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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology: Issue 01: Rev No. 0: Dt. 16/03/16 Course Plan Format

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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt.


Course Plan Format FF No. 182

Academic Year : 2016-17 Branch : Mechanical Semester : II

Subject Name:- Fluid Machinery & Fluid Power Engineering
Subject Code: ME30113

Unit Topic Method Media Student Activity Assessment Tool Remarks

I Impulse Turbines Conventional PPT # Trial on Pelton i) Test I ◘ Test I out of 30
Turbine ii) HA 1 ■ theory marks, to be
A Pelton turbine, Work done and  Demonstration Black board
and problems converted to _10_
Efficiencies of Pelton Turbines,  § Problem solving iii) □ marks
Velocity Triangles and their Lab.Experiments,
analysis, Governing, Main and  Industrial Visit
Operating Characteristics Report
B  Governing   Mechanisms,   Unit
iv) ○ Numerical
Quantities solving
II Reaction Turbines Conventional PPT # Trial on Francis i) MCQ based Test I Test II out of 20
turbine I◘ marks, to be
A Francis turbine, Work done and Demonstration Black board
ii) HA 2 ■ theory converted to 20
Efficiencies of Reaction Turbines, § Problem solving and problems marks
Velocity Triangles and iii) □
Lab.Experiments, End Sem out of 100
their analysis, Kaplan Turbine,  Viva-voice, marks, to be
Governing, Main and Operating  Industrial Visit converted to 60
Characteristics Report marks
B  Governing   Mechanisms,   Draft iv) ○ Numerical
Tube solving
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 16/03/16

III Centrifugal Pump Conventional PPT # Trial on i) MCQ based Test Test II out of 20
Demonstration Black board centrifugal pump II ◘ marks, to be
A Classification, construction,  Industrial Visit ii) HA 3 ■ theory converted to 20
Cut Section
working, various heads, velocity  and problems marks
triangle, losses and efficiencies, § Problem solving
iii) □
specific speed, net positive  Lab.Experiments, End Sem out of 100
suction head (NPSH), Main and  Viva-voice, marks, to be
Operating Characteristics, Pumps  Industrial Visit converted to 60
Report marks
series and parallel iv) ○Numerical
B  Priming   and   troubleshooting, solving
Unit quantities
IV Source of Power and Fluid Power  Conventional PPT # Trial on Gear and i) HA 4 ■ theory End Sem out of 100
Demonstration Black board Vane Pumps and problems marks, to be
Control § Observation of converted to 60
Cut Section
A Fluid Power Systems,  cut sections models ii) □ marks
advantages, Applications,  Lab.Experiments,
Principle of working,  Industrial Visit
Construction of Gear Report
Pumps, Vane Pumps, Necessity of
iii) ○ Learning of
Fluid control, Pressure Control 
Hydraulic circuits
Valves, Flow Control Valves,
and Direction Control Valves
B  Symbols for hydraulic systems
and pneumatic systems
V Industrial Circuits and Systems Conventional PPT # Demonstrations i) HA 5 ■ theory End Sem out of 100
Demonstration Black board of Hydraulic and and problems marks, to be
A) Actuators types, Types of  Pneumatic circuits converted to 65
Cut Section
Cylinders, Simple Circuits  § Observation of ii) □ marks
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 16/03/16

(Regeneration, Speed Control, cut sections models Lab.Experiments,

Sequencing, Synchronizing, fail  Industrial Visit
safe, unloading, actuator locking  Report
iii) ○ Learning of
B)  Reservoir   assembly,   Filters,
Hydraulic and
Accumulators pneumatic circuits

Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy applicable for the course – Knowledge / Comprehension / Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation (Strike
out levels not applicable)

Text Books:
1. R.K.Rajput, “Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand Publications, New Delhi
2. Esposito A., “Fluid Power with application”, Prentice Hall

Reference Books :
1. Modi and Seth, “Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Standard Book House, NewDelhi
2. Vasandani V. P., “Theory of Hydraulic Machinery”, Khanna Publishers,Delhi
3. Vickers Manual on Industrial Hydraulics
4. Lal J., “Hydraulic Machines”, Metropolitan Book Co., Delhi.
5. Karassic, “Hand Book of Pumps”, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd. Delhi
6. Majumdar, “Oil Hydraulics-Principle and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Pipenger J. J., “Industrial Hydraulics”, McGraw Hill
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 16/03/16

#- Details of laboratory course student activity for experiments based on appropriate unit.
§- Details of Tutorial course student activity based on appropriate unit.
◘- Mandatory Assessment activities as per structure.
Mode of conduct of class test is to be mentioned.
■- Scope of HA should be written in brief.
□- Write unit-wise parameters used for continuous assessment of laboratory course.
If parameters are used as a whole, they may be described in footer.
○- Write unit-wise parameters used for continuous assessment of tut. course.

Name and Signature of Faculty executing the course plan

1) Prof. S. P. Komble

Signature of Chairman – BOS Date : 05/01/17

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