Serverless Best Practices: Dashbird - Io
Serverless Best Practices: Dashbird - Io
Serverless Best Practices: Dashbird - Io
best practices
Pro tips to get
your apps to
the next level
serverless is
a UNIque beast
Although we can work with the same programming
languages in a serverless platform, its idiosyncrasies
require a different approach in several areas of
application development and monitoring
Serverless is a different beast in comparison to traditional infrastructures where developers retain the
burden of configuring and monitoring their own fleet of machines. Serverless abstracts away all this and
while doing so it substantially changes how we should think about architecting, deploying and
monitoring applications. The goal of this ebook is to introduce some of the best practices and cover
what is needed to appropriately adapt our approach to the serverless paradigm.
- Frameworks: makes a developer life a lot easier to deploy and configure serverless apps
- Logging & Debugging: how to best track and fix issues in serverless environments
- Monitoring: stay on top of your application performance and behavior to ensure its quality
- Architectural Patterns: leverage serverless to produce maintainable, extensible and resilient code
Bear with us on the next pages to take off for a whole new level of application development!
— "I would go so far as to say that there is no minimum level of
complexity under which you shouldn’t use a [serverless]
deployment framework." Paul Swail
Some tasks required to configure and deploy a serverless application would be too time consuming (and
actually boring) to do without the help of a serverless framework. A developer gets no benefit from taking
care of these tasks manually, so it makes total sense to take advantage of a framework.
Here is a list of tasks that a serverless framework will help you on:
- Bundling and packaging code for deployment
- The actual deployment process (which may take multiple steps in itself)
- Setting environment variables
- Managing secrets
- Configuring endpoints to expose your serverless service as a public API
- Taking care of properly setting the permissions needed by the function
- And more...
The ecosystem for serverless frameworks is quite rich and diverse. Some are focused on specific
programming languages and/or cloud providers. Others are runtime and cloud-agnostic. Next is a list of
some of the main frameworks, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
Serverless Framework
License: MIT
This is perhaps the most popular framework for serverless environments currently. It’s cloud-agnostic and
extensible with community plugins. Unless your application requires specific features for special needs not
supported by it, we would recommend this framework as the best choice.
License: Apache 2.0
Created and open-sourced by the AWS Lambda team, Chalice is one of the most popular frameworks
targeted at AWS Lambda and Python developers. The way it handles declarations of HTTP endpoint
handlers resembles a lot how the popular framework Flask works, which makes it a bit easier to migrate
Flask applications to the AWS serverless platform.
SAM stands for Serverless Application Model. It is a framework developed by AWS that prescribes ways to
express a serverless application targeted at AWS Lambda. It then uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy
and manage SAM applications in the cloud. Also offering a local command line interface (SAM CLI), it
provides a way to simulate AWS Lambda locally, greatly simplifying the development and testing of
serverless projects.
Other Contenders
As we said above, the ecosystem is quite rich and we could go over this list endlessly. The purpose of this
section was to introduce you to the main serverless frameworks and give a head start for your own
investigation. We encourage you to explore options and verify which framework would better suit your
Additional to the list above, we suggest going through this great compilation of frameworks:
In serverless environments such as AWS Lambda, developers can’t have control over the platform that is
running code. That means developers can’t rely on metrics being generated by background processes or
daemons anymore. Code could be instrumented to send metrics to third-party services in real time, but
that means latency will be added to the overall execution. Amazon conducted a study in the past and has
found that every 100 milliseconds added to a customer facing request leads to 1% loss in sales.
To properly conduct logging and debugging of serverless applications we must rethink the way we
approach these activities. In this section we cover good practices to make sure our apps are on track.
Local Environment
One of the challenges in serverless, especially when using a cloud service provider, such as AWS Lambda,
is replicating the production environment in a local machine, as closely as possible.
There are many solutions to tackle this challenge. AWS, for example, offers two ways to replicate Lambda
in a local machine:
IDE Plugins
AWS has plugins for both Eclipse and Microsoft Visual Studio IDEs. The Eclipse plugin is more limited, not
helpful for local debugging for example, while the Visual Studio one is more comprehensive, helping with
development and debugging, but unfortunately it is limited to .NET applications only.
SAM Local
As discussed previously on this e-book, SAM is one of AWS serverless frameworks. It provides a CLI
interface to emulate Lambda locally, making it easier to test and debug serverless applications
Each cloud provider will offer its own solutions to help in local testing and debugging. Open source
serverless projects, such as OpenFaaS, will also have their own models and solutions for local environment
simulation. Depending on the solution chosen for a project, it will determine which are the best options for
local environment configuration.
- CloudWatch keeps multiple invocations logs in a single log stream, which makes it cluttered and harder
to debug issues;
- It is not possible to filter invocations by status or type of result; for instance, when investigating an error, it
would be handy to filter only invocations that resulted in errors, obviously, but it’s not possible in
- Does not do a great job in identifying cold starts or retries; Lambda has a retry behavior that may cause
serious issues, if not considered appropriately; being able to track retry invocations, linked to the original
source, is paramount, but CloudWatch misses this need;
- It is very common to have multiple functions working together (as micro services) to accomplish a larger
task; being able to debug those functions as a single group is very handy when it comes to narrowing
down sources of issues for example, but CloudWatch does not help here;
It suffers from the same limitations as CloudWatch in the sense that it’s not designed for specifically for a
serverless architecture, thus lacking support for the way this type of application needs to be debugged
and monitored.
Google Stackdriver
Very similarly to AWS and Azure, Google covers most logging and monitoring needs with the Stackdriver
offerings: from logging to monitoring and tracing of cloud applications.
Just as AWS and Azure, as well, Google catalog is not tailored for serverless applications.
Dashbird was designed from the ground up to meet the needs for serverless applications in terms of
logging and monitoring. It allows developers to view invocations individually, links all invocations failed and
retried, tracks application exceptions and runtime errors, such as timeouts, memory exhaustion, etc.
Dashbird approach doesn’t add a millisecond to the function execution time. By collecting logs from
CloudWatch and parsing them in a smart way for alerting and reporting purposes, Dashbird empowers
developers to monitor applications with ease without compromising performance.
Another advantage is that pricing is also tailored for the serverless architecture. The service charges
proportionally to the amount of data generated in logs, so developers have full control over how much
they want to use and pay.
Datadog is an old player in the logging/monitoring services arena. Although it has traditionally targeted a
broader usage of cloud services with general-purpose offerings, only very recently it has started to catch
up with the needs of serverless developers.
Similarly to Datadog, NewRelic has been a traditional player in this field, with general purpose offerings for
logging and monitoring. It has also made efforts to adapt itself for the needs of teams using serverless, but
still lack the tailoring that we find in services purpose-built for serverless applications.
Some types of information are critical to log in serverless applications, so that they are available when it
comes the time to act on security breaches. Having critical logs will help, for example, understand which
security flaws attackers explored and how to fix them, or build a blacklist of IP addresses, or identify
compromised customer accounts.
Below are some examples of information we could classify as critical for logging in a serverless app.
Invocation/Event Inputs
Having the event input data will be important when analyzing a possible security breach. We could retrace
the attackers steps and understand which flaws were explored.
Response Payload
Similarly to Invocation Inputs, logging response payloads could also be helpful to analyze and mitigate
security breaches. First of all, in the worst case scenario of not being able to stop an attack, we will at least
want to know what information is now in possession of the attackers. These logs will answer just that.
Authentication Requests
For applications that have some sort of login/authorization protected area, it’s important to log the
authentication requests. If the app starts getting too many authorization failures, we would want to have
policies (more on the next section) to alert us, since that could be a signal of an attacker looking to crack a
user’s account.
Serverless functions will almost always interact with external services, especially because they intrinsically
can’t persist data. Whether it’s a database, an object storage, a datalake or else, functions need external
storage to accomplish tasks that rely on statefulness of data. Other services interacting with functions may
be message queues, data streaming processing, authentication mechanisms, machine learning models,
While tracking the entire lifecycle of a serverless function runtime execution is essential for performance
improvement, security monitoring, debugging, etc, all these external interactions pose difficulties for that.
For this reason, there are solutions especially tailored for instrumenting serverless functions.
AWS, for example, offers a service called X-Ray. It’s role is to basically track everything your function runs,
not only internally, but also all the interactions with external services in the same cloud or externally (a
third-party HTTP endpoint, for instance). As your function runs, it collects valuable insights, such as latency,
information exchanged, etc., to help developers fully understand what is happening under the hood, which
steps occurred first, what caused a given error, which parts are compromising speed of execution, among
other evaluations.
Some monitoring/debugging services, such as Dashbird (discussed above), also integrate with X-Ray (or
similar services), so that developers can have everything in the same place: logs, error reporting, alert
policies and the entire instrumentation of their serverless apps.
One very important thing to consider when choosing a tracing system for instrumentation is its scalability
and availability. Since serverless platforms, by definition, can scale very quickly and offer high availability,
the tracing system must be able to cope with the elastic demand of serverless functions.
Although serverless functions offer virtually infinite elasticity in terms of scalability, that does not mean
they should run unmonitored. It is paramount to set up thresholds of performance expectations so that it is
possible to determine when something requires attention.
Invocations count is obviously essential because it is going to tell developers how many times a function is
being used. That’s the main factor driving resource utilization and thus costs. The number of failures will
Cold starts happen when our function does not have enough containers to serve the number of requests
coming in on a given point in time. This forces the underlying serverless platform to spin up a new
container – which may take from a few hundred milliseconds to several seconds – while the requester is
waiting for a response. There are many scenarios where this is undesirable. If that’s the case for our
application, we need to detect and monitor cold starts in our stack. Cloud services usually won’t provide
this information directly, but monitoring services such as Dashbird will.
Memory utilization is an important measure to identify opportunities for optimization. If a given function
consistently used only a fraction of the allocated memory, there may be space for reducing resources
allocated and saving money on the function execution.
Financial Costs
As stated before, it’s important to look out for opportunities to improve resource utilization and reduce our
serverless stack bill.
Usually cloud services like AWS won’t provide all the data we need for the analysis, but there are services
like Dashbird where we can look, for example, how much memory has been used by a function, over a
given period of time. It gives us the average, minimum and maximum utilization, making it easier to identify
optimization opportunities.
These services will also provide cost statistics broken down by function, instead of the entire serverless
stack – which is usually how cloud services will provide in their billing statements. Being able to narrow
down the analysis on a per-function basis is essential.
Setting custom policies based on the expected behavior of our functions is also of high importance. If we
expect, for example, that a function should take around 5 seconds to finish requests, we would want to
know when it starts taking 20, or maybe 50 seconds, for whatever reason. By having custom policies in an
advanced monitoring service, we can have it alerting ourselves so that our development team can be
proactive and immediately jump over the potential issue.
API Gateway
An API Gateway service - either managed by a third-party provider or custom deployed - will provide a
single entry point for external requests, so that clients talk to the gateway, not each service individually.
Additional benefits would be having a layer of security against malicious attacks embedded in the
infrastructure behind the gateway, some concurrency handling to limit individual clients ability to consume
services, as well as authentication/authorization control logic.
Although an API Gateway is applicable to any cloud platform, serverless may benefit particularly from this
pattern, especially when adopted together with a microservices approach.
AWS, for example, offers an API gateway service that integrates with Lambda, their serverless platform.
Every major cloud service will have an offering to cover this area. There are also third-party services you
can use.
A microservices approach also contributes to better code maintainability, reusability and portability, which
are great indicators for the overall project health.
Idempotent Functions
Depending on the flow of our system, retries can be harmful. For instance, let’s imagine a function that is
responsible for adding a user to the database and sending a welcome email. If the function fails after
creating the user and gets retried you will have duplicated entries in the database.
A good way to overcome this is to design our functions to be idempotent. Idempotent functions are
functions with a single task, which either succeeds or can be retried without any damage to the system.
You could redesign the aforementioned function using AWS Step-Functions. First being the function
responsible for adding the user to the database and as a second step, another function sends the email.
Other cloud services will have similar integrations, but from our observations, AWS is the cloud service
showing the highest commitment to advancing their serverless platform, so we should expect a better
offering from AWS in terms of integration as well.
This pattern can be useful and increase productivity in the application development since we can build on
top of interfaces already developed and matured by the cloud service provider and quickly come up with
workflows that can be complex, but yet simple and reliable.
This architectural pattern resembles a bit the Observer pattern in object-oriented programming. In
essence, when we need to coordinate multiple serverless functions, it’s usually better to have them
communicate with each other through messaging systems than directly invoking each other.
In a message-based architecture, we create message queues for each communication flow needed by the
application. One or more functions will publish to the queue, and other function(s) will subscribe to the
queue and consume those messages. When there’s a need to change the workflow, it’s just a matter of
changing the queue subscriptions, which usually simplifies the adjustment and reduces risks of
unexpected issues.
Fan-in / Fan-out
This pattern breaks down a process over multiple tasks that are taken care of by individual workers (fan-
out) and later results from each worker can be grouped into a single consolidated result (fan-in).
Fan-in/fan-out is especially suitable to a serverless environment because each function invocation runs in
an isolated container with its own resources, which opens up opportunities for processing improvements.
CPU-intensive tasks are usually good candidates for this approach. IO-bound tasks can also benefit to a
fan-in/fan-out strategy, but not as straightforward. With IO-bound tasks, it might be cheaper to use
multithreading to optimize resource utilization. It will greatly depend on the runtime: programming
languages like C and Go are good for this type of task and could handle concurrency very well in a single
serverless function. Other languages, such as Python, which are not as optimized for concurrency and
parallelism, may end up struggling. In this case, fan-out of IO-bound tasks to multiple serverless functions
could be a good option.
a whole new
serverless level
Compared to other technologies, serverless is still in
sort of an early stage and knowledge will keep
growing in the next years about the best approaches
to better develop, deploy and monitor applications.
We trust this ebook shed some light on issues and topics you should be aware and get deeper in order
to appropriately approach the software development cycle for a serverless platform.
Dashbird was especially designed from the ground up to provide the best monitoring and debugging
experience for serverless developers using AWS Lambda. If you are looking for a way to professionally
monitor your serverless applications in production, you should definitely check it out. You can try our full
set of features for a trial period or even use our service entirely free, in case your needs aren't that big.