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Tekmar 483 tN4 Gateway - USB

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- Data Brochure D 483

tekmarNet®4 Gateway 483 06/10

1 Information 2 Application 3 Rough In 4 Wiring 5 Data 6 Job

Brochure Brochure Wiring Brochure Brochure Record
Choose controls Design your Rough-in Wiring and Control settings Record settings &
to match mechanical wiring installation of and sequence of wiring details for
application applications instructions specific control operation future reference

The tN4 Gateway 483 allows contractors, building managers and home owners the ability to remotely access tekmarNet ®4
compatible controls through a computer web browser such as Internet Explorer ®, Firefox®, or Safari®. Access can be either
direct, through a local area network, or through the Internet.
Temperature adjustment, scheduling, and monitoring of each thermostat is made simple by allowing the installer to name
each thermostat and also group thermostats into areas within the building. Users can select to have scheduled status
reports and system alerts emailed automatically.

• tN4 Compatible • Monitor and Adjust Temperatures
• No Annual Fees • Adjust Schedules
• Apple Mac ® OS X® Computer Required • Adjust and Activate Scenes
• Remotely Accessible Using Windows®, • Activate Setpoint Controls
Mac OS X, or Linux • Low and High Level Alert Contacts
• Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari • Alert Demand
• Email Status Reports and Alerts

Alert on
Power USB 1 2

Alert Demand Alert on

Low Priority Alert

High Priority Alert

tN4 Bus 0

tN4 Bus 1

tN4 Bus 2 off not testing

red testing
tN4 Bus 3 red testing paused
tN4 Bus 4 Test
Made in Canada by Caution: Not a UL
tekmar Control Systems Ltd. approved Alarm Panel
tektra 1017-01
Power: 115 V ±10% 60 Hz 45 mA
tN4 Gateway 483 Demand: 20 to 125 V (ac) 2 VA
Date Code

Relays: 115 V (ac) 5 A 1/3 hp, pilot duty 240 VA

Caution: Signal wiring must be rated at least 300 V.
Do not apply power
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Power Alert Relays 0 1 2 3 4 Alert

N L Input Low High C0 tN4 C1 tN4 C2 tN4 C3 tN4 C4 tN4 USB 2.0 Demand

1 of 20 © 2010 D 483 - 06/10

Table of Contents
Contents ........................................................................2 Installation of tN4 Gateway Web Host Software ........6
Additional Requirements .............................................2 Configuring Mac OS X..................................................7
Before you Start............................................................2 tN4 Gateway Web Pages ..............................................8
483 Hardware ................................................................3 Networking Options ................................................... 13
Status LED Indicators.................................................4 Router Configuration for LAN ................................... 14
Testing the Control .....................................................4 Router Configuration for Internet ............................. 16
Cleaning .....................................................................4 Accessing the Gateway.............................................. 17
Apple Mac OSX Computer ...........................................5 Updating the tN4 Gateway Web Host Software ....... 19
Background ................................................................5 Trademarks ................................................................. 19
Installation of Computer .............................................5 Warranty ......................................................................20
Mac OS X Basics .......................................................5

• tN4 Gateway 483 • Wiring Brochure W 483
• Web Hosting Software CD P 036 • Data Brochure D 483
• 6 foot USB cable • Job Record J 483
• Screwdriver • User Brochure U 483

Additional Requirements
An Apple Mac computer with OS X version 10.5 “Leopard” or • Power Manager 345, 346
10.6 “Snow Leopard” is required. This computer will be used • tN2 House Control 400, 401, 402
as a web server to host the tN4 Gateway web pages. • Boiler Reset Module 420
Web Browser • Mixing Reset Module 421
• Universal Reset Module 422, 423
The tN4 Gateway web pages can be viewed from any
computer that has one of the following web browsers: • Mixing Expansion Module 440, 441, 444
• tN4 User Switch 479, 480, 481
• Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher
• tN2 Thermostat 527, 528, 530
• Firefox version 2.0 or higher
• tN4 Thermostat 537, 538, 540, 541, 542, 543***, 544,
• Safari version 2.0 or higher 545, 546
Compatible tN4 Products * 161 versions J1141A and J1141B are not fully compatible
with the 483
The tN4 Gateway 483 version J1193F is compatible with
** 162 versions J1142A and J1142B are not fully compatible
the following tN4 products:
with the 483
• tN4 Timer 033 *** 543 versions J1126A to J1126I are not fully compatible
• Setpoint Control 161*, 162** with the 483
• Boiler Control 274, 275 Please contact your tekmar sales representative for
• tN2 Wiring Center 313, 314 assistance with affected 161, 162, and 543 products.
• tN4 Wiring Center 315, 316
tN4 products not listed may not be compatible with this
• Zone Expansion Module 324, 325, 326 version of the 483 software. Contact your tekmar sales
• Zone Manager 334, 335, 336, 337 representative for information.

Before You Start

Before connecting the tN4 gateway to a tekmarNet® system, manual address. This address should be written down
it is recommended that the system be fully completed, together with the room location for future reference.
with no tekmarNet ® thermostats or setpoint control’s being The tN4 gateway records the address of each tekmarNet ®
added or removed at a later date. Also, each tekmarNet ® thermostat and setpoint control. For each address, the
thermostat and setpoint control device is automatically installer can name the room location and building area for
assigned a tekmarNet ® address when connected to the each thermostat and setpoint control.
system. It is recommended that each device be given a

© 2010 D 483 - 06/10 2 of 20

483 Hardware
Switch Settings Alert Relays
Alert on The 483 includes two relay contacts that indicate alerts to
break 3rd party monitoring equipment such as a security system,
automation system, or telephone auto dialer.
Alert on The High Priority Alert Relay closes when the following
make error messages are active on the tN4 System Control:
Alert on break / Alert on make • Master Device Error
When using the Alert Demand (terminals 16 and 17), the • E01 Adjust Error
483 can either register an alert when the alert demand is • Boiler Sensor Short Circuit Error
removed (Alert on break – switch setting in up position) or
• Boiler Sensor Open Circuit Error
it can register an alert when the alert demand is applied
(Alert on make – switch setting in down position). • Mix Sensor Short Circuit Error
• Mix Sensor Open Circuit Error
Unlock / Lock
• Mixing Expansion Module Missing Error
The Unlock / Lock switch allows the use of a factory
default user ID and password for the tN4 gateway login • Mixing Expansion Module Conflict Error
web page. • Mixing Expansion Module Sensor Short Circuit Error
When set to Unlock (switch setting in up position), the user • Mixing Expansion Module Sensor Open Circuit Error
ID is “installer” and the password is “tekmar”.
After logging in to the tN4 gateway login web page, create The Low Priority Alert Relay closes when the Alert Demand
personal accounts for yourself and your customer through is present or removed according to the Alert on break /
the configuration page. Once the personal accounts are Alert on make switch setting.
completed, the Unlock / Lock switch can be set to Lock.
The Low Priority Alert Relay also closes if there is any
The default user ID and password are then no longer
error on the tN4 system that is not included on the high
priority list.
Should the personal account user ID or passwords be
Once the error is corrected, the respective Alert Relay
forgotten, the Unlock / Lock switch can be set to Unlock
contact is opened.
and the default user ID and password can be used to create
new personal accounts. Note: The 483 is not a UL approved alarm panel.

IMPORTANT NOTE Low Priority Alert

Once the tN4 Gateway installation is complete, it is important
that the switch setting be left in the Lock position in order High Priority Alert
to prevent unauthorized access.

Alert Demand
The Alert Demand terminals (16 and 17) provide a way
for external devices to create a Low Priority Alert and
provide an email notification. The Alert Demand and Low
Priority Alert LEDs turn on when a voltage between 20 to
125 V (ac) is applied or removed depending on the Alert
on break/Alert on make switch setting. This demand also
closes the Low Priority Alert Relay. Through the gateway
web interface, the installer can assign the Alert Demand
to provide a user defined warning message that is sent
through email.
The Alert Demand could be used to detect the low level
switch of a fuel oil tank, or monitor a low water cut off.
Note: The 483 is not a UL approved alarm panel.

Alert Demand

Low Priority Alert

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Status LED Indicators
LEDs On Off
Power Power is on. Power is off.

Alert Demand Alert demand is present. Alert demand is not present.

Low Priority Alert A low priority alert is present. No low priority alert.

High Priority Alert A high priority alert is present. No high priority alert.

USB USB communication is present. No USB communication.

tN4 Bus 0 tN4 communication on bus 0 is present. No tN4 communication on bus 0.

tN4 Bus 1 tN4 communication on bus 1 is present. No tN4 communication on bus 1.

tN4 Bus 2 tN4 communication on bus 2 is present. No tN4 communication on bus 2.

tN4 Bus 3 tN4 communication on bus 3 is present. No tN4 communication on bus 3.

tN4 Bus 4 tN4 communication on bus 4 is present. No tN4 communication on bus 4.

Testing the Control

The 483 includes a built-in test routine that tests the alert • Step 1: The Low Priority Alert Relay is closed for 10
relays. seconds and then opened.
Start the test routine by pressing the Test button for 1 • Step 2: The High Priority Alert Relay is closed for 10
second. The Test LED turns red. seconds and then opened.
The 483 then exits the test routine and resumes normal
Test LED operation.
Pause the test routine by pressing the Test button again
while in the test routine. The Test LED flashes red while
paused. Press the Test button again to resume the test
Test If the test routine is paused for more than 5 minutes, the
483 automatically exits the entire test routine.
The 483 exterior can be cleaned using a damp cloth. Moisten the cloth with water and wring out prior to wiping the device.
Do not use solvents or cleaning solutions.

Apple Mac OSX Computer

Background For applications where the gateway will be accessed directly,
The Mac OS X computer functions as a web server for it is recommended to purchase an Apple iMac ® (desktop
the tN4 Gateway. The web server creates and maintains computer) or MacBook® (laptop computer).
the gateway web pages so that any computer with a web If using an Apple Mac Mini computer, it is recommended
browser and a network connection can access the gateway. to mount the computer to the wall using the H-Squared
This includes PC’s with Microsoft Windows, PC’s with Linux, Mini Mount available from the Apple store.
Mac’s with Apple OS X, as well as smart phones such as
an Apple iPhone™. Installation of Computer
For applications where the gateway will be accessed remotely Wire the computer according the instructions provided with
from another computer, it is recommended to purchase an the computer and the Wiring Brochure W483.
Apple Mac Mini computer since it does not come bundled Computer Setup
with a keyboard, mouse, or monitor. A keyboard, mouse,
Press the power button (found on the back of the Mac
and monitor are required during installation but can be
Mini) and go through the startup screen steps. It is very
removed once installation is complete. If possible, complete
important that the computer username and password is
all the computer settings, computer network settings, and
recorded for future reference. Should the username and
install the tN4 Gateway web host software before installing
password be lost, the operating system must be reinstalled
the computer at the job site to eliminate the need to bring
in order to install any new software.
a monitor, keyboard and mouse to the job site.
© 2010 D 483 - 06/10 4 of 20
Mac OS X Basics
System Updates
If the computer is connected to the Finder File Edit View Go Window Help
Internet, it is recommended to update Menu Bar (drop down lists) Hard Drive (Disk)
to the latest software. Click on the
Apple icon in the top left corner, and Close Minimize Maximize
then click “Software Update”. Switch Between Double left
View Modes click to view
View Previous /
Search Field contents
View Next
Shutting the Computer Down
Should you need to shut down the Folders
Mac OS X computer, click the Apple Click Triangles PLACES
icon in the top left corner, and then to expand
contents Folders and
click “Shut Down”.
links to common
file and device
Window Operation can be
Red = close the window accessed
from here.
Amber = minimize the window Click on links
to display
Green = maximize the window contents in Drag with left mouse
right pane button to resize window

By default, the dock is located at the Finder Window
bottom of the screen. It has icons for Desktop
commonly used programs.

Finder Finder Safari System Preferences Trash Can

Click on the Finder icon to search or (View Files & Folders) (Built-in Web Browser) (Power, Networking, Etc.) (Delete files or
eject media)
browse for files on the computer. Dock (Quick Way to Open Applications, Folders & Files

Safari Web Browser System Preferences Ejecting a Disk

Click on the Safari Web Browser icon Click on the System Preferences icon To eject a CD or DVD disk, drag
to start the web browser. to change settings on the computer. the Disk icon to the Trash Can
icon. The disk will then eject.

Installation of tN4 Gateway Web Host Software

To install the tN4 Gateway on the Mac web host computer,

follow these steps.

STEP 1) Insert the Web Hosting Software CD P036 into

the disk drive slot on the computer. The CD will
appear as an icon on the computer desktop.
Double click on the CD icon.

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Installation of tN4 Gateway Web Host Software (continued)

STEP 2) The finder window is now open with the CD

contents displayed in the right side pane.

STEP 3) Double click the icon called “Install”.

STEP 4) Click Yes when the dialog box asks to install

tN4 Gateway Software.

STEP 5) Click and drag the CD icon towards the garbage

can on the dock. The garbage can turns into an
Eject symbol. Drop the CD icon on top of the
Eject symbol to eject the CD from the computer
disk drive.

The tN4 Gateway web host software is now installed. Click

on the amber dot in the upper left corner to minimize the
tN4 Gateway window.
minimize button

Configuring Mac OS X
Disable OS X Automatic Updates
The Mac OS X automatic software updates can interfere System Software
with the normal operation of the tN4 Gateway software. It Preferences Update
is recommended to disable the automatic software update
feature. Please note that Mac computer software updates
can still continue to be performed manually.

STEP 1) Click on the System Preferences icon to

change settings on the computer.

STEP 2) Click on Software Update.

STEP 3) Uncheck “Download important updates


STEP 4) Uncheck “Check for updates”.

The window can be closed by clicking on the red dot in

the upper left corner.

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Configuring Mac OS X (continued)
OS X Energy Saving Settings
System Energy
Since the tN4 Gateway could be accessed at any time,
Preferences Saver
the Mac OS X computer must be on all the time and must
automatically restart after power loss. This requires changing
the Energy Savings settings.

STEP 1) Click on the System Preferences icon to change

settings on the computer.

STEP 2) Click on Energy Saver. Click on Sleep. On the bar

graph labeled “Put the computer to sleep when
it is inactive for:”, select “Never”.

STEP 3) Click on Options. Check mark the box “Restart

automatically after a power failure”.

The window can be closed by clicking on the red dot in the

upper left corner.

Add Gateway to Login Items

System Accounts
The tN4 Gateway software must start each time the computer Preferences
is turned on. To do this, the tN4 Gateway must be added
to the Login Items.
STEP 1) Click System Preferences.
STEP 2) Click Accounts.
STEP 3) Click Login Items.
STEP 4) Click the “+” sign symbol.
STEP 5) In the Applications list, find “tN4 Gateway” and
click the Add button.
The tN4 Gateway is now listed as an application that opens
each time the computer is powered on. The window can be
closed by clicking on the red dot in the upper left corner.

Mac OS X Firewall Configuration

If there is no router installed between the Mac web host System
Preferences Security
computer and the cable or DSL high speed modem, then it
is recommended to turn on the Mac OS X firewall and then
allow a program called “ruby” to access the network. The
firewall protects the computer from unauthorized access.
STEP 1) Click the System Preferences icon.
STEP 2) Click on the Security icon.
STEP 3) Click on the Firewall tab.
STEP 4) Select the option for “Set access for specific
services and applications”.
STEP 5) Restart the computer.
STEP 6) A dialog box will appear: “Do you want the
application “ruby” to accept incoming network
connections?” Click “Allow”.
Use the red dot in the upper left corner to close the window.

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tN4 Gateway Web Pages
Database Population Time
The tN4 Gateway requires approximately two minutes per
thermostat and setpoint control to populate the database.
You may login at any time although some information may
not be available until the database is complete.

Direct Access
To access the tN4 Gateway web pages on the Mac web
host computer, click on the Safari web browser and enter
the following IP address:
Login Page
The gateway login page will appear. Bookmark this address
to the web browser to allow quick and easy access to the
tN4 Gateway.

Login Page
During the initial installation, the Unlock / Lock switch must
be set to Unlock to enable the default login “installer” and
the default password “tekmar”. The login and password
are case sensitive.
After personalized login accounts have been created it is
highly recommended to set the Unlock / Lock switch to
Lock to prevent unauthorized access.
Make sure to record your login and password for future
reference. Home Page

Home Page
The home page shows the basic details of the tN4

Configuration Pages
Click on ‘Configuration’ to enter the Configuration Pages
Job Site
Enter the job site name, street location, building owner
contact information and installing contractor information.
Job Site
A custom image of the building can be uploaded to the
gateway. It is recommended that the image size be 1 mb
or less. The image will be displayed on the home page.

Select either Fahrenheit or Celsius as the temperature
units for the tN4 Gateway. The clock time format can be
set to either 12 hour time or 24 hour time.

© 2010 D 483 - 06/10 8 of 20
Enter up to 12 building areas that thermostats can be
belong to. Examples would be First Floor, Second Floor,
East Wing, West Wing, etc.

Enter a name for each tN4 thermostat and tN4 setpoint
control based upon its tN4 address. Then select the building
area that the thermostat is located in.

The tN4 system can operate in one of up to eight scenes
(building overrides). Each scene can be given a custom
name and each scene can be selected whether or not it is
available to users logging into the tN4 Gateway with User
access account level.

Click on New User to create a login for each person that
will have access to the tN4 Gateway.
For each login account, select the access level that the
person has to the tN4 Gateway. The installer access level
allows access to all the tN4 Gateway web pages. The user
access level only allows access to the Home, Temperatures,
and Scene web pages. This access is recommended for
the average home owner.
Provide the account with a name, login name, email address
and password. Click ‘Add User’ to create the account.
• The login and password are case sensitive. The login Scenes
must be at least 3 characters and the password must
be at least 4 characters.

In order for the tN4 Gateway to send email to the personal
accounts, the tN4 Gateway must connect to a mail server.
Gmail & AOL accounts require a user name and password.
Some Internet service providers (ISP’s) only require the SMTP
server address, others will require additional settings. Users
Contact your ISP to determine the settings for the
• SMTP Server Address
• SMTP Server Port
• Email account user name
• Email account password
• HELO domain
• Authentication mode Plain, Login or CRAM MD5
• If TLS / SSL is used Email
9 of 20 © 2010 D 483 - 06/10
A short message can be entered to use as the message
whenever an Alert Demand is activated.
Room hot and room cold warning points can be set.
Should the temperature exceed the hot room setting or
the temperature fall below the cold room setting, an email
can be sent.
Select for each user if they should be sent an email
whenever the following occur:
• External Alert Demand - immediately
• Hot room warning - sent each hour on the hour
• Cold room warning - sent each hour on the hour
• Error messages - sent each hour on the hour
• Daily status reports - sent each day at midnight
• Weekly status reports - sent each Sunday
All Thermostats / Setpoint Controls Settings
Each thermostat is named after the room in which it is
located in. Likewise, each setpoint control is named after the
function that it operates. For each thermostat and setpoint
control, the current temperature is shown, together with the
current heating and cooling temperature. Click on the up
or down button to adjust the temperature. The heat setting
automatically increases the cooling setting if adjusted within
3°F (1.5°C) of the cooling setting. Likewise, the cooling setting
automatically decreases the heating setting if adjusted within
3°F (1.5°C) of the heating setting. This prevents cycling
between heating to cooling on the thermostat. A red box
indicates that the thermostat is heating. Likewise, a blue
box indicates that the thermostat is cooling.
Individual Thermostat / Setpoint Control Settings Temperatures
Click on the thermostat name to access the individual
thermostat or setpoint controls settings.
• The current temperature, scene and schedule status
are shown.
• The mode can be set to Auto, Heat, Cool, or
Off. The options available are determined by the
thermostat model.
• The Heat setpoints are available when mode is set to
Heat or Auto.
• The Cool setpoints are available when mode is set to
Cool or Auto.
• The Fan settings are available when a fan is available
on the thermostat.
• The Heat, Cool, and Fan may have multiple settings
depending if a setback schedule is used on the
thermostat. If no schedule is used then only the
Occupied setting is available. If a two event schedule Thermostat / Setpoint Control Settings
is used, then the Occupied and Unoccupied settings
are available. If a four event schedule is used, then the
Wake, Unoccupied, Occupied, and Sleep settings are
• A green box around a setting indicates the current
schedule event the device is operating at.

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Scene Overview
Select the scene or building override that you want the
building to operate at. For example, the scene could be set
to Normal while the building is occupied, and then set to
away while the building occupants are away on vacation.
Setpoint controls that are using the setpoint device enable
feature can be activated or placed in standby operation
using the scenes page. Click on the Active button to have
the setpoint control operate at the Occupied temperature
setting. Click the Standby button to have the setpoint control
operate at the standby setting. The standby temperature
setting is set by the application mode configured on the
setpoint control.
Scene Overview

Scene Details
Click on the Details link to view the response of each
thermostat in a particular scene.
The thermostat response for Scenes 1, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are
configurable. Possible responses are as follows:

the device operates on its regular

the device operates at the occupied
temperature and ignores any schedule.
the device operates at the unoccupied
temperature and ignores any schedule.
the device operates at the wake
temperature and ignores any schedule.
the device operates at the sleep
temperature and ignores any schedule.
the device operates at the away
Away Scene Details
temperature and ignores any schedule.
Select the desired temperature for each thermostat by
clicking on the drop down menu and then click the upload
The thermostat response for Scenes 2, 3, and 6 are factory
set and are not configurable.

Schedule Overview
The overview page lists the schedules on the tN4 system,
the location of the schedule master thermostat, and the
thermostats that are members of this schedule.

Schedule Overview

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Schedule Detail
Click on the schedule name to access the schedule
For each schedule event time, enter the time to the nearest
ten minutes in which the event is to start at.
Click on the Upload Times button to send the settings to
the schedule master thermostat.

System Details Schedule Detail

System Details Overview

The system details page provides details such as if a
demand is present on the system control, boiler and mix
target temperatures, boiler and mix temperatures and boiler
and mix percent output levels.

Bus Zone View

Click on a the bus zones to have a list of all thermostats System Details Overview
and setpoint controls on the bus, the current thermostat and
setpoint controls temperature and temperature setpoints,
mode of operation, schedule status, scene status, tN4
address and bus water temperature.

Device Inventory
Bus Zone View
The device inventory page lists the tN4 address of each
device on the tN4 system, the area name, the thermostat or
setpoint control name, the product model number, product
name and description, and the software version.
In some cases, a device may have been connected and
then removed to a tN4 bus. Click the Forget button to
remove the device from the database. If the device is still
on the tN4 bus, the gateway will automatically detect and
add the device to the database.

Graphs Device Inventory

The graphs page is able to graph the Boiler, Mixing, and
Thermostat temperatures over any selected time period.

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Networking Options
Direct Access (No Network) Internet Network
The tN4 Gateway web pages can be accessed using the The tN4 Gateway can be accessed through the Internet
Safari web browser on the Mac web host computer. This when the Mac web host computer is connected to a cable
is called direct access. In this case there is no computer or DSL high speed modem using either wired Ethernet or
network. wireless Wi-Fi. With the Mac web host computer connected
directly to the Internet, it is important to turn on the Mac OS
X firewall. See Mac OS X Firewall Configuration section
for details on configuring the firewall.

DSL or Cable

Access Web Server
Computer USB

Web Server


on Internet

Local Area Network LAN and Internet Network using a Router

The tN4 Gateway can be accessed from other computers The tN4 Gateway can be accessed either on a LAN or
on a Local Area Network (LAN) when the Mac web host through the Internet when the Mac web host computer
computer is connected to this LAN. This is a common is connected to a router, either through wired Ethernet or
application when accessing the tN4 Gateway from inside wireless Wi-Fi. The router is then in turn connected to a cable
the same building. To create a LAN, connect the computers or DSL high speed modem. This configuration creates two
to a router or to a network switch using wired Ethernet or networking areas, the Local Area Network (LAN), and the
wireless Wi-Fi. Internet. See the Router Configuration section for details
for configuring the router.

Inside LAN Computer
Inside LAN


Web Server Router,

Computer Switch Web Server
or Hub Computer
Router, Switch DSL or
or Hub Cable



on Internet Internet

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Router Configuration for LAN
Router Basics
Most tN4 Gateway installations will have a router installed.
The router directs computer network traffic from one External IP Internal IP
computer to another and also includes a firewall that

Port Forwarding
protects the Local Area Network (LAN) from unauthorized
access from the Internet. Gateway

Please note that due to the large variety of routers available,

tekmar does not provide technical support for router
configuration. Contact a computer network contractor if
assistance is required. Router Internal IP

Static LAN IP Address Remote Networked

Computer Computer
Most routers use a DHCP server that automatically assigns
an IP address to each computer. These addresses are
dynamic, which means that a particular computer can be
given a new address each time it is turned on. System Network
Since the Mac web host computer needs to be accessed
from other computers, it requires a static address that is the
same every time the computer is turned on. This requires
changing the Router DHCP settings and assigning a static
IP address the Mac web host.

Configure Router DHCP Settings

The router has a DHCP range must be adjusted to allow for
static IP addresses. This can be done from any computer
within the LAN. To do this from a Mac computer:

STEP 1) Click the System Preferences icon.

STEP 2) Click on the Network icon.

STEP 3) Click ‘Built-in Ethernet’ or ‘Ethernet’.

STEP 4) There is a field called “Router”. In this field the

router IP address is shown. A common router Safari
IP address is: Refer to the router
documentation for the router IP address of your

STEP 5) Click on the Safari icon to launch the web

browser. In the address field, type the router IP
address and press enter. The router login page Type Router IP address here
will appear and the router user ID and password
are required.

STEP 6) In the router settings, set the DHCP IP range so

that there are eight free IP addresses available.
For example, if the router address is,
then the DHCP range should be set to start at This allows eight static IP addresses
to be available ( to

Router Settings Page

© 2010 D 483 - 06/10 14 of 20

Configure Static IP on Mac Web Host Computer
Now that the DHCP range has been changed to allow a
range for static IP address, the Mac web host computer System
can be given a static IP address. Preferences Network

STEP 7) Return to the Network window in System


STEP 8) In the Configure pull down menu, select “DHCP

using manual address”.
STEP 9) In the IP address field, enter the static IP address
for the Mac web host computer. Record this
address for future use. If the router address is then the Mac web host computer IP
address can be set to

STEP 10) In the DNS Server field, enter

This directs the computer to use OpenDNS.com
to resolve DNS searches on the Internet.

STEP 11) Select the “Apply” button to apply the settings.

The Network window can now be closed by
clicking on the red dot in the upper left corner.

If the gateway is to be accessed only from within the LAN,

then all the settings are complete and the web browser
can be closed by clicking on the red dot in the upper left
corner of the window.
If the gateway is to be accessed from the Internet, then
additional router settings are required to open port 3000
on the router firewall.

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Router Configuration for Internet
A router includes a firewall that protects the LAN from the
Internet by blocking incoming data traffic on non-standard
ports. The firewall has external ports available to the Internet
and also internal ports available to the LAN. The gateway
operates on port 3000. In order to allow Internet access Safari
to the Mac web host computer, the firewall internal port
3000 must be opened to TCP traffic. The firewall external
port can be set to any unused port number; however, it is
recommended to select 3000 as the TCP external firewall
port to keep it consistent.
The following steps describe how to setup the router from
a Mac computer:
STEP 1) Click on the Safari icon to launch the web
Type Router IP address here
STEP 2) Enter the router IP address and press enter.
STEP 3) Enter the router user ID and password at the
login page if required.
STEP 4) Find the router port forwarding rules. This
feature can have other names depending on
the manufacturer of the router. Other names
include port address translation, network address
translation or applications and gaming.
STEP 5) Name the port forwarding rule (such as tN4
Gateway), open external TCP port 3000, and
then open internal TCP port 3000.
STEP 6) Enter the static LAN IP address of the Mac web
host computer.
STEP 7) Save the settings and log out of the router.
The router configuration is now complete and the web
browser window can be closed by clicking on the red dot
in the upper left corner.

© 2010 D 483 - 06/10 16 of 20

Accessing the Gateway
Direct Access Internet Access
When the Mac web host computer is not connected to a The tN4 Gateway can be accessed through the Internet
computer network, the tN4 Gateway web pages are only when using a high speed cable or DSL modem. The high
available directly off the Mac web host computer connected speed modem may or may not be connected to a router.
to the 483. This is called direct access. If a router is installed, follow the instructions in the Router
To access the tN4 Gateway web pages, click on the Safari Configuration section. If a router is not installed, follow
web browser and enter the following IP address: the instructions in the Mac OS X Firewall Configuration
An Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides an Internet
The gateway login page will appear. Bookmark this address IP address that can be either static (always the same) or
to the web browser to allow quick and easy access to the dynamic (changes on a regular basis). Static IP addresses
tN4 Gateway. are desirable since the address is always the same, making
it easy to locate on the Internet. Static IP addresses usually
Local Area Network Access require a business account from the ISP. Residential ISP
A very common application is to access the tN4 Gateway on accounts are often provided a dynamic IP address. In
another computer within the same building. Both computers order to easily access the tN4 Gateway that has a dynamic
will be connected to a Local Area Network (LAN). Most IP address, a free dynamic DNS service is required. The
often the LAN will have a router installed, although a hub or dynamic DNS service operates by linking a domain name
switch could also be installed. If a router is installed, follow (example: www.tekmarcontrols.com) to a dynamic IP address
the instructions in the Router Configuration section. (example: This allows the IP address to
To access the tN4 Gateway web pages from any computer change, while the domain name is always the same.
inside the LAN, find out the Mac web host computer’s static Contact your ISP to determine if a static or dynamic IP
LAN IP address by following these steps: address has been provided.
STEP 1) On the Mac web host computer, click on the Static IP Address
System Preferences icon. If the ISP has provided a static IP address, the Mac web
host computer’s IP address can be easily determined by
STEP 2) Click on the Network icon. clicking on the Safari icon to start the web browser and
enter the following address:
STEP 3) Under Built-in Ethernet, the IP address is shown.
Record the LAN IP address for your records.
On this web page, the static IP address is shown. Write
down this IP address for your records.
From any computer connected to the Internet, start a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari) and enter the
static IP address followed by :3000 and press enter. An
From any computer connected to the LAN, start a web example would be:
browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari) and enter
this IP address followed by :3000 and press enter. An The tN4 Gateway login web page will appear. Bookmark
example would be: this address in the web browser to allow quick and easy access to the tN4 Gateway while on the Internet.
The tN4 Gateway login web page will appear. Bookmark
this address to the web browser to allow quick and easy
access to the tN4 Gateway while using a computer inside
the LAN.

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Dynamic IP Address
If the ISP has provided a dynamic IP address, then a free
dynamic DNS service is recommended. There are many
free dynamic DNS services available. tekmar suggests to
use a free service from DynDNS.com.
STEP 1) Go to the web site at http://DynDNS.com
STEP 2) Create an account.
An e-mail address is used to activate the DynDNS account.
The same e-mail account cannot be used again to create
another DynDNS account. Therefore, it is recommended
to use the building owner’s e-mail address. This requires
the building owner to read the e-mail and click on the link
to activate the DynDNS service.
STEP 3) Open the e-mail sent from DynDNS and click Creating an Account
on the link to activate the account. This must be
done within 48 hours of creating the account.
STEP 4) Go to web site at http://DynDNS.com and login
using your account information.
STEP 5) Click “Add Host Services”.
STEP 6) Enter the desired hostname and the domain
using the pull down menu. Record the hostname
and domain name for future reference. Click
“Create Host”.
STEP 7) Click “Use auto detected IP address”.
STEP 8) Click “Add to Cart”.
STEP 9) A confirmation page with all the settings will be
All DynDNS settings are now complete and you can logout
of the DynDNS web site. Now the DynDNS update client
must be installed on the Mac web host computer.
Creating a Host Name
STEP 10) Download the DynDNS Updater software for Mac
at http://www.DynDNS.com/support/clients
STEP 11) Install the software to the Applications folder.
The computer username and password may be
STEP 12) Click on Finder, then click on the Applications
STEP 13) Find the DynDNS Updater application and double
click to start.
STEP 14) Enter your DynDNS username and password
and click add. Your account will be added to
the list.
STEP 15) In the left hand column, click on the round symbol
next to your host name.
STEP 16) Select the check box “Enable updating for
this host”. DynDNS Update Client

© 2010 D 483 - 06/10 18 of 20

The installation of the DynDNS service is now complete The gateway login page will appear. Bookmark this address
and the window can now be closed by clicking on the red in the web browser to allow quick and easy access to the
dot in the upper left hand corner. gateway while on the Internet.
From any computer connected to the Internet, start a
web browser and enter the dynamic DNS hostname
chosen followed by :3000 and press enter. An example
would be:

Updating the tN4 Gateway Web Host Software

Free updates to the tN4 Gateway Web Host Software

are available from the tekmar web site at:

STEP 1) Quit the tN4 Gateway application so that it is no

longer running.
STEP 2) Download the web host software. This will be
saved to your computer as a DMG file.
STEP 3) Double click to open the DMG file.
STEP 4) Double click the “install” icon.
STEP 5) Click “Yes” when the dialog box asks to install
the tN4 Gateway software.

Note: Version ‘J1193H’ and higher has an option to automatically download and install the current software version
remotely without having to go to the job site. To do this, click ‘configuration’ then click ‘software’, and ‘update software’
within the Gateway web pages.

Firefox® is a registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and / or other countries.
Mac®, iMac®, Apple®, OS X®, MacBook®, Safari®, and iPhone™ are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. in the
United States and other countries.

19 of 20 © 2010 D 483 - 06/10

Limited Warranty and Product Return Procedure
Limited Warranty The liability of tekmar under this war- Any representations or warranties about the Products made
ranty is limited. The Purchaser, by taking receipt of any by Purchaser to its customers which are different from or in
tekmar product (“Product”), acknowledges the terms of excess of the tekmar Limited Warranty are the Purchaser’s
the Limited Warranty in effect at the time of such Product sole responsibility and obligation. Purchaser shall indemnify
sale and acknowledges that it has read and understands and hold tekmar harmless from and against any and all claims,
same. liabilities and damages of any kind or nature which arise out
of or are related to any such representations or warranties by
The tekmar Limited Warranty to the Purchaser on the Prod-
Purchaser to its customers.
ucts sold hereunder is a manufacturer’s pass-through war-
ranty which the Purchaser is authorized to pass through The pass-through Limited Warranty does not apply if the
to its customers. Under the Limited Warranty, each tekmar returned Product has been damaged by negligence by per-
Product is warranted against defects in workmanship and sons other than tekmar, accident, fire, Act of God, abuse or
materials if the Product is installed and used in compliance misuse; or has been damaged by modifications, alterations or
with tekmar’s instructions, ordinary wear and tear excepted. attachments made subsequent to purchase which have not
The pass-through warranty period is for a period of twenty- been authorized by tekmar; or if the Product was not installed
four (24) months from the production date if the Product is in compliance with tekmar’s instructions and / or the local codes
not installed during that period, or twelve (12) months from and ordinances; or if due to defective installation of the Prod-
the documented date of installation if installed within twenty- uct; or if the Product was not used in compliance with tekmar’s
four (24) months from the production date. instructions.
The liability of tekmar under the Limited Warranty shall be lim- THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRAN-
ited to, at tekmar’s sole discretion: the cost of parts and labor TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHICH THE GOVERNING
provided by tekmar to repair defects in materials and / or work- LAW ALLOWS PARTIES TO CONTRACTUALLY EXCLUDE,
manship of the defective product; or to the exchange of the INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES
defective product for a warranty replacement product; or to the OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICU-
granting of credit limited to the original cost of the defective LAR PURPOSE, DURABILITY OR DESCRIPTION OF THE
product, and such repair, exchange or credit shall be the sole PRODUCT, ITS NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY RELEVANT
remedy available from tekmar, and, without limiting the forego- PATENTS OR TRADEMARKS, AND ITS COMPLIANCE WITH
ing in any way, tekmar is not responsible, in contract, tort or OR NON-VIOLATION OF ANY APPLICABLE ENVIRONMEN-
strict product liability, for any other losses, costs, expenses, TAL, HEALTH OR SAFETY LEGISLATION; THE TERM OF
inconveniences, or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, ANY OTHER WARRANTY NOT HEREBY CONTRACTUALLY
secondary, incidental or consequential, arising from ownership EXCLUDED IS LIMITED SUCH THAT IT SHALL NOT EXTEND
or use of the product, or from defects in workmanship or mate- BEYOND TWENTY-FOUR (24) MONTHS FROM THE PRO-
rials, including any liability for fundamental breach of contract. DUCTION DATE, TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH LIMITATION
The pass-through Limited Warranty applies only to those defec-
tive Products returned to tekmar during the warranty period. Product Warranty Return Procedure All Products that are
This Limited Warranty does not cover the cost of the parts or believed to have defects in workmanship or materials must be
labor to remove or transport the defective Product, or to rein- returned, together with a written description of the defect, to the
stall the repaired or replacement Product, all such costs and tekmar Representative assigned to the territory in which such
expenses being subject to Purchaser’s agreement and war- Product is located. If tekmar receives an inquiry from some-
ranty with its customers. one other than a tekmar Representative, including an inquiry
from Purchaser (if not a tekmar Representative) or Purchaser’s
customers, regarding a potential warranty claim, tekmar’s sole
obligation shall be to provide the address and other contact
information regarding the appropriate Representative.

tekmar Control Systems Ltd., Canada

tekmar Control Systems, Inc., U.S.A.
Head Office: 5100 Silver Star Road
Vernon, B.C. Canada V1B 3K4
(250) 545-7749 Fax. (250) 545-0650
Web Site: www.tekmarcontrols.com
Product design, software and literature are Copyright © 2010 by: All specifications are subject to change without notice.
tekmar Control Systems Ltd. and tekmar Control Systems, Inc.
20 of 20 Printed in Canada. D 483 - 06/10.

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