Progression Approach
This questionnaire aims to understand the perceptions and experiences of junior high school
teachers regarding the use of the Spiral progression approach in teaching science. Your input will
help in assessing the effectiveness of this teaching method and identifying potential areas for
improvement. Please answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge.
Section 2:
Are you familiar with the Spiral Progression Approach in teaching science? Please
Have you ever used the Spiral Progression Approach in your science classes? If so, could
What are your initial thoughts or impressions of teaching science through the Spiral
Progression Approach?
In your opinion, what are the advantages or benefits of using the Spiral Progression
Conversely, what do you see as the potential challenges or drawbacks of using this
Section 3:
What is your classroom experiences while teaching science subject using Spiral
Progression Approach
Could you share specific examples or instances when you've employed the Spiral
How do your students typically respond to this teaching method? Can you describe any
when using the Spiral Progression Approach compared to other teaching methods?
Section 4:
Have you received any training or professional development related to the Spiral
Progression Approach in science education? If yes, how did it influence your teaching
Are there any specific resources, materials, or strategies you find particularly useful when
Section 5:
what are the challenges and benefits that you experienced using progression approach in
teaching science?
What challenges, if any, have you encountered when using the spiral progression
approach in teaching science?
On the flip side, what benefits or positive outcomes have you experienced as a result of
using this approach?
Section 5:
Looking back on your experiences with the Spiral Progression Approach, how do you think
Would you recommend the Spiral Progression Approach to other junior high school
What changes or improvements, if any, would you suggest to enhance the effectiveness
Is there anything else you would like to add or share regarding your experiences with the
Welcome and thank you for participating in this interview. Your insights are valuable to
our research on the spiral progression approach in learning science. This interview should take
The purpose of this interview is to gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, feelings
and experiences related to the spiral progression approach in your science education. Your
honest and candid responses will contribute to our research on this important topic
Have you heard about the spiral progression approach in learning science before this
If yes, can you briefly describe what you understand about it?
Section 3:
Can you share any experiences you've had with the spiral progression approach in your
In your opinion, what are the strengths of the spiral progression approach in learning
On the flip side, are there any drawbacks or challenges you associate with the spiral
progression approach?
Section 4:
As a student do you feel more engaged in science class when the spiral progression
Does the spiral progression approach helped you better understand scientific concepts? Can
Do you still remember the same concepts that been discussed to you last school year by your
Section 5:
How do your teachers implement the spiral progression approach in the classroom?
Can you describe any specific teaching methods or activities they use in science using the
Do you feel that the spiral progression approach allows for more interaction and discussion in
Section 6:
Would you recommend the spiral progression approach to other students? Why or why
If you could suggest any improvements or changes to how the spiral progression approach is
Is there anything else you'd like to share regarding your experiences with the spiral
The research employed a qualitative research design that will involve the use of
Questionnaire for Focus group discussion for both Junior High School Science teachers and
Junior High School students
Participant Recruitment and Informed Consent
Contact potential participants (both teachers and students) and provide them with detailed
information about the study's purpose, procedures, and their rights.
Obtain written informed consent from each participant and the administrator of the school to
which the study would be conducted
Schedule interviews and focus group discussions at convenient times and locations for
Ensure that the environment is comfortable and conducive to open discussion.
Clearly communicate the date, time, and location to participants, and provide reminders if
Prepare interview and focus group discussion guides with open-ended questions to explore
participants' perceptions of the Spiral Progression Approach. Questions should encourage
participants to express their thoughts and experiences.
Arrange for recording equipment (audio or video) to capture the sessions, ensuring
participants' consent for recording.
Conduct individual interviews with teachers and students separately to allow for candid
Begin by establishing rapport and trust with the participant.
Follow the interview guide, but be flexible to probe deeper into responses or explore
unexpected insights.
Record the interviews with the participant's permission.
Take detailed notes during the interview to capture non-verbal cues and nuances.
Organize separate focus group discussions for teachers and students to encourage group
dynamics and diverse perspectives.
Appoint a skilled facilitator to guide the discussions and maintain a neutral and inclusive
Use the focus group discussion guide to introduce topics and questions, but allow for organic
discussion and interaction among participants.
Record the discussions with participants' consent.
Data Management
Safely store all interview and focus group discussion recordings, ensuring that the authorities
can have the access on the materials to ensure the participants information and gathered data
are safe and confidential.
Keep detailed logs of the sessions, including participants' demographics and any relevant
After each interview or focus group discussion, conduct a brief debriefing session to discuss
participants' experiences, your observations, and any notable insights.
Data Analysis
Analyze the transcribed data using qualitative analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis
or content analysis.
Identify common themes, patterns, and differences in the perceptions of teachers and