Operational Management Case Study Wilkins, A Zurn Company-Aggregate Production Planning
Operational Management Case Study Wilkins, A Zurn Company-Aggregate Production Planning
Operational Management Case Study Wilkins, A Zurn Company-Aggregate Production Planning
Case Study
Wilkins, A Zurn Company-Aggregate Production Planning
● Company
● Product
● Inventory
● Production Process
● Employee Policies
● Forecast
● Analysis (PVB)
● Analysis (Fire Valve)
● The plant housed the manufacturing ● Reduce inventory by 30% in next quarter
operations, an engineering lab, marketing (sales from the Wilkins plant had grown
and sales operations, and offices for 12 20% in the past year).
managers and 33 non-production
● They manufactured a full line of high- ● They were make-to-stock (MTS) items.
quality products. ● PVBs were available in two series: the 720
● 60% of the sales came from backflow and the 420 series.
prevention devices.
● Pressure reducing valves contributed to Fire Valves
25% of the sales. However, they were
considered to be a commodity product ● Fire valves were used in
with low margins. commercial buildings to
prevent backflow from the
Pressure Vacuum Breakers (PVBs) building’s fire control system.
● Demand for fire valves was seasonal.
● PVBs were a mature ● They were predominantly ordered during
product family in the new building construction.
backflow prevention line.
● The two testing machines in the PVB cell ● Each fire valve was made-to-order.
had a total peak capacity of 1,365 units per ● The testing machine capacity in the fire
10-hour shift. valve production cell was 80 units per day.
● A maximum of seven employees could be This machine was the bottleneck.
assigned to the PVB cell. ● The cell was in operation for one shift per
● For safety reasons, a minimum of 3 day.
employees were assigned during ● Due to anticipated increase in demand, a
production. new testing equipment was scheduled to
● Six workers in PVB cell, department 104, be operational by the start of fiscal 2006.
produced approximately 600 units in one This was expected to reduce cycle time by
eight-hour shift. 37.5%.
● The machine shop, Department 101,
supplied machine castings to the PVB cell.
Aggregate Planning Considering Level Capacity Aggregate Planning Considering Demand Chase
Aggregate Planning Considering Level Capacity Aggregate Planning Considering Demand Chase