New Immobilizer Concept Based On Scania's Electrical Platform
New Immobilizer Concept Based On Scania's Electrical Platform
New Immobilizer Concept Based On Scania's Electrical Platform
Navid Varzandeh
First and foremost, I am grateful to the god for granting me the patience,
determination, passion and health to accomplish completing this thesis
I would like to express my gratitude to Andreas Jerhammar, the head manager
of embedded SW & functions department in Scania CV AB for providing me
with this opportunity and believing in me and my abilities to succeed in this
I would also like to acknowledge and appreciate my supervisor, Simon Varli
for his time, supervision, support and constructive feedback throughout my
work with him.
I wish to thank each and every knowledgeable, caring and supportive member
of embedded SW & function department for providing a friendly and
productive condition for carrying out my thesis as well as their assist and
Finally, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents for their
unconditional and never-ending supports and sacrifices without which I could
not have achieved my goals.
Immobilizers are security systems that are set up and installed in modern
vehicles in order to prevent thieves from starting the vehicles. The idea is that
if any wrong keys are used to start the vehicle, the immobilizer detects the
wrong key and start the immobilization procedure to stop the vehicle from
turning on.
The vehicle ignition key (key transponder or key fob) is one of the important
components in an immobilizer system. An ignition key in an immobilizer
system has a Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) chip inside it. This
RFID chip holds a specific encryption algorithm and particular number of bits
(encryption key bits) in itself. Using the encryption algorithm and encryption
key bits, RFID chip inside the key authenticates and identifies itself as the right
key to the immobilizer system in order to disable the immobilization
procedure and start the vehicle.
However, there are two ways thieves can disable the immobilization
procedure and start the vehicle. The first approach is by discovering the
specific encryption algorithm and key bits in the right key transponder (RFID)
and using them to duplicate the correct RFID chip to disable the
immobilization procedure and start the vehicle. The second approach is by
exploiting the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in vehicle security network
(CAN bus) to bypass the immobilizer and manipulate the immobilization
procedure to start the vehicle.
Scania vehicles are not using the most secure RFID and immobilization
procedures, hence they are vulnerable to two vehicle theft approaches above.
Therefore in this thesis project, I have done research and investigation on
Scania vehicles key transponder (RFID) and analyzed their immobilization
procedures in order to identify the roots and origins of vulnerabilities in
Scania RFID and immobilization procedures.
As the first result of this thesis work, I have found and proposed an RFID chip
having one of the strongest encryption algorithms and proper number of
encryption key bits for all Scania vehicles. As the second result of this thesis
project, I have proposed and introduced two new individual immobilization
procedures exclusively for Scania hybrid and electrical vehicles.
Both proposed RFID (encryption algorithm) and immobilization procedures
will be implemented in Scania vehicles in near future and will increase the
security of Scania immobilizers significantly.
Table of contents
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................8
1.1 Background...............................................................................................8
1.1.1 RFID recognition .................................................................................8
1.1.2 Immobilization procedure ......................................................................9
1.2 Thesis objectives & proposed solutions ........................................................... 10
1.3 Thesis outline .......................................................................................... 11
2 Theory ........................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Immobilizer RFID chip .............................................................................. 12
2.2 RFID validation process technique ................................................................. 12
2.2.1 Challenge–response technique ............................................................... 13
2.3 Encryption ............................................................................................. 13
2.4 Immobilizer description ............................................................................. 14
2.5 Immobilizer system architecture ................................................................... 14
2.5.1 Central ECU..................................................................................... 14
2.5.2 Random number generator (RNG) ......................................................... 15
2.5.3 Power ECU ...................................................................................... 15
2.5.4 Transceiver ...................................................................................... 15
2.5.5 Transponder ..................................................................................... 15
2.5.6 Instrument Cluster ............................................................................. 15
2.5.7 Starter switch .................................................................................... 16
2.6 Immobilizer system functionality .................................................................. 16
2.6.1 Key validation ................................................................................... 16
2.6.2 Power ECU validation ......................................................................... 17
2.7 Controller Area Network (CAN) bus ............................................................. 18
2.8 Fundamental components in electrical vehicles ................................................. 19
2.8.1 Variable frequency drive (VFD) ............................................................. 20
2.8.2 Electrical machine (Electrical motor, Induction motor) ................................ 20
2.8.3 Fuel cell .......................................................................................... 20
2.8.4 Power inverter (inverter) ..................................................................... 20
2.8.5 Transmission solenoid ......................................................................... 21
3 Process and results .......................................................................................... 22
3.1 Improvement of Scania Immobilizer RFID chip ................................................. 22
3.1.1 Vulnerabilities in current Scania immobilizer RFID chip ................................ 23
3.1.2 AES as new proposed RFID encryption algorithm ....................................... 27
3.1.3 Overview of current known attacks on AES ............................................... 31
3.1.4 AES security measurement criteria .......................................................... 36
3.1.5 Security analysis of proposed RFID encryption algorithm .............................. 37
3.1.6 Security comparison of AES, DES, RSA encryption algorithms ....................... 40
3.2 CAN bus vulnerabilities.............................................................................. 44
3.2.1 Lack of segmentation and boundary defense ............................................... 44
3.2.2 Lack of device authentication ................................................................. 44
3.2.3 Unencrypted traffic ............................................................................ 45
3.3 Solutions to CAN bus vulnerabilities .............................................................. 46
3.3.1 Encryption ....................................................................................... 46
3.3.2 Device authorization ........................................................................... 46
3.3.3 Defense in depth ................................................................................ 47
3.4 Improvement of Scania immobilization procedure ............................................. 49
3.4.1 Current immobilization approach in EV.................................................... 49
3.4.2 Advantages of current EV immobilization approach ..................................... 50
3.4.3 Disadvantages of current EV immobilization approach .................................. 51
3.4.4 New proposed immobilization approach for Scania EV.................................. 52
3.4.5 Current immobilization approach in Scania HEV ......................................... 54
3.4.6 Disadvantages of current HEV immobilization approach ................................ 55
3.4.7 New proposed immobilization approach for Scania HEV ............................... 56
4 Discussion .................................................................................................... 59
4.1 Immobilizer RFID chip .............................................................................. 59
4.2 Immobilization procedure ........................................................................... 61
5 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 63
References .......................................................................................................... 67
1 Introduction
Security is an important matter when it comes to the safety and protection of private
or public assets and belongings.
1.1 Background
There are many Electronic Control Units (ECUs) set up in a modern vehicle and the
task of each ECU is to control the performance of each respective system.
Immobilizer is a system in a modern vehicle hence it requires an ECU to control its
performance. The ECU which controls the immobilizer system is called Central
ECU since it is in the center of all other components and ECUs in an immobilizer
Immobilizer main function is to prevent thieves to start the vehicle. This is done by
validation processes between different components and ECUs in the immobilizer
system of the vehicle. If one of the main components or ECUs is not correctly
validated, the vehicle will not start.
The validation processes in an immobilizer are divided into two stages.
1. RFID recognition
2. Immobilization procedure
Figure 1. RFID recognition stage.
One of the two problems this thesis project aims to solve is that all Scania vehicles,
i.e., conventional/hybrid/electrical vehicles use a simple, uncomplicated and
insecure RFID which can be cracked, compromised and then duplicated by the
thieves and attackers to start the vehicle.
Figure 2. Immobilization procedure stage.
The second problem this thesis work aims to solve is the unreliability of
immobilization procedure in Scania hybrid/electrical vehicles. Technology with
hybrid/electrical propulsion is new. Hybrid/electrical vehicles use electrical
machine alongside or instead of the standard internal combustion engine to start the
vehicle. The immobilization procedures in Scania hybrid/electrical vehicles have
vulnerabilities and weaknesses which introduce potential threats and opportunities
associated with intrusion into immobilizer systems and bypassing them to start the
2. Proposing more secure and efficient immobilization procedures (validation
processes) in hybrid/electrical vehicles that prevent thieves from bypassing
vehicles immobilizers by manipulating them in case of not having access to
the right key.
2 Theory
2.2.1 Challenge–response technique
The challenge–response technique is widely used in immobilizer systems [2], [3]. It
is also known as identify friend or foe (IFF) [4]. The challenge–response technique
utilizes a communication link that operates in both directions (bidirectional). In this
technique, both the verifier (vehicle) and the claimant (RFID chip) share a secret
encryption key and encryption algorithm. When the user toggles the transponder
key inside the starter lock in vehicle, the vehicle sends a random number, i.e., a
random challenge to the key fob’s RFID tag. The RFID inside key fob then encrypts
the random challenge using its exclusive and individual encryption key and
encryption algorithm stored in it. After that, the RFID chip sends the encrypted
response to the vehicle. While the vehicle had been waiting for the response of the
challenge, it also has encrypted its own challenge using the same encryption key and
encryption algorithm that is stored in the RFID of that transponder key.
After receiving the response from the RFID, the vehicle compares it with its own
calculated response. If both match, the vehicle validates the RFID chip (transponder
key) and performs the necessary operations [5].
2.3 Encryption
Encryption is defined as a procedure and technique by which data, information and
messages are encoded. The purpose for encryption is that only individuals who have
been granted the permission (secret key) should be able to access the original and
authentic content of encrypted message. Thus, individuals that do not have the
permission (secret key) cannot decode the encrypted message and access the content
of the encrypted message.
Interferences are not prevented by encryption process, however, encryption rejects
giving access to actual content of encrypted data for individuals who do not have the
secret key to decode the encrypted data. During and encryption process, the
original and actual information or message, i.e., the plaintext, is encrypted by using
an encryption algorithm, i.e., a cipher, which in result generates cipher text
(encrypted text) that can be accessed and read only if decrypted.
Theoretically, it is possible to compromise and break all encryption algorithms.
Nevertheless, an encryption algorithm is considered to be computationally secure if
it cannot be compromised and broken within a reasonable amount of time
respectively with reasonable resources. The term “reasonable” can be interpreted
and defined in different ways in this context. However, current reasonable
assumptions for attacks against immobilizer systems are:
• The attacker does not spend more than five minutes in the vehicle.
• The correct RFID (key transponder) is not available for more than ten days
for analysis.
2.5.2 Random number generator (RNG)
One of the basic components of a random challenge signal message is a random
number. A random number can be classified as dependent, partially dependent, or
independent of the previously generated numbers. In the one extreme case, the
random number can be cyclic. This means that a random number that is generated
this time will not be generated again until all numbers within the random number
space are generated. On the other extreme case, the random number is independent
of the previously generated number, i.e., the probability of getting the same random
number in the next time is the same as the probability of getting any other random
number from the random number space. We call such a random number the
noncyclic random number [5]. Random number generator is implemented as a part
of Central ECU.
2.5.4 Transceiver
The immobilizer transceiver is a passive component which excites the transponder
via inductive power supply (wireless). It also directs the communication messages
from the Central ECU to the transponder chip over LF-Communication, receives
the answers from the transponder and direct them back to the Central ECU.
2.5.5 Transponder
The transponder chip is set up into the starter key. It is excited inductively by the
transceiver and communicates (Wireless) with the Central ECU through the
2.5.7 Starter switch
The starter switch is mounted on the starter lock, as is the transceiver. Signal from
starter switch used by the Central ECU are B (Key in starter lock), U15 (Ignition)
and U50 (Start).
A comprehensive immobilizer function architecture with connections involved
between different components and units is illustrated. See Fig. 3.
The validation starts with the Central ECU sending a randomly generated number
called challenge message to the transponder, which runs randomly generated
number through the encryption algorithm and then sends the encrypted number
back to the Central ECU.
When Central ECU receives the encrypted challenge (response) from the
transponder, the Central ECU checks the encrypted response. If the encrypted
challenge is correct the key is considered to be validated. Otherwise, the
transponder key is set to be invalid.
Figure 4. Sequence diagram of immobilizer challenge-response validations.
Immobilizer checks the status of the validation of the key and Power ECU against
Central ECU. If any validation step fails, a fault code shall be activated, engine start
shall be prohibited. This is done by immobilizer informing the engine handling
module to set the signal “Immobilize and the immobilizer lamp shall be lit”.
Figure 5 demonstrates how a CAN network can considerably decrease the amount
of wiring required in a vehicle by eliminating the old point-to-point topology in
favor of a more efficient, centralized approach which CAN bus provides.
Although the pre-CAN architecture diagram places the ECU at the center of the
logical network, the CAN diagram highlights the network bus itself as the focal
point, eliminating point-to-point connections between devices and reducing the
involvement of the ECU [6].
What makes CAN bus different from other common network bus topologies is that
data is frequently and continuously flowing on the CAN bus whether it is actually
requested or not. CAN is a serial bus network for connecting intelligent devices and
ECUs which has become a globally accepted standard for in-vehicle networking [6].
CAN is lightweight and robust which permits additional components and ECUs to
be added easily to the CAN network without needing to modify existing
components and ECUs. The CAN protocol also allows message prioritization and
error checking and due to stated qualities and capabilities CAN has become the
modern standard for in-vehicle networking [6].
2.8.1 Variable frequency drive (VFD)
A variable frequency drive is a type of adjustable-speed drive used in electro-
mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor
input frequency and voltage.
2.8.5 Transmission solenoid
A transmission solenoid or clinoid is an electro-hydraulic valve that controls fluid
flow into and throughout an automatic transmission. Solenoids can be normally
open or normally closed. They operate via a voltage or current supplied by the
transmission computer or controller. Transmission solenoids are usually installed in
a transmission valve body, transmission control unit or transmission control
As the vehicle goes down the road, the vehicle’s computer analyzes data being sent
by vehicle speed sensors. Based on this information, the Engine Management System
(Engine ECU), or the Transmission Management System (Electrical machine ECU),
executes the appropriate upshift or downshift by sending a signal to one of several
shift solenoids. These transmission solenoids have a spring-loaded plunger inside,
which are wrapped with wire. When this coil of wire receives an electrical charge
from the Engine ECU or Electrical machine ECU, it causes the plunger to open,
allowing transmission fluid to flow into the valve body and pressurize the desired
clutches and bands. When this happens, the transmission changes gears and the
vehicle continues down the road [7].
3 Process and results
4. Security comparison of proposed RFID encryption algorithm with other
well-known encryption algorithms
There are mainly two various ways and techniques by which an attacker can obtain
and collect signals from Scania RFID chip and each technique or mode of attack
requires to be performed in its own practical and effective physical range to result in
a successful signal acquisition (signal recovery). The first mode of attack is active
scanning, where the attackers bring their own transceiver within scanning range of
the Scania RFID which is inside Scania key fob that the driver holds. The idea with
active scanning is that, the attackers use their own programmed transceivers to
charge up Scania key transponder and send a challenge to the key transponder (RFID
chip) and therefore receive the response from Scania RFID chip inside Scania key
Scania RFID implemented in Scania key fob is designed for short range
communication to a transceiver, i.e., on the order of a few centimeters. Practically
however, It is possible for the RFID chip to communicate with transceiver within a
larger range that a few centimeters. Scania RFID chip have the ability to process,
encrypt and transmit maximum number of eight challenges per second. In other
words, Scania RFID chip can transmit two responses to two different challenges in
one fourth of a second. However, one limitation with active scanning is that the
transceiver needs to be as close as a few centimeters in order to be able to charge up
the RFID and transmits challenges to it and receives the encrypted response from
RFID. The reason for this range limitation is that Scania RFID chip is equipped with
an antenna to receive challenges from transceiver and transmit responses to it and
Scania RFID antenna has been designed in a way that it can communicate with
transceivers and be charged up only if the transceivers are within a few centimeters
distance of Scania RFID antenna, hence it is a limitation from Scania RFID chip
antenna [8].
The advantage of active scanning attack is that the attackers can choose the
challenges that they want to send to Scania RFID chip (key transponder) in order to
acquire responses from Scania RFID chip. In principle, therefore, it would be
possible for an attacker with appropriate engineering skills and abilities to build a
completely self-contained cloning device of a small size and pass in close proximity
to a Scania RFID (key transponder), and this device would obtain and collect two
chosen challenge/response sequences and then simulate and duplicate the accurate
RFID chip. Constructing such electrical equipment can only cost a few thousand
kronor [8].
The other way to obtain and collect signals from Scania RFID chip is to intercept
and overhear (eavesdrop) the challenges and responses broadcasted wirelessly
between Scania transceiver and RFID chip. This type of attack is called passive
eavesdropping attack. In this type of attacks, there is no need for attacker to be
within few centimeters of Scania RFID chip to transmit challenges to Scania RFID
chip and charge it up since the aim of the attack is to passively and merely listen to
the challenge/response sequences that take place between Scania transceiver and
RFID chip when the driver inserts the key transponder (RFID chip) inside the
starter lock and turns on the Scania vehicle. Therefore, the success in eavesdropping
and listening to Scania transceiver-RFID chip challenge/response sequences rely
only on the ability and quality of attacker’s receiver antenna in overhearing the
challenge/response sequences between Scania transceiver and RFID chip when the
driver is starting Scania vehicle. It has been investigated that attackers can eavesdrop
and overhear vehicles validations signals within several tens of feet distance from the
transmitter at 13.56 MHz [9].
Scania RFID operates at low frequencies and it has been examined and indicated that
the lower frequency signals pass through the obstacles in an easier way and this
makes signal eavesdropping and overhearing more convenient for lower frequency
signals. However, in order to intercept signals at lower frequencies, attackers need
to have larger receiver antennas. Careful experimentations with correct and precise
assessment of the degree of active scanning and passive eavesdropping suggest that
the threats are well within the realm of practical execution [8].
Every immobilizer RFID chip (every transponder key) is equipped with an
encryption algorithm that has an individual encryption key bits, i.e., a specific
number of bits holding a particular value (zeros and ones). Using its encryption
algorithm and encryption key bits Scania RFID encrypts the challenges (messages
consisting number of bits) sent by transceiver to RFID and transmit them back to
the transceiver.
There are two weaknesses in current Scania immobilizer RFID chip. The first
vulnerability is that Scania RFID chip (transponder key) uses a relatively simple and
uncomplicated encryption algorithm which makes it less difficult and time
consuming for attackers to discover the encryption algorithm using reverse
After finding Scania RFID encryption algorithm, the only information the attackers
need to be able to duplicate the accurate Scania RFID chip is the RFID encryption
key bits. The second weakness in current Scania immobilizer RFID chip is
inadequate number of encryption key bits that Scania RFID chip has.
It has been shown that having already found and cracked the RFID encryption
algorithm, two challenge/response validation sequence between actual RFID chip
and immobilizer transceiver is enough for attackers to discover and exhaust RFID
encryption key bits in under 21 hours using a single Xilinx XC3S1000 FPGA (Field-
programmable gate array) on a commercial evaluation board. However, by having
16 evaluation board and connecting all of them in parallel, it is possible to recover
RFID unique encryption key bits in under an hours [8].
The recovery of RFID encryption key bits is done by scanning through all
combinations of bits for all number of bits until the actual accurate encryption key
bits is discovered. Hence, the more number of bits an immobilizer RFID chip holds
the more complicated and time consuming it would be for the attackers to recover
the RFID encryption key bits.
Having RFID encryption algorithm and encryption key bits, the attackers can
duplicate the exact accurate RFID chip (transponder key) and utilize it to start and
steal Scania vehicles.
Figure 6 illustrates the structure of challenge-response validation between
immobilizer RFID chip (key transponder) and vehicle Security System (Central
ECU) [8].
Based on the two weaknesses and vulnerabilities detected and discovered in Scania
immobilizer RFID chip (transponder key), i.e., simple and uncomplicated
encryption algorithm and inadequate number of encryption key bits, the solution is
Scania current immobilizer RFID chip needs to be replaced by a stronger
immobilizer RFID chip whose encryption algorithm is based on a standard, publicly
scrutinized encryption algorithm with an adequate encryption key bits length, e.g.,
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm having 128-bit
encryption key length [11].
1. Key expansion: The encryption keys for all arounds are obtained and
expanded from the AES key schedule algorithm.
2. Initial round: AddRoundKey ; The state array is XOR’ed with the first
round key.
3. Rounds: Each round except last round performs following four steps.
28 Sub bytes
SubBytes means substitution of byte of the state array by searching in lookup table
which is named substitution box or S-box. S-box is a 16x16 lookup table and it
holds 256 different values. The S-box table has all possible values for 8-bit sequence
that means in decimal 0 to 255. Each byte of the state array is the input of this
SubBytes step and the input byte is alternated by a corresponding value. Figure 7
demonstrates S-box [12].
Each byte is mapped into a new byte in the following way. The left most 4 bits show
the row and right most 4 bits indicate the column of S-box. If the input byte in S-
box is b7 (in binary 10110111), then the left most 4 bits means 1011 (b) illustrates
the row number and 0111 (7) indicates the column number of S-box. So the output
value for input b7 is a9 (in binary 10101001) [15].
• Second row of state array is moved (shifted) 1 byte in the left direction.
• Third row of state array is moved (shifted) 2 bytes in the left direction.
• Fourth row of state array is moved (shifted) 3 bytes in the left direction.
Generally, row ‘a’ is left shifted cyclically for (a-1) bytes [12]. Following figure
shows how ShiftRows step of AES-128 and AES-192 operates. See Fig. 8.
The importance of this step is to prevent the columns being linearly dependent. In
decryption, the inverse ShiftRows step performs opposite direction shifting of each
of the last three rows [12]. Mix columns
MixColumns step provides diffusion in AES encryption like ShiftRows stage. Each
column of state array involves in MixColumns step and produces an output column.
This step takes a column of state array and performs matrices multiplication with a
specified matrix and produces an output column [12]. Add round key
AddRoundKey is the first step of encryption and decryption process. It is also the
last step in every round of AES encryption algorithm. In AddRoundKey step, the
plaintext is XOR’ed with round key, i.e., 16-byte state array XOR’ed with 16-byte
(4 words) round key and produces 16-byte (128 bit) output [12]. See Fig. 9.
Figure 9. State array XOR'ed with Round Key [12].
31 Power analysis attack
Power analysis attacks take advantage of many of the same vulnerabilities and
weaknesses with AES implementations as timing attacks. Power consumption
profiles can reveal secret encryption key information leaked by micro-architectural
mechanisms [17]. Military encryption systems usually apply and use physical
intrusion protection mechanisms. Therefore, one might assume that this would
make them secure against power analysis attacks. However, poorly designed
equipment may permit other parameters and factors that correlate with current
draw to be monitored remotely (e.g. electromagnetic leakage or transmission
power). An attacker can also access the power consumption profile of a target
encryption system by inserting a monitoring device secretly during the design phase
or later in an unprotected area of the equipment (e.g. within the battery pack) [17]. Fault injection analysis attack
Although AES has proven to be sensitive to fault analysis, an attacker must be in
physical possession of the cryptosystem to carry out and perform this attack and may
even require access to the actual encrypting device [18]. Moreover, the attack
requires utilization of a “fault model” of the device and a means to reliably inject
faults without permanently damaging the unit under attack. The fault model must be
available before an attack is planned and can need detailed knowledge of the design
and structure of the system. Even though fault injection analysis doesn’t currently
pose a practical threat to military communications applications, research in this area
is brisk and practical applications have already appeared [17].
In [19], a predictable fault injection is illustrated by under-powering an AES-base
smart card to induce and inject time violations. This work indicated that faults can
be induced reliably according to an AES fault model and, more importantly, without
permanently damaging the unit under attack.
32 Related-key and distinguishing attack
A related-key attack is a version of a chosen plaintext differential attack. The
attacker selects multiple pairs of plaintexts, where the difference between the
plaintexts in each pair is determined. Using the encryption algorithm as a black box
oracle, the attacker encrypts each plaintext with two keys, where the difference
between the keys is determined (however the keys themselves are unknown); these
are the "related" keys for which this attack is named. From the information
obtained, the attacker recovers the unknown keys [17]. A cryptographic hash
function is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a bit string of
a fixed size (a hash) and is designed to be a one-way function, i.e., a function which
is impractical to invert. Although related key attacks are improbable to compromise
AES encryption algorithm, related key attacks might succeed when an encryption
algorithm is used as part of a cryptographic hash function. A successful related-key
attack may then compromise and break the hash function [17].
A known-key distinguishing attack is an attack model against symmetric encryption
algorithms, i.e., encryption algorithms with the same encryption key bits for
encryption and decryption process. In such attacks, attacker who knows the
encryption key can find a structural property in cipher, where the transformation
from plaintext to encrypted text is not random. There is no trivial formal definition
for what such a transformation may be. These attacks do not directly compromise
the confidentiality of encryption algorithms, because in a classical scenario, the
encryption key is unknown to the attacker. However, they are known to be
applicable in some situations where encryption algorithms are converted to hash
functions [17]. Gilbert and Peyrin have issued and released a known-key
distinguishing attack which compromise and break the 8-round version of AES-128
[14]. Nevertheless, 128-bit AES exercises 10 rounds, so this attack will not be
effective and successful against full AES-128, however it can be practical and break
and compromise a nearly-full-strength variant of AES [17]. Linear and differential attacks
Linear attack exercises linear relationships that exist between inputs and outputs of
an encryption algorithm. Linear combinations of plaintext patterns and linear
combinations of encrypted text patterns are compared to linear combinations of
encryption key bits. The goal is to discover a relationship that is valid either
considerably more or less than 50% of the time. This will form a "biased"
approximation which can then be utilized to determine encryption key bits [17].
Differential attack uses relationships that exist between differences in the input and
output of an encryption algorithm [20]. In the case of an encryption algorithm,
plaintext patterns with specified differences are examined. The objective is to
discover "characteristics". Characteristics are particular differences in pairs of
plaintext patterns that, for a given encryption key, have a high probability of causing
specific differences in the encrypted text pairs [17].
A differential attack would consist of applying pairs of plaintext with determined
differences, observing the differences in the encrypted text pairs and giving
probabilities to different candidate subkeys. The probabilities will be based on the
attacker’s knowledge of the encryption algorithm's characteristics. Enough trials are
performed such that the accurate encryption key can be determined [17]. Algebraic attack
An algebraic attack is a method of attack against an encryption algorithm. It
34 SAT solver hybrid attack
An encryption algorithm such AES encryption algorithm can be formulated as a very
complicated Boolean expression having a number of variables. These variables are
the plaintext input bits, the encryption key bits, and the encrypted text output bits.
The Boolean expression is considered to be true if and only if the encrypted text bits
are equal to the encryption of the plaintext bits using the encryption key bits [17].
One way to attack an encryption algorithm is to set the plaintext and encrypted text
variables in the Boolean expression to the values corresponding to a known
plaintext-encrypted text pair, and then to find values for the encryption key
variables that make the Boolean expression true. This is an instance of the Boolean
satisfiability (SAT) problem. A computer program that automatically finds the
solution to a SAT problem is called and known as a SAT solver [17].
A more effective strategy is to integrate a SAT solver with another technique to
result in a hybrid attack. A research paper reported an integrated side-channel and
SAT-solver attack on DES, 3DES, and AES [22]. It is demonstrated that if a side-
channel attack can find and recover values for the input and output bits of any one of
the ten rounds of AES, a SAT solver can then recover the full 128-bit encryption
key. Nonetheless, according to the research paper, the researchers did not actually
perform the side-channel attack, nor did they evaluate the difficulty of finding all the
inputs and outputs of a round using side-channel techniques, so whether this hybrid
attack would work in practice and reality is still unknown [17]. Meet in the middle attack
In the meet-in-the-middle (MITM) attack the attacker requires pairs of plaintext and
its corresponding encrypted text. The attacker divides the encryption algorithm into
two subciphers. One of the subciphers encrypts the plaintext and the other decrypts
the corresponding encrypted text. The idea is to make these subciphers ” meet in
the middle” by finding an accurate key-pair. See Fig. 10. This technique is
ineffective and unsuccessful against AES because it has a nonlinear key schedule [23].
3.1.4 AES security measurement criteria
Security is the fundamental and key term of Advanced Encryption Standard.
Security of AES encryption algorithm means how resistant this encryption algorithm
is against active or passive attack. Security of AES-128 is measured and assessed
based on three criteria [12].
• Time security
• Avalanche effect
Now the brute force attacking time based on processing speed of latest super
computers can be measured and evaluated. As shown in Table 2, even with a
modern super-fast computer, it would take billions of years to crack and recover the
128-bit AES encryption key using brute force attack [12].
36 Avalanche effect
Avalanche effect is a property that is very crucial and critical for encryption
algorithms. An encryption algorithms is considered to have Avalanche property if
for flipping or changing just a single bit in plaintext or in encryption key bits, the
encrypted text changes considerably (about half of the encrypted bits). If an
encryption algorithm does not show acceptable degree of Avalanche effect, then the
attackers can recover the plaintext by analyzing the encrypted text and therefore
break the encryption algorithm [12]. Strict Avalanche Criterion
Strict Avalanche Criterion is an important property for a secure and strong
encryption algorithm. In encryption algorithms, Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC) is
considered to be maintained by algorithms if, one bit complemented either in
encryption key or in plaintext brings about a significant change in encrypted text,
i.e., about one half of the encrypted text. This SAC completely depends on
encryption algorithms confusion and diffusion characteristics. In AES, SubBytes,
ShiftRows and MixColumns steps provide a substantial degree of confusion and
diffusion [12].
Case 1: The plaintext changes and differs by 1 bit in every experiment but the
encryption key is always constant. Encryption key (16 byte): 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f. Table 3, indicates the Avalanche effect result for case 1.
Table 3. Avalanche effect for fixed key but variable plain text on AES-128 bit [12].
No Plain text Cipher text (Hex.) Bit variance Avalanche
(Alphabet) (%)
Case 2: The plaintext always remains constant but the encryption key will change by
1 bit in every experiment. Input plaintext (16 bytes): ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP.
Table 4, demonstrates the Avalanche effect for case 2.
Table 4. Avalanche effect for fixed plaintext but variable key on AES-128 [12].
No Key Cipher text (Hex.) Bit Avalanche
variance (%)
1 00 01 02 03 04 6DDDBB27CAB5B875FEEB 68/128 53.13
05 06 07 08 09
0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
2 00 01 02 03 04 A65749D1BF1444BCEDB68
05 06 07 08 09
6837 C18E237
0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
3 00 01 02 03 04 0054396C46CC2330B334959 64/128 50.00
05 06 07 08 09
0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
4 00 01 02 03 04 6DDDBB27CAB5B875FEEB
05 06 07 08 09
0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
5 00 01 02 03 04 D8B5B0EBF6787F53163B64 66/128 51.56
05 06 07 08 09
0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
6 00 01 02 03 04 7185F7D1451E8EE0530E676
05 06 07 08 09
0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
From Table 3 and 4, it can be realized that AES-128 maintains an acceptable degree
of confusion and diffusion property and thus a proper degree of bit variance and
Avalanche effect [12].
AES-128 also maintains a satisfactory degree of Strict Avalanche Criterion. Table 5,
illustrates that among 8112 encryption samples, AES encryption algorithm manages
to maintain SAC for 4322 times in average. It means for flipping 1 bit from zero to
one or one to zero in input plaintext, AES encryption algorithm results in more or
equal than 50% change in encrypted text in 4322 times [12].
Case 1 8112 4321 3791
Case 2 8112 4306 3806
Case 3 8112 4312 3800
Case 4 8112 4333 3779
Case 5 8112 4342 3770
Average 4322 3790
Table 6. Comparison between AES, DES and RSA [27].
Developed 2000 1977 1978
Encryption key 128, 192, 256 56 >1024
bit length
Plain text bit 128 64 ≥ 512
length (Block
Ciphering Same (Symmetric- Same (Symmetric- Different
(encryption) & key algorithm) key algorithm) (Asymmetric-key
deciphering algorithm)
(decryption) key
Scalability Not Scalable It is scalable Not Scalable
algorithm due to
varying the key
size and block size
Encryption Faster Moderate Slower
Decryption Faster Moderate Slower
Power Low Low High
Security Excellent Not enough Least secure
Deposit of Needed Needed Needed
algorithm keys
Rounds 10/12/14 16 1
Simulation speed Fast Fast Fast
HW & SW Faster Better in HW than Not efficient
Implementation SW
Ciphering Different Different Same
(encryption) &
Four text files of different sizes of 153 KB, 196 KB, 312 KB and 868 KB have been
utilized to conduct four experiments, where a comparison of three encryption
algorithms AES, DES and RSA has been carried out. Performances of encryption
algorithms have been evaluated and assessed based on following factors.
1. Encryption Time
2. Decryption Time
The encryption time is considered the time that an encryption algorithm takes to
produce an encrypted text from a plain text. Encryption time is computed as the
total plaintext in bytes encrypted divided by the encryption time. Decryption time
holds the opposite definition of encryption time. Comparisons analyses of the results
of the selected different encryption algorithms have been performed [28].
Experimental results for encryption algorithms AES, DES and RSA are shown in
Table 7, and their corresponding graphs are demonstrated in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12.
Table 7. Comparison of AES, DES and RSA encryption and decryption time [27].
Size Number Algorithm Packet Size Encryption Decryption
(KB) Time (Sec) Time (Sec)
1 AES 153 1.6 1
DES 3.0 1.1
RSA 7.3 4.9
RSA 8.2 5.1
Figure 11. Comparison of encryption time between AES, DES and RSA [27].
Figure 12. Comparison of decryption time between AES, DES and RSA [27].
By analyzing Table 7, Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 which show time taken for encryption and
decryption on various sizes of files by three algorithms, it can be observed that RSA
algorithm takes much longer encryption and decryption time compared to time
taken by AES and DES algorithms. Furthermore, AES and DES algorithms indicate
very minor and insignificant differences in time taken for decryption process.
Based on the text files utilized and the experimental results illustrated, it can be
realized that AES encryption algorithm spends the least encryption time and RSA
takes the longest encryption time. Moreover, it is inferred that decryption time of
AES algorithm is very close to DES and significantly better than RSA algorithm.
Therefore, from the simulation results, it is evaluated that AES algorithm is superior
than DES and RSA algorithm in terms of encryption and decryption time [27].
CAN bus architecture, under normal situations and conditions, operates very well.
Nonetheless, the system does nothing to prevent unauthorized and illegitimate
devices and controllers from joining the CAN bus and transferring messages out to
any listening controllers or listening to transmitted messages sent by other
CAN bus manipulation and exploit can be done by listening passively to the CAN
bus broadcasted messages and record the different messages for various vehicle
functions which is trivial in its level of difficulty. Once an attacker understands the
valid and legitimate message format for the given vehicle, he can design and create
his own CAN messages to manipulate the vehicle. There are many third-party
solutions available today which enable even an amateur attacker to sniff traffic on the
CAN bus. An example of such product is CANdo from Netronics [30].
3.3 Solutions to CAN bus vulnerabilities
3.3.1 Encryption
A major limitation facing CAN encryption is the CAN protocol’s maximum message
field size of 8 bytes. It is widely accepted that a strong encryption algorithm needs a
128-bit or 256-bit block size, i.e., a strong encryption algorithm requires at least
128-bit plain text to encrypt. One promising encryption solution for encryption of
CAN messages is SecureCAN from Trillium which is a small Japanese company. The
Trillium encryption system found in SecureCAN utilizes three different algorithms.
A message first undergoes substitution, the resulting encrypted text then passes
through a transposition algorithm and eventually, time-multiplexing is applied
before the encrypted text is broadcasted on CAN bus [31].
Trillium claims the entire process of encryption, transmission, and decryption can
be executed in less than one millisecond, which falls within the time threshold
needed for real-time automotive CAN bus applications and utilities. Additionally,
SecureCAN can change the encrypted text at random intervals, potentially multiple
times per second, utilizing frequency channel hopping. Therefore, it will be close to
impossible for attackers to intercept and manipulate CAN messages if SecureCAN
encryption solution is implemented [31].
One of the solutions to encryption of identifier filed is to utilize a unique and
individual encryption code saved in each of the authorized CAN bus ECUs, so that
unauthorized CAN bus controller or device cannot communicate with the
authorized devices. This is problematic because any modification of identifier field
of CAN data frame will result in the recipient CAN controllers and ECUs ignoring
the message, as they no longer recognize and identify the source. Therefore,
encryption of the CAN identifier needs using of a hardware-based encryption
solution placed between the sending and receiving CAN controllers [32].
Richards’ solution demands use of a pair of KEELOQ peripheral devices to serves as
encryption and decryption devices between transmitting and receiving CAN ECUs.
KEELOQ is a proprietary hardware-based encryption algorithm that is owned by
Microchip Technology Incorporated. There are some potential downsides to this
solution, as it would add additional processing time to CAN message transmissions,
further expense and cost for automakers, and more weight to the vehicle.
Therefore, the implementation and execution of any security solution will always
come with some trade-offs [32].
Figure 13. Defense in depth approach to secure CAN communication [33].
The above model has several layers of security so that CAN data would still be
protected if an attacker were somehow able to compromise and exploit one of the
security controls. Through this defense-in-depth approach, the CAN bus is
protected and secured against even the most determined attacker [33].
Alternatively, Ethernet has shown significant capacity as one possible solution to
replacing CAN with more fundamentally secure infrastructure [34].
3.4 Improvement of Scania immobilization procedure
Immobilization approach is a method or mechanism by which the start of vehicle is
prevented if any of validation processes between specified ECUs in immobilizer
system fails. Therefore, the vulnerabilities in immobilization approach enables
attackers to start the vehicle despite of not possessing the right ignition key (RFID
chip), by bypassing all validation rounds in the immobilizer system.
It is important to notice that CAN bus vulnerabilities depicted earlier in previous
section, sets up and facilitates this type of security attack on immobilizer.
In this section, I have first investigated and discovered current Scania EV/HEV
immobilization approaches by reading documents on different security layers of
EV/HEV immobilizer systems and illustrated the advantages and disadvantages of
the immobilization approach that current Scania EV/HEV use.
In the final step, I have proposed two unique and original immobilization approaches
and concepts for both Scania EV and HEV which not only eliminate current
vulnerabilities in immobilization approach of EV/HEV but also eliminate the
chances of bypassing the validation stages to bypass the immobilizer system and start
the vehicle.
However, in electrical vehicles, Electrical machine ECU is validated against Central
ECU while in conventional vehicles it is Engine ECU which is validated against
Central ECU. If either of key validation or Electrical machine ECU validation does
not happen successfully, Electrical machine ECU engages a clutch in automatic
transmission to neutral gear in order to prevent the vehicle from moving even if
Electrical machine ECU allows power supply to inverter and start of electrical
machine. The overall schematic of ECUs in EV illustrates how different ECUs are
connected when immobilizer operates. See Fig. 14.
50 Low number of validation
There is only one more validation beside Transponder-Central ECU validation,
which is Central ECU-Electrical machine ECU validation. The lower number of
validations lead to a simpler validation programming algorithms as well as faster
performance of immobilizer operation in overall. If there are excessive number of
validation procedures in an immobilizer operation, the total processing time of
validation stages may exceed the maximum time limit determined for immobilizer
to complete its operation and hence the vehicle might not start running when
cranked even though the right key is used. Validation between company own developed ECUs
Another advantage of having Central ECU and Electrical machine ECU validating
each other is that almost always both of these ECUs’ software is completely
developed and programmed by manufacturers of vehicles themselves. Therefore, in
case of technical difficulties, bugs and software problems, vehicle manufacturers
manage to identify and resolve the issues independently. Moreover, various types of
developments, modifications and upgrades can be implemented in Central ECU-
Electrical machine ECU validation algorithm by vehicle manufacturers without any
issues and external dependencies on product suppliers.
51 Unreliable immobilization procedure
In EV immobilizers, the immobilization is executed by Electrical machine ECU
controlling the electrical charge to the transmission solenoids for engaging the
required clutch in order to set the gear to neutral. Therefore, the attacker can
replace Electrical machine ECU inside EV which is conveniently reachable from
driver cabin with desired ECU that the attacker has programmed. Consequently, the
programmed ECU sends the required electrical charge to transmission solenoids to
change the clutch and gear from neutral to drive and disable the immobilizer.
Attacker can achieve this by supplying the transmission solenoids with required
electrical voltage to set the desired clutches and gears. The thief needs to have
acceptable knowledge of CAN network and manufacturer automatic transmission
electrical structure to accomplish to disable the immobilizer by putting the gear
from neutral to drive.
Thus, instead of Electrical machine ECU requesting transmission unit (including
gearbox) to set the desired clutch to neutral gear by transmitting electrical charge to
transmission solenoids, Electrical machine ECU requests MGU to supply inverter
with no DC power. Otherwise, if the correct key is used, all validation processes
will be successful including Electrical machine ECU-MGU. Consequently, Electrical
machine ECU requests MGU to provide required DC power to the input of inverter
to apply required torque and speed to the electrical motor and in turn the wheels.
Following figures demonstrate the differences in validation processes between
current and proposed immobilizer strategy. See Fig. 15 and Fig. 16.
Figure 15. Validation process in current EV immobilizer after Key-Central ECU validation.
Figure 16. Validation processes in proposed EV immobilizer after Key-Central ECU validation.
Figure 17. ECUs in HEV and their CAN bus connections.
This introduces a weakness and flaw in HEV immobilizer which can be exploited by
attacker to turn on the electrical motor and run HEV on electric mode. The attacker
can achieve this by using any key that can be toggled to U15, which is the state that
the key has in starter lock immediately before cranking the vehicle. After toggling
the key to U15, the immobilizer blocks the fuel and starter motor circuit and
Central ECU sets the specific CAN signal to “Not Ready” and sends it to Electrical
machine ECU. However, since the only safety measure to immobilize the electrical
part of HEV is by sending a specified CAN message set to “Not Ready” to Electrical
machine ECU, the attacker can connect to the CAN bus, manipulate the CAN
message to “Ready” and sends it to Electrical machine ECU, and consequently run
the electrical motor and thus HEV.
Figure 18. Validation process in current HEV immobilizer after Key-Central ECU validation.
Figure 19. Validation processes in proposed HEV immobilizer after Key-Central ECU validation.
4 Discussion
In this thesis project, main focus and concentration has been placed on finding a
reasonable, practical approach to efficiently increase the immobilizer security of
EV/HEV and conventional vehicles. Therefore, the security of Scania vehicles
immobilizers have been investigated and consequently, immobilizer security level of
Scania EV/HEV and conventional vehicles have been successfully improved by my
proposals from two perspectives and aspects.
1. Immobilizer RFID chip
2. Immobilization procedure
The importance of this thesis work has intensified since AES encryption algorithm
has been authorized to protect and secure classified and unclassified national security
systems and information. In 2003, U.S National Security Agency (NSA) took the
unprecedented step of approving a public-domain encryption algorithm, AES, for
classified information encryption and processing. Prior to this milestone, all
encryption algorithms approved and authorized by the NSA for classified data
encryption and processing were, themselves, classified and secret.
Therefore, the strength of any secure and good encryption algorithm is not
enhanced by holding the design as secret. In fact, a public domain encryption
standard is subject to continuous, careful and expert attacks. Any breakthroughs will
most probably be available to users as well as attackers at the same time.
AES encryption algorithm has been designed to be secure and protected against
differential and linear attacks, therefore any threat from these attacks is minimal.
Despite impressive initial results, algebraic attacks have not made sufficient progress
to be feasible. Hybrid algebraic/SAT solver attacks might yield results, however
these attacks have not yet been comprehensively studied. A breakthrough is
uncertain, nevertheless caution is still advised. AES encryption algorithm is
vulnerable to a related key attack when utilized in a hash function structure and is
not recommended for these applications. Furthermore, due to the large encryption
key bits combinations and high computational complexity, the brute-force attacks
are not threatening the security of AES.
Nonetheless, side channel attacks pose a very real danger and menace in the military
and government communications domain. Research on side channel attacks of AES
implementations has made sufficient progress to necessitate serious consideration by
The system designers should consider to control the incidental leakage of
information in the physical implementation of not only the encryption system but
throughout the entire equipment. For fielded systems, physical access to the
equipment and its peripherals (batteries, headsets, etc.) should be observed and
watched. Any of these could be exploited as a secret and covert entry point by the
attacker for monitoring a range of parameters.
The next five to ten years of encryption attacks will probably not break AES
encryption algorithm, however it may weaken AES security enough that a new
standard encryption algorithm will have to be developed. Hence, it is not far-
fetched for a new AES-2 encryption algorithm development effort to start no later
than 2020.
temporary and interim solutions such as enhanced round or a multiple encryption
versions of AES can also be taken into account. Besides identifying an appropriate
replacement, a major challenge would be logistics. The only risk alleviation and
mitigation for either of these is to plan in advance as if a breakthrough is certain and
undeniable. It has been determined that research on encryption attacks is making
progress against AES. Further caution is recommended since that progress is
occurring in the public domain. Results show that AES encryption algorithm could
be potentially vulnerable to different side channel attacks. Nevertheless, appropriate
countermeasures are available which, when properly implemented, can eliminate
these vulnerabilities and weaknesses at the equipment level. Other methods and
techniques such as algebraic attacks, hybrid attacks, etc., are making steady
progress, however no breakthroughs have been announced.
However, Electrical machine ECU-MGU validation described in my proposed EV
immobilizer, prevents attacker to manipulate and bypass the immobilizer even by
replacing Electrical machine ECU with his/her own programmed ECU and sending
engineered CAN messages to set the gear to drive mode or manipulating battery
supply. Since as long as the Electrical machine ECU-MGU validation fails MGU
makes sure that no DC power is supplied into inverter’s input to run the electrical
In HEV, the proposed immobilizer would implement the same immobilization
procedure as proposed in EV, hence the attacker cannot manipulate the CAN signal
to Electrical machine ECU in order to run the electrical motor and HEV because
there will be Central ECU-Electrical machine ECU and Electrical machine ECU-
MGU validations involved.
Therefore, the only option to steal HEV/EV and run away with it is to break into
the vehicle and replace MGU and inverter with the attacker’s new programmed
ECU and inverter or finding the correct individual 128-bit encryption bits of
particular HEV/EV RFID chip. In both cases, the attacks would be highly far-
fetched to be feasible and they are considerably time consuming.
Nevertheless, there is always a tradeoff between security level and time, cost and
system complexity. Each validation process adds its own validation time to the total
immobilizer operational time. Although in my proposed immobilization procedures,
the validations added will not cause immobilizer total operational time to exceed its
allowed time constraints, it should be noted to take the operating time of
immobilizer system into account when increasing validation rounds and security
layers. Moreover, each of additional validation processes require their own separate
programming software, hence the complexity of the immobilizer software increases.
The only drawback to my proposed immobilization procedures is that, the required
software for Electrical machine ECU-MGU validation developed by Scania needs to
be transferred to the supplier of MGU to be implemented in their MGU products.
Therefore, Electrical machine ECU-MGU validation algorithm causes Scania to have
some dependencies on supplier of MGU.
Therefore, in case of software changes such as developments, upgrades, bug fixes
and maintenance in the validation process between Electrical machine ECU and
MGU, the external supplier also needs to modify the program written for their
MGU products to adapt to software changes done in Scania.
5 Conclusions
This thesis project also indicates and elaborates that a major obstacle to the
development of secure automobiles is the archaic CAN bus technology that lies at
the core of almost every modern vehicle. Because of the significant limitations of
CAN, automakers will be forced to implement “Band-Aid” fixes for CAN until a
fundamental reconstruction and overhaul of vehicle networking architecture occurs.
Ideally, security should be designed and implemented into vehicle systems from the
ground up. Security should never be considered as an afterthought, nor should
security features and measures be applied reactively. Ethernet has shown promise as
one possible solution to replacing CAN with more fundamentally secure
It is concluded from this thesis work that insufficient number of validation processes
as well as insecure and unreliable immobilization procedures have been analyzed to
be the downsides and weaknesses of current EV immobilizers. Stated weaknesses
have been compensated for and turned into strength in my proposed EV
immobilization procedure in this thesis work by introducing appropriate validation
Another conclusion can be drawn by my inspection and investigation of current
HEV immobilizers that lack of validation process for immobilization of electrical
part of HEV is current HEV immobilizers main and most critical disadvantage.
Mentioned HEV weakness can be ameliorated and improved by integrating my
proposed EV immobilization procedure into HEV immobilizer system.
The only downside to my proposed immobilization procedures can be counted to be
sharing part of Electrical machine ECU-MGU validation algorithm with MGU
supplier to be implemented in their MGU products when produced.
Nevertheless, as the result of this thesis project my proposed RFID (AES-128
encryption algorithm) and immobilization procedures will be implemented in Scania
vehicles in near future and will increase the security of Scania immobilizers
Finally, it can be concluded that there is always a tradeoff between immobilizer
security level and immobilizer operational time, cost and system complexity
(concerning hardware and software). More secure immobilizers call for more
sophisticated immobilizer algorithms and structures, hence necessitating more cost
and immobilizer process (operation) time. Following figure illustrates the tradeoff
relation between security level, cost, operational time and complexity of an
immobilizer. See Fig. 20.
Figure 20. Tradeoff relation between security level, cost, operation time and complexity of an immobilizer.
It can be realized from Fig. 21, the overlapping area by 3 primitive circles illustrates
a security system requiring a pin code, a physical key and a biometric information to
grant access to the desired system, hence considered a high security level system.
We can already observe smart phones with finger print security, thus it is not
unreasonable in any case to predict that moving towards more advanced
technologies and going through severe economic and financial crisis will call for
significantly stronger security systems in future to assure the security and safety of
invaluable and priceless materials and information.
Finally, future works and spin-off projects could entail further investigation and
research on Asymmetric encryption algorithms, cellular networks and biometric
verifications as latent prospective immobilizer technologies.
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