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Torsion - Notes PDF

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The key takeaways are that torque applied to a shaft causes twisting and induces shear stresses. The shear stress distribution increases linearly from the center and is maximum at the surface. The theory of pure torsion is used to analyze shafts subjected only to torque.

The assumptions of the theory of pure torsion are: the material is homogeneous and elastic, the stress does not exceed the elastic limit, the circular cross-section remains circular, the cross-section remains plane, and the cross-section rotates as if rigid.

The relationship between shear stress and distance from the shaft center is that the shear stress increases linearly from zero at the shaft center to a maximum value at the surface.

Strength of Materials

4. Torsion of Shafts

The shafts besides taking up axial loads they can also be subjected to another type of
loading called as Torsion. Torsion occurs when any shaft is subjected to a torque (moment
about the axis of shaft). The torque makes the shaft twist and one end rotates relative to
the other inducing shear stress on any cross section.

Above figure shows an example of torsional shaft. Turbine exerts torque TD on shaft; shaft
transmits this torque to generator. The generator in turn creates an equal and opposite
resistant torque TR. The net effect of TD and TR is to twist the shaft and induce shear stress.

Pure torsion:
A member is said to be in pure torsion when its cross sections are subjected to only
torque and not accompanied by axial forces or bending moment.
Consider a shaft with only torque applied on it as shown below; examine the
deformation of a length dx between two transverse planes of a shaft with an applied torque
For this differential element, assume the left end is fixed and the right end rotates by
dφ due to the applied torque T, where dφ is termed as Angle of Twist of the element.

The surface of radius “ρ” rotates through angle γ, which is shear strain. The arc is defined as
length da, which is equal to:

Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal 1

Strength of Materials

This is constant for the cross-sectional plane. Above equation, states that the
magnitude of shear strains for any of these elements vary only with its radial distance ρ.
By using Hooke’s Law:

and by substituting for shear strain γ

We have

It implies that shear stress varies linearly to the distance ρ away from the centre of the
section. As a result, the shear stress distribution then looks as shown in fig below.

Theory of pure torsion:

Theory of pure torsion is framed in order to describe the behaviour of shafts subjected to
torque. In theory of pure torsion we derive equations that help to find shear stress and
angle of twist of the shaft. Theory of pure torsion is based on following assumptions.
(i) The materiel is homogenous i.e. of uniform elastic properties exists throughout the
(ii) The material is elastic, follows Hooke's law, with shear stress proportional to shear
(iii) The stress does not exceed the elastic limit.
(iv) The circular section remains circular
(v) Cross section remains plane.
(vi) Cross section rotate as if rigid i.e. every diameter rotates through the same angle

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Strength of Materials

Torsion equation:
Consider a shaft of length L, radius R fixed at one end and subjected to a torque T at the
other end as shown in fig.

Let O be the centre of circular section and B a point on the surface. AB be the line on the
shaft parallel to the axis of shaft. Due to torque T applied let B move to B’. If φ is shear strain
Triangle BOB’ and θ is the angle of twist in length L, then

Similarly if the point B considered is at any distance r from centre instead of on the surface,
it can be shown that

Thus shear stress increases linearly from zero at axis to the maximum value q s at surface.
Now consider the torsional resistance developed by an elemental area δa at distance r from
centre (Ref fig). If q is the shear stress developed in the element the resisting force is –

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Strength of Materials

Where T-Torsional moment (N-mm)

J-Polar moment of inertia (mm4)
q- Shear stress in the element (N/mm2)
r- Distance of element from centre of shaft (mm)
G-Modulus of rigidity (N/mm2)
Θ-Angle of twist (radians)
L-Length of shaft (mm)
The above equation is called as torsional equation.

Polar Modulus:
From torsion equation


where qs is maximum shear stress(occuring at surface) and R is extreme

fibre distance from centre.

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Strength of Materials

Where Zp is called as Polar Modulus of Section. It may be observed that Zp is the property of
the section and may be defined as the ratio of polar moment of inertia to extreme radial
distance of the fibre from the centre.
(i) For solid circular section of diameter d,

(ii) For hollow circular section of outer diameter d1 and inner diameter d2

Torsional Rigidity/Stiffness of Shaft:

From torsion equation

We get

Hence the term GJ may be looked as torque required to introduce unit angle of twist in unit
length, and is called as torsional rigidity or stiffness of shaft. This term is analogous to the
term flexural rigidity (EI) used in theory of bending.

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Strength of Materials

Classwork problems:
What is the minimum diameter of a solid steel shaft that will not twist through more than 3°
in a 6-m length when subjected to a torque of 12 kN·m? What maximum shearing stress is
developed? Use G = 83 GPa.

Solid steel shaft 5 m long is stressed at 80 MPa when twisted through 4°. Using G = 83 GPa,
compute the shaft diameter. What power can be transmitted by the shaft at 20 Hz?

A steel propeller shaft is to transmit 4.5 MW at 3 Hz without exceeding a shearing stress of
50 MPa or twisting through more than 1° in a length of 26 diameters. Compute the proper
diameter if G = 83 GPa.

Show that the hollow circular shaft whose inner diameter is half the outer diameter has a
torsional strength equal to 15/16 of that of a solid shaft of the same outside diameter.

The working conditions to be satisfied by a shaft transmitting power are:
i. The shaft must not twist more than 1o in a length of 15 times diameter
ii. The shear stress must not exceed 80 MN/m2.
What is the actual working stress and diameter of the shaft to transmit 736 kW at 200 rpm?
Take shear modulus as 80 GN/m2.

Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal 6

Strength of Materials

A shaft is required to transmit 245 kW power at 240 rpm. The maximum torque may be 1.5
times the mean torque. The shear stress in the shaft should not exceed 40 N/mm 2 and the
twist 1o per metre length. Determine the diameter required if –
a. The shaft is solid
b. The shaft is hollow with external diameter twice the internal diameter.
Take modulus of rigidity=80 kN/mm2.

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Strength of Materials

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Strength of Materials

Compare the weight of solid shaft with that of a hollow one having the same length to
transmit a given power at a given speed, if the material used for both the shaft is same. Take
inside diameter of the hollow shaft as 0.6 times the outer diameter.

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Strength of Materials

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Strength of Materials

Prove that a hollow shaft is stronger and stiffer than a solid shaft of same material, length
and weight.

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Strength of Materials

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Strength of Materials

An aluminum shaft with a constant diameter of 50 mm is loaded by torques applied to gears
attached to it as shown in Fig. Using G = 28 GPa, Determine the relative angle of twist of
gear D relative to gear A.

Torsion of stepped shafts:

A shaft may consist of a number of small shafts of different cross sections or of different
materials. To analyze these shafts, first torque resisted by each portion is found and then
individual effects are clubbed. While finding torque resisted by each portion the following
points are to be noted.
a. At fixed end torque of required magnitude develops to keep the shaft in equilibrium
b. The torques developed at the ends of any portion are equal and opposite
c. At common point between two portions angle of twist is the same.

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Strength of Materials


Let T1 and T2 be the torques developed at ends. Then,

From these two conditions T1 and T2 can be found.

A shaft composed of segments AC, CD, and DB is fastened to rigid supports and loaded as
shown in figure below. For bronze, G = 35 GPa; aluminum, G = 28 GPa, and for steel, G =
83 GPa. Determine the maximum shearing stress developed in each segment.

Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal 14

Strength of Materials

The shaft shown in figure is securely fixed at A and is subjected to a torque of 8 kN-m. If
portion AB is solid shaft of 100 mm diameter and portion BC is hollow with external
diameter 100 mm and internal diameter 75 mm, find the maximum stress and maximum
angle of twist. Take G=80 kN/mm2.

Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal 15

Strength of Materials

Practice problems:
A solid shaft 50 mm diameter and 0.7 m long is subjected to a torque of 1200 N-m. Calculate
the shear stress and the angle of twist. Take G=90 GPa. Also find the shear stress and angle
of twist if a hollow shaft of same length and material is subjected to same torque taking
OD=50 mm and ID=30 mm.

A hollow shaft and a solid shaft has same material, same length, same outer radius R, and ri
= 0.6 R for the hollow shaft
(a) For same T, compare their τ, θ and W
(b) Determine the strength to weight ratio

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Strength of Materials

Determine the diameter of solid shaft which will transmit 440 kW at 280 rpm. The angle of
twist must not exceed one degree per metre length and the maximum torsional shear stress
is to be limited to 40 N/mm2. Assume G=84 kN/mm2.

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Strength of Materials

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Strength of Materials

A bar of length 1000 mm and diameter 60 mm is centrally bored for 400 mm, the bore
diameter being 30 mm as shown in figure. If the two ends are fixed and is subjected to a
torque of 2 kN-m as shown in figure, find the maximum stresses developed in the two

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Strength of Materials


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