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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: F3318 − 18

Standard for
Additive Manufacturing – Finished Part Properties –
Specification for AlSi10Mg with Powder Bed Fusion – Laser
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3318; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope ization established in the Decision on Principles for the

1.1 This specification covers additively manufactured Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
AlSi10Mg (similar to DIN EN 1706:2013-12 EN AC-43000) mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
parts using powder bed fusion such as laser melting. The parts Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
produced by these processes are used typically in applications
2. Referenced Documents
that require mechanical properties similar to or exceeding those
of cast aluminum products of equivalent alloys. Parts manu- 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
factured to this specification are often, but not necessarily, post B213 Test Methods for Flow Rate of Metal Powders Using
processed via machining, grinding, electrical discharge ma- the Hall Flowmeter Funnel
chining (EDM), polishing, and so forth to achieve desired B214 Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Metal Powders
surface finish and critical dimensions. B243 Terminology of Powder Metallurgy
1.2 This specification is intended for the use of purchasers B311 Test Method for Density of Powder Metallurgy (PM)
or producers, or both, of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg Materials Containing Less Than Two Percent Porosity
parts for defining the requirements and ensuring part proper- B769 Test Method for Shear Testing of Aluminum Alloys
ties. B855 Test Method for Volumetric Flow Rate of Metal
Powders Using the Arnold Meter and Hall Flowmeter
1.3 Users are advised to use this specification as a basis for Funnel
obtaining parts that will meet the minimum acceptance require- B964 Test Methods for Flow Rate of Metal Powders Using
ments established and revised by consensus of the members of the Carney Funnel
the committee. D3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
1.4 User requirements considered more stringent may be E3 Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
met by the addition to the purchase order of one or more E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Ma-
supplementary requirements, which may include, but are not terials
limited to, those listed in Supplementary Requirements E9 Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Mate-
S1–S16. rials at Room Temperature
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the E10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
standard. Other units are included only for informational E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test
purposes. Sieves
E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Ma-
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the terials
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the E21 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Metallic Materials
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- E23 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Me-
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. tallic Materials
1.7 This international standard was developed in accor- E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- Determine Conformance with Specifications

This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F42 on Additive
Manufacturing Technologies and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
F42.05 on Materials and Processes. contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved May 1, 2018. Published June 2018. DOI: 10.1520/ Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
F3318-18. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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F3318 − 18
E34 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum and ISO 6506-1 Metallic materials – Brinell hardness test – Part
Aluminum-Base Alloys (Withdrawn 2017)3 1: Test method
E155 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum ISO 6507-1 Metallic materials – Vickers hardness test – Part
and Magnesium Castings 1: Test method
E238 Test Method for Pin-Type Bearing Test of Metallic ISO 6508 Metallic materials – Rockwell hardness test – Part
Materials 1: Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T)
E384 Test Method for Microindentation Hardness of Mate- ISO 6892-1 Metallic materials – Tensile testing at ambient
rials temperature
E399 Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture ISO 6892-2 Metallic materials – Tensile testing – Part 2:
Toughness KIc of Metallic Materials Method of test at elevated temperature
E407 Practice for Microetching Metals and Alloys ISO 9001 Quality management system – Requirements
E466 Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant ISO 9044 Industrial woven wire cloth – Technical require-
Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials ments and testing
E606 Test Method for Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing ISO 12108 Metallic materials – Fatigue testing – Fatigue
E607 Test Method for Atomic Emission Spectrometric crack growth method
Analysis Aluminum Alloys by the Point to Plane Tech- ISO 12111 Metallic materials – Fatigue testing – Strain-
nique Nitrogen Atmosphere (Withdrawn 2011)3 contolled thermomechanical fatigue testing method
E647 Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack ISO 12135 Metallic materials – Unified method of test for
Growth Rates the determination of quasistatic fracture toughness
E1251 Test Method for Analysis of Aluminum and Alumi- ISO 12737 Metallic materials – Determination of plane-
num Alloys by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry strain fracture toughness (withdrawn)
E1417 Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing ISO 19819 Metallic materials – Tensile testing in liquid
E1450 Test Method for Tension Testing of Structural Alloys helium
in Liquid Helium 2.5 SAE Standards:6
E1479 Practice for Describing and Specifying Inductively AMS 2175 Castings, Classification and Inspection of
Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers AMS 2771 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings
E1742 Practice for Radiographic Examination AMS 9100 Quality Systems – Aerospace – Model for
E1820 Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production,
E2368 Practice for Strain Controlled Thermomechanical Installation and Servicing
Fatigue Testing 2.6 ASME Standards:7
F2971 Practice for Reporting Data for Test Specimens Pre- ASME B46.1 Surface Texture
pared by Additive Manufacturing 2.7 NIST Standard:8
F3049 Guide for Characterizing Properties of Metal Pow- IR 7847 CODEN:NTNOEF
ders Used for Additive Manufacturing Processes 2.8 VDI:9
2.2 ISO/ASTM Standards:2 VDI 3405 Part 2.1 Additive Manufacturing Processes, Rapid
52900 Additive Manufacturing – General Principles – Ter- Manufacturing Laser Beam Melting of Metallic Parts,
minology Material Data Sheet for Aluminium Alloy AlSi10Mg
52915 Specification for Additive Manufacturing File Format 2.9 DIN:10
(AMF) Version 1.1 DIN EN 1706:2013-12 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys –
52921 Terminology for Additive Manufacturing – Coordi- Castings – Chemical Composition and Mechanical Prop-
nate Systems and Test Methodologies erties
2.3 ASQ Standard4
ASQ 1 Specification of General Requirements for a Quality 3. Terminology
Program 3.1 Definitions:
2.4 ISO Standards:5 3.1.1 Terminology relating to additive manufacturing in
ISO 148-1 Metallic materials – Charpy pendulum impact Terminology ISO/ASTM 52900 shall apply.
test – Part 1: Test method 3.1.2 Terminology relating to coordinate systems in Termi-
ISO 1099 Metallic materials – Fatigue testing – Axial nology ISO/ASTM 52921 shall apply.
force-controlled method
ISO 4545 Metallic materials – Knoop hardness test – Part 2: 6
Available from SAE International (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale,
Verification and calibration of testing machines PA 15096, http://www.sae.org.
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
International Headquarters, Two Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http://
3 8
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100
www.astm.org. Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070, http://www.nist.gov.
4 9
Available from American Society for Quality (ASQ), 600 N. Plankinton Ave., Available from The Association of German Engineers (VDI), Beuth Verlag
Milwaukee, WI 53203, http://www.asq.org. GmbH, 10772 Berlin, https://www.din.de/en.
5 10
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., Available from Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.(DIN), Am DIN-Platz,
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org. Burggrafenstrasse 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany, http://www.din.de.

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F3318 − 18
3.1.3 Terminology relating to powder metallurgy in Termi- 6.1.1 A machine, manufacturing control system, and quali-
nology B243 shall apply. fication procedure as agreed upon by the part supplier and
4. Condition
NOTE 2—Qualification procedures typically require qualification build
4.1 Unless otherwise specified herein, the material condi- cycles in which mechanical property test specimens are prepared and
tion shall meet the requirements in each section of this measured in accordance with Section 11 or other applicable standards.
standard. Location, orientation on the build platform, build parameters/exposure
strategies, number of test specimens for each machine qualification build
NOTE 1—Refer to Section 8 for build platform temperature require- cycle, and relationship between specimen test results and part quality shall
ment. be agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser.
4.1.1 Condition SR1, parts shall be stress relieved or par- 6.1.2 Feedstock that meets the requirements of Section 7;
tially annealed in accordance with 12.1. 6.1.3 The machine identification, including machine soft-
4.1.2 Condition SR2, parts shall be stress relieved or par- ware version, build parameters/exposure strategies, manufac-
tially annealed in accordance with 12.2. turing control system version (if automated), build chamber
4.1.3 Condition T6, parts shall be solution heat treated and environment, machine conditioning, and calibration informa-
artificially aged in accordance with 12.3. tion of the qualified machine;
4.1.4 Condition HIP+T6, parts shall be hot isostatic pressed, 6.1.4 Predetermined process as substantiated by the quali-
solution heat treated and artificially aged in accordance with fication procedure;
12.4. 6.1.5 Safeguards to ensure traceability of the digital files,
4.1.5 Condition NHT, parts are supplied in the as built including design history and source of the parts;
condition in accordance with 12.5. 6.1.6 All of the steps necessary to start the build process,
4.1.6 Thermal post processing, and the corresponding lot including build platform selection, machine cleaning, and
acceptance values, to other conditions not listed herein shall be powder handling;
defined by the purchaser. 6.1.7 The requirements for approving/qualifying machine
5. Ordering Information 6.1.8 Logging of machine build data files, upper and lower
5.1 Orders for parts compliant with this specification shall limits of the parameters affecting part quality and other process
include the following to describe the requirements adequately: validation controls;
5.1.1 This specification designation, 6.1.9 The number of parts per build cycle, their orientation
5.1.2 Description or part number of product desired, and location on the build platform, and support structures, if
5.1.3 Quantity of product desired, required;
5.1.4 Material condition, 6.1.10 Process steps including, but not limited to, Section 8;
5.1.5 Units of measurement (SI or US Customary), 6.1.11 Post-processing procedure, including sequence of the Discussion—The STL file format used by many post-processing steps and the specifications for each step;
powder bed fusion machines does not contain units of mea- 6.1.12 Thermal processing including platform temperature
surement as metadata. When only STL files are provided by the during build process, and post build stress relief, hot isostatic
purchaser, ordering information should specify the units of the pressing, or other heat treatment specified by the purchaser;
part along with the electronic data file. More information about and
data files can be found in ISO/ASTM 52915. 6.1.13 Inspection requirements as agreed upon by the part
5.1.6 Dimensions an tolerances (Section 14), supplier and purchaser, including any supplementary require-
5.1.7 Mechanical properties (Section 11), ments.
5.1.8 Methods for chemical analysis (Section 9),
5.1.9 Sampling plans as agreed upon by the part supplier 7. Feedstock
and purchaser, including any supplementary requirements (see 7.1 The feedstock for this specification shall be pre-alloyed
1.4). metal powder, as defined in Terminology B243, that has the
5.1.10 Post-processing sequence of operations, particle size distribution, shape, density, and flow rate accept-
5.1.11 part marking such as labeling the serial or lot number able for the process as determined by the part supplier.
in the CAD file prior to the build cycle, or product tagging, 7.2 The metal powder shall be free from detrimental
5.1.12 Packaging, amounts of inclusions and impurities, and its chemical com-
5.1.13 Certification, position shall be adequate to yield, after processing, the final
5.1.14 Disposition of rejected material (Section 15), and chemical composition listed in Table 1.
5.1.15 Other supplementary requirements as agreed upon by
the part supplier and purchaser such as allowable porosity (See 7.3 Powder blends are allowed unless otherwise specified
1.4). between the part supplier and purchaser, as long as all powder
used to create the powder blend has a flow rate acceptable for
6. Manufacturing Plan the process, meets the chemical composition requirements in
6.1 All parts manufactured to this specification shall have a Table 1 and lot numbers are documented and maintained.
manufacturing plan that includes, but is not limited to, the 7.4 Used powder is allowed unless otherwise specified
following: between the part supplier and purchaser. The proportion of

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F3318 − 18
TABLE 1 Chemical Composition (wt %) NOTE 3—In addition to tension test specimens, fatigue test specimens
Element min max may be required by the purchaser to be built with the parts at the beginning
and end of each production run. Fatigue testing is described in Supple-
Copper - 0.05
Iron - 0.55
mentary Requirement S6.
Magnesium 0.20 0.45 8.2 Permissible parameter or process changes, or both, and
Manganese - 0.45
Nickel - 0.05
extent of external intervention during the build cycle shall be
Silicon 9.0 11.0 identified in the manufacturing plan. All process changes shall
Zinc - 0.10 be monitored and recorded. When agreed to by the purchaser,
Titanium - 0.15
Lead - 0.05
minor changes to the manufacturing plan are permissible
Tin - 0.05 without machine requalification.
Other (each)A - 0.05
Other (total)A - 0.15 8.3 The metal powder distribution system should be non-
AluminumB Balance contaminating to the feedstock. What constitutes non-
Other element test requirements to be agreed upon by the supplier and contaminating shall be agreed upon by the part supplier and
purchaser. purchaser.
The percentage of aluminum content by difference is not required to be
determined or certified. 8.4 The build platform temperature used during the build
process shall be set to 95°C maximum. Use of higher build
platform temperatures shall be agreed upon by the part supplier
virgin powder to used powder shall be recorded and reported and purchaser.
for each production run. The maximum number of times used 8.5 Condition and finish of the parts shall be agreed upon by
powder can be used as well as the number of times any portion the part supplier and purchaser.
of a powder lot can be processed in the build chamber should
be agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser. After a build 8.6 Post-processing operations may be used to achieve the
cycle, any remaining used powder may be blended with virgin desired shape, size, surface finish, or other part properties. The
powder to maintain a powder quantity large enough for the post-processing operations shall be agreed upon by the part
next build cycle. The chemical composition of used powders supplier and purchaser.
shall be analyzed regularly, as agreed upon by the part supplier
9. Post Build Chemical Composition Requirements
and purchaser. Powder not conforming to Table 1 or 7.7 is
prohibited to be further processed in the machine. 9.1 Post-build chemical composition of parts shall conform
7.4.1 All used powder shall be sieved with a sieve having a to the requirements specified in Table 1. Methods and practices
mesh size appropriate for removing agglomerates or contami- relating to post-build chemical analysis required by this speci-
nants from the build cycle. fication shall be in accordance with Test Method E34, Practice
E1479, spectrochemical methods in accordance with Test
7.5 All powder sieves used to manufacture parts shall have
Method E607 or Test Method E1251, or a combination thereof,
a certificate of conformance that they were manufactured to
as appropriate. Other analytical methods may be used if agreed
ISO 9044 or all powder sieving shall be in conformance with
upon by the part supplier and purchaser.
Specification E11.
NOTE 4—The post-build chemical composition analysis verification is
7.6 Sieve analysis of used powder or powder lots during separate from the feedstock chemical analysis requirement in Section 7.
incoming inspection or in-process inspection shall be made in
accordance with Test Method B214 or as agreed upon by the 9.1.1 Analysis for elements not listed in Table 1 is not
part supplier and purchaser. Guide F3049 provides guidance on required to certify compliance with this specification.
particle size measurement. 9.2 Chemical check analysis tolerances do not broaden the
7.7 The maximum percentage of any element in Table 1 requirements in Table 1, but cover variations between labora-
may be increased for virgin powder, used powder and powder tories in the measurement of chemical content. The part
blends as agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser. When supplier cannot certify parts to this specification if the part
the part supplier and purchaser agree to an increase in the chemistry is outside the requirements specified in Table 1.
maximum percentage of any element, 9.2 shall apply
10. Microstructure
7.8 Any powder lot or powder blend containing any used
10.1 The microstructural requirements and frequency of
powder shall be considered used powder.
examinations shall be mutually agreed upon by the part
8. Process supplier and purchaser. Specimen preparation shall be in
accordance with Guide E3 and Practice E407.
8.1 Processing shall be conducted in accordance with appli-
cable standards or as agreed upon by the part supplier and 11. Mechanical Properties
purchaser according to an approved manufacturing plan as
described in Section 6. 11.1 Build platform coordinates and build platform location
8.1.1 Test specimens for quality assurance may be required for test specimens shall be used in accordance with ISO/ASTM
to be built and tested in accordance with Section 11 with each 52921.
build cycle or before and after a production run as agreed upon 11.2 Tension test specimens shall be prepared in accordance
by the part supplier and purchaser. with Test Method E8/E8M either before or after thermal

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F3318 − 18
processing as agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser. Some residual stress may remain depending on the stress relief processing.
Tension test specimens shall be of sufficient size to produce a What constitutes an acceptable residual stress level, as well as the method
used to evaluate the residual stress level, must be agreed upon by the part
Test Method E8/E8M, Figure 8-Standard Specimen with a supplier and purchaser. Hot isostatic pressing may be used as the stress
gauge length of four times the diameter. Use of small-size Test relief prior to removing parts from the build platform.
Method E8/E8M or ISO 6892-1 tensile specimen configura-
12.3 Condition T6—Parts shall be solution heat treated in
tions shall require authorization by the purchaser
accordance with AMS 2771 except the temperature shall be
11.3 In accordance with ISO/ASTM 52921, specimens used 530°C (66°C), held for 360 min minimum, quenched in water
for tension testing shall be machined from bulk deposition, or glycol as agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser,
machined from bars or taken from near net shape specimens and aged at 160°C (66°C) for 360 min minimum. Refer to
and built in X, Y, Z, or other orientations as agreed upon by the AMS 2771 for soaking time and furnace type requirements.
part supplier and purchaser
NOTE 5—Mechanical properties of the test specimens may vary because
12.4 Condition HIP+T6—Product shall be hot isostatically
of the location of the sample on the build platform, the test specimen pressed (HIP) under an inert atmosphere at 100 MPa minimum
orientation, build parameters, and the number of parts on the build within the range 510°C - 520°C, held at the selected tempera-
platform (delay time between laser exposures). Whether or not the test ture within 614°C for 180 6 60 min and cooled under inert
specimens are near net shape or machined from larger blocks is defined by atmosphere to below (93°C). HIP shall be followed by Condi-
the user.
tion T6 processing. Refer to AMS 2771 for soaking time and
11.4 Tensile properties on test specimens may be required furnace class requirements.
by the purchaser. Table 2 shows minimum tensile values for a NOTE 8—Use of alternate HIP parameters may be agreed upon by the
range of heat-treatments, as determined in accordance with part supplier and the purchaser in accordance with 4.1.6.
Test Method E8/E8M. 12.5 Condition NHT—No heat treat required. Parts are
11.5 Reporting of tension tests results shall be in accordance supplied in the as-built condition.
with Practice F2971.
13. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
12. Thermal Processing 13.1 Tolerances on as-built parts shall be agreed upon by the
12.1 Condition SR1—Parts shall be stress relieved or par- part supplier and purchaser.
tially annealed in accordance with AMS 2771 except that the 13.2 As-built parts may be machined to meet dimensional
temperature shall be 285°C (614°C), held for 120 min (615 requirements.
min) and cooled at a rate equal to air cooling or faster. Refer to
13.3 Part repair by welding shall require authorization by
AMS 2771 for soaking time and furnace class requirements.
the purchaser.
12.2 Condition SR2—Parts shall be stress relieved or par-
13.4 Process interruptions, restart conditions and proce-
tially annealed in accordance with AMS 2771 except the
dures shall be agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser.
temperature shall be 190°C (614°C), held for 120 min (615
min) and cooled at a rate equal to air cooling or faster. Refer to 14. Retests
AMS 2771 for soaking time and furnace class requirements.
NOTE 6—Other stress relief or partial anneal schedules may be agreed
14.1 If the results of any chemical or mechanical property
upon by the part supplier and the purchaser. Refer to 8.4 for build platform test or any inspection method, including Supplementary Re-
temperature requirement. quirements S1–S15, on a part are not in conformance with the
NOTE 7—Stress relief may be performed while the parts are attached to requirements of this specification, the part may be retested at
the build platform. The stress relief procedure in AMS 2771 may be the option of the part supplier.
followed, except for the time and temperature defined by the purchaser.
14.1.1 The frequency of the retest will be double the initial
number of tests. If the results of the retest conform to the
TABLE 2 Minimum Tensile PropertiesA,B requirement, then the retest values will become the test values
Material Tensile Strength, Yield Strength at Elongation, in for certification.
Condition MPa [ksi], X, Y, 0.2 % offset, 4D, %, X, Y, and
and Z Directions MPa [ksi], X, Y, Z Directions 14.2 All test results including the original test results and
and Z Directions the conforming retest results shall be reported to the purchaser.
SR1 241 [35] 138 [20] 10
SR2 345 [50] 207 [30] 4
14.3 If any of the results for the retest fail to conform with
T6 345 [50] 207 [30] 5 the requirements of this specification, the material shall be
HIP+T6 276 [40] 207 [30] 10 rejected in accordance with Section 17.
NHT 413 [60] 220 [32] 4
The properties represent those of AlSi10Mg additive manufactured material 15. Inspection
processed in a laser powder bed fusion system and heat treated to its correspond-
ing condition. Additional references in tensile properties of this alloy may be found 15.1 Inspection criteria shall be agreed upon by the part
in VDI 3405 Part 2.1.
supplier and purchaser.
The mechanical properties in this table have no statistical significance for design
purposes and are provided as a minimum value for lot acceptance. This is due to
the influence of the metal powder feedstock, the laser powder bed fusion system
16. Rejection
build parameters, and temperature/time used to heat treat the AlSi10Mg additively 16.1 Parts not conforming to this specification, or modifi-
manufactured material. The user is strongly encouraged to verify the adequacy of
the material condition resulting mechanical properties for their application. cations to this specification that are not authorized by the
purchaser, will be subject to rejection.

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F3318 − 18
16.2 All rejected parts shall be quarantined and reported to 19. Quality Program Requirements
the purchaser for disposition. 19.1 The part supplier and its metal powder supplier shall
maintain a quality program as defined in ASQC 1 or other
17. Certification recognized quality management systems such as ISO 9001 or
17.1 A certificate of conformance, including a test AS 9100.
certificate, shall be provided by the part supplier at the time of NOTE 9—To ensure full part and feedstock traceability, the part
shipment stating that the parts were manufactured and tested in purchaser should require the part supplier to use and maintain a compre-
hensive manufacturing control system. What constitutes a comprehensive
accordance with this specification. manufacturing control system shall be agreed upon by the part supplier
17.2 If the part supplier and purchaser are one and the same, and purchaser.
equivalent internal documentation shall be acceptable in lieu of 20. Significance of Numerical Limits
20.1 All observed or calculated values shall be rounded to
18. Product Marking and Packaging the nearest unit in the last right hand digit used in expressing
the specification limit, in accordance with the rounding method
18.1 Each part shall be identified as agreed upon by the part or Practice E29.
supplier and purchaser.
18.2 Unless otherwise specified, parts purchased under this 21. Keywords
specification shall be packaged in accordance with the part 21.1 additive manufacturing; laser powder bed fusion; metal
supplier’s standard practice or Practice D3951. laser sintering; selective laser melting


S1. Furnace Anneal S6. Fatigue Testing

S1.1 Furnace anneal shall be performed to specifications as S6.1 It is recommended that users evaluate fatigue properties
agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser. for powder bed fusion parts that experience dynamic loads in
service. Fatigue testing shall be in accordance with Practice
S2. Liquid Penetrant E466, Test Method E606, or other relevant methods and
performed as agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser.
S2.1 Testing shall be performed only on machined part
surfaces. S7. Feedstock Flow Rate
S2.2 Fluorescent penetrant inspection in accordance with S7.1 In powder bed fusion machines, the feedstock should
Practice E1417 with the sensitivity level agreed upon by the have a flow rate that is optimized for each process. The powder
part supplier and purchaser shall be performed on all parts. flow rate shall be measured in accordance with Test Methods
AMS 2175 may be followed as a reference in defining B964, B213 or B855.
fluorescent penetrant inspection requirements. NOTE 10—Physical characteristics such as inter-particle friction and
particle size of AlSil0Mg powder can vary significantly depending upon
the process used to produce the powder. These physical variations
S3. Radiographic Examination subsequently lead to variations in powder flow characteristics. These
powder flow variations can be critical in additive manufacturing powder
S3.1 Parts shall be subject to radiographic examination in bed fusion machines, and if not addressed properly, may lead to defects
accordance with Practice E1742 and E155. Acceptance criteria such as porosity in the parts. Thus, changes in feedstock vendors may
and sampling plans other than 100 % inspection shall be agreed require revalidation of the process.
upon by the part supplier and purchaser. AMS 2175 may be
followed as a reference in defining radiographic inspection S8. Part Density
requirements. S8.1 Part density shall be measured in accordance with Test
Method B311.
S4. Hardness Test
S9. Surface Finish
S4.1 Hardness tests shall be performed in accordance with
S9.1 As-built surface finish can vary significantly depending
the requirements of Test Method E10 or Test Methods E18 as
on process, machine, material parameters and orientation.
agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser.
Surface finish should be agreed upon by the part supplier and
purchaser as measured in accordance with ASME B46.1 or
S5. Fracture Toughness other relevant methods.
S5.1 Static fracture toughness shall be tested in accordance
with Test Method E399 or Test Method E1820. Use of other S10. Compression Strength
relevant methods requires prior agreement between the part S10.1 Compression shall be tested in accordance with Test
supplier and purchaser. Methods E9.

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F3318 − 18
S11. Shear Strength S15.1.3 When agreed upon by the part supplier and
S11.1 Shear strength shall be tested in accordance with Test purchaser, a first-article inspection shall be performed on each
Method B769. part number.
S15.1.3.1 Single or multiple parts may be included in a
S12. Bearing Strength first-article production run. Use of multiple parts shall be
S12.1 Pin-type bearing test shall be conducted in accordance agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser.
with Test Method E238. S15.1.3.2 The first-article inspection shall include verifica-
tion of the requirements of the engineering drawing and all test
S13. Crack Growth results.
S13.1 Crack growth shall be determined by Test Method S15.1.4 Manufacturing lot inspection shall be performed in
E647 or as agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser. accordance with the manufacturing plan. Inspection criteria
shall be agreed upon by the part supplier and purchaser.
S14. Other Supplemental Requirements S15.1.5 The inspection and sequence of operations shall be
S14.1 Other tests may be performed on parts as agreed upon carried out as listed in the manufacturing plan.
by the part supplier and purchaser. S15.1.6 Manufacturing lots rejected on the basis of a sam-
pling plan, regardless of the inspection method, may be
S15. Quality Assurance resubmitted for 100 % inspection and unacceptable parts
S15.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract: removed from the lot.
S15.1.1 The parts as received by the purchaser shall meet S15.1.7 Individual part rejection shall apply in those in-
engineering tolerances and notes and other requirements of the stances in which 100 % inspection is required in the manufac-
purchase order. turing plan and any individual part fails an inspection method.
S15.1.2 Parts shall be free from cracks, defects, Only unacceptable parts need to be rejected when the balance
discontinuities, foreign material, inclusions, imperfections, and of the parts in the manufacturing lot meet inspection require-
porosity detrimental to the usage of the part. ments.



X1.1 Commercially available powder bed additive manu- to the process parameters can have a dramatic effect on surface
facturing systems have two main heat sources: laser and finish, internal porosity, mechanical properties, and chemical
electron beam. The current industry state only produces composition. Therefore, the manufacturing control system will
AlSi10Mg parts using laser sources with good mechanical contain safeguards to prevent changes of the validated digital
properties and nearly no porosity. The purchaser should be part files and of the process parameters and track the planned
educated as to the differences in the processes and enforce versus real process parameters. It is also a recommendation
additional requirements where appropriate. that parts have tension test specimens built and tested as part of
the machine validation process. Parts built with a robust
X1.2 The commercially available powder bed fusion sys- manufacturing plan are likely to have similar properties to the
tems that melt metal powders to create parts are machines that test specimens. Additionally, this specification allows the
typically allow the operator much latitude in terms of process purchaser to require tension test samples to be included with
parameters. Adjustments by the operator or from other sources each part build cycle; however, this requirement should only be
enforced when lot testing is not adequate or when each process
cycle has significantly different parts in terms of geometry.
TABLE X1.1 Comparison of Similar ASTM and ISO Standards for
X1.3 Suppliers of AlSi10Mg powder bed fusion parts
ASTM ISO Standard Notes
Standard should use a validated, fixed process that takes into account
E8/E8M 6892-1 tension test 10°C – 38°C and minimizes machine-to-machine and operator variability.
E21 6892-2 tension test >38°C The part supplier and purchaser should agree upon what
E1450 19819 tension test #196°C constitutes a validated process and ensure the manufacturing
E10 6506-1 Brinell hardness 10°C – 35°C
E18 6508 Rockwell B, C hardness plan is accurate, comprehensive, adequate, monitored and
E384 4545-1 Knoop Hardness continuously recorded for the parts being procured.
E384 6507-1 Vickers Hardness
E606 1099 fatigue test 10°C – 35°C, strain controlled
E647 12108 crack growth X1.4 In order for this standard to be accepted
E2368 12111 fatigue, thermomechanical, strain controlled internationally, ISO and ASTM reference standards were cited
E399 12737 fracture toughness, plane-strain where applicable. In 2012 the National Institute of Standards
E1820 12135 fracture toughness
E23 148-1 Charpy and Izod tests and Technology (NIST) published an internal report, IR 7847,
called Mechanical Properties Testing for Metal Parts Made via

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jun 14 03:54:27 EDT 2019
Downloaded/printed by
Advanced Systems Laboratory (Advanced Systems Laboratory) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F3318 − 18
Additive Manufacturing: A Review of the State of the Art of and significantly similar test methods between ISO and ASTM
Mechanical Property Testing. In this internal report, the authors as determined by IR 7847. Care should be taken when
compared ISO and ASTM testing methods for determining substituting test methodology and there should be agreement
properties of metal materials. Table X1.1 shows the equivalent between the part supplier and purchaser on all test methods

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