The Head: HEENT: Techniques of Examination
The Head: HEENT: Techniques of Examination
The Head: HEENT: Techniques of Examination
Reference, unless noted: Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 12e, Ch. 7
The Head
Because abnormalities under the hair are easily missed, ask if the patient has noticed anything
wrong with the scalp or hair. Hairpieces and wigs should be removed.
The Scalp: part the hair in several Scaling and redness may
indicate seborrheic dermatitis
places and look for scaliness,
or psoriasis
lumps, nevi, or other lesions
Soft lumps: pilar cysts (wens)
Enlargement: hydrocephalus
or Paget’s disease
Nephrotic syndrome
Bony step offs: after head Closed depressed
trauma skull fracture
The Eyes
Completion Technique Possible Findings Other Info Notes
Note position of lids
in relation to the
Conjunctiva, and
Ask the pt to look up as
you depress both lower
lids with your thumbs,
exposing the sclera and
palpebral conjunctiva
and look down, ect..
Stye Chalazion
Horner's syndrome
* Convergence test
(medial rectus muscles)
Glaucomatous cupping
● Darken the room. Switch on the ophthalmoscope light and turn the lens disc until you see the large round
beam of white light.* Shine the light on the back of your hand to check the type of light, its desired
brightness, and the electrical charge of the ophthalmoscope.
● Turn the lens disc to the 0 diopter. (A diopter is a unit that measures the power of a lens to converge or
diverge light.) At this diopter, the lens neither converges nor diverges light. Keep your finger on the edge of
the lens disc so that you can turn the disc to focus the lens when you examine the fundus.
● Hold the ophthalmoscope in your right hand and use your right eye to examine the patient's right
eye; hold it in your left hand and use your left eye to examine the patient's left eye. This keeps you
from bumping the patient's nose and gives you more mobility and closer range for visualizing the fundus.
With practice, you will become accustomed to using your nondominant eye.
● Hold the ophthalmoscope firmly braced against the medial aspect of your bony orbit, with the handle
tilted laterally at about 20° slant from the vertical. Check to make sure you can see clearly through
the aperture. Instruct the patient to look slightly up and over your shoulder at a point directly ahead
on the wall.
● Place yourself about 15 inches away from the patient and at an angle 15° lateral to the patient's line
of vision. Shine the light beam on the pupil and look for the orange glow in the pupil—the red reflex. Note
any opacities interrupting the red reflex.
● Examiner at 15-degree angle from patient's line of vision, eliciting red reflex.
● Now place the thumb of your other hand across the patient's eyebrow, which steadies your examining hand.
Keeping the light beam focused on the red reflex, move in with the ophthalmoscope on the 15° angle toward
the pupil until you are very close to it, almost touching the patient's eyelashes and the thumb of your other
● Absence of a red reflex suggests an opacity of the lens (cataract) or, possibly, the vitreous (or even an
artificial eye). Less commonly, a detached retina or, in children, a retinoblastoma may obscure this reflex.
○ Try to keep both eyes open and relaxed, as if gazing into the distance, to help minimize any
fluctuating blurriness as your eyes attempt to accommodate.
○ You may need to lower the brightness of the light beam to make the examination more comfortable
for the patient, avoid hippus (spasm of the pupil), and improve your observations.
The Ear
The ear has 3 compartments: the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear
Look at auricle and
surrounding tissue for
deformities, lumps, and
skin lesions
Insert speculum at a
slight downward angle:
Testing Conductive vs
Neurosensory Hearing
See neuro exam
Test for
obstruction (as
indicated): Press
on each ala nasi
in turn and ask
the patient to
breathe in
Inspect inside
nares with
Tilt the head
back a little,
avoid contact
with the Nasal polyps
sensitive nasal
septum. Look for Viral or allergic rhinitis
blood, edema,
ulcers, ect..
Look at
gums/teeth/tongue which
are normally pink
Angular cheilitis
Hoarseness, choking
with speaking or
The Neck
Tenderness in
Palpate thyroid gland: thyroiditis This may seem
difficult at first. Use
Retrosternal goiters the cues from visual
can cause inspection. Find
hoarseness, sob, your landmarks—
stridor, or dysphagia the notched thyroid
from tracheal cartilage and the
compression cricoid cartilage
below it Locate the
Restriction of ROM
thyroid isthmus,
Auscultation: Stridor: ominous,
usually overlying
Trachea: allows subtle high-pitched musical the second, third,
counting of respirations sound from severe and fourth tracheal
and is a point of reference subglottic or tracheal rings.
when assessing upper obstruction=emergen
versus lower airway cy
causes of SOB