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Five Henchmen: Five Non-Player Characters For Old School Fantasy

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Five Henchmen

Five Non-Player Characters for Old School Fantasy

by Rick Stump and the Fun Lads Five

Another OSR Supplement from Harbinger Games

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

Five Henchmen
Five Henchmen is designed to add depth and flavor to any old school fantasy campaign.

This product is compatible with OSRIC and AD&D 1e and is easily modified to be compatible with any Old School fantasy
role playing game.

Written by: Richard Stump with contributions from the Fun Lads Five
Layout and Design: The Harbinger Games Design Team
Illustrations: all interior illustrations are public domain and are not included in trademark, trade dress, product identity,
brand identity, or copyright.

Interior text is copyright of Rick Stump 2014 as per the Open Game License section 15

Designation of Product Identity: The following items are designated as product identity in accordance with the Open Gaming
License: All Harbinger Games logos, identifying marks, and trade dress, including logos, product names, and names of
product lines. In addition, all proper names, fictional characters, plot lines, fictional governments, societies, planets, and
technologies that are named or described in explicit detail. All proper names of people are satirical and do not reflect any real
people, living or dead.

Likewise, all charts, graphs, cartography, artwork, and graphics are to be considered Product Identity and, thus, not Open
Content. Any works, elements, or names covered by the Open Gaming License or the OSRIC gaming license are not included
in this

OSRIC is a trademark of Matthew Finch and Stuart Marshall and is used in accordance with the OSRIC use license without
intent to infringe upon that trademark.

AD&D is a trademark of WOTC and all references to it are within the guidelines of fair use without intent to infringe upon

Any use of additional trademark material in this work is unauthorized, inadvertent and is not an attempt to infringe upon the
intellectual property rights of others.

The authors wish to thank Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, Lew Pulsipher, the scores of players we have shared a table with, and
the OSR community.

Harbinger Games is committed to the use of open source solutions. This book was composed entirely on and with open
source applications.

Visit our online store at: http://www.rpgnow.com/browse/pub/476/Harbinger-Games?term=harbinger

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

Hello! This short supplement is meant to provide game masters with five non-player characters. While
we have included a backstory, individual notes on personality and motivations, basic equipment, etc. for
all of them it would be the work of a few moments to transform them into true heroes, foul villains, or
just a random encounter.

All the NPCs in this supplement were created using the NPC class rules found in the Harbinger Games
supplement Far Realms, which can be purchased at RPGNow.com, DriveThruRPG.com, and associated
websites. Notes are included in each write up so that Far Realms is not needed to use this work.

How This Supplement Came to Be

The Guisarme Brothers were originally introduced into a long running campaign for a bit of levity after
a series of grim, dark adventures. The brothers and their friends were presented as 'the other guys'; an
adventuring group without the drive, talent, intelligence, gifts, or potential of the PCs. After the 3rd or 4th
time the PCs saved them from foes just a bit beyond their abilities the players decided to hire them as
mercenaries to keep an eye on them. Within a year (game time) the plucky upstarts had been taken on as
However you use them, we hope you enjoy them.

The Guisarme Brothers

The only children of Volger “Volge” Guisarme and and his wife Lucerne “Luce” Guisarme (maiden
name Hammer) the brothers William and Orglaven lived a rough and tumble life. Volge was a guard
sergeant at a frontier castle so the lads grew up surrounded by soldiers and adventure. They were well-
liked by the guards and the officers and made some fast friends with another child that lived in the castle,
Bill Hook. Because of the size difference Bill Hook is called 'Little Bill'.
When the Guisarme brothers were in their early teens the castle gained a new lord, a minor nobleman
who brought his entire family to the frontier. One of the children of Lord Bard, young Hallian, soon
became friends with the Guisarmes and Little Bill. A few years later Lord Bard hired a 'court wizard' for
the castle, the hedge wizard Vance. Vance's young apprentice, the teenage Rebecca Corbin, was an object
of adoration with the friends, particularly Bill.
By this time the Guisarme brothers, 17 and 16 years old, were castle guards like their father. Hallian had
begun studying for the priesthood, Little Bill helped his father in the 'import business' (smuggling, with
10% going to the Guard Captain), and Becky was finishing her apprenticeship.
Then an adventuring party came to the castle and changed the friends' lives forever.
The Innkeeper admitted to charging them outrageous sums only for the strangers to casually toss coins
to him without a blink. The hostler spoke of saddles with a fortune in silver decorations being left for
him to remove and clean. The maids told tales of being tipped in gold merely for bringing some tea – and
stunned doubters by showing the coins. Bill and Glave were having a drink in the inn watching two of
the adventurers playing dice with the bets being made with rubies when the group's leader asked them if
they wanted a job. Bill, having heard the tales, asked for a silver penny a day and a gold penny up front.
The stranger laughed, handed them a heavy pouch, and told them to buy some 'real armor' and meet
them at the stable in the morning. The stunned young men bought chain mail and weapons for
themselves, gave their mother 10 gold pennies, and told their father they wouldn't be at work for a few
The next day the brothers left with the adventurers and traveled 5 days into the wilderness. They
guarded the adventurer's camp and horses as they went into an old dwarven mine 3 times in 5 days, then

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

returned with the group to the castle. Once there the strangers gave them each a 'bonus' of 50 gold
pennies and left.
The brothers immediately quit their jobs, grabbed their friends, and set off to follow the strangers so
that they, too, could be 'adventurers'.

William “Bill” Guisarme

Bill is a tall, broad-shouldered man with dark brown hair and black eyes. He prefers sturdy clothes,
heavy boots, and wears a dagger everywhere he goes.
While he often has a stern look to his face he has a big laugh and enjoys a thick steak, a flagon of wine,
and a pipe, preferably shared with friends.
Bill has no lack of courage and truly enjoys closing with and destroying enemies. While no tactician
[unless you count 'run up to the closest foe, kill them, repeat' as tactics] he will obey orders from an
employer or someone he recognizes as a combat leader. In areas other than combat (for example, opening
a chest, gaining information from a prisoner, etc.) he is a proud believer in the maxim 'if brute force isn't
working, you need more brute force'. All of that being said, he is a relatively skilled fighter.
His background as a castle guard means that he takes good care of his equipment, understands ideas like
noise and light discipline, adheres to the rules of field hygiene, and is wary of ambushes. He is very
skilled at preparing a campsite, pitching tents, and building fires and he is very diligent when on guard.
Bill dreams of being a the sort of successful adventurer that ends up with his own keep that has a
dragon's head over the mantle and a huge treasure vault. Unfortunately, this dream often leads him to
bite off more than he can chew. He also likes to live as if he were already fabulously wealthy - he tips well,
gives money to beggars, and likes the finest things. He likes to gamble on, well, anything, but especially
dice games. He is also a sucker for sob stories and 'get rich quick' schemes.
As a result he is usually broke. The only people who like Bill better than the barmaids he tips are the
pawn brokers who typically have his possessions in and out of hock. Because of this Bill is open to
working for others for pay.
As the years go by and the reality that Bill doesn't have what it takes to reach his dreams sets in he may
become bitter and angry or fiercely loyal to anyone who treats him honorably and gives him
opportunities to be a leader.

Bill Guisarme, 3rd level man-at-arms

S: 12 I: 9 W: 8 D: 10 C: 12 CH: 10
H.P. 16 A.C. 3 Alignment: Neutral Good
6' 2” tall, 200 lbs, brown hair, black eyes
Plate Mail, Two-handed Sword, Dagger, Unguent of Healing (1 dose, heals 1d4+1 damage)

Without Far Realms: Treat Bill as a 3rd level fighter with d8 hit dice who can never progress past 3rd
level (basically a mercenary sergeant).

Orglaven “Glave” Guisarme

Glave is a large man with sandy hair and brown eyes. He usually wears boots, homespun trousers, a
linen shirt, and a short cloak with only the heavy gold ring on his right middle finger distinguishing him
from a tradesman.
Glave's outlook on life is very simple: he does as he's told. He obeyed his parents, he obeyed his guard
sergeant, he obeys his brother, and he will obey an employer. At the end of the day he collects his share of
the loot (if there is any) or his pay and goes on his way.
Glave is no simpleton; if put in charge of others he is a competent enough leader; if asked to 'figure this

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

out and take care of it' or 'do what you think is best' his solutions will be dependable and sufficient; if
alone or between jobs he lives a perfectly normal, routine life. His 'problem' is that, unlike his brother
and his friends, he hasn't ever found anything to motivate him. If it weren't for his brother he would have
been very content to live out his life as the evening guard on the South Tower until he retired and then
lived quietly on his pension until he died, all having never left sight of the castle where he was born.
In combat Glave is much the same; if told to 'hold the left flank' he will but if the left flank is fine and
the rear is under attack he will move to cover the rear on his own. In the absence of orders he tends to
either fight alongside his brother or defend the party member he sees as most vulnerable depending on
how bad the fight looks.
While Glave loves and supports his brother he doesn't like how Bill wastes money. If Bill asks for a loan
Glave usually says he is also broke. In reality Glave has saved up almost 100 gold pennies that he is saving
for when the two of them can't adventure anymore.
Without a great change Glave will maintain his simple lifestyle. But if something (some great event or
act of heroism) or someone (a great leader or a true love) finally motivates him he could be transformed
into a true leader relatively quickly.

Glave Guisarme, 2nd level man-at-arms

S: 14 I: 11 W: 10 D: 11 C: 12 CH: 10
H.P. 16 A.C. 2 Alignment: Neutral Good
6' 0” tall, 185 lbs, brown hair, black eyes
Plate Mail, Shield, Broad Sword, Dagger, +1 Ring of Protection (saves only)

Without Far Realms: Treat Bill as a 2nd level fighter with d8 hit dice who can never progress past 5th
level (basically a mercenary sergeant who could become a mercenary captain).

Friends of the Guisarme Brothers

Hallian “Hal” Bard

Hallian Bard is a man of average height, average weight, and average build. His has dark brown hair and
light brown eyes and can vanish into a crowd. What stands out is his voice; his deep, resonant voice cuts
through chatter and noise and catches everyone's attention. His captivating voice means that others are
more than willing to stop talking and listen. Unfortunately, he often drones on and on. He has ended
many a disagreement simply by boring everyone with an endless stream of banal platitudes until they
stop fighting just to shut him up.
Hallian is the youngest of 7 children (5 of which are brothers) of a minor noble. He is a devout man
who is diligent in his prayers (routinely at dawn, Noon, sunset, bedtime, before meals, and when anyone
is ill) and truly cares about others. He is focused on guiding people to goodness by example; he will not
lie, cheat, or slander another person. If a friend of Hal's does one of these things he will receive a pained
look from Hal and a string of pointed comments that don't stop annoying the target until the behavior
He knows that he has a duty to help others, so he does his best to provide his advice. On everything. All
the time. His friends often take his advice, but never seem to learn why they tend to fail.
His upbringing as the son of a minor noble left him a fine judge of a good horse and an excellent rider.
He dresses very plainly in homespun cloaks and robes and keeps his gear, especially his armor and holy
symbol, clean and ready. He prefers simple food and never adds any spices to his food on his own not
because of a dislike but to practice self-discipline.

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

Hal enjoys traveling and he feels it is his mission to help his friends as they risk their lives as
adventurers. As he ages he will probably search for a small church where he can settle down as the pastor.

Hal Bard, 3rd level Religious Brother

S: 9 I:10 W: 10 D: 9 C: 10 Ch: 12
H.P. 10 A.C. 6 Alignment: Lawful Good
5' 9” tall, 160 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes
Chain Shirt (A.C. 6), Quarterstaff, 5 days of iron rations, Holy Symbol, 2 vials of Holy Water
Orisons*- Cure Minor Wounds, Meditation, Warding
1st Level – Bless

Without Far Realms: Treat Hal as a 3rd level cleric with the following exceptions: no bonus spells for
high Wisdom; Change his spells to Bless and Cure Light Wounds; only proficient in the quarterstaff;
Turns Undead as if only a 1st level cleric. He cannot progress beyond 4th level.

“Little” Bill Hook

Little Bill is short, scrawny, and looks shifty. He has medium brown hair and eyes and a wispy, patchy
goatee. He typically dresses in homespun trousers, linen shirt, woolen vest, and a felt hat with a wide
brim and a feather. He wants to look 'jaunty' but the clothes are usually slightly too large, just a little
worn, a bit ragged, and in need of a wash and the feather is bedraggled. If Becky is about she will ensure
that his clothes are clean and mended.
Little Bill is the middle child of 5, all sons. All of his brothers are some combination of bigger, stronger,
quicker, and smarter. Little Bill spent a great deal of time as a child being forgotten by his parents and
siblings. His father, a quick-witted con man and smuggler, often has to be reminded that he has 5 sons,
not 4.
Little Bill has a soft, quiet voice and has great difficulty in getting others to even realize he is speaking,
especially when Hal is part of a conversation. He is so nondescript in appearance that he is sometimes
overlooked for service in inns.
All of this serves him well as a scoundrel, though. While not tough or intimidating enough to be an
enforcer, not ruthless enough to be a killer, not smart enough to run cons, and of poor enough health
smuggling is beyond him he is a passable point man and filcher. It also means he tends to pick up small
items other people set aside, grab the last slice of cake, drink the last mug of tea, 'forget' to tell others of
the sack of coins he found on a prisoner, etc.
Bill, Glave, Hal, and Becky are the only people who routinely notice Little Bill, making him fiercely loyal
to them – he will never filch from them. He also has an unrequited crush on Becky, so regardless of the
situation or his morale he will never desert her.
Little Bill is resigned to never being rich, famous, or powerful. All he wants out of life are a few friends,
a little money, and a chance to be near Becky.

Little Bill Hook, 3rd level Scoundrel

S: 8 I: 9 W: 8 D: 11 C: 8 Ch: 8
H.P. 8 A.C. 8 Alignment: Neutral
5'3”, 100 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes
Leather Armor, Dagger (2), Thieves' Tools,

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

Thief Abilities:
Pick Pockets: 29% Open Locks: 26% Find and Remove Traps: 22% Move Silently: 18%
Hide in Shadows: 16% Hear Noise: 17% Climb Walls: 83%

Without Far Realms: Treat Little Bill as a 2nd level thief with the skills and hit points listed. Also, his
back stab attacks only do +2 h.p. damage

Rebecca “Becky” Corbin

Becky is petite with long back hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a tendency to wear too much black. The
fifth daughter of a merchant her mother told her she wasn't pretty enough to land a 'top husband' on her
own and her father didn't want to spend the money on a big enough dowry for a 'top husband'. Her
mother told her she was 'too clumsy' to be a seamstress or artist and her father didn't want a girl in the
merchant trade. Her mother told her she was 'too bookish' to make a good lady-in-waiting for a
noblewoman and her father told her she was 'too clever' to stay at home.
When Becky found Vance, a hedge wizard in need of an apprentice and who wanted only 10 silver
pennies as a mentor fee everyone was very happy with the arrangement.
Becky is so happy to no longer be at home that she wakes up each day with a smile. A naturally happy,
cheerful person she has only one worry – that no one will take her seriously as a wizard.
She worries that she is too short, too slight of build, and too 'cute' to be threatening. She also worries
that her high-pitched, slightly 'squeaky', voice does not help others see her as a mistress of eldritch power.
She is also keenly aware that she is “only” a hedge wizard, not a “real” magic-user.
To compensate for these 'defects' she tends to wear long black robes, wear boots with heels, wear a bit
too much black eye makeup, and stare at people, silently, hoping they see her as mysterious and creepy.
Then she ruins the 'effect' with a high-pitched giggle when Little Bill trips over something.
Becky is a fairly talented hedge wizard, is loyal to her friends, and has a good heart. Unfortunately, the
years she spent trying to please her parents gave her habits of speech and behavior that mean she often
comes across as distracted, flighty, and shallow. She doesn't like to speak about her parents or marriage
and refuses to have anything to do with buying or selling. She never learned to cook but is a good
seamstress. She loves books and is a passable scholar.
Despite her attempts to appear formidable, Becky has few illusions about her own capabilities. She
hopes to one day retire as a court wizard and spend her years casting minor spells for a minor noble and
her evenings curled up with a book.

Becky Corbin, 3rd level Hedge Wizard

S: 7 I: 13 W:8 D: 9 C; 9 Ch: 10
H. P. 6 A.C. 10 Alignment: Neutral Good
4'11”, 85 lbs, black hair, blue eyes
Dagger, a small Hooded Lantern with Continual Light cast within, a Charm of Luck (+1 on a single save)
Cantrips*: Distract, Salt
1st Level: Sharpen

Without Far Realms: Treat Becky as a 3rd level magic-user with the following changes: Alter spells to
Charm Person and Burning Hands.

*Orisons and Cantrips are 'zero level' spells of limited range and power.

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

The Required Discussion of Legal Matters:
OSRIC Open License:
Terms used herein are as defined in the OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a promulgated by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Open Game Content may only be
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Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19737378)

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