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Behaviour of Concrete Utilizing AR Glass Fibre As A Partial Replacement of Cement

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Research Article Volume 7 Issue No.10

Behaviour of Concrete Utilizing AR Glass Fibre as a Partial

Replacement of Cement
Surendra Bahadur Shahi1, Basant Kumar Bansal2, Dr. Anju Sharma3
M.Tech Student1, Assistant Professor2, 3
Sunrise Group of Institutions, India

Concrete is the construction material without the life of construction industry cannot be imagined. It has been known that concrete
is stronger in compression and weaker in tension. Weak tensile strength combined with brittle behaviour, which results in sudden
tensile failure of structural member without any warning. The aim of this investigation is to decrease environmental pollution &
energy consumption use in cement production and to improve the tensile behaviour of concrete by using AR glass fibre as a
partial replacement of cement in concrete. In this research work cement was replaced by AR glass fibre in different percentages-
0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% and the various mechanical and durability properties of concrete were determined.
Super plasticizer was used to maintain the workability of concrete. The effects on different properties of concrete with AR glass
fibre were evaluated in this study.

Key words: AR Glass fibre, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, SP-431

1. INTRODUCTION Literature shows that the use of fibre improves some properties
like tensile strength, flexural strength, shock absorption
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the capacity etc. It increases the tensile strength of the concrete.
world. It is the homogenous mixture of binding material, sand
and aggregates. The simplest reason for its extensive use in the 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
construction of almost all civil engineering works is that the
properties can be controlled which a wide range by using 2.1 Gupta et al (2017) evaluated the behaviour of light weight
appropriate ingredients. It has been known that concrete is concrete containing glass fibre and fly ash. Replacement of
stronger in compression and weaker in tension. Fibres are Cement by Glass fibres in different fractions with 0%, 1%,
commercially available and manufactured from steel, plastic, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3% and 30% of Fly ash has been used, which
glass and other natural materials. The effect of the fibre in the satisfies the various structural properties of concrete like
composite leads to an increase in the tension and impact compressive strength, flexural strength. Workability was
strength of the concrete glass fibre is a light weight, strong and enhanced by the inclusion of super plasticizer in concrete
waste materials. Fibre Reinforced Concrete can be defined as which was adopted up to 0.5% by the weight of cement. As per
a composite material consisting of mixtures of cement, sand, Indian Standards, standard sizes of cubes and beams were
cement and discontinuous, discrete, uniformly dispersed casted and tested for compressive strength, flexural strength at
suitable fibres. Fibre reinforced concrete is of different types age of 7days, 14 days and 28 days. From result it can be
and properties with many advantages. Continuous meshes, concluded that compressive strength does not improved but the
woven fabrics and long wires or rods are not considered to be flexural strength was improved with the addition of fibre.
discrete fibres.It reduces the air voids and water voids the 2.2Hifzurrahman et al (2017) determined the behaviour of
inherent porosity of gel in concrete and it increases the Glass Fibre Reinforced with Partial Replacement of Cement
durability of the concrete. Fibres such as graphite and glass with Fly Ash. For that the glass fibres in different volume
have excellent resistance to creep, while the same is not true fraction with 20%, 30% and 40% replacement of cement by fly
for most resins. Therefore, the orientation and volume of fibres ash have been to study the effect on compressive strength, split
have a significant influence on the creep performance of tensile strength, of concrete and compared it to the
rebars/tendons. Reinforced concrete itself is a composite conventional concrete. For each mix standard sizes of cubes,
material, where the reinforcement acts as the strengthening cylinders and as per Indian Standards were cast and tested for
fibre and the concrete as the matrix. It is therefore imperative compressive strength and split tensile strength at age of
that the behavior under thermal stresses for the two materials 28days. Due to the addition of glass fibre split, tensile strength
be similar so that the differential deformations of concrete and increased and is optimum when. 20% cement replaced with fly
the reinforcement are minimized. Various types of fibres ash along with 2% glass fibre.
which can be used to produce concrete like steel fiber, 2.3Raja et al. (2014) investigated the mechanical behavior of
polypropylene fiber, GFRC glass fiber, asbestos fibres, carbon fly ash impregnated E-glass fibre reinforced polymer
fibres, organic fibres etc.Its properties would obviously, composite (GFRP). Initially, the proportion of fibre and resin
depends upon the efficient transfer of stress between matrix were optimized from the analysis of the mechanical properties
and the fibres. Factors affecting properties of fibre reinforced of the GFRP. It is observed that the 30 wt% of E-glass in the
concrete includes relative fibre matrix stiffness, volume of GFRP without filler material yields better results. Then, based
fibres, aspect ratio of fibres, orientation of fibres, workability on the optimized value of resin content, the varying percentage
and compaction of concrete, size of aggregates and mixing. of E-glass and fly ash was added to fabricate the hybrid

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2017 19168 http://ijesc.org/
composites. Results obtained in this study were mathematically slump value found to be decreased with increase in fibre
evaluated using Mixture Design Method. Predictions show that content. It was found that the use of fibre glass in concrete not
10% weight addition of fly ash with fibre improves the only improved the properties of concrete but also small cost
mechanical properties of the composites. cutting.
2.4 Kumar (2013) evaluated the mechanical properties of
glass fibre reinforced concrete. Glass fibre improves the 3. Materials and Methodology
strength of the material by increasing the force required for
deformation and improve the toughness by increase the energy 3.1 Materials: In this systematic experimental study, various
required for crack propagation. The addition of about 1.5% ingredients like cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates,
chopped glass fibre (by cement weight) to the material increase water and glass fibre were used to obtain concrete mixes,
the modules of rupture by about 20 % and fracture toughness suitability of which were checked at laboratory by performing
by about 55%.many studied the effect of glass fibre on the various tests. The properties of materials obtained in the
mechanical properties of M35 grade of concrete. laboratory are as follows:
2.5 Patel et al. (2013)analysed the effect of glass fibre in form
of additive to increase the tensile strength of a concrete 3.1.1 Cement
because it is weak in tension and glass fibre possess such The Ordinary Portland Cement of 43-grade was used for
properties that its particle connect to the particle of concrete casting the specimens of all the concrete mixes.
and sealed together & not to be separated. Experiment 3.1.2 AR –Glass Fibre
concluded that the compressive strength, flexural strength AR-glass fibre has been used to produce fibre concrete in
increases with the addition of glass fibre and the optimum construction work and laboratory for experiments. High-
result was obtained at 0.1% glass fibre. quality alkali-resistant glass fibre containing a high percentage
2.6 Murthy et al (2012) The experimental work dealt with the of zirconia (zro2), which enhances its resistance to alkali in
use of glass fibre in concrete which was obtained from the cement composites, can be used as an asbestos replacement
glass industry as a waste product. It was found that the available in a variety of strand lengths and sizing to meet
compressive strength of concrete did not increase much but the specific applications and processing requirements excellent
flexural strength showed almost 30% increase in strength. The workability characteristics.

Figure.1. Effect And Production Of Ar- Glass Fiber

The physical properties of AR glass fiber like specific gravity, length, diameter is given below:

Table.1. Physical Properties Of Ar-Glassfibre

3.1.3 Fine Aggregates: Locally available fine aggregates were 3.1.4 Coarse Aggregates: Coarse aggregate of size 20mm
used for this study. The fine aggregate used for investigation and 10mm was used in this study which was procured from the
was procured from the local fine aggregate suppliers. It should local coarse aggregate supplier as per IS: 383-1970.
not contain organic matter, loam, silt, salt and clay. It stiffens 3.1.5 SuperPlasticisers: Super plasticisers are increasing
the binder and fills the voids in the coarse aggregate the workability of concrete as well as strength of concrete

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2017 19169 http://ijesc.org/
without increase the amount of water. Shaliplast SP-431 super amount of super plasticizer was 0.5% by weight of cementing
plasticizer was used to produce workable concrete and the material.

Figure.2. Super Plasticisers Shaliplast

3.1.6 Water: Water quality plays a vital role in the setting of the cement and the final strength of the concrete.
production of concrete. The impurities in water may affect the

3.2 Methodology:
Table.3. Mix Proportion Of Concrete Containing Ar Glass Fibre

Table.4. Concrete Sample Testing Details

4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION concrete containing glass fibre was determined slump cone test
4.1 Workability Test: Workability of control concrete and the (slump test as per Indian standard procedure IS:1199-1959).

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2017 19170 http://ijesc.org/

Slump Value (mm) 50

30 W/C ratio 0.40
W/C ratio 0.50
0% 0.50% 1%1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00%
% of Glass Fibre
Figure .3. Slump Value At Various Replacement Levels

Figure the results of the slump test for the concrete containing 4.2 Compressive Strength
super plasticizers at various replacement levels of glass fibre at Figure 4 shows the compressive strength at 28 days of curing
w/c ratio of 0.40 and 0.50. It can be seen from figure 3, that for of concrete for w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.50 with replacement of
the given w/c ratio the slump value has been decreased with cement by 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% glass
the increase % of AR glass fiber in concrete. fiber.
Strength N/mm2


35 W/C ratio 0.40
W/C ratio 0.50
0% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00%

% of Glass Fibre

Figure.4. Compressive Strength At 28 Days Of Curing

The compressive strength increases with increase in the days of curing at w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.50 was shown in figure 5.
percentage of AR glass fibre up to 2.0% replacement level The flexural strength of concrete for control mix was obtained
after that it starts to decreases. The compressive strength for as 6.6N/mm2 and 6.45 N/mm2 for w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.50
concrete at 2.0% replacement of cement by AR glass fibre was respectively. The flexural strength of concrete increases with
obtained as 42.05 N/mm2 for w/c ratio 0.40 and 41.6 N/mm2 increase in the percentage of AR glass fibre up to 2%
for w/c ratio 0.50. Compressive strength increases with 15.5% replacement level after that it started to decreases. The flexural
by additional replacement of cement by AR glass fibre up to strength of concrete increases to 8.2 N/mm2 and 7.95 N/mm2
2% for w/c ratio 0.40 and 18.01% increases was obtained at for w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.50 respectively at 2% replacement
2% replacement level of AR glass fibre as compared to level of cement by AR glass fibre. Flexural strength of
controlled concrete. Hifzurrahman et al (2017) also reported concrete at (3%) maximum replacement level of AR glass fibre
that an increase in compressive strength was observed with an was observed as 7.45 N/mm2 for 0.40 w/c ratio and 6.3 N/mm2
increasing fibre percentage. for 0.50 w/c ratio.
4.3 Flexural Strength: The flexural strength of concrete at 28

Flexural Strength N/mm2

4 W/C ratio 0.40
2 W/C ratio 0.50
0% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00%
% of AR glass Fibre

Figure.5. Flexural Strength At 28 Days Of Curing

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2017 19171 http://ijesc.org/
The increase in flexural strength is due to increases in strength‖, Global Research Analysis International, 2(2);
compressive strength. The fibre shows resistance against 85-87.
bending. Increases in flexural strength with increases in
percentages of glass fibre (Gupta et al, 2017) [13]. Raja S. (2014) ―Study on mechanical properties of fly ash
impregnated glass fibre reinforced polymer composites using
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 The workability of concrete was found to be decreased
with increase in the percentage of AR glass fibre but [14]. Singh A.P. (2013), ―Strength and Permeability
sufficient workability was achieved by the use of super Characteristics of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete,‖, World
plasticizers in concrete. Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
 The compressive strength of concrete containing AR glass International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
fibre increases with the increasing amount of glass fibre 7(10); 733-738.
up to 2% after that it started to decreases for both w/c ratio
0.40 as well as for 0.50. [15]. Tajne K.M., Bhandari P.S.(2014), ―Effect of Glass Fibre
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continuously increases with increase in the percentage of Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3(11);
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both w/c ratios.
Most of the properties of modified concrete were very
comparable to reference concrete. This modified concretecan
be used in situation which requires light weight concrete as
well as for high strength concrete.


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