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Av-8B Vtol External Environment Survey - Overview

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Robert E. Nantz
JSF Support Office
NAWCAD, Patuxent River, MD, USA


This paper presents an overview of the initial AV-8B (-408) VTOL External Environment
Survey. The survey was funded by the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program Office. Testing
was conducted between 8 and 11 July, 1997 at Patuxent River, Maryland to establish an
AV-8B (-408) external environment baseline. Establishment of this baseline serves as a
first step towards defining safe operating areas and procedures for the JSF STOVL
aircraft. This paper offers insight into the test aircraft, the test preparation, the visual cues
used to position the aircraft, an overview of the external environment instrumentation, the
test techniques, and the test procedures. The results presented include the measured
outwash temperature, velocity and acoustic footprints, a discussion of the maximum
temperatures noted on the aircraft skin, and the maximum temperatures measured on the
surface of the VTOL pad. This paper also outlines plans for future JSF external
environment testing.

This paper contains no information on the JSF STOVL aircraft concepts, or other JSF
Contractor Proprietary data. Further information on this and related testing sponsored by
JSF, as well as an electronic color copy of this paper, can be downloaded from the Joint
Strike Fighter Program Office web site at http://www.jast.mil.


External environment is defined as the temperature, pressure and acoustic levels present in
the outwash flowfield of a STOVL aircraft. This subject, and its potential impact on
basing flexibility, has been and continues to be a critical consideration during the evolution
of the JSF STOVL configuration.

Currently the US Marine Corps, the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, Spanish Navy, and
the Italian Navy have defined operational procedures and hazard areas to allow safe and
productive Harrier operations in shipboard and austere site scenarios. The JSF STOVL
aircraft have dramatically greater capability in STOVL operations, but at increased thrust
levels. While the specific external environment characteristics of the JSF STOVL aircraft
are configuratioin specific, and therefore proprietary, the increased thrust suggests a
potentially more severe external environment than the Harrier for which our current
operational procedures were developed. As a first step towards defining equivalent
operating areas and procedures for the JSF STOVL aircraft, definition of the outwash
environment of the AV-8B during vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) operations was
required. The external environment database established during this testing will also allow
correlation of analytical external environment predictive methods.

Test Objectives

The primary purpose of this initial test was to quantify the external environment created by
the AV-8B (-408) during jetborne operations. Specific objectives of Phase Zero included:
• Measure the outwash velocity, temperature, and acoustic noise at specific
ground heights with regard to aircraft distance, heading, and height above
ground level (AGL) during hover and ground high power (nogo VTO)
• Evaluate the suitability of candidate high-response transducers for future tests.
• Evaluate the suitability of the test methods and procedures for future tests.
• Measure AM-2 mat temperatures during nogo VTO operations.
• Measure peak aircraft skin temperatures to determine the suitability of
applique’, a topcoat paint replacement technology under consideration by JSF.

Description of Test Aircraft

The test aircraft for this survey was an AV-8B Harrier II, Night Attack, BuNo 163854,
Modex 85 equipped with a Rolls Royce F402-RR-408 engine, six pylons, deep strakes and
an onboard MUX bus data recording system. The aircraft was assigned to the Naval
Weapons Test Squadron, China Lake. Aircraft zero fuel weight was 15,014 pounds. The
relative hover performance and jet pipe temperature values were plus 2.9 percent, and
minus 49 degrees, respectively. The only aircraft modification was application of
temperature sensitive tape to the aircraft in the quantities and locations illustrated in Figure
1. This allowed definition of the maximum temperature level encountered on the aircraft
skin. Mylar type temperature tape, made by Omega, was used to eliminate any associated
foreign object damage (FOD) hazard to the engine.

Scope of Tests

Tests were conducted at NAWCAD, Patuxent River, between 8 and 11 July, 1997 at the
center field vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) pad. The VTOL pad was constructed of
AM-2 mat and was in excellent condition prior to testing. AM-2 is an extruded aluminum
planking, available in 2 ft widths and 6 or 12 ft lengths, with a non-skid coating. It is used
by the US Marine Corps for expeditionary airfields and VTOL pads. The Patuxent River
VTOL pad is 132 ft by 150 ft, and is anchored around the perimeter to a concrete surface.
It was inspected by representatives from the Expeditionary Airfield Support Unit from
NAWCAD, Lakehurst prior to testing and during the conduct of the test.

All test points were associated with AV-8B VTOL operations. Nozzles were in the hover
stop position (82 degrees - nozzles nominally vertical with the aircraft attitude of 7.5
degrees) with short lift wet (with water injection) or dry power at altitudes from zero ft
AGL to 80 ft radar Altitude. As 50 ft radar altitude is a point of specific operational
interest, this altitude was selected for a comprehensive definition of the environment

around the aircraft. Assuming symmetry, data was collected on the starboard side of the
aircraft only with the exception of two verification points on the port side. To define the
impact of aircraft hover height on the external environment, data was taken at zero ft AGL
(nogo VTO) and for two headings, at 30, 50 and 80 ft radar altitude. Actual testing time
(data being recorded, cameras on, and flow visualization activated) was less than 1 hour.
There were a total of 59 test events. For airborne test points, aircraft gross weight varied
between 15,483 and 18,813 lbs and the hover weight ratio (HWR), defined as
ACGW/maximum hover capability, varied between .78 and .93, respectively, for the
steady hovers. Aircraft position was observed to vary by no more than ± 5 ft during all
airborne points except for the pedal turn where the deviation was closer to 10 ft. Ambient
winds were less than four knots. During Nogo VTOs a single Mk-83CF (nominal weight
of 985 lb) inert bomb was loaded on each parent station (store stations 2,3,5, and 6)
aircraft gross weight varied between 25,343 and 26,143 lbs and the HWR varied between
1.17 and 1.30, respectively. During nogo VTOs, the ambient wind varied from eight to ten
knots. During the conduct of the entire test, ambient temperatures varied between 68 and
85 degrees Fahrenheit. Relative humidity varied between 47 and 88 percent. A
complete set of test conditions for each test point is presented in Reference 1.

Test Method and Procedures

Tests were performed by operating the aircraft in a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL)
mode in the presence of instrumentation to measure the velocity, temperature, and
acoustic energy of the environment surrounding the aircraft. As the rakes were fixed, the
azimuth was changed by varying the aircraft heading relative to the rakes. To provide
adequate data density for the construction of footprints, data was taken at 20 degree
azimuth cuts around a 180 degree azimuth from the aircraft nose to tail. The test
conductor was in contact with the test pilot by UHF radio and other test personnel by FM
radio. A qualified landing supervisor / safety observer (LSSO) was stationed adjacent the
VTOL pad to assist the pilot during airborne test points and enhance test safety. The
LSSO was in contact with the pilot and test conductor by UHF radio. To ensure that test
conditions were as consistent as possible, the two critical acoustic data headings, 60 and
330 degrees, were measured sequentially. Because the majority of the external
environment instrumentation was more suitable for steady state testing, dwell times of 20
seconds were required for each applicable test point. Aircraft freeze data was recorded
following each hover. The typical concept of operations was to conduct a sortie that
1) a vertical takeoff at a heading
2) dwell at that heading for 20 seconds
3) change to a second heading
4) dwell at the second heading for 20 seconds
5) change to a third heading
6) dwell at the third heading for 20 seconds
7) conduct a vertical landing at the third heading.
The sequence was selected to allow for maximum test efficiency. The total hover time for
a sortie typically approached the 5 minute limit for reaction control system (RCS)

requiring a timed RCS cool down period before beginning the next sortie. Depending on
the aircraft performance available for the ambient conditions, two to three sorties could be
conducted before taxiing to the hot pits to refuel. The dwell time for nogo VTOs was
limited to 10 seconds from steady rpm to throttle down to minimize potential for aircraft
heat damage. The 10 second dwells conducted during this test are twice the duration of
nogos conducted normally conducted in service. The pilot cycled the heads up display
(HUD) recorder and an on-board instrumentation data recording tape on and off during
each test period.

Test Site Preparation

A general description of the test site is presented in Figure 2. Hover center was located
on the pad to allow mounting of the 100 ft rake on the AM-2 matting. The test site was
populated with four fixed rakes consisting of pressure, temperature, and acoustic sensors.
The rakes were located at radial distances of 30 ft, 50 ft, 75 ft and 100 ft. The 50 and 100
ft rakes were offset by 20 degrees from the 30 and 75 ft rakes to minimize rake
interference effects. The selection of the angular relationship of the rakes relative to hover
center was determined based on historical wind data and the preference that ambient wind
reinforce the measured outwash rather that oppose it. The temperature and velocity data
processing components were located in a large, specially equipped, data van located
approximately 150 ft from hover center. The data van was borrowed from the NAWCAD
Propulsion Support Equipment, Evaluation and Verification (E/V) Branch for the duration
of the test. A transit and measuring tape were used to locate paint stripes required for
spotting the aircraft at the test headings, marks for visual cueing poles (VCP) designed to
aid the pilot during aircraft positioning, and marks for the far field microphones. A circle
intercepting the test heading markings was painted at the radius of the nose landing gear
contact point relative to hover center to aid the plane captain during aircraft spotting. To
provide for safety of ground personnel, a 50 ft hazard radius relative to hover center was
marked with yellow paint.

Pilot Visual Cue System

As most of the data was taken at hover heights, it was critical to position the aircraft, as
precisely as possible, to the desired location with the geometric centroid of the four lift
nozzles over the hover center point. To accomplish this, a scheme utilizing visual cueing
poles (VCP) was developed to provide information on aircraft position relative to hover
center . The VCP system featured two sets of two poles for each desired heading. The
poles were positioned such that for a given heading, when the aircraft was over hover
center, the VCP pairs were coincident at 35 deg left and 60 deg right of the aircraft
centerline relative to the design eye position . The angles were selected to avoid canopy
bow obstruction while maintaining a minimum separation of 90 degrees. Twelve foot long
sections of 2.5 inch diameter aluminum alloy conduit were painted bright orange and press
fit into a T-base constructed of 4’x4’ lumber. The poles were located at radial distances
of 125 and 150 ft except when conducting 80 ft hovers where six VCP locations at radial

distances of 125, 150, and 175 ft were utilized. The VCP positions at 175 ft were
required for the 80 ft hovers to allow for the more elevated pilot field of view. The VCP
radius and height was selected assuming a nominal hover attitude of 7.5 degrees with
consideration of the cockpit field of view. The VCP system, complemented with heads up
display (HUD) information, provided the pilot with adequate positioning cues to locate the
aircraft at hover center.

As the typical test procedure involved dwells at three different headings before landing,
twelve VCPs were utilized. The VCP team stood up and laid down the appropriate poles
for each heading. A VCP team coordinator optimized test sequencing and organized pole
pair teams. The pole team coordinator was equipped with a scanner to monitor the test
frequency and an FM radio to provide communication with the test conductor. A hover
station observer (HSO), equipped with a transit, was stationed in the outside of 300 ft to
observe hover station keeping.

The VCP system was not required for NoGo VTOs. For these events, the plane captain
directed the pilot into position using the markings on the VTOL pad. However, the pilot
did confirm the position using the VCPs.

Velocity and Temperature Measurement

Thermal and velocity data, as a function of height above the ground, was collected using
four fixed rakes provided by NASA Ames Research Center. Each rake was ten feet tall
and populated with total pressure, 3 hole total pressure, and static pressure probes as well
as thermocouples. Three angled rakes were located at 30, 50, and 75 ft from the hover
center and one long rake was located at 100 ft. Directional sensors (ducks) were mounted
to the angle rake base plates at three inches AGL to measure horizontal flow direction.
Pressure lines were used to transfer pressure readings from the probes to the data system
in the data van. Reference ambient static pressure was measured by a pressure probe that was
located in a baffled box inside the data van. Additional transducers, most notably four high-
response pressure transducers per rake, were added to adapt the rakes for the specific
objectives of this test. A more detailed discussion of the velocity and thermal
measurement systems is included in Reference 2.

Pressure Transducers and Thermocouples: Two types of pressure transducers were

used. Electronic scanning pressure (ESP) modules were used to collect steady-state data
and individual high-response pressure transducers were used to collect dynamic data. ESP
modules were calibrated at the test site prior to each sortie. The high-reponse pressure
transducers were also calibrated at the test site several times, but not prior to each sortie.

Outwash flow gas temperature was measured with 20-gauge, type J thermocouples,
capable of measuring up to 900 oF. A total quantity of 32 thermocouples were utilized.

Data Systems: Three separate data systems were used to collect steady state velocity,
dynamic velocity, and temperature data. Each system was sinked to inter-range

instrumentation group (IRIG) time. The data systems were located in the data van. A
Pressure Systems Inc. model 8400 featuring an analog input unit was used to measure all
100 channels of steady-state pressure data. High-response pressure data was collected
using a personal computer based system featuring a digitizing card. High-response
pressure data was sampled at 100 Hz and recorded without filtering. A TempScan/1100A
unit manufactured by Iotech, Inc. was used to collect temperature data. The
TempScan/100A is a compact instrument that is capable of measuring 196 thermocouple
inputs at a ±0.9 oF accuracy. Temperature data was recorded on a personal computer
through an RS-232/422 interface. Further detail on the data systems are presented in
Reference 2.

VTOL Pad Surface Temperature Measurement

Since one of the test objectives was to measure the pad temperatures resulting from nogo
VTO operations, a non invasive technique using a infrared (IR) imager was employed.

Test Procedure: The aircraft was positioned over hover center under the direction of the
plane captain. Following an engine acceleration check with nozzles at 60 degrees, the
aircraft power setting was stabilized at short lift wet or short lift dry for ten seconds
during nogo VTOs. Immediately following the 10 second period, the aircraft was then
taxied away from hover center and the infrared imager was moved into position to view
the hot spot. Thermographic images were acquired at 10-20 second intervals to assess the
thermal decay over approximately 8 minutes. The temperature of the hot spot at
shutdown was then extrapolated from the data using a fourth order polynomial. As a step
to minimize heat damage to the aircraft structure, the aircraft was not repositioned at the
hover center sooner that five minutes after the previous Nogo VTO. A hand-held infrared
temperature gun was used to collect pad temperature data before the camera could be
positioned and for comparison to thermographic images. The temperature gun was also
used to measure the main landing gear wheel temperature.

Infrared Imager: Thermographic images of the VTOL pad were acquired using an
AGEMA Model 780 infrared imaging system. The AGEMA 780 is sensitive to infrared
emissions in the 3-5 mm bandwidth. Measurements are taken in “isotherm units” (units of
watts/steradian) and compared to a calibrated blackbody standard. An emmissivity setting
of 0.95 was used based on spot checks of the AM-2 prior to testing and previous
experience. Atmospheric transmission losses were accounted for. Further detail on
emissivity and atmospheric corrections is presented in Reference 1.

To achieve the desired field of regard, the AGEMA infrared imager was mounted on the
platform of a B-6 maintenance stand pulled by a pickup truck. The imager’s AGL was 22
ft. The infrared image, using a nominal 40 degree field of view, was approximately 15.5
by 16.0 ft (horizontal by vertical).

Acoustic Noise Measurements

Acoustical noise measurements were performed by a team from Armstrong Lab (AL),
Bio-Acoustics Branch, Wright Patterson AFB. Noise measurements were made externally
around the aircraft and in the cockpit. External Noise measurements were made during
the 50 ft hover and Nogo VTO test conditions. Acoustical noise was recorded for 20
seconds for each stabilized test point. Far-field acoustical noise measurements were made
for two sequential 20 second intervals during hovers. The first measurement was used to
map the forward right-hand quadrant and the second to map the aft right-hand quadrant.
This back-to-back sequence allowed a 180 degree angle to be measured with nearly equal
fuel levels and ambient environmental conditions.

Far-Field: Far-field data was recorded by a fixed array of microphones, located as

illustrated in Figure 2, covering a 90 degree sector at radii of 100 ft and 250 ft from the
hover center. The microphones were located at 4 ft AGL and fed into one of two multi-
channel recorders located approximately 300 ft from the aircraft. Cabling was run
radially away from the aircraft and toward the recorders. Sand bags and one gallon water
jugs were used to stabilize the 100 ft microphone tri-pods.

Near-Field: Near-field data was recorded at 30 and 50 ft from aircraft center. Data was
recorded by microphones mounted to the 30 and 50 ft velocity rake fixtures – two
microphones and a shared power supply at each rake. One microphone was 5 ft AGL and
the other was approximately 8 ft AGL. Near-field data was measured at 20 degree
increments around one side of the aircraft in conjunction with velocity and temperature

Cockpit: Internal noise measurements were recorded on a portable two channel tape
recorder. A microphone, mounted on the external surface of the pilot’s helmet was used
to record ambient cockpit noise. A miniature microphone positioned under the protective
earcup was used to record the noise level at the pilot’s ear. The recording system
interfaced with the aircraft communication system so that the pilot could verbally annotate
the tape.

Ground Observer Measurements: A two channel instrumentation system was used to

measure the ambient noise level at the observer’s head and also under the protective
earcup at the ear. The observer remained at a distance from the hover center of 50 ft or
greater during testing.

Flow Visualization

Two types of flow visualization techniques were employed. The first used an infrared
camera located at approximately 300 ft of radial distance. The second used smoke
grenades (MK-13 - orange aircrew emergency locators) in conjuction with a video
recorder. The smoke grenades were attached, using safety wire and aluminum tape, to
both ends of a ten foot piece of 3/4’ metal conduit. A Radiance 1 Portable Infrared

Camera System was used to visualize flow field characteristics. The camera was a fully
integrated, self contained, high performance infrared camera system based on staring focal
plane array technology. This system used a 256x256 Indium Antimonide (InSb) array
sensitive over the 3 to 5 micron waveband. The camera was cooled with a mechanical
micro-cooler not requiring liquid nitrogen. Data and IRIG time was stored on VHS video
tape. The camera was powered by a 110 V AC power generator.


Qualitative observers fitted with cranials, goggles, double hearing protection, coveralls,
and safety shoes were permitted to experience the outwash field as close as 50 ft from the
hover center during aircraft maneuvers. Observations on flowfield characteristics were
also provided by VCP team members.


Steady-State Velocity and Temperature

The outwash velocities and temperatures were successfully quantified for steady hovers
and during Nogo VTOs. Velocity and temperature peak (maximum steady state value
measured at a given rake location) data footprints for 50 ft hovers are presented in Figure
3. Aircraft gross weight and HWR are provided for each data point. Interpolation to
allow generation of contours was conducted using a weighting process known as kriging.
For a 50 ft radar altimeter height, the measured peak velocity and temperature at the
published 50 ft hazard radius was 61knots at 60 deg off the nose and 129 deg F at 80 deg
off the nose, respectively. Both of these peaks were measured low to the ground at the
nine inch AGL sensor locations; However, it is important to note that the profile of
velocity and temperature as a function of height AGL varies sharply as a function of
azimuth. Towards the wingtip, the ground sheet is relatively thin. At the nose and tail,
the sheet is much thicker. A comprehensive discussion of the measured data as a function
of height AGL is presented in Reference 2. Less comprehensive data was collected for
hover heights of 30 and 80 ft of radar altitude. Peak velocity and temperature data are
provided in Tables 1 and 2 for comparison. 50 ft hover data at 310 degrees will be
presented in a future NAWCAD report. It should be noted that the aircraft gross weight
was 16,123 (HWR 0.80), 15,483 lbs (HWR 0.79), and 16,803 lb (HWR 0.83) for the
comparable 30, 50 ft, and 80 ft hovers, respectively. A comprehensive data set, including
comparable data from the high-response data system, is presented in Reference 1.
Comparisons with other Harrier outwash measured data and analytical predictions are
underway. A discussion on the normalization of the outwash data relative to the aircraft
hover weight is presented in Reference 3.

Unsteady Velocity and Temperature

To allow validation of both independent pressure measuring systems, the peak and mean
velocity data from the high-response data system were plotted against the results from the

steady-state system for comparison. The mean high-response data generally compared
well with the steady-state data. The high-response velocity data from the dynamic
maneuvers is questionable because static pressure local to the dynamic sensors was not
recorded. There was also lag in the temperature data system affecting the computation of
velocity. The velocity footprints presented in this paper, as well as those presented in
Reference 1, were derived from steady-state data. Raw temperatures and pressures, as
well as velocity time histories for selected dynamic maneuvers, are presented in Reference
1. Data was filtered, post-test, at 0, 0.5, and 5 Hz with 5 Hz being optimum for isolating
meaningful data.

Acoustic Noise

Comprehensive external and cockpit internal noise data, overall and spectral, is presented
and analyzed in Reference 4. The external noise can be characterized as broadband with
no pure tone content within the audible frequency band. An A-weighted acoustic noise
level carpet plot for a 50 ft hover condition is presented as Figure 4. For all high power
test conditions, the noise level exceeded the threshold for double hearing protection, 104
dB(A), at the 250 ft microphone locations. Overall A-weighted levels at the pilot’s ear
during ground idle and hover conditions were 50 and 54 dB(A), respectively. These are
benign levels from both a hearing hazard or communications perspective.


VTOL Pad Surface Temperatures: Following the first, third, and fifth nogo VTO, the
infrared imager was positioned over the hot spot in a time of 2:15, 1:15, and 1:07,
respectively, from the time of throttle down. Peak AM-2 Mat temperatures extrapolated
from thermographic images ranged between 426 and 578 degrees Fahrenheit. A complete
thermographic data report is presented in Reference 1.

VTOL Pad Surface Erosion: There were several events of AM-2 non-skid erosion
observed following the nogo VTO testing. The Expeditionary Airfield personnel on-site
indicated that the relatively small areas of erosion would not result in the pad being
downed, as the failure criteria is 30% of the non-skid coating being eroded from a panel.
Erosion of non-skid coating from AM-2 has not been a problem in service; However, the
length of time at full power for the test nogos was twice that of worst case exposure
during standard operations. The panels retained the non-skid coating in the area above the
AM-2 webs, indicating that the non-skid was retained in areas that were able to more
efficiently conduct heat away from the surface. A more comprehensive discussion of the
observed erosion is presented in Reference 5.

Aircraft Skin Temperatures

Peak skin temperatures exceeded 400 degrees Fahrenheit in the areas indicated in Figure
1. Results indicate that current applique’s are unsuitable for some surface areas of the
Harrier and possibly the STOVL variant of JSF. Further evaluation of the suitability of

applique’ on STOVL aircraft is being considered for the next phase of Harrier testing.
Specifically, applique’ coupons may be applied to high temperature areas.

Lessons Learned

Visual Cue Pole System: The VCP system was satisfactory based on HSO personnel
observations. However, the pilot commented that the concept could be improved by
arranging the poles symmetrically relative to the test heading (sacrificing angular
separation). Positioning the poles at +/- 35 degrees relative to the pilot design eye
position will be considered for future tests. Symmetric pole orientation should enhance
gross acquisition of the target heading. The pilot confirmed that the VCP height and radii
were satisfactory. He noted that the 125 ft poles were out of his field of view during 80 ft
hovers as expected.

Hover Station Observer: The HSO concept for accessing hover station keeping was
satisfactory for the purposes of this test. However, for future tests the concept will be
enhanced by using video recording cameras that feature a vertical reference line and IRIG
time. This solution is preferred over a laser tracker approach because of the costs and
complexities associated with laser systems and temporary reflector installations on test

Nogo VTOs: The main gear tires failed following the sixth nogo VTO. Following each
nogo, the plane captain visually inspected the tires during the cool down period. The
plane captain expressed concern on the condition of the tires following the fourth nogo.
The tires were considered to be too weakened to continue testing following the sixth nogo
(sidewalls had lost stiffness). Following a cool down period, an attempt to taxi the aircraft
back to the hangar to replace the tires was made. Shortly after entering the taxiway the
tires were considered too deflated to allow safe taxi. The tire failure was apparently
caused by a combination of the high temperatures softening the sidewalls and the high
sideloads caused by a tight turning radius at a high gross weight. The softening of the tire
carcass allowed the tire bead to deform resulting in a loss of pressure. Monitoring of the
tire temperature with the handheld infrared gun indicated that the hub temperatures did
not approach the 345 F temperature typically associated with fuse plug melting. It is
speculated that the cumulative effects of hot nozzle flow against the tire sidewall led to
the failures. Similar failures should be anticipated and prepared for, as they were for this
test, if repeated nogo VTOs are to be performed.

There was evidence of ground sheet rollup before reaching the 100 ft rake during nogo
VTO testing with 10-12 knots of ambient wind. This suggests that future tests should be
limited to a wind component opposing the outwash below five knots .


Outwash flow field observation were made by dedicated observers who approached as
close as 50 ft away from hover center as well as those individuals at 100 to 200 ft from

hover center. Upon review of test video, one would conclude initially that the observers
at 50 ft would be most uncomfortable with the poor footing and instability associated with
the unsteady outwash. However, one observer, who experienced the outwash in the area
of a wingtip, indicated that the high temperature was predominant. Observers outside of
100 ft noted longer than expected delays in the arrival of the ground sheet. It was noted
that during vertical takeoffs the ground sheet arrived typically in about 3-4 seconds at 125
ft radial distance. There were some differences as a function of aircraft azimuth, but in
most cases the sheet arrived in less than 5 seconds. There was one instance, at an azimuth
45 degrees off the nose, that the sheet took 12 seconds to arrive at 125 ft. When the sheet
did arrive at that radial distance, it was noted that the velocity felt constant with height
above the ground.


Flow Visualization: The MK-13 locator flares (smoke grenades) used to provide flow
visualization were unsatisfactory because smoke generation was too brief. However,
limited smoke flow visualization was captured on video. In the future, longer duration
smoke cans should be used. The infrared camera system worked satisfactory for flow field
visualization for the aft nozzles. The combustion byproducts proved to be an acceptable
seeding material. The infrared system did not pick up front nozzle efflux. The system was
not useful for quantitative measurement of ground sheet characteristics. While the
directional ducks did not provide the desired recorded directional data because they were
not properly calibrated, they served as a useful visual indication of the flow dynamics in
terms of angularity and frequency.

Sensors and Data Systems: The flow sensors and data systems were satisfactory with
the following exceptions or recommended enhancements:
• thermocouple data acquisition system components failed when not in a
environmentally controlled environment
• thermocouple system lag is a concern for future dynamic testing
• greater angular resolution of the ambient wind system is desirable
• upfront data filtering for data spike management is recommended
• low cost high-response sensors exhibited undesirable drift

Future Tests

An advanced outwash measurement system (OMS) has been designed and is currently
under fabrication by the JSF STOVL Test Team. The OMS will be a remotely controlled,
cart-mounted rake system. The OMS will feature components suitable to collect
oscillatory temperature and pressure data under extreme STOVL outwash flow conditions
including those predicted for the JSF STOVL variants. The OMS is being designed to
obtain accurate data throughout the wall jet profiles typically found in STOVL aircraft
outwash during both steady and dynamic maneuvers. The focus will be on high-response
data, as the long residence maneuvers required by a steady-state data system are not
acceptable for the X-32B/X-35B flight test programs. The OMS will be used for a second

AV-8B -408 test in the fall of 1998. This test will repeat a set of conditions previously
tested to prove the viability of the OMS. In addition, the scope of the database will be
expanded to include the short takeoff environment and other conditions of interest.
Following assessment of the next set of test data, and further refinement of test procedures
from the next test phase, the cart system will be improved as required for JSF
demonstrator testing. Pending JSF Program Office approval, the OMS will be utilized
during X-32B and X-35B lift system testing at Pratt & Whitney followed by X-32B and
X-35B aircraft testing


This survey was made possible through the support of the JSF Program Office and the
cooperation of the AV-8 test community. The success of this effort can be attributed to
the combined efforts of many government and industry experts from a diversity of
technical disciplines.


1. Nantz, Bob, “AV-8B External Environment Survey - Phase Zero”, Rev A, compact
disk, of 26 November, 1997.
2. Gonzalez, Hugo, “Velocity and Temperature Measurements of An AV-8B Harrier
Wall Jet During Hover”, AIAA Paper 14, London, UK, 2-4 September, 1998.
3. Tim Naumawicz, “An Analysis of Thrust Normalization of Ground Flowfield
Pressures, Temperatures, and Velocity for an AV-8B -408 Harrier During Hover”,
AIAA Paper 15, London, UK, 2-4 September, 1998.
4. Loikith, Gary, “AV-8B Harrier II Airplane External and Internal Acoustical Noise”,
NAWCADPAX—97-264-TM, of 12 December, 1997.
5. McCarthy, Kevin, “An Overview of the JSF Surface Erosion Analytical Method”,
AIAA 98-3861, July, 1998.


16 17

6 11
5 15

9 14 21
4 1 19
7 13
3 20

Temp Location On Aircraft 7/8/97 7/9/97 7/10/97 7/11/97 Highest

Tape Temp
Number (deg F)
1 upper, port wingtip inboard of RCS outlet > 400 > 400 > 400 > 400 > 400
2 top surface of aft tail bullet fairing 410 410 410 410 410
3 port wing leading edge outboard 160 160 160 160 160
4 port wing leading edge inboard 180 180 180 180 180
5 top center wing skin aft of APU exhaust 120 NR NR 150 150
6 APU access panel just aft of APU exhaust < 330 NR NR < 330 < 330
7 lower, starboard wingtip skin inboard of RCS outlet 270 310 310 310 310
8 lower fuselage skin between strakes < 330 < 330 < 330 < 330 < 330
9 aft inboard skin of port strake < 250 250 Missing Missing 250
10 forward inboard skin of port strake < 170 170 200 200 200
11 forward outboard skin of port strake < 170 < 170 < 170 < 170 < 170
12 aft outboard skin of port strake < 250 < 250 250 Missing 250
13 lower center fuselage skin between nozzles 130 130 170 170 170
14 port fuselage skin just aft and below blast deflector < 250 < 250 < 250 < 250 < 250
15 port fuselage skin between blast deflector and flap < 250 < 250 < 250 < 250 < 250
16 lower inboard skin of port flap skin 310 330 330 330 330
17 lower outboard corner of port flap skin 120 130 180 180 180
18 lower port inboard wing skin between nozzles < 170 < 170 170 170 170
19 main landing gear door forward edge port side 200 > 270 Missing Missing > 270
20 inboard forward corner of port stabilator < 170 < 170 < 170 < 170 < 170
21 lower skin just forward of pitch RCS outlet in tail bullet > 400 Missing Missing Missing > 400
Notes: "NR" indicates that temperature was not recorded
"Missing" indicates that the temperature tape came off
the aircraft during flight
< or > symbols indicate that temperatures were lower or
higher than applied temp tape range
Note: Five 8-point irreversible temperature tape ranges were utilized. The temperature resolution of the
tapes ranged from 5 degrees F for the lower temperature ranges to 10 or 15 degrees F for the higher range.

Figure 1
Measured External Skin Temperature Data (Maximum in Degrees Fahrenheit)

IR Camera, Power,
and Ambient Wind
Station Outside of
260 ft.

Figure 2. General Test Site Arrangement

16723 .84
16443 .83
17203 .87
17443 .88
16203 .82
15683 .78
15483 .79
18683 .91
18363 .90
260o 280o
18673 .86
240o 300o 18483 .93


200o 100 340o

180o 0o

100 75 50 30 30 50 75 100 feet


260o 280o

240o 300o



200o 340o

180o 0o

100 75 50 30 30 50 75


Figure 3. Maximum Velocity and Temperature Contours

Figure 4. Acoustic Contours During 50 ft Hover

Table 1. Peak Temperatures for 30, 50, and 80 ft Stable Hovers

Horiz.Dist. from Aircraft (ft)

30 50 75 100
Azmuth (deg) 30 ft Hov 50 ftHov 80 ft Hov 30ft Hov 50ft Hov 80ft Hov 30ft Hov 50ftHov 80ft Hov 30ft Hov 50ft Hov 80ft Hov
0 (nose) 97.1 108.3 83.6 94.4
340 109.3 89 94.3 82
330 91.5 96.28 87.8 87.37
320 103.9 116.6 124.27 106 92.6 97.3 96.34 92.3
310 105.24 114.44 91.7 94.8
300 167.2 122.12 121.2 110.7 109.2 103.72 99.9 92.38
280 171.5 128.5 104.5 99
260 183.6 126.6 107 96.3
240 145.3 126.6 100.3 96.3
220 138.5 114.7 102.3 91.2
200 143.1 119.1 100.8 98.9
180 (tail) 167.5 124.6 96.4 95.6
Note:Temperatures in Deg F

Table 2. Peak Velocities for 30, 50, and 80 ft Stable Hovers

Horiz.Dist. from Aircraft (ft)

30 50 75 100
Azmuth (deg) 30 ft Hov 50 ftHov 80 ft Hov 30ft Hov 50ft Hov 80ft Hov 30ft Hov 50ftHov 80ft Hov 30ft 50ft Hov 80ft Hov
0 (nose) 82.11 53.23 38.55 34.60
340 78.10 54.48 32.41 27.79
330 25.2 45.45 10.78 21.91
320 65.65 78.10 82.18 56.25 27.77 30.65 36.39 28.35
310 60.45 79.98 21.84 35.89
300 122.60 51.21 60.99 49.95 36.67 25.19 29.26 21.17
280 112.21 57.36 31.47 25.28
260 115.62 52.05 30.70 20.48
240 82.75 47.74 29.95 21.81
220 70.36 36.24 26.87 15.43
200 91.69 49.38 28.23 18.62
180 (tail) 94.93 39.56 48.25 21.07
Note: Wind Velocities are in Kts


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