Midterm Exam in Oral Communication
Midterm Exam in Oral Communication
Midterm Exam in Oral Communication
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. All of the following define communication, C. Written communication
EXCEPT? D. Nonverbal communication
A. Communication is a process. 11. Due to insufficiency of available classrooms,
B. Communication is sharing of ideas from one make shifts of GNHS-Hilaitan is now being used
to another person. to hold classes. This real scenario is an example
C. Communication is a confusion of ideas in the of which element of communication?
mind of another. A. Barrier B. Context C. Decoding D. Message
D. Communication can be expressed through 12. A certain look or gaze is an example of:
written or spoken words. A. Verbal communication
2. Verbal communication is the interchange of B. Oral communication
________ between the sender and the receiver. C. Written communication
A. Signs and gestures B. Cues and clues D. Nonverbal communication
C. Words D. Movements 13. It is the process by which the receiver interprets
3. Can communication still take place even without the symbols used by the source of the message
the Speaker? Select the best answer. by converting them into concepts and ideas.
A. Yes, if there’s a written source of 1. Decoding B. Listing
information. C. Encoding D. Feedback
B. Yes, if the Speaker decides to be the 14. This communication happens when individuals
listener. interact, negotiate, and create meanings while
C. No, the Speaker is always a must in the bringing their varied cultural backgrounds.
communication process. A. Intrapersonal B. Intercultural
D. No, communication fails if the speaker is C. Public D. Small group
missing. 15. Occurs when the individual does not recognize
4. Complete the analogy: Listener: receiver of the cultural differences.
message; ____: is a means by which the message A. Defense B. Acceptance
is sent. C. Denial D. Integration
A. Speaker B. Channel C. Context D. Feedback 16. When the individual starts to recognize cultural
5. Which comparison of verbal and nonverbal differences but bank more on the universality of
communication is accurate? ideas rather than on cultural differences.
A. Both verbal and nonverbal communication A. Adaptation B. Integration
express ideas and feelings. C. Minimization D. Acceptance
B. The sender has more control over verbal 17. Good verbal communication consider the
communication following except ______.
C. More channels are used for verbal A. Brevity B. Ethics
communication C. Vividness D. Barriers
D. The setting is more restricted in nonverbal 18. Communication between and among people and
communication establishes personal relationship between and
6. Which of the following models of among them.
communication depicts communication as a A. Interpersonal B. Mass
linear or one way process between the field of C. Intrapersonal D. Public
experience of the speaker and of the listener? 19. Communication that requires you to deliver or
A. Shannon-Weaver’s model B. Schramm’s send the message before or in front of the group.
C. Transaction model D. White’s A. Mass B. Dyad C. Public D. Small Group
7. Based on Transaction model of communication,
which of the following is NOT true? 20. When talking to one’s self (Intrapersonal),
A. It shows barrier that interfere the flow of which of the following is most used?
communication. a. Skill at remembering
B. It is more interactive. b. Capability to analyze
C. There is collaborative exchange of messages. c. Ability to summarize
D. None of the above. d. Awareness of the topic
8. The content of the communication is called a: 21. When communicating with other person (Dyad),
A. Message B. Noise which speech style can be used?
C. Media richness D. Jargon a. Intimate – uses private vocabulary and
9. To convert a message into groups of words, shares meaning due to long relationship
symbols, gestures, or sounds that present ideas b. Casual – used among friends because there
or concept is called ________. is no need for background information
A. Encoding B. Feedback C. Noise D. Context c. Formal – only for imparting information:
10. Any communication that conveys a message well- organized and correct in grammar and
consisting of words is called: diction
A. Verbal communication d. Frozen – style whose quality is static,
B. Oral communication ritualistic, and may even be archaic
22. When making and delivering speech, which 40. Insignificant or redundant information should be
speech style works best? eliminated from the communication that will be
a. Intimate sent to the recipient.
b. Casual 41. Carefully think relevant information about
c. Formal his/her receiver.
d. Frozen 42. Supported by facts, figures and real life
23. Arises when acts are thanking, apologizing, examples and situations.
welcoming and deploring. 43. Respecting the values, culture and beliefs of the
A. Commisive B. Directive receiver.
C. Assertive D. Expressive 44. Use simple and specific words to express ideas.
24. It is the resulting act of what is said.
A. Locutionary B. Illocutionary (45 - 48) Identify the type of speech style appropriate for
C. Perlocutionary D. Declaration the following situations. Write the letter of the correct
25. An utterance the speaker makes to achieve an answer before the number.
intended effect.
a. Intimate e. Frozen
A. Speech Style B. Speech Act
b. Casual
C. Speech Context D. Performatives
c. Consultative
26. Communication break down or
d. Formal
miscommunication is brought about by the lack
of awareness of the ________.
a. dimensions of communication 45. Leading a prayer before meal.
b. elements of communication 46. Delivering campaign speeches.
c. nonverbal communication 47. Talking and laughing about memorable
d. verbal communication experiences.
48. Talking to a superior.
(32 – 44) Determine what functions of communication is
the following. Write the letter of the correct answer
before the number.
a. Control e. Motivation
b. Social Interaction
c. Information Dissemination
d. Emotional Expression
27. The boys calling out to a friend to come over
and joined them.
28. A candidate for Brgy. Councilor conducts a
house-to-house campaign for election.
29. The school dentist tells the kindergarten class on
how to brush one’s teeth properly.
30. Kuya Kim provides information about the
weather update.
31. People sympathizing with the bereaved family.
32. Friends are talking with each other and
exchanging ideas.
33. Talking with the family during dinner.
34. A customer plead for a price cut or discount of
his purchased goods.
35. The police officer warns the people not to smoke
in any public places.
36. A friend hugs you when you are down and
37. The girls are discussing what happened at the
party they all attended last night.
38. The doctor is giving instructions to the patient in
taking his medicine.
39. The father looks sharply at his children who are
(40 – 44) Determine what features of effective
communication is the following. Write the letter of the
correct answer before the number.
e. Completeness e. Courtesy
f. Conciseness f. Clearness
g. Consideration g. Correctness
h. Concreteness