Applying Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Processes Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential Activities and Products Thinking Process
Applying Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Processes Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential Activities and Products Thinking Process
Applying Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Processes Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential Activities and Products Thinking Process
Process Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential Activities and Products
tell What happened after….? List the story's main events.
list How many…? Make a timeline of events.
describe Who was it that…? Make a facts chart.
relate Can you name the…? List any pieces of information you can remember.
Knowledge/ locate Describe what happened at…? Recite a poem.
Remembering write Who spoke to…? List all the animals in the story.
find Can you tell me why…? Make a chart showing…
state Find the meaning of…? Make an acrostic.
name What is…?
Which is true or false…?
explain Can you write in your own words…? Cut out or draw pictures to show a particular event.
show Could this have happened in…? Make a diorama to illustrate an important event.
use Can you group characteristics such as…? Compose a book about…
illustrate What factors would change if…? Make a scrapbook about the areas of study.
calculate Can you apply the method used to some Make a papier-mâché map showing information
experience of your own…? about an event.
Applying construct What questions would you ask of…? Make a puzzle game using ideas from the study
complete From the information given, develop a set of Make a clay model of…
instructions about…
examine Would this information be useful if you had a…? Paint a mural.
select Judge the value of… Conduct a debate about an area of special interest
choose Defend your position about… make a booklet about 5 rules you value.
decide Do you think…is a good or bad thing? Explain. Form a mpanel to discuss a topic. State criteria.
justify How would you have handled…? Write a letter to …advising changes neeeded.
What changes to… would you recommend?
Evaluating debate Why? Prepare arguments to present your view about…
verify Do you believe…?
argue Are you a … person? Why?
recommend How would you feel if…?
discuss How effective are…?
determine What do you think about…?
create Can you design a … to…? Invent a machine to do a specific task.
invent/formulate What is a possible solution to …? Design a building.
compose What would happen if…? Create a new product. Give it a name and plan a
marketing campaign.
predict If you had access to all resources, how would Write about your feelings in relation to…?
you deal with...?
Synthesis/ plan How would you devise your own way to…? Write a TV show, play, puppet show, role play, song,
Creating or pantomime about…
construct How many ways can you…? Design a record, book, or magazine cover for …
design/devise Can you create new and unusual uses for…? Devise a way to…
imagine Can you develop a proposal which would…? Create a language code.
improve How would you compose a song about…? Sell an idea to a billionaire.
propose Can you write anew recipe for a tasty dish? Compose a rhythm or put new words to a known