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The Centrix 2.0 sets the standard

for testing, diagnostics and fault
location of power cables
■ Intuitive easyGO® operation using a touch display
■ Cable diagnosis with 50 Hz slope technology
■ Highest standard of safety with SafeDischarge technology
■ Remote control of important system functions
■ Breakdown phase detection for three-phase cable testing
■ System powered by Li-Ion battery
Centrix 2.0 – the most innovative
product from Megger

Centrix 2.0 is the world’s most modern and powerful cable The van’s unique operating concept uses automatic
test van system for fast, easy and non-destructive fault loca- measurement sequences, a touch display, and JogDial to
tion up to 33 kV class cable. simplify operation. Faults can be located quickly, even by
inexperienced users.
Equipped with the latest generation of cable diagnostics in
conjunction with powerful VLF testing technology, Centrix Centrix 2.0 is available in 1-phase or 3-phase versions.
2.0 makes it possible to perform standard-compliant cable
testing with simultaneous partial discharge diagnostics.

10 good reasons for Centrix 2.0

Centrix 2.0 sets new standards regarding user friendliness and performance:

1 Linux®-based control system – for maximum system stability and security

2 Intuitive easyGO® operation using the 21.5” touch display and JogDial

3 Step-by-step operator guide for inexperienced users

4 Data automatically recorded and stored in the history database

5 Decay plus double impulse procedure up to 80 kV

6 ARM® burning

7 Highest standard of safety with SafeDischarge technology

8 Simultaneous testing and diagnosis with new 50 Hz slope technology

9 System powered by Li-ion batteries

10 Remote control of important system functions – for non-destructive cable fault location

Test van concepts from Megger – tailored to customer’s specifications

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System control made simple

Centrix 2.0 is operated either by touch display or JogDial.

The powerful computer has a 21.5“ touch display, a hard drive scalable to your needs, and an integrated
recovery system. This ensures the security and stability of the system over its entire service life.

The Linux® operating system is completely maintenance-free: No viruses, no defragmenting, no expen-

sive antivirus programs.

The system controls are kept separate from the office application and graphic information systems (GIS)
to ensure optimal stability and security. Office applications, Geomap and database software can be dis-
played on an optional additional monitor.

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Centrix 2.0 thinks ahead Automatic data recording

The system continuously determines the op- All measurements are automatically saved in the
timal measurement parameters for the corre- database, preventing the loss of any information.
sponding operating mode. The next logical op- Comments can be added to the measurements
erating step is automatically preselected by the using an on-screen keyboard.
system and the user only needs to confirm it.
A freely definable input mask makes it possible
If necessary, fine adjustments can be made man- to adapt to the internal documentation system
ually at any time. of each cable operator. Results can be printed
immediately or saved as a PDF file to a memory
By minimising the number of operating ele- stick using the USB port. Printers can also be con-
ments, we maximise the user-friendliness of the nected using the USB port.
system, allowing even inexperienced users to lo-
cate faults with a high degree of accuracy.

Core specifications for cable identification Map with cable routing and fault position

Cable data
Cable number Uo [kV rms]
A11 6

Location Cable type

Baunach Mixed cable run

Station A Station B
Name Name
B08 A19

Substation Substation
Air isolated Air isolated

Manufacturer Manufacturer

Terminator Terminator
Plug on Heat shrink

Cable overview


220 m


8m 322 m 320 m 10m

L3 B08 Cable lenght: 660 m A19

Graphic overview of all relevant information and results

www.megger.com 5
Unique technologies that inspire


Teleflex® VX – the world’s most powerful ProRange

reflectometer and prelocation device The ProRange function allows a distance-adapt-
ed gain, which enables better detection of dis-
When using reflection measurement, intelligent tant failure points, far-off joints, and cable ends.
algorithms determine the necessary setting This new feature is especially advantageous
parameters to allow for for cables with high attenuation, such as long,
cross-bonded or very wet cables.
■ Automatic measurement range configuration
■ Automatic amplification control Direct TDR
Low-resistance cable faults, opens, and cable
■ Automatic cable end measurement
length can be directly located using the TDR
■ Automatic fault location measurement measurement.

IFL mode is used for intermittent faults. Using an
envelope, even small changes in the impedance
curve can be clearly shown.

930 m
without ProRange
with ProRange (25%)
with ProRange (75%)

0 km 0,5 km 1,0 km 1,5 km 2,0 km 2,5 km


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ARM®-Multishot The arc is thus optimally stabilised and pre-loca-
ARM® multi-shot technology makes it possible to tion can be performed successfully even in dif-
display 15 fault traces per surge pulse. ficult conditions, including oil-filled joints, wet
Automated analysis supports the user and imme- faults, and long cables.
diately displays the best result – a very useful
feature for wet and oil-filled joints. For ARM® -Plus:
■ Healthy trace pulse at 350 V or 1.5 kV
ARM® burning
■ Faulty trace pulse up to 32 kV, additional 4 kV
The ARM® burn method allows the user to ob-
serve the arc burning process at the fault lo-
For Decay-Plus:
cation using the reflection measurement. This
method is particularly useful for difficult faults in ■ Healthy trace pulse at 1.5 kV
oil-filled joints. ■ Faulty trace pulse at up to 80 kV, additional 4 k

ARM® -Plus / Decay-Plus ICE / decay

Double impulse procedure The system automatically evaluates the fault location
The double impulse procedure was specifically using the current pulse method (ICE) and the decay
developed for long, high-voltage cables. travelling vibration method.

First, a high-voltage arc is discharged at the fault

location. The duration of the arc is extended by
a second discharge from a 4 kV pulse module.

930 m
Faulty trace
Healthy trace
ARM®-Multishot images

0 km 0,5 km 1,0 km 1,5 km 2,0 km 2,5 km


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A wide range of functionality
for precise fault location

Sheath testing and sheath fault Acoustic pinpointing

Acoustic pinpointing helps to precisely locate
Sheath testing high-impedance and intermittent faults.
Sheath fault tests can be performed at up to
20 kV on plastic-insulated, medium-voltage and All requirements for low and medium voltage
high-voltage cables. networks are covered through the controllable
voltage levels of 4, 8, 16 and 32 kV. A low-noise
Sheath Fault Prelocation and maintenance-free 2 kV thyristor surge unit is
Up to 10 kV output voltage, highly sensitive also available.
equipment, and fully automatic measurement
procedure make the detection of high-imped- Line tracing
ance sheath faults in long cables much simpler.
This technology is also suitable for the location of The audio frequency system is used to locate
insulation faults in long on- and offshore cables. cable routes and pinpoint cable faults. The
powerful audio frequency generators with up
Special features: to 200 W output power support the unique
SignalSelect® feature and the capacitive step
■ Bi-polar pre-location technology eliminates
voltage method.
thermoelectric offset voltages and galvanic
effects (wet joints)
■ Works independently of any resistance in the
shield, conductor, auxiliary lines or connec-
tion clamps
■ Audio frequency output for simultaneous
line tracing during pinpointing 8.44 kHz,
15 W (optional)

Sheath Fault Pinpointing

Centrix 2.0 offers four voltage levels from 5 to
20 kV to generate a safe step potential gradient
at the fault location. This safe step potential gra-
dient can be located with the help of earthing
rods and the ESG NT earth fault locator.

8 www.megger.com
Cable testing and diagnostics
Insulation test Partial discharge diagnosis
Insulation resistance and test object capacitance The new 50 Hz slope technology allows the user
are automatically measured with up to 1000 V to perform a PD diagnosis during the commis-
test voltage. sion testing of MV cables. The PD measurement
is performed during polarity reversal (slope) of
DC testing the test voltage.
DC testing is possible with a voltage of up to
40 kV (optional 80 kV). The rapid change in polarity represents the typi-
cal electrical stress at 50 Hz mains frequency. PD
VLF test according to DIN VDE 0276 measurement parameters such as PD inception
Using the VLF test adaptor with the cosine rec- voltage, frequency, and level can thus be directly
tangular VLF technology, testing of large cable compared with the 50 Hz mains frequency.
capacities is possible. This method allows the
user to test all three phases in parallel also on
long cable lines, without reducing the test fre-
quency. This reduces the testing time by two

Alternatively, a VLF sinusoidal test attachment is

available for testing age-related conditions of
MV cables with the optional TanDelta diagnostic

Breakdown phase detection

for three-phase testing
In case all three phases are tested simultaneous-
ly, it is possible to immediately display the phase
on which a breakdown occurred, which saves
time and protects the cable.

Unique testing and diagnostics system: TDM 45

Three voltage shapes in one device

■ VLF sin wave tanDelta diagnosis and Monitored Withstand Test,

PD diagnostics on short cables
■ VLF CR (50 Hz Slope) Commissioning testing with simultaneous PD diagnostics
at high test power
■ DAC (Damped AC) Non-destructive PD diagnostics on aged cables

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Other additional equipment

Self-contained power supply

■ Synchronous generator 7 kVA

Suitable vehicle with auxiliary drive necessary.
■ Travel power
Electronic generator 5 KVA.
■ Battery power
Battery-operated self-contained power sup-
ply of the measurement system with lithium-
ion batteries, charge electronics and display

An essential part of Centrix 2.0 is the safety sys-
tem, which monitors all safety-relevant parame-
ters in accordance with current standards.

The following criteria are monitored:

■ Loop resistance: System earth to substation

earth, auxiliary earth to substation earth
■ Step voltage: Earth to the vehicle chassis
■ Fast touch potential transients
■ Rear door switch
■ Safety key switch
■ Internal/external emergency switch
(EN 50191)

Separation of operation and protective earth in

connection with an isolating transformer ensures
safe earthing conditions.

SafeDischarge technology Remote control

A unique feature is the high level of safety pro- Important functions can be controlled remotely.
vided by a controlled forced discharge of all sys- This makes it possible to trigger an emergency
tem components when an emergency stop is system shutdown in case of danger. To reduce
performed or a mains failure occurs. The energy the stress of the cable under stress due to surge
stored in the system is thus no longer discharged pulses, they can be triggered remotely.
into the cable.

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Cleverly stowed … … and quickly accessible

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Megger · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · D-96148 Baunach

Tel. +49 (9544) - 680 · Fax +49 (9544) - 2273


We reserve the right to make technical changes. CENTRIX-2-0_BR_EN_V04.pdf

The word ‘Megger’ is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2020

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