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Effect of Fibres On The Compressive Strength of Hollow Concrete Blocks

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Effect of Fibres on the Compressive

Strength of Hollow Concrete Blocks
Ms. Anshu Arya
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Sunrise Institute of Engineering Technology and Management, Unnao, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Ms. Anshu Arya

Concrete is the most often utilised material in building. Cementitious "Effect of Fibres on the Compressive
material improvement is critical since it is the most versatile material Strength of Hollow Concrete Blocks"
used in building. The two key established drawbacks of ordinary Published in
concrete are destructive behaviour combining brittle failure and International
Journal of Trend in
inadequate tensile strength. The purpose of this paper is to investigate
Scientific Research
the impact of adding various types of fibres to hollow concrete and Development
blocks. Polypropylene, steel, glass, nylon, and coconut fibres were (ijtsrd), ISSN:
employed in various proportions in the current work. The inquiry 2456-6470, IJTSRD49243
program's major goal is to determine the optimal fibre content as well Volume-6 | Issue-2,
as the impact of fibre addition on the compressive strength of hollow February 2022, pp.362-364, URL:
concrete blocks. After that, the compressive strength of the hollow www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49243.pdf
concrete block samples was measured. The hollow concrete block
samples were tested for compressive strength after 28 days of curing Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
period and a notable increase in compressive strength is observed for International Journal of Trend in
all the percentage addition of fibres when compared with the hollow Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
concrete block without fibres.
Open Access article
KEYWORDS: Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Synthetic fibres, Natural distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
fibre, Compressive Strength and Hollow Concrete Block
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The qualities of concrete, such as poor tensile Metal, synthetic, natural, and other forms of fibres
strength and low strain capacity, which result in low come in a variety of sizes and shapes.
crack resistance, can be increased to some extent by
The qualities of the binding matrix, as well as the
incorporating various types of fibres into the mix.
interaction of the fibres placed in the concrete,
Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) is a concrete that
determine the behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete.
has been designed to improve the above-mentioned
As a result, different sorts of fibres are added to the
qualities (Banthia & Sheng 1996) [3]. The major goal
concrete, causing it to behave differently. The length,
of incorporating fibres into concrete is to increase
diameter, and form of the fibre, as well as the type of
strength in areas such as compressive, tensile, impact
material, have an impact on the FRC's behaviour.
resistance (Bairagi & Modhera 2001), toughness, and
Geometry and fibre type are two of the most
flexural, as well as to limit the development of cracks
important criteria in FRC (Buratti et al. 2011; Wang
in the material.
et al. 2012) [6,29]. The length, diameter, and
Internal microcrack propagation leads to concrete's proportion of fibres in concrete have an impact on
low tensile strength, resulting in brittleness. As a their dispersal.
result, structural fissures form in concrete even before
As a result, while choosing the type of fibre for FRC,
it is loaded, due to drying shrinkage and other causes.
selective judgement is essential. Steel fibres give
Internal fractures develop and open up owing to stress
concrete a better flexural tensile strength and
when the load is applied, resulting in the production
resistance to cracking and impact when it comes to
of further cracks, which causes inelastic deformation
volume shrinkage. Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete
in concrete. Small uniformly scattered and randomly
has been the subject of a lot of research in the past.
oriented fibres act as crack arrestors and improve the
This method was most widely utilised for industrial
characteristics of concrete when injected into it.
pavements (Sorelli et al. 2006) [27], where significant

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49243 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 362
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
control of shrinkage cracking is required for precast preparation of specimens and for the curing of
roof elements (Fererara & Meda 2006) [9], as well as specimens.
tunnel linings (Bernard 2002)
2.1.4. Super Plasticizer
Natural fibre is the most cost-effective and High range water reducing admixtures (Super
environmentally friendly type of fibre that may be plasticizers) are the chemical admixtures used in the
utilised in concrete with the least amount of present work and this requires well- dispersed particle
environmental impact. This allows for improvements suspension. In the current study, Glenium was used as
in flexural characteristics, impact resistance, and super plasticizer.
fracture toughness, among other mechanical qualities.
Fibres Table 4 shows the different types of fibres and
Coconut fibre is one of many natural fibres used in
the fibre ratios used for preparing the concrete
this investigation. Researchers recently discovered samples.
that adding coconut fibres to concrete can increase the
qualities of FRC. When compared to other natural 2.2. Mix Design
fibres, coconut fibres produced from the husk of the The process of selecting materials such as cement,
coconut may withstand up to 6% strain (Lad et al. aggregates, and water, as well as establishing their
2017) [15]. Because of their great affinity for water relative proportions, is known as concrete mix design.
and retentive nature, coconut fibres impair The primary goal of concrete mix design is to
workability (Lumingkewas et al. 2017). produce a concrete with the appropriate strength,
durability, and workability for the least amount of
The majority of fibre reinforced concrete research money. The design of concrete mix has been carried
indicates that only one fibre is put to the mix at a out. The final mix proportion (cohesive) listed in
time. In addition, the binding mix varies between Table was used in the current study.
investigations. As a result, there is no way to compare
the results. The purpose of this research is to
investigate the effect of several types of fibres on the
compressive strength of hollow concrete blocks,
including Polypropylene, Steel, Glass, Nylon, and
Coconut Fibres. The same binding matrix is utilised
for all of the samples in order to compare the results.
2.1. Materials used
2.1.1. Cement
The study employed locally available 53 grade
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with the brand Figure 1 Specimen cast
name Chettinad and a specific gravity of 3.13. The
beginning and final setting timeframes were 50 and 3. DISCUSSIONS BASED ON THE TEST
170 minutes, respectively, with a standard RESULT
The variations of compressive strength of the blocks
consistency of 32 percent. In a normal mortar that has
with various percentage of polypropylene fibre
been cured for 28 days, the compressive strength is 54
content are shown in figure 2.
MPa. IS 12269 – 1987 confirms the physical
2.1.2. Fine Aggregate
Quarry sand which is available passing through
4.75mm IS sieve as per IS: 383-1987. The physical
properties of the fine aggregates are shown in Table

2.1.3. Water
Clean potable tap water available in the laboratory, Figure 2 Variation of Compressive strength of
which satisfies drinking standards, was used for the Hollow Concrete Block with various Percentage
of Polypropylene Fibres

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49243 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 363
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
The compressive strength of the hollow concrete 4. The percentage increase in the maximum
block with polypropylene fibre is shown to rise up to compressive strength with the addition of fibres
1.5 percent fibre content before decreasing. After a (as against the mix without fibres), obtained as
28-day curing time, the compressive strength of the per the present study are detailed below:
hollow concrete block was found to be 4.12N/mm2 19% increase in strength was obtained with
for 1% of fibres, 4.26N/mm2 for 1.25 percent of the addition of 1.5% of Polypropylene fibre.
fibres, 4.52N/mm2 for 1.5 percent of fibres, 37% increase in strength was obtained with
4.17N/mm2 for 1.75 percent of fibres, and 3.94 the addition of 3% of Steel fibre.
N/mm2 for 2.0 percent of fibres. When compared to a 16%, 21%, 13% increase in strength was
hollow concrete block without fibres, the optimum obtained with the addition of 1% of glass
proportion of polypropylene is 1.5 percent, and the fibres, nylon fibres and Coconut fibres
percentage improvement in strength is 19.0 percent. respectively.
There is a reduction in droop as the fibre content
5. Out of the five different types of fibres used in the
rises, especially over 1.5 percent. The compressive
current study, the addition of Steel fibres and the
strength of the controlled hollow concrete block was Nylon fibres gave the maximum percentage
found to be 3.8N/mm2. increase in the compressive strength compared to
The compressive strength of the hollow concrete that of the hollow concrete blocks prepared
block with steel fibres increases until it reaches 3% without fibres.
fibre content, beyond which it decreases. At 28 days,
the compressive strength of the hollow concrete block [1] Akça, K. R., Çakır, Ö. and İpek, M. Properties
was 4.27 N/mm2 for 2.5 percent of fibres, 4.81 of polypropylene fiber reinforced concreteusing
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is found to be 37%. There is a reduction in slump [3] Banthia, N. and Sheng, J. Fracture Toughness
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CONCLUSIONS Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Concrete, ACI
The following conclusions are drawn based on the Material Journal, 9(6), 1993, pp. 605–610.
experimental investigations carried out.
1. Slump is reduced when fibre content increases, [5] Bernard, E. S. Correlations in the behaviour of
particularly beyond 1.5 percent dose in the case of fibre reinforced shotcrete beam and panel
polypropylene, 3 percent in the case of steel specimens. Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux
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coconut fibres. As the mixture becomes more [6] Buratti, N., Mazzotti, C. and Savoia, M. Post-
fibrous, it becomes more difficult to handle. cracking behaviour of steel and macrosynthetic
2. It is revealed by the compressive strength test on fibre-reinforced concretes. Construction and
the hollow concrete blocks that the strengths were Building Materials, 25, 2011, pp. 2713–2722.
increased proportionately with the increase in the [7] Chaitanya, J. D., Abhilash, G. V. S., Khan, P.
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3. In comparison with other samples of Fibre 5(5), 2016, pp. 100–104.
Reinforced Hollow Concrete Blocks in the [8] Chandramouli, K., Rao, S. P., Pannirselvam,
present study, maximum compressive strength N., Sekhar, S. T. and Sravana, P. Strength
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Polypropylene fibre, 3% Steel fibre and fibre Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
content of 1% in the case of Glass, Nylon and 5(4), 2010, pp. 1–6.
Coconut fibres.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49243 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 364

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