Research Notes
Research Notes
Research Notes
Types of variables
• Independent
• Dependent
• Extraneous
Correlational Design
It explores the relationship between variables using statistical analyses.
Control is for elimination of bias. Control group refers to a group of subjects, Ask yourself these questions and make note of the answers:
whose performance is used to evaluate the performance of experimental What is my paper about?
group on same D.V. What techniques / designs will be used?
Who are the participants?
Types of Experimental Research What will be the possible result?
True Experimental Research
Quasi-Experimental Research
What is my paper about?
Pre-Experimental Research
My study will try to develop a cork board made from coco peat.
Use your answers to list key words.
Coco peat
Quantitative Developmental Study
Alternative Material
STEP 2: Use your answers to list key words. Body of the article
According to Anchan (2015) LPG cylinders are something that most
STEP 3: Create a sentence that includes the key words you listed. people utilize to cook their meal. Based from the record of Bureau of fire
protection, there were twelve million LPG in the market that majority of the
STEP 4: Delete all unnecessary/ repetitive words and link the consumer utilize. And the demand on LPG products are still increasing
remaining terms. despite of its unstable price hike. According to Nongon (2016) LPG is still a
widely used fuel commodity in the Philippines.
STEP 5: Delete non-essential information and reword the title.
Arising problem
Background of the Study However, defective and substandard LPG cylinders are also rampant
This is the introduction of your research paper. This includes an in the business which pose greater risk on the safety of the public, as it is
explanation of the area of your research to set context for the problem considered as second leading causes of fire incident in the country. Sunay
at hand. and Jaiswal (2014) said that the defective cylinder valve in the knob of the
This includes a related article in which you explain what previous studies cylinder caused leaks and subsequent explosion; and by exerting a strong
state about the topic, discuss recent developments on the topic, and force in turning the cylinder’s valve, it becomes “loose thread”, a condition
identify the gap in literature that has led to your study. wherein leaks occur. Fire Superintendent Agono (2015) of Laguna stated
You should also explain the problem that the study addresses and give a that LPG is considered as high hazard commodity.
brief account of the history of the problem mentioning whether it has
been addressed in any form before. This will lead up to the research Rationale of the researcher on conducting the study
question and the aims of your study. Securing life and property from LPG leakage is so hard to determine.
Users should not wait for it to occur and prevention is more important in
securing both life and property. For these reasons the researchers plan to
build a useful device that can help the users to detect gas leak in LPG