Question Bank Class Xi Ip To Be Uploaded
Question Bank Class Xi Ip To Be Uploaded
Question Bank Class Xi Ip To Be Uploaded
Question Bank
Class XI
Informatics Practices
(Book Reference : Sumita Arora)
print( a And b)
Q.7 Write a Program to obtain temperature in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit using formula –
C X 9/5 + 32 = F
Prepared By: Sanjeev Bhadauria & Neha Tyagi
Q.9 WAP to read todays date (only date Part) from user. Then display how many days are left in the
current month.
Q.10 WAP to print the area of circle when radius of the circle is given by user.
Q.11 WAP to print the volume of a cylinder when radius and height of the cylinder is given by user.
Q.12 WAP that asks your height in centimeters and converts it into foot and inches.
Q.13 WAP to find area of a triangle.
Q.14 WAP to calculate simple interest.
Q.15 WAP to read a number in n and prints n2, n3, n4
Q.3 WAP to take two numbers and check that the first number is fully divisible by second number or
Q.4 What will be the output of the following?
Q.6 WAP to take value of x,y,z from the user and calculate the equation
Q.7 WAP to take the temperatures of all 7 days of the week and displays the average temperature
of that week.
Q.6 What is the error in following code. Rewrite the correct code.
Q.6 WAP to check whether square root of a given number is prime or not.
Q.7 WAP to print first n odd numbers in descending order.
Q.8 WAP to print the following series –
(i) 1 4 7 10 . . . . . . .40
(ii) 1 -4 7 -10 . . . . . . . . -40
Q.9 WAP to find the average of the list of the numbers entered through keyboard.
Q.10 WAP to find the largest number from the list of the numbers entered through keyboard.
Q.11 WAP to find the 2nd largest number from the list of the numbers entered through keyboard.
Q.12 WAP to find the sum of n natural numbers.
Q.13 WAP to find the sum of first n even numbers.
Q.14 WAP to find the sum of first n odd numbers.
Q.15 WAP to print the following pattern
* * A 0
** ** AB 22
*** *** ABC 444
**** **** ABCD 8888
***** ***** ABCDE
Very Short answer Type Questions
Q.1 Why can‟t List can be used as keys?
Q.2 What type of objects can be used as keys in dictionary?
Q.3 Can you change the order of the dictionaries contents?
Q.4 Can you modify the keys in a dictionary?
Q.5 Can you modify the value in a dictionary?
Q.6 Is dictionary Mutable? Why?
Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1 How are dictionaries different from Lists?
Q.2 When are dictionaries more useful than lists?
Q.3 Discuss the utility and significance of Dictionaries.
Prepared By: Sanjeev Bhadauria & Neha Tyagi
Q.4 What will be the output produced by following code, considering the Series object S given in
above question.
(a) print(s[1:1] (b) print(s[0:1]) (c) print(s[0:2])
(d) s[0:2]=12 (e) print(s.index)
Print(s) print(s.values)
Q.5 Find the error and correct:
Q.6 if Ser is a Series type object having 30 values, then how are statements (a), (b) and (c), (d)
similar and different?
(a) print(Ser.head()) (b) print(Ser.head(8))
(c) print(Ser.tail()) (d) print(Ser.tail(11))
Q.8 Four series objects Temp1, Temp2, Temp3 and Temp4 store the temperature of week1, week2,
week3 and week4 respectively. Create a dataframe from these four series objects where the
indexes should be „Sunday‟, „Monday‟, „Tuesday‟ . . . „Saturday‟, and columns should be
„Week1‟, ‟Week2‟, ‟Week3‟ and ‟Week4‟.
Q.9 From the dataframe object created in previous question, write a script to calculate –
(a) Average temperature for each day of the week i.e. average temperatures for Mondays,
Tuesdays and so on.
(b) Average temperature per week.
(c) Average temperature of whole month.
Q.10 Given a dataframe that stores the details of past 25 years‟ monthly sales. Some old data is
missing. Write a script to calculate average:
Monthly sales across the year Yearly sales.
Make sure that missing values do not hamper the overall result.
Prepared By: Sanjeev Bhadauria & Neha Tyagi
Q.5 Write a query to display EName and Sal of employee whose salary is greater than or equal to
2200 from table empl.
Prepared By: Sanjeev Bhadauria & Neha Tyagi
Q.5 How foreign key command is different from Primary Key command?
Q.6 How is Foreign Key commands related to Primary Key?
Q.7 How do you enforce business rules on a database?
Q.8 What are table constraints? What are column constraints? How these two are different?
Q.9 What is default value? How do you define it? What is the default value of column for which no
default value is defined?
Q.10 Differentiate between -
Q.11 How will you enlist the name of tables in a database?
Q.12 How to view the structures of the table made by you
Q.13 How to Drop Table and Databases?
Q.1 Find out the Cartesian product of the table Orders and Parts.
Q.2 What will be the equijoin of the Orders and Parts?
Q.3 Determine the total order amount for part1 „Road Bike‟.
Q.4 Find out the order details of parts having description like „Road. . . . . .‟
Q.5 Given two tables –
Employee PayTable
employee_id employee_id
last_name salary
first_name department
middle_name supervisor
Find out the salary taken by all KUMAR, i.e. all those who have their last_name as „KUMAR‟
Q.6 A table FLIGHT has 4 rows and 2 columns and another table AIR HOSTESS has 3 rows and 4
columns. How many rows and columns will be there if we obtain the Cartesian product of these
two tables?
Q.7 Table Employee has 4 records ad Table Dept has 3 records in it. Mr. Jain wants to display all
information stored in both of these related tables. He forgot to specify equi-join condition in the
query. How many rows will get displayed on execution of this query?
Q.8 What are table joins?
Q.9 Name some types of joins that you can create on tables.
Q.10 What are table Indexes? How are they useful?
Q.11 What are the advantages and disadvantages of table-indexes?
Q.12 What is database index? Is it a table?
Q.13 How many ways can you create index in?
Q.14 Why is it said that indexes should be created when needed?
Q.15 How is a left join different from natural join? Give example.
Q.16 How is a cross join different from natural join? Give example.
Q.5 What is private browsing? Why is it considered a better way of browsing the Internet?
Q.6 What is confidentiality of information? How do you ensure it?
Q.7 What is cyber-crime? How can you report it?
Q.8 What is cyber bullying and cyber stalking?
Q.9 What is identity fraud?
Q.10 What is digital footprint? Why is it so important?
Q.11 Why are privacy settings of a social networking site so important?
Q.12 What are the usage rules for effective use of social networking sites?
Q.13 Raman wanted to gift his brother a football or a wrist watch. So he searched for many sports
items and wrist watches online. But after that every time he goes online, his web-browser shows him
advertisements about sports items and wrist watches.
(a) Why is this happening?
(b) How could have Raman avoided them?
(c) How can Raman get rif of this now?
Note: Solution of this question bank will be provided very soon. Kindly visit the following link