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There are three categories of products in the BB according to their demand characteristics.
What’s Next
For What’s next with medium demand and medium volatility, optimal order quantity should be considered and
sourced from china. The service level should be bit low than that of blue jeans. If demand increased, it can be
fulfilled from TJL. There is risk involved in with low demand and comparatively the profit is marginal. So, the quantity
sourced from China should be such that it should not be more than the optimal order quantity calculated using the
newsvendor model. Unlike the blue jeans product, the what’s next products cannot be sold in the following season
and must be salvaged. This increases the risk associated with maintain high service level. The risk can be hedged by
maintaining a service level of 90 % and incase of shortage products can be delivered from TJL. Our proposal for the
what’s next product can be seen in Exhibit 2.
High Fashion
High fashion has low demand with high volatility so sourcing them from China is not a good option. Sourcing from
China would mean risking demand variability. High fashion has a very high overage cost and ordering excess
inventory would mean risking substantial losses. Though on the other hand High fashion products are the most
profitable. Ordering from China would be a double-edged sword. Considering the high risk involved, it is best to get
it from TLJ solely. AS they have a short ETA can cater needs at cheaper price compared to China. This can help in
reducing the loss of sourcing it from China in case there is excess inventory and the demand is low. For high fashion
we propose a JIT(Just in Time) model from TJL. The TJL facility has a capacity of 2200 (average of 55 units per hour)
unit per week. This is enough capacity for producing the high fashion products. But as the number of SKU’s of high
fashion products increases, the facility at Thomas Jefferson Lane would require an expansion to increase the
capacity to accommodate for the new SKU’s in the High fashion products.
In conclusion we propose the following strategy:
1. Blue Jeans product – China supplier only with high service level
2. What’s next – Chinese supplier with low service level and TJL for any unfulfilled demand
3. High Fashion – TJL only.
Sheeny should also monitor the performance of all the SKU’s of High fashion as they would be potential blue jeans
products of the future. This would require seeing which products show a steady demand with an increase. Such
products would then qualify for the blue jeans category. The policy should not be to concentrate only on the blue
jeans product. A more inclusive approach is required. This approach would be a shift from the current policy that
is followed by blue jeans.
Exhibit 1
[ Tim Kraft, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, and Elliott N. Weiss, Oliver Wight Professor of Business
Administration. Copyright © 2015 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA ]