Research Article Mangifera Indica) : Kinetics and Quality of Microwave-Assisted Drying of Mango (
Research Article Mangifera Indica) : Kinetics and Quality of Microwave-Assisted Drying of Mango (
Research Article Mangifera Indica) : Kinetics and Quality of Microwave-Assisted Drying of Mango (
Research Article
Kinetics and Quality of Microwave-Assisted Drying of
Mango (Mangifera indica)
Copyright © 2016 Ernest Ekow Abano. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The effect of microwave-assisted convective air-drying on the drying kinetics and quality of mango was evaluated. Both microwave
power and pretreatment time were significant factors but the effect of power was more profound. Increase in microwave power and
pretreatment time had a positive effect on drying time. The nonenzymatic browning index of the fresh samples increased from 0.29
to 0.60 while the ascorbic acid content decreased with increase in microwave power and time from 3.84 mg/100g to 1.67 mg/100g.
The effective moisture diffusivity varied from 1.45 × 10−9 to 2.13 × 10−9 m2 /s for microwave power range of 300-600 W for 2 to 4
minutes of pretreatment. The Arrhenius type power-dependent activation energy was found to be in the range of 8.58–17.48 W/mm.
The fitting of commonly used drying models to the drying data showed the Midilli et al. model as the best. Microwave power of
300 W and pretreatment time of 4 minutes emerged as the optimum conditions prior to air-drying at 7∘ C. At this ideal condition,
the energy savings as a result of microwave application was approximately 30%. Therefore, microwave-assisted drying should be
considered for improved heat and mass transfer processes during drying to produce dried mangoes with better quality.
of mango has been studied [8]. The effect of gluten coating an accuracy of ±0.001 g. For measuring the weight of the
on osmotic dehydration of mango cubes has similarly been sample during experimentation, the tray with sample was
investigated [9]. Application of microwave prior to conven- taken out of the drying chamber, weighed on the digital top
tional drying of mango (Mangifera indica L.) is uncommon pan balance, and placed back into the chamber within 10
in scientific literature. seconds.
Microwave offers advantages that have been employed
prior to or with conventional drying in food processing 2.5. Determination of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). Ascorbic
technologies. Several researchers have provided strong evi- acid content of the samples before and after drying was
dence that microwave-assisted drying is ideal for fruits and assayed colorimetrically following Roe and Kuether [19]. Two
vegetables [10–14], which speed up drying process, increase grams of dried mango slices was ground finely using a mortar
mass transfer, and produce good quality products. Therefore, and a pestle and placed in a 25 mL volumetric flask with
in this present work, the effect of microwave power and time 4% oxalic acid solution. The mixture was centrifuged and
as pretreatment to convective air-drying of mango slices was 10 mL of the supernatant was transferred into a conical flask
investigated. after which bromine water was added in drops with constant
mixing until the extract turns orange yellow. The solution was
2. Materials and Method made up to 25 mL with 4% oxalic acid solution. Similarly,
10 mL of the stock ascorbic acid solution was converted
2.1. Sample Preparation. Fresh Kent mango fruits were into dehydroform by bromination. Again, 10 mL of standard
obtained from the Abura Market, Cape Coast, Ghana. Selec- dehydroascorbic acid solution was pipetted into a series of
tion of mango samples was based on visual assessment of tubes. Aliquot (2 mL) of brominated sample extract was
uniform colour and geometry. The mangoes were washed similarly pipetted out differently. The volume in each tube
under running tap water, peeled, and sliced into sizes of was made up to 3 mL by adding distilled water. One millilitre
50 mm × 25 mm × 10 mm using a stainless steel knife and of DNPH (2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine) reagent was added,
immediately kept at −24∘ C to slow down physiological and followed by 1-2 drops of thiourea to each tube. A blank was
chemical changes. Prior to the test, the samples were allowed set with water instead of ascorbic acid solution. The content
to warm up to room temperature conditions. The initial of the tubes was placed on a shaker to mix and incubated at
moisture content of the mangoes was obtained from drying 37∘ C for 3 hours in a water bath. After incubation, the orange
5 g samples in an oven at 105∘ C for 24 hours according to red osazone crystals formed were dissolved by adding 7 mL
the AOAC (1990) method. The initial total soluble solids were of 80% sulphuric acid. A graph of ascorbic acid concentration
determined to be 16.7% with a refractometer (ABBE 98 490, versus absorbance at 540 nm was plotted (𝑅2 = 0.9973) and
Holland). used to calculate the ascorbic acid content in the sample.
2.2. Experimental Design. A two-factor, 3-level factorial 2.6. Nonenzymatic Browning Determination. A method pre-
design was used for the experiment. The effect of two inde- viously reported by [14] was used to evaluate the nonen-
pendent variables, microwave power 𝑋1 (300–600 W) and zymatic browning of the dried mango slices. The extent of
pretreatment time 𝑋2 (2–4 min), on three response variables, browning was measured as absorbance at 440 nm. Brown
drying time, ascorbic acid, and nonenzymatic browning, was pigment formed was extracted from the test portions of
evaluated (Table 2). the dried mango slices. Two-gram sample was ground into
fine powder, after which 50 mL of ethanol (60%, v/v) was
2.3. Microwave Pretreatment. A domestic Samsung micro- added and allowed to stand for 12 hours. The mixture
wave machine with varied powers was used to predry 100 g of was stirred slowly and filtered through 0.45 𝜇m nylon filter
mango slices at power intensities of 300 W, 450 W, and 600 W membrane. Browning index of filtrates was estimated by a
for 2, 3, and 4 minutes prior to convective hot air-drying. spectrophotometer against 60% ethanol as blank. All samples
After the microwave pretreatment, the slices were removed, were extracted in triplicate.
weighed, and immediately subjected to convective air-drying.
100 g of mango slices without microwave pretreatment was 2.7. Drying Kinetics. The drying kinetics of mango slices
used to serve as the control. were expressed in terms of empirical models, where the
experimental data obtained were plotted in the form of a
2.4. Drying Equipment and Drying Procedure. Microwave dimensionless moisture ratio (MR) against drying time in
pretreated samples were transferred to a hot air cabinet dryer minutes. The MR of the mango slices was determined using
(GENLAB Oven, Model SDO225, 240 AC 1PH, 540 × 920 ×
440 mm, 2 kW) set at temperature of 70∘ C and air circulation 𝑀 − 𝑀𝑒
MR = , (1)
of 0.5 m/s. This temperature was chosen based on previous 𝑀𝑜 − 𝑀𝑒
optimization studies [14]. The dryer was run idle for 1 hr
earlier to the drying experiment. During drying, the masses where MR is the moisture ratio, 𝑀𝑜 is the initial moisture
of the samples were monitored every 30 min at the initial content (g water/g dry matter), 𝑀 is the moisture content at
stages and later changed to 1 hr at the later stages of drying any time (g water/g dry matter), and 𝑀𝑒 is the equilibrium
until constant mass was reached by a digital balance with moisture content (g water/g dry matter) [20].
International Journal of Food Science 3
Table 1: Mathematical models that were applied to the experimental effective moisture diffusivity, considering a constant moisture
data. diffusivity, infinite slab geometry, and uniform initial mois-
Model name Model expression Reference ture distribution [23]:
Page MR = exp(−𝑘𝑡𝑛 ) [15]
8 ∞ 1 (2𝑛 + 1) 𝜋2
Henderson and Pabis MR = 𝑎 exp(−𝑘𝑡) [16] MR = ∑ exp (− 𝐷eff 𝑡) , (5)
Logarithmic MR = 𝑎 exp(−𝑘𝑡) + 𝑐 [17] 𝜋2 𝑛=0 (2𝑛 + 1) 4𝐿2
Midilli et al. MR = 𝑎 exp(−𝑘𝑡𝑛 ) + 𝑏𝑡 [18]
where 𝐷eff is the effective moisture diffusivity (m2 /s) and 𝐿 is
Table 2: Three-level factorial design for two factors and results of half the thickness of slice of the sample (m). Equation (5) can
DT, BI, and AA. be simplified to the following for long drying times:
2.8. Determination of Moisture Diffusivity. Fick’s second law where 𝐸𝑐 is the energy consumption in kWh, 𝑃 is the power
of diffusion, which characterizes moisture migration during rating of either the microwave equipment or the convective
thin layer drying of food materials, was used to calculate the air dryer in W, and 𝑡 is the drying time in hours.
4 International Journal of Food Science
3 1/3 0.8
DI = [∏𝑑𝑖 (𝑌𝑖 )] . (11)
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effect of Microwave Power and Pretreatment Time on 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Drying Kinetics of Mango Slices. Microwave power and pre- Drying time (min)
treatment time increment had a positive effect on drying time PT 2 PT 4
for the 70∘ C dried samples as shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3. The PT 3 Control
initial average moisture content of the mangoes (Mangifera
indica) was found to be 4.65 g moisture/g dry matter, which Figure 2: Variation of MR versus drying time at microwave power
decreased to 0.03 g moisture/g dry matter (d.b.) after drying. 450 W.
The drying process generally followed a falling rate regime
and the increase in microwave power and pretreatment time
significantly (𝑃 ≤ 0.05) accelerated the drying process 1.2
and increased energy efficiency. The estimated effect for
each factor and the interaction between the variables were 1
estimated (Table 3). Variation in the estimated coefficients
shows that there were different contributions of the factors 0.8
to drying time. Microwave power contributed 1.67 times
Table 3: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the effects of microwave power and time on drying time.
Source Coefficient estimates Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean square 𝐹 value 𝑃 value, Pro > 𝐹
Intercept 711.05 — 1 — — —
Model — 86302.39 5 17260.48 31.78 0.0009∗
𝑋1 −100.00 60000.00 1 60000.00 110.47 0.0001∗
𝑋2 −60.00 21600.00 1 21600.00 39.77 0.0015∗
𝑋1 𝑋2 30.00 3600.00 1 3600.00 6.63 0.0498∗
𝑋1 2 −12.63 404.21 1 404.21 0.74 0.4278∗∗
𝑋2 2 −12.63 404.21 1 404.21 0.74 0.4278∗∗
Lack of fit — 1649.12 3 549.71 1.03 0.5268∗∗
𝑅2 0.9695 — — — — —
Significant (<0.0500); ∗∗ not significant. Lack of fit is not significant at 𝑃 value >0.0500.
DT (min)
Table 4: Parameters and statistical results for the various drying models for microwave pretreated samples at 300 W.
Table 5: Parameters and statistical results for the various drying models for microwave pretreated samples at 450 W.
q/P the Page, Henderson and Pabis, Logarithmic, and Midilli et al.
0.014 0.019 0.024 0.029 0.034 0.039 models available in the literature. The results of such a fitting
−19.95 of the experimental data for microwave-assisted drying at
−20 70∘ C are displayed in Tables 4, 5, and 6, which show the values
−20.05 of the estimated constants with their corresponding statistical
𝑅2 , RMSE, and 𝜒2 values characterizing each fitting. From the
ln(Deff )
4 min
−20.2 results obtained, it is evident that the experimental data fitted
−20.25 adequately to the models used in this study. The correlation
−20.3 coefficients obtained are in the range of 0.995–0.9972. This
−20.35 3 min
2 min means that the three models could satisfactorily describe the
microwave-assisted convective air-drying of mango slices.
Figure 6: Variation of ln(𝐷eff ) against 𝑞/𝑃 for the various The relatively high values of correlation coefficients, low root
microwave pretreatment time. mean square errors, and low reduced chi-square indicate a
good predicting capacity for the temperature tested over the
entire duration of the drying process. Among the models
examined, the Midilli et al. model was observed to be the
for okra [25]. The values were however within activation most appropriate one for all the experimental data with the
energy values of 13.6 W/mm and 14.945 W/mm reported for highest value for the coefficient of determination (𝑅2 ) and
Pandanus leaves [28] and potatoes [34], respectively.
lowest reduced chi-square (𝜒2 ) and RMSE. The estimated
parameters and statistical analysis of the models examined
3.3. Modelling of the Drying Curves. The dimensionless mois- for the microwave powers at different times are illustrated in
ture ratio against drying time for the experimental data at Tables 4, 5, and 6. It was observed that the value of drying
various pretreatment times and air temperatures was fitted to rate constant (𝑘) for all the models tested increased with
International Journal of Food Science 7
Table 6: Parameters and statistical results for the various drying models for microwave pretreated samples at 600 W.
Table 7: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the effects of microwave power and microwave time on AA.
Source Coefficient estimates Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean square 𝐹 value 𝑃 value, Pro > 𝐹
Intercept 1.98 — 1 — — —
Model — 0.17 5 0.034 25.97 0.0014∗
𝑋1 −0.15 0.13 1 0.13 95.65 0.0002∗
𝑋2 −0.074 0.033 1 0.033 25.06 0.0041∗
𝑋1 𝑋2 −0.039 0.006094 1 0.006094 4.61 0.0846∗∗
𝑋1 2 −0.047 0.005506 1 0.005506 4.16 0.0968∗∗
𝑋2 2 −0.0005774 0.0000008 1 0.0000008 0.000638 0.9808∗∗
Lack of fit — 0.001714 3 0.00005712 0.23 0.6224∗∗
𝑅2 0.9287 — — — — —
Significant (<0.0500); ∗∗ not significant. Lack of fit is not significant at 𝑃 value >0.0500.
at different temperatures (40–70∘ C) in a forced convection 1.9
Table 8: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the effects of microwave power and microwave time on BI.
Source Coefficient estimates Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean square 𝐹 value 𝑃 value, Pro > 𝐹
Intercept 0.45 — 1
Model — 0.035 3 0.012 42.76 0.0001∗
𝑋1 0.068 0.028 1 0.028 99.82 0.0001∗
𝑋2 0.029 0.005078 1 0.005078 18.35 0.0036∗
𝑋1 𝑋2 0.007387 — 1 0.0002336 — —
𝑋1 2 0.032 0.002799 1 0.002799 10.12 0.0155∗
𝑋2 2 0.015 — 1 0.0002767 — —
Lack of fit — 0.001619 5 0.0003238 2.04 0.3612∗∗
𝑅2 0.9483
Significant (<0.0500); ∗∗ not significant. Lack of fit is not significant at 𝑃 value >0.0500.
BI (Abs unit)
3.5. Effect of Microwave Power and Pretreatment Time 0.4
on Nonenzymatic Browning. Nonenzymatic browning is 0.35
another quality indicator in drying. Whereas browning is
desirable in some processing food, excessive browning is
4.00 600.00
undesirable in dried mangoes. The effect of microwave power 3.50 525.00
and pretreatment time on nonenzymatic browning is clear 3.00 450.00
(Figure 8). Brown pigment formation significantly increased X 2.50 375.00
2 2.00 300.00 X1
with both microwave power and pretreatment time from
0.39 to 0.60 at the various condition studied. As expected, Figure 8: Effect of microwave power (𝑋1 ) and pretreatment time
microwave power had a negative profound effect compared (𝑋2 ) on BI.
to pretreatment time on BI (Table 8). The control however
had less browning (0.29) than all the microwave-assisted
dried mangoes. This agrees with a study by [42] for dried 0.701
tomato quarters at 50∘ C to 90∘ C, where the author observed 0.800
that brown pigment formation increased with temperature 0.600
sidered critical based on visual assessment by consumers.
This increasing trend of nonenzymatic browning as a result
of microwave power and treatment time is attributed to the 0.000
occurrence and reaction between nitrogenous constituents 4.00
and reducing sugars, nitrogenous constituents and organic 3.50 600.00
acids, and sugars and organic acids [42, 43]. 525.00
3.00 450.00
2 2.50 375.00
2.00 300.00 X1
3.6. Optimization of the Drying Parameters. The optimal
microwave-assisted drying condition for mango slices was Figure 9: Effect of drying temperature and frying time on 3D plot
established using overall desirability index explained earlier. of the desirability index for the optimal frying time.
The maximum predicted DT, BI, and AA were 695.79 min,
0.45 Abs units, and 2.04 mg/100 g, respectively. These pre-
dicted values are closer to their corresponding experimental 3.7. Energy Consumption during Microwave-Assisted Drying.
values of 870 min, 0.60 Abs units, and 2.13 mg/100 g. The The control samples took about 990 min to dry from 4.64 g
overall desirability of 0.701 shown in Figure 9 was obtained water/g dry matter to 0.04 g water/g dry matter and con-
for the microwave effect, the kinetics, and the quality of dried sumed 33 kWh of energy in the process. This value was
mango slices. In the range of the factors used, 95% confidence compared with the energy consumption from the opti-
prediction gave optimal microwave power of 300 W and mized microwave pretreatment conditions of 300 W/4 min
pretreatment time of 4 min. At this best condition, the DT to make the energy savings known as a result of microwave
was 695.80 min, the BI was 0.45 Abs units, and the AA was application. A reduction of 29.70% energy requirement was
2.04 mg/100 g dry matter. achieved because of microwave application at 300 W for
International Journal of Food Science 9
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International Journal of
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