Lesson Guide in Earth and Life Science I. Objectives
Lesson Guide in Earth and Life Science I. Objectives
Lesson Guide in Earth and Life Science I. Objectives
A. Content Standards How the planet Earth evolved in the last 4.6 billion
years (including the age of the Earth, major geologic
time subdivisions, and marker fossils).
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives At the end of the session, students are expected to:
1. Describe how marker fossils (also known as
guide fossils) are used to define and identify
subdivisions of the geologic time scale.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson (PRE-ACTIVITY) The diagram shows the significant events that
happened and the organisms that existed and became
extinct at different periods of time. These events
became clues to the evolving history of Earth through
time. Several theories were formed from these clues,
such as Darwin's theory of Natural Selection and the
theories on events that resulted in the extinction of
Take note of your surroundings. How has the area
where you live changed over geologic time? How
might it look thousands or millions of years ago? What
are the plants and animals that are presently living in
your area? Do you think that the types of animals and
plants have changed much over time?
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills 1 Powerpoint presentation of Marker fossils and
(ACTIVITY PROPER) geological timescale.
Key Points:
E. Discussing new concepts and 1. Explain the relationship between marker fossils
practicing new skills 2 and geologic timescale.
(DEEPENING) 2. What are the four main units of geological time
3. What are the different remains found on each
time scale?
4. How does marker fossils used in identifying
subdivisions of the geologic time scale?
5. How the Earth's history can be interpreted from
the geologic time scale?
Late Proterozoic
J. Additional activities for application Make a report on the compilation of various index
or remediation (REMEDIAL) fossils recorded through geologic time scale.