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Centrix Seba KMT Megger

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The new generation of

fault location systems

EasyGo operating concept
Automatic data storage and logging
Central control of all test van functions
Integrates the most innovative pre-location methods
Highest safety standard
The Centrix test van
system from SebaKMT

The Centrix Automated procedures

The experiences and feedback from daily use and the When using reflection methods, automatic functions deter-
suggestions from many users have contributed to the unique mine the end of the cable and set the ideal parameters for the
operating concept and will continue influencing the functiona- measurement range and method. The end as well as the fault
lity of the Centrix system. In this way, a test van system has location are automatically determined. For all pre-location
been developed that continuously sets new standards: methods, the end is immediately indicated by a marker. Due
to the consistent ongoing development of the proven high
– User friendly
voltage pre-location methods and due to the high perfor-
– Fast and efficient
mance of the software systems, excellent results are produ-
– Arc reflection pre-location methods up to 80 kV
ced, even on faults which were previously hard to locate. The
– Arc burning with burn take over
History function stores all measurement results automatically.
– Automatic analysis of the test data
No measurement will be lost. After seven days, the measure-
– User-specific reports in PDF format
ments are compressed and stored in daily files.
– Online documentation and help
All standard processes run automatically with the help of
single button jog dial operation. The user can fully concentrate Quick Select Phase Select
on his actual task – the fault location.

The operating concept

The control of the Centrix fault location system consists of a
large monitor and a free positionable control panel, the control
unit. This unit contains the central control element of the
system – the Jogdial. The Linux® based operating system is
very stable.
The Centrix system stores all test and measurement data
automatically. Data evaluation and transmission can be done
easily. The Jogdial serves as control of all system functions.
Via the Jogdial permit a direct
access the online user manual, Examples of menus

the test history, the phase

selection and a quick menu. In addition to its normal operation, the Jogdial is also used to
Operatinal steps which occur select the side menus. These side menus provide easy
frequently during operation are access to the “Phase Selection”, “History”, the “Quick Select”
automatically pre-selected by as drop down menu and the “Help” function with online
the Centrix system. The user manual. Individually definable printed records permit these to
then simply confirms the next be directly adapted for company-specific forms.
operating step by pressing the
Jogdail – simple and direct!

Control Panel
Test As a further feature, the Centrix includes the ARM burning
Technology, which permits the monitoring of the fault location
The integrated test, using DC, 0.1 Hz Cosine Rectangular
with a reflection measurement, during the burn process.
Wave voltage or a Sinusoidal Wave form (54 kV 0.1 Hz VLF),
The burning process can thus be controlled and automatically
permits tests to be carried out throughout the entire medium
provides a pre-location result. For a cable preserving opera-
voltage range. The DC tests are possible up to a maximum
tion, the ARM burning allows the burn duration to be as short
voltage of 40 or 80 kV. Test currents with a maximum 600 mA
as possible Accordingly, the most effective pre-location
enable direct burning with the Centrix system, even without
methods are available to the Centrix.
the use of external power burn units.
One of the most progressive methods of fault location is the
A fully integrated insulation tester up to 1 kV, capacitance
ARM* Plus or Decay Plus double surge method, especially for
measurement and sheath tests offer additional applications
higher voltage levels and long cables. The first step is a
for all necessary maintenance work on cables and accesso-
discharge from a surge generator or with DC voltage, to be
able to cause a breakdown at the fault location. In a second
step, the duration of the arc resulting from the breakdown is
Pre-location automatically extended by a second discharge from the 4 kV
surge module and is then measured with the ARM* Plus or
In addition to the proven Decay travelling wave method and
Decay Plus method. This results in perfect fault traces.
the impulse current methods (ICE), all other proven arc
reflection methods can be integrated into the Centrix. The
Centrix also offers the ARM* process in a new version which IFL-Modus
has been optimised for shorter distances. Alternatively, for
For intermittent faults, the Centrix has an IFL mode available.
greater distances, ARM* Plus (up to 32 kV) and Decay Plus
This IFL Mode can save a lot of time, particularly in the area of
(up to 80 kV) are available. The new ARMslide technology
branched low voltage distribution. Changes caused by short
provides a choice of displaying up to 15 reflectograms out of
circuits that would only be visible as short reflections are
one ARM shot.
clearly recognised by their envelope.
Therefore it is not necessary to know the exact time at which
the change occurs as this is immediately and permanently
visible. This technology allows the simple verification of the
exact fault positions and their Tee’s in a branched low voltage

Typical IFL-Reflectograms
ARM*- and ARM* Plus Reflectograms

*ARM=ARC Reflection Method

We are happy to provide
you with information!

With a comparably low weight, dues to
powerful surge modules with 1280, 1750
or 2560 Joules, the Centrix can produce
a high surge energy at voltage levels from
2 to 32 kV. Together with the new
digiPHONE+, acoustic pinpointing
thus becomes a simple, fast and
reliable process.

Four voltage levels from 5 to 20 kV enable

sheath testing and, via the step voltage
method, sheath fault pinpointing with a
pulsed outout. The pinpointing technologies
are rounded off by a powerful, integrated
200 W audio frequency transmitter. Rear view
This supports the patented SignalSelect
Example of
technology as well as the direct and
test van control space
capacitive step voltage method with
AC voltage. These system options are
supplemented by custom-made solutions,
which we adapt as required to our customer
requirements for the Centrix test van


For more information, see:


Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6
96148 Baunach/Germany
Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80
Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73

Our range of products: Equipment and systems to locate faults in power and com- sales@sebakmt.com
munications networks, as well as for leak location on pipe networks · line location www.sebakmt.com
equipment · CCTV inspection · seminars · service · contracting.

Technical data subject to change without notice. ISO 9 0 01: 20 0 8

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