Ee Intro L1 PDF
Ee Intro L1 PDF
Ee Intro L1 PDF
• “A science that deals with the allocation, or use of scarce resources for
the purpose of fulfilling society’s needs and wants.” – Addison-Wesley
• Alfred Marshall defines economics as “the study of mankind/ man’s
action in the ordinary business of life.”
• “Economics is the study of general methods by which men cooperate to
meet their material needs” - Marshal
• “Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a
relationship between ends and social means which have alternate uses”
– Robbins
• Economics is the study of the administration of the scarce resources and
the determinants of income and employment” – Keynes J.M
Why Economics to Engineers
Engineers generally design, create and execute projects
Designing involves economic decisions
• The science that deals with techniques of qualitative analysis useful for
selecting a preferable alternative from several technically viable ones.
Micro and Macro Engg Economics
Quantity demanded(per unit of time) 14
Factors Influencing Demand:
The shape of the demand curve is influenced by the following factors:
Income of the people
Price of item or product
Prices of related goods
Tastes and Preferences of customers.
Advertisements Demand Curve
Exceptions to the Law of Demand
• Supply is derived from a supplier desire to
maximize profits.
• When the price of a product rises, the supplier
has an incentive to increase production because
he can justify higher costs to produce the product,
increasing the potential to earn larger profits.
• Quantity Supplied = S(Price, Contributing factors)
• There is a direct relationship between price and
quantity supplied. Quantity supplied rises as price
rises, other things remaining constant. Vice versa,
Quantity supplied falls as price falls, other things
The law of supply says that as the price of an item goes up,
suppliers will attempt to maximize their profits by increasing the
quantity offered for sale.
Factors Influencing Supply:
The shape of the demand curve is influenced by the following factors:
i. Costs of the inputs
ii. Technology
iii. Weather
Costs of the inputs: Cost of input increases, cost of products
increases which reduces the profit margin. So producers will then
reduce production quantity which in turn affect supply.
Technology: Will create reduction in production cost per unit,
which will create greater profit margin. So producers will supply
Weather: it is also having influence on the supply. Eg woollen
clothes in winter.
Equilibrium of Demand and Supply