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Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grade 4

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The document covers various vocabulary exercises and worksheets including multiple meaning words, Greek and Latin word parts, synonyms, closed syllable division, idioms, word relationships, and more.

Some of the vocabulary exercises covered include multiple meaning words, Greek and Latin word parts, synonyms, closed syllable division, idioms, connotations, academic language, and word relationships.

Some of the figures of speech discussed include similes, metaphors, imagery, adages, alliteration, proverbs, and onomatopoeia.

Vocabulary Worksheet #1

Multiple Meaning Words

Directions: Write the number of the definition that best matches the use of each vocabulary
word in the sentence below.

Vocabulary Words Definitions

brief (n) 1. Short.
brief (v) 2. To inform or give a summary of information or events.

The reporter wrote a brief ___ summary of the news story to brief ___ her boss, the City Editor.

Greek and Latin Word Parts: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

Directions: For each prefix, root, or suffix, write an example word which includes the word part.
Then use the word part meanings to help you write your own definition of the vocabulary word.

Prefix Root Suffix Meaning Example Word

un not ________________________

able to be able to ________________________

unable ________________________________________________________________________

Language Resources: Dictionary and Thesaurus

Directions: Consult a dictionary to divide the vocabulary word into syl/la/bles, mark its primary
áccent, list its part of speech, and write its primary definition. Compare to your definition above.

unable ( ) __________________________________________________________________


Directions: Consult a thesaurus to write the best synonym and antonym for the vocabulary word.

Synonym __________________________ Antonym __________________________

Idioms (non-literal expression used by a certain language group)

Directions: As used in the following sentence, interpret or explain the meaning of this idiom: “a
lot on my plate.” I’d like to stop and help you, but right now I’ve just got a lot on my plate.

Vocabulary Worksheet #2

Word Relationships: Synonyms

Directions: Consult a SALE (Synonym, Antonym, Logic, Example) context clues to write a
sentence that shows the meaning of each vocabulary word. Connect the clauses with a transition.

Vocabulary Words Definitions

conclude (v) To end or bring to a close.
finish (v) To add the final touches to a project.


transition: ___________, ________________________________________________________.

Connotations: Shades of Meaning

Directions: Write the vocabulary words where they belong on the Connotation Spectrum.

Vocabulary Words Definitions

colossal (adj) Extremely and unusually large.
enormous (adj) Very large.

big huge

Academic Language

Directions: Describe the vocabulary words in each box.

Vocabulary Word: analyze (v) Similar to…

Definition: To break into parts and examine
each part.

Different than… Example, Characteristics, or Picture:

Vocabulary Word: approach (v) Similar to…

Definition: To get close to something.

Different than… Example, Characteristics, or Picture:

Vocabulary Study Cards #1 and #2

to inform or
give a
brief short brief
summary of
information or

un not able to be able to

to end or
to add the
conclude bring to a finish
final touches
to a project

extremely and
colossal unusually enormous very large

to break into
parts and to get close to
analyze approach
examine each something
Closed Syllable Division Worksheet

1. náp/kin 2. pén/cil 3. fíd/get

4. píc/nic 5. cón/test 6. bán/dit

7. át/las 8. in/vén/ted 9. ín/sult

10. plás/tic 11. sánd/wich 12. hún/dred

13. món/ster 14. trúm/pet 15. ín/sect

16. fan/tás/tic 17. splén/did 18. các/tus

19. mág/net 20. cán/yon 21. ác/tress

22. quin/tét 23. kíd/nap 24. lóc/ker

25. púmp/kin 26. sub/tráct 27. frán/tic

Closed Syllable Rule: A vowel before a syllable-ending

consonant (VC) is usually short. This pattern is called a
closed syllable. The syllable following begins with a
consonant. Examples: mas-cot, bas-ket.
Derivatives Worksheet

Directions: Choose two unknown Syllable Blending words and look each up in the dictionary.
Search related entry words to find the base word. Write the base word in the space provided with
its primary definition in your own words. Find two derivatives of this base word and list these
words and their parts of speech. Then use each of these derivatives in a complete sentence.

Base Word Derivative

___________________ ( ) Part of Speech / Sentence



___________________ ( ) Definition: _________________________________________________



___________________ ( ) Part of Speech / Sentence



Base Word Derivative

___________________ ( ) Part of Speech / Sentence



___________________ ( ) Definition: _________________________________________________



___________________ ( ) Part of Speech / Sentence



Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ©2013 Pennington Publishing

Vocabulary Test: Lessons 49─52

Directions: Place the capital letter(s) that best matches to the left of the number.
____1. mouse A. A tool used to move the cursor on a computer
____2. post B. A mix of oxygen and fuel that creates burning
____3. pon(e) C. A piece or part of a whole
____4. fire D. After
____5. cooperate E. An area or region that is separate from others
____6. section AB. To work with others to achieve a common goal
____7. sector AC. Put

Directions: Place the capital letter(s) that best matches to the left of the number.
____8. train A. Important or worthy of attention
____9. di B. To give evidence or reasons in support of an idea
____10. sect C. To prepare or instruct
____11. chisel D. Cut
____12. argue E. Two
____13. significant AB. A metal tool to cut or shape
____14. similar AC. Being the same or close to the same as something or
someone else

Directions: Write complete sentences, using context clues to show the meaning of the following.
15. Write a sentence or two showing the meaning of this proverb: “All work and no play make
Jack a dull boy.” ________________________________________________________________
16. Identify the words using onomatopoeia in the following sentence: I hear the bird chirp
happily and rustle of the leaves in the tree. ___________________________________________
17. Write a sentence showing the meaning of this word: “postpone.” ______________________
18. Write a sentence showing the meaning of this word: “dissect.” ________________________

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ©2013 Pennington Publishing

Context Clues Strategies and Worksheets

Using context clues to figure out the meaning of unknown words as you read will help
build your vocabulary and increase your reading comprehension. The FP’S BAG SALE
STRATEGIES will improve your ability to use context clues.

When you come to an unknown word, first apply these steps: FP’S BAG.

Finish the sentence.

See how the word fits into the whole sentence.
Pronounce the word out loud.
Sometimes hearing the word will give you a clue to meaning.
Syllables‒Examine each word part.
Word parts can be helpful clues to meaning.
Before‒Read the sentence before the unknown word.
The sentence before can hint at what the word means.
After‒Read the sentence after the unknown word.
The sentence after can define, explain, or provide an example of the word.
Grammar‒Determine the part of speech.
Pay attention to where the word is placed in the sentence, the ending of the word, and its
grammatical relationship to other known words for clues to meaning.

Next search for surrounding word clues which identify one of the SALE (Synonym, Antonym,
Logic, Example) context clues categories. Knowing the category the unknown word belongs to
will help you define the unknown word.

Synonym‒Sometimes an unknown word is defined by the use of a word that is similar in

meaning. Synonyms may appear in apposition, in which case commas, dashes, or
parentheses are used.
Example: The wardrobe, or closet, was filled with clothes.
Often a sentence will have two clauses with one clause listing the word and the other
clause defining it.
Example: Spaghetti is a carbohydrate, a rich source to provide energy.
Antonym‒Sometimes an unknown word is defined by the use of word that is different or
opposite in meaning. Antonym clues will often use Transition Words e.g. however, not,
but, in contrast, etc.
Example: He signaled a looey, not a right turn.
Logic‒Sometimes an unknown word is explained by the use of other words.Your own knowledge
about the content and text structure may provide clues to meaning.
Example: He petted the canine, and then made her sit up and beg for a bone.
Example‒Sometimes an unknown word is defined by example words or is used as part of list of
similar examples. Example clues will often use Transition Words e.g. for example.
Example: Adventurous, rowdy, and crazy pioneers all found their way out West.

Put together the FP’S BAG SALE clues to guess the meaning of the unknown word.

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ©2013 Pennington Publishing

Context Clues Worksheet Answers

Correction Note: Many times a combination of context clue categories may help readers find
the meaning of unknown words. Students may wish to share why they identified a different
SALE context clues category.

SALE Context Clues

Synonym—Sometimes an unknown word is defined by the use of a word that is similar in

Antonym—Sometimes an unknown word is defined by the use of word that is different or
opposite in meaning.
Logic—Sometimes an unknown word is explained by the use of other words.
Example—Sometimes an unknown word is defined by example words or is used as part of
list of similar examples.

The Laurho Dinner Party

Last Ertoke ____December_____, ____Synonym_____ just before Christmas, I had the

extreme pleasure of boarding Air Force One and flying across the Atlantic to attend an important

government dinner in a distant laurho _____country______ ______Logic______. What a party

it was with delicious swenjusa ______food_______ _____Example_____ and festive drinks!

The dining room was beautifully decorated and tinsel, lights, and bulbs hung splendidly on the

twenty-foot Christmas terraza _______tree_______ _____Example_____.

The dress was yontuk ______casual______, ____Antonym_____ not formal, and the

ladies enjoyed wearing their floor-length goreds ______gowns______ ______Logic______.

After dinner a young westy _____woman______, ____Synonym_____ Princess Styvault,

sang a wonderful medley of show tunes and folk songs, accompanied by the brilliant Monsieur

Pierrot, who tinkled the ivories on the soto _____piano_______ _____Example____.

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ©2013 Pennington Publishing

Semantic Spectrums

Words have both denotative meanings, such as the dictionary definition, and connotative
meanings, such as the shades of meaning between similar definitions. Brainstorming the
connotative meanings of words with similar definitions can help develop a deeper
understanding of exactly what a word means and how it is used.

Directions: Follow the model and example below to complete the spectrum, placing the
vocabulary word that is assigned by your teacher in the appropriate location. Try to keep the
same parts of speech as the vocabulary word for most of your words.

One Extreme

One Extreme
Example: Vocabulary Word vicious





Vocabulary Word ________________________

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ©2013 Pennington Publishing

CCSS 4th Grade Vocabulary Scope and Sequence

CCSS Multiple Greek and Word Figures of Connotations Academic

Levels Meanings Latin Word Relationship Speech L.5.c. Language
L.4.a Parts s L.4.a. L.5.a. L.6.0
1 spell un Idioms
2 Synonyms: colossal analyze
conclude enormous approach
3 staff re Idioms
4 Synonyms: furious assess
gather upset assume
5 work in Idioms
6 Antonyms: exhausted authority
lazy weary available
7 track dis Idioms
8 Antonyms: adore benefit
selfish admire concept
9 ruler en Idioms
10 Part to joyous consist
Whole: elated constitute
11 rose at Idioms
12 Part to mumble context
Whole: whisper contract
13 right in Idioms
14 Degree: scorching data
worried lukewarm derive
15 match over Similes
16 Degree: sniffle distribute
spicy sob economy
17 bright mis Similes
18 Item to scrawny environment
Category: obese establish

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grade 4 ©2013 Pennington Publishing 198

CCSS 4th Grade Vocabulary Scope and Sequence

CCSS Multiple Greek and Word Figures of Connotation Academic

Levels Meanings Latin Word Relationship Speech s Language
L.4.a Parts s L.4.a. L.5.a. L.5.c. L.6.0
19 box sub Similes
20 Item to dull estimate
Category: fascinating evident
21 block pre Metaphors
22 Character to recommend export
Location: approve factor
23 bark inter Metaphors
24 Character to probable finance
Location: certain formula
25 trip fore Metaphors
26 Object to its plead function
Use: request identify
27 star de Imagery
28 Object to its master income
Use: succeed indicate
29 roll trans Imagery
30 Source and its dawn individual
Object: twilight interpret
31 rock super Imagery
32 Source and its courageous involve
Object: cowardly issue

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grade 4 ©2013 Pennington Publishing 199

CCSS 4th Grade Vocabulary Scope and Sequence

CCSS Multiple Greek and Word Figures of Connotation Academic

Levels Meanings Latin Word Relationship Speech s Language
L.4.a Parts s L.4.a. L.5.a. L.5.c. L.6.0
33 punch semi Adages
34 Worker to require labor
Work: demand legal
35 play anti Adages
36 Worker to deny legislate
Work: refuse major
37 ring mid Adages
38 Problem to encourage method
Solution: inspire occur
39 park under Alliteration
40 Problem to approximate percent
Solution: accurate period
41 mean audi Alliteration
42 Defining ancient policy
Characteristic modern principle
43 light tri Alliteration
44 Defining appropriate proceed
Characteristic fitting process
45 fall ex Proverbs
46 Lack of to gulp require
Object: sip research

Boldface denotes Introductory Standard for Fourth Grade Level.

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grade 4 ©2013 Pennington Publishing 200

CCSS 4th Grade Vocabulary Scope and Sequence

CCSS Multiple Greek and Word Figures of Connotations Academic

Levels Meanings Latin Word Relationship Speech L.5.c. Language
L.4.a Parts s L.4.a. L.5.a. L.6.0
47 bowl a Proverbs
48 Lack of to counterfeit respond
Object: phony role
49 mouse post Proverbs
50 Tool to cooperate section
Worker: reject sector
51 train di Onomatopoeia
52 Tool to argue significant
Worker: chat similar
53 does e Onomatopoeia
54 Cause-Effect: gobble source
tragedy nibble specific
55 wind ab Onomatopoeia
56 Cause-Effect: neglect structure
misbehavior notice theory

Boldface denotes Introductory Standard for Fourth Grade Level.

Common Core Vocabulary Toolkit Grade 4 ©2013 Pennington Publishing 201

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