1977 Coup Against Z A Bhutto
1977 Coup Against Z A Bhutto
1977 Coup Against Z A Bhutto
A Case-Study of Pakistan
Background: The leaders of the newly born state were faced with
gigantic problems in 1947. The problems were innumerable: development
of a national identity, formation and institutionalization of a political
2 S.P. Huntington, “Political Development and Political Decay”, XVII, April 1965;
Political Order in Changing Societies (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968), S.E.
Finer, The Man on the Horseback (NEW YORK:, Praeger, 1973), J.J. Johnson (ed) The
Role of Military in Under-Development Countries (Princeton: Princeton University
Press. 1968), R.D. Putnam, “Towards Explaining Military Intervention in 1967”, E.
Luttwak, Coup D’etat (London: Penguin 1968), D.A. Hibbs. Mass Political Violence: A
Cross-National Casual Analysis. (NEW YORK: John Wily & Sons, 1973), E. Fosum,
“Factors influencing the occurrences of Military Coup d’etat in Latin America”,
Journal of Peace Research, Vol.4 (1967); H. Bienen, The Military Intervenes (NEW
YORK: Russell Sage Foundations. 1968). A. Wells, “The Coup d’etat in the theory
and Practice”, American Journal of Society Vol.79, No.4 (Jan., 1974).
3 W.R. Thompson, The Grievances of Military Coupe-makers (Beverly Hills Sage, 1973);
E.A. Nordlinger, Soldiers in Politics (N.J. Prentice Hall 1977), M. Janowitz, The
Military in the Political Development of New Nations”, (Chicago: University Press, 1964).
1977 Coup D’etat in Pakistan 33
combined with the external threat perception paved the way for the
increasing influence of the army in shaping the domestic and foreign
policy of the country. Under the strong pressure of the military command,
the civilian government entered into Mutual Defence Agreement with the
U.S. in May, 1954, joined SEATO in September, 1954 and Baghdad Pact
(later CENTO) in 1955.9 Domestically, the integration of the provinces of
West Pakistan in the form of one unit was also the brainchild of Ayub
Khan, first Pakistani commander-in-chief of the Pakistan army. 10 The
military establishment was the only cohesive and disciplined national
institution in chaotic, turbulent and unstable Pakistani society.
General Ayub Khan led the first coup d’etat in the country in October,
1958. The coup d’etat was influenced by several factors; break down of
the political system, government’s overwhelming reliance on military for
maintaining public law and order, deteriorating socio-economic
conditions, high prestige of the military among the public, self images of
the military elite as the guardian of national integrity and finally the
external influences notably the U.S. encouragement and the contagious
effects upon the military elite of the coups occurring in Egypt (July 1952),
Iraq (July 1958) and Burma (September 1958).11 This coup d’etat marked
the ascendancy of the military over the civilian for the coming twelve
years. Pakistan under General Ayub Khan’s leadership closely resembled
a ‘modernizing oligarchy’.12 The decision-making was restricted to the
senior military elites around Ayub and the bureaucracy. Pakistan between
1958-69 was an administrative state run by bureaucracy with the support
of military. Ayub Khan also tried to create a new political system of Basic
Democracies, but his ten years’ rule created much more complex
problems. Political suppression, bureaucratic high handedness, economic
growth without social justice and inter-regional disparities finally resulted
in the breakdown of his political system. And Ayub Khan had to resign in
March 1969 in the wake of a prolonged, intense and wide-spread
agitational campaign against his regime.
Ayub Khan handed over power to General Yahya Khan, the
commander-in-chief of Pakistan army, chosen by him mainly because of
9 Wayne Wilcos, “Coup d’etat of 1958 in Pakistan”, Pacific Affairs (Jan., 1965).
10 Ibid.
11 H.A. Rizvi (1974), p.258.
12 See a detailed account of Ayub’s regime Lawrence Ziring, The Ayub Khan Era –
Politics in Pakistan 1958-1969 (New York: Syracuse University Press, 1971).
1977 Coup D’etat in Pakistan 35
Heger’s remarks was quite apt during his regime that ‘Pakistan’s political
debility can be explained in terms of Bhutto his background, his views of
power, his performance, his preoccupation with his personal destiny’.19
Bhutto belonged to a traditional landlord family of Sindh acquired
advanced education at British and American Universities and emerged as
an ambitious and volatile figure on the Pakistani political scene. During
Ayub’s period he served as his foreign minister and became his leading
opponent after the Tashkent Declaration when Ayub Khan dismissed him
from the government. During 1967-69, he acquired charisma, propounded
his theory “of Islamic socialism, played upon the themes of social and
economic injustices and organized his political party the Pakistan Peoples’
Party. Organizationally, his political party was a very weak and incoherent
political party which owed its existence to its founder.20 Party elections
were never held and the local office bearers were always nominated by
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto himself. He was often proud to declare: “1 am the
Peoples’ Party and they are all my creatures.”21
Mr. Bhutto’s personality had a deep imprint on the political system,
he reconstituted. The constitution, though, approved with consensus, was
tailored to the maximum advantage of the ruling junta. It was further
changed through subsequent, arbitrary amendments in order to enhance
the powers of the executive and reduce the powers of judiciary.
Structurally, it was a federal parliamentary system, but in practice it was a
highly personalized system of governance. Bhutto kept martial law in
effect for more than a year after assuming control, thereby allowing
himself extra-ordinary powers as the chief martial law administrator. He
instituted a number of structural reforms in civilian and military
bureaucracies which considerably enhanced his personal control over
these institutions.22
19 A.G. Heeger. “Politics in the Post-Military State: Some Reflections on the Pakistani
Experience, World Politics, 2 (Jan., 1977), pp.242-62.
20 For a concise analysis of PPP’s structure see Heeger (1977).
21 Far Eastern Economic Review, June 13, 1977.
22 Zia-ul-Haq’s government has issued a white papers in four volumes, covering
various aspects of the performance of the Bhutto regime See White Paper on the
Performance of the Bhutto Regime, Vol.I, II, III, IV, Government of Pakistan,
Islamabad, January, 1979 Also see White Paper on the Misuse of Media. Government
of Pakistan, August, 1978. William Richter also briefly mentions the style of Bhutto
regime, through the focus of the articles is “Persistent Practonanism Pakistan’s Third
Military Regime”, Pacific Affairs, Vol 51, No 3, Fall 1978.
1977 Coup D’etat in Pakistan 37
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid.
31 Khalid Bin Sayeed, “How Radical is Pakistan Peoples’ Party”, Pacific Affairs
(January 1974).
32 Shahid Javaid Burki (1980), p.4.
33 Ibid., p.67.
34 Khalid Bin Sayeed, Politics in Pakistan. The Nature and Direction of Change (NEW
YORK: Praeger, 1980), p.159.
1977 Coup D’etat in Pakistan 39
38 Bhutto in his book “If I am assassinated” blamed that the spontaneity in the
formation of the PNA’s alliance was mainly due to the U.S involvement but there
does not exist any concrete evidence to support his assertion Infact that opposition
parties deliberately kept on giving an impression to Bhutto that they were deeply
divided and Bhutto fell into their trap and visualizing an overwhelming victory over
the divided opponents, he announced the date of elections. See for Bhutto’s charge,
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, If I Am Assassinated (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House,
1979), p.87.
39 For the detailed account of election campaign, see, Lawrence Ziring, “March 1977
Elections in Pakistan”, Asian Survey (May 1977), pp.60-80.
40 Based on interviews with the PNA leaders.
41 The Pakistan Times. March 10, 1977.
1977 Coup D’etat in Pakistan 41
elections were fair and there was no question of fresh elections.42 Some
foreign correspondents also reported that the electoral malpractices were
confined to limited constituencies. 43 But infact, the rigging was well
planned and at a very large scale. The PPP had been preparing for the
elections for quite a long time. The government machinery, at all levels
was mobilized at least one year prior to the elections. 44 The Prime
Minister’s Secretariat, the Intelligence Agencies and the information
ministry were almost totally devoted in preparing estimates for the
forthcoming elections, making recommendations for candidates,
‘suitable’ for the PPP and suggesting various measures in order to ensure
the success of the ruling party in elections.45
The district administration, which was to play a key role in the
conduct of the elections, was thoroughly scrutinized and ‘undependable’
Deputy Commissioners and the Superintendents of Police were either
transferred or sent on leave.
The PNA’s candidate opposing Mr. Bhutto from Larkana, Maulana
Jan Mohammad Abbasi was abducted and detained all night in order to
prevent him from filing his nomination papers. Other PNA candidates,
opposing the chief ministers also met the same fate. The Prime Minister
and all four chief ministers were declared elected uncontested in order to
make an impression. On the polling day, the police FSF and the civil
service along with PPP workers did their job faithfully.46 Bogus voting
was done at a large scale, the women’s polling stations wee special targets
of the PPP workers.47 At several places the oppositions’ polling agents
were locked in separate rooms until the counting was over. At many places
the votes polled were found more than the actual voters registered in those
polling stations. Several PPP ministers themselves were seen harassing the
42 Ibid.
43 Keesings Contemporary Archives, pp.28301-6.
44 Following information is mostly based on the personal interviews with the
government officials who wish to remain unidentified.
45 See an organ of PPP Mahmood Sham ‘Hookamran Party Ki Intikhabi Mohim Ya
Siasi Party Ki Moham’ Weekly Meyyar, (Karachi) March 5, 1977, pp.36-44.
46 1 myself visited several polling stations in and around Rawalpindi and interviewed a
number of people from different constituencies in Punjab.
47 Mukhtar Hassan ‘Satt March Ka Drama – Purdah Utha Ha’, Weekly Islami
Jamhoorivya, Lahore, March 14, 1977.
42 Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, Vol.XXVIII, No.2 (2007)
voters and stamping the ballot papers themselves.48 The state controlled
radio and T.V. started announcing landslide victories for the PPP
candidates even before the counting was over.
It is difficult to assess the exact scope of rigging in the elections, but
these were by no means ordinary or confined to limited number of
constituencies.49 The Chief Election Commissioner, Mr. Sajjad Ahmad
Jan made three public statements about massive rigging in the elections
and showed his helplessness in preventing it.50 After examining the results
of 24 constituencies 51 later he said that he was ‘shocked’ and was
convinced that elections were massively rigged in more than half of the
constituencies and suggested ‘re-elections instead of further enquiries’.52
His powers were withdrawn and he was sent abroad on medical leave
when he unseated six PPP members of the National Assembly and was
busy in examining the results of 80 other seats.53 The PPP’s position was
that the national assembly’s election was a settled matter and it was not
open to negotiations, however, the opposition’s complaints may be
given a sympathetic hearing. Mr. Bhutto kept insisting on the
legitimacy of the elections simultaneously offering the PNA leaders to
negotiate, but they outrightly rejected his offer until the acceptance of
their basic demands.54
48 Walter Schwarz, ‘Why Bhutto’s power is crumbling’, The Guardian, London, May 1,
49 Zia-ul-Haq’s government issued a voluminous white paper on the general elections
of March 1977, releasing innumerable official documents which throw light on the
conduct of General Elections Obviously the government did have the propagandist^
motive as well which makes the document clumsy, inconsistent and
self-contradictory at various places Nevertheless, it is an important document to
understand the process of organized rigging by Bhutto regime. It is interesting to
note that Bhutto in his reply to this white paper calls these documents “one-sided”
and “part of character assassination campaign’, but he does not challenge the
authenticity of these documents. See White Paper on the Conduct of the General
Elections in March, 1977, Government of Pakistan, July 1978. And for Bhutto’s
reply Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, If 1 Am Assassinated... (New Delhi: Vikas, 1979).
50 Hassan (1977).
51 Daily Millat, Karachi, June 13, 1977.
52 The Pakistan Times, June 23, 1977.
53 Ibid., Karachi 10, 1977.
54 The Pakistan Times. March 10, 1977.
1977 Coup D’etat in Pakistan 43
55 Long queues of people were seen before the banks after the PNA call to withdraw
money from the banks.
56 See for the details, Salamat Ali, ‘Bhutto Weathers Storm’, Far Eastern Economic
Review, May 6, 1977.
57 Ibid.
58 The Pakistan Times, March 28, 1977. Bhutto, replying to the charges of rigging
writes: “1 will stand by that statement I did not rig the elections. I am not responsible
for the individuals who indulged in electoral malpractices in their individual
capacity”, Bhutto, If I Am Assassinated... (New Delhi: Vikas, 1979), p.9.
59 The Pakistan Times, April 9, 1977.
44 Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, Vol.XXVIII, No.2 (2007)
crisis prolonged, Mr. Bhutto, blowing hot and cold at the same time,
changed his position vis-à-vis PNA. He offered them several alternatives:
formation of special tribunal in order to investigate the allegations of
rigging: re-election of provincial assemblies and the holding of new
general elections in case the opposition wins the provincial elections,
special announcement regarding the enforcement of Shariat laws within
six months, immediate prohibition on the use of Alcohol, gambling and
night clubs and holding of a nation-wide referendum whether people want
him as a Prime Minister or not.60 The PNA leaders rejected all of these
proposals declaring that these were irrelevant to their basic demands. On
April 29, 1977 Mr. Bhutto revealed an international conspiracy against
him and alleged that his opponents were seeking assistance from the U.S.
in order to topple his regime.61
The mistrust among the politicians was so high that they were not
prepared to talk to each other. The political dialogue between the PNA and
the PPP which started on June 3, 1977 were facilitated mainly by the Saudi
envoy to Pakistan, Mr. Raizul Khatib. Playing the crucial role of an
intermediary, he was successful in persuading both the parties to soften
their positions and hold negotiations to resolve three-month old political
crisis. There were other factors as well which forced both the parties to
come to terms. More than 300 people had been killed and over 20,000
arrested but still the intensity of the movement was not on the wane.62
There was fear that it might get out of control of even the PNA leaders.
Secondly, the national economic situation was also deteriorating seriously
because of prolonged crisis. Estimated losses during the previous three
months were more than $ 730 million.63 Finally, besides Saudi Arabia,
emissaries from Libya U.A.E. and P.L.O. frequently visited Pakistan and
communicated grave concern of their governments over Pakistan’s
political deadlock. And Pakistan’s leading financiers’ voice could not be
The negotiations started on June 3, 1977 and an agreement was
reached between the PPP and the PNA on June 16, 1977. Thanks to the
Saudi envoy’s efforts, even before the formal negotiations started both
60 See for the details of these proposals, The Pakistan Times, May 1977 issue.
61 The Pakistan Times, April 29, 1977.
62 The New York Times, June 1955.
63 Keesings Contemporary Archives, p.28301-6.
64 Salamat Ali, ‘Arab Wail and See’, Far Eastern Economic Review, June 6, 1978.
1977 Coup D’etat in Pakistan 45
parties had softened their basic positions. The PPP had agreed to the
holding of fresh elections and the PNA had shelved its main demand for
Bhutto’s resignation. The agreement included several clauses regarding
the fool proof arrangements for new elections such as the dissolution of
present national and provincial cabinets and assemblies, reappointment of
provincial governors in consultation with the PNA, association of election
commission and formation of a national level committee in order lo
supervise the conduct of elections. The task of working out the details of
the agreement were left to a two-member sub-committee.65
Despite the negotiations and the agreement, there still existed an
unbridgeable credibility gap between the two opponents. Both continued
exercising pressure tactics upon each other. Before the agreement was
signed, Bhutto left the country for the tour of Middle Eastern countries,
apparently to ‘thank them’, but infact to show the strength of his power
base by illustrating that he could remain absent for five days without
fearing his opponents.66 The second rate leadership of both the parties kept
threatening each other and some violent skirmishes also occurred. In the
meanwhile, the sub-committee talks were bogged down on the question of
powers of the implementation committee. The PPP wanted to give it the
status of an advisory council while the PNA wanted to give it all possible
powers to conduct an impartial election. Mr. Bhutto said that he could not
accept a ‘super-government’ while Mufti Mahmood, the PNA’s President
alleged that the government was trying to wriggle out of the agreement.67
The dispute was resolved on July 3, 1977 when a new accord was reached
between the PPP and the PNA regarding the powers of committee.68 But
the situation became more complicated when the PNA’s general council
refused to accept the new accord and presented 10 new demands in order
to ensure a fair election. Air Marshal (R) Asghar Khan, head of the
Tehrik-i-Istiqlal-i-Pakistan (a component of PNA) openly rebuked the
PNA’s negotiating team and charged them of ‘over-reaching’.69 Bhutto
accused the PNA for violating the accord in his last press conference on
July 4, 1977 and said that ‘he will reopen as many issues as they want’.70
He expressed his willingness to talk to the PNA leaders again, but the
army’s patience was over by then. Keeping in view the recurrent
deadlocks among the politicians, highly volatile political situation
characterized by violence and civil war and continuously deteriorating
economic conditions, the army staged the coup d’etat on July 5, 1977 and
Bhutto regime came to an end in Pakistan.
Soldiers’ Perspective
There do not seem to be any dominant motives of the coup-makers in
this case. The army’s intervention was not designed; rather, it was
‘reactive’. It is evident from the fact that at the height of the agitational
movement, when the rumours were common that the military is going to
take over the country, one of the prominent leaders of the PNA Air
Marshal (retired) Asghar Khan, through his signed letter, virtually invited
the army to take-over the country. He called on the officers to distinguish
between ‘lawful’ and ‘unlawful’ commands and not to support ‘the illegal
government of the day. 71 Furthermore, the army commanders received
thousands of telegrams from the people cursing them for the support of an
unpopular regime and for the killing of innocent people instead of taking
power themselves.72 Despite these appeals the chiefs of staff of army,
navy and air force came with a clear declaration in favour of the
government in the following words: “We wish to make it absolutely clear
that Pakistan army, navy and air force are totally united to discharge their
constitutional obligations in support of the present legally constituted
government”. 73 This sort of statement was unique in the history of
civil-military relations of Pakistan.
The main motivation which led General Zia-ul-Haq from this
perspective seems to be his concern of army’s prestige and image in the
society. The army had suffered a serious loss of prestige for supporting a
highly unpopular regime. People used to taunt the army officers in the
streets, and several times refused to sell them eatables. General Zia in his
first address, talking about the role of the armed forces during the political
crisis also mentioned this point: “The Armed Forces were subjected to
criticisms and ridicules in the hope that it was a passing phase”.74 General
Zia also alleged that during the cabinet meeting on July 3, 1977 the
political advisers of the Prime Minister were pressing hard to ‘exterminate
ten or twelve leaders of PNA’.75 According to General Zia, General Tikka
Khan (Prime Minister’s adviser on national security) advised him “you
can shoot down between 10000 to 20000 people. That is nothing; it is in
the national interest. You must do your duty.”76 Even if this statement may
be considered exaggerated, there is no denying the fact that a new spiral of
frenzy and violence was in the offing.77
Another factor which was very pinching for the army generals was
that Bhutto had used them very crudely against the opposition parties.
During the negotiations, he used to call the generals to explain ‘the
dangers to the national security’ as a result of the PNA’s agitation. The
generals used to explain to the PNA leaders that because of internal
agitation India are amassing troops on the Punjab borders and Iran on the
Balochislan border.
The establishment of Federal Security Force during Bhutto’s regime
was also very resenting for the army officers. In the words of The Times
(London) it was ‘Bhutto’s personal army to coerce the political
opponents”.78 It was equipped with the modern light arms and very good
transport facilities and it was always perceived by the army officers as a
functional rival. On the very second day of the coup, General Zia
dismantled this organization.
External Influences
The patterns of events leading towards this coup d’etat show the
United States’ concern and influence in this event. On April 29, 1977 at
the height of PNA’s agitational movement Prime Minister Bhutto
Coup D’etat
“The army had watched political wrangling in the country for a
long time”,89 General Zia-ul-Haq told the journalists after the coup.
83 The New York Times, April 29, 1977. See a recent book, Latif Ahmad Sherwani,
Pakistan China & America, (Karachi: D.Y. Printers, 1980).
84 Washington Post, April 22, 1977.
85 Pakistan Time, June 7, 1977.
86 Ibid.
87 Christian Science Monitor, July 6, 1977.
88 American Ambassador Arthur Hummel requested an urgent meeting with the Prime
Minister one day before the coup which he did grant despite his political
preoccupations, Pakistan Times, July 4, 1977.
89 New York Times, July 6. 1977.
50 Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, Vol.XXVIII, No.2 (2007)
Keeping in view the growing violence in the country and the Prime
Minister’s inability to reach the political settlement, the chiefs of
staff of three forces had prepared a secret ‘contingency plant”,
‘Operation Fair-play’ in the early period of political turmoil when
the generals thought that ‘the Prime Minister was not going on
sound lines.90 Bhutto had been very watchful of the army generals
throughout the political crisis. He thought that General Zia was
advantageous for him because he was ‘mediocre, non-political and
professional man’. 91 The military decided to act after Prime
Minister Bhutto disclosed in the afternoon of July 4, that the final
compromise over the question of new elections had again broken
The timing of the coup was very surprising. Few were
anticipating the coup at that time, because the armed forces had
shown their unqualified support for the regime at the height of the
agitational movement. They had not hesitated in opening fire on the
demonstrators. The masses perceived General Zia-ul-Haq as highly
‘submissive, unimaginative and yes-man commander-in-chief. 93
The military started its ‘Operation Fairplay’ early in the morning at
3 O’ clock on July 5, 1977. By 5 O’ clock, they had arrested the
Prime Minister, the Federal Ministers and all the PNA leaders.94
The coup was bloodless, and the military met no resistance from any
quarter. The coup was so peaceful that within twenty four hours, the
military was withdrawn from all the installations except very critical
one.95 Most of the people in the capital city did not believe that it
was a real coup. They thought that Prime Minister Bhutto had done
a new manoeuvre against the opposition. General Zia himself had to
explain in his first address to the nation that he had not secretly
Our argument set out in the beginning of the paper was that
societal factors basically explain the occurrence of a coup d’etat and
alternative explanatory factors arc, infact, related to, or better
understood only in the context of societal perspective. Our case
study shows that it was essentially the crisis of legitimacy of Bhutto
regime which set the ball rolling. Erosion of legitimacy was long in
process. The political system established by Zulfiqar Ah Bhutto was
potentially unstable. It depended mainly on his personality. Instead
of taking an institutional path, Bhutto opted for a personal style of
politics. The political, social and economic policies adopted by him
frustrated most sections of society and particularly alienated the
middle class. The political system collapsed and lost its legitimacy
in the wake of massive rigging in the general elections of March
1977. The agitational movement launched by the opposition was in
full swing by the end of May 1977. The credibility of Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto’s government was at its lowest ebb; the civil disorder and
violence was at its height and the whole country was almost
paralyzed as a result of continuous strikes, processing and fierce
skirmishes between the police and the people. Even the army was
unable to control the situation at several places. Although the
dialogue started between the government and the opposition in June
1977 and an agreement was also achieved but the credibility gap
between the ruling party and the opposition appeared unbridgeable.
The agreement broke finally while settling the details regarding its
implementation. Now the stage was set for the army’s intervention.
The military hesitated for a long time. Although some of the
opposition leaders openly invited the military to take over the
country, yet the military kept on supporting the regime even at the