Course Syllabus: College of Arts and Sciences Education
Course Syllabus: College of Arts and Sciences Education
Course Syllabus: College of Arts and Sciences Education
A leading institution of higher learning recognized for its quality transformative education serving the nation and the world.
To provide a dynamic and supportive academic environment through the highest standard of instruction, research and
extension service in a non-sectarian institution committed to democratizing access to education.
To achieve its mission, the University aims to:
a) Offer academic programs that meet the changing national and international community needs;
b) Produce graduates who are competent leaders and productive members of society;
c) Harness a pool of ethical, qualified and highly-trained human resources,
d) Provide an academic environment conductive to optimum learning through adequate state-of-the-art facilities;
e) Conduct researches and other scholarly activities that generate new knowledge and contribute to improvement
of the quality of life for all;
f) Engage community services that foster self-reliance and empowerment among the marginalized community;
g) Lead in the promotion and preservation of the cultural heritage of Mindanao and of the country as a whole.
3) Course description : This course aims to develop mastery of the production of grammatically correct
sentences necessary for various communication functions and academic study of all
subjects through the development of a working vocabulary and a thorough and
maximum knowledge of the parts of speech such as noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection. Likewise, the course extensively aims
to develop students’macro skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, mostly
engaging in real life-like situations. Since Grammar is a skills subject, written and oral
exercises are being utilized, to include sound production for clearer expression, literary
readings for comprehension and vocabulary build-up and drills for listening.
Furthermore, the course also tailors on students’mastery of thinking and study skills, as
well as writing activities that enhance their thorough knowledge of the entire course. The
proper usage of the library and the study of the different paragraph development
applying the various rhetorical devices such as narration, character sketch, description,
cause and effect, comparison/contrast, process, analogy, definition, and the learning of
non-prose materials. Finally, the course aims for students in Nursing and other allied
disciplines for absolute understanding of different language terms and language focus to
be applied on their own field of expertise to achieve high communication proficiency
skills, thus English for specific purpose is highly sought for language teachers handling
this course.
4) Pre-requisite : None
5) Co-requisite : None
*d. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in long-life learning ;and
e. Appreciation of Filipino historical and cultural heritage as well as knowledge on contemporary issues.
Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to:
a b c d
Legend I = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have been introduced to the SO.
E = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have enabled themselves to attain the SO.
D = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have demonstrated partly or fully the SO.
10) Assessment tasks (AT), their weights (Wts), and COs being assessed
AT AT description Wts
1 2 3 4
MCQ Test 5%
Exam 2 ✓ ✓
MCQ Test 5%
Exam 3 ✓ ✓
Exam 7 ✓ ✓
MCQ Test 5%
5% ✓ ✓
Recitation Oral Presentation
5% ✓ ✓
Dynamic Education Interactive English Learning
Legen = Results (or data) obtained from this assessment task in this class may be a part of the target
d: cohorts for which SO a, b, c, will be assessed and evaluated.
Legend: Prd = Period–is a weekly learning period, during which the CO will have been taught, learned, and
TLA = Teaching and learning activity –is an activity that the teacher and students will do in order to
help the latter attain the indicated CO.
AT = Assessment task –is a task that the students will do in order for them to demonstrate how well
they have achieved the indicated linked CO.
4. Classroom Objectives
Wk Dyned Schedule:
DynEd Module 1 1,2 Mastery Tests on Modules Interactive English
*Names & Places 1 ,2 & 3 Learning (IEL)
*Jobs & Family
*Numbers & Times
*Review Exercises
DynEd Module 2
*Family Schedule
*Matrix Vocabulary
*Likes & Dislikes
*Review Exercises
Wk Lesson 3: Linking and Auxiliary Verbs 1,2 • Determine the • Picture description
4 differences of its uses
a. Kinds of verbs • Drill
Action Verbs • Choose the correct form
Linking Verbs of the verb in the
Auxiliary Verbs sentences
Forms of Verbs
a. Transitive
b. Intransitive
Wk Lesson 4: Subject- Verb Agreement 1,2 5) Point out the correct • Sentence Drill
5 form of the verb in the
Lesson 5 : Verb Tense sentences
Simple and Progressive • Game
Past • Use accurate tenses in
Future the sentences SECOND
c) Emphasis
-Through Position
- Through Parallel
Grammar Structures
- Through Climactic Order
• Write a descriptive
• Apply critical
thinking skills to
support inferences and
draw conclusions based
on textual features
Wk 16 Lesson 8: Paragraph By Cause And 2, 4 • Explain the relationship of • Video clip presentation
Effect cause and effect in a of diverse situations
• Fish Bowl
• Express the cause and
effect of a given situation
Lesson 10: Interpreting Non-Prose 2, 4 • Explain the different types • Graphic Presentation
Materials of non-prose materials (Non-Prose materials)
13) References: • Straus, Jane. 2014. The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation: An Easy–to-Use
• GMAT Ultimate Grammar: The Only Guide You Need. 2010. GMAT Club.
a. Attendance is counted from the first regular class meeting to monitor the number of absences not to exceed
20% of the total contact hours as provided in the student handbook section 2.2.7 letters A-B.
b. A validated student identification card must always be worn by all students while attending classes.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited as provided in section 7.3.2 letter H in Student Handbook. Any form of
dishonesty shall be dealt with accordingly. Honesty is called for at all times.
d. Valid examination permits are necessary in taking the examinations as scheduled.
e. CELLULAR PHONES or any ELECTRONIC GADGETS are NOT allowed during examinations.
f. Once examination has started, NOBODY is allowed to take his/her personal necessities.
g. Base-15 grading policy should be observed. Students who obtained failing scores in major subjects are given
appropriate/necessary interventions as cited in the monitoring form. Tutorial classes will be offered upon the
approval from the administration.
h. One textbook-one student policy.
i. Proper decorum must be observed at all times during class hour.
j. Everyone is responsible in picking up the litters and arranging THE CHAIRS before and after class hour.
k. Absence during scheduled presentation is equivalent to zero (0) pt .
l. Points will be deducted for late submission of requirements.
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