Emertxe Certified Iot Programmer (Ecip) : Course Syllabus
Emertxe Certified Iot Programmer (Ecip) : Course Syllabus
Emertxe Certified Iot Programmer (Ecip) : Course Syllabus
To walk though technology timeline(brief history) and evolution of IoT
Gain knowledge about IoT applications across various segments
Understand IoT architecture and its building blocks
Introduction to various IoT platforms
Understand the technology and skills required in building and IoT product.
Module (2/8)
Module Name: Setting up IoT Workflow
Setup IoT platforms, by understanding the knowledge gained in the previous module
Become familiar with the building blocks in IoT architecture
Implement IoT use cases using various IoT platforms
Module (3/8)
Module Name: Advanced / Embedded C Programming
Clearly understand concepts of C language
To obtain good quality and style in programming
Gear you up for programming in Embedded environment
To induce confidence in you!
Module (4/8)
Module Name: Micro-controller programming using Arduino platform
Understand Embedded Systems and its components
Learn how to build embedded applications using Arduino Platform
Become familiar with hardware interfacing using Arduino
Should be able to read device datasheets and board schematics
Learn basic communication protocols and communicate using Arduino Libraries
Build IoT applications using wired and wireless protocols (ex: Bluetooth, Wifi)
Debug applications using Arduino IDE
Module (5/8)
Module Name: Programming with Python
Become a professional python programmer
Learn basic to advanced features of Python programming language
Build object oriented programs using python
Work with file streams, access csv files
Create packages, Implement exception handles and learn to debug python application
Learn basics of regular expressions
Module (6/8)
Module Name: Building IoT Applications using Raspberry Pi
Become familiar with Raspberry Pi (Rpi) hardware
Setup and Install Raspbian OS on Rpi
Understand how Rpi can be leveraged as an IoT gateway
Become familiar with Linux OS
Setup Rpi as an IoT gateway
Using Python Interface with Arduino using Serial Port Interface
Build Socket applications to communicate to Arduino device using Ethernet, Wifi and
Bluetooth interfaces
Build IoT applications using HTTP and MQTT protocols
Learn to use Node Red programming tool
Module (7/8)
Module Name: IoT Cloud Infrastructure
To understand IoT cloud infrastructure blocks
Making right IoT platform choice by understanding various popular platforms
Configuring IoT platforms to get required analytics
Learn integration elements (ex: REST APIs) for devices
Module (8/8)
Module Name: Performance and Security in IoT
Learn how to benchmark IoT applications and platforms
Understand the security risks in IoT, counter measures and design consideration
Get an understanding of using crytography in IoT