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Coaching Start Date: ____________.

This agreement between _______________________ as Coach, and

______________________, Client may include an initial inventory and intake session of
about 90 minutes, and 50 minute coaching sessions either in person or by phone.

^  : $_____/ a 50-minute session or call with brief email exchanges for every
_______week(s) for approximately _____weeks, and may include additional brief
sessions or email exchanges as the Coach and Client deem necessary. All payments
are due in the beginning of session or phone call, in advance of Client receiving

The Coach and Client will evaluate progress and whether to continue sessions at the
last scheduled session. This agreement may be extended or terminated by mutual


: As a matter of ethics, the Coach has the responsibility to maintain
strict confidentiality about all personal information shared by the Client. The only
exception is when the Client shares information that gives the Coach reasonable cause
to believe there are threats of serious harm to the Client him/herself or others as well as
child or elder abuse. The Coach is obligated report the situation to the proper agent.

The coaching services provided to the client include a powerful, comprehensive process
for personal development and transformation, as designed jointly with the client.
Coaching may address specific personal goals, work successes or general conditions in
the client¶s life as they choose.

In consideration of the mutual covenants, and upon the conditions, set forth herein,
Client requests and Coach agrees to provide coaching services as follows:

   . In order to understand and clarify the services and relationship, Client and
Coach acknowledge and agree that:

A. Coaching is a relationship which is designed and defined by the Client with the
Coach¶s agreement, and which is based on the Client¶s expressed interests, goals, and

B. Coach uses discussion, questions and requests to assist Client as Client identifies
personal and/or business goals, develops strategies and action plans intended to
achieve such goals, and monitors progress towards implementation of the action plans.

C. Coach does not provide counseling, therapy, advice, answers or direction to Client.
Client¶s Initial: _________

D. Client is responsible for his or her own achievements and success and Coach
cannot and does not promise that Client will take any specific action or attain specific

. This Agreement will begin with an initial term of three months and will
continue thereafter month to month until canceled by either Coach or Client at any time
upon 30 days written notice. No reason or cause shall be required for any party to
terminate this Agreement.

A.  . Fees are payable at the beginning of each meeting prior to Client receiving
services unless otherwise agreed upon. Any fees not paid timely are subject to an
interest charge of 10% per annum.

B.  . Client acknowledges and agrees that in the course of the services Coach
may ask Client questions which may be personal, challenging or disturbing. Client
waives and releases any claims arising or resulting from Coach¶s questions, actions
or services.

C.    . Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to, this
Agreement or the services provided, shall first be submitted to mediation for an
attempt at resolution, with such mediation being conducted by a mutually agreeable
party, or if no such party can be agreed upon, by a mediator appointed by the San
Francisco office of the American Arbitration Association (³AAA´). If the dispute is not
resolved by mediation of not less than four hours duration, the dispute shall be
settled by binding arbitration in San Francisco, California through and in accordance
with the rules of AAA then existing. If the parties are unable to mutually agree upon
an arbitrator, an arbitrator with experience in such matters as are at issue shall be
appointed by the AAA, but any mediator used in the dispute shall be ineligible unless
the parties agree otherwise. The provisions of Sections 1282.6, 1283, and 1283.05
of the California Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to the arbitration. The arbitrator
shall not have any power to alter, amend, modify or change any of the terms of this
Agreement nor to grant any remedy which is either prohibited by the terms of this
Agreement, or not available in a court of law.

D.  . In the event of any dispute, litigation or arbitration between the parties,
the non-prevailing party shall pay to the prevailing party therein all costs and
expenses, expressly including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees and
costs incurred therein by such successful party.

E. ! "#" "! . The parties agree and acknowledge

that Coach is not a guarantor nor an insurer and that the fees provided for hereunder
would be substantially higher if Coach was to undertake such responsibilities. The
Client also agrees it would be extremely difficult and impractical to fix actual
damages to Client, if any, which may result from a failure to perform by Coach. It is
therefore agreed, that if Coach is found liable for any loss or damage due to a failure
to perform or other breach of this agreement (excluding only willful misconduct),
Client¶s Initial: _________

Coach¶s liability shall be limited to the total of all payments made by Client or a sum
equal to the last three sessions of Client¶s payments to Coach, whichever amount is

F.   $ !  . This Agreement shall, in all respects, be governed by the
laws of the State of California applicable to agreements executed and to be
performed within California. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding
and agreement of the parties and no amendment, change or modification of this
Agreement shall be valid, unless in writing and signed by all of the parties hereto.

I, as Coach, promise the following:

1. All information discussed or provided during sessions will be kept strictly

confidential with the exception noted above.
2. Communication will be honest and straightforward, including, asking questions
and making requests.
3. My role will be to serve as a partner and champion for your success as Client.
4. An approach will be used that is in support of wholeness and balance, and where
you, as Client are assumed to have the answers and be accountable for yourself.
5. I will notify you 24 hours in advance if an unavoidable conflict arises so we can
6. My Coaching role will be to ensure that the purpose of our interaction is to keep
you the Client on purpose and aligned with your intentions and to support you in
realizing your intentions.
7. I will strive to provide the best coaching servicing to you. If I ever say or do
something that upsets you or doesn¶t feel right, please bring it up. I will do what is
necessary to satisfy your coaching needs.
8. I will return Client¶s phone calls and emails within 72 hours. In an event of
emergency, client will call the police at 9-1-1 for immediate attention. Coach is
not liable for client¶s injury or damage should Client chooses not to call the police
in emergency situations.

You, as Client, are requested to do the following as we begin our coaching relationship:

1. Be honest. My job is to support you in those actions you have chosen for
yourself. Please use me as a safe place to look at what stops you from being in
2. Make all appointments/calls on time, or call at least the day before to reschedule
if an unavoidable conflict arises for you.
3. Sometimes I may ask questions which may seem too personal. Think about this
right now, and decide if you can give me full permission to be bold and forthright
in all our interactions.
4. Tell me what works and what doesn¶t work in having someone support you.
Client¶s Initial: _________

5. Affirm that you are fully responsible for the choices and decisions in your life.
6. Reflect right now to confirm whether you are absolutely certain you are ready to
begin taking new opportunities and making new choices so changes in your life
can happen now.

The parties agree that this agreement will be considered signed when the signature
of the client is delivered by email. Such email shall be treated in all respects as
having the same effect as an original signature. In the event that contract is
extended beyond the dates listed, receipt of payment for additional sessions will
serve as acknowledgement of contract renewal in lieu of additional signatures.

Each of the parties whose signatures appear below agrees that this agreement
represents their mutual understanding of the coaching relationship.

As a client, I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well being during
my coaching sessions, including my choices and decisions.

Client signature and date

Coach signature and date


I agree to allow ____ to document my name and coaching hours for submission to
the International Coach Federation when applying for certification.

Client signature and date


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