to repeatable
measure. The accuracy of the coordinates obtained from the receiver is a function of both
the receiver/antenna combination used and the projection, datum, and coordinate system
selected by the user (see Section 1.5). Use of an unsuitable datum, projection, or
coordinate system may degrade the accuracy of the data collected by the receiver or make
it unusable when the data are downloaded and entered into a GIS.
GPS receivers calculate location based on the radio signals received through their
antenna. The antenna should be positioned in such a way as to maximize its visibility to
the open sky, as GPS signals will not penetrate vegetation, metal roofs or human bodies!
Note that the position calculated by the receiver is actually the phase-center of the
antenna, not the location of the receiver. As such, the GPS antenna should be placed on or
over the position to be surveyed and the offset between the antenna and the known object
(e.g., the antenna is on a 2.00 meter “range pole” and the tip of the range pole was set on
top of the well head cover). By keeping track of these offsets, the GPS derived locations
may be corrected to obtain the actual X, Y, Z, location of the point of interest.
The GPS user should be aware of the limitations inherent with the receiver/antenna
configuration they are using, as the combination required often varies based on the type of
survey being conducted.
GPS Modes
An individual GPS receiver may be able to operate within several different positioning
modes. In order of precision these modes are autonomous, differential, kinematic, and
Differential positioning is a mode of GPS surveying that uses two or more receivers with
one receiver acting as a base station that is located at a known, fixed location and the
other receiver roving to unknown points. The base station computes corrections based on
the differences between its known location and its location as computed from the satellite
C/A code. These corrections are applied to positions collected by the roving unit. This
correction can be done in real-time via a radio link or during post processing back in the
office. Point coordinate accuracy of ±30 m RMS is obtainable when selective availability
is in effect and ±1 m when it is not.
Kinematic positioning is a mode of GPS surveying that uses two or more receivers with
one receiver acting as a base station that is located at a known, fixed location and the
other receiver roving to unknown points. The receivers use the L1/L2 carrier-phase
observation (including both the C/A code and P-code) and requires short (1 second to 10
minute) occupation times at the locations being visited by the roving GPS receiver. This
method uses baselines to calculate position and has the potential to obtain greater
accuracy than is possible with differential positioning methods. Point coordinate accuracy
of ±1 m RMS is obtainable when selective availability is in effect and ±0.02 m when it is
Static positioning (a.k.a., geodetic survey) is a mode of GPS surveying that uses two or
more receivers. The receivers monitor the L1/L2 carrier-phase observations (including
both the C/A code and P-code) and use long occupation times (> 20 minutes). This
method uses baselines to calculate position and has the potential to obtain greater
accuracy than is possible with differential and kinematic positioning methods. Location is
determination when the receiver's antenna is stationary on the earth. Point coordinate
accuracy of ±0.05 m RMS is obtainable when selective availability is in effect and better
than ±0.01 m when it is not. At least three of the points visited during the survey should
have known horizontal and vertical position. These known points are held fixed when
calculating the baselines and insure that the newly surveyed points are tied into the local
geodetic control network.
GPS Methods
The three methods used by GPS receivers to obtain position information are autonomous,
post processed, and real-time. The autonomous method occurs when the GPS receiver is
used as a stand-alone data collector and no further processing of the data will be done on
return to the office. The location information collected is transcribed onto paper in the
field or stored in the GPS unit for later transfer in the office to a database for mapping
purposes. This method is the simplest and the least accurate of the three methods.
The post processing method is used when the GPS receiver is used as a data collector and
further processing of the position data will be completed after down loading the data at
the office. This method assumes that a base station receiver (located at a known, fixed,
position) was collecting data simultaneously with the roving unit. Based on the types of
receivers and antennas used during the survey and the positioning data collected either the
differential, kinematic, or static processing mode may be used.
The real-time method occurs when the GPS receiver is used as a data collector and the
positions obtained are corrected on-the-fly based on information received via radio signal
received from a base station (located at a known, fixed, position). Based on the types of
receivers and antennas used during the survey either the differential or kinematic mode
may be used.
As the previous description of positioning methods and modes may have indicated, both
the receiver and antenna directly impact the precision to which one may survey. For
example, the Coastal Monitoring and Analysis Group within the Shorelands and
Environmental Assistance Program currently has two Trimble 4400 survey grade
receivers. These receivers are able to track both the C/A code and P-code and monitor
both the L1 and L2 frequency of the GPS satellite signal. These receivers are used with
L1/L2 Geodetic Antennas with a removable groundplain (a device that minimizes the
effects of multipath on position calculations) and a real-time radio link.
The Trimble 4400 receiver configured as the base station uses a L1/L2 antenna with
groundplain. In this configuration the base station commonly obtains a point position
precision of ±0.01 m. When the second receiver is used as a rover (i.e., the groundplain is
removed from the antenna), and real-time kinematic positioning method is used positions
good to ±0.05 to 0.02 m are obtained. However, if we had used an L1 Compact Antenna
(often used with Trimble mapping grade receivers) on the rover instead of the L1/L2
Geodetic Antenna, we would have obtained positions accurate of about ±0.5 m.
Table 2 shows in a general sense, the relative positioning accuracy that can be expected
by different receiver types when using different modes of operation. Remember that the
reported accuracy is usually reported as a RMS error and that any single GPS
measurement may vary significantly from the mean
Table 2. Common horizontal accuracy of different GPS receiver configurations
based on different modes of operation. There is a 95% probability that a single
measurement will fall within a circle of the diameter shown (values in meters).
Receiver Type Autonomous Differential Kinematic Static
Navigation Unit
Using L1 C/A Code
($99 to $1,000) ±100 (10) ±30 to 10 (5) n/a n/a
Mapping Unit
Using L1 C/A and P Code
($1,000 to $8,000) ±30 (5) ±10 to 1 ± 0.50 n/a
The range of accuracy’s shown in Table 2 are controlled by two major factors, the status
of SA and anti-spoofing (on or off) and the codes and frequencies the receiver uses to
calculation position. For example, most mapping grade units only use the C/A and P
Code from the L1 GPS signals to calculate position. Since they do not monitor the L2
frequency these units are unable to correct for position error introduced by atmospheric
delay effects. In addition, the autonomous and differential modes of operation often use
the Course Acquisition (C/A) code to calculation position. As the name indicates, use of
the C/A code limits the maximum obtainable precision to ±30 m in autonomous mode and
±1 in differential mode.
SA was turned off by order of the President of the United States on May 1, 2000.
Removal the SA “random error” from the GPS signal has increased the accuracy of
standalone and autonomous GPS receivers by a factor of 10, improving the predicted
accuracy of GPS for civilian users from within 100 m to within 20 m. This performance
boost will enable GPS to be applied in its most basic form to a variety of civilian
activities. Figure 10 shows the impact of the removal of SA on the calculated position of
a stationary GSP receiver during the change over from with to without SA. Note that CEP
stands for circle error probability (2 D coordinates) and SEP stands for spherical error
probability (3 D coordinates).
Figure 10. Accuracy of GPS derived position for a stationary GPS receiver before
and after selective availability (SA) was turned off.
The projections, datum’s, and coordinate selected for use during survey or other data
collection projects directly impact the obtainable accuracy of the final data. Every GPS
user should have a basic understanding of the projection they are using, no mater how
much computers seem to have automated the process.
There are an infinite number of projections that may be devised. Most of these projections
are rarely used novelties that should be avoided when using GPS equipment. The most
commonly used projections for mapping purposes are based on the Lambert Conformal
Conic, Transverse Mercator, or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projections. Once
a projection has been selected a rectangular grid (e.g., Washington State Plain South or
UTM zones) may be devised that allows the use of basic trigonometry functions to
calculate position (a requirement in the past for rapid, error free, mapping while in the
In addition, a simple spherical coordinate systems may be devised (e.g., latitude and
longitude) and used for mapping. Note that the latitude and longitude values are not
arbitrary, the values are measurements from the Earth’s center to a point on the Earth’s
surface and represent the angles of a line extending to that point. Latitude and longitude
values are represented as degrees (360 degrees in a circle) and each degree can be divided
into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds. Thus, the latitude and longitude
coordinates for a given point on the Earth varies based on the size of the sphere, or shape
of the ellipsoid, used to represent the Earth.
As noted above, the coordinate of a given location on the Earth, be it latitude and
longitude or Northing and Eastings, vary based on the model the Earth used. In a
spherical coordinate system this model is referred to as an ellipsoid or spheroid. In a
rectangular grid system the model is optimized for a particular region of the world by
combining an ellipsoid and other parameters (e.g., offsets) to define a datum.
The GPS system uses the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84) as its standard
datum. The North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) is used for precise horizontal
positioning within North American and other near-by areas. The ellipsoid used by NAD
83, Global Reference System of 1980 (GRS 80), is nearly identical to WGS 84. Since
both of these two datums are defined based on precise mathematical model of the Earth,
direct conversion between the two is possible.
Why is this? Recall that GPS obtains positions in the WGS 84 datum. This datum
supports horizontal and vertical coordinates, where the vertical coordinate is represented
as a distance from the center of the Earth. This value is often converted based on a geoid
model (a model of a surface of constant gravitational pull, specifically the one that most
closely coincides with mean sea level over the entire surface of the earth) to a value more
closely resembling a traditional elevation.
The conversion between the WGS 84 datum and a local coordinate system, such as
Washington State Plain South, NAD 83, involves several steps (Figure 2). Each step is a
well-defined mathematical process that depends on a known set of parameters that are
used to convert the GPS coordinates into coordinates in the projection needed. Many GPS
receivers allow many of these transformations to be done on-the-fly by the software
loaded in the data collector.
Figure 11. Converting between WGS 84 and a local map grid such as
Washington State Plain South NAD 83 (Trimble 1996).
The current geoid model, known as GEOID 99, developed by the National Geodetic
Survey ( supports the direct conversion of GPS elevations into
NAVD 88. Note that the conversion to NGVD 29 is not support by the National Geodetic
Survey. Thus, to obtain an estimated elevation in NGVD 29 (MSL) or a MLLW datum
requires that the user to obtain a GPS measurement at a reference station with a known
elevation in the older datum and that the offset or correction be determine. The calculated
correction may then be apply to other GPS derived NAVD 88 elevations to obtain an
elevation expressed in the older datum. Such a correction is only valid near the observed
benchmark or reference station (< 50 km).
1.6 Standard Practices and Guidelines
The goal of this document is not to dictate the type or model of GPS receiver purchased
by a particular group within Ecology. Instead this document is designed to provide a basic
level of information that all GPS users should know and consider when designing a
particular GPS survey or data collection effort. Failure to consider the factors described
here may result in the loss of valuable data or the collection of data that does not meet the
stated need of the project.
To assist the user in identifying the inherent limitations associated with their equipment
and in documenting the settings used during a particular data collection effort Figure 12
has been prepared. When completed this form provides a record of the equipment types
used and how it was configured for a particular survey. This information is the minimum
information that a third party (e.g., your GIS Analyst or the person doing your Post
Processing) will need to convert the raw GPS data to meaningful information.
GPS Data Collection Record
Contacts (Who)
Project Leader: __________________________________ Region: ________________________
Phone: _________________________________________ E-Mail: ________________________
Division/Section/Unit: _________________________________
Make & Model of GPS Receivers/Antennas. If a receiver was used as a base station check box on right.
Receiver/Antenna (1): ___________________________________________________________
Receiver/Antenna (2): ___________________________________________________________
Receiver/Antenna (3): ___________________________________________________________
List additional receiver/antenna configurations on the back of form
GPS Settings
Epoch (Seconds): _______________ Mask Elevation (degrees): __________
Horizontal Datum (e.g., NAD 83): ________________________________________
Horizontal Projection (e.g., WA State Plain, South, NAD83): _______________________________
Horizontal Units (e.g., meters): __________
Vertical Datum (e.g., NAVD 88): _________________________________________
Vertical Units (e.g., meters): ____________
Note, the native GPS receiver horizontal and vertical datum is WGS 84. Vertical elevations are represented in meters above/below the
WGS 84 ellipsoid.
Figure 12. Record of equipment, equipment settings, and procedures used for GPS data collection efforts.
1.7 References
Daniels, R. C., P. Ruggiero, and L. Weber. 1999. Washington Coastal Geodetic Control
Network: Report and Station Index Developed in Support of the Southwest Washington
Coastal Erosion Study. Publication No. 99-103, Coastal Monitoring & Analysis Program,
Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA.
Department of Licensing. 1998. The Law Relating to Engineers and Land Surveyors.
RCSC-651-001, Washington Department of Licensing, Olympia, WA.
Trimble. 1996. GPS Surveying General Reference. Part Number 25748-20, Revision A,
Trimble Navigation Limited. Sunnyvale, CA.
Trimble. 1994. Mapping Systems General Reference. Part Number 24177-00, Revision A,
Trimble Navigation Limited. Sunnyvale, CA.
Kennedy, M. 1996. The Global Positioning System and GIS. Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea,
Zilkoski, D.B., J. D. D’Onofrio, and S. J. Frakes. 1997. Guidelines for Establishing GPS-
Derived Ellipsoid Heights (Standards 2 cm and 5 cm), Version 4.3. NOAA Technical
Memorandum NOS NGS-58, National Geodetic Survey, Silver Spring, MA.
What is a “network” and why do I need one? This question is often asked by new GPS
users. To begin with, the new GPS users needs to realize that when they are collecting
points or lines on the ground they are performing a survey. With this realization one
should ask how will this data be connected or related to the real world. For projects where
accuracy’s of ±30 m or less are suitable, the “network” is actually formed by the
constellation of satellites that are in view during the survey. These satellites provided
“control” to the survey by transmitting radio signals that are received by the GPS receiver
on the ground. The receiver computed the distance to each satellite and via triangulation
is able to determine its location on the Earth.
For data collection projects (surveys) with more stringent accuracy requirements, e.g.,
±10.0 to 0.5 m, an additional point of reference is added to our “network”. This addition
is the location of the base station. The base station may be a GPS receiver that you setup
and operate during the survey or may be a receiver owned by a third party (e.g., U.S.
Coast Guard, King County, etc.). In either case, the base station is assumed to be located
at known position. The data collected by the base may be stored for later retrieval (for a
post-processed survey) or may be transmitted over radio to the user in the field (for a real
time survey).
Surveys that require an accuracy of ±0.50 to 0.02 m need additional control (Zilkoski et
al. 1997). This control is obtained by visiting locations in the field during the survey that
have known coordinates (of similar quality to the base station). These points are surveyed
for a few seconds to several minutes and are used to calibrate the project. Calibration is
the process where software in the receiver further constrains the results of the correction
provided by the base station to obtain sub-decimeter accuracy levels.
Thus, to be able to conduct surveys of relatively high accuracy one needs to have a
network of survey stations with known coordinates distributed throughout the project
area. The development of such a network is a time-consuming process (e.g. Daniels et al.
1999). Fortunately, the National Geodetic Survey, U.S. Corps of Engineers, Washington
State Department of Transportation, and many county and city governments have develop
their networks to support ongoing operations. By taking advantage of these networks one
should be able to perform sub-meter surveys almost any location within the state of
2.2 Survey Station PARK
To support the increasing use of GPS within Ecology, the Shorelands and Environmental
Assistance Program (Coastal Monitoring and Analysis Program) has installed and
surveyed a control station at the Ecology Headquarters building in Lacey, Washington.
This survey station was installed to provide a fixed reference point with known
coordinates at Ecology. This control point may be used in three ways,
The coordinates derived by Ecology for station PARK were obtained using the static
observation method and followed NGS guidelines (Zilkoski et al. 1997). During the
survey six, forty-five minute GPS sessions were conducted using Trimble 4400 series
GPS receivers. The receivers were setup over stations PARK (at Ecology), Q 13, HOSP
RM 4, and A 461.
Stations Q 13 (PID SY0708), A 461 RESET 2 (PID SY1600), and HOSP RM 4 (PID
SY3193) were installed by the NGS and provided the control for the survey and the ties to
the national geodetic network. Station Q 13 served as the primary control for this survey.
Q 13 had been resurveyed in 1998 by the NGS as part of observations conducted for the
Washington High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN). The coordinates of Q 13 were
held fixed during the final adjustment as the station had both a first order vertical
elevation and a B order horizontal coordinate (the horizontal order, or accuracy, of a
station may range from AA, A, B, 1, 2, 3 -with AA being the best). Stations HOSP RM 4
and A 461 provided additional secondary control to the survey.
The baselines obtained by this survey agreed to within ±0.011 m over a distance of 3,821
m from station Q 13 to PARK, to within ±0.006 m over a distance of 6,196 m from
station A 461 to PARK, and to ±0.015 m over a distance of 3,821 m from station HOSP
RM 4 to PARK.
2.3 Observation Plan for Station PARK
The new survey mark, PARK, is located in Lacey, Washington. The mark is a four foot
stainless steel rod mark set flush with the ground with an aluminum logo cap stamped
PARK 2000. The station is being surveyed to provide local control for use by Ecology
personnel during training and as a base station site during GPS work within 50 miles of
the Ecology HQ building.
The following ties will be made to obtain a GPS ellipsoid elevation, NAVD 88 height,
and second order horizontal coordinates for the new station. UTC date for paper work and
job names: UTC on 27 March is 087. UTC time is +8 hours from Pacific Standard Time.
27 March 2000
Session Receiver Station Type Time
101 R1 Q 13 Primary 1310 to 1425
R2 PARK New Station
28 March 2000
Session Receiver Station Type Time
201 R1 Q 13 Primary 0945 to 1030
R2 PARK New Station
Note: sessions are 45 minute sessions with 5 second epoch intervals, 15 degree masks,
and QA 1 and 2 on.
R1 Tripod: Sakko, 2m fixed, HT + PCO = 205.6455 cm
Antenna: Trimble L1/L2 Compact W/Groundplain, PN 220220-00, SN 0220079730
Receiver: Trimble 4400, PN 29887-11, SN 3652A18127
R2 Tripod: Omni, 2m fixed, HT + PCO = 204.2625 cm
Antenna: Trimble L1/L2 Compact W/Groundplain, PN 220220-00, SN 0220079600
Receiver Trimble 4400, PN 29887-11, SN 3652A18099
2.4 Station Description and Coordinates
The coordinates shown were derived by the Washington Department of Ecology and are not
available from the National Geodetic Survey. NAVD 88 elevations were derived from GPS
observations. Elevation accuracy is estimated to be ±0.02 m. Horizontal coordinates meet
Second Order standards.
WA STATE PLAIN SOUTH (NAD 83, M) 192,957.682 N 324,710.351 E ADJUSTED
WA STATE PLAIN SOUTH (NAD 83, FT) 633,062.00 N 1,065,320.54 E ADJUSTED
NAD 83 (1991) 47° 02 46.47702 N 122° 48 25.87235 W ADJUSTED
WA STATE PLAIN SOUTH (NAD 27, FT) 1,425,198.65, 633,115.79 NADCON
NAD 27 47° 02 47.13049 N 122° 48 21.38606 W NADCON
NAVD 88 49.78 M GPS OBS
GEOID -21.839 M GEOID99
GEOID -21.630 M GEOID96
Several state laws and administrative codes apply to the practice of land surveying and
engineering in the State of Washington (Department of Licensing 1998). It is important to
be aware that these laws exist and that they may have an impact on the how you define,
perform, and document a survey or data collection activity. This section contains extracts
from several regulations and codes that may apply directly to you as a state employee.
Additional information on the laws and codes that cover the practice of surveying may be
obtained by consulting the complete text of the laws and administrative codes listed in the
following table.
Table 3. Laws and administrative codes of the State of Washington concerning the
practice of Land Survey and Engineering.
State Law
Chapter 18.43 RCW Engineers and Land Surveyors
Chapter 38.80 RCW Contracts for Architectural and Engineering Services
Chapter 58.04 RCW Boundaries
Chapter 58.09 RCW Surveys – Recording
Administrative Code
Chapter 332-130 WAC Surveys and Land Descriptions
Chapter 196-09 WAC Practice and Procedure
Chapter 196-12 WAC Registered Professional Engineers
Chapter 196-16 WAC Registered Professional Land Surveyors
Chapter 196-20 WAC Engineers-in-Training
Chapter 196-21 WAC Land Surveyors-in-Training
Chapter 196-24 WAC General
Chapter 196-25 WAC Business Practices
Chapter 196-26 WAC Engineers and Surveyors - Fees
Chapter 196-27 WAC Rules of Professional Conduct
The practice of land survey is a regulated and licensed profession within the State of
Washington. As such it is “unlawful for any person to practice or to offer to practice …
land surveying, as defined in the provisions of this chapter, or to use in connection with
his name or otherwise assume, use, or advertise any title or description tending to convey
the impression that he is a professional engineer or a land surveyor, unless such a person
has been duly registered under the provisions of this chapter” (RCW 18.43.010).
RCW 18.43.020 goes on to state that a Registered Land Surveyor must be the approving
authority or supervise any work that deals with the “surveying of land for the
establishment of corners, lines, boundaries, and monuments, the laying out and
subdivision of land, the defining and locating of corners, lines, boundaries, and
monuments of land after they have been established, the survey of land areas for the
purpose of determining the topography thereof, the making of topographical delineation’s
and the preparing of maps and accurate records thereof, when the proper performance of
such services requires technical knowledge and skill.”
The complete text of RCW 18.43 makes it clear that only Registered Land Surveyors may
certify the accuracy and correctness of land surveys that are recorded as legal documents
(i.e., a record of survey). In addition, individuals performing land surveys must be
supervised by a Registered Land Surveyor. This fact may lead one to believe that a
Registered Land Surveyor must be involved in all survey type work.
Fortunately for us this is the not case. RCW 58.09.090 exempts many of the common
survey or mapping tasks that would be conducted by a public employee from this
regulation. Specifically, RCW 58.09.090 states that a record of survey is not required
(and thus a Registered Land Surveyor) “when it (the survey) has been made by a public
officer in his official capacity and a reproducible copy thereof has been filed with the
county engineer of the county in which the land is located” the RCW goes on to state that
“a state agency conducting surveys to carry out the program of the agency shall not be
required to use a land surveyor as defined by this chapter when the survey is of a
preliminary nature; when a map is in preparation for recording or shall have been
recorded in the county under the local subdivision or platting law or ordinance; when it is
a retracing or resurvey of boundaries, platted lots, tracts, or parcels shown on a filed or
recorded of survey.”
When surveys are conducted by Ecology to establish geodetic control the project design
should be reviewed by the National Geodetic Survey State Advisor (currently located at
the Department of Transportation) or a Registered Land Surveyor. In addition, the project
design must conform to WAC 332-130-160, which states that the “datum for horizontal
control network(s) in Washington shall be NAD-83 (1991) as officially adjusted and
published by the National Geodetic Survey of the United States Department of
Commerce.” The code further states that all “horizontal and vertical control work must
meet or exceed accuracy and specification standards as published by the Federal Geodetic
Control Committee in the bulletin titled Standards and Specifications for Geodetic
Control Networks” for the class of control specified in the survey plan.
On the matter of setting monuments during a survey (i.e., physical marker set in the
ground that serves as a reference station for later surveys); RCW 58.09.120 allows a
public officer to place or install a monument. The regulation states that any ”monument
… set by a public officer … shall be marked by an appropriate official designation” and
should be set in such a way that it can not be confused with those placed by a Land
Surveyor. However, the placement of new monuments, “posting, and/or marking of a
boundary line between two existing corner monuments constitutes the practice of land
surveying” (WAC 196-24-110) and would require the use of a Registered Land Surveyor.
Based on this review of current laws and regulations governing the practice of land
surveying in the State of Washington the following observations may be made concerning
the collection of GPS point and line data by Ecology.
1. The retracing of existing records of survey does not require the services of a
Registered Land Surveyor (Note, if discrepancies are found between a filed record of
survey and ground conditions, they should be reported to the local governing public
2. The collection of point, line, and other survey data does not constitute land surveying
as described in law as long as the data is not used for the delineation of a boundary for
legal purposes or for the division of land (e.g., construction of a digital elevation
model from GPS point data would be allowed, but the generation and use of a specific
contour elevation from the data for regulatory purposes may require the supervision of
a Registered Land Surveyor).
3. When employees of Ecology design a new geodetic survey network a recognized
expert in the field should review the plan. Examples of this include Registered Land
Surveyors as well as members of the National Geodetic Survey.
4. The placement of markers and reference stations in support of the work of Ecology
does not require the services of a Registered Land Surveyor as long as the markers do
not delineate a legal boundary.
5. When the proper performance of a proposed survey or project requires extensive
technical knowledge and skill in surveying or will be used for legal purposes the
services of a Registered Land Surveyor are required.
The following definitions were collected from several sources, the majority which were
obtained from Trimble (1994) and Trimble (1996).
The process of locking onto a satellites C/A code and P-code signal. Once a receiver
acquires a satellite it tracks the satellite until the signal becomes unavailable.
Information about GPS satellite orbits that includes clock corrections, atmospheric delay
parameters, and health status of the transmitting satellite. See also ephemeris.
Altitude Reference
The datum used as a vertical reference for height measurements. GPS applications use the
WGS-84 reference ellipsoid as the altitude reference. See also ellipsoid.
The unknown integer number of cycles or wavelengths of the reconstructed carrier phase
signal contained in an unbroken set of GPS measurements (i.e., the receiver does not
know, and must estimate, the number of wavelengths between the satellite and the GPS
antenna). Also known as integer ambiguity.
Anti-Spoofing (AS)
A security feature that allows the U.S. Department of Defense to encrypt the P-Code
transmitted by the GPS satellites. When the P-code is encrypted it is known as the Y-
Anywhere fix
The ability of a receiver to start position calculations without being given an approximate
location and approximate time.
Autonomous Positioning
A mode of operation of a GPS receiver where the receiver calculates position in real-time
from satellite data alone without reference to data supplied from a base station. This is the
least precise mode of operation. Point coordinates accuracies of ±100 m RMS are
obtainable when selective availability is in effect and ±10 when it is not.
The angle between a reference direction (e.g., magnetic north) and another point as seen
by an observer in a specific location.
The range of frequencies in a signal.
The computed three-dimensional vector between a pair of stations utilizing GPS carrier-
phase data collected simultaneously. This mode of operation offers the most accurate
GPS result.
Blue Book
The informal name of the procedures developed by the National Geodetic Survey that
must be followed for survey data to be submitted for inclusion in the national geodetic
Broadcast Ephemeris
See ephemeris.
C/A Code
The standard (Coarse/Acquisition) GPS code. A sequence of 1023 pseudo-random,
binary, biphase modulations on the GPS carrier at a chip rate of 1.023 MHz. Also known
as the "civilian code."
A signal that can be varied from a known reference by modulation.
Carrier-aided tracking
A signal processing strategy that uses the GPS carrier signal to achieve an exact lock on
the pseudo random code.
Carrier frequency
The frequency of the unmodulated fundamental output of a radio transmitter.
A channel of a GPS receiver consists of the circuitry necessary to receive the signal from
a single GPS satellite.
The transition time for individual bits in the pseudo-random sequence.
Clock bias
The difference between the clock's indicated time and true universal time.
Code phase GPS
GPS measurements based on the pseudo random code (C/A or P) as opposed to the
carrier of that code.
All satellites visible to a GPS receiver at a give time.
Control segment
A worldwide network of GPS monitor and control stations that ensure the accuracy of
satellite positions and their clocks.
Coordinate System
Any two- or three-dimensional reference system which can be used to locate objects in
See Epoch.
Cycle slip
A discontinuity in the measured carrier beat phase resulting from a temporary loss of lock
on a satellite in the carrier tracking loop of a GPS receiver antenna.
A model of the earth consisting of an ellipsoid and an origin. GPS is based on the WGS-
84 datum.
Data message
A message included in the GPS signal, which reports the satellite's location, clock
corrections and health. Included is rough information on the other satellites in the
See Differential Positioning.
Differential Positioning
A positioning procedure that uses two or more receivers with one receiver acting as a
base station that is located at a known, fixed location and the other receivers roving to
unknown points. The base station computes corrections based on the differences between
its known location and its location as computed from the satellite C/A code. These
corrections are applied to positions collected by the roving units. This correction can be
done in real-time via a radio link or during post processing back in the office.
constellation). DOP provides an indicator of the “goodness” of the satellite constellation
visible to the receiver. The smaller the DOP value the better, values less than 3 are
considered “very good” while values greater than 7 are “bad”. Other flavors of this factor
are PDOP (position dilution of precision) and VDOP (vertical dilution of precision).
The introduction of digital noise. This is the process the DoD uses to add inaccuracy to
GPS signals to induce Selective Availability.
A signal processing strategy that uses a measured doppler shift to help the receiver
smoothly track the GPS signal. Allows more precise velocity and position measurement.
Doppler shift
The apparent change in the frequency of a signal caused by the relative motion of the
transmitter and receiver.
Dual Frequency
Referring to the use of both the L1 and L2 signals from the GPS satellites. Its primary use
is to measure and correct for timing delays introduced by the signal traveling through the
A vertical distance above or below a geoid.
Elevation mask
The lowest elevation in degrees at which a receiver will track a satellite. Normally set by
the user to ten degrees or above to avoid atmospheric effects and interference caused by
nearby objects (e.g., trees).
The three-dimensional mathematical figure formed by rotating an ellipse around a minor
axis. The earth’s axis is the polar axis; its semimajor axis is the equatorial radius.
The predictions of current satellite position that are transmitted to the user in the data
message. Satellites transmit ephemeris information that was predicted based on the speed
and trajectory of the craft. The US Coast Guard and National Geodetic Survey publish
exact ephemeris information every week that covers the previous seven days. The exact
ephemeris should be used to calculate locations for geodetic grade surveys.
One complete wave of a radio signal (i.e., 360 degree phase shift). The length of each
period in which a GPS receiver makes one set of satellite measurements.
Fast switching channel
A single channel which rapidly samples a number of satellite ranges. "Fast" means that
the switching time is sufficiently fast (2 to 5 milliseconds) to recover the data message.
Frequency band
A particular range of frequencies.
Frequency spectrum
The distribution of signal amplitudes as a function of frequency.
Of, or concerning, the field of geodesy. Measurements that are referenced to a defined
ellipsoid that allow for effects of a curved earth to be corrected for when computing
direction and distance.
Geographic coordinates
A coordinate system used to locate a point on the surface of the earth. Customarily
referred to as latitude, longitude, and the height above the ellipsoid.
A surface of constant gravitational pull that most closely coincides with mean sea level
over the surface of the earth. The geoid undulates in response to gravitational forces that
affect spirit level vials in theodolites and differential levels.
Geoid Height
The distance between the geoid and ellipsoid at a given point.
Greenwich Mean Time (Pacific Standard Time is +8 hours). See also UTC.
GPS Time
The time used by the GPS system based on the atomic clocks on the satellites. GPS time
was the same as UTC when the system was activated. However, variations in the rotation
period of the earth have caused the two to diverge.
GPS Week
A period of seven days beginning and ending at 0000 hours on Sunday, GPS Time.
Geodetic Reference System of 1980. The ellipsoid on which the North American Datum
of 1983 is based. This datum has the same semimajor and semiminor axis as WGS-84
(the reference ellipsoid for GPS) and differs slightly in the flattening value.
Hardover word
The word in the GPS message that contains synchronization information for the transfer
of tracking from the C/A to P code.
Integer Ambiguity
See Ambiguity.
The band of charged particles 80 to 120 miles above the earth's surface.
Ionospheric refraction
The change in the propagation speed of a signal as it passes through the ionosphere.
Julian date
The day of the year represented as a number, starting with 1 on January 1 and ending on
365 (366 in leap years) on December 31.
Kinematic Positioning
A method of GPS surveying which requires a base station at a fixed, known, position and
uses the L1/L2 carrier-phase observables (including both the C/A code and P-code) and
requires short (1 to 10 minutes) occupation times at the unknown locations being visited
by the roving GPS receiver. This method uses baselines to calculate position and has the
potential to obtain greater accuracy than is possible with differential positioning methods.
The group of radio frequencies extending from 390 MHz to 1550 MHz. The GPS carrier
frequencies (1227.6 MHz and 1575.42 MHz) are in the L band.
The primary carrier band (1575.42 MHz) used by GPS satellites to transmit data. The
band is modulated with the C/A code, P-code, and navigation message.
The secondary carrier band (1227.6 MHz) used by GPS satellites to satellite data. The
band is modulated with the P-code and navigation message.
Land Surveyor
A person registered by the state to practice land surveying. In the state of Washington the
person is licensed under RCW 18.43.
The official unit of linear measurement for NAD-83, defined in 1983 as the length
traveled by light in a vacuum during 1/299,792,458 of a second.
Multipath error
Errors caused by the interference of a signal that has reached the receiver antenna by two
or more different paths. Usually caused by one path being bounced or reflected.
Multi-channel receiver
A GPS receiver that can simultaneously track more than one satellite signal.
Multiplexing channel
A channel of a GPS receiver that can be sequenced through a number of satellite signals.
A set of measurements made at a mark. One to many measurements may comprise a
single observation.
Orthometric height
The perpendicular or vertical distance between a point on the surface of the earth and
some geoid.
The Precise code. A very long sequence of pseudo random binary biphase modulations on
the GPS carrier at a chip rate of 10.23 MHz which repeats about every 267 days. Each
one week segment of this code is unique to one GPS satellite and is reset each week.
See Dilution of Precision.
Precise Ephemeris
See Ephemeris.
A ground-based differential GPS receiver which transmits a signal like that of an actual
GPS satellite, and can be used for ranging and in limited visibility areas to artificially
increase the number of “satellites” visible to the receiver.
A distance measurement based on the correlation of a satellite transmitted code and the
local receiver's reference code, that has not been corrected for errors in synchronization
between the transmitter's clock and the receiver's clock.
Satellite constellation
The arrangement in space of a set of satellites.
Space segment
The part of the whole GPS system that is in space, (i.e. the satellites).
Spread spectrum
A system in which the transmitted signal is spread over a frequency band much wider
than the minimum bandwidth needed to transmit the information being sent. This is done
by modulating with a pseudo random code, for GPS.
Static Positioning
A method of GPS surveying which uses multiple receivers that monitor the L1/L2 carrier-
phase observables (including both the C/A code and P-code) and use long occupation
times. This method uses baselines to calculate position and has the potential to obtain
greater accuracy that is possible with differential and kinematic positioning methods.
Location is determined when the receiver's antenna is stationary on the earth. This allows
the use of averaging techniques that improve accuracy by factors of over 1000.
User interface
The way a receiver conveys information to the person using it. The controls and display.
Universal Time Coordinated. Time as deduced directly from observations of stars and the
fixed numerical relationship between universal and sidereal time.
US Survey Foot
The official unit of linear measurement for NAD-27, defined as 39.38 inches = 1 meter
User segment
The part of the whole GPS system that includes the receivers of GPS signals.
Back to the start of the tutorial...
See Dilution of Precision.
World Geodetic System of 1984, the current standard datum for GPS.
An encrypted form of the information contained in P-Code, which GPS satellites transmit
in place of P-Code when Anti-Spoofing is in effect.