Ipd B: Finals - Heent: Techniques of Examination For Head (From Bates')
Ipd B: Finals - Heent: Techniques of Examination For Head (From Bates')
Ipd B: Finals - Heent: Techniques of Examination For Head (From Bates')
Ask if the patient has noticed anything wrong with the scalp or
hair. If you detect a hairpiece or wig, ask the patient to remove
1. To describe the gross structure and assess the
Hair: Note its quantity, distribution, texture, and any pattern of
function of the head and face, including the eyes,
loss. You may see loose flakes of dandruff.
ears, nose, paranasal sinuses, mouth and pharynx.
2. To record the findings using a standard format.
Scalp: Part the hair in several places and look for scaliness,
lumps, nevi, or other lesions.
Skull: Observe the general size and contour of the skull. Not
EXAMINATION OF THE HEAD any deformities, depressions, lumps, or tenderness. Learn to
recognize the irregularities in a normal skull, such as those
1. Stand beside or behind the seated patient. near the suture lines between the parietal and occipital bones.
2. Inspect and palpate the hair taking note of:
a. Color – black, brown, gray (natural or dyed) Face: Note the patient’s facial expression and contours.
b. Quantity – thin, thick or fairly abundant Observe for asymmetry, involuntary movements, edema, and
c. Distribution – evenly distributed, pattern of masses.
hair loss if any, receding hairline
d. Texture – fine or coarse Skin: Observe the skin, noting its color, pigmentation, texture,
e. Moisture – dry or oily thickness, hair distribution, and any lesions.
3. Part the hair in several places and examine the scalp
for skin lesions (scars, scales, masses, etc.) and
4. Inspect and palpate the cranium and describe the: EXTRA NOTES FROM BATES’
a. Size/shape – normocephalic, microcephalic,
macrocephalic • Fine hair is seen in hyperthyroidism; coarse hair in
b. Symmetry – symmetric, asymmetric (usually hypothyroidism. Tiny white ovoid granules that
due to bony deformities) adhere to hairs may be nits (lice eggs).
c. Scalp – lesions (Describe) and tenderness
d. Temporal Arteries
i. Inspect the temporal fossae, if
visible, describe if tortuous or not
ii. Place your index and middle finger
pads over the temporal fossae
• Look for redness and scaling that may indicate
iii. Describe the amplitude and equality
seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis; soft lumps that may
of pulsations, consistency of walls
be pilar cysts (wens); pigmented nevi.
(soft or hard)
The superficial temporal artery
passes upward just in front of the
ear, where is is readily palpable.
• An enlarged skull may signify hydrocephalus or
In many normal people, Paget’s disease of bone. Palpable tenderness or
especially thin and elderly ones, step-offs may be present after head trauma.
the tortuous coarse of one of its
branches can be traced across
the forehead.
Thick, black hair, evenly distributed, coarse and dry; clean • Acne is found in may adolescents. Hirsutism
scalp; normocephalic, no mass or tenderness (excessive facial hair) occurs in some women with
polycystic ovary syndrome.
Temporal arteries are not visible but palpable with strong,
equal pulsations, walls not thickened.
EXAMINATION OF THE FACE 2. Eyelids: swelling, edema, erythematous rim, ptosis,
1. Stand or sit in front of the patient at eye level
2. Inspect the FACE to assess: BATES’: Note the position fo the lids in relation to the eyeballs.
a. Skin Inspect for the following: Width of the palpebral fissures,
i. Color (fair, brown, black) edema of the lids, color of the lids, lesions, condition
ii. Lesions – describe type (macule, and direction of the eyelashes, adequacy of eyelid
papule, patch, wheals, etc.) color closure.
changes (erythematous,
hyperpigmented, *Failure of eyelids to close exposes the corneas to
hypopigmented, depigmented, serious damage.
etc.) and distribution.
b. Shape – oval, triangular, round, square
c. Symmetry – symmetric or asymmetric,
describe (shallow right nasolabial fold,
drooping right angle of the mouth Ptosis
d. Facial expression (facie) and involuntary
facial movements. Drooping of the upper lid, causes
include myasthenia gravis,
damage to CN 3, and damage to
FACIES FROM BATES’ sympathetic nerve supply.
More common in the elderly. An
inward turning of the lid margin.
Margin of the lower lid is turned
outward, exposing the palpebral
Lid Retraction and
A wide-eyed stare suggests
retracted eyelids. Exopphthalmos
describes protrusion of the
A painful, tender, red infection in a
gland at the margin of othe eyelid
FINDINGS A subacute nontender, usually
Oval, symmetrical, fair-skinned with several painless nodule involving a
hyperpigmented papules scattered over the face, no blocked Meibomian gland. Usually
masses, normal facie, no involuntary movements. points inside the lid rather than on
the lid margin.
EXAMINATION OF THE EYES Slightly raised, yellowish, well-
circumscribed plaques that appear
along the nasal portions of one or
both eyelids.
Inflammation of Lacrimal Sac
A swelling between the lower
eyelid and the nose.
For this, ask the patient to follow your finger or pencil as you
move it in toward the bridge of the nose. The converging
eyes normally follow the object to within 5 cm to 8 cm of the
1. Sit or stand at the patient’s right side for examination
of the right eye.
2. Place the “O” in the illuminated dial.
3. Take the ophthalmoscope in the right hand and hold it
9. Extraocular Movements: examine both eyes vertically in front of your own eye with the light
simultaneously: beam directed toward the patient and place your
a. The examiner places himself approximately 1 right index finger on the edge of the lens dial in
meter in front of the patient order to change lenses easily if necessary.
b. Ask the patient to look to each side, up and 4. Instruct the patient to look straight ahead, preferably at
down following an “H” pattern some distant object at eye level.
c. Pursuit: ask the patient to follow a target such 5. Move to a position about 6 inches (15 cm) in front,
as your finger or a pen with their eyes without and 25 degrees to the right side of the patient and
moving their head direct the light beam into the pupil. A red “reflex”
d. Pause at the ends of each direction of gaze to should appear as you look through the aperture.
observe for nystagmus 6. While the patient continues to look straight ahead,
keep the “reflex” in view and slowly move toward
the patient. The optic disc should come into view
BATES’: From about 2 feet directly in front of the patient, shine when you are about 1 ½ to 2 inches (3-5 cm) from
a light onto the patient’s eyes and ask the patient to look at the patient. If it is not focused clearly, rotate lenses
it. Inspect the reflections in the corneas. They should be into the aperture with your index finger until the optic
visible slightly nasal to the center of the pupils. disc is as clearly visible as possible.
7. Now examine the disc for clarity of outline, color,
Assess the extraocular movements, looking for: elevation and condition of the vessels. Follow each
vessel as far to the periphery as you can. To locate
• The normal conjugate movements of the eyes in the macula, focus on the disc, then move the light
each direction or any deviation from normal temporally about 2 discs diameter. Examine for
• Nystagmus, a fine rhythmic oscillation of the eyes. abnormalities in the macula area.
If you see this, bring your finger in to within the field 8. To examine the extreme periphery, instruct the patient
of binocular vision and look again. to:
• Lid lag as the eyes move from up to down. a. Look up for examination of the superior retina
b. Look down for examination of inferior retina
To test for the 6 Extraocular Movements, ask the patient to c. Look temporally for examination of temporal
follow your finger/pencil as you sweep through the 6 cardinal retina
directions of gaze: d. Look nasally for examination of nasal retina
1. To the patient’s extreme right 9. Examination of the left eye is done in the same manner
2. To the right and upward except the ophthalmoscope is held in the left hand
3. Down on the right before the left eye and the examiner is at the patient’s
4. Without pausing in the middle to the extreme left side.
5. To the left and upward NOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING:
6. Down on the left 1. The clarity of the disc outline. The nasal outline may be
normally somewhat blurred.
*Because middle-aged or older people may have difficulty 2. The color of the disc, normally yellowish orange to
focusing on near objects, make this distance greater for creamy pink.
them than for young people. If necessary, hold the head in 3. The possible presence of normal white or pigmented
the proper midline position. If you suspect lid rings or crescents around the disc
lag/hyperthyroidism, ask the patient to follow your finger 4. The size of the central physiologic cup, if present. This
again as you move it slowly from up to down in the midline. cup is normally yellowish white. Its horizontal dimeter
The lid should overlap the iris slightly throughout this is usually less than half of the horizonal diameter of the
movement. disc.
5. The symmetry of the eyes in terms of these
COLOR Light red Dark red
SIZE Smaller (2/3 to ¾ Larger
the diameter of
LIGHT REFLEX Bright Inconspicuous or
• (+) ROR
• 2:3 A:V RATIO
• (-) Hemorrhages
• (-) Papilledema
BATES’: Use a well-lit Snellen eye chart. Position the patient
20 feet from the chart. Patients who use glasses other than
for reading should wear them.
Ask the patient to cover on eye with a card and to read the
smallest line of print possible.
Vision of 20/20
Record for each eye separately. Right eye: OD; Left eye; OS
• 20/30-1 → The patient missed to letter of the 20/30 line
• 20/200 → legally blind. At 20 ft., the patients reads a
line that a normal eye could see at 200 ft.
• CF (Counting Fingers) → if a patient is unable to read
DISTANT VISION NEAR VISION the top line, have him count fingers at maximal distance.
Snellen’s Chart – 10 or 20 Near vision card – 14 inches • HM (Hand Motion) → if a patient cannot cound fingers,
feet ask them to determine direction of hand motion
• LP (Light Perception) → if a patient cannot perceive
hand motion, see if they can perceive a light
• NLP → No Light Perception
Light rays from the center of the visual field are focused on
BATES’: Kinetic Red Target Test
the macula in the center of the retina. In the macula, the
proportion of cones to rods is high. Cones are important for 1. Facing the patient, move a 5 mm red-topped pin inward
color vision. from beyond the boundary of each quadrant along a line
bisecting the horizonal and vertical meridians.
2. Ask the patient when the pin first appears to be red.
The normal peripheral monocular visual field extends
approximately 90 degrees temporally, 60 degrees nasally,
60 degrees superiorly and 75 degrees inferiorly.
BATES’: If you detect any suspicious ulcers or nodules, put BATES’: Inspect the teeth. Are any of them missing,
on a glove and palpate any lesions, noting any thickening or discolored, misshapen, or abnormally positioned? Check for
infiltration of the tissues that might suggest malignancy. looseness with your gloved thumb and index finger.
NORMAL RESPONSE Pinkish, no lesions
Pinkish, moist, symmetrical, no lesions.
6. Tongue
BATES’: Observe their color and moisture, and note any • Ask the patient to open his mouth. Observe for
lumps, ulcers, cracking, or scaliness. abnormal movements (fasciculations, tremors).
• Ask the patient to protrude the tongue and observe for
the following:
2. Oral Mucosa – look into the patient’s open mouth and o Size
using a tongue blade, inspect the buccal mucosa for o Color
color, pigmentation, ulcers, patches, and nodules. o Surface
o Moisture
o Symmetry
BATES’: o Lesions
The wavy white line on the adjacent
buccal mucosa developed where the BATES’: Ask the patient to put out his or her tongue. Inspect
upper and lower teeth meet, related to it for symmetry—a test of the hypoglossal nerve (CN12).
irritation from sucking or chewing.
Note the color and texture of the dorsum of the tongue.
Uvula in midline
Tonsils not enlarged
Pharynx is pink, no lesions, no exudates
Should be done if the thyroid gland is palpably enlarged. With
the bell of the stethoscope, listen for bruits while the patient
holds his breath.
2. Palpate the anterior superficial and deep cervical
The thyroid gland should be described as to:
chains, located anterior and superficial to the
1. Size
sternomastoid. Then palpate the posterior cervical 2. Shape
chain along the trapezius (anterior edge) and along 3. Symmetry
the sternomastoid (posterior edge). Flex the 4. Consistency
patient’s neck slightly forward toward the side 5. Presence of nodule
being examined. Examine the supraclavicular 6. Tenderness
nodes in the angle between the clavicle and the 7. Bruit
Two Physical Signs of Retrosternal Goiter: Sources/References:
1. Tracheal displacement • IPD B Manual
2. Venous engorgement in the neck • Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History
Taking (11th ed.)
The neck is normal in size, symmetrical, no visible mass,
normal muscle tone, no tenderness, full range of motion;
trachea in the midline, no palpable lymph nodes, the thyroid
gland is not visible or palpable.
1. Inspect the trachea for any deviation from its
usual midline position. Then feel for any
deviation. Place your finger along one side of the
trachea and note the space between it and the
sternomastoid. Compare it with the other side. The
spaces should be symmetric.