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Chapter 16 - Structural Design

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The chapter discusses various structural design topics such as general scope, definitions, allowable stresses, loads, and limit states.

The chapter discusses topics such as baseshear, dead loads, live loads, design strength, diaphragms, duration of load, essential facilities, and factored loads.

Some examples given are exterior concrete masonry walls, exterior frame walls, reinforced concrete elements, and roof systems.



SECTION 1601 lateral deformation of the diaphragm is less than or equal to

GENERAL two times the average story drift.
1601.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the DURATION OF LOAD. The period of continuous applica-
structural design of buildings, structures and portions thereof tion of a given load, or the aggregate of periods of intermittent
regulated by this code. applications of the same load.
Exception: Buildings and structures located within the ESSENTIAL FACILITIES. Buildings and other structures
high-velocity hurricane zone shall comply with the provi- that are intended to remain operational in the event of extreme
sions of Sections 1615 through 1626, and, as applicable in environmental loading from flood, wind, snow or earthquakes.
flood hazard areas, Section 1612.
FABRIC PARTITION. A partition consisting of a finished
surface made of fabric, without a continuous rigid backing, that
SECTION 1602 is directly attached to a framing system in which the vertical
DEFINITIONS AND NOTATIONS framing members are spaced greater than 4 feet (1219 mm) on
1602.1 Definitions. The following words and terms shall, for
the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings shown herein. FACTORED LOAD. The product of a nominal load and a load
ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN. A method of proportion-
ing structural members, such that elastically computed stresses GUARD. See Section 1002.1.
produced in the members by nominal loads do not exceed spec- IMPACT LOAD. The load resulting from moving machinery,
ified allowable stresses (also called “working stress design”). elevators, craneways, vehicles and other similar forces and
BASE SHEAR. Total design lateral force or shear at the base. kinetic loads, pressure and possible surcharge from fixed or
➡ DEAD LOADS. The weight of materials of construction
moving loads.
incorporated into the building, including but not limited to LIMIT STATE. A condition beyond which a structure or
walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, fin- member becomes unfit for service and is judged to be no longer
ishes, cladding and other similarly incorporated architectural useful for its intended function (serviceability limit state) or to
and structural items, and the weight of fixed service equipment, be unsafe (strength limit state).
such as cranes, plumbing stacks and risers, electrical feeders,
LIVE LOADS. Those loads produced by the use and occu-
heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems and
pancy of the building or other structure and do not include con-
automatic sprinkler systems.
➡ struction or environmental loads such as wind load, snow load,
DESIGN STRENGTH. The product of the nominal strength rain load, earthquake load, flood load or dead load.
and a resistance factor (or strength reduction factor).
LIVE LOADS (ROOF). Those loads produced (1) during
DIAPHRAGM. A horizontal or sloped system acting to trans- maintenance by workers, equipment and materials; and (2)
mit lateral forces to the vertical-resisting elements. When the during the life of the structure by movable objects such as
term “diaphragm” is used, it shall include horizontal bracing planters and by people.
Diaphragm, blocked. In light-frame construction, a dia- method of proportioning structural members and their connec-
phragm in which all sheathing edges not occurring on a tions using load and resistance factors such that no applicable
framing member are supported on and fastened to blocking. limit state is reached when the structure is subjected to appro-
Diaphragm boundary. In light-frame construction, a loca- priate load combinations. The term “LRFD” is used in the
tion where shear is transferred into or out of the diaphragm design of steel and wood structures.
sheathing. Transfer is either to a boundary element or to LOAD EFFECTS. Forces and deformations produced in
another force-resisting element. structural members by the applied loads.
Diaphragm chord. A diaphragm boundary element per- LOAD FACTOR. A factor that accounts for deviations of the
pendicular to the applied load that is assumed to take axial actual load from the nominal load, for uncertainties in the anal-
stresses due to the diaphragm moment. ysis that transforms the load into a load effect, and for the prob-
Diaphragm flexible. A diaphragm is flexible for the pur- ability that more than one extreme load will occur
pose of distribution of story shear and torsional moment simultaneously.
where so indicated in Section 12.3.1 of ASCE 7, as modified LOADS. Forces or other actions that result from the weight of
in Section 1613.6.1. building materials, occupants and their possessions, environ-
Diaphragm, rigid. A diaphragm is rigid for the purpose of mental effects, differential movement and restrained dimen-
distribution of story shear and torsional moment when the sional changes. Permanent loads are those loads in which



variations over time are rare or of small magnitude, such as Lr = Roof live load including any permitted live load
dead loads. All other loads are variable loads (see also “Nomi- reduction.
nal loads”). R = Rain load.
NOMINAL LOADS. The magnitudes of the loads specified in T = Self-straining force arising from contraction or
this chapter (dead, live, soil, wind, snow, rain, flood and earth- expansion resulting from temperature change,
quake). shrinkage, moisture change, creep in component
OCCUPANCY CATEGORY. A category used to determine materials, movement due to differential settlement
structural requirements based on occupancy. or combinations thereof.
OTHER STRUCTURES. Structures, other than buildings, Vasd= nominal design wind speed (3-sec gust), miles per
for which loads are specified in this chapter. hour (mph) (km/hr) where applicable.
PANEL (PART OF A STRUCTURE). The section of a floor, Vult= ultimate design wind speeds (3-sec gust), miles per
wall or roof comprised between the supporting frame of two hour (mph) (km/hr) determined from Figures
adjacent rows of columns and girders or column bands of floor 1609A, 1609B, or 1609C or ASCE 7.
or roof construction. W = Load due to wind pressure.
PRODUCTION GREENHOUSE. Greenhouses that are
occupied for growing plants on a product or research basis
without public access. SECTION 1603
RESISTANCE FACTOR. A factor that accounts for devia-
tions of the actual strength from the nominal strength and the 1603.1 General. Construction documents shall show the size,
manner and consequences of failure (also called “strength section and relative locations of structural members with floor
reduction factor”). levels, column centers and offsets dimensioned. The design
loads and other information pertinent to the structural design
RISK CATEGORY. A categorization of buildings and other
required by Sections 1603.1.1 through 1603.1.9 shall be indi-
structures for determination of flood and wind loads based on
cated on the construction documents.
the risk associated with unacceptable performance.
STRENGTH, NOMINAL. The capacity of a structure or Exception: Construction documents for buildings con-
member to resist the effects of loads, as determined by compu- structed in accordance with the conventional light-frame
tations using specified material strengths and dimensions and construction provisions of Section 2308 shall indicate the
equations derived from accepted principles of structural following structural design information:
mechanics or by field tests or laboratory tests of scaled models, 1. Floor and roof live loads.
allowing for modeling effects and differences between labora-
2. Reserved.
tory and field conditions.
3. Ultimate design wind speed, Vult , (3-second gust),
STRENGTH, REQUIRED. Strength of a member, cross sec- miles per hour (mph) (km/hr) and nominal design
tion or connection required to resist factored loads or related wind speed, Vasd, as determined in accordance with
internal moments and forces in such combinations as stipulated Section 1609.3.1 and wind exposure.
by these provisions.
4. Reserved.
STRENGTH DESIGN. A method of proportioning structural
members such that the computed forces produced in the mem- 5. Flood design data, if located in flood hazard areas
bers by factored loads do not exceed the member design established in Section 1612.3.
strength [also called “load and resistance factor design” 6. Design load-bearing values of soils.
(LRFD)]. The term “strength design” is used in the design of
concrete and masonry structural elements. 1603.1.1 Floor live load. The uniformly distributed, con-
centrated and impact floor live load used in the design shall
VEHICLE BARRIER SYSTEM. A system of building com- be indicated for floor areas. Use of live load reduction in
ponents near open sides of a garage floor or ramp or building accordance with Section 1607.9 shall be indicated for each
walls that act as restraints for vehicles. type of live load used in the design.
NOTATIONS. 1603.1.2 Roof live load. The roof live load used in the
D = Dead load. design shall be indicated for roof areas (Section 1607.11).
F = Load due to fluids with well-defined pressures and 1603.1.3 Roof snow load. Reserved.
➡ maximum heights.
1603.1.4 Wind design data. The following information
Fa = Flood load in accordance with Chapter 5 of ASCE 7. related to wind loads shall be shown, regardless of whether
H = Load due to lateral earth pressures, ground water wind loads govern the design of the lateral-force-resisting
pressure or pressure of bulk materials. system of the building:
L = Live load, except roof live load, including any per- 1. Ultimate design wind speed Vult , (3-second gust),
mitted live load reduction. miles per hour (km/hr) and nominal design wind



speed, Vasd, as determined in accordance with Section to support safely the nominal loads in load combinations
1609.3.1. defined in this code without exceeding the appropriate speci-
2. Risk Category from Table 1604.5 or Table 1.5-1 of fied allowable stresses for the materials of construction.
ASCE 7. Loads and forces for occupancies or uses not covered in this
3. Wind exposure. Where more than one wind exposure chapter shall be subject to the approval of the building official.
is utilized, the wind exposure and applicable wind 1604.3 Serviceability. Structural systems and members
direction shall be indicated. thereof shall be designed to have adequate stiffness to limit
4. The applicable enclosure classifications and, if deflections and lateral drift. See Section 12.12.1 of ASCE 7 for
designing with ASCE 7, internal pressure coefficient. drift limits applicable to earthquake loading.
5. Components and cladding. The design wind pressures 1604.3.1 Deflections. The deflections of structural mem-
in terms of psf (kN/m2) to be used for the selection of bers shall not exceed the more restrictive of the limitations
exterior component and cladding materials not specifi- of Sections 1604.3.2 through 1604.3.5 or that permitted by
cally designed by the registered design professional. Table 1604.3.
1603.1.5 Earthquake design data. Reserved. TABLE 1604.3
1603.1.6 Geotechnical information. The design load-
bearing values of soils shall be shown on the construction
documents. Roof members:e
Supporting plaster ceiling l/360 l/360 l/240
1603.1.7 Flood design data. For buildings located in whole Supporting nonplaster ceiling l/240 l/240 l/180
or in part in flood hazard areas as established in Section Not supporting ceiling l/180 l/180 l/120
1612.3, the documentation pertaining to design, if required Members supporting screen surface — — l/60
in Section 1612.5, shall be included and the following infor-
mation, referenced to the datum on the community’s Flood Floor members l/360 — l/240
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), shall be shown, regardless of Exterior walls and interior partitions:
whether flood loads govern the design of the building: With brittle finishes — l/240 —
1. In flood hazard areas not subject to high-velocity With flexible finishes — l/120 —
wave action, the elevation of the proposed lowest Farm buildings — — l/180
floor, including the basement.
Greenhouses — — l/120
2. In flood hazard areas not subject to high-velocity
wave action, the elevation to which any nonresiden- For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm.
tial building will be dry floodproofed. a. For structural roofing and siding made of formed metal sheets, the total load
deflection shall not exceed l/60. For secondary roof structural members sup-
3. In flood hazard areas subject to high-velocity wave porting formed metal roofing, the live load deflection shall not exceed l/150.
action, the proposed elevation of the bottom of the For secondary wall members supporting formed metal siding, the design
lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest wind load deflection shall not exceed l/90. For roofs, this exception only
applies when the metal sheets have no roof covering.
floor, including the basement. b. Interior partitions not exceeding 6 feet in height and flexible, folding and
1603.1.8 Special loads. Special loads that are applicable to portable partitions are not governed by the provisions of this section. The
deflection criterion for interior partitions is based on the horizontal load
the design of the building, structure or portions thereof shall defined in Section 1607.13.
be indicated along with the specified section of this code c. See Section 2403 for glass supports.
that addresses the special loading condition. d. For wood structural members having a moisture content of less than 16 per-
cent at time of installation and used under dry conditions, the deflection
1603.1.9 Systems and components requiring special resulting from L + 0.5D is permitted to be substituted for the deflection
inspections for seismic resistance. Reserved. resulting from L + D.
e. The above deflections do not ensure against ponding. Roofs that do not have
sufficient slope or camber to assure adequate drainage shall be investigated
for ponding. See Section 1611 for rain and ponding requirements and Sec-
SECTION 1604 tion 1503.4 for roof drainage requirements.
GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS f. The wind load is permitted to be taken as 0.42 times the “component and
1604.1 General. Building, structures and parts thereof shall be cladding” loads for the purpose of determining deflection limits herein.
g. For steel structural members, the dead load shall be taken as zero.
designed and constructed in accordance with strength design, h. For aluminum structural members or aluminum panels used in skylights and
load and resistance factor design, allowable stress design, sloped glazing framing, roofs or walls of sunroom additions or patio covers,
empirical design or conventional construction methods, as per- not supporting edge of glass or aluminum sandwich panels, the total load
mitted by the applicable material chapters. deflection shall not exceed l/60. For continuous aluminum structural mem-
bers supporting edge of glass, the total load deflection shall not exceed l/175
1604.2 Strength. Buildings and other structures, and parts for each glass lite or l/60 for the entire length of the member, whichever is
thereof, shall be designed and constructed to support safely the more stringent. For aluminum sandwich panels used in roofs or walls of sun-
room additions or patio covers, the total load deflection shall not exceed
factored loads in load combinations defined in this code with- l/120.
out exceeding the appropriate strength limit states for the mate- i. For cantilever members, l shall be taken as twice the length of the cantilever.
rials of construction. Alternatively, buildings and other j. Screen surfaces shall be permitted to include a maximum of 25% solid flexi-
structures, and parts thereof, shall be designed and constructed ble finishes.



1604.3.2 Reinforced concrete. The deflection of rein- building or structure provides required access to, required
forced concrete structural members shall not exceed that egress from or shares life safety components with another
permitted by ACI 318. portion having a higher risk category, both portions shall be
assigned to the higher risk category.
1604.3.3 Steel. The deflection of steel structural members
shall not exceed that permitted by AISC 360, AISI S100, 1604.6 In-situ load tests. The building official is authorized to
ASCE 3, ASCE 8, SJI CJ-1.0, SJI JG-1.1, SJI K-1.1 or SJI require an engineering analysis or a load test, or both, of any
LH/DLH-1.1, as applicable. construction whenever there is reason to question the safety of
the construction for the intended occupancy. Engineering anal-
1604.3.4 Masonry. The deflection of masonry structural
ysis and load tests shall be conducted in accordance with Sec-
members shall not exceed that permitted by TMS 402/ACI
tion 1714.
530/ASCE 5.
1604.7 Preconstruction load tests. Materials and methods of
1604.3.5 Aluminum. The deflection of aluminum struc-
construction that are not capable of being designed by
tural members shall not exceed that permitted by AA
approved engineering analysis or that do not comply with the
applicable material design standards listed in Chapter 35, or
1604.3.6 Limits. Deflection of structural members over alternative test procedures in accordance with Section 1712,
span, l, shall not exceed that permitted by Table 1604.3. shall be load tested in accordance with Section 1715.
1604.4 Analysis. Load effects on structural members and their 1604.8 Anchorage.
connections shall be determined by methods of structural anal-
1604.8.1 General. Anchorage of the roof to walls and col-
ysis that take into account equilibrium, general stability, geo-
umns, and of walls and columns to foundations, shall be
metric compatibility and both short- and long-term material
provided to resist the uplift and sliding forces that result
from the application of the prescribed loads.
Members that tend to accumulate residual deformations
1604.8.2 Walls. Walls shall be anchored to floors, roofs and
under repeated service loads shall have included in their analy-
other structural elements that provide lateral support for the
sis the added eccentricities expected to occur during their ser-
wall. Such anchorage shall provide a positive direct connec-
vice life.
tion capable of resisting the horizontal forces specified in
Any system or method of construction to be used shall be this chapter unless the lateral force has otherwise been cal-
based on a rational analysis in accordance with well-estab- culated by the Engineer of Record. Concrete and masonry
lished principles of mechanics. Such analysis shall result in a walls shall be designed to resist bending between anchors
system that provides a complete load path capable of transfer- where the anchor spacing exceeds 4 feet (1219 mm).
ring loads from their point of origin to the load-resisting ele- Required anchors in masonry walls of hollow units or cavity
ments. walls shall be embedded in a reinforced grouted structural
The total lateral force shall be distributed to the various verti- element of the wall. See Sections 1609 for wind design
cal elements of the lateral-force-resisting system in proportion requirements.
to their rigidities, considering the rigidity of the horizontal 1604.8.3 Decks. Where supported by attachment to an exte-
bracing system or diaphragm. Rigid elements assumed not to rior wall, decks shall be positively anchored to the primary
be a part of the lateral-force-resisting system are permitted to structure and designed for both vertical and lateral loads as
be incorporated into buildings provided their effect on the applicable. Such attachment shall not be accomplished by
action of the system is considered and provided for in the the use of toenails or nails subject to withdrawal. Where
design. Except where diaphragms are flexible, or are permitted positive connection to the primary building structure cannot
to be analyzed as flexible, provisions shall be made for the be verified during inspection, decks shall be self-support-
increased forces induced on resisting elements of the structural ing. Connections of decks with cantilevered framing mem-
system resulting from torsion due to eccentricity between the bers to exterior walls or other framing members shall be
center of application of the lateral forces and the center of rigid- designed for both of the following:
ity of the lateral-force-resisting system.
1. The reactions resulting from the dead load and live
Every structure shall be designed to resist the overturning load specified in Table 1607.1, or the snow load spec-
effects caused by the lateral forces specified in this chapter. See ified in Section 1608, in accordance with Section
Section 1609 for wind loads and Section 1610 for lateral soil 1605, acting on all portions of the deck.
2. The reactions resulting from the dead load and live
1604.5 Risk category. Each building and structure shall be load specified in Table 1607.1, or the snow load spec-
assigned a risk category in accordance with Table 1604.5. ified in Section 1608, in accordance with Section
1604.5.1 Multiple occupancies. Where a building or struc- 1605, acting on the cantilevered portion of the deck,
ture is occupied by two or more occupancies not included in and no live load or snow load on the remaining por-
the same risk category, it shall be assigned the classification tion of the deck.
of the highest risk category corresponding to the various 1604.9 Counteracting structural actions. Structural mem-
occupancies. Where buildings or structures have two or bers, systems, components and cladding shall be designed to
more portions that are structurally separated, each portion resist forces due to wind, with consideration of overturning,
shall be separately classified. Where a separated portion of a sliding and uplift. Continuous load paths shall be provided for



TABLE 1604.5

Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure, including but not limited to:
• Agricultural facilities.
I • Certain temporary facilities.
• Minor storage facilities.
• Screen enclosures.
II Buildings and other structures except those listed in Risk Categories I, III and IV
Buildings and other structures that represent a substantial hazard to human life in the event of failure, including but not
limited to:
• Buildings and other structures whose primary occupancy is public assembly with an occupant load greater than 300.
• Buildings and other structures containing elementary school, secondary school or day care facilities with an occupant
load greater than 250.
• Buildings and other structures containing adult education facilities, such as colleges and universities, with an occupant
load greater than 500.
III • Group I-2 occupancies with an occupant load of 50 or more resident patients but not having surgery or emergency
treatment facilities.
• Group I-3 occupancies.
• Any other occupancy with an occupant load greater than 5,000a.
• Power-generating stations, water treatment facilities for potable water, waste water treatment facilities and other pub-
lic utility facilities not included in Risk Category IV.
• Buildings and other structures not included in Risk Category IV containing sufficient quantities of toxic or explosive
substances to be dangerous to the public if released.
Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities, including but not limited to:
• Group I-2 occupancies having surgery or emergency treatment facilities.
• Fire, rescue, ambulance and police stations and emergency vehicle garages.
• Designated earthquake, hurricane or other emergency shelters.
• Designated emergency preparedness, communications and operations centers and other facilities required for emer-
gency response.
IV • Power-generating stations and other public utility facilities required as emergency backup facilities for Risk Category
IV structures.
• Structures containing highly toxic materials as defined by Section 307 where the quantity of the material exceeds the
maximum allowable quantities of Table 307.1(2).
• Aviation control towers, air traffic control centers and emergency aircraft hangars.
• Buildings and other structures having critical national defense functions.
• Water storage facilities and pump structures required to maintain water pressure for fire suppression.
a. For purposes of occupant load calculation, occupancies required by Table 1004.1.1 to use gross floor area calculations shall be permitted to use net floor areas to
determine the total occupant load.

transmitting these forces to the foundation. Where sliding is combination shall also be investigated with one or more of the
used to isolate the elements, the effects of friction between slid- variable loads set to zero.
ing elements shall be included as a force.
1605.1.1 Stability. Regardless of which load combinations
1604.10 Wind and seismic detailing. Reserved. are used to design for strength, where overall structure sta-
bility (such as stability against overturning, sliding, or buoy-
ancy) is being verified, use of the load combinations
SECTION 1605 specified in Section 1605.2 or 1605.3 shall be permitted.
LOAD COMBINATIONS Where the load combinations specified in Section 1605.2
1605.1 General. Buildings and other structures and portions are used, strength reduction factors applicable to soil resis-
thereof shall be designed to resist: tance shall be provided by a registered design professional.
The stability of retaining walls shall be verified in accor-
1. The load combinations specified in Section 1605.2, dance with Section 1807.2.3.
1605.3.1 or 1605.3.2,
2. The load combinations specified in Chapters 18 through 1605.2 Load combinations using strength design or load
23. and resistance factor design.
Applicable loads shall be considered, including wind, in 1605.2.1 Basic load combinations. Where strength design
accordance with the specified load combinations. Each load or load and resistance factor design is used, structures and



portions thereof shall resist the most critical effects from the increase shall be permitted in accordance with
following combinations of factored loads: Chapter 23.
1.4(D + F) (Equation 16-1) Exception: Increases in allowable stress shall
be permitted in accordance with ACI
1.2(D + F + T) + 1.6(L + H) + 0.5(Lr or R) (Equation 16-2) 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 provided the loads in
the load combinations of Equations 16-11 and
1.2D + 1.6(Lr or R) + (f1L or 0.5W) (Equation 16-3)
16-13 are not reduced.
1.2D + 1.0W + f1L + 0.5(Lr or R) (Equation 16-4) 1605.3.1.2 Flood loads. Where flood loads, Fa, are to be
1.2D + f1L (Equation 16-5) considered in design, the load combinations of Section
2.4.2 of ASCE 7 shall be used.
0.9D + 1.0W + 1.6H (Equation 16-6)
1605.3.2 Alternative basic load combinations. In lieu of the
0.9D + 1.6H (Equation 16-7) basic load combinations specified in Section 1605.3.1, struc-
tures and portions thereof shall be permitted to be designed for
where: the most critical effects resulting from the following combina-
f1 = 1 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads tions. When using these alternative basic load combinations
in excess of 100 pounds per square foot (4.79 kN/m2), that include wind or seismic loads, allowable stresses are per-
and for parking garage live load, and mitted to be increased or load combinations reduced where
= 0.5 for other live loads. permitted by the material chapter of this code or the referenced
standards. For load combinations that include the counteract-
Exception: Where other factored load combinations are ing effects of dead and wind loads, only two-thirds of the mini-
specifically required by the provisions of this code, such mum dead load likely to be in place during a design wind event
combinations shall take precedence. shall be used. Where wind loads are calculated in accordance
1605.2.2 Flood loads. Where flood loads, Fa, are to be con- with Chapters 26 through 31 of ASCE 7, the coefficient ω in the
sidered in the design, the load combinations of Section 2.3.3 following equations shall be taken as 0.78. For other wind
of ASCE 7 shall be used. loads, ω shall be taken as 1. When using these alternative load
combinations to evaluate sliding, overturning and soil bearing
1605.3 Load combinations using allowable stress design. at the soil-structure interface, the reduction of foundation over-
1605.3.1 Basic load combinations. Where allowable stress turning from Section 12.13.4 in ASCE 7 shall not be used.
design (working stress design), as permitted by this code, is
D + L + (Lr or R) (Equation 16-16)
used, structures and portions thereof shall resist the most
critical effects resulting from the following combinations of D + L + (ωW) (Equation 16-17)
D + L + ωW (Equation 16-18)
D+F (Equation 16-8)
D + L + ωW/2 (Equation 16-19)
D+H+F+L+T (Equation 16-9)
D + H + F + (Lr or R) (Equation 16-10) D+L (Equation 16-20)

D + H + F + 0.75(L + T) + 0.75(Lr or R) (Equation 16-11) 0.9D (Equation 16-21)

D + H + F + (0.6W) (Equation 16-12) Exceptions:

1. Crane hook loads need not be combined with roof live
D + H + F + 0.45(W) + 0.75L + 0.75(Lr or R) loads or one-half of the wind load.
(Equation 16-13)
2. Reserved.
0.6D + 0.6W + H (Equation 16-14)
1605.3.2.1 Other loads. Where F, H or T are to be con-
0.6D + H (Equation 16-15) sidered in the design, each applicable load shall be added
to the combinations specified in Section 1605.3.2. ➡
1605.4 Heliports and helistops. Heliport and helistop landing
1. Crane hook loads need not be combined with roof areas shall be designed for the following loads, combined in
live load or one-half of the wind load. accordance with Section 1605:
2. Reserved.
1. Dead load, D, plus the gross weight of the helicopter, Dh.
1605.3.1.1 Load reduction. 2. Dead load, D, plus two single concentrated impact loads,
1. Increases in allowable stress specified in the mate- L, approximately 8 feet (2438 mm) apart applied any-
rials, sections of this code or a referenced standard where on the touchdown pad (representing each of the
shall not be permitted to be used with load combi- helicopter’s two main landing gear, whether skid type or
nations of Sections 1605.3.1. Duration of load wheeled type), having a magnitude of 0.75 times the



gross weight of the helicopter. Both loads acting together TABLE 1607.1
total 1.5 times the gross weight of the helicopter. MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS, Lo, AND
3. Dead load, D, plus a uniform live load, L, of 100 psf (4.79 UNIFORM CONCENTRATED
kN/m2). OCCUPANCY OR USE (psf) (lbs.)

Exception: Landing areas designed for helicopters with 1. Apartments (see residential) — —
gross weights not exceeding 3,000 pounds (13.34 kN) in
2. Access floor systems
accordance with Items 1 and 2 shall be permitted to be Office use 50 2,000
designed using a 40 psf (1.92 kN/m2) uniform live load in Computer use 100 2,000
Item 3, provided the landing area is identified with a 3,000-
pound (13.34 kN) weight limitation. This 40-psf (1.92 3. Armories and drill rooms 150 —
kN/m2) uniform live load shall not be reduced. The landing
4. Assembly areas and theaters
area weight limitation shall be indicated by the numeral “3” Fixed seats (fastened to floor) 60
(kips) located in the bottom right corner of the landing area Follow spot, projections and control
as viewed from the primary approach path. The indication rooms 50

for the landing area weight limitation shall be a minimum 5 Lobbies 100
Movable seats 100
feet (1524 mm) in height. Stages and platforms 125
Other assembly areas 100

5. Balconies (exterior) and decksh Same as

SECTION 1606 occupancy —

1606.1 General. Dead loads are those loads defined in Section 6. Bowling alleys 75 —
1602.1. Dead loads shall be considered permanent loads.
7. Catwalks 40 300
1606.2 Design dead load. For purposes of design, the actual
weights of materials of construction and fixed service equip- 8. Cornices 60 —
ment shall be used. In the absence of definite information, val-
9. Corridors, except as otherwise indicated 100 —
ues used shall be subject to the approval of the building official.
10. Dance halls and ballrooms 100 —

SECTION 1607 11. Dining rooms and restaurants 100 —

12. Dwellings (see residential) — —
1607.1 General. Live loads are those loads defined in Section
1602.1. 13. Elevator machine room grating
— 300
(on area of 4 in2)
1607.2 Loads not specified. For occupancies or uses not des-
ignated in Table 1607.1, the live load shall be determined in 14. Finish light floor plate construction —
(on area of 1 in2) 200
accordance with a method approved by the building official.
1607.3 Uniform live loads. The live loads used in the design of 15. Fire escapes 100
On single-family dwellings only —
buildings and other structures shall be the maximum loads 40
expected by the intended use or occupancy but shall in no case 16. Garages (passenger vehicles only) 40 Note a
be less than the minimum uniformly distributed unit loads Trucks and buses See Section 1607.6
required by Table 1607.1.
17. Grandstands
— —
1607.4 Concentrated loads. Floors and other similar surfaces (see stadium and arena bleachers)
shall be designed to support the uniformly distributed live
loads prescribed in Section 1607.3 or the concentrated load, in 18. Gymnasiums, main floors and balconies 100 —
pounds (kilonewtons), given in Table 1607.1, whichever pro- 19. Handrails, guards and grab bars See Section 1607.7
duces the greater load effects. Unless otherwise specified, the
indicated concentration shall be assumed to be uniformly dis- 20. Hospitals
tributed over an area 21/2 feet by 21/2 feet (0.76 m by 0.76 m) Corridors above first floor 80 1,000
[61/4 square feet (0.58 m2)] and shall be located so as to produce Operating rooms, laboratories 60 1,000
Patient rooms 40 1,000
the maximum load effects in the structural members.
21. Hotels (see residential) — —
1607.5 Partition loads. In office buildings and in other build-
ings where partition locations are subject to change, provisions 22. Libraries
for partition weight shall be made, whether or not partitions are Corridors above first floor 80 1,000
shown on the construction documents, unless the specified live Reading rooms 60 1,000
load exceeds 80 psf (3.83 kN/m2). The partition load shall not Stack rooms 150b 1,000
be less than a uniformly distributed live load of 15 psf (0.72 continued



TABLE 1607.1—continued TABLE 1607.1—continued

OCCUPANCY OR USE (psf) (lbs.) OCCUPANCY OR USE (psf) (lbs.)
23. Manufacturing 34. Stadiums and arenas
Heavy 250 3,000 Bleachers 100c —
Light 125 2,000 Fixed seats (fastened to floor) 60c
24. Marquees 75 — 35. Stairs and exits
Note f
One- and two-family dwellings 40
25. Office buildings All other 100
Corridors above first floor 80 2,000
File and computer rooms shall be 36. Storage warehouses
designed for heavier loads based — — (shall be designed for heavier loads if
on anticipated occupancy required for anticipated storage)
Lobbies and first-floor corridors 100 2,000 Heavy 250
Offices 50 2,000 Light 125
26. Penal institutions 37. Stores
Cell blocks 40 — Retail
Corridors 100 First floor 100 1,000
Upper floors 75 1,000
27. Residential Wholesale, all floors 125 1,000
One- and two-family dwellings
Uninhabitable attics without storagei 10 38. Vehicle barrier systems See Section 1607.7.3
Uninhabitable attics with limited 20
storagei, j, k 39. Walkways and elevated platforms
Habitable attics and sleeping areas (other than exitways) 60 —
All other areas —
Hotels and multifamily dwellings 40. Yards and terraces, pedestrians 100 —
Private rooms and corridors 40
serving them For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 square inch = 645.16 mm2,
1 square foot = 0.0929 m2,
Public rooms and corridors serving 100 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kN/m2, 1 pound = 0.004448 kN,
a. Floors in garages or portions of buildings used for the storage of motor vehicles shall be
designed for the uniformly distributed live loads of Table 1607.1 or the following con-
28. Reviewing stands, grandstands and centrated loads: (1) for garages restricted to passenger vehicles accommodating not
bleachers Note c
more than nine passengers, 3,000 pounds acting on an area of 4.5 inches by 4.5 inches;
(2) for mechanical parking structures without slab or deck which are used for storing
29. Roofs passenger vehicles only, 2,250 pounds per wheel.
All roof surfaces subject to maintenance 300 b. The loading applies to stack room floors that support nonmobile, double-faced library
workers bookstacks, subject to the following limitations:
Awnings and canopies 1. The nominal bookstack unit height shall not exceed 90 inches;
Fabric construction supported by a 5 2. The nominal shelf depth shall not exceed 12 inches for each face; and
lightweight rigid skeleton structure nonreducible 3. Parallel rows of double-faced bookstacks shall be separated by aisles not less
All other construction 20 than 36 inches wide.
Ordinary flat, pitched, and curved roofs 20 c. Design in accordance with ICC 300.
Primary roof members, exposed to a d. Other uniform loads in accordance with an approved method which contains provisions
work floor for truck loadings shall also be considered where appropriate.
Single panel point of lower chord of e. The concentrated wheel load shall be applied on an area of 4.5 inches by 4.5 inches.
roof trusses or any point along f. Minimum concentrated load on stair treads (on area of 4 square inches) is 300 pounds.
primary structural members g. Reserved.
supporting roofs: h. See Section 1604.8.3 for decks attached to exterior walls.
Over manufacturing, s torage i. Attics without storage are those where the maximum clear height between the joist and
warehouses, and repair garages rafter is less than 42 inches, or where there are not two or more adjacent trusses with the
All other occupancies same web configuration capable of containing a rectangle 42 inches high by 2 feet
300 wide, or greater, located within the plane of the truss. For attics without storage, this live
Roofs used for other special purposes Note 1 Note 1 load need not be assumed to act concurrently with any other live load requirements.
Roofs used for promenade purposes 60 j. For attics with limited storage and constructed with trusses, this live load need only be
Roofs used for roof gardens or 100 applied to those portions of the bottom chord where there are two or more adjacent
assembly purposes trusses with the same web configuration capable of containing a rectangle 42 inches
high by 2 feet wide or greater, located within the plane of the truss. The rectangle shall
30. Schools fit between the top of the bottom chord and the bottom of any other truss member, pro-
Classrooms 40 1,000 vided that each of the following criteria is met:
Corridors above first floor 80 1,000 i. The attic area is accessible by a pull-down stairway or framed opening in accor-
dance with Section 1209.2, and
First-floor corridors 100 1,000
ii. The truss shall have a bottom chord pitch less than 2:12.
31. Scuttles, skylight ribs and accessible iii. Bottom chords of trusses shall be designed for the greater of actual imposed dead
ceilings — 200 load or 10 psf, uniformly distributed over the entire span.
k. Attic spaces served by a fixed stair shall be designed to support the minimum live load
32. Sidewalks, vehicular driveways and specified for habitable attics and sleeping rooms.
yards, subject to trucking 250d 8,000e l. Roofs used for other special purposes shall be designed for appropriate loads as
approved by the building official.
33. Skating rinks 100 —
1607.6 Truck and bus garages. Minimum live loads for
continued garages having trucks or buses shall be as specified in Table
1607.6, but shall not be less than 50 psf (2.40 kN/m2), unless



other loads are specifically justified and approved by the build- act concurrently with the loads specified in Section
ing official. Actual loads shall be used where they are greater 1607.7.1.
than the loads specified in the table.
1607.7.1.2 Components. Intermediate rails (all those
1607.6.1 Truck and bus garage live load application. The except the handrail), balusters and panel fillers shall be
concentrated load and uniform load shall be uniformly dis- designed to withstand a horizontally applied normal load
tributed over a 10-foot (3048 mm) width on a line normal to of 50 pounds (0.22 kN) on an area equal to 1 square foot
the centerline of the lane placed within a 12-foot-wide (0.0929 m2), including openings and space between
(3658 mm) lane. The loads shall be placed within their indi- rails. Reactions due to this loading are not required to be
vidual lanes so as to produce the maximum stress in each superimposed with those of Section 1607.7.1 or
structural member. Single spans shall be designed for the 1607.7.1.1. ➡
uniform load in Table 1607.6 and one simultaneous concen-
1607.7.2 Grab bars, shower seats and dressing room
trated load positioned to produce the maximum effect. Mul-
bench seats. Grab bars, shower seats and dressing room
tiple spans shall be designed for the uniform load in Table
bench seat systems shall be designed to resist a single con-
1607.6 on the spans and two simultaneous concentrated
centrated load of 250 pounds (1.11 kN) applied in any direc-
loads in two spans positioned to produce the maximum neg-
tion at any point.
ative moment effect. Multiple span design loads, for other
effects, shall be the same as for single spans. 1607.7.3 Vehicle barrier systems. Vehicle barrier systems
for passenger vehicles shall be designed to resist a single
TABLE 1607.6
UNIFORM AND CONCENTRATED LOADS load of 6,000 pounds (26.70 kN) applied horizontally in any
direction to the barrier system and shall have anchorage or
attachment capable of transmitting this load to the structure.
UNIFORM LOAD For design of the system, two loading conditions shall be
LOADING (pounds/linear For moment For shear analyzed. The first condition shall apply the load at a height
CLASSa foot of lane) design design
of 1 foot, 6 inches (457 mm) above the floor or ramp surface.
H20-44 and HS20-44 640 18,000 26,000 The second loading condition shall apply the load at 2 feet, 3
H15-44 and HS15-44 480 13,500 19,500 inches (686 mm) above the floor or ramp surface. The more
severe load condition shall govern the design of the barrier
For SI: 1 pound per linear foot = 0.01459 kN/m, 1 pound = 0.004448 kN, restraint system. The load shall be assumed to act on an area
1 ton = 8.90 kN.
a. An H loading class designates a two-axle truck with a semitrailer. An HS
not to exceed 1 square foot (0.0929 m2), and is not required
loading class designates a tractor truck with a semitrailer. The numbers fol- to be assumed to act concurrently with any handrail or guard
lowing the letter classification indicate the gross weight in tons of the stan- loadings specified in Section 1607.7.1. Garages accommo-
dard truck and the year the loadings were instituted. dating trucks and buses shall be designed in accordance
b. See Section 1607.6.1 for the loading of multiple spans. with an approved method that contains provisions for traffic
1607.7 Loads on handrails, guards, grab bars, seats and railings.
vehicle barrier systems. Handrails, guards, grab bars, acces- 1607.8 Impact loads. The live loads specified in Section
sible seats, accessible benches and vehicle barrier systems 1607.3 include allowance for impact conditions. Provisions
shall be designed and constructed to the structural loading con- shall be made in the structural design for uses and loads that
ditions set forth in this section. involve unusual vibration and impact forces.
1607.7.1 Handrails and guards. Handrails and guards 1607.8.1 Elevators. Elevator loads shall be increased by
shall be designed to resist a load of 50 pounds per linear foot 100 percent for impact and the structural supports shall be
(plf) (0.73 kN/m) applied in any direction at the top and to designed within the limits of deflection prescribed by
transfer this load through the supports to the structure. Glass ASME A17.1.
handrail assemblies and guards shall also comply with Sec-
tion 2407. 1607.8.2 Machinery. For the purpose of design, the weight
of machinery and moving loads shall be increased as fol-
Exceptions: lows to allow for impact: (1) elevator machinery, 100 per-
cent; (2) light machinery, shaft- or motor-driven, 20 percent;
1. For one- and two-family dwellings, only the single
(3) reciprocating machinery or power-driven units, 50 per-
concentrated load required by Section 1607.7.1.1
cent; (4) hangers for floors or balconies, 33 percent. Per-
shall be applied.
centages shall be increased where specified by the
2. In Group I-3, F, H and S occupancies, for areas that manufacturer.
are not accessible to the general public and that
have an occupant load less than 50, the minimum 1607.9 Reduction in live loads. Except for uniform live loads
load shall be 20 pounds per foot (0.29 kN/m). at roofs, all other minimum uniformly distributed live loads, Lo,
in Table 1607.1 are permitted to be reduced in accordance with
1607.7.1.1 Concentrated load. Handrails and guards Section 1607.9.1 or 1607.9.2. Roof uniform live loads, other
shall be able to resist a single concentrated load of 200 than special purpose roofs of Section 1607.11.2.2, are permit-
pounds (0.89 kN), applied in any direction at any point ted to be reduced in accordance with Section 1607.11.2. Roof
along the top, and to transfer this load through the sup- uniform live loads of special purpose roofs are permitted to be
ports to the structure. This load need not be assumed to reduced in accordance with Section 1607.9.1 or 1607.9.2.



1607.9.1 General. Subject to the limitations of Sections 2. For uses other than storage, where approved,
1607.9.1.1 through 1607.9.1.4, members for which a value additional live load reductions shall be permit-
of KLLAT is 400 square feet (37.16 m2) or more are permitted ted where shown by the registered design pro-
to be designed for a reduced live load in accordance with the fessional that a rational approach has been used
following equation: and that such reductions are warranted.
⎛ 15 ⎞ 1607.9.1.3 Passenger vehicle garages. The live loads
L = L o ⎜⎜ 0.25 + ⎟
⎟ (Equation 16-22) shall not be reduced in passenger vehicle garages.
⎝ K LL AT ⎠
Exception: The live loads for members supporting
⎛ 4. 57 ⎞ two or more floors are permitted to be reduced by a
For SI: L = L o ⎜⎜ 0.25 + ⎟
⎟ maximum of 20 percent, but the live load shall not be
⎝ K LL AT ⎠ less than L as calculated in Section 1607.9.1.
where: 1607.9.1.4 Group A occupancies. Live loads of 100 psf
L = Reduced design live load per square foot (square (4.79 kN/m2) and at areas where fixed seats are located
meter) of area supported by the member. shall not be reduced in Group A occupancies. ➡
Lo = Unreduced design live load per square foot (square 1607.9.1.5 Roof members. Live loads of 100 psf (4.79
meter) of area supported by the member (see Table kN/m2) or less shall not be reduced for roof members
1607.1). except as specified in Section 1607.11.2.
KLL = Live load element factor (see Table 1607.9.1). 1607.9.2 Alternate floor live load reduction. As an alter-
AT = Tributary area, in square feet (square meters). native to Section 1607.9.1, floor live loads are permitted to
be reduced in accordance with the following provisions.
L shall not be less than 0.50Lo for members supporting one Such reductions shall apply to slab systems, beams, girders,
floor and L shall not be less than 0.40Lo for members sup- columns, piers, walls and foundations.
porting two or more floors.
1. A reduction shall not be permitted in Group A occu-
TABLE 1607.9.1 pancies.
2. A reduction shall not be permitted where the live load
exceeds 100 psf (4.79 kN/m2) except that the design
Interior columns 4 live load for members supporting two or more floors
Exterior columns without cantilever slabs 4 is permitted to be reduced by 20 percent.

Edge columns with cantilever slabs 3 Exception: For uses other than storage, where
approved, additional live load reductions shall be
Corner columns with cantilever slabs 2 permitted where shown by the registered design
Edge beams without cantilever slabs 2 professional that a rational approach has been used
Interior beams 2 and that such reductions are warranted.
All other members not identified above including: 3. A reduction shall not be permitted in passenger vehi-
Edge beams with cantilever slabs cle parking garages except that the live loads for
Cantilever beams members supporting two or more floors are permitted
One-way slabs 1 to be reduced by a maximum of 20 percent.
Two-way slabs
Members without provisions for continuous shear 4. For live loads not exceeding 100 psf (4.79 kN/m2), the
transfer normal to their span design live load for any structural member supporting
150 square feet (13.94 m2) or more is permitted to be
reduced in accordance with Equation 16-23.
1607.9.1.1 One-way slabs. The tributary area, AT, for
use in Equation 16-22 for one-way slabs shall not exceed 5. For one-way slabs, the area, A, for use in Equation
an area defined by the slab span times a width normal to 16-23 shall not exceed the product of the slab span
the span of 1.5 times the slab span. and a width normal to the span of 0.5 times the slab
1607.9.1.2 Heavy live loads. Live loads that exceed 100
psf (4.79 kN/m2) shall not be reduced. R = 0.08(A - 150) (Equation 16-23)

Exceptions: For SI: R = 0.861(A - 13.94)

1. The live loads for members supporting two or Such reduction shall not exceed the smallest of:
more floors are permitted to be reduced by a 1. 40 percent for horizontal members;
maximum of 20 percent, but the live load shall
not be less than L as calculated in Section 2. 60 percent for vertical members; or
1607.9.1. 3. R as determined by the following equation.



R = 23.1(1 + D/Lo) (Equation 16-24) Lr = Reduced live load per square foot (m2) of horizon-
tal projection in pounds per square foot (kN/m2).
The reduction factors R1 and R2 shall be determined as
A = Area of floor supported by the member, follows:
square feet (m2).
D = Dead load per square foot (m2) of area sup- R1 = 1 for At ≤ 200 square feet
ported. (18.58 m2) (Equation 16-26)
Lo 2
= Unreduced live load per square foot (m ) of R1 = 1.2 – 0.001At for 200 square
area supported. feet < At < 600 square feet (Equation 16-27)
R = Reduction in percent. For SI: 1.2 – 0.011At for 18.58 square meters < At < 55.74
1607.10 Distribution of floor loads. Where uniform floor square meters
live loads are involved in the design of structural members
arranged so as to create continuity, the minimum applied R1 = 0.6 for At ≥ 600 square feet
loads shall be the full dead loads on all spans in combination (55.74 m2) (Equation 16-28)
with the floor live loads on spans selected to produce the where:
greatest effect at each location under consideration. It shall be
permitted to reduce floor live loads in accordance with Sec- At = Tributary area (span length multiplied by effective
tion 1607.9. width) in square feet (m2) supported by any struc-
tural member, and
1607.11 Roof loads. The structural supports of roofs and mar-
quees shall be designed to resist wind loads, in addition to the R2 = 1 for F ≤ 4 (Equation 16-29)
dead load of construction and the appropriate live loads as pre-
scribed in this section, or as set forth in Table 1607.1. The live R2 = 1.2 – 0.05 F for 4 < F < 12 (Equation 16-30)
loads acting on a sloping surface shall be assumed to act verti- R2 = 0.6 for F ≥ 12 (Equation 16-31)
cally on the horizontal projection of that surface.
1607.11.1 Distribution of roof loads. Where uniform roof where:
live loads are reduced to less than 20 psf (0.96 kN/m2) in F = For a sloped roof, the number of inches of rise per
accordance with Section 1607.11.2.1 and are applied to the foot (for SI: F = 0.12 × slope, with slope expressed
design of structural members arranged so as to create conti- as a percentage), or for an arch or dome, the
nuity, the reduced roof live load shall be applied to adjacent rise-to-span ratio multiplied by 32.
spans or to alternate spans, whichever produces the most
1607.11.2.2 Special-purpose roofs. Roofs used for
unfavorable load effect. See Section 1607.11.2 for reduc-
promenade purposes, roof gardens, assembly purposes
tions in minimum roof live loads.
or other special purposes, and marquees, shall be
1607.11.2 Reduction in roof live loads. The minimum uni- designed for a minimum live load, Lo, as specified in
formly distributed live loads of roofs and marquees, Lo, in Table 1607.1. Such live loads are permitted to be reduced
Table 1607.1 are permitted to be reduced in accordance with in accordance with Section 1607.9. Live loads of 100 psf
Section 1607.11.2.1 or 1607.11.2.2. (4.79 kN/m2) or more at areas of roofs classified as
1607.11.2.1 Flat, pitched and curved roofs. Ordinary Group A occupancies shall not be reduced.
flat, pitched and curved roofs, and awnings and canopies 1607.11.3 Landscaped roofs. Where roofs are to be land-
other than of fabric construction supported by light- scaped, the uniform design live load in the landscaped area
weight rigid skeleton structures, are permitted to be shall be 20 psf (0.958 kN/m2). The weight of the landscap-
designed for a reduced roof live load as specified in the ing materials shall be considered as dead load and shall be
following equations or other controlling combinations of computed on the basis of saturation of the soil.
loads in Section 1605, whichever produces the greater
load. 1607.11.4 Awnings and canopies. Awnings and canopies
shall be designed for uniform live loads as required in Table
In structures such as greenhouses, where special scaf- 1607.1 as well as for wind loads as specified in Section
folding is used as a work surface for workers and materi- 1609.
als during maintenance and repair operations, a lower
roof load than specified in the following equations shall 1607.12 Crane loads. The crane live load shall be the rated
not be used unless approved by the building official. capacity of the crane. Design loads for the runway beams,
Such structures shall be designed for a minimum roof including connections and support brackets, of moving bridge
live load of 12 psf (0.58 kN/m2). cranes and monorail cranes shall include the maximum wheel
loads of the crane and the vertical impact, lateral and longitudi-
Lr = Lo R1R2 (Equation 16-25) nal forces induced by the moving crane.
where: 12 ≤ Lr ≤ 20 1607.12.1 Maximum wheel load. The maximum wheel
loads shall be the wheel loads produced by the weight of the
For SI: Lr = LoR1R2 bridge, as applicable, plus the sum of the rated capacity and
where: 0.58 ≤ Lr ≤ 0.96 the weight of the trolley with the trolley positioned on its



runway at the location where the resulting load effect is SECTION 1608
maximum. SNOW LOADS
1607.12.2 Vertical impact force. The maximum wheel
loads of the crane shall be increased by the percentages
shown below to determine the induced vertical impact or SECTION 1609
vibration force: WIND LOADS
Monorail cranes (powered) · · · · · · · · · 25 percent 1609.1 Applications. Buildings, structures and parts thereof
shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads pre-
Cab-operated or remotely operated scribed herein. Decreases in wind loads shall not be made for
bridge cranes (powered) · · · · · · · · · · · 25 percent the effect of shielding by other structures.
All exterior wall coverings and soffits shall be capable of
Pendant-operated bridge cranes resisting the design pressures specified for walls for compo-
(powered) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10 percent nents and cladding loads in accordance with Section 1609.1.1.
Manufactured soffits shall be labeled in accordance with Sec-
Bridge cranes or monorail cranes with tion 1715.9 of this code.
hand-geared bridge, trolley and hoist · · · · · 0 percent
1609.1.1 Determination of wind loads. Wind loads on
1607.12.3 Lateral force. The lateral force on crane runway every building or structure shall be determined in accor-
beams with electrically powered trolleys shall be calculated dance with Chapters 26 through 30 of ASCE 7 or the provi-
as 20 percent of the sum of the rated capacity of the crane sions of the alternate all heights method in Section 1609.6.
and the weight of the hoist and trolley. The lateral force shall Wind shall be assumed to come from any horizontal direc-
be assumed to act horizontally at the traction surface of a tion and wind pressures shall be assumed to act normal to
runway beam, in either direction perpendicular to the beam, the surface considered.
and shall be distributed according to the lateral stiffness of
the runway beam and supporting structure.
1. Subject to the limitations of Section 1609.1.1.1,
1607.12.4 Longitudinal force. The longitudinal force on the provisions of ICC 600 shall be permitted for
crane runway beams, except for bridge cranes with applicable Group R-2 and R-3 buildings.
hand-geared bridges, shall be calculated as 10 percent of the 2. Subject to the limitations of Section 1609.1.1.1,
maximum wheel loads of the crane. The longitudinal force 1 6 0 9 . 1 . 4 , a n d 1 6 0 9 . 3 , p r o v is io n s o f
shall be assumed to act horizontally at the traction surface of ANSI/AF&PA WFCM, Wood Frame Construc-
a runway beam, in either direction parallel to the beam. tion Manual for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
shall be permitted for applicable wood frame
1607.13 Interior walls and partitions. Interior walls and par- buildings of Group R-3 occupancy where Vasd,
titions that exceed 6 feet (1829 mm) in height, including their determined in accordance with Section 1609.3.1
finish materials, shall have adequate strength to resist the loads is150 mph or less.
to which they are subjected but not less than a horizontal load of
5 psf (0.240 kN/m2). 3. Subject to the limitations of Section 1609.1.1.1,
residential structures using the provisions of AISI
Exception: Fabric partitions complying with Section S230.
1607.13.1 shall not be required to resist the minimum hori- 4. Designs using NAAMM FP 1001. Specification
zontal load of 5 psf (0.24 kN/m2). for Design Loads of Metal Flagpoles.
1607.13.1 Fabric partitions. Fabric partitions that exceed 6 5. Designs using TIA-222 for antenna-supporting
feet (1829 mm) in height, including their finish materials, structures and antennas shall be permitted for com-
shall have adequate strength to resist the following load con- munication tower and steel antenna support struc-
ditions: tures.
6. Wind tunnel tests in accordance with Chapter 31 of
1. A horizontal distributed load of 5 psf (0.24 kN/m2) ASCE 7.
applied to the partition framing. The total area used to
determine the distributed load shall be the area of the 7. Designs using AASHTO LTS-4 Structural Speci-
fabric face between the framing members to which fications for Highway Signs, Luminaries, and
the fabric is attached. The total distributed load shall Traffic Signals.
be uniformly applied to such framing members in 8. Wind loads for screened enclosures shall be deter-
proportion to the length of each member. mined in accordance with Section 2002.4.
2. A concentrated load of 40 pounds (0.176 kN) applied The wind speeds in Figure 1609A, 1609B and 1609C
to an 8-inch diameter (203 mm) area [50.3 square shall be converted to nominal wind speeds, Vasd in accor-
inches (32 452 mm2)] of the fabric face at a height of dance with Section 1609.3.1 when the provisions of the
54 inches (1372 mm) above the floor. standards referenced in Exceptions 1 through 5 and 7 are



used unless the wind provisions in the standards are based 8 feet (2438 mm) shall be permitted for opening
on Ultimate Wind Speeds as specified in Figures 1609A, protection in one- and two-story buildings classi-
1609B or 1609C or Chapter 26 of ASCE 7. fied as Group R-3 or R-4 occupancy. Panels shall
1609.1.1.1 Applicability. The provisions of ICC 600 are be precut so that they shall be attached to the fram-
applicable only to buildings located within Exposure B ing surrounding the opening containing the prod-
or C as defined in Section 1609.4. The provisions of ICC uct with the glazed opening. Panels shall be
600, AF&PA WFCM, and AISI S230 shall not apply to predrilled as required for the anchorage method
buildings sited on the upper half of an isolated hill, ridge and shall be secured with the attachment hardware
or escarpment meeting the following conditions: provided. Attachments shall be designed to resist
the components and cladding loads determined in
1. The hill, ridge or escarpment is 60 feet (18 288 accordance with the provisions of ASCE 7, with
mm) or higher if located in Exposure B or 30 feet corrosion-resistant attachment hardware provided
(9144 mm) or higher if located in Exposure C; and anchors permanently installed on the building.
2. The maximum average slope of the hill exceeds 10 Attachment in accordance with Table 1609.1.2
percent; and with corrosion-resistant attachment hardware pro-
vided and anchors permanently installed on the
3. The hill, ridge or escarpment is unobstructed building is permitted for buildings with a mean
upwind by other such topographic features for a dis- roof height of 45 feet (13 716 mm) or less where
tance from the high point of 50 times the height of Vasd, determined in accordance with Section
the hill or 1 mile (1.61 km), whichever is greater. 1609.3.1 does not exceed 140 mph (63 m/s).
1609.1.2 Protection of openings. Glazed openings in 2. Glazing in Risk Category I buildings as defined in
buildings located in wind-borne debris regions shall be pro- Section 1604.5, including greenhouses that are
tected from wind-borne debris. Glazed opening protection occupied for growing plants on a production or
for wind-borne debris shall meet the requirements of SSTD research basis, without public access shall be per-
12, ASTM E 1886 and ASTM E 1996, ANSI/DASMA 115 mitted to be unprotected.
(for garage doors and rolling doors) or TAS 201, 202 and
203 or AAMA 506 referenced therein. 3. Glazing in Risk Category II, III or IV buildings
located over 60 feet (18 288 mm) above the ground
1. Glazed openings located within 30 feet (9.1 m) of and over 30 feet (9144 mm) above aggregate sur-
grade shall meet the requirements of the large missile face roofs located within 1,500 feet (458 m) of the
test of ASTM E 1996. building shall be permitted to be unprotected.
2. Glazed openings located more than 30 feet (9.1 m) 4. Exterior balconies or porches under existing roofs
above grade shall meet the provisions of the small or decks enclosed with screen or removable vinyl
missile test of ASTM E 1996. and acrylic panels complying with Section 2002.3.3
3. Storage sheds that are not designed for human habita- shall not be required to be protected and openings in
tion and that have a floor area of 720 square feet (67 the wall separating the unit from the balcony or
m2) or less are not required to comply with the manda- porch shall not be required to be protected unless
tory windborne debris impact standards of this code. required by other provisions of this code.
4. Openings in sunrooms, balconies or enclosed porches 1609.1.2.1 Louvers. Louvers protecting intake and
constructed under existing roofs or decks are not exhaust ventilation ducts not assumed to be open that are
required to be protected provided the spaces are sepa- located within 30 feet (9144 mm) of grade shall meet
rated from the building interior by a wall and all open- requirements of AMCA 540 or shall be protected by an
ings in the separating wall are protected in accordance impact resistant cover complying with an approved
with Section 1609.1.2 above. Such spaces shall be impact-resistance standard or the large missile test of
permitted to be designed as either partially enclosed ASTM E 1996.
or enclosed structures. 1609.1.2.2 Garage doors. Reserved.
1. Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness
of 7/16 inch (11.1 mm) and maximum panel span of












TABLE 1609.1.2 1609. Table 1 of ASTM E 1886 and ASTM E

1996 shall be modified to read as follows:
FASTENER SPACING (inches) Air Pressure Cycles
4 feet 6 feet 0.2 to 0.5 Ppos1
FASTENER Panel Span Panel Span Panel Span
TYPE 4 feet 6 feet 8 feet 0.0 to 0.6 Ppos1
No. 8 wood-screw-based 0.5 to 0.8 Ppos1
anchor with 2-inch 16 10 8
embedment length
0.3 to 1.0 Ppos1
No. 10 wood-screw-based 0.3 to 1.0 Pneg2
anchor with 2-inch 16 12 9 0.5 to 0.8 Pneg2
embedment length
0.0 to 0.6 Pneg2
lag-screw-based anchor 0.2 to 0.5 Pneg2
16 16 16
with 2-inch embedment Notes:
length 1. Ppos = 0.6 × positive ultimate design load in accordance with ASCE 7.
2. Pneg = 0.6 × negative ultimate design load in accordance with ASCE 7.
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 pound = 4.448 N,
1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s. 1609.1.3 Optional exterior door component testing.
a. This table is based on a Vasd, determined in accordance with Section Exterior side-hinged door assemblies shall have the option
1609.3.1 of 140 mph and a 45-foot mean roof height.
b. Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends of the wood structural panel.
to have the components of the assembly tested and rated for
Fasteners shall be located a minimum of 1 inch from the edge of the panel. impact resistance in accordance with the following specifi-
c. Anchors shall penetrate through the exterior wall covering with an cation: SDI 250.13.
embedment length of 2 inches minimum into the building frame. Fasteners
shall be located a minimum of 21/2 inches from the edge of concrete block or 1609.1.4 The wind-borne debris regions requirements shall
concrete. not apply landward of the designated contour line in Figure
d. Where panels are attached to masonry or masonry/stucco, they shall be 1609A or 1609B. A geographical boundary that coincides
attached using vibration-resistant anchors having a minimum ultimate with- with the contour line shall be established.
drawal capacity of 1,500 pounds.
1609.1.2.3 Impact resistant coverings. 1609.1.5 Testing to allowable or nominal loads. Where
testing for wind load resistance is based on allowable or
1609. Impact resistant coverings shall be nominal wind loads, the design wind loads determined in
tested at 1.5 times the design pressure (positive or accordance with ASCE 7 or Section 1609 are permitted to
negative) expressed in pounds per square feet as be multiplied by 0.6 for the purposes of the wind load resis-
determined by the Florida Building Code, Building tance testing.
Section 1609 or ASCE 7, for which the specimen is to
1609.2 Definitions. The following words and terms shall, for
be tested. The design pressures, as determined from
the purposes of Section 1609, have the meanings shown herein.
ASCE 7, are permitted to be multiplied by 0.6.
HURRICANE-PRONE REGIONS. Areas vulnerable to
1609. Impact resistant coverings. Impact
hurricanes defined as:
resistant coverings shall be labeled in accordance
with the provisions of Section 1714.8. 1. The U. S. Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico coasts
where the basic wind speed for Risk Category II build-
1609.1.2.4 Modifications to ASTM E 1996. Section ings is greater than 115 mph (40 m/s) and
6.2.2 of ASTM E 1996 shall be modified as follows:
2. Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands and Ameri-
6.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, select the wind zone can Samoa.
based on the basic wind speed as follows:
WIND-BORNE DEBRIS REGION. Areas within hurri- Wind Zone 1—130 mph ≤ basic wind speed < 140 cane-prone regions located:
mph, and Hawaii.
1. Within 1 mile (1.61 km) of the coastal mean high water Wind Zone 2—140 mph ≤ basic wind speed < line where the ultimate design wind speed Vult is 130 (48
150 mph at greater than 1.6 km (one mile) from the m/s) or greater; or
coastline. The coastline shall be measured from the 2. In areas where the ultimate design wind speed Vult is 140
mean high water mark. mph (53 m/s) or greater. Wind Zone 3—150 mph (58 m/s) ≤ basic wind For Risk Category II buildings and structures and Risk Cate-
speed ≤ 160 mph (63 m/s), or 140 mph (54 m/s) ≤ gory III buildings and structures, except health care facilities,
basic wind speed ≤ 160 mph (63 m/s) and within 1.6 the windborne debris region shall be based on Figure 1609A.
km (one mile) of the coastline. The coastline shall be For Risk Category IV buildings and structures and Risk Cate-
measured from the mean high water mark. gory III health care facilities, the windborne debris region shall Wind Zone 4—basic wind speed > 160 mph be based on Figure 1609B.
(63 m/s). WIND SPEED, Vult. Ultimate design wind speeds.



WIND SPEED, Vasd. Nominal design wind speeds. purpose of assigning an exposure category as defined in
Section 1609.4.3.
1609.3 Basic wind speed. The ultimate design wind speed Vult,
in miles per hour, for the development of the wind loads shall Surface Roughness B. Urban and suburban areas,
be determined by Figures 1609A, 1609B and 1609C. The ulti- wooded areas or other terrain with numerous closely
mate design wind speed Vult for use in the design of Risk Cate- spaced obstructions having the size of single-family
gory II buildings and structures shall be obtained from Figure dwellings or larger.
1609A. The ultimate design wind speed Vult for use in the Surface Roughness C. Open terrain with scattered
design of Risk Category III and IV buildings and structures obstructions having heights generally less than 30 feet
shall be obtained from Figure 1609B. The ultimate design wind (9144 mm). This category includes flat open country and
speed Vult for use in the design of Risk Category I buildings and grasslands.This surface roughness shall also apply to any
structures shall be obtained from Figure 1609C. The exact building located within surface roughness B-type terrain
location of wind speed lines shall be established by local ordi- where the building is within 100 feet horizontally in any
nance using recognized physical landmarks such as major direction of open areas of surface roughness C or D-type
roads, canals, rivers and lake shores wherever possible. terrain that extends more than 600 feet (182.9 m) and
1609.3.1 Wind speed conversion. When required, ultimate width greater than 150 feet in the upwind direction.
design wind speeds of Figure 1609A, B and C shall be con- Short-term (less than two year) changes in the pre-exist-
verted to nominal design wind speeds, Vasd, using Table ing terrain exposure, for the purposes of development,
1609.3.1 or Equation 16-32. shall not be considered surface roughness C. Where
development buildout will occur within three years and
Vasd = Vult 0.6 (Equation 16-32) the resultant condition will meet the definition of surface
roughness B, surface roughness B shall be regulating for
where: the purpose of permitting. This category includes flat
Vasd = nominal design wind speed open country and grasslands and shall extend downwind
Vult = strength design wind speeds determined from Fig- for a distance of 1500 feet.
ures 1609A, 1609B, or 1609C. Surface Roughness D. Flat, unobstructed areas and
1609.4 Exposure category. For each wind direction consid- water surfaces. This category includes smooth mud flats,
ered, an exposure category that adequately reflects the charac- salt flats and unbroken ice.
teristics of ground surface irregularities shall be determined for 1609.4.3 Exposure categories. An exposure category shall
the site at which the building or structure is to be constructed. be determined in accordance with the following:
Account shall be taken of variations in ground surface rough-
Exposure B. For buildings with a mean roof height of
ness that arise from natural topography and vegetation as well
less than or equal to 30 feet, Exposure B shall apply
as from constructed features.
where the ground surface roughness as defined by Sur-
Exception: An intermediate exposure between the expo- face Roughness B prevails in the upwind direction for a
sure categories defined is permitted in a transition zone pro- distance of at least 1,500 ft (457 m). For buildings with a
vided that it is determined by a rational analysis method. mean roof height greater than 30 feet, Exposure B shall
1609.4.1 Wind directions and sectors. For each selected apply where Surface Roughness B prevails in the upwind
wind direction at which the wind loads are to be evaluated, direction for a distance of at least 2,600 feet (792 m) or
the exposure of the building or structure shall be determined 20 times the height of the building, whichever is greater.
for the two upwind sectors extending 45 degrees (0.79 rad) Exposure C. Exposure C shall apply for all cases where
either side of the selected wind direction. The exposures in Exposures B or D do not apply.
these two sectors shall be determined in accordance with Exposure D. Exposure D shall apply where the ground
Sections 1609.4.2 and 1609.4.3 and the exposure resulting surface roughness, as defined by Surface Roughness D,
in the highest wind loads shall be used to represent winds prevails in the upwind direction for a distance of at least
from that direction.
5,000 feet (1524 m) or 20 times the height of the building,
1609.4.2 Surface roughness categories. A ground surface whichever is greater. Exposure D shall extend inland from
roughness within each 45-degree (0.79 rad) sector shall be the shoreline for a distance of 600 feet (183 m) or 20 times
determined for a distance upwind of the site as defined in the height of the building, whichever is greater from an
Section 1609.4.3 from the categories defined below, for the Exposure D condition as defined in the previous sentence.
TABLE 1609.3.1
Vult 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Vasd 78 85 93 101 108 116 124 132 139 147 155
For SI: 1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s.
a. Linear interpolation is permitted.
b. Vasd = nominal design wind speed.
c. Vult = ultimate design wind speed determined from Figures 1609A, 1609B, or 1609C.



1609.5 Roof systems. 1. The roof tiles shall be either loose laid on battens,
mechanically fastened, mortar set or adhesive set.
1609.5.1 Roof deck. The roof deck shall be designed to
withstand the wind pressures determined in accordance 2. The roof tiles shall be installed on solid sheathing
with ASCE 7. which has been designed as components and clad-
1609.5.2 Roof coverings. Roof coverings shall comply
with Section 1609.5.1. 3. An underlayment shall be installed in accordance
with Chapter 15.
Exception: Rigid tile roof coverings that are air perme- 4. The tile shall be single lapped interlocking with a
able and installed over a roof deck complying with Sec- minimum head lap of not less than 2 inches (51 mm).
tion 1609.5.1 are permitted to be designed in accordance
with Section 1609.5.3. 5. The length of the tile shall be between 1.0 and 1.75
feet (305 mm and 533 mm).
Asphalt shingles installed over a roof deck complying
with Section 1609.5.1 shall comply with the wind-resis- 6. The exposed width of the tile shall be between 0.67
tance requirements of Section 1507.2.7.1. and 1.25 feet (204 mm and 381 mm).
7. The maximum thickness of the tail of the tile shall not
1609.5.3 Rigid tile. Wind loads on rigid tile roof coverings
exceed 1.3 inches (33 mm).
shall be determined in accordance with the following equa-
tion: 8. Roof tiles using mortar set or adhesive set systems
shall have at least two-thirds of the tile’s area free of
Ma = qhCLbLLa[1.0 – GCp] (Equation 16-33) mortar or adhesive contact.
1609.6 Alternate all-heights method. The alternate wind

For SI: Ma =
q h C L bLL a 1.0 − GC p ] design provisions in this section are simplifications of Chapter
27, Part 1—Directional Procedure of ASCE 7.
1, 000
1609.6.1 Scope. As an alternative to ASCE 7 Chapter 27,
where: Part 1 and Chapter 30, Part 3, the following provisions are
b = Exposed width, feet (mm) of the roof tile. permitted to be used to determine the wind effects on regu-
larly shaped buildings, or other structures that are regularly
CL = Lift coefficient. The lift coefficient for concrete and shaped, which meet all of the following conditions:
clay tile shall be 0.2 or shall be determined by test in
accordance with Section 1716.2. 1. The building or other structure is less than or equal to
75 feet (22 860 mm) in height with a height-to-least-
GCp = Roof pressure coefficient for each applicable roof width ratio of 4 or less, or the building or other struc-
zone determined from Chapter 30 of ASCE 7. Roof ture has a fundamental frequency greater than or equal
coefficients shall not be adjusted for internal pres- to 1 hertz.
2. The building or other structure is not sensitive to
L = Length, feet (mm) of the roof tile. dynamic effects.
La = Moment arm, feet (mm) from the axis of rotation to
3. The building or other structure is not located on a site
the point of uplift on the roof tile. The point of uplift
for which channeling effects or buffeting in the wake
shall be taken at 0.76L from the head of the tile and
of upwind obstructions warrant special consideration.
the middle of the exposed width. For roof tiles with
nails or screws (with or without a tail clip), the axis of 4. The building shall meet the requirements of a simple
rotation shall be taken as the head of the tile for direct diaphragm building as defined in ASCE 7 Section
deck application or as the top edge of the batten for 26.2, where wind loads are only transmitted to the main
battened applications. For roof tiles fastened only by wind-force-resisting system (MWFRS) at the dia-
a nail or screw along the side of the tile, the axis of phragms.
rotation shall be determined by testing. For roof tiles 5. For open buildings, multispan gable roofs, stepped
installed with battens and fastened only by a clip near roofs, sawtooth roofs, domed roofs, roofs with slopes
the tail of the tile, the moment arm shall be deter- greater than 45 degrees (0.79 rad), solid free-standing
mined about the top edge of the batten with consider- walls and solid signs, and rooftop equipment, apply
ation given for the point of rotation of the tiles based ASCE 7 provisions.
on straight bond or broken bond and the tile profile.
1609.6.1.1 Modifications. The following modifications
Ma = Aerodynamic uplift moment, feet-pounds (N-mm) shall be made to certain subsections in ASCE 7: in Sec-
acting to raise the tail of the tile. tion 1609.6.2, symbols and notations that are specific to
qh = Wind velocity pressure, psf (kN/m2) determined this section are used in conjunction with the symbols and
from Section 27.3.2 of ASCE 7. notations in ASCE 7 Section 26.3.
Concrete and clay roof tiles complying with the following 1609.6.2 Symbols and notations. Coefficients and vari-
limitations shall be designed to withstand the aerodynamic ables used in the alternative all-heights method equations
uplift moment as determined by this section. are as follows:



Cnet = Net-pressure coefficient based on Kd [(G) (Cp) – 1. The pressure coefficient, Cnet, for walls and roofs
(GCpi)], in accordance with Table 1609.6.2(2). shall be determined from Table 1609.6.2(2).
G = Gust effect factor for rigid structures in accordance 2. Where Cnet has more than one value, the more
with ASCE 7 Section 26.9. severe wind load condition shall be used for
Kd = Wind directionality factor in accordance with design.
ASCE 7 Table 26.6-1.
Pnet = Design wind pressure to be used in determination 1609.6.4.4 Application of wind pressures. When using
of wind loads on buildings or other structures or the alternative all-heights method, wind pressures shall
their components and cladding, in psf (kN/m2). be applied simultaneously on, and in a direction normal
to, all building envelope wall and roof surfaces.
qs = Wind stagnation pressure in psf (kN/m2) in accor-
dance with Table 1609.6.2(1).
1609. Components and cladding. Wind pres-
1609.6.3 Design equations. When using the alternative sure for each component or cladding element is
all-heights method, the MWFRS, and components and clad- applied as follows using Cnet values based on the
ding of every structure shall be designed to resist the effects effective wind area, A, contained within the zones in
of wind pressures on the building envelope in accordance areas of discontinuity of width and/or length “a,” “2a”
with Equation 16-34. or “4a” at: corners of roofs and walls; edge strips for
Pnet = qs Kz Cnet [Kzt] (Equation 16-34) ridges, rakes and eaves; or field areas on walls or roofs
as indicated in figures in tables in ASCE 7 as refer-
Design wind forces for the MWFRS shall not be less than enced in Table 1609.6.2(2) in accordance with the fol-
16 psf (0.77 kN/m2) multiplied by the wall area of the build- lowing:
ing and 8 psf (0.38 kN/m2) multiplied by the roof area of the
building projected on a plane normal to the assumed wind 1. Calculated pressures at local discontinuities
direction (see ASCE 7 Section 27.4.7 for criteria). Design acting over specific edge strips or corner
net wind pressure for components and cladding shall not be boundary areas.
less than 16 psf (0.77 kN/m2) acting in either direction nor-
mal to the surface. 2. Include “field” (Zone 1, 2 or 4, as applicable)
pressures applied to areas beyond the bound-
1609.6.4 Design procedure. The MWFRS and the compo- aries of the areas of discontinuity.
nents and cladding of every building or other structure shall
be designed for the pressures calculated using Equation 3. Where applicable, the calculated pressures at
16-34. discontinuities (Zones 2 or 3) shall be com-
bined with design pressures that apply specifi-
1609.6.4.1 Main wind-force-resisting systems. The cally on rakes or eave overhangs.
MWFRS shall be investigated for the torsional effects
identified in ASCE 7 Figure 27.4-8. 1609.7 Garage doors and rolling doors. Pressures from Table
1609.6.4.2 Determination of Kz and Kzt. Velocity pres- 1604.7(1) for wind loading actions on garage doors and rolling
sure exposure coefficient, Kz, shall be determined in doors for buildings designed as enclosed shall be permitted.
accordance with ASCE 7 Sections 27.3 and 30.3 and the
topographic factor, Kzt, shall be determined in accor- 1609.8 Rooftop structures and equipment. The lateral force
dance with ASCE 7 Section 26.8. on rooftop structures and equipment with Af less than (0.1Bh)
1. For the windward side of a structure, Kzt and Kz located on buildings of all heights shall be determined from
shall be based on height z. Equation 29.5-1 of ASCE 7 in which the value of GCf shall be
taken as 3.1. GCf shall be permitted to be reduced linearly from
2. For leeward and sidewalls, and for windward and
3.1 to 1.1 as the value of Af is increased from (0.1Bh) to (Bh).
leeward roofs, Kzt and Kz shall be based on mean
The value of G from Section 26.9 of ASCE 7 shall not be used.
roof height h.
Additionally, a simultaneous uplift force shall be applied,
1609.6.4.3 Determination of net pressure coefficients, given by Equation 29.5-1 of ASCE 7 in which GCf = 1.5 and Af
Cnet. For the design of the MWFRS and for components is replaced by the horizontal projected area, Ar, of the rooftop
and cladding, the sum of the internal and external net structure or equipment. For the uplift force GCf shall be permit-
pressure shall be based on the net pressure coefficient, ted to be reduced linearly from 1.5 to 1.0 as the value of Ar is
Cnet. increased from (0.1BL) to (BL).



TABLE 1609.6.2(1)
BASIC WIND SPEED (mph) 105 110 120 125 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
PRESSURE, qs (psf) 28.2 31.0 36.9 40.0 43.3 50.2 57.6 65.5 74.0 83.0 92.4 102.4
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s, 1 pound per square foot = 47.88 Pa.
a. For basic wind speeds not shown, use qs = 0.00256 V2.

TABLE 1609.6.2(2)
Enclosed Partially enclosed
+ Internal - Internal + Internal - Internal
Walls: pressure pressure pressure pressure

Windward wall 0.43 0.73 0.11 1.05

Leeward wall -0.51 -0.21 -0.83 0.11
Sidewall -0.66 -0.35 -0.97 -0.04
Windward 1.28 1.28
Parapet wall
Leeward -0.85 -0.85
Roofs: Enclosed Partially enclosed
+ Internal - Internal + Internal - Internal
Wind perpendicular to ridge pressure pressure pressure pressure

Leeward roof or flat roof -0.66 -0.35 -0.97 -0.04

Windward roof slopes
Condition 1 -1.09 -0.79 -1.41 -0.47
Slope = 2:12 (10°)
Condition 2 -0.28 0.02 -0.60 0.34
Condition 1 -0.73 -0.42 -1.04 -0.11
Slope = 4:12 (18°)
Condition 2 -0.05 0.25 -0.37 0.57
Condition 1 -0.58 -0.28 -0.90 0.04
Slope = 5:12 (23°)
1. Main wind- Condition 2 0.03 0.34 -0.29 0.65
force-resisting Condition 1 -0.47 -0.16 -0.78 0.15
frames and systems Slope = 6:12 (27°)
Condition 2 0.06 0.37 -0.25 0.68
Condition 1 -0.37 -0.06 -0.68 0.25
Slope = 7:12 (30°)
Condition 2 0.07 0.37 -0.25 0.69
Condition 1 -0.27 0.04 -0.58 0.35
Slope = 9:12 (37°)
Condition 2 0.14 0.44 -0.18 0.76
Slope = 12:12 (45°) 0.14 0.44 -0.18 0.76
Wind parallel to ridge and flat roofs -1.09 -0.79 -1.41 -0.47
Nonbuilding Structures: Chimneys, Tanks and Similar Structures:
1 7 25

Square (Wind normal to face) 0.99 1.07 1.53

Square (Wind on diagonal) 0.77 0.84 1.15
Hexagonal or Octagonal 0.81 0.97 1.13
Round 0.65 0.81 0.97
Open signs and lattice frameworks Ratio of solid to gross area
< 0.1 0.1 to 0.29 0.3 to 0.7
Flat 1.45 1.30 1.16
Round 0.87 0.94 1.08



TABLE 1609.6.2(2)—continued
Roof elements and slopes Enclosed Partially enclosed

Gable of hipped configurations (Zone 1)

Flat < Slope < 6:12 (27°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2B Zone 1
10 square feet or less 0.58 0.89
100 square feet or more 0.41 0.72
10 square feet or less -1.00 -1.32
100 square feet or more -0.92 -1.23
Overhang: Flat < Slope < 6:12 (27°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2A Zone 1
10 square feet or less -1.45
Negative 100 square feet or more -1.36
500 square feet or more -0.94
2. Components and 6:12 (27°) < Slope < 12:12 (45°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2C Zone 1
cladding not in 10 square feet or less 0.92 1.23
areas of disconti- Positive
nuity—roofs and 100 square feet or more 0.83 1.15
overhangs 10 square feet or less -1.00 -1.32
100 square feet or more -0.83 -1.15
Monosloped configurations (Zone 1) Enclosed Partially enclosed

Flat < Slope < 7:12 (30°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-5A Zone 1
10 square feet or less 0.49 0.81
100 square feet or more 0.41 0.72
10 square feet or less -1.26 -1.57
100 square feet or more -1.09 -1.40
Tall flat-topped roofs h > 60′ Enclosed Partially enclosed

Flat < Slope < 2:12 (10°) (Zone 1) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.6-1 Zone 1
10 square feet or less -1.34 -1.66
500 square feet or more -0.92 -1.23



TABLE 1609.6.2(2)—continued
Roof elements and slopes Enclosed Partially enclosed

Gable or hipped configurations at ridges, eaves and rakes (Zone 2)

Flat < Slope < 6:12 (27°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2B Zone 2
10 square feet or less 0.58 0.89
100 square feet or more 0.41 10.72
10 square feet or less -1.68 -2.00
100 square feet or more -1.17 -1.49
Overhang for Slope Flat < Slope < 6:12 (27°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2B Zone 2
10 square feet or less -1.87
100 square feet or more -1.87
6:12 (27°) < Slope < 12:12 (45°) Figure 30.4-2C Enclosed Partially enclosed
10 square feet or less 0.92 1.23
100 square feet or more 0.83 1.15
10 square feet or less -1.17 -1.49
100 square feet or more -1.00 -1.32
Overhang for 6:12 (27°) < Slope < 12:12 (45°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2C Zone 2
3. Components and clad-
ding in areas of dis- 10 square feet or less -1.70
continuities—roofs 500 square feet or more -1.53
and overhangs Monosloped configurations at ridges, eaves and rakes (Zone 2)
Flat < Slope < 7:12 (30°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-5A Zone 2
10 square feet or less 0.49 0.81
100 square feet or more 0.41 0.72
10 square feet or less -1.51 -1.83
100 square feet or more -1.43 -1.74
Tall flat topped roofs h > 60′ Enclosed Partially enclosed

Flat < Slope < 2:12 (10°) (Zone 2) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.6-1 Zone 2
10 square feet or less -2.11 -2.42
500 square feet or more -1.51 -1.83
Gable or hipped configurations at corners (Zone 3) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2B Zone 3
Flat < Slope < 6:12 (27°) Enclosed Partially enclosed
10 square feet or less 0.58 0.89
100 square feet or more 0.41 0.72
10 square feet or less -2.53 -2.85
100 square feet or more -1.85 -2.17



TABLE 1609.6.2(2)—continued

Overhang for Slope Flat < Slope < 6:12 (27°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2B Zone 3
10 square feet or less -3.15
100 square feet or more -2.13
6:12 (27°) < 12:12 (45°) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-2C Zone 3
10 square feet or less 0.92 1.23
100 square feet or more 0.83 1.15
10 square feet or less -1.17 -1.49
100 square feet or more -1.00 -1.32
Overhang for 6:12 (27°) < Slope < 12:12 (45°) Enclosed Partially enclosed
3. Components and cladding in 10 square feet or less -1.70
areas of discontinuity—roofs Negative
100 square feet or more -1.53
and overhangs
(continued) Monosloped Configurations at corners (Zone 3) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.4-5A Zone 3
Flat < Slope < 7:12 (30°)
10 square feet or less 0.49 0.81
100 square feet or more 0.41 0.72
10 square feet or less -2.62 -2.93
100 square feet or more -1.85 -2.17
Tall flat topped roofs h > 60′ Enclosed Partially enclosed

Flat < Slope < 2:12 (10°) (Zone 3) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.6-1 Zone 3
10 square feet or less -2.87 -3.19
500 square feet or more -2.11 -2.42
Wall Elements: h = 60′ (Zone 4) Figure 6-11A Enclosed Partially enclosed
10 square feetor less 1.00 1.32
500 square feet or more 0.75 1.06
10 square feet or less -1.09 -1.40
500 square feet or more -0.83 -1.15
4. Components and cladding not Wall Elements: h > 60′ (Zone 4) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.6-1 Zone 4
in areas of discontinuity—walls 20 square feet or less 0.92 1.23
and parapets Positive
500 square feet or more 0.66 0.98
20 square feet or less -0.92 -1.23
500 square feet or more -0.75 -1.06
Parapet Walls
Positive 2.87 3.19
Negative -1.68 -2.00



TABLE 1609.6.2(2)—continued

Wall elements: h ≤ 60′ (Zone 5) Figure 30.4-1 Enclosed Partially enclosed

10 square feet or less 1.00 1.32
500 square feet or more 0.75 1.06
10 square feet or less -1.34 -1.66
500 square feet or more -0.83 -1.15
5. Components and cladding Wall elements: h > 60′ (Zone 5) See ASCE 7 Figure 30.6-1 Zone 4
in areas of discontinuity— 20 square feet or less 0.92 1.23
walls and parapets Positive
500 square feet or more 0.66 0.98
20 square feet or less -1.68 -2.00
500 square feet or more -1.00 -1.32
Parapet walls
Positive 3.64 3.95
Negative -2.45 -2.76
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2, 1 degree = 0.0175 rad.
a. Linear interpolation between values in the table is permitted.
b. Some Cnet values have been grouped together. Less conservative results may be obtained by applying ASCE 7 provisions.

TABLE 1609.7(1)
AREA Vasd determined in accordance with Section 1609.3.1

Width Height
(ft) (ft) 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Roof Angle 0 - 10 degrees
8 8 10.5 -11.9 11.7 -13.3 14.5 -16.4 17.5 -19.9 20.9 -23.6 24.5 -27.7 28.4 -32.2 32.6 -36.9
10 10 10.1 -11.4 11.4 -12.7 14.0 -15.7 17.0 -19.0 20.2 -22.7 23.7 -26.6 27.5 -30.8 31.6 -35.4
14 14 10.0 -10.7 10.8 -12.0 13.3 -14.8 16.1 -17.9 19.2 -21.4 22.5 -25.1 26.1 -29.1 30.0 -33.4
Roof Angle > 10
9 7 11.4 -12.9 12.8 -14.5 15.8 -17.9 19.1 -21.6 22.8 -25.8 26.7 -30.2 31.0 -35.1 35.6 -40.2
16 7 10.9 -12.2 12.3 -13.7 15.2 -16.9 18.3 -20.4 21.8 -24.3 25.6 -28.5 29.7 -33.1 34.1 -38.0
2 2
For SI: 1 Square foot = 0.929 m , 1 mph = 0.447 m/s, 1 psf = 47.88 N/m
1. For effective areas or wind speeds between those given above the load may be interpolated, otherwise use the load associated with the lower effective area.
2. Table values shall be adjusted for height and exposure by multiplying by adjustment coefficients in Table 1609.7(2).
3. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the building surfaces.
4. Negative pressures assume door has 2 feet of width in building’s end zone.

TABLE 1609.7(2)
(feet) B C D
15 1.00 1.21 1.47
20 1.00 1.29 1.55
25 1.00 1.35 1.61
30 1.00 1.40 1.66
35 1.05 1.45 1.70
40 1.09 1.49 1.74
45 1.12 1.53 1.78
50 1.16 1.56 1.81
55 1.19 1.59 1.84
60 1.22 1.62 1.87
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm.
a. All table values shall be adjusted for other exposures and heights by multiplying by the above coefficients.




1610.1 General. Foundation walls and retaining walls shall be 1611.1 Design rain loads. Each portion of a roof shall be
designed to resist lateral soil loads. Soil loads specified in Table designed to sustain the load of rainwater that will accumulate
1610.1 shall be used as the minimum design lateral soil loads on it if the primary drainage system for that portion is blocked
unless determined otherwise by a geotechnical investigation in plus the uniform load caused by water that rises above the inlet
accordance with Section 1803. Foundation walls and other of the secondary drainage system at its design flow. The design
walls in which horizontal movement is restricted at the top shall rainfall shall be based on the 100-year hourly rainfall rate indi-
be designed for at-rest pressure. Retaining walls free to move cated in Figure 1611.1 or on other rainfall rates determined
and rotate at the top shall be permitted to be designed for active from approved local weather data.
pressure. Design lateral pressure from surcharge loads shall be
added to the lateral earth pressure load. Design lateral pressure R = 5.2(ds + dh) (Equation 16-35)
shall be increased if soils at the site are expansive. Foundation
walls shall be designed to support the weight of the full hydro- For SI: R = 0.0098(ds + dh)
static pressure of undrained backfill unless a drainage system is
installed in accordance with Sections 1805.4.2 and 1805.4.3. where:
Exception: Foundation walls extending not more than 8 dh = Additional depth of water on the undeflected roof
feet (2438 mm) below grade and laterally supported at the above the inlet of secondary drainage system at its
top by flexible diaphragms shall be permitted to be designed design flow (i.e., the hydraulic head), in inches (mm).
for active pressure. ds = Depth of water on the undeflected roof up to the inlet of
secondary drainage system when the primary drainage
system is blocked (i.e., the static head), in inches (mm).
R = Rain load on the undeflected roof, in psf (kN/m2).
When the phrase “undeflected roof” is used, deflec-
tions from loads (including dead loads) shall not be

TABLE 1610.1
(pound per square foot per foot of depth)

Well-graded, clean gravels; gravel-sand mixes GW 30 60

Poorly graded clean gravels; gravel-sand mixes GP 30 60
Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand mixes GM 40 60
Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-and-clay mixes GC 45 60
Well-graded, clean sands; gravelly sand mixes SW 30 60
Poorly graded clean sands; sand-gravel mixes SP 30 60
Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixes SM 45 60
Sand-silt clay mix with plastic fines SM-SC 45 100
Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixes SC 60 100
Inorganic silts and clayey silts ML 45 100
Mixture of inorganic silt and clay ML-CL 60 100
Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity CL 60 100
Organic silts and silt clays, low plasticity OL Note b Note b
Inorganic clayey silts, elastic silts MH Note b Note b
Inorganic clays of high plasticity CH Note b Note b
Organic clays and silty clays OH Note b Note b
For SI: 1 pound per square foot per foot of depth = 0.157 kPa/m, 1 foot = 304.8 mm.
a. Design lateral soil loads are given for moist conditions for the specified soils at their optimum densities. Actual field conditions shall govern. Submerged or satu-
rated soil pressures shall include the weight of the buoyant soil plus the hydrostatic loads.
b. Unsuitable as backfill material.
c. The definition and classification of soil materials shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2487.



considered when determining the amount of rain on the drainage system at a higher elevation that limits accumulation of
roof. water on the roof above that elevation. Such roofs shall be
1611.2 Ponding instability. For roofs with a slope less than 1/4 designed to sustain the load of rainwater that will accumulate on
inch per foot [1.19 degrees (0.0208 rad)], the design calculations them to the elevation of the secondary drainage system plus the
shall include verification of adequate stiffness to preclude pro- uniform load caused by water that rises above the inlet of the sec-
gressive deflection in accordance with Section 8.4 of ASCE 7. ondary drainage system at its design flow determined from Sec-
tion 1611.1. Such roofs shall also be checked for ponding
1611.3 Controlled drainage. Roofs equipped with hardware to instability in accordance with Section 1611.2.
control the rate of drainage shall be equipped with a secondary

[P] FIGURE 1611.1

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
Source: National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC.



[P] FIGURE 1611.1—continued

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
Source: National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC.



[P] FIGURE 1611.1—continued

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
Source: National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC.



[P] FIGURE 1611.1—continued

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
Source: National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC.



[P] FIGURE 1611.1—continued

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
Source: National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC.



SECTION 1612 2. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface

FLOOD LOADS waters from any source.
1612.1 General. Within flood hazard areas as established in FLOOD DAMAGE-RESISTANT MATERIALS. Any con-
Section 1612.3, all new construction of buildings, structures and struction material capable of withstanding direct and pro-
portions of buildings and structures, including substantial longed contact with floodwaters without sustaining any
improvement and restoration of substantial damage to buildings damage that requires more than cosmetic repair.
and structures, shall be designed and constructed to resist the
effects of flood hazards and flood loads. For buildings that are FLOOD HAZARD AREA. The greater of the following two
located in more than one flood hazard area, the provisions asso- areas:
ciated with the most restrictive flood hazard area shall apply. 1. The area within a flood plain subject to a 1-percent or
greater chance of flooding in any year.
1612.2 Definitions. The following words and terms shall, for
the purposes of this section, have the meanings shown herein. 2. The area designated as a flood hazard area on a commu-
nity’s flood hazard map, or otherwise legally designated.
BASE FLOOD. The flood having a 1-percent chance of being
equaled or exceeded in any given year. FLOOD HAZARD AREA SUBJECT TO HIGH-VELOC-
ITY WAVE ACTION. Area within the flood hazard area that
BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. The elevation of the base
is subject to high-velocity wave action, and shown on a Flood
flood, including wave height, relative to the National Geodetic
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or other flood hazard map as Zone
Vertical Datum (NGVD), North American Vertical Datum
V, VO, VE or V1-30.
(NAVD) or other datum specified on the Flood Insurance Rate
map of a community on which the Federal Emergency Manage-
BASEMENT. The portion of a building having its floor
ment Agency (FEMA) has delineated both the special flood haz-
subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.
ard areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the
This definition of “Basement” is limited in application to the community.
provisions of Section 1612 (see “Basement” in Section 502.1).
FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY. The official report provided
DESIGN FLOOD. The flood associated with the greater of by the Federal Emergency Management Agency containing the
the following two areas: Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the Flood Boundary and
1. Area with a flood plain subject to a 1-percent or greater Floodway Map (FBFM), the water surface elevation of the
chance of flooding in any year; or base flood and supporting technical data.
2. Area designated as a flood hazard area on a commu- FLOODWAY. The channel of the river, creek or other water-
nity’s flood hazard map, or otherwise legally designated. course and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in
order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increas-
ing the water surface elevation more than a designated height.
DESIGN FLOOD ELEVATION. The elevation of the
“design flood,” including wave height, relative to the datum LOCAL FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE.
specified on the community’s legally designated flood hazard An ordinance or regulation adopted pursuant to the authority
map. In areas designated as Zone AO, the design flood eleva- granted to local governments by Title 44 Code of Federal Regu-
tion shall be the elevation of the highest existing grade of the lations, Sections 59 and 60 for participation in the National
building’s perimeter plus the depth number (in feet) specified Flood Insurance Program.
on the flood hazard map. In areas designated as Zone AO where LOWEST FLOOR. The floor of the lowest enclosed area,
a depth number is not specified on the map, the depth number including basement, but excluding any unfinished or
shall be taken as being equal to 2 feet (610 mm). flood-resistant enclosure, usable solely for vehicle parking,
DRY FLOODPROOFING. A combination of design modifi- building access or limited storage provided that such enclosure
cations that results in a building or structure, including the atten- is not built so as to render the structure in violation of this sec-
dant utility and sanitary facilities, being water tight with walls tion.
substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. The land area subject
structural components having the capacity to resist loads as iden- to flood hazards and shown on a Flood Insurance Rate Map or
tified in ASCE 7. other flood hazard map as Zone A, AE, A1-30, A99, AR, AO,
EXISTING CONSTRUCTION. Any buildings and structures AH, V, VO, VE or V1-30.
for which the “start of construction” commenced before the START OF CONSTRUCTION. The date of issuance for new
effective date of the community’s first flood plain management construction and substantial improvements to existing struc-
code, ordinance or standard. “Existing construction” is also tures, provided the actual start of construction, repair, recon-
referred to as “existing structures.” struction, rehabilitation, addition, placement or other
EXISTING STRUCTURE. See “Existing construction.” improvement is within 180 days after the date of issuance. The
actual start of construction means the first placement of perma-
FLOOD or FLOODING. A general and temporary condition nent construction of a building (including a manufactured
of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land from: home) on a site, such as the pouring of a slab or footings, instal-
1. The overflow of inland or tidal waters. lation of pilings or construction of columns.



Permanent construction does not include land preparation shall document that the technical methods used
(such as clearing, excavation, grading or filling), the installa- reflect currently accepted engineering practice.
tion of streets or walkways, excavation for a basement, foot-
ings, piers or foundations, the erection of temporary forms or 1612.3.2 Determination of impacts. In riverine flood haz-
the installation of accessory buildings such as garages or sheds ard areas where design flood elevations are specified but
not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main building. floodways have not been designated, the applicant shall pro-
For a substantial improvement, the actual “start of construc- vide a floodway analysis that demonstrates that the pro-
tion” means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor or posed work will not increase the design flood elevation
other structural part of a building, whether or not that alteration more than 1 foot (305 mm) at any point within the jurisdic-
affects the external dimensions of the building. tion of the applicable governing authority.
SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE. Damage of any origin sustained
1612.4 Design and construction. The design and construction
by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its
of buildings and structures located in flood hazard areas, includ-
before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of
ing flood hazard areas subject to high-velocity wave action, shall
the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
be in accordance with Chapter 5 of ASCE 7 and with ASCE 24.
SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. Any repair, reconstruc-
tion, rehabilitation, addition or improvement of a building or 1612.5 Flood hazard documentation. The following docu-
structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the mentation shall be prepared and sealed by a registered design
market value of the structure before the improvement or repair is professional and shall be submitted to the building official:
started. If the structure has sustained substantial damage, any
repairs are considered substantial improvement regardless of the 1. For construction in flood hazard areas not subject to
actual repair work performed. The term does not, however, high-velocity wave action:
include either:
1.1 The elevation of the lowest floor, including base-
1. Any project for improvement of a building required to ment, as required by the foundation inspection and
correct existing health, sanitary or safety code violations the final inspection in Section 110.3.
identified by the building official and that are the mini-
1.2. For fully enclosed areas below the design flood ele-
mum necessary to assure safe living conditions.
vation where provisions to allow for the automatic
2. Any alteration of a historic structure provided that the entry and exit of floodwaters do not meet the mini-
alteration will not preclude the structure’s continued mum requirements in Section, ASCE 24, con-
designation as a historic structure. struction documents shall include a statement that the
design will provide for equalization of hydrostatic
1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas. To establish flood forces in accordance with Section of
flood hazard areas, the applicable governing authority shall, by
ASCE 24.
local floodplain management ordinance, adopt a flood hazard
map and supporting data. The flood hazard map shall include, at 1.3. For dry floodproofed nonresidential buildings, con-
a minimum, areas of special flood hazard as identified by the struction documents shall include a statement that the
Federal Emergency Management Agency in an engineering dry floodproofing is designed in accordance with
report entitled “The Flood Insurance Study for [INSERT NAME ASCE 24.
ANCE], as amended or revised with the accompanying Flood 2. For construction in flood hazard areas subject to
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Boundary and Floodway high-velocity wave action:
Map (FBFM) and related supporting data along with any revi-
2.1 The elevation of the bottom of the lowest horizontal
sions thereto. The adopted flood hazard map and supporting data
structural member as required by the foundation
are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this
inspection and the final inspection in Section 110.3.
2.2 Construction documents shall include a statement
1612.3.1 Design flood elevations. Where design flood ele- that the building is designed in accordance with
vations are not included in the flood hazard areas estab- ASCE 24, including that the pile or column founda-
lished in Section 1612.3, or where floodways are not tion and building or structure to be attached thereto is
designated, the building official is authorized to require the designed to be anchored to resist flotation, collapse
applicant to: and lateral movement due to the effects of wind and
1. Obtain and reasonably utilize any design flood eleva- flood loads acting simultaneously on all building
tion and floodway data available from a federal, state components, and other load requirements of Chapter
or other source; or 16.
2. Determine the design flood elevation and/or 2.3 For breakaway walls designed to resist a nominal
floodway in accordance with accepted hydrologic load of less than 10 psf (0.48 kN/m2) or more than 20
and hydraulic engineering practices used to define psf (0.96 kN/m2), construction documents shall
special flood hazard areas. Determinations shall be include a statement that the breakaway wall is
undertaken by a registered design professional who designed in accordance with ASCE 24.



TABLE 1612.1
Florida Building Code – Building
Section Section
Chapter 1 Administration Chapter 14 Exterior Walls
102 Applicability 1403 Performance Requirements
107 Construction Documents
110 Inspections Chapter 16 Structural Design
Certificates of Occupancy and
111 1601 General
1603 Construction Documents
Chapter 2 Definitions 1605 Load Combinations
202 Definitions 1612 Flood Loads

Special Detailed Requirements Based

Chapter 4 Chapter 18 Soils and Foundations
on Use and Occupancy
419 Hospitals 1801 General
420 Nursing Homes 1804 Excavation, Grading and Fill
Swimming Pools and Bathing Places
424 1807 Dampproofing and Waterproofing
(Public And Private)

Chapter 8 Interior Finishes Chapter 30 Elevators and Conveying Systems

801 General 3001 General

Chapter 12 Interior Environment Chapter 31 Special Construction

1203 Ventilation 3102 Membrane Structures

Florida Building Code – Residential

Section Section
Chapter 2 Definitions Chapter 22 Special Piping and Storage Systems
202 Definitions M2201 Oil Tanks

Chapter 3 Building Planning Chapter 24 Fuel Gas

R301 Design Criteria G2404 (301) General
R309 Garages and Carports
R322 Flood Resistant Construction Chapter 26 General Plumbing Requirements
P2601 General
Chapter 4 Foundations
R401 General Chapter 27 Plumbing Fixtures
R408 Under-Floor Space P2705 Installation

General Mechanical System

Chapter 13 Chapter 30 Sanitary Drainage
M1301 General P3001 General

Chapter 14 Heating and Cooling Equipment Chapter 31 Vents

M1401 General P3101 Vent Systems



TABLE 1612.1—continued
Florida Building Code – Residential
Section Section
Chapter 16 Duct Systems Chapter 41 Swimming Pools
M1601 Duct Construction R4101 Private Swimming Pools

Chapter 17 Combustion Air Chapter 44 High-Velocity Hurricane Zones

High-Velocity Hurricane Zones –
M1701 General R4403

Chapter 20 Boilers and Water Heaters

M2001 Boilers

Florida Building Code – Existing

Section Section
Chapter 1 Administration Chapter 10 Additions
101 General 1003 Structural

Chapter 2 Definitions
202 Definitions

Chapter 3 Prescriptive Compliance Method Chapter 11 Historic Buildings

302 Additions, Alterations or Repairs 1101 General
303 Alterations
304 Repairs

Chapter 5 Repairs Chapter 12 Relocated or Moved Buildings

501 General 1202 Requirements
506 Structural
Chapter 13 Performance Compliance Methods
Chapter 6 Alterations – Level I 1301 General
601 General

Florida Building Code – Mechanical

Section Section
Chapter 3 General Regulations Chapter 6 Duct Systems
M301 General M602 Plenums
M603 Duct Construction and Installation
Chapter 4 Ventilation
M401 General Chapter 12 Hydronic Piping
M1206 Piping Installation
Chapter 5 Exhaust Systems
M501 General Chapter 13 Fuel Oil Piping and Storage
M1305 Fuel Oil System Installation

Florida Building Code – Plumbing

Chapter 3 General Regulations
P309 Flood Hazard Resistance

Florida Building Code – Fuel Gas

Chapter 3 General Regulations



SECTION 1613 design dead and live load tributary to the column
EARTHQUAKE LOADS between the splice and the splice or base immediately
1614.3.2.2 Beams. End connections of all beams and
SECTION 1614 girders shall have a minimum nominal axial tensile
STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY strength equal to the required vertical shear strength for
allowable stress design (ASD) or two-thirds of the
1614.1 General. Buildings classified as high-rise buildings in required shear strength for load and resistance factor
accordance with Section 403 and assigned to Risk Category III design (LRFD) but not less than 10 kips (45 kN). For the
or IV shall comply with the requirements of this section. Frame purpose of this section, the shear force and the axial ten-
structures shall comply with the requirements of Section sile force need not be considered to act simultaneously.
1614.3. Bearing wall structures shall comply with the require-
ments of Section 1614.4. Exception: Where beams, girders, open web joist and
joist girders support a concrete slab or concrete slab
1614.2 Definitions. The following words and terms shall, for
on metal deck that is attached to the beam or girder
the purposes of Section 1614, have the meanings shown herein.
with not less than 3/8-inch-diameter (9.5 mm) headed
BEARING WALL STRUCTURE. A building or other struc- shear studs, at a spacing of not more than 12 inches
ture in which vertical loads from floors and roofs are primarily (305 mm) on center, averaged over the length of the
supported by walls. member, or other attachment having equivalent shear
FRAME STRUCTURE. A building or other structure in strength, and the slab contains continuous distributed
which vertical loads from floors and roofs are primarily sup- reinforcement in each of two orthogonal directions
ported by columns. with an area not less than 0.0015 times the concrete
area, the nominal axial tension strength of the end
1614.3 Frame structures. Frame structures shall comply with connection shall be permitted to be taken as half the
the requirements of this section. required vertical shear strength for ASD or one-third
1614.3.1 Concrete frame structures. Frame structures of the required shear strength for LRFD, but not less
constructed primarily of reinforced or prestressed concrete, than 10 kips (45 kN).
either cast-in-place or precast, or a combination of these, 1614.4 Bearing wall structures. Bearing wall structures shall
shall conform to the requirements of ACI 318 Sections 7.13, have vertical ties in all load-bearing walls and longitudinal ties,,, 16.5, 18.12.6, 18.12.7 and 18.12.8 as transverse ties and perimeter ties at each floor level in accor-
applicable. Where ACI 318 requires that nonprestressed dance with this section and as shown in Figure 1614.4.
reinforcing or prestressing steel pass through the region
bounded by the longitudinal column reinforcement, that 1614.4.1 Concrete wall structures. Precast bearing wall
reinforcing or prestressing steel shall have a minimum nom- structures constructed solely of reinforced or prestressed
inal tensile strength equal to two-thirds of the required concrete, or combinations of these shall conform to the
one-way vertical strength of the connection of the floor or requirements of Sections 7.13, and 16.5 of ACI
roof system to the column in each direction of beam or slab 318.
reinforcement passing through the column.
1614.4.2 Other bearing wall structures. Ties in bearing
Exception: Where concrete slabs with continuous rein- wall structures other than those covered in Section 1614.4.1
forcing having an area not less than 0.0015 times the con- shall conform to this section.
crete area in each of two orthogonal directions are
present and are either monolithic with or equivalently 1614.4.2.1 Longitudinal ties. Longitudinal ties shall
bonded to beams, girders or columns, the longitudinal consist of continuous reinforcement in slabs; continuous
reinforcing or prestressing steel passing through the col- or spliced decks or sheathing; continuous or spliced
umn reinforcement shall have a nominal tensile strength members framing to, within or across walls; or connec-
of one-third of the required one-way vertical strength of tions of continuous framing members to walls. Longitu-
the connection of the floor or roof system to the column dinal ties shall extend across interior load-bearing walls
in each direction of beam or slab reinforcement passing and shall connect to exterior load-bearing walls and shall
through the column. be spaced at not greater than 10 feet (3038 mm) on cen-
ter. Ties shall have a minimum nominal tensile strength,
1614.3.2 Structural steel, open web steel joist or joist TT, given by Equation 16-46. For ASD the minimum
girder, or composite steel and concrete frame structures. nominal tensile strength shall be permitted to be taken as
Frame structures constructed with a structural steel frame or 1.5 times the allowable tensile stress times the area of the
a frame composed of open web steel joists, joist girders with tie.
or without other structural steel elements or a frame com-
posed of composite steel or composite steel joists and rein- TT = wLS ≤ αTS (Equation 16-46)
forced concrete elements shall conform to the requirements
of this section. where:
1614.3.2.1 Columns. Each column splice shall have the L = The span of the horizontal element in the direc-
minimum design strength in tension to transfer the tion of the tie, between bearing walls, feet (m).



FIGURE 1614.4

w = The weight per unit area of the floor or roof in the 1614.4.2.3 Perimeter ties. Perimeter ties shall consist of
span being tied to or across the wall, psf (N/m2). continuous reinforcement in slabs; continuous or spliced
S = The spacing between ties, feet (m). decks or sheathing; continuous or spliced members fram-
ing to, within or across walls; or connections of continu-
αT = A coefficient with a value of 1,500 pounds per ous framing members to walls. Ties around the perimeter
foot (2.25 kN/m) for masonry bearing wall struc- of each floor and roof shall be located within 4 feet (1219
tures and a value of 375 pounds per foot (0.6 mm) of the edge and shall provide a nominal strength in
kN/m) for structures with bearing walls of tension not less than Tp, given by Equation 16-47. For
cold-formed steel light-frame construction. ASD the minimum nominal tensile strength shall be per-
1614.4.2.2 Transverse ties. Transverse ties shall consist mitted to be taken as 1.5 times the allowable tensile stress
of continuous reinforcement in slabs; continuous or times the area of the tie.
spliced decks or sheathing; continuous or spliced mem-
bers framing to, within or across walls; or connections of Tp = 200w ≤ T (Equation 16-47)
continuous framing members to walls. Transverse ties For SI:
shall be placed no farther apart than the spacing of load-
bearing walls. Transverse ties shall have minimum nomi- Tp = 90.7w ≤ T
nal tensile strength TT, given by Equation 16-46. For ASD where:
the minimum nominal tensile strength shall be permitted
to be taken as 1.5 times the allowable tensile stress times w = As defined in Section 1614.4.2.1.
the area of the tie. βT = A coefficient with a value of 16,000 pounds (7200
kN) for structures with masonry bearing walls and



a value of 4,000 pounds (1300 kN) for structures such units, the units and their attachments shall be capable
with bearing walls of cold-formed steel of resisting applied loads normal to the surface, in and out..
light-frame construction.
1615.2 General design for specific occupancies and struc-
1614.4.2.4 Vertical ties. Vertical ties shall consist of tures.
continuous or spliced reinforcing, continuous or spliced
members, wall sheathing or other engineered systems. 1615.2.1 Fences. Fences not exceeding 6 feet (1829 mm) in
Vertical tension ties shall be provided in bearing walls height from grade may be designed for 75 mph (33 m/s)
and shall be continuous over the height of the building. fastest mile wind speed or 115 mph (40 m/s) 3-second gust.
The minimum nominal tensile strength for vertical ties 1615.2.1.1 Wood fences. Wood fence design shall be as
within a bearing wall shall be equal to the weight of the specified by Section 2328.
wall within that story plus the weight of the diaphragm
tributary to the wall in the story below. No fewer than two 1615.2.2 Sway forces in stadiums.
ties shall be provided for each wall. The strength of each 1. The sway force applied to seats in stadiums, grand-
tie need not exceed 3,000 pounds per foot (450 kN/m) of stands, bleachers and reviewing stands shall be not
wall tributary to the tie for walls of masonry construction less than 24 pounds per lineal foot (350 N/m), applied
or 750 pounds per foot (140 kN/m) of wall tributary to perpendicularly and along the seats.
the tie for walls of cold-formed steel light-frame con-
2. Sway forces shall be applied simultaneously with
gravity loads.
3. Sway forces need not be applied simultaneously with
SECTION 1615 other lateral forces.
LOADS 1615.3.1 Allowable deflections. The deflection of any
structural member or component when subjected to live,
1615.1 General design requirements. wind and other superimposed loads set forth herein shall not
1615.1.1 Any system, method of design or method of con- exceed the following:
struction shall admit of a rational analysis in accordance 1. Roof and ceiling or components supporting
with well-established principles of mechanics and sound plast................................................................L/360
engineering practices.
2. Roof members or components not supporting plas-
1615.1.2 Buildings, structures and all parts thereof shall be ter under.........................................................L/240
designed and constructed to be of sufficient strength to sup-
port the estimated or actual imposed dead, live, wind, and 3. Floor members or components.......................L/360
any other loads, both during construction and after comple- 4. Vertical members and wall members or components
tion of the structure, without exceeding the allowable mate- consisting of or supporting material that hardens in
rials stresses specified by this code. place, is brittle or lacks resistance to cracking caused
1615.1.3 No building structure or part thereof shall be by bending strains..........................................L/360
designed for live loads less than those specified in this 5. Vertical members and wall members or components
Chapter or ASCE 7 with commentary, except as otherwise not required to meet the conditions of Section
noted in this code. 1615.3.1, Item 4.............................................L/180
1615.1.4 The live loads set forth herein shall be assumed to 6. Roof and vertical members, wall members and pan-
include the ordinary impact but where loading involves els of carports, canopies, marquees, patio covers,
unusual impact, provision shall be made by increasing the utility sheds and similar minor structures not to be
assumed live load. considered living areas, where the roof projection is
1615.1.5 In the design of floors, not less than the actual live greater than 12 feet (3.7 m) in the direction of the
load to be imposed shall be used. Special provisions shall be span, for free-standing roofs and roofs supported by
made for machine or apparatus loads where applicable. existing structures. Existing structures supporting
such roofs shall be capable of supporting the addi-
1615.1.6 Floor and roof systems shall be designed and con- tional loading.................................................L/180
structed to transfer horizontal forces to such parts of the
structural frame as are designed to carry these forces to the 7. For Group R-3 occupancies only, roof and vertical
foundation. Where roofs or floors are constructed of indi- members, wall members and panels of carports,
vidual prefabricated units and the transfer of forces to the canopies, marquees, patio covers, utility sheds and
building frame and foundation is totally or partially depend- similar minor structures not to be considered living
ent on such units, the units and their attachments shall be areas, where the roof projection is 12 feet (3.7 m) or
capable of resisting applied loads in both vertical and both less in the direction of the span and for free standing
horizontal directions. Where roofs or floors are constructed roofs and roofs supported by existing struc-
of individual prefabricated units and the transfer of forces to tures.................................................................L/80
the building frame and foundation is wholly independent of 8. Members supporting screens only...................L/80



9. Storm shutters and fold-down awnings, which in the TABLE 1615

closed position shall provide a minimum clear sepa- MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS
See Tables 4-1 of ASCE 7 with commentary,
ration from the glass of 1 inch (25 mm) but not to except as otherwise noted below
exceed 2 inches (51 mm) when the shutter or awning
is at its maximum point of permissible deflec- POUNDS PER SQUARE
tion...................................................................L/30 OCCUPANCY OR USE FOOT

10. Roofs and exterior walls of utility sheds having Assembly projection room 100
maximum dimensions of 10 feet (3 m) length, 10 Balconies, Exterior (see also assembly)
feet (3 m) width, and 7 feet (2.1 m) height.........L/80 Serving private units of Group R 60
11. Roofs and exterior walls of storage buildings larger occupancies and not for assembly use
than utility sheds.............................................L/180 Balconies serving occupancies 80 psf or 80
1615.4 Volume change. In the design of any building, struc- less
ture or portion thereof, consideration shall be given to the relief All other balconies 100
of stresses caused by expansion, contraction and other volume Cabanas and bath house 50
Path of egress servicing occupancies 80 80
1615.5 Live loads. Minimum uniformly distributed live loads psf or less
shall not be less than as set forth in and Table 4-1 of ASCE 7
with commentary, except as otherwise noted in this code. Path of egress servicing occupancies over 100
80 psf
1615.6 Concentrated loads. Minimum concentrated loads
Recreational facilities
shall not be less than as set forth in Table 4-1 of ASCE 7 with
Including bowling centers, pool rooms and 75
commentary, except as otherwise noted. similar uses
1615.6.1 Concentrated loads on trusses. Any single panel Storage:
point of the lower chord of roof trusses or any point of other Light 75
primary structural members supporting roofs over manu- Medium 125
facturing, commercial storage and warehousing, and com- Heavy 2501,2
mercial garage floors shall be capable of safely carrying a For SI: 1 pound per square foot = 47.88 Pa.
suspended, concentrated load of not less than 2,000 pounds 1. Use actual equipment weight when greater.
(8896 N) in addition to dead load. For all other occupancies, 2. Increase when occupancy exceeds this amount.
a minimum load of 200 pounds (890 N) shall be used.



1616.1 Minimum roof live loads. Roofs shall be designed for
a live load of not less than 30 psf (1436 Pa), except as set forth
1. Glass areas of greenhouse roofs shall be designed for
a live load of not less than 15 psf (718 Pa).
2. Ordinary pitched and curved roofs, with a slope of
11/2:12, or greater, where water is not directed to the
interior of the roof, without parapet or other edge of
roof drainage obstructions, may be designed for an
allowable live load of not less than 20 psf (958 Pa).
3. Utility sheds shall be designed for a live load of not
less than 15 psf (718 Pa).
1616.2 Special purpose roofs. Roofs used for assembly, roof
gardens, promenade or walkway purposes shall be designed for
a minimum live load of 100 psf (4788 Pa). Other special pur-
pose roofs shall be designed for appropriate loads as directed or
approved by the building official.
FIGURE 1617.3
1616.3 Roof decking. Roof decking shall be designed to sup- REQUIRED AREA OF OVERFLOW SCUPPERS
port the live load set forth in Section 1616.1 or a load of 100
pounds per foot (445 N) applied as a 1 foot (305 mm) wide strip
perpendicular to, and at the center of, the span of the decking 1617.4 All roofs shall be designed with sufficient slope or cam-
between supports, whichever is more critical. ber to assure adequate drainage after the long term deflection
from dead load, or shall be designed to support maximum loads
including possible ponding of water caused by deflection.
SECTION 1617 1617.5 Ponding loads. Roofs shall be designed to preclude
HIGH-VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES— instability from ponding loads.
1617.6 Each portion of a roof shall be designed to sustain the
1617.1 Roof drainage. Where parapets or curbs are con-
loads of all rainwater that could accumulate on it if the primary
structed above the level of the roof, provision shall be made to
drainage system for that portion is obstructed. Ponding insta-
prevent rain water from accumulating on the roof in excess of
bility shall be considered in this situation. If the overflow drain-
that considered in the design, in the event the rain water drains,
age provisions contain drain lines, such lines shall be
conductors or leaders become clogged.
independent of any primary drain lines.
1617.2 Where roofs are not designed in accordance with Sec-
tion 1617.1, overflow drains or scuppers shall be placed to pre-
vent an accumulation of more than 5 inches (927 mm) of water SECTION 1618
on any portion of the roof. In determining the load that could HIGH-VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES—
result should the primary drainage system be blocked, the loads SPECIAL LOAD CONSIDERATIONS
caused by the depth of water (i.e., head) needed to cause the
water to flow out the scuppers or secondary drainage system 1618.1 Floors. In the design of floors, consideration shall be
shall be included. given to the effect of known or probable concentration of loads,
partial concentrations of loads, partial load, vibratory, transi-
1617.3 Drains or scuppers installed to provide overflow drain- tory, impact and machine loads. Design shall be based on the
age shall be not less in aggregate area than as shown in Figure load or combination of loads that produces the higher stresses.
1617.3, but not less than 4 inches (102 mm) dimension in any
direction and shall be placed in parapets not less than 2 inches 1618.2 Below grade structures.
(51 mm) nor more than 4 inches (102 mm) above the low point 1618.2.1 In the design of basements, tanks, swimming
of the finished roofing surface and shall be located as close as pools and similar below grade structures, provisions shall be
practical to required vertical leaders, conductors or down- made for the forces resulting from hydrostatic pressure and
spouts. The roof area to be taken in the sizing of the scuppers is lateral pressure of adjacent soil.
the horizontal projection, except that, where a building wall
extends above the roof in such a manner as to drain into the area 1618.2.2 For the lateral loads of soil on below grade struc-
considered, the one-half of the area of the vertical wall shall be tures, unless substantiated by more specific information, the
added to the horizontal projection. angle of repose of fragmental rock and natural confined



sand shall be 30 degrees and the angle of repose of filled soil have individual openings not exceeding 64 square inches
and muck shall be 15 degrees to a horizontal line. (.04 m2) in area.
1618.2.3 For the hydrostatic pressure on any floor below a 1618.4.5 Where a balustrade is used to comply with the
ground water level, calculations shall be based on full requirements of this paragraph, the maximum clearance
hydrostatic pressure, and such floors shall be designed for between the bottom rail of the balustrade and the adjacent
live load without hydrostatic uplift, and hydrostatic uplift surface shall not exceed 2 inches (51 mm). For safeguards
without live load. on stairs, the 2-inch (51 mm) clearance shall be measured
1618.2.4 Private swimming pools may be designed with an from the bottom rail of the balustrade to a line passing
approved hydrostatic relief valve or other device capable of through the tread nosings.
preventing the pool water from being pumped to a level 1618.4.6 Railing.
lower than the surrounding ground water but such device
1618.4.6.1 Railings, stair-railings and other similar safe-
shall not be credited for more than 2 feet (610 mm) of the
guards shall be designed to resist a load of 50 pounds per
difference of head between the pool bottom and the flood
lineal foot (74 kg/m) or a concentrated load of 200
pounds (690 N) applied in any direction at the top of such
1618.3 Helistops/heliports. In addition to other design barriers at any location on the safeguard, whichever con-
requirements of this chapter, heliport and helistop loading or dition produces the maximum stresses. The reactions
touchdown areas shall be designed for the maximum stress and stresses caused by the above referenced uniform and
induced by the following: concentrated loads shall be considered to not be acting
1. Dead load plus actual weight of the helicopter. simultaneously.
2. Dead load plus two single concentrated impact loads 1618.4.6.2 Intermediate rails, balusters and panel fillers
approximately 8 feet (2.4 m) apart anywhere on the shall be designed for a uniform horizontal load of not less
touchdown pad (representing each of the helicopter’s than 25 psf (1197 Pa) over the gross area of the guard,
two main landing gear, whether skid type or wheeled including the area of any openings in the guard, of which
type), with each concentrated load covering 1 square they are a part without restriction by deflection. Reac-
foot (0.09 m2) and having a minimum magnitude of 0.75 tions resulting from this loading need not be added to the
times the gross weight of the helicopter. Both loads act- loading specified in Section 1618.4.6.1 in designing the
ing together total a minimum of 1.5 times the gross main supporting members of guards.
weight of the helicopter. 1618.4.6.3 Laminated glazing will be permitted as an
3. The dead load plus a uniform live load of 60 psf (2873 Pa). equal alternate to pickets, if tested by an accredited labo-
ratory to satisfy the resistance requirements of this code
1618.4 Safeguards. Safeguards shall be required in and for wind, live and kinetic energy impact loading condi-
around buildings and structures such as covers, railings, tions. The kinetic energy impact loading shall comply
stair-railings, handrails or other safeguards as defined in the with ANSI Z97.1 using a 400 foot-pound (542 N) energy
regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administra- impact. The safety requirements of the impact test shall
tion (OSHA) 29 CFR Part 1910 as applied to permanent struc- be judged to have been satisfactorily met if breakage
tures and as specified herein. does not occur or numerous cracks and fissures occur but
1618.4.1 Open or glazed wall openings; open or glazed no shear or opening through which a 3-inch (76 mm)
sides of balconies, landings and other walking surfaces; diameter sphere may freely pass. The glass panel shall
unenclosed floor and roof openings; roofs used for other remain within the supporting frame.
than services for the building or structure and any other
1618.4.6.4 If the posts that support the top rail of exterior
abrupt differences in level exceeding 30 inches (762 mm),
railings are substituted with glass, the assembly shall be
including yard areas, shall be provided with safeguards not
tested to TAS 201, where the impacted glass continues to
less than 42 inches (1067 mm) in height.
support the top rail and all applicable loads after impact.
1618.4.2 Safeguards may be omitted at loading docks, truck
1618.4.7 Areas in all occupancies from which the public is
wells and similar locations where it is apparent that the edge
excluded requiring such protection may be provided with
of the higher level is for loading, and on docks, seawalls and
vertical barriers having a single rail midway between a top
decorative fountains where the lower level is the water sur-
rail and the walking surface.
1618.5 Vehicle safeguard barriers. Vehicle safeguard barri-
1618.4.3 Safeguards in and around buildings of other than
ers are required in parking garages whenever there is a differ-
Group R occupancies shall be provided with additional
ence in level exceeding 1 foot (305 mm).
rails, vertical pickets or ornamental filler below the top rail
that will reject a 6-inch (152 mm) diameter object. 1618.5.1 Unless separate pedestrian safeguards are pro-
vided vehicle safeguard barriers shall, in addition to the
1618.4.4 Safeguards in and around buildings of Group R
requirements of this section, meet all other requirements of
occupancies shall provide protection for children by provid-
Section 1618.4.
ing additional rails, vertical pickets or an ornamental filler
below the top rail which will reject a 4-inch (102 mm) diam- 1618.5.2 The requirement of Section 1618.4.3 for the rejec-
eter object; permitting, however, such ornamental fillers to tion of a 6-inch (152 mm) diameter object shall be met when



the barrier is subjected to a horizontal load of 25 psf (1197 Exception: Increases in allowable stress shall be permitted
Pa), applied as specified in Section 1618.4.6.2. in accordance with ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 provided
1618.5.3 Vehicle safeguard barriers shall be capable of the load reduction factor of 0.75 of combinations 4 and 6 of
resisting a minimum horizontal ultimate load of 10,000 ASCE 7 Section 2.4.1 shall not be applied.
pounds (44.5 kN) applied 18 inches (457 mm) above the
floor at any point in the barrier system. This load need not be
applied in combination with loads specified in Section SECTION 1619
1618.4.6.1 and Section 1618.4.6.2. Vehicle safeguard bar- HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES—
rier systems of metal framing, concrete or masonry may be LIVE LOAD REDUCTIONS
designed by allowable stress design for a concentrated hori- 1619.1 Application. No reduction in assumed live loads set
zontal load of 7,500 pounds (33 361 N) in lieu of the 10,000 forth in this section shall be allowed in the design of columns,
pounds (44.5 kN) ultimate load specified above. walls, beams, girders and foundations, except as permitted by
1618.6 Special requirements for cable safeguard barriers. the provisions of Section 4.7 ASCE 7 with commentary.
1618.6.1 Horizontal deflection under design load shall not Exceptions:
exceed 18 inches (457 mm). 1. No reduction of the assumed live loads shall be
1618.6.2 The design load shall be assumed to be resisted by allowed in the design of any slabs, joists or other sec-
not more than two cables. ondary members, except as set forth herein.
1618.6.3 The cable system including anchors shall be pro- 2. No reduction in roof live loads shall be permitted
tected against corrosion. except as set forth by Section 1616.1.
1618.6.4 Cable tension under design load shall not exceed 1619.2 Allowable live load reductions.
90 percent of the yield strength of the cable. 1619.2.1 Permissible reduction in live loads shall be as pro-
1618.6.5 The uppermost cable shall be at least 42 inches vided in Section 4.7 of ASCE 7 with commentary.
(1067 mm) above the adjacent surface. Cables shall not be 1619.2.2 Limitations on live load reduction shall be as noted
spaced more than 6 inches (152 mm) apart. in Section 4.7 of ASCE 7 with commentary.
1618.6.6 An installation plan prepared by the structural 1619.2.3 No reduction in live loads shall be permitted for
engineer of record shall be submitted to the building official buildings or structures of Group A assembly occupancy.
for his or her approval.
1618.6.7 Installation shall be witnessed by the structural
engineer of record who shall certify the following: SECTION 1620
1. That the installation has been in accordance with the HIGH-VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES—
approved installation plan. WIND LOADS
2. That the initial tension designated by the structural 1620.1 Buildings and structures, and every portion thereof,
engineer of record has been provided in all cables. shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of
Chapters 26 through 31 of ASCE 7.
3. That all anchors have been seated at a total load,
including initial tension, equal to 85 percent of the 1620.2 Wind velocity (3-second gust) used in structural calcu-
yield strength of the cable, unless a positive locking lations shall be as follows:
device is provided that does not require a tension jack Miami-Dade County
for the tensioning of the barrier strand.
Risk Category I Buildings and Structures: 165 mph
1618.6.8 Drawings shall indicate the initial tension, the
expected increase in tension under vehicular impact and the Risk Category II Buildings and Structures: 175 mph
required maximum capacity of the strand barrier system. Risk Category III and IV Buildings and Structures: 186 mph
1618.7 Ornamental projections. Ornamental cantilevered Broward County
projections on the exterior of buildings shall be designed for
not less than 60 psf live load (2873 Pa) or 200 pounds per lineal Risk Category I Buildings and Structures: 156 mph
foot (2919 N/m) applied at the outer edge, whichever is more Risk Category II Buildings and Structures: 170 mph
critical. Risk Category III and IV Buildings and Structures: 180 mph
1618.8 Interior wall and partitions. Permanent, full-height
1620.3 All buildings and structures shall be considered to be in
interior walls and partitions shall be designed to resist a lateral
Exposure Category C, unless Exposure Category D applies, as
live load not less than 5 psf (239 Pa) and if sheathed with lath
defined in Section 26.7 of ASCE 7.
and plaster, deflection at this load shall not exceed L/360.
1620.4 For wind force calculations, roof live loads shall not be
1618.9 Load combination. The safety of structures shall be
considered to act simultaneously with the wind load.
checked using the provisions of 2.3 and 2.4 of ASCE 7 with
commentary. Flood Load Fa mentioned in these load combina- 1620.5 Utility sheds shall be designed for a wind load of not
tions shall be in accordance with Chapter 5 of ASCE 7. less than 15 psf (718 Pa).



1620.6 Rooftop structures and equipments. The lateral force SECTION 1623
on rooftop structures and equipment with Af less than (0.1Bh) HIGH-VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES—
located on buildings of all heights shall be determined from LIVE LOADS POSTED AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS
Equation 29.5-1 of ASCE 7 in which the value of GCf shall be 1623.1 Live loads posted. The live loads in every building,
taken as 3.1. GCf shall be permitted to be reduced linearly from structure or part thereof of Group F, M or S Storage occupancy
3.1 to 1.1 as the value of Af is increased from (0.1Bh) to (Bh). approved by the building official shall be shown on plates sup-
The value of G from Section 26.9 of ASCE 7 shall not be used. plied by the owner or his authorized agent, in that part of each
Additionally, a simultaneous uplift force shall be applied, space to which such loads apply.
given by Equation 29.5-1 of ASCE 7 in which GCf = 1.5 and Af
is replaced by the horizontal projected area, Ar, of the rooftop 1623.1.1 Such plates shall be of approved durable materials
structure or equipment. For the uplift force GCf shall be permit- displaying letters and figures not less than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm)
ted to be reduced linearly from 1.5 to 1.0 as the value of Ar is in height, and shall be securely affixed to the structure in
increased from (0.1BL) to (BL). conspicuous places.
1623.1.2 Such notices shall not be removed or defaced and
where defaced, removed or lost, it shall be the responsibility
of the owner to cause replacement as soon as possible.
HIGH-VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES— 1623.2 Occupant loads. Plans for proposed buildings or struc-
OVERTURNING MOMENT AND UPLIFT tures of Group F, M or S storage occupancy areas in buildings
of any occupancy shall show the allowable loading for each
1621.1 Computations for overturning moment and uplift shall portion of the floor and roof areas and certificates of use and
be based on ASCE 7. occupancy, as defined in Section 110 of this code, shall not be
issued until such loads are posted as set forth in Section 1623.1.
1621.2 Overturning and uplift stability of any building, struc-
ture or part thereof taken as a whole shall be provided, and 1623.2.1 Change in occupant load. No change in the occu-
shall be satisfied by conforming to the load combination pancy of any building shall be made until a certificate of
requirements of ASCE 7. occupancy has been issued certifying that the building offi-
cial has approved the building as suitable for the loads char-
acteristic of the proposed occupancy.
1623.2.2 Maximum floor and roof loads observed. It
SECTION 1622 shall be unlawful at any time to place, or permit to be placed,
HIGH-VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES— on any floor or roof of a building or structure, a load greater
SCREEN ENCLOSURES than that for which the floor or roof is approved by the build-
1622.1 Screen enclosures. ing official.

1622.1.1 The wind loads on screen surfaces shall be per

ASCE 7 based on the ratio of solid to gross area. SECTION 1624
1622.1.2 Design shall be based on such loads applied hori- FOUNDATION DESIGN
zontally inward and outward to the walls with a shape factor
of 1.3 and applied vertically upward and downward on the 1624.1 Design procedure. The minimum area of a footing or
roof with a shape factor of 0.7. number of piles under a foundation shall be determined in the
following manner:
Exception: Screen enclosures shall be permitted to be 1624.1.1 The total load of the column that has the largest
designed in accordance with the AAF Guide to Alumi- percentage of the live load to the total load shall be divided
num Construction in High Wind Areas. Construction by the allowable soil pressure or pile capacity.
documents based on the AAF Guide to Aluminum Con-
struction in High Wind Areas shall be prepared and 1624.1.2 The balance soil pressure or pile capacity shall be
signed and sealed by an Florida registered architect or determined by dividing the total dead load by the area of the
engineer. footing or the number of piles.

1622.2 Windbreakers. 1624.1.3 The minimum area of other footings or number of

piles shall be designed on the basis of their respective dead
1622.2.1 Vinyl and acrylic glazed panels shall be remov- loads only.
able. Removable panels shall be identified as removable by 1624.1.4 In no case shall the total load of the combined
a decal. The identification decal shall essentially state dead, live, wind and any other loads exceed the allowable
“Removable panel SHALL be removed when wind speeds bearing pressure of the soil for capacity of any pile upon
exceed 75 mph (34 m/s).” Decals shall be placed such that which the foundation is supported.
the decal is visible when the panel is installed.
1624.1.5 The live load used in the above calculations may
1622.2.2 Permanent frame shall be designed per Section be the total reduced live load in the member immediately
1620 and 1622.1.2. above the foundation.



1624.1.6 The building official may require submittal of 1. Each cycle shall have minimum duration of 1 second and a maximum dura-
tion of 3 seconds and must be performed in a continuous manner.
design computations employed in foundation design.
2. pmax = 0.6 × ultimate design load in accordance with ASCE 7.
1624.2 Wind effects. Reserved.
1624.2.1 Reserved.
1626.1 All parts or systems of a building or structure envelope
such as, but not limited to, exterior walls, roof, outside doors,
1625.1 Application. Whenever there is insufficient evidence skylights, glazing and glass block shall meet impact test criteria
of compliance with the provisions of this code or evidence that or be protected with an external protection device that meets
any material or any construction does not conform to the the impact test criteria. Test procedures to determine resistance
requirements of this code, or in order to substantiate claims for to wind-borne debris of wall cladding, outside doors, skylights,
alternate materials or methods of construction, the building glazing, glass block, shutters and any other external protection
official may require testing by an approved agency, at the devices shall be performed in accordance with this section.
expense of the owner or his agent, as proof of compliance. Test-
ing methods shall be as specified by this code for the specific Exception: The following structures or portion of struc-
material. tures shall not be required to meet the provisions of this sec-
1625.2 Testing method. Such testing shall follow a nationally
recognized standard test, or when there is no standard test pro- a. Roof assemblies for screen rooms, porches, canopies,
cedure for the material or assembly in question, the building etc; attached to a building that do not breach the exte-
official shall require the material or assembly under dead plus rior wall or building envelope and have no enclosed
live load shall deflect not more than as set forth in Section sides other than screen.
1615.3, and that the material or assembly shall sustain dead b. Soffits, soffit vents and ridge vents. Size and location
load plus twice the live load for a period of 24 hours, with a of such vents shall be detailed by the designer and
recovery of at least 80 percent or a 100 percent recovery after shall not compromise the integrity of the diaphragm
one-half test load. boundary.
1625.3 Alternate test methods. When elements, assemblies c. Vents in a garage with four or fewer cars. Size and
or details of structural members are such that their load-carry- location of such vents shall be detailed by the designer
ing capacity, deformation under load, or deflection cannot be and shall not exceed the minimum required area by
calculated by rational analysis, their structural performance more than 25 percent.
shall be established by test in accordance with test procedures
as approved by the building official based on consideration of d. Exterior wall or roof openings for wall- or
all probable conditions of loading. roof-mounted HVAC equipment.
1625.4 Fatigue load testing. Where cladding assemblies e. Openings for roof-mounted personnel access roof
(including cladding and connections) or roofing framing hatches.
assemblies (including portions of roof structure and connec- f. Storage sheds that are not designed for human habita-
tions) are such that their load-carrying capacity or deformation tion and that have a floor area of 720 square feet (67
under load cannot be calculated by rational analysis, the assem- m2) or less are not required to comply with the manda-
blies may be tested to resist the fatigue loading sequence given tory windborne debris impact standards of this code.
by Table 1625.4.
g. Louvers as long as they properly considered ASCE 7
Assemblies shall be tested with no resultant failure or dis- in the design of the building.
tress and shall have a recovery of at least 90 percent over maxi-
mum deflection. h. Buildings and structures for marinas, cabanas, swim-
ming pools and greenhouses.
Any cladding assembly not incorporated into the Florida
Building Code, Building after successfully completing the i. Exterior balconies or porches under existing roofs or
impact test outlined in Section 1626, shall be subject to fatigue decks enclosed with screen or removable vinyl and
loading testing and shall obtain product approval by the build- acrylic panels complying with Section 1622.1or Sec-
ing official. tion 1622.2 shall not be required to be protected and
openings in the wall separating the unit from the bal-
TABLE 1625.4
cony or porch shall not be required to be protected
unless required by other provisions of this code.
0 to 0.5pmax2 600
1626.2 Large missile impact tests.
0 to 0.6pmax 70 1626.2.1 This test shall be conducted on three test speci-
0 to 1.3pmax 1 mens. This test shall be applicable to the construction units,
assemblies and materials to be used up to and including 30
feet (9.1 m) in height in any and all structures.



TABLE 1626


0.2 PMAX to 0.5 PMAX2 3,500 0.3 PMAX to 1.0 PMAX 50

0.0 PMAX to 0.6 PMAX 300 0.5 PMAX to 0.8 PMAX 1,050
0.5 PMAX to 0.8 PMAX 600 0.0 PMAX to 0.6 PMAX 50
0.3 PMAX to 1.0 PMAX 100 0.2 PMAX to 0.5 PMAX 3,350
1. Each cycle shall have minimum duration of 1 second and a maximum duration of 3 seconds and must be performed in a continuous manner.
2. PMAX= 0.6 × ultimate design load in accordance with ASCE 7. The pressure spectrum shall be applied to each test specimen beginning with inward acting pressures
followed by the outward acting pressures in the order from the top of each column to the bottom of each column.

1626.2.2 The test specimens shall consist of the entire assembly that is not glass shall be impacted twice in
assembled unit, including frame and anchorage as supplied accordance with Section 1626.2.5.
by the manufacturer for installation in the building, or as set 1626.2.6 In the case of glazing, if the three test specimens
forth in a referenced specification, if applicable. Fasteners that comprise a test successfully reject the two missile
used in mounting the test specimen shall be identical in size impacts, they shall then be subjected to the cyclic pressure
and spacing to what is used in field installations. loading defined in Table 1626.
1626.2.3 The large missile shall be comprised of a piece of
1626.2.6.1 If external protection devices are employed to
timber having nominal dimensions of 2 inches by 4 inches
protect windows, fixed doors or skylights, they must
(51 mm by 102 m) weighing 9 pounds (4.1 kg).
resist the large missile impacts specified in Sections
1626.2.4 The large missile shall impact the surface of each 1626.2.3 and 1626.2.4 without deformations which
test specimen at a speed of 50 feet per second (15.2 m/s). result in contact with the windows, fixed glass, glass
block, and doors or skylights they are intended to protect.
1626.2.5 Each test specimen shall receive two impacts
except as noted in Sections 1626.2.5.1 and 1626.2.5.2, the 1626.2.6.2 If external protection devices are not
first within a 5-inch (127 mm) radius circle having its center designed to be air tight, following the large missile
on the midpoint of the test specimen and the second within a impact test, they must resist an application of force corre-
5-inch (127 mm) radius circle in a corner having its center in sponding to those listed in Table 1625.4 (fatigue load
a location 6 inches (152 mm) away from any supporting testing) without detaching from their mountings. The
members. acting pressure cycles shall be simulated with loads
1626.2.5.1 For window, glass block, fixed glass and sky- applied through a mechanical system attached to the
light assemblies, both impacts shall be to glass or other shutter specimen to apply uniformly around the shutter
glazing infill. For test specimens with more than one perimeter a force equal to the product of the required
light of glass, a single light closest to the center of the pressure and the area of the shutter specimen.
assembly shall be selected and impacted twice in accor- 1626.2.7 If air leakage through the test specimen is exces-
dance with Section 1626.2.5. If a light of glass is suffi- sive, tape may be used to cover any cracks and joints
ciently small to cause the 5-inch (127 mm) radius circle through which leakage is occurring. Tape shall not be used
to overlap, two separate lights shall be impacted one time when there is a probability that it may significantly restrict
each. differential movement between adjoining members. It is
also permissible to cover both sides of the entire specimen
1626. For window, fixed glass and skylight
and mounting panel with a single thickness of polyethylene
assemblies comprised of different glass thickness,
film no thicker than 0.050 mm (2 mils). The technique of
types of glass or different types of glazing infill, each
application is important in order that the full load is trans-
separate thickness or type shall be impacted twice in
ferred to the specimen and that the membrane does not pre-
accordance with Section 1626.2.5.
vent movement or failure of the specimen. Apply the film
1626.2.5.2 For doors, wall cladding and external protec- loosely with extra folds of material at each corner and at all
tion devices, both impacts shall be to the thinnest section offsets and recesses. When the load is applied, there shall be
through the assembly. For doors, wall cladding and no fillet caused by tightness of plastic film.
external protection devices with horizontal and/or verti-
1626.2.8 A particular system of construction shall be
cal bracing, both impacts shall be within a single area
deemed to comply with this recommended practice if three
that is not reinforced and shall be in accordance with Sec-
test specimens reject the two missile impacts without pene-
tion 1626.2.5.
tration and resist the cyclic pressure loading with no crack
1626. For doors with glass, the glass shall be forming longer than 5 inches (127 mm) and 1/16 inch (1.6
impacted twice and the thinnest section through the mm) wide through which air can pass.



1626.2.9 If only one of the three test specimens in a test fails 1626.3.6 In the case of glazing, after completion of the
to meet the above listed criteria, one retest of this system of small missile impacts, each test specimen shall then be sub-
construction (another test sequence with three specimens) jected to the cyclic pressure loading defined in Table 1626.
shall be permitted. 1626.3.6.1 If external protection devices are employed to
1626.3 Small missile impact test. protect windows, doors or skylights, they must resist the
small missile impacts specified in Sections 1626.3.3 and
1626.3.1 This test shall be conducted on three test speci-
1626.3.4 without deformations that result in contact with
mens. This test shall be applicable to the construction units,
the windows, glass, doors or skylights they are intended
assemblies, and materials to be used above 30 feet (9.1 m) in
to protect.
height in any and all structures.
1626.3.6.2 If external protection devices are not
1626.3.2 Each test specimen shall consist of the entire
designed to be air tight, following the small missile
assembled unit, including frame and anchorage as supplied
impact test, they must resist an application of force corre-
by the manufacturer for installation in the building, or as set
sponding to those listed in Table 1625.4 (fatigue load
forth in a referenced specification, if applicable. The fasten-
testing) without detaching from their mountings. The
ers used in mounting the test specimen shall be identical in
acting pressure cycles shall be simulated with loads
size and spacing to those to be used in field installations.
applied through a mechanical system attached to the
1626.3.3 The missiles shall consist of solid steel balls each shutter specimen to apply uniformly around the shutter
having a mass of 2 grams (0.07 oz) (+/-5 percent) with a perimeter a force equal to the product of the required
5/ -in. (7.9 mm) nominal diameter.
16 pressure and the area of the shutter specimen.
1626.3.4 Each missile shall impact the surface of each test 1626.3.7 If air leakage through the test specimen is exces-
specimen at a speed of 130 feet per second (40 m/s). sive, tape may be used to cover any cracks and joints
through which leakage is occurring. Tape shall not be used
1626.3.5 Each test specimen shall receive 30 small missile
when there is a probability that it may significantly restrict
impacts, except as noted in Sections 1626.3.5.1 and
differential movement between adjoining members. It is
1626.3.5.2, delivered in groups of 10 at a time: the first 10
also permissible to cover both sides of the entire specimen
distributed uniformly over a 2 square foot (0.19 m2) area
and mounting panel with a single thickness of polyethylene
located at the center of the test specimen, the second 10 dis-
film no thicker than 0.050 mm (2 mils). The technique of
tributed uniformly over a 2 square foot area (0.19 m2)
application is important for the full load to be transferred to
located at the center of the long dimension of the specimen
the specimen and to insure the membrane does not prevent
near the edge, and the third 10 distributed uniformly over a 2
movement or failure of the specimen. Apply the film loosely
square foot (0.19 m2) area located at a corner of the speci-
with extra folds of material at each corner and at all offsets
and recesses. When the load is applied, there shall be no fil-
1626.3.5.1 For window and skylight assemblies, all let caused by tightness of plastic film.
impacts shall be to glass or other glazing infill. For test
1626.3.8 A particular system of construction shall be
specimens with more than one light of glass, a single
deemed to comply with this test if three test specimens reject
light closest to the center of the assembly shall be the small missile impacts without penetration and resist the
selected and impacted in accordance with Section cyclic pressure loading with no crack forming longer than 5
1626.3.5. If a light of glass is sufficiently small to cause inches (127 mm) and 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) in width through
the 5-inch (127 mm) radius circles to overlap, separate which air can pass.
lights may be impacted; however, there must be a total of
30 impacts within the assembly. 1626.3.9 If only one of the three test specimens in a test fails
to meet the above listed criteria, one retest of the system
1626. For window, fixed glass and skylight (another test sequence with three specimens) of construc-
assemblies comprised of glass with different thick- tion shall be permitted.
ness, types of glass or different types of glazing infill,
each separate thickness or type shall be impacted in 1626.4 Construction assemblies deemed to comply with
accordance with Section 1626.3.5. Section 1626.
1626.3.5.2 For doors, wall cladding and external protec- 1. Exterior concrete masonry walls of minimum nominal
tion devices, all impacts shall be to the thinnest section 8-inch (203 mm) thickness, constructed in accordance
through the assembly. For doors, wall cladding and with Chapter 21 (High-Velocity Hurricane Zones) of
external protection devices with horizontal and/or verti- this code.
cal bracing, all impacts shall be within a single area that 2. Exterior frame walls or gable ends constructed in accor-
is not reinforced and shall be impacted in accordance dance with Chapter 22 and Chapter 23 (High-Velocity
with Section 1626.3.5. Hurricane Zones) of this code, sheathed with a minimum
19/ -inch (15 mm) CD exposure 1 plywood and clad with
1626. For doors with glass, the glass shall be 32

impacted in accordance with Section 1626.3.5 and the wire lath and stucco installed in accordance with Chapter
thinnest section through the assembly that is not glass 25 of this code.
shall be impacted in accordance with Section 3. Exterior frame walls and roofs constructed in accordance
1626.3.5. with Chapter 22 (High-Velocity Hurricane Zones) of



this code sheathed with a minimum 24-gage rib deck

type material and clad with an approved wall finish.
4. Exterior reinforced concrete elements constructed of
solid normal weight concrete (no voids), designed in
accordance with Chapter 19 (High-Velocity Hurricane
Zones) of this code and having a minimum 2-in. (51 mm)
5. Roof systems constructed in accordance with Chapter 22
or Chapter 23 (High-Velocity Hurricane Zones) of this
code, sheathed with a minimum 19/32-inch (15 mm) CD
exposure 1 plywood or minimum nominal 1-inch (25
mm) wood decking and surfaced with an approved roof
system installed in accordance with Chapter 15 of this
All connectors shall be specified by the building designer of
record for all loads except impact.



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