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Journal of Chromatography B, 863 (2008) 115–122

Validation of an HPLC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination

of phenylmercapturic acid, benzylmercapturic acid and o-methylbenzyl
mercapturic acid in urine as biomarkers of
exposure to benzene, toluene and xylenes
Laura Sabatini ∗ , Anna Barbieri, Paolo Indiveri,
Stefano Mattioli, Francesco Saverio Violante
Occupational Medicine Unit, University of Bologna, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, via Palagi 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy
Received 26 October 2007; accepted 11 January 2008
Available online 18 January 2008

A liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method was developed and fully validated, according to U.S. Food and Drug
Administration guidance, for the simultaneous determination of phenylmercapturic acid, benzylmercapturic acid and o-methylbenzyl mercapturic
acid in human urine as biomarkers of exposure to benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX). After solid phase extraction and LC separation, samples
were analyzed by a triple–quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in negative ion mode, using isotope-labeled analogs as internal standards (ISs).
The method meets all the validation criteria required. The limits of detection of the three analytes, ranging from 0.30 to 0.40 ␮g l−1 , and the high
throughput make the method suitable for the routine biological monitoring of co-exposure to BTX both in the occupational and environmental
settings. The validated method was applied to assess exposure to BTX in a group of 354 urban traffic wardens.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry; Mercapturic acids; Benzene; Toluene; Xylenes

1. Introduction Benzene is classified from the International Agency for

Research on Cancer (IARC) [2] as a human carcinogen (group
Aromatic hydrocarbons benzene, toluene and isomeric 1). Currently, no evidence exists to suggest that toluene and
ortho-, meta- and para-xylene (BTX) are important industrial xylenes are carcinogenic. Nevertheless, exposure to high con-
chemicals widely used, singly and in combination, as organic centrations of these compounds can induce changes in the
solvents and in the synthesis of other chemicals. In addition, central nervous system and other neurotoxic effects [3–5].
these compounds are volatile components of gasoline and con- The metabolism of these aromatic compounds has been thor-
stituents of tobacco smoke. Due to their formation in many oughly investigated [6–8]. At least 90% of the absorbed BTX
combustion processes, they are widespread environmental pol- is excreted through the kidneys as metabolites, including
lutants [1]. Thus, the general population undergoes lifelong trans,trans-muconic acid and phenol for benzene, hippuric acid
exposure to these pollutants, and some categories of workers, and o-cresol for toluene and methylhippuric acids for xylenes.
like gas station attendants and oil refinery workers, are exposed However, the validity of an exposure biomarker mainly relies
at particularly high levels. on its specificity for the toxic compound under consideration.
Among the known urinary metabolites, mercapturic acids (MAs)
have been recently considered the most specific biomarkers
∗ Corresponding author at: Unità Operativa di Medicina del Lavoro, Univer-
of aromatic compounds, despite their relatively low levels of
sità di Bologna, via Palagi 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy. Tel.: +39 051 4290216;
metabolic production (1% or less of the absorbed BTX) [8,9].
fax: +39 051 301968. MAs are products of a metabolic detoxification pathway and are
E-mail address: l.sabatini@unibo.it (L. Sabatini). excreted in urine after the reaction of electrophilic intermediates

1570-0232/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
116 L. Sabatini et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 863 (2008) 115–122

with endogenous glutathione [10]. At low levels of exposure, purchased from Argonaut Technologies Ltd. (Mid Glamorgan,
phenylmercapturic acid (PMA) has indeed been validated as UK). PMA, BMA and MBMA were supplied by Tokyo Kasei
a more specific biomarker for benzene [7,11]. Furthermore, (Prodotti Gianni, Milan, Italy). Deuterated analogs PMAd-5 and
benzylmercapturic acid (BMA) and o-methylbenzyl mercap- BMAd-7 were custom synthesized by Alchemy s.r.l. (Bologna,
turic acid (MBMA) have been proposed as reliable biomarkers Italy) to use as internal standards (ISs). All the standard com-
of exposure to toluene [12] and xylenes [13], respectively. pounds were of the highest available purity (>99%). Stock
In order to perform biological monitoring of occupationally solutions were prepared by dissolving pure powder of each ana-
and/or environmentally exposed individuals, several analytical lyte and ISs in methanol to give a concentration of 200 mg l−1 .
methods have been developed for the determination of MAs Stock solutions were stored at −20 ◦ C. Working standard solu-
in urine, based on high performance liquid chromatography tions (500 ␮g l−1 for PMAd-5 and BMAd-7; 50–1000 ␮g l−1 for
(HPLC) or gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) PMA, BMA and MBMA) were prepared weekly by dilution of
[14]. Among published methods, HPLC/tandem mass spectrom- the stock solutions in MeOH/20 mM formic acid 1:1 (v/v) and
etry (MS/MS) is currently considered as the first choice for MAs were kept at +4 ◦ C.
determination in human urine due to its high specificity and sen-
sitivity. Several HPLC–MS/MS methods have been reported for 2.2. Apparatus
the determination of PMA and BMA in urine [13,15–20] and
Gonzalez-Reche et al. [21] described a method for the quantifi- HPLC–ESI-MS/MS analysis was performed using a series
cation of dimethylphenyl mercapturic acid (a MA derived from 1100 ␮-HPLC system (Agilent Technologies Inc., Waldbronn,
the metabolism of o-xylene) in urine as a biomarker of exposure Germany), equipped with a thermostatted well-plate autosam-
to xylenes. However, the metabolism of alkyl aromatics mainly pler and thermostatted column compartment modules. The
occurs at the side chain [22–24], producing, in the case of xylene, HPLC system was interfaced to an API 2000 triple–quadrupole
a higher amount of MBMA. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, mass spectrometer from PE Sciex (Concord, ON, Canada)
no HPLC–MS/MS methods have been developed for the anal- equipped with a TurboIonSprayTM source. A nitrogen generator
ysis of MBMA in urine. In addition, analytical methods for the system 75-72 Whatman (Maidstone, Kent, UK) was employed
simultaneous determination of several MAs would be particu- to produce N2 , used as curtain and auxiliary gas. Instrument
larly relevant in cases of co-exposure to several solvents. In fact, control and data acquisition were performed with Analyst Soft-
many studies have demonstrated that administration of toluene ware PE Sciex (rev. 1.3.2). An EZ-2plus Evaporator (GeneVac
and xylenes to rats causes depletion of glutathione in the liver, Ltd., Ipswich, UK) was used for solvent evaporation. SPE was
influencing the metabolic routes of these and other toxicants performed on a vacuum system 96-well plated VacMaster (IST).
[6,25]. Moreover, it is important to note that none of the above-
mentioned methods was fully and rigorously validated following 2.3. Extraction procedure
specific guidelines. As a consequence, little data are available
concerning the reliability of previously obtained results. Urine samples were collected and stored at −20 ◦ C. Prior to
The aim of our study was to validate an HPLC–MS/MS analysis, each sample was thawed, vigorously mixed and then
method to simultaneously determine PMA, BMA and MBMA centrifuged at 1500 × g for 10 min to obtain clear supernatant.
in human urine for a complete and accurate monitoring of expo- The clean-up procedure was optimized by comparing three dif-
sure to BTX. For this purpose, a 96-well solid phase extraction ferent types of reversed phase SPE cartridges: Isolute® C18 ,
(SPE) procedure and a micro(␮)-HPLC separation coupled to Isolute® Env+ and EvoluteTM ABN.
electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS/MS were used. This analyti- EvoluteTM ABN cartridges were finally chosen for their
cal method was fully validated according to the FDA [26], using higher recovery (data not shown). We loaded 1 ml of centrifuged
two deuterated analogs as internal standards (ISs) and different and diluted (1:1 with aqueous formic acid 1%, v/v) urine sam-
urine lots to assess matrix effect variability. Moreover, the vali- ple spiked with 5 ␮l of each IS working solution. The cartridges
dated method was successfully applied to measure exposure to were previously conditioned with 1 ml of MeOH and 1 ml of
BTX in a group of 354 traffic wardens. aqueous formic acid 0.1% (v/v). The stationary phase was then
washed with 1 ml of aqueous MeOH solution (10%, v/v) and
2. Experimental the analytes were eluted with two aliquots (250 ␮l) of methanol.
The eluate was evaporated to dryness under vacuum at +40 ◦ C in
2.1. Reagents and chemicals an EZ-2 Plus concentrator. The residue was redissolved in 50 ␮l
of 20 mM formic acid/MeOH 1:1 (v/v) and a volume of 0.5 ␮l
All chemicals were of analytical reagent grade. Formic acid was injected into the ␮-HPLC system.
(98%) was purchased from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland) and
methanol of chromatographic grade was obtained from Merk 2.4. Liquid chromatography
(Darmstadt, Germany). Deionized water (18.2 M cm) was pro-
duced with a Direct-Q Millipore Waters system (Millford, MA, HPLC analysis was performed at a flow rate of 10 ␮l min−1
USA). Isolute® ENV+ cartridges (50 mg, 1 ml) and Isolute® using 20 mM formic acid (solvent A) and methanol (solvent B).
C18 cartridges (50 mg, 1 ml) were purchased from IST (Mid Separation was accomplished on a Synergi 4u Max-RP capillary
Glamorgan, UK); EvoluteTM ABN cartridges (25 mg, 1 ml) were column (0.5 mm × 50 mm, 4 ␮m, 80 Å, Phenomenex® Torrance,
L. Sabatini et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 863 (2008) 115–122 117

analytes and ISs were monitored for quantitative analysis in

multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode (dwell time/channel
600 ms, unitary resolution). Transitions 238 → 109, 252 → 123,
266 → 137, 243 → 114 and 259 → 130 were selected for PMA,
BMA, MBMA, PMAd-5 and BMAd-7, respectively. Instrumen-
tal parameters were optimized for each analyte by infusion of the
corresponding standard solution (0.5 mg l−1 in 20 mM formic
acid/MeOH 1:1, v/v) at a flow rate of 10 ␮l min−1 , using a
syringe pump integrated in the API 2000 mass spectrometer.
Nitrogen was used as curtain and auxiliary gas and air was
used as nebulizer gas. Electrospray conditions for PMA, BMA,
MBMA and ISs were curtain gas, 20 psi; ion-spray voltage,
−4500 V; nebulizer and auxiliary gas, 40 and 60 psi, respec-
tively; turbo temperature, 250 ◦ C; collision energy, −18.0 eV;
declustering potential, −10 V; focusing and entrance potentials,
−350 and −8 V, respectively.

2.6. Urine specimens

For method validation purposes, spot urine samples were col-

lected from healthy non-smoker male and female subjects not
occupationally exposed to any organic solvents. However, since
in urban areas BTX are ubiquitous pollutants, it is extremely
difficult to acquire real blank urine samples. Due to the unavail-
ability of a blank urine matrix, a screening procedure was used
to determine which urine samples contained the lowest concen-
trations of PMA, BMA and MBMA. Thirty lots of urine were
analyzed by HPLC–MS/MS in order to quantify the background
concentrations of the three analytes. The creatinine concentra-
tion of each urine sample was also measured using the Jaffé
Fig. 1. Product ion mass spectra (ESI− ) and ion structures of: (A) PMA (precur-
method [27].
sor ion m/z = 238); (B) BMA (precursor ion m/z = 252); (C) MBMA (precursor Six lots with urinary creatinine ranging between 0.3 and
ion m/z = 266). 3.0 g l−1 were then chosen for their low levels of MAs (PMA
and MBMA: non-detectable; BMA: between 1.0 and 3.2 ␮g l−1 ,
CA, USA), with an appropriate pre-column (Synergi 4u Max- mean: 1.7 ␮g l−1 ). These urine samples were used separately to
RP, 0.5 mm × 20 mm, 4 ␮m, 80 Å, Phenomenex® ). The elution assess matrix effect and pooled to obtain calibration and quality
gradient was performed as follows: after 1 min of isocratic elu- control (QC) samples.
tion (solvent A 65%, solvent B 35%), solvent B was increased
from 35 to 90% in 2 min along a linear gradient curve. The iso- 2.7. Statistics
cratic elution was held for 12 min, after which solvent B was
decreased from 90 to 35% in 1 min and column equilibration A skewness–kurtosis test was used to assess the normal dis-
was conducted isocratically for 11 min (total run time 27 min). tribution of values. In case of normal distributions, continuous
The autosampler tray was thermostatted at +15 ◦ C. variables were tested by the Student’s test. For non-normal dis-
tributions, the Wilcoxon rank–sum test was used. Stata 8.0 SE
2.5. Mass spectrometry software (Stata Corporation, TX, USA) was used for all analy-
ses, with significance set at p < 0.05.
MS/MS analysis was performed on a triple–quadrupole mass
spectrometer operated in negative ion mode. Polypropylene 2.8. Calibration curves
glycol standard solution was used to calibrate the instrument
over the m/z range 100–900 and to adjust the resolution to Calibration samples were prepared in triplicate in urine, in
0.7 m/z for MS/MS analysis. Product ion mass spectra from accordance with the FDA requirements. Pooled urine was spiked
the deprotonated molecular ions [M − H]− were recorded in with working standard solutions of the three analytes, in order to
the range 100–300 m/z for analytes (PMA, BMA and MBMA) obtain seven concentration levels (0, 0.6, 1, 2, 10, 25, 50 ␮g l−1
and ISs (PMAd-5 and BMAd-7) in order to characterize the for PMA; 0, 0.7, 1, 2, 10, 25, 50 ␮g l−1 for BMA and 0, 0.8,
fragmentation behavior of each compound. Fig. 1 shows the 1, 2, 10, 25, 50 ␮g l−1 for MBMA). The zero sample was a
product ion mass spectra of PMA, BMA and MBMA. Tran- pooled urine sample (matrix) with ISs. Calibration samples were
sitions of the deprotonated molecular ions [M − H]− for the extracted by SPE and analyzed by ␮-HPLC–ESI-MS/MS (as
118 L. Sabatini et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 863 (2008) 115–122

described above) in the same day and every 50 samples. Ana- ISs). Ion suppression of PMA, BMA and MBMA signal by the
lyte peak area/IS peak area ratios were plotted against nominal urinary matrix was examined as “negative” chromatographic
concentrations (PMAd-5 was used as IS for PMA and BMAd- peaks from the elevated baseline using six different urinary
7 was used for BMA and MBMA). Concentrations were back samples.
calculated from the corresponding calibration curves.
2.9.4. Specificity
2.9. Validation procedures The specificity of the method was assessed by analysis of six
individual batches of control urine, each analyzed both unspiked
The method was fully validated according to the FDA guide- and spiked at the LOQ level. The peak heights for blank matrix
lines. Limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), samples should not exceed 20% of peak heights at the LOQ
linearity, precision and accuracy, recovery, ion suppression, level and accuracy at the LOQ should be within 80–120% of the
specificity and stability of the HPLC–ESI-MS/MS method were nominal value.

2.9.1. Limit of detection and limit of quantification 2.9.5. Stability

The LOD and LOQ of the method were assessed for each ana- Stability of the analytes and the ISs was investigated in stan-
lyte by sextuplicate analysis of the calibration samples. The LOD dard solutions and in urinary matrix before and after sample
and LOQ were estimated by calculating the standard error of the extraction, according to the FDA guidelines. Stability of the
intercept (Sb) on the calibration curves (y = mx + b). For BMA, stock and working solutions was evaluated for 8 h at room tem-
the calibration curve was constructed by subtracting the back- perature and under storage conditions (−20 ◦ C for 1 year and
ground level peak area from the values determined for the spiked +4 ◦ C for 1 week for stock solutions and working solutions,
specimens. The LOD and LOQ were expressed as two and four respectively).
times the Sb/m, respectively. Precision and accuracy at the LOQ Stability in human urine was assessed in triplicate on three QC
level should meet the FDA acceptance criteria (R.S.D. ≤ 20% samples (2, 20 and 50 ␮g l−1 ) after long-term storage (2 months
and bias ≤20%). at −20 ◦ C), short-term storage (24 h at room temperature) and
after three freeze/thaw cycles, by comparison of the results with
2.9.2. Precision and accuracy those obtained from freshly prepared samples. Furthermore,
The precision and accuracy of the entire method were post-preparative stability was assessed in the final extract by
assessed for each analyte at three QC concentration levels in testing reproducibility in autosampler tray over a single batch
pooled urine samples spiked at 2, 20 and 50 ␮g l−1 . QCs were period (+15 ◦ C for 48 h).
extracted and analyzed in six replicates on the same day (intra-
day precision and accuracy) and on six different days within 3. Results and discussion
2 months (inter-day precision and accuracy). Precision was
expressed as the relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) and accu- 3.1. Analytical characteristics
racy was calculated as the relative difference between measured
and nominal concentration of the QC samples (bias%). 3.1.1. Mass spectrometry
Fig. 1 shows the product ion mass spectra of the three ana-
2.9.3. Recovery and ion suppression lytes. For PMA, the product ion mass spectrum was recorded
SPE recovery was calculated for the three analytes by in negative ion mode from the precursor ion m/z 238; the most
comparing the area responses of extracted and non-extracted intensive fragment was detected at m/z 109 (Fig. 1a). Fig. 1b
standard solutions containing PMA, BMA and MBMA at shows the product ion mass spectrum of BMA: the signal at m/z
three concentrations (2, 20 and 50 ␮g l−1 ), each analyzed in 123 was monitored as the larger fragment of the deprotonated
triplicate. molecular ion (m/z 252). For MBMA, the most abundant frag-
Moreover, ion suppression was evaluated according to the ment obtained from the precursor ion m/z 266 was detected at
FDA guidelines using two different procedures. Six differ- m/z 137. PMAd-5 and BMAd-7 gave ions at m/z 243 and 114
ent human urine samples were processed (as described above) and at m/z 259 and 130, respectively (data not shown). The main
and dry extracts were dissolved with 50 ␮l of working solu- fragments detected for all these compounds resulted from the
tion at 10 ␮g l−1 for each analyte. The analytical responses deprotonated ions by loss of CO2 and CH2 CH–NHCOCH3
of these samples were compared with those of the working (proposed fragmentations for PMA, BMA and MBMA are
solutions. shown in Fig. 1a–c, respectively). Our results on the nega-
As further tests to assess ion suppression, post-column infu- tive ionization of PMA and BMA are consistent with those
sion experiments were done. By using an infusion pump (Model previously reported [7,28]. Thus, for HPLC–MS/MS analysis
11 plus, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA), a continuous post- in MRM mode, m/z 238 → 109, 252 → 123, and 266 → 137
column infusion (at 5 ␮l min−1 ) of standard solution (PMA, were selected as the most sensitive transitions for PMA, BMA
BMA and MBMA 500 ␮g l−1 in 20 mM formic acid/MeOH 1:1, and MBMA, respectively. Transitions m/z 243 → 114 and m/z
v/v) was introduced into the analytical LC system through a T- 259 → 130 were monitored for PMAd-5 and BMAd-7, respec-
connector, during injection of an extract of urine (spiked with tively.
L. Sabatini et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 863 (2008) 115–122 119

3.1.2. Liquid chromatography

The elution gradient and influence of mobile phase were
investigated in order to optimize the analytical performances. As
reported in previous studies on the ESI− behavior of compounds
containing carboxylic acid groups, a mobile phase containing
formic acid in water/methanol gradient resulted to be opti-
mal [29]. We found that the response of acids increased when
the concentration of formic acid decreased. However, formic
acid increased analytes retention on the column and allowed to
resolve analyte peaks from interfering co-eluting matrix com-
ponents. A short analytical column and elution gradient with
20 mM formic acid and methanol were chosen as best compro-
mise between retention time and ionization of the three analytes
(data not shown). Under these chromatographic conditions, ana-
lytes and ISs were eluted in 10 min. Fig. 2 shows the MRM
chromatogram of a urinary calibration sample spiked with LOQ
concentrations of each analyte.

3.2. Method validation

3.2.1. Linearity, LOD and LOQ

The linearity of the calibration curves was determined over
the ranges 0.6–50.0 ␮g l−1 , 0.7–50.0 ␮g l−1 and 0.8–50.0 ␮g l−1
for PMA, BMA and MBMA, respectively. Each calibration
equation was fitted by the linear regression equation y = ax + b,
where y is the signal peak area ratio between the analyte
and its IS and x is the concentration of the spiked analyte.
Although isotopically labeled analogs would be the ideal ISs
in HPLC–ESI-MS analysis, isotopically labeled MAs are not
commercially available. Therefore, PMAd-5 and BMAd-7 were
synthesized to use as ISs for PMA and BMA, respectively.
BMAd-7 was also used to correct MBMA. In fact, we veri-
fied that, as compared to analysis without IS (data not shown),
the correction of MBMA signal by that of BMAd-7 increased
both the correlation coefficient of the calibration curve and the
accuracy of back-calculated concentrations, while guaranteeing
to meet the FDA requirements (see MBMA, Table 2). Fig. 2. Representative chromatogram of a calibration sample spiked with
For each analyte, the calibration curve showed a coefficient of 0.6 ␮g l−1 of PMA (A), 0.7 ␮g l−1 of BMA (B), 0.8 ␮g l−1 of MBMA (C) and
determination (r2 ) greater than 0.999. Concentrations were back 5 ␮g l−1 of each IS (D and E).
calculated from calibration curves for each calibration sample
(including LOQ): deviations from the nominal concentrations BMA and MBMA, respectively. Calibration parameters, LOD
(bias%) were between 0.1 and 12.1% for PMA, between 1.4 and and LOQ of the three analytes are summarized in Table 1. The
14.3% for BMA, and between 0.04 and 4.9% for MBMA. The LOQ of the method was determined for each analyte by divid-
R.S.D. values resulted to be <5.1, <2.7 and <21.0% for PMA, ing four times the S.D. of the ‘blank’ determination by the slope

Table 1
Calibration parameters obtained for PMA, BMA and MBMA against ISs from three different calibration curves prepared in triplicate and analyzed in different days,
within 2 weeks

Range of calibration (␮g l−1 )a 0.6–50.0a 0.7–50.0a 0.8–50.0a

Slope (±S.D.) 0.283 (±0.016) 0.256 (±0.019) 0.200 (±0.015)
Intercept (±S.D.) 0.020 (±0.029) 0.027 (±0.042) 0.037 (±0.048)
Regression coefficient (r2 ) 0.9999 0.9998 0.9995
Limit of detection (␮g l−1 )b 0.30 0.35 0.40
Limit of quantification (␮g l−1 )b 0.60 0.70 0.80
a Assessed on seven concentration levels.
b Assessed by analysis of calibration samples (n = 6).
120 L. Sabatini et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 863 (2008) 115–122

Table 2
Precision and accuracy for PMA, BMA and MBMA in urinary QC samples
Nominal concentration (␮g l−1 ) Intra-day Inter-day

R.S.D. Bias% R.S.D. Bias%

2 9.0 −8.9 5.6 −5.7
20 3.9 0.1 6.2 2.9
50 5.0 −4.0 2.8 −2.0
Average 6.0 −4.3 4.9 −1.6
2 2.8 −4.4 14.0 2.0
20 4.7 8.8 6.0 8.2
50 2.2 10.8 2.7 5.8
Average 3.2 5.1 7.6 5.3
Fig. 3. Chromatogram of an extracted urine sample (spiked with ISs) with post-
2 8.2 7.9 5.3 9.4
column infusion of 500 ␮g l−1 of PMA, BMA and MBMA.
20 4.1 14.2 4.1 14.2
50 1.7 14.9 3.8 11.6
in different batches of urine has been included as part of the
Average 4.7 12.3 4.4 11.7
validation procedure.
Number of replicates = 6. The experiments performed on six different urine samples
spiked after extraction showed a high-ion suppression (mean
analytes signal was 25.3% as compared to standard solutions).
of the calibration equation. Moreover, the accuracy of quantifi- These results are confirmed by post-column infusion experi-
cation at the LOQ level should be tested in six different urine ments, which indicated that the analytes peaks fell into an ion
lots and should be between 80 and 120% for all urines. Sev- suppression region (see Fig. 3).
eral LC–MS published methods reported slightly lower LOQ In the attempt to decrease ion suppression by increasing
values for PMA or BMA in urine. However, these values were analytes retention in column, several elution gradients were
obtained by analysis of a pool of urine and not from different tested. However, when the analytes retention time changed, the
urine samples [13,15–19]. Due to the unavailability of a urine region of maximum ion suppression moved accordingly (data
sample completely free of BMA, the determination of the LOQ not shown). This may be due to the fact that ion suppression of
for BMA presented some problems. An estimated LOQ value the urinary matrix in this region is caused by other MAs, which
for BMA in urine was thus calculated to be 0.7 ␮g l−1 . Never- are present in urine at high concentration levels. For the same
theless, the actual LOQ of BMA in urine may be lower than this reason, different extraction procedures performed using differ-
estimate and could be determined only in urine samples with ent SPE cartridges (Isolute® C18 and Isolute® Env+ ) did not
non-detectable amounts of BMA. decrease matrix effect (data not shown).
Several LC–MS analytical methods for the determination of
3.2.2. Precision, accuracy and recovery PMA or BMA have been published, but only few showed ion
Table 2 shows the intra-day and inter-day accuracy and preci- suppression data. Although obtained using a different clean-
sion values of the entire procedure for PMA, BMA and MBMA. up procedure, our results are consistent with those previously
For all analytes, accuracy was within 91.1 and 114.9% and published [7].
R.S.D. did not exceed 14.0%. This showed that each analyte The repeatability of the total procedure was evaluated ana-
met the generally accepted criteria for bioanalytical method lyzing six calibration curves constructed in six different lots of
validation at all QC concentration levels. urine, instead that in a single (pooled) urine sample. Despite the
As regards recovery obtained from the SPE procedure, the high suppression due to urinary matrix, the slopes of calibra-
mean values were 82 (±4.4) % for PMA, 71.2 (±7.8) % for tion curves measured with six different lots of urine were highly
BMA and 78.3 (±11.8) % for MBMA. precise (R.S.D. < 8%), and an identical susceptibility of analytes
and ISs to matrix effect may be inferred. This, together with satis-
3.2.3. Matrix effect and ion suppression fying inter-day precision and accuracy values obtained for LOQ
Although matrix-induced alterations (suppression or concentration levels from the six lots of urine was indicative for
enhancement) of the ESI-MS/MS signals may critically impair the absence of matrix-caused quantification errors.
the reliability of a method, little attention is often paid to
this topic during method validation. In particular, previously 3.2.4. Specificity
published methods for the determination of MAs in urine did The method showed good specificity, meeting the accep-
not test matrix effect and ion suppression [13,15–20]. Due to tance criteria of the FDA. No interfering peaks were detected
the complexity of biological fluids and to the high inter-subject in the ‘blank’ samples at the mass transitions chosen for PMA,
variability of urine in particular, assessment of matrix effects MBMA and the ISs. The signal detected for BMA in all unspiked
L. Sabatini et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 863 (2008) 115–122 121

Table 3 to those obtained by Bono et al. [30] in a group of 206 traffic

Results of HPLC–MS/MS analysis in urine samples of 354 traffic wardens wardens.
% of quantifiable Urinary concentration
samples mean ± S.D. (␮g/gcreatinine ) 4. Conclusions
PMA 27 1.76 ± 1.58
BMA 100 12.84 ± 25.71 To our knowledge, this is the first fully validated
MBMA 23 3.98 ± 7.19 HPLC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of
PMA, BMA and MBMA in human urine. The method meets
all the FDA acceptance criteria over the following ranges:
tested lots (signal to noise ratio larger than 3:1) corresponds to 0.6–50.0 ␮g l−1 , 0.7–50.0 ␮g l−1 and 0.8–50.0 ␮g l−1 for PMA,
background levels of BMA in urine. The accuracy of the six BMA and MBMA, respectively. Moreover, the high sensitiv-
individual urinary samples spiked at LOQ resulted within the ity and sample throughput make the method suitable for the
parameters indicated in the guidelines (80–120% of the nominal biological monitoring both of occupational and environmental
value). co-exposure to BTX.

3.2.5. Stability Acknowledgements

All the stability experiments performed met the FDA require-
ments: the deviation from the initial concentrations of the We are grateful to Dr. Chiara Scardoni for scientific editing.
analytes and ISs was <6% in the standard solutions. No sig-
nificant changes in concentrations (≤14%) were observed in References
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