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Republic Act 7836

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 Republic Act 7836: Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994

Republic Act 6713 : Code of Conduct and

Ethical Standards for Public Officials and

Group No. 1
Andaya, Jeanne
Antonio, Marjorie
Arenga, Mary Rose
Arriesgado, Luzviminda
Badiango, Kevin Lawrence
Republic Act 7836: Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994

An act to strengthen the regulation and supervision

of the practice of teaching in the Philippines and
prescribing a licensure examination for teachers and
for other purposes.
•Fidel V. Ramos was the president who approved Republic Act 7836 on December
16, 1994. Republic Act 7836 is an act that strengthens the regulation and
supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippines. It is also known as the
“Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

Board National Board for Teachers (NBT) was directly under The regulation and
licensing of teachers was The promulgation of Presidential Decree No. ... 7836,
otherwise known as “The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.” The
law provided for the professionalization of teaching under the aegis of the PRC.
The Board shall have the power, after due notice and hearing, to suspend or revoke
the certificate of registration of any registrant, to reprimand or to cancel the
temporary/special permit of a holder thereof who is exempt from registration, for
any of the following causes:
(a) Conviction for any criminal offense
(b) evidence of immorality,
( c) a condition of health detrimental to the welfare of pupils,
(d) incompetence, (e)unprofessional conduct,
(f)the neglect of any professional duty
(g) the willful failure to report an instance of child abuse or
• An act establishing a code of conduct and
ethical standards for public officials and
employees, to uphold the time-honored
Republic Act 6713 principle of public office being a public
also known as the trust, granting incentives and rewards for
exemplary service, enumerating
“Code of Conduct. prohibited acts and transactions and
and Ethical Standards providing penalties for violations
thereof ..
for Public. Officials • One of the most important topics that
and Employees. you have to mainly review is Republic Act
6713, This law contains the standards
which public employees must follow and
contains penalties for its violation.
• RA 6713 also bears the eight (8) norms of conduct – commitment
to public interest, professionalism, justness and sincerity, political
neutrality, responsiveness to the public, nationalism and
patriotism, commitment to democracy, and simple living.
• Public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to
the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost
responsibility, integrity, competence, and loyalty, act with
patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public
interest over personal interest.

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