Strengthening of Structural Concrete Element Using Fiber Glass
Strengthening of Structural Concrete Element Using Fiber Glass
Strengthening of Structural Concrete Element Using Fiber Glass
Rakshit Thapliyal and Suneel Yadav Ankit Shukla and Ayush Yadav
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Thakur College of engineering and Technology
Thakur College of Engineering and Technology (Rakshit) (Ayush) (Suneel) (Ankit)
Abstract - Concrete is one of the maximum broadly using chemicals, adopting different mixing techniques) has
identified improvement cloth for the maximum part brought taken place and accepted in modern engineering field (
through making use of regionally accessible components. The Incorporation of distinctive types of fiber (metallic and non-
improvement of concrete has added about the essential need for metallic) in fresh concrete, reduce the crack formation as
additives each chemical and mineral to enhance the overall well as crack growth and also increase the tensile and
performance of concrete. Hence kinds of admixtures which
flexural properties of concrete . Composite material
include fly ash, coconut fibre were used up to now. Hence an
attempt has been made within the present investigation to have comprises with aggregates, hydraulic cement and
a look at the behaviour of glass fibre in concrete. The present discontinuous, discrete small fibers is known as fiber
trend in concrete making is closer to increasing the strength reinforced concrete (FRC).
and sturdiness of concrete to meet the needs of the present day Various types of fiber i.e., metallic fibers (steel, aluminium)
construction. The fundamental goal of the take a look at is to or synthetic fibers (glass, polyester, polypropylene), natural
study the impact of glass fibre inside the concrete. Glass fibre fibers (jute, palm, coconut etc.) or hybrid fiber can be
has the excessive tensile electricity and fireplace resistant employed as a fortifying material in plain concrete.
residences for that reason reducing the lack of damage in the Augmentation of physical properties of plain concrete and
course of hearth accidents. The addition of those fibres into bridging the propagation of cracks, using steel fibers is
concrete can dramatically boom the compressive strength, beneficial but durability of concrete may be affected due to
tensile electricity and cut up tensile strength of the concrete. In
corrosion of steel (Moreover, high dose of steel fibers may
this look at, tests have accomplished for the concrete with glass
fibre 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1% by weight of cement . result low workability, increased cost and also increase the
weight of the mass composite concrete. Unlike steel fibers,
Keyword- Glass fibre, compressive strength, tensile non-metallic synthetic fibers such as glass, polymer fibers
strength , admixture. provide light weight and high corrosion resistance. For fiber-
reinforced composites, non-metallic fibers such as synthetic
fibers were incorporated to mainly develop high post
cracking ductility . Besides, these fibers can easily be
distributed in fresh concrete and can reduce the early age
INTRODUCTION cracking. Having lower density and stiffness, these fibers can
Concrete is one of the most durable building materials. contribute to effectively control the micro crack propagation
Nevertheless, having lower tensile strength, poor toughness in the plastic stage of concrete.
with mensurable ductility make plain concrete members Durable and sustainable development with desired
ineffective to withstand the loads and stresses that structural mechanical properties of construction materials raises
members encounters Moreover, micro cracks are inherent attention as the demands of recent years increases. Enhancing
property of the concrete; concrete with high exhalation rate the ductility, durability and performance of concrete, now a
contrasted to bleeding rate after casting is the main grounds days FRC is used in the field of high rise building and
of micro cracks before loading, known as early-age infrastructures . Increasing the mechanical properties and
cracking. Under flexure, tension or impact load, these cracks ductility with decreased weight of the infrastructures,
open up and amplify and also superfluous fractures initiate in attempts to utilize glass fibers is a better choice. Reported
location of even trivial defects. Such propagation of micro that entanglement of glass fibers in concrete improve not
crack is the premier reason of unyielding deterioration of only the durability properties but also robustness by
concrete Thus, plain concrete shows brittle nature when enhancing the energy needed for crack amplification.
loaded. Moreover because of anti-corrosive behavior and random
To minimize these problems associated with plain concrete, orientation of glass fibers in fresh concrete, it has been
various innovation (addition of fiber, admixtures, prominently used in architectural and structural concrete
This work is partially supported by NSF Grant #2003168 to H. Simpson and CNSF Grant #9972988 to M. King.
members. In case of addition of glass fibers, volume of the these moulds are evacuated and test examples are placed in
fibers, aspect ratio, concrete mix proportions, workability, water for curing. These examples are tried by pressure
curing periods are momentous factors influencing the testing machine following 7 days curing or 28 days curing.
mechanical characteristics of the fiber reinforced concrete . Burden ought to be connected steadily at the rate of 140
To this end, it is important to explore not only the effects of kg/cm2 every moment till the Specimens fizzles. Load at the
these (above mentioned) parameters on GFRC but also the disappointment isolated by zone of example gives the
potential use of glass fibers for gaining enhanced physical compressive quality of cement. Compressive Strength (MPa)
characteristics of concrete. This research aims to investigate = Failure load/Cross sectional area
the contribution of glass fiber with multiple quantities (0.2%,
The test can be performed in accordance with as per BS
1881. A simple plain concrete beam is loaded at onethird
span points. Typical standard size of example 700 x 150x
Literature Review 150 mm is utilized. The load should be partitioned similarly
1) By reading various research paper we get the between the two stacking rollers, and all rollers might be
idea the Glass Fiber has great properties that mounted in such a way, to the point that the load is
will help in our project and iwe got to now that connected pivotally and without subjecting the example to
it is one of the most available and cheap fibre any torsional burdens or limitations. Set up the test example
comparitively. by including the glass fibre at the rate of 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%,
2) GFRC is a material made of cementations 0.8% and 1.0% by filling the solid into the mould in 3 layers
matrix composed of cement sand, water and add of roughly equivalent thickness. Pack every layer 35 times
mixtures with short glass fibers. Light weight, utilizing the packing bar as determined previously. Packing
fire resistance, good appearance and strength. ought to be circulated consistently over the whole cross
“ZIRCONIA” is used in themanufacture of glass segment of the bar mould and all through the profundity of
fiber to make it alkali resistance. every layer. The example put away in water might be tried
3) Glass fiber reduces bleeding which in turn instantly on expulsion from water for 28 days. The test
improves surface integrity of concrete, example should be put in the machine accurately focused
homogeneity and reduces probability of cracks with the longitudinal pivot of the example at right edges to
occurring where there is some restraint to the rollers. The heap should be connected at a rate of
settlement. stacking of 400 kg/min for the 15.0 cm examples and at a
4) Glass fiber reduces bleeding which in turn rate of 180 kg/min for the 10.0 cm examples. Flexural
improves surface integrity of concrete, Strength (MPa) = 𝑝𝑙/𝑏𝑑 2 P=Failure Load L=c/c
homogeneity and reduces probability of cracks distance=700mm b=width of the specimen=150mm d=Depth
occurring where there is some restraint to of the specimen=150mm
5) Improvement in the resistance of concrete to the
attack of acids.
6) GFRC improves cost and provide easy outlet to
dispose the glass as environmental waste from