DN 61029
DN 61029
DN 61029
The intelligent VESDA-E VEP Series aspirating smoke detectors
bring the latest and most advanced detection technology to provide
very early warning and the best nuisance alarm rejection to a wide
range of applications. Built on the Flair detection technology and
years of application experience, VEP detectors achieve consistent
performance over their lifetime via absolute calibration. In addition,
the VEP delivers a range of revolutionary features that provide user
Flair is the revolutionary new detection chamber that forms the
core of Intelligent VESDA-E VEP, providing better detection, fewer
nuisance alarms, higher stability, increased longevity and particle
characterization. Direct imaging of the sampled particles using a
CMOS imager combined with multiple photo-diodes allow vastly
more data about the observed particles.
Three models are available for use in different size & style of appli-
cations, a single pipe VEP with LED display and four pipes VEP
with LED only or LED and LCD display. They provide detection
Intelligent VESDA-E VEP-A10-P-NTF
coverage to protect the following areas:
• VEP-A00-1P-NTF (Intelligent VEP single pipe): Up to 10,760
sq. ft (1000 sq. m) coverage through one pipe. • One and four pipe models for different applications.
• Flair detection technology delivers reliable very early warning in a
• VEP-A00-P-NTF, VEP-A10-P-NTF (Intelligent VEP four pipes): wide range of environments with minimal nuisance alarms.
Up to 21,520 sq. ft (2000 sq. m) coverage through four pipes.
• Multi stage filtration and optical protection with clean air barriers
These detectors are compatibly listed for use with the NFS-320, ensures lifetime detection performance.
NFS2-640, and NFS2-3030 fire alarm control panels, and the • Four alarm levels and a wide sensitivity range deliver optimum
NCA-2. They operate in FlashScan® mode only. protection for the widest range of applications.
An Intelligent VESDA-E VEP Series detector connects to the SLC • Intuitive LCD icon display provides instant status information.
loop of compatible intelligent fire alarm control panels using Flash- • Flow fault thresholds accommodate varying airflow conditions.
Scan® protocol to communicate up to five levels of events for dis- • Smart on-board filter retains dust count and remaining filter life for
play and use in control-by-event system programming. Using the predictable maintenance.
SLC connection, the system operator can also review real-time
status information, such as alarms and faults. The system operator • Extensive event log (20,000 events) for event analysis and sys-
can also put an Intelligent VEP Series detector into service mode, tem diagnostics.
or reset airflow baselines. • AutoLearn™ smoke for reliable and rapid commissioning.
• Referencing to accommodate external environmental conditions
Intelligent VEP Series detectors support multiple sensitivity modes
to minimize nuisance alarms.
with four alarm levels. Day/Night/Weekend mode enables techni-
cians to configure alarm thresholds based on routine changes in • Remote monitoring with iVESDA for system review and proactive
the environment. maintenance.
• Ethernet for connectivity with Xtralis software for configuration,
CONNECTIVITY AND CONFIGURATION secondary monitoring and maintenance.
VESDA-E detectors offer Ethernet and WiFi connectivity as stan- • Industry first. Aspirating detector secondary monitoring and main-
dard features. The detector can be added to a corporate network, tenance via WiFi.
allowing WiFi enabled mobile devices and PC’s installed with Xtra- • USB for PC configuration, and firmware upgrade using a memory
lis configuration and monitoring applications (VSC / VSM/iVESDA) stick.
to connect wirelessly to the detector via the network. VSC is used
• Two GPIs (monitored/unmonitored) with fix mapping to detector
for configuration and VSM is used for both configuration and moni-
reset function.
toring. iVESDA is used for remote monitoring on mobile devices.
Xtralis pipe network design tool Aspire is intuitive application to • Field replaceable sub-assemblies enable faster service and max-
create a pipe network tailored to meet site specific requirements. imum uptime.
If Ethernet port is in use add additional 10mA. If WiFi port is in use add additional 20mA.
Fire 2
Fire 1
Acknowledge to stop the buzzer.
Airflow Fault
Power Fault
Filter Fault
Communication Fault