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Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31

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Decision Support Systems

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A data-driven approach to predict the success of bank telemarketing

Sérgio Moro a,⁎, Paulo Cortez b, Paulo Rita a
ISCTE-IUL, Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal
ALGORITMI Research Centre, Univ. of Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We propose a data mining (DM) approach to predict the success of telemarketing calls for selling bank long-term
Received 1 November 2013 deposits. A Portuguese retail bank was addressed, with data collected from 2008 to 2013, thus including the ef-
Received in revised form 28 February 2014 fects of the recent financial crisis. We analyzed a large set of 150 features related with bank client, product and
Accepted 4 March 2014
social-economic attributes. A semi-automatic feature selection was explored in the modeling phase, performed
Available online 13 March 2014
with the data prior to July 2012 and that allowed to select a reduced set of 22 features. We also compared four
DM models: logistic regression, decision trees (DTs), neural network (NN) and support vector machine. Using
Bank deposits two metrics, area of the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and area of the LIFT cumulative curve
Telemarketing (ALIFT), the four models were tested on an evaluation set, using the most recent data (after July 2012) and a
Savings rolling window scheme. The NN presented the best results (AUC = 0.8 and ALIFT = 0.7), allowing to reach
Classification 79% of the subscribers by selecting the half better classified clients. Also, two knowledge extraction methods, a
Neural networks sensitivity analysis and a DT, were applied to the NN model and revealed several key attributes (e.g., Euribor
Variable selection rate, direction of the call and bank agent experience). Such knowledge extraction confirmed the obtained
model as credible and valuable for telemarketing campaign managers.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction while intelligent DSSs use artificial intelligence techniques to support

decisions [1]. Another related DSS concept is Business Intelligence
Marketing selling campaigns constitute a typical strategy to enhance (BI), which is an umbrella term that includes information technologies,
business. Companies use direct marketing when targeting segments of such as data warehouses and data mining (DM), to support decision
customers by contacting them to meet a specific goal. Centralizing cus- making using business data [32]. DM can play a key role in personal
tomer remote interactions in a contact center eases operational man- and intelligent DSSs, allowing the semi-automatic extraction of explan-
agement of campaigns. Such centers allow communicating with atory and predictive knowledge from raw data [34]. In particular, classi-
customers through various channels, telephone (fixed-line or mobile) fication is the most common DM task [10] and the goal is to build a data-
being one of the most widely used. Marketing operationalized through driven model that learns an unknown underlying function that maps
a contact center is called telemarketing due to the remoteness charac- several input variables, which characterize an item (e.g., bank client),
teristic [16]. Contacts can be divided into inbound and outbound, de- with one labeled output target (e.g., type of bank deposit sell: “failure”
pending on which side triggered the contact (client or contact center), or “success”).
with each case posing different challenges (e.g., outbound calls are There are several classification models, such as the classical Logistic
often considered more intrusive). Technology enables rethinking mar- Regression (LR), decision trees (DTs) and the more recent neural net-
keting by focusing on maximizing customer lifetime value through the works (NNs) and support vector machines (SVMs) [13]. LR and DT
evaluation of available information and customer metrics, thus allowing have the advantage of fitting models that tend to be easily understood
us to build longer and tighter relations in alignment with business de- by humans, while also providing good predictions in classification
mand [28]. Also, it should be stressed that the task of selecting the tasks. NN and SVM are more flexible (i.e., no a priori restriction is im-
best set of clients, i.e., that are more likely to subscribe a product, is con- posed) when compared with classical statistical modeling (e.g., LR) or
sidered NP-hard in Ref. [31]. even DT, presenting learning capabilities that range from linear to com-
Decision support systems (DSSs) use information technology to sup- plex nonlinear mappings. Due to such flexibility, NN and SVM tend to
port managerial decision making. There are several DSSs sub-fields, provide accurate predictions, but the obtained models are difficult to
such as personal and intelligent DSSs. Personal DSSs are related with be understood by humans. However, these “black box” models can be
small-scale systems that support a decision task of one manager, opened by using a sensitivity analysis, which allows us to measure the
importance and effect of particular input in the model output response
⁎ Corresponding author. [7]. When comparing DT, NN and SVM, several studies have shown dif-
E-mail address: scmoro@gmail.com (S. Moro). ferent classification performances. For instance, SVM provided better

0167-9236/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31 23

results in Refs. [6,8], comparable NN and SVM performances were ob- analyzes the obtained results; finally, conclusions are drawn in
tained in Ref. [5], while DT outperformed NN and SVM in Ref. [24]. Section 4.
These differences in performance emphasize the impact of the problem
context and provide a strong reason to test several techniques when ad- 2. Materials and methods
dressing a problem before choosing one of them [9].
DSS and BI have been applied to banking in numerous domains, such 2.1. Bank telemarketing data
as credit pricing [25].
However, the research is rather scarce in terms of the specific area of This research focus on targeting through telemarketing phone calls
banking client targeting. For instance, Ref. [17] described the potential to sell long-term deposits. Within a campaign, the human agents exe-
usefulness of DM techniques in marketing within Hong-Kong banking cute phone calls to a list of clients to sell the deposit (outbound) or, if
sector but no actual data-driven model was tested. The research of meanwhile the client calls the contact-center for any other reason, he
Ref. [19] identified clients for targeting at a major bank using pseudo- is asked to subscribe the deposit (inbound). Thus, the result is a binary
social networks based on relations (money transfers between stake- unsuccessful or successful contact.
holders). Their approach offers an interesting alternative to traditional This study considers real data collected from a Portuguese retail
usage of business characteristics for modeling. bank, from May 2008 to June 2013, in a total of 52,944 phone contacts.
In previous work [23], we have explored data-driven models for The dataset is unbalanced, as only 6557 (12.38%) records are related
modeling bank telemarketing success. Yet, we only achieved good with successes. For evaluation purposes, a time ordered split was initial-
models when using attributes that are only known on call execution, ly performed, where the records were divided into training (four years)
such as call duration. Thus, while providing interesting information for and test data (one year). The training data is used for feature and model
campaign managers, such models cannot be used for prediction. In selection and includes all contacts executed up to June 2012, in a total of
what is more closely related with our approach, Ref. [15] analyzed 51,651 examples. The test data is used for measuring the prediction ca-
how a mass media (e.g., radio and television) marketing campaign pabilities of the selected data-driven model, including the most recent
could affect the buying of a new bank product. The data was collected 1293 contacts, from July 2012 to June 2013.
from an Iran bank, with a total of 22,427 customers related with a six Each record included the output target, the contact outcome ({“fail-
month period, from January to July of 2006, when the mass media cam- ure”, “success”}), and candidate input features. These include telemar-
paign was conducted. It was assumed that all customers who bought keting attributes (e.g., call direction), product details (e.g., interest rate
the product (7%) were influenced by the marketing campaign. Historical offered) and client information (e.g., age). These records were enriched
data allowed the extraction of a total of 85 input attributes related with with social and economic influence features (e.g., unemployment varia-
recency, frequency and monetary features and the age of the client. A bi- tion rate), by gathering external data from the central bank of the Portu-
nary classification task was modeled using a SVM algorithm that was guese Republic statistical web site1. The merging of the two data sources
fed with 26 attributes (after a feature selection step), using 2/3 random- led to a large set of potentially useful features, with a total of 150 attri-
ly selected customers for training and 1/3 for testing. The classification butes, which are scrutinized in Section 2.4.
accuracy achieved was 81% and through a Lift analysis [3], such model
could select 79% of the positive responders with just 40% of the cus-
tomers. While these results are interesting, a robust validation was 2.2. Data mining models
not conducted. Only one holdout run (train/test split) was considered.
Also, such random split does not reflect the temporal dimension that a In this work, we test four binary classification DM models, as implement-
real prediction system would have to follow, i.e., using past patterns to ed in the rminer package of the R tool [5]: logistic regression (LR), decision
fit the model in order to issue predictions for future client contacts. trees (DTs), neural network (NN) and support vector machine (SVM).
In this paper, we propose a personal and intelligent DSS that can au- The LR is a popular choice (e.g., in credit scoring) that operates a
tomatically predict the result of a phone call to sell long term deposits smooth nonlinear logistic transformation over a multiple regression
by using a DM approach. Such DSS is valuable to assist managers in pri- model and allows the estimation of class probabilities [33]:pðcjxk Þ ¼
oritizing and selecting the next customers to be contacted during bank
marketing campaigns. For instance, by using a Lift analysis that analyzes  1 ,where p(c|x) denotes the probability of class c given
1þ exp w0 þ∑i¼1 wi xk;i
the probability of success and leaves to managers only the decision on
how many customers to contact. As a consequence, the time and costs the k-th input example xk = (xk,1, …, xk,M) with M features and wi de-
of such campaigns would be reduced. Also, by performing fewer and notes a weight factor, adjusted by the learning algorithm. Due to the ad-
more effective phone calls, client stress and intrusiveness would be di- ditive linear combination of its independent variables (x), the model is
minished. The main contributions of this work are: easy to interpret. Yet, the model is quite rigid and cannot model ade-
quately complex nonlinear relationships.
• We focus on feature engineering, which is a key aspect in DM [10], and
The DT is a branching structure that represents a set of rules,
propose generic social and economic indicators in addition to the
distinguishing values in a hierarchical form [2]. This representation
more commonly used bank client and product attributes, in a total
can be translated into a set of IF–THEN rules, which are easy to under-
of 150 analyzed features. In the modeling phase, a semi-automated
stand by humans.
process (based on business knowledge and a forward method)
The multilayer perceptron is the most popular NN architecture [14].
allowed to reduce the original set to 22 relevant features that are
We adopt a multilayer perceptron with one hidden layer of H hidden
used by the DM models.
nodes and one output node. The H hyperparameter sets the model
• We analyze a recent and large dataset (52,944 records) from a Portu-
learning complexity. A NN with a value of H = 0 is equivalent to
guese bank. The data were collected from 2008 to 2013, thus including
the LR model, while a high H value allows the NN to learn complex
the effects of the global financial crisis that peaked in 2008.
nonlinear relationships. For a given input xk the state of the i-th
• We compare four DM models (LR, DT, NN and SVM) using a realistic 
neuron (si) is computed by: si ¼ f wi;0 þ ∑ j∈P i wi; j  s j Þ ,where Pi
rolling window evaluation and two classification metrics. We also
represents the set of nodes reaching node i; f is the logistic function;
show how the best model (NN) could benefit the bank telemarketing
wi,j denotes the weight of the connection between nodes j and i; and
s1 = xk,1,, …, sM = xk,M. Given that the logistic function is used, the
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the bank data
and DM approach; Section 3 describes the experiments conducted and 1
24 S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31

output node automatically produces a probability estimate (ϵ[0,1]). Given that the training data includes a large number of contacts
The NN final solution is dependent of the choice of starting weights. (51,651), we adopt the popular and fast holdout method (with R dis-
As suggested in Ref. [13], to solve this issue, the rminer package tinct runs) for feature and model selection purposes. Under this holdout
uses an ensemble of Nr different trained networks and outputs the scheme, the training data is further divided into training and validation
average of the individual predictions [13]. sets by using a random split with 2/3 and 1/3 of the contacts, respective-
The SVM classifier [4] transforms the input x ∈ ℜM space into a ly. The results are aggregated by the average of the R runs and a Mann–
high m-dimensional feature space by using a nonlinear mapping Whitney non-parametric test is used to check statistical significance at
that depends on a kernel. Then, the SVM finds the best linear sepa- the 95% confidence level.
rating hyperplane, related to a set of support vector points, in the In real environment, the DSS should be regularly updated as new
feature space. The rminer package adopts the popular Gaussian ker- contact data becomes available. Moreover, client propensity to
nel [13], which presents less parameters than other kernels (e.g., subscribe a bank product may evolve through time (e.g., changes in
polynomial): K(x, x′) = exp(−γ||x − x′||2), γ N 0. The probabilistic the economic environment). Hence, for achieving a robust predictive
SVM output is given by Ref. [35]: f(xi) = ∑ m j = 1yjαjK(xj, xi) + b evaluation we adopt the more realistic fixed-size (of length W) rolling
and p(i) = 1/(1 + exp(Af(xi) + B)), where m is the number of sup- window evaluation scheme that performs several model updates and
port vectors, yi ∈ {−1, 1} is the output for a binary classification, b discards oldest data [18]. Under this scheme, a training window of W
and αj are the coefficients of the model, and A and B are determined consecutive contacts is used to fit the model and then we perform pre-
by solving a regularized maximum likelihood problem. dictions related with the next K contacts. Next, we update (i.e., slide) the
Before fitting the NN and SVM models, the input data is first stan- training window by replacing the oldest K contacts with K newest
dardized to a zero mean and one standard deviation [13]. For DT, contacts (related with the previously predicted contacts but now we as-
rminer adopts the default parameters of the rpart R package, which im- sume that the outcome result is known), in order to perform new K pre-
plements the popular CART algorithm [2] For the LR and NN learning, dictions, and so on. For a test set of length L, a total number of model
rminer uses the efficient BFGS algorithm [22], from the family of updates (i.e., trainings) are U = L/K. Fig. 1 exemplifies the rolling win-
quasi-Newton methods, while SVM is trained using the sequential min- dow evaluation procedure.
imal optimization (SMO) [26]. The learning capabilities of NN and SVM
are affected by the choice of their hyperparameters (H for NN; γ and C, a
complex penalty parameter, for SVM). For setting these values, rminer 2.4. Feature selection
uses grid search and heuristics [5].
Complex DM models, such as NN and SVM, often achieve accurate The large number (150) of potential useful features demanded a
predictive performances. Yet, the increased complexity of NN and stricter choice of relevant attributes. Feature selection is often a key
SVM makes the final data-driven model difficult to be understood by DM step, since it is useful to discard irrelevant inputs, leading to simpler
humans. To open these black-box models, there are two interesting pos- data-driven models that are easier to interpret and that tend to provide
sibilities, rule extraction and sensitivity analysis. Rule extraction often better predictive performances [12]. In Ref. [34], it is argued that while
involves the use of a white-box method (e.g., decision tree) to learn automatic methods can be useful, the best way is to perform a manual
the black-box responses [29]. The sensitivity analysis procedure works feature selection by using problem domain knowledge, i.e., by having
by analyzing the responses of a model when a given input is varied a clear understanding of what the attributes actually mean. In this
through its domain [7]. By analyzing the sensitivity responses, it is pos- work, we use a semi-automatic approach for feature selection based
sible to measure input relevance and average impact of a particular on two steps that are described below.
input in the model. The former can be shown visually using an input im- In the first step, business intuitive knowledge was used to define a
portance bar plot and the latter by plotting the Variable Effect Charac- set of fourteen questions, which represent certain hypotheses that are
teristic (VEC) curve. Opening the black-box allows in explaining how tested. Each question (or factor of analysis) is defined in terms of a
the model makes the decisions and improves the acceptance of predic- group of related attributes selected from the original set of 150 features
tion models by the domain experts, as shown in Ref. [20]. by a bank campaign manager (domain expert). For instance, the ques-
tion about the gender influence (male/female) includes the three
2.3. Evaluation features, related with the gender of the banking agent, client and
client–agent difference (0 \ if same sex; 1 \ else). Table 1 exhibits
A class can be assigned from a probabilistic outcome by assigning a the analyzed factors and the number of attributes related with each
threshold D, such that event c is true if p(c|xk) N D. The receiver operat- factor, covering a total of 69 features (reduction of 46%).
ing characteristic (ROC) curve shows the performance of a two class In the second step, an automated selection approach is adopted,
classifier across the range of possible threshold (D) values, plotting based an adapted forward selection method [12]. Given that standard
one minus the specificity (x-axis) versus the sensitivity (y-axis) [11]. forward selection is dependent on the sequence of features used and
The overall accuracy is given by the area under the curve (AUC = that the features related with a factor of analysis are highly related,
∫10ROCdD), measuring the degree of discrimination that can be obtained we first apply a simple wrapper selection method that works with a
from a given model. AUC is a popular classification metric [21] that pre-
sents advantages of being independent of the class frequency or specific
false positive/negative costs. The ideal method should present an AUC of training data test data
1.0, while an AUC of 0.5 denotes a random classifier. W K
In the domain of marketing, the Lift analysis is popular for accessing model training test
the quality of targeting models [3]. Usually, the population is divided updates 1 set set
into deciles, under a decreasing order of their predictive probability K W K
for success. A useful Lift cumulative curve is obtained by plotting the 2 training test
set set
population samples (ordered by the deciles, x-axis) versus the cumula-
... ... ...
tive percentage of real responses captured (y-axis). Similarly to the AUC K W K
metric, the ideal method should present an area under the LIFT (ALIFT) U training test
cumulative curve close to 1.0. A high ALIFT confirms that the predictive set set
model concentrates responders in the top deciles, while an ALIFT of 0.5
corresponds to the performance of a random baseline. Fig. 1. Schematic of the adopted rolling window evaluation procedure.
S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31 25

Table 1 of hidden nodes using the heuristic H = round(M/2) (M is the number

Analyzed business questions for a successful contact result. of inputs), which is also adopted by the WEKA tool [34] and tends to
Question (factor of analysis) Number provide good classification results [5]. The NN ensemble is composed
of features of Nr = 7 distinct networks, each trained with 100 epochs of the BFGS
1: Is offered rate relevant? 5 algorithm.
2: Is gender relevant? 3 Before executing the feature selection, we fixed the initial phase
3: Is agent experience relevant? 3 thresholds to reasonable values: T1 = 0.60 and T2 = 0.65, two
4: Are social status and stability relevant? 5
AUC values better than the random baseline of 0.5 and such that
5: Is client–bank relationship relevant? 11
6: Are bank blocks (triggered to prevent certain operations) relevant? 6 T2 N T1; T3 = 0.01, the minimum difference of AUC values; and T4 =
7: Is phone call context relevant? 4 60%, such that the sum of input importances accounts for at least 60%
8: Are date and time conditions relevant? 3 of the influence. Table 1 presents the eight confirmed hypothesis (ques-
9: Are bank profiling indicators relevant? 7 tion numbers in bold) and associated result of 22 relevant features, after
10:Are social and economic indicators relevant? 11
applying the first feature selection phase. This procedure discarded 6
11:Are financial assets relevant? 3
12:Is residence district relevant? 1 factors and 47 features, leading to a 32% reduction rate when compared
13:Can age be related to products with longer term periods? 3 with 69 features set by the business knowledge selection. Then, the for-
14:Are web page hits (for campaigns displayed in bank web sites) 4 ward selection phase was executed. Table 2 presents the respective AUC
results (column AUC, average of R = 20 runs) and full list of selected fea-
Number of features after business knowledge selection 69
Number of features after first feature selection phase 22 tures. The second phase confirmed the relevance of all factors, given
that each time a new factor was added, the DM model produced a
higher AUC value. An additional experiment was conducted with the
LR model, executing the same feature selection method and confirmed
DM fed with combinations of inputs taken from a single factor. The goal the same eight factors of analysis and leading to a similar reduced set
is to identify the most interesting factors and features attached to such (with 24 features). Yet, the NN model with 22 inputs got better AUC
factors. Using only training set data, several DM models are fit, by and ALIFT values when compared with LR, and thus such 22 inputs are
using: each individual feature related to a particular question (i.e., one adopted in the remainder of this paper.
input) to predict the contact result; and all features related with the After selecting the final set of input features, we compared the
same question (e.g., 3 inputs for question #2 about gender influence). performance of the four DM models: LR, DT, NN and SVM. The com-
Let AUCq and AUCq,i denote the AUC values, as measured on the valida- parison of SVM with NN was set under similar conditions, where
tion set, for the model fed with all inputs related with question q and the best hyperparameters (H and γ) were set by performing a grid
only the i-th individual feature of question q. We assume that the busi- search under the ranges Hϵ{0,2,6,8,10,12} and γ ∈ 2 k : k ∈ {− 15,
ness hypothesis is confirmed if at least one of the individually tested at- − 11.4, − 7.8, − 4.2, − 0.6, 3}. The second SVM parameter (which
tributes achieves an AUCq,i greater than a threshold T1 and if the model is less relevant) was fixed using the heuristic C = 3 proposed in for
with all question related features returns an AUCq greater than another x standardized input data [5]. The rminer package applies this grid
threshold T2. When a hypothesis is confirmed, only the m-th feature is search by performing an internal holdout scheme over the training
selected if AUCq,m N AUCq or AUCq − AUCq,m b T3, where AUCq,m = set, in order to select the best hyperparameter (H or γ) that corre-
max(AUCq,i). Else, we rank the input relevance of the model with all sponds to the lowest AUC value measured on a subset of the training
question related features in order to select the most relevant ones, set, and then trains the best model with all training set data.
such that the sum of input importances is higher than a threshold T4. The obtained results for the modeling phase (using only training and
Once a set of confirmed hypotheses and relevant features is validation set data) are shown in Table 3 in terms of the average (over
achieved, a forward selection method is applied, working on a factor R = 20 runs) of the AUC and ALIFT metrics (Section 2.3) computed on
by factor step basis. A DM model that is fed with training set data the validation set. The best result was achieved by the NN model,
using as inputs all relevant features of the first confirmed factor and which outperformed LR (improvement of 3 pp), DT (improvement of
then AUC is computed over the validation set. Then, another DM 10 pp) and SVM (improvement of 4 and 3 pp) in both metrics and
model is trained with all previous inputs plus the relevant features of with statistical confidence (i.e., Mann–Whitney p-value b 0.05). In the
the next confirmed factor. If there is an increase in the AUC, then the table, the selected NN and SVM hyperparameters are presented in
current factor features are included in the next step DM model, else brackets (median value shown for H and γ). It should be noted that
they are discarded. This procedure ends when all confirmed factors the hidden node grid search strategy for NN did not improve the AUC
have been tested if they improve the predictive performance in terms value (0.929) when compared with the H = round(M/2) = 11 heuristic
of the AUC value. (used in Table 2). Nevertheless, given that a simpler model was selected
(i.e., H = 6), we opt for such model in the remainder of this paper.
3. Experiments and results To attest the utility of the proposed feature selection approach, we
compared it with two alternatives: no selection, which makes use of
3.1. Modeling the all 150 features; and forward selection, which adopts the standard
forward method. The latter alternative uses all 150 features as feature
All experiments were performed using the rminer package and R candidates. In the first iteration, it selects the feature that produces
tool [5] and conducted in a Linux server, with an Intel Xeon 5500 the highest AUC value, measured using the validation set (1/3 of the
2.27 GHz processor. Each DM model related with this section was exe- training data) when considering the average of 20 runs. Then, the se-
cuted using a total of R = 20 runs. For the feature selection, we adopted lected feature is fixed and a second iteration is executed to select the
the NN model described in Section 2.2 as the base DM model, since pre- second feature within the remaining 149 candidates and the obtained
liminary experiments, using only training data, confirmed that NN pro- AUC is compared with the one obtained in previous iteration. This
vided the best AUC and ALIFT results when compared with other DM method proceeds with more iterations until there is no AUC improve-
methods. Also, these preliminary experiments confirmed that SVM re- ment or if all features are selected. Table 4 compares the three feature
quired much more computation when compared with NN, in an expect- selection methods in terms of number of features used by the model,
ed result since SMO algorithm memory and processing requirements time elapsed and performance metric (AUC).
grow much more heavily with the size of the dataset when compared The obtained results confirm the usefulness of the proposed ap-
with BFGS algorithm used by the NN. At this stage, we set the number proach, which obtains the best AUC value. The proposed method uses
26 S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31

Table 2
Final set of selected attributes.

Factor Attributes Description AUC

1: Interest rate nat.avg.rate National monthly average of deposit interest rate 0.781
suited.rate Most suited rate to the client according to bank criteria
dif.best.rate.avg Difference between best rate offered and the national average
2: Gender ag.sex Sex of the agent (male/female) that made (outbound) or answered (inbound) the call 0.793
3: agent experience ag.generic If generic agent, i.e. temporary hired, with less experience (yes/no) 0.799
ag.created Number of days since the agent was created
5: Client–bank relationship cli.house.loan If the client has a house loan contract (yes/no) 0.805
cli.affluent If the client is an affluent client (yes/no)
cli.indiv.credit If the client has an individual credit contract (yes/no)
cli.salary.account If the client has a salary account (yes/no)
7: Phone call context call.dir Call direction (inbound/outbound) 0.809
call.nr.schedules Number of previously scheduled calls during the same campaign
call.prev.durations Duration of previously scheduled calls (in s)
8: Date and time call.month Month in which the call is made 0.810
9: Bank profiling indicators cli.sec.group Security group bank classification 0.927
cli.agreggate If the client has aggregated products and services
cli.profile Generic client profile, considering assets and risk
10: Social and economic indicators emp.var.rate Employment variation rate, with a quarterly frequency 0.929
cons.price.idx Monthly average consumer price index
cons.conf.idx Monthly average consumer confidence index
euribor3m Daily three month Euribor rate
nr.employed Quarterly average of the total number of employed citizens

lesser features (around a factor of 7) when compared with the full fea- the domain user can select the best TPR and FPR trade-off that serves
ture approach. Also, it is also much faster (around a factor of 5) when its needs. The NN ROC curve is related with the highest area (AUC)
compared with the simple forward selection. and outperforms all other methods within most (75%) of the FPR
range (e.g., NN is the best method for FPR within [0.00,0.10],
3.2. Predictive knowledge and potential impact [0.26,0.85] and [0.94,1.00]).
Focusing on the case studied of bank telemarketing, it is difficult to
The best model from previous section (NN fed with 22 features from financially quantify costs, since long term deposits have different
Table 2, with H = 6 and Nr = 7) was tested for its predictive capabilities amounts, interest rates and subscription periods. Moreover, human
under a more realistic and robust evaluation scheme. Such scheme is agents are hired to accept inbound phone calls, as well as sell other
based on a rolling window evaluation (Section 2.3) over the test data, non-deposit products. In addition, it is difficult to estimate intrusiveness
with L = 1293 contacts from the most recent year. Taking into account of an outbound call (e.g., due to a stressful conversation). Nevertheless,
the computational effort required, the rolling window parameters were we highlight that current bank context favors more sensitive models:
fixed to the reasonable values of W = 20000 (window size) and K = 10 communication costs are contracted in bundle packages, keeping costs
(predictions made each model update), which corresponds to U = 130 low; and more importantly, the 2008 financial crisis strongly increased
model updates (trainings and evaluations). We note that a sensitivity the pressure for Portuguese banks to increase long term deposits.
analysis was executed over W, where other W configurations were test- Hence, for this particular bank it is better to produce more successful
ed (e.g., 19,000 and 21,000) leading to very similar results. For compar- sells even if this involves loosing some effort in contacting non-buyers.
ison purposes, we also tested LR, DT and SVM (as set in Section 3.1). Under such context, NN is the advised modeling technique, producing
The results of all U = 130 updates are summarized in Table 5. While the best TPR and FPR trade-off within most of the sensitive range. For
a trained model only predicts K = 10 contact outcomes (in each up- the range FPR within [0.26,0.85], the NN gets a high TPR value (ranging
date), the AUC and ALIFT metrics were computing using the full set of from 0.75 to 0.97). The NN TPR mean difference under the FPR range
predictions and desired values. Similarly to the modeling phase, the [0.45,0.62] is 2 pp when compared with SVM and 9 pp when compared
best results are given by the NN model and for both metrics, with im- with DT. For demonstrative purposes, the right of Fig. 2 shows the con-
provements of: 2.7 pp for SVM, 3.7 pp for DT and 7.9 pp for LR, in fusion matrix related with the NN model and for D = 0.5.
terms of AUC; and 1.6 pp for SVM, 2.1 pp for DT and 4.6 pp for LR, in The left of Fig. 3 plots the Lift cumulative curves for the predictions
terms of ALIFT. Interestingly, while DT was the worse performing tech- using the four models, while the right of Fig. 3 shows examples of cumu-
nique in the modeling phase, prediction tests revealed it as the third lative lift response values for the best three models (NN, SVM and DT)
best model, outperforming LR and justifying the need for technique and several sample size configurations (e.g., 10% and 50%). Under the
comparison in every stage of the decision making process [9]. cumulative lift analysis, the NN model is the best model within a large
The left of Fig. 2 plots the ROC curves for the four models tested. A portion (77%) of the sample size range. In effect, NN outperforms the
good model should offer the best compromise between a desirable SVM model for the sample size ranges of [0.06;0.24] and [0.27;0.99],
high true positive rate (TPR) and low false positive rate (FPR). The for- presenting an average difference of 2 pp within the range [0.27:0.9].
mer goal corresponds to a sensitive model, while the latter is related Also, NN is better than DT for the sample size ranges of [0,0.22],
with a more specific model. The advantage of the ROC curve is that

Table 4
Comparison of feature selection methods for the modeling phase using NN model (bold
Table 3
denotes the best AUC).
Comparison of DM models for the modeling phase (bold denotes the best value).
    Method #Features Time elapsed (in s) AUC metric
Metric LR DT SVM γe ¼ 2−7:8 ; C ¼ 3 NN He ¼ 6; N r ¼ 7
no selection 150 3223 0.832
AUC 0.900 0.833 0.891 0.929a forward selection 7 97,975 0.896
ALIFT 0.849 0.756 0.844 0.878a proposed 22 18,651a 0.929
a a
Statistically significant under a pairwise comparison with SVM, LR and DT. Includes interview with domain expert (5400 s) for Table 1 definition.
S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31 27

Table 5 data (51,651 oldest contacts). Fig. 4 exhibits the respective input impor-
Comparison of models for the rolling window phase (bold denotes the best value). tance bar plot (the attribute names are described in more detail in
Metric LR DT SVM NN Table 2). A DT was also applied to the output responses of the NN
model that was fitted with all training data. We set the DT complexity
AUC 0.715 0.757 0.767 0.794
ALIFT 0.626 0.651 0.656 0.672 parameter to 0.001, which allowed us to fit a DT as a low error, obtaining
a mean absolute error of 0.03 when predicting the NN responses. A large
tree was obtained and to simplify the analysis, Fig. 5 presents the ob-
[0.33,0.40], [0.46,0.9] and [0.96,1]. The largest NN difference when com- tained decision rules up to six decision levels. An example of an extract-
pared with DT is achieved for the sample size range of [0.46,0.9], ed rule is: if the number of employed is equal or higher than 5088
reaching up to 8 pp. Since for this particular bank and context the pres- thousand and duration of previously scheduled calls is less than
sure is set towards getting more successful sells (as previously ex- 13 min and the call is not made in March, April, October or December,
plained), this is an important sample size range. Currently, the bank and the call is inbound then the probability of success is 0.62. In Fig. 5,
uses a standard process that does not filter clients, thus involving a call- decision rules that are aligned with the sensitivity analysis are shown
ing to all clients in the database. Nevertheless, in the future there can be in bold and are discussed in the next paragraphs.
changes in the bank client selection policy. For instance, one might An interesting result shown by Fig. 4 is that the three month Euribor
imagine the scenario where telemarketing manager is asked to reduce rate (euribor3m), computed by the European Central Bank (ECB) and
the number of contacts by half (maximum of the bank's current inten- published by Thomson Reuters, i.e., a publicly available and widely
tions). As shown in Fig. 3, without the data-driven model conceived, used index, was considered the most relevant attribute, with a relative
telemarketing would reach expectedly just 50% of the possible sub- importance around 17%. Next comes the direction of the phone call (in-
scribers, while with the NN model proposed here would allow to bound versus outbound, 15%), followed by the number of days since the
reach around 79% of the responses, thus benefiting from an increase of agent login was created, which is an indicator of agent experience in the
29 percentage points of successful contacts. This result attests the utility bank contact center, although not necessarily on the deposit campaign,
of such model, which allows campaign managers to increase efficiency since each agent can deal with different types of service (e.g., phone
through cost reduction (less calls made) and still reaching a large por- banking). The difference between the best possible rate for the product
tion of successful contacts. being offered and the national average rate is the fourth most relevant
When comparing the best proposed model NN in terms of modeling input attribute. This feature was expected to be one of the top attributes,
versus rolling window phases, there is a decrease in performance, with a since it stands for what the client will receive for subscribing the bank
reduction in AUC from 0.929 to 0.794 and ALIFT from 0.878 to 0.672. deposit when compared to the competition. Along with the Euribor
However, such reduction was expected since in the modeling phase rate, these two attributes are the ones from the top five which are not
the feature selection was tuned based on validation set errors, while specifically related to call context, so they will be analyzed together fur-
the best model was then fixed (i.e., 22 inputs and H = 6) and tested ther ahead. Last in the top five attributes comes the duration of previous
on completely new unseen and more recent data. Moreover, the obtain- calls that needed to be rescheduled to obtain a final answer by the client.
ed AUC and ALIFT values are much better than the random baseline of It is also interesting to notice that the top ten attributes found by the
50%. sensitivity analysis (Fig. 4) are also used by the extracted decision
tree, as shown in Fig. 5.
3.3. Explanatory knowledge Concerning the sensitivity analysis input ranking, one may also take
into consideration the relevance of the sixth and eighth most relevant
In this section, we show how explanatory knowledge can be extract- attributes, both related to social quarterly indicators of employment,
ed by using a sensitivity analysis and rule extraction techniques the number of employees and the employment variation rate, which re-
(Section 2.2) to open the data-driven model. Using the Importance func- veal that these social indicators play a role in success contact modeling.
tion of the rminer package, we applied the Data-based Sensitivity Anal- While client attributes are specific of an individual, they were consid-
ysis (DSA) algorithm, which is capable of measuring the global influence ered less relevant, with six of them in the bottom of the input bar plot
of an input, including its iterations with other attributes [7]. The DSA al- (Fig. 4). This does not necessarily mean that these types of attributes
gorithm was executed on the selected NN model, fitted with all training have general few impact on modeling contact success. In this particular


NN model
(ROC point for D=0.5):


Target failure success


failure 617 (48%) 140 (11%)

success 186 (14%) 350 (27%)




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Fig. 2. ROC curves for the four models (left) and example confusion matrix for NN and D = 0.5 (right).
28 S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31

Examples of DT, SVM and NN

response values:

size DT SVM NN

5% 8.0% 9.0% 10.4%
10% 15.3% 17.2% 19.2%
20% 35.1% 33.6% 35.6%
30% 52.2% 50.2% 51.3%
40% 67.7% 65.9% 67.7%
50% 77.2% 76.1% 78.9%
60% 80.0% 84.1% 86.4%

NN 70% 83.6% 89.6% 91.4%



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Sample size

Fig. 3. Lift cumulative curves for the four models (left) and examples of NN and DT cumulative lift response values (right).

case, the profiling indicators used were defined by the bank and the ob- behavior is explained by a more recent research [30], which revealed
tained results suggest that probably these indicators are not adequate that while prior to 2008 a weak positive relation could be observed be-
for our problem of targeting deposits. tween offered rate for deposits and savings rate, after 2008, with the fi-
The sensitivity analysis results can also be visualized using a VEC nancial crisis, that relation reversed, turning clients more prone to
curve, which allows understanding the global influence of an attribute savings while the Euribor constantly decreased. This apparent contra-
in the predicted outcome by plotting the attribute range of values versus diction might be due to clients' perception of a real economic recession
the average sensitivity responses [7]. We analyzed the top five most rel- and social depression. Consumers might feel an increased need to con-
evant attributes, with the corresponding VEC curves being plotted in the sider saving for the future as opposed to immediate gratification coming
left (Euribor and product offered interest rates) and right (remaining from spending money in purchasing desired products or services. This
top 5 relevant attributes) of Fig. 6. observation emphasizes the inclusion of this kind of information on
When considering the Euribor rate, one might think that a lower similar DM projects. Concerning the difference between best product
Euribor would result in a decline in savings rate since most European rate offered and national average, Fig. 6 confirms our expectation that
banks align their deposit interest rate offers with ECB indexes, particu- an increase in this attribute does increase the probability for subscribing
larly with the three month Euribor [27]. Still, the right of Fig. 6 reveals a deposit. Still, once the difference reaches 0.73%, the influence on the
the opposite, with a lower Euribor corresponding to a higher probability probability of subscription is highly reduced, which means that an inter-
for deposit subscription, and the same probability decreasing along with est rate slightly above the competition seems to be enough to make the
the increase of the three month Euribor. A similar effect is visible in a de- difference on the result. It is also interesting to note that the extracted
cision node of the extracted DT (Fig. 5), where the probability of success DT reveals a positive effect of the rate difference with a successful con-
decreases by 10 pp when the Euribor rate is higher than 0.73. This tact (Fig. 5).
The right of Fig. 6 shows the influence of the second, third and fifth
most relevant attributes. Regarding call direction, we validate that cli-
ents contacted through inbound are keener to subscribe the deposit. A
similar effect is measured by the extracted DT, where an inbound call in-
euribor3m creases the probability of success by 25 pp (Fig. 5). Inbound is associated
ag.created with less intrusiveness given that the client has called the bank and thus
dif.best.rate.avg he/she is more receptive for a sell. Another expected outcome is related
nr.employed with agent experience, where the knowledge extraction results show
call.month that it has a significant impact on a successful contact. Quite interesting-
emp.var.rate ly, a few days of experience are enough to produce a strong impact,
nat.avg.rate given that under the VEC analysis with just six days the average proba-
cons.conf.idx bility of success is above 50% (Fig. 6) and the extracted DT increases the
probability of successful sell by 9 pp when the experience is higher or
ag.sex equal than 3.3 days (Fig. 5). Regarding the duration of previously sched-
cli.profile uled calls, it happens often that the client does not decide on the first call
cli.sec.group on whether to subscribe or not the deposit, asking to be called again,
cli.house.loan thus rescheduling another call. In those cases (63.8% for the whole
cli.salary.account dataset), a contact develops through more than one phone call. The sen-
cli.indiv.credit sitivity analysis (Fig. 6) shows that more time already spent on past calls
cli.affluent within the same campaign increases probability of success. Similarly,
the extracted DT confirms a positive effect of the duration of previous
0 5 10 15 20 calls. For instance, when the duration is higher or equal than 13 min
(left node at the second level of Fig. 5), then the associated global prob-
ability of success is 0.3, while the value decreases to 0.05 (25 pp differ-
Fig. 4. Relative importance of each input attribute for the NN model (in %). ence) if this duration condition is false.
S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31 29

Fig. 5. Decision tree extracted from the NN model.

It is interesting to note that some explanatory variables are uncon- In this study, we propose a personal and intelligent DSS that uses a
trolled by the commercial bank (e.g., three month Euribor rate) while data mining (DM) approach for the selection of bank telemarketing cli-
others are partially controlled, i.e., can be influenced by bank managers' ents. We analyzed a recent and large Portuguese bank dataset, collected
decisions (e.g., difference between best offered and national average from 2008 to 2013, with a total of 52,944 records. The goal was to model
rates, which also depends on competitors' decisions), and other vari- the success of subscribing a long-term deposit using attributes that
ables can be fully controlled (e.g., direction of call, if outbound; agent ex- were known before the telemarketing call was executed. A particular
perience — ag.created; duration of previously scheduled calls). Given emphasis was given on feature engineering, as we considered an initial
these characteristics, telemarketing managers can act directly over set of 150 input attributes, including the commonly used bank client
some variables, while analyzing expectations influenced by uncon- and product features and also newly proposed social and economic in-
trolled variables. For instance, managers can increase campaign invest- dicators. During the modeling phase, and using a semi-automated fea-
ment (e.g., by assigning more agents) when the expected return is high, ture selection procedure, we selected a reduced set of 22 relevant
while postponing or reducing marketing campaigns when a lower suc- features. Also, four DM models were compared: logistic regression
cess is globally predicted. (LR), decision trees (DTs), neural networks (NNs) and support vector
machines (SVMs). These models were compared using two metrics,
area of the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and area of
4. Conclusions the LIFT cumulative curve (ALIFT), both at the modeling and rolling win-
dow evaluation phases. For both metrics and phases, the best results
Within the banking industry, optimizing targeting for telemarketing were obtained by the NN, which resulted in an AUC of 0.80 and ALIFT
is a key issue, under a growing pressure to increase profits and reduce of 0.67 during the rolling window evaluation. Such AUC corresponds
costs. The recent 2008 financial crisis dramatically changed the business to a very good discrimination. Moreover, the proposed model has im-
of European banks. In particular, Portuguese banks were pressured to pact in the banking domain. For instance, the cumulative LIFT analysis
increase capital requirements (e.g., by capturing more long term de- reveals that 79% of the successful sells can be achieved when contacting
posits). Under this context, the use of a decision support system (DSS) only half of the clients, which translates in an improvement of 29 per-
based on a data-driven model to predict the result of a telemarketing centage points when compared with the current bank practice, which
phone call to sell long term deposits is a valuable tool to support client simply contacts all clients. By selecting only the most likely buyers, the
selection decisions of bank campaign managers. proposed DSS creates value for the bank telemarketing managers in

euribor3m (in %)
y (probability for subscribing the deposit)
y (probability for subscribing the deposit)

dif.best.rate.avg (in %) 21




2.1 call.dir

ag.created (days)
2.84 2.78 3.81 call.prev.durations (min)
1.76 Inbound


3.57 376 452



−1.32 75
5.04 0 Outbound
−2.35 0

input (scaled) input (scaled)

Fig. 6. VEC curves showing the influence of the first and fourth (left) and second, third and fifth (right) most relevant attributes.
30 S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31

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We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful
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Sérgio Moro holds a 5 year degree diploma in Computer En-
[1] David Arnott, Graham Pervan, Eight key issues for the decision support systems dis- gineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical Univer-
cipline, Decision Support Systems 44 (3) (2008) 657–672. sity of Lisbon), and a MSc in Management Information
[2] Leo Breiman, Jerome H. Friedman, Richard A. Olshen, Charles J. Stone, Classification Systems from ISCTE — University Institute of Lisbon, where
and Regression Trees, Wadsworth & Brooks, Monterey, CA, 1984. he is also a PhD researcher in the fields of business intelli-
[3] David S. Coppock, Why lift? Data modeling and mining, Information Management gence and decision support systems. He currently works in
(2002) 5329-1 2002, (Online; accessed 19-July-2013). the Business Intelligence & Analytics team of a Portuguese
[4] C. Cortes, V. Vapnik, Support vector networks, Machine Learning 20 (3) (1995) bank, where he is responsible for projects such as GRC (Gov-
273–297. ernance, Risk and Compliance), and ALM (Asset–Liability
[5] Paulo Cortez, Data mining with neural networks and support vector machines using Management). Previously he was responsible for software
the r/rminer tool, Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects, development for the bank's contact center.
6171, Springer, 2010, pp. 572–583.
[6] Paulo Cortez, António Cerdeira, Fernando Almeida, Telmo Matos, José Reis, Modeling
wine preferences by data mining from physicochemical properties, Decision Sup-
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[7] Paulo Cortez, Mark J. Embrechts, Using sensitivity analysis and visualization tech- Paulo Cortez is an Associate Professor at the Department of
niques to open black box data mining models, Information Sciences 225 (2013) 1–17. Information Systems at University of Minho and Coordinator
[8] Dursun Delen, A comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for student of the Information Systems and Technologies R&D group of
retention management, Decision Support Systems 49 (4) (2010) 498–506. ALGORITMI Research Centre. He completed his PhD (2002)
[9] Dursun Delen, Ramesh Sharda, Prajeeb Kumar, Movie forecast guru: a Web-based in Computer Science and Habilitation (2013) in Information
DSS for Hollywood managers, Decision Support Systems 43 (4) (2007) 1151–1170. Systems and Technologies at the same university. His re-
[10] Pedro Domingos, A few useful things to know about machine learning, Communica- search interests include: business intelligence, data mining,
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[11] Tom Fawcett, An introduction to roc analysis, Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (8) Currently, he is associate editor of the journals Expert Sys-
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[12] Isabelle Guyon, André Elisseeff, An introduction to variable and feature selection, than 92 indexed (ISI or Scopus) papers. His research has
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[13] T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Min- Information Sciences and others (see http://www3.dsi.
ing, Inference, and Prediction, 2nd edition Springer-Verlag, NY, USA, 2008. uminho.pt/pcortez).
S. Moro et al. / Decision Support Systems 62 (2014) 22–31 31

Paulo Rita holds a PhD in Marketing from Cardiff Business

School, UK and has a Post-Doctorate in E-Marketing from
the University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States. Dr Rita is
Professor of Marketing at IBS – ISCTE Business School,
Lisbon – Portugal where he is Director of the PhD in Market-
ing, Director of the PhD in Tourism Management in partner-
ship with the European University and Director of the Master
in Hospitality and Tourism Management which is a double
degree with University of Central Florida, Orlando, United
States. Paulo Rita is currently a member of the Executive
Committee of EMAC (European Marketing Academy) and
Vice President of EDAMBA (European Doctoral Programmes
Association in Management and Business Administration).
His areas of scientific research interest and expertise are in
Consumer Behavior, E-Marketing, Business Intelligence/Analytics and Tourism Marketing.

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