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A 'Photo' That Won't Fit in The Family Album: Engineers Create 3D Model of Baby's Face For Partially-Sighted Mother

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A 'photo' that won't fit in the family album

Engineers create 3D model of baby's face for partially-sighted mother

Every parent likes to take photos of their children as

they grow up, charting their progress through the
years and recording their achievements. Baby
photosare particularly important as the child is
growing and changing so quickly.

3D Scanners (UK) Limited helped to solve the

problem for partially-sighted Yuen Har Tse.

A complete three dimensional solid model of her

three month old son’s face was created to act as a
photograph for her to remember him as he was.

Yuen Har's son 'Johnathan' was scanned with a 3D

laser scanner so quickly (and safely) that it could be
used on the tiny baby without even waking him!
Once the curve network was in place a patch
network was automatically created showing a grid
The scanned data could then be imported into to emphasise any problems that the surface might
InnovMetrics Polyworks software, IMAlign, where have with the positioning of the curves.
the point cloud data was organised and aligned. The
data was then taken into Immerge and a polygonal When happy with the patch network, a nurbs
mesh was produced. surface was produced which was exported as an
iges model.

An iges model was created to allow

a rapid prototype model to be
The next stage was to clean and edit the model in
Imedit until a model suitable for surfacing was
produced. A curve network was plotted on the
polygon model, defining the natural curvature for the
patch network to follow.

www.3dscanners.co.uk Tel 03330 300 300

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