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Syllabus - MMW (Edited)

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Talamban Campus


SCHEDULE : 3 hours every week for 18 weeks or 54 hours in a semester DATE :


This course deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life.

The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns (in nature and the environment) and as an application of inductive and deductive
reasoning. By exploring these topics, students are encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a set of formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns
of nature, for example, and a rich language in itself (and of science) governed by logic and reasoning.

The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present-day living, such as managing personal
finances, making social choices, appreciating geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security, and dividing limited resources fairly. These aspects will
provide opportunities for actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’
understanding and capacity. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:

CO1 Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed, represented and used.
CO2 Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical concepts.
CO3 Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics.
CO4 Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data;
CO5 Analyze codes and coding schemes used for identification, privacy, and security purposes;
CO6 Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, health and medicine, business, environment, arts and design, and recreation.
CO7 Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
CO8 Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human endeavors.



Section 1. The Nature of Mathematics 1. Identify patterns in nature and Activities to do Evaluation Requirements
1. Mathematics in our World regularities in the world (K). i. Video watching i. Short-response/essay writing at the end of
(6 hrs) 2. Articulate the importance of mathematics ii. Pair sharing or small group sharing class to one question. Examples of these
Core Idea: Mathematics is a useful way to in one’s life (V). iii. Journal writing questions are: what new ideas about
think about nature and our world. 3. Argue about the nature of mathematics, iv. Whole class discussion mathematics did you learn? What is it
 Patterns and Numbers in Nature and what it is, how it is expressed, about mathematics that might have
the World: the snowflake and represented and used (K). Questions to Pose changed your thoughts about it? And;
honeycomb; tiger’s stripes and 4. Express appreciation for mathematics as i. What is mathematics? what is most useful about mathematics for
hyena’s spots; the sunflower; the human endeavor (V). ii. Where is mathematics? humankind?
snail’s shell; flower petals; the world’s iii. What role does mathematics place in your ii. Two-to-three page synthesis paper
population, the weather, etc. world? focusing on one of the following aspects
 The Fibonacci sequence of mathematics:
 Mathematics helps organize patterns Some ideas to elicit and encourage a. Mathematics helps organize patterns
and regularities in the world. i. Many patterns and occurrences exist in and regularities in the world.
 Mathematics helps predict the nature, in our world, in our life. b. Mathematics helps predict the
behavior of nature and phenomena in Mathematics helps makes sense of these behavior of nature and phenomena in
the world. patterns and occurrences. the world.
 Mathematics helps control nature and ii. Mathematics is a tool to quantify, organize, c. Mathematics helps control nature and
occurrences in the world for our own and control our world, predict phenomena, occurrences in the world for our own
ends. and make life easier for us. ends.
 Mathematics had numerous
applications in the world making it Some ideas to discourage or debunk or Standards/Basis for Grading to Use.
indispensable. disprove
i. Mathematics is just for the books, confined 0 point -The student is unable to elicit the
Caution in the classroom. ideas and concepts from the readings and
i. This is not a Philosophy of Mathematics ii. Mathematics has no place in my life. video indicating that he/she has not read the
course; therefore, refrain from discussing prescribed reading or watched the video.
at the level of Eaves or the like.
ii. This is not simply a math appreciation 1 point-The student is able to elicit the ideas
course; therefore, refrain from merely and concepts from the readings and video
showing or telling the “beauty” or but shows erroneous understanding of these.
usefulness of mathematics alone.
2 points-The student is able to elicit the
ideas and concepts from the readings and
video and shows correct understanding of

3 points-The student not only elicits the

correct ideas from the readings and video but
also shows evidence of internalizing these.

4 points-The student elicits the correct ideas

from the readings and video, shows evidence
of internalizing these, and consistently
contributes additional thoughts to the Core
2. Mathematics in our World 6. Discuss the language, symbols, and i. including games (see exercises in The Evaluation Requirements
(6 hrs) conventions of mathematics (K). Language of Mathematics (from One i. Writing exercise sets.
Core Idea: Mathematics is a useful way to 7. Explain the nature of mathematics as a Mathematical Cat, Please! By Carol Burns ii. Quiz
think about nature and our world. language (K). Fisher).
 Patterns and Numbers in Nature and 8. Perform operations on mathematical Whole class discussions of the comparisons Standards/Basis for Grading to Use
the World: the snowflake and expressions correctly (S). Activities to do i. Use numerical scores
honeycomb; tiger’s stripes and 9. Acknowledge that mathematics is a useful i. Individual or small group exercises
hyena’s spots; the sunflower; the language (V). between the English language and
snail’s shell; flower petals; the world’s Mathematical language.
population, the weather, etc. ii. Compilation of mathematical symbols and
 The Fibonacci sequence notations and their meanings.
 Mathematics helps organize patterns
and regularities in the world. Some ideas to elicit and encourage
 Mathematics helps predict the i. Mathematics is a language in itself.
behavior of nature and phenomena in Hence, it is useful in communicating
the world. important ideas.
 Mathematics helps control nature and ii. Mathematics as a language is clear and
occurrences in the world for our own objective.
ends. iii. Language conventions are necessary in
 Mathematics had numerous mathematics for it to be understood by
applications in the world making it all.
Some ideas to discourage or debunk or
Caution disprove
iii. This is not a Philosophy of Mathematics i. Mathematics is not a language but a
course; therefore, refrain from discussing useless set of formal rules and alien
at the level of Eaves or the like. symbols.
iv. This is not simply a math appreciation ii. Mathematics confuses the communication
course; therefore, refrain from merely of concepts and ideas.
showing or telling the “beauty” or Mathematics is full of unnecessary symbols,
usefulness of mathematics alone. rules, and conventions

Section 1. The Nature of Mathematics 1. Use different types of reasoning to justify Activities to do Evaluation Requirements
III. Problem Solving and Reasoning (7.5 statements and arguments made about i. Reading and writing proofs. i. One take-home problem set.
hrs) mathematics and mathematical concepts ii. Small-group problem solving. ii. Quiz on proving using deductive or
Core Idea: Mathematics is not just about (K). iii. Whole class discussions of key problems inductive reasoning.
numbers: much of it is problem solving and 2. Write clear and logical proofs (K). and solutions.
reasoning. 3. Solve problems involving patterns and Standards/Basis for Grading to Use
 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning recreational problems following Polya’s four Some ideas to elicit and encourage
 Intuition, proof and certainty steps (S). i. Mathematics requires not only facility with 0 point -The students did not make any
 Polya’s 4-steps in Problem Solving Organize one’s methods and approaches for numbers but also the ability to critically attempt to solve any of the problems in the
 Problem Solving strategies proving and solving problems (V). think through situations, to reason and problem set or prove any of the statements
 Mathematical Problems involving patterns argue logically and to creatively solve in the quiz.
 Recreational Problems using mathematics problems.
ii. Mathematics is an active human 1 point -The student attempted to solve
Caution: endeavor. We can create the 50% of the problems in the problem set or
i. This is not a full-fledged problem-solving mathematics we need to solve problems. displayed logical reasoning; 50% of the time
course therefore, refrain from giving iii. Mathematics is for everyone and anyone in attempting to prove the statement/s in
problems that are beyond the students’ who cares to learn it. the quiz.
abilities. iv. Mathematical problem solving takes time.
ii. While it seems more important to be able Solutions are not always apparent to the 2 points -The student attempted to solve all
to think through and attempt to solve solver. the problems in the problem set or displayed
problems, there is a higher value in v. There may be more than one approach in logical reasoning; 75% of the time in
actually completing solutions to problems. solving mathematical problems. attempting to prove the statement/s in the
Hence, dissuade students from merely quiz.
attempting to solve and encourage them Some ideas to discourage or debunk or
instead to complete their solutions. disprove 3 points -The student is able to completely
iii. Avoid giving problems that do not have i. One only needs to learn numbers and solve 50% of the problems in the problems
known solutions. Such problems are not fractions to be mathematically proficient. or completed 75% of the proof/s in the quiz.
for this course. ii. Mathematics is a spectator sport.
Mathematics is just out there to be 4 points -The student is able to completely
discovered and appreciated. solve 75% of the problems in the problem set
iii. Mathematics is only for the gifted. or completed all the proof/s in the quiz.
iv. One is dumb if he/she cannot solve a
mathematical problem right away.
v. There is only one way to solve a
mathematical problem.

Section 2. Mathematics as a Tool 14. Use a variety of statistical tools to Activities to do Evaluation requirements
(Part 1) process and manage numerical data (S) i. Lectures i. 1 quiz
I. Data Management ( 9hrs) 15. Use the methods of linear regression ii. Work with appropriate computer statistical ii. 1 test
Core idea: Statistical tools derived from and correlations to predict the value of a software. iii. 1 problem set
mathematics are useful in processing and variable given certain conditions (S). iii. Class discussions iv. 1 project proposal for quantitative study
managing numerical data in order to describe 16. Advocate the use of statistical data in iv. Pseudo-proposal defense to be orally proposed
a phenomenon and predict values. making important decisions (V).
Standards/Basis for Grading to Use
 Data Gathering and Organizing Data; i. Numerical scores for the quizzes, test and
Representing Data Using graphs and problem sets.
charts; Interpreting organized data ii. Rubric for the project proposal.
 Measure of Central Tendency: Mean,
Median, Mode, Weighted Mean
 Measures of Dispersion: Range, Standard
Deviation and Variance
 Measures of Relative Position: z-score,
percentiles, quartiles and box-and-
whiskers plots
 Probabilities and Normal Distributions
 Linear Regression and Correlation; Least-
Squares Line, Linear Correlation

i. Although the concepts and skills appear
to be the same as the Statistics taught at
Junior and Senior High School, they are
not. Hence, the intention is to build on
the concepts and skills learned prior to
university / college, deepen what have
been learned and highlight skills in
interpreting statistical results.
Exert efforts to use technology that are
available to students.

Choose two or three topics for this section. (26. 5 hrs )

Section 3. Mathematics as a Tool (Part 5. Apply geometric concepts, especially Activities to do Evaluation requirements
2) isometries in describing and creating i. Small group or large class sharing of i. 1 problem set
I.Geometric Designs designs (S). various indigenous designs found in one’s ii. 1 long test
Core Idea: Geometry can help enhance one’s 6. Contributions to the enrichment of the home community. iii. Class exhibit of projects using Geogebra
artistic prowess as well as enrich one’s own Filipino culture and arts using concepts ii. Lectures
culture. in geometry (V). iii. Written exercises
 Recognizing and analyzing geometric
 Transformations
 Patterns and Diagrams
 Designs, Arts & Culture

II. Codes 7. Use coding schemes to encode and Activities to do Evaluation requirements
Core Idea: The utility of mathematics goes decode different types of information for i. Role playing i. 3 quizzes
beyond the mundane. Mathematics enables identification, privacy, and security ii. Lectures ii. 1 long test
the development of codes and ciphers that purposes (S). iii. Written exercises
are useful to individuals and to society. 8. Exemplify honesty and integrity when iv. Computer exercises Standards / Basis for Grading to Use
 Binary codes using codes for security purposes (V). Numerical Scores
 Integers in computers
 Logic and computer addition
 Text data
 Errors and error correction
 Error detecting codes
 Repetition and Hamming Codes

Caution: It is easy to get lost in the “fun”

that this section brings. Do not lost the

III. Linear Programming 9. Use mathematical concepts and tools in Activities Evaluation requirements
 Linear inequalities other areas such as in finance, voting, i. Lectures i. Problem set
 Geometry of Linear Programming logic, business, networks, and systems ii. Role Playing ii. An Integrating project
 Simplex Method (S). iii. Written exercises
Sample Integrating Project (by groups)
Create a poster aimed at recruiting students
to join a club that promotes mathematics as
an important tool in everyday life.

IV. The Mathematics of Finance 10. Support the use of mathematics in Activities Standards / Basis for Grading to Use
 Simple and Compound Interest various aspects and endeavors in life (V). i. Lectures i. Numerical scores for problem sets.
 Credit Cards and Consumer Loans ii. Role Playing ii. Rubrics for the project
 Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds iii. Written exercises
 Home ownership

V. Apportionment and Voting 12. Describe a variety of mathematical Activities Evaluation Requirement
 Introduction to apportionment issues that arise in determining how to i. Actual voting activity i. Group project in which students investigate,
 Introduction to Voting allocate representatives in Phil Congress ii. Lecture analyze, and assemble i. e. a family
 Weighted Voting Systems (S) iii. Written exercises
13. Recognize the importance of applying
ii. Quizzes
rigorous and numerate approach to
iii. Test
analyze and solve problem in social
choice theory (S)
VI. Logic 14. Construct, symbolize, and evaluate Activities Evaluation Requirement
 Logic statement and quantifiers proofs in syllogistic logic, truth-functional i. Teachers should create questions that i. The Journey’s Notebook helps students
 Truth tables and tautologies will help move students forward – no create an organized space for
 Conditional, Biconditional and related matter where they are in the process.
demonstrating their learning process. The
statements Opportunities for effective questioning:
 Entry: for students having difficulty notebook serves as a formative
 Symbolic Arguments
 Arguments and Euler diagrams getting started. instructional tool as well as a portfolio of
 Moving: for places where students could the students’ learning experiences, which
get stuck. provides rich documentation of their
 Reflection: for students to use for critical thinking development.
metacognition (after completing ii. Quizzes
iii. Test
 Extension: for students to engage in
higher-order thinking skills with respect
to the same concept and/or problem.
ii. Lecture
iii. Written Exercises

VII. The Mathematics of Graphs  11. Be able to apply the definitions of and the Activities Evaluation Requirement
 Graphs and Euler circuits fundamental results describing the i. Lecture (Modelling) i. Assign integrating group projects
 Weighted graphs behavior of graph properties as described ii. Written Exercises i.e. Design your own city
 Euler’s graphs in the syllabus; and determine whether
ii. Test
 Euler’s formula these properties hold for specific
 Graph coloring examples and classes of graphs, as well
as for graph constructions
VIII. Mathematical Systems 12. State fundamental results in number i. Lecture i. Homework
 Modular Arithmetic theory and prove rigorously mathematical ii. Written Exercises ii. Test
 Applications statements concerning prime numbers
Group Theory and modular arithmetic.
13. Explain concepts from elementary
number theory, including divisibility and


Mathematics in the Learning Outcomes

GE Learning Outcomes
Modern World Mathematics in the Modern World
Knowledge (Intellectual Competencies)
1. Analyze “texts” (written, visual, oral, etc.) critically. O
2. Demonstrate proficient and effective communication (writing, O
speaking, and use of new technologies).
3. Use basic concepts across the domains of knowledge. L  Discuss the language, symbols and conventions of
4. Demonstrate critical, analytical, and creative thinking. L  Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the
 Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is,
how it is expressed, represented, and used.
 Explain the nature of mathematics as a language.
 Write clear and logical proofs.
5. Apply different analytical modes in problem solving. P  Use different types of reasoning to justify statements
and arguments made about mathematics and
mathematical concepts.
Values (Personal and Civic Responsibilities)
1. Appreciate the complexity of the human condition. L  Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s life.
 Express appreciation for mathematics as a human
 Acknowledge that mathematics is a useful language.
 Support the use of mathematics in various aspects
and endeavors in life.
2. Interpret the human experience from various perspectives. O
3. Examine the contemporary world from both Philippine and Global O
4. Take responsibility for knowing and being Filipino. O
5. Reflect critically on shared concerns. O
6. Generate innovative practices and solutions guided by ethical P  Organize one’s methods and approaches for proving
standards. and solving problems.
 Exemplify honesty and integrity when using codes for
security purposes.
7. Make decisions based on moral norms and imperatives. O
8. Appreciate various art forms. O
9. Contribute to aesthetics. L  Contribute to the enrichment of the Filipino culture
and arts using concepts in geometry.
10. Advocate respect for human rights. O
11. Contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development. P  Advocate the use of statistical data in making
important decisions.
Skills (Practical Skills)
1. Work effectively in a group. O
2. Apply computing tools to process information effectively. P  Use a variety of statistical tools to process and
manage numerical data.
 Use the methods of linear regression and correlations
to predict the value of a variable given certain
3. Use current technology to assist and facilitate learning and research. P  Apply geometric concepts, especially isometries in
describing and creating designs.
4. Negotiate the world of technology responsibly. P  Use coding schemes to encode and decode different
types of information for identification, privacy and
security purposes.
5. Create solutions to problems in various field. P  Solve problems involving patterns and recreational
problems following Polya’s four steps.
6. Manage one’s knowledge, skills, and values for responsible and P  Use mathematical concepts and tools in other areas
productive living. such as in finance, voting, logic, business, networks
and systems.
7. Organize one’s self for lifelong learning. L  Perform operations on mathematical expressions

L = Learned P= Practiced O = Opportunity to Learn


1. Writing exercise sets.

2. Quizzes
3. Problem sets
4. Project
5. Essay Writing / Synthesis Paper


Assessment Task Weight

Quizzes 40% (4)
Individual case analysis / reflection paper 20% (3)
Group case analysis 20% (2)
Final oral exam (could be replaced with written exam) 20% (1)

RESOURCES and Other Requirements

A. Required for student

Adam, John A. Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World
Adam, John A. A Mathematical Nature Walk
AUfmann, R. et.al. Mathematical Excursions (Chaps. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, and 13) 3rd Ed (International Edition).
COMAP Inc. For all Practical Purposes, Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (2 nd ed.)
Fisher, Carol Burns. The Language of Mathematics (from One Mathematical Cat, Please! by Carol Burns Fisher)
Fisher, Carol Burns. The Language and Grammar of Mathematics
Hersh, R. What is Mathematics Really? (Chaps. 4 & 5)
Johnson and Mowry. Mathematics, A Practical Odyssey (Chap. 12)
Moser and Chen. A Student’s Guide to Coding and Information Theory
Stewart, Ian. Nature’s Numbers
Vistro-Yu, C. Geometry: Shapes. Patterns and Designs (A chapter for the new ed. of the Math 12 textbook for Ateneo de Manila University).

VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/9953368

B. Required only for teachers

Jamison, R.E. (2000). Learning the language of mathematics. Language and Learning across the Disciplines, 4(1), pp. 45-54.

C. Recommended readings
Akiyama and Ruiz. A Day’s Adventure in Math Wonderland
Aufmann et.al. Mathematical Excursions (Chap.2)
Averbach and Chein. Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics.
Enzensberger. The Number Devil
Johnson and Mowry. Mathematics, A Practical Odyssey (Chaps. 1 and 4)
Nocheseda. Palaspas
Stewart, Ian. Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities
Sobecki, Bluman, and Schirck-Matthews. Math in Our World

VIDEO: http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/secret/secret.html


1. Attendance is a MUST. Students may incur only ten (10) absences for MWF schedules or seven (7) absences for TTH schedules. Otherwise, they will automatically
be dropped from class and receive a grade of either NC (No Credit) or a failing grade of 5.0 whichever is applicable.
2. Students who incur three (3) absences will be asked by the instructor to see the Department Chair to secure permission to be re-admitted to class. A re-admission
slip should be properly accomplished for this.
3. Tardiness is discouraged. It is a source of irritation and class disruption when students arrive late. Students who arrive 15 minutes after the start of class are
considered tardy. Please note that three (3) tardiness is equivalent to one (1) absence.
4. A permanent seat plan will be made at the start of the semester. Students are advised to keep to their assigned seating arrangement; otherwise, they will be
marked absent for that day.
5. Classes should always start and end with a short prayer. The instructor can opt to lead the prayer or assign students to do this alternately.
6. Students should assist in maintaining the orderliness and cleanliness of the classrooms. Graffiti writing is strictly prohibited. Any student found violating this rule
will be punished with the appropriate sanction. Before leaving the classroom, the instructor with the help of the students, should ensure that no litter/garbage is
left behind and that chairs are in their proper order. Should the class be the last schedule for the day, the instructor should arrange that the lights and air
conditioning units are switched off.
7. Going out of the classroom at any time is strictly discouraged. Students should make it a habit to go to the restroom during their vacant period or before the start
of their classes. If they must visit the restroom, permission should be sought from the instructor.
8. Use of mobile phones inside the classroom is strictly prohibited. They should be switched off or placed in silent mode before entering classes. The instructor has
the right to confiscate mobile phones that ring and/or are used during class hours. The confiscated unit can only be claimed from the Dean’s Office at the end of
the semester.
9. The teacher reserves the right to ask the student to leave the room if his behavior is disruptive in class.
10. It is the responsibility of the students to properly schedule their classes so that meals and snacks will be taken at the proper time.
11. Students are encouraged to see the instructor during consultation hours for any concerns, questions and assistance with regards to the course.

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