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Emertxe Certified Iot Programmer (Ecip) : Course Syllabus

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“Here to take you beyond”

Emertxe Certified IoT Programmer (ECIP)

Course Syllabus

Emertxe Certified IoT programmer - Syllabus


Emertxe Certified IoT Programmer (ECIP)

Module (1/8)
Module Name: Overview of IoT and High level Architecture

 Objectives:
 To walk though technology timeline(brief history) and evolution of IoT
 Gain knowledge about IoT applications across various segments
 Understand IoT architecture and its building blocks
 Introduction to various IoT platforms
 Understand the technology and skills required in building and IoT product.

 Detailed course contents:

 What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
 Brief History and evolution of IoT
 IoT Architecture
 Trends in the Adoption of IoT
 IoT Is Powerful and Pervasive
 Societal Benefits of IoT
 Risks, Privacy, and Security

Module (2/8)
Module Name: Setting up IoT Workflow

 Objectives:
 Setup IoT platforms, by understanding the knowledge gained in the previous module
 Become familiar with the building blocks in IoT architecture
 Implement IoT use cases using various IoT platforms

 Detailed course contents:

 Setup IoT Platform1 (Opensource IoT Platform on local machine)
 Setup IoT Platform2 (Amazon IoT platform)
 IoT Use case-1 Implementation on two platforms
 Opensource IoT platform
 Amazon IoT cloud)
 IoT Usecase-2 Implementation
 Opensource IoT platform
 Amazon IoT cloud

Emertxe Certified IoT programmer - Syllabus


Module (3/8)
Module Name: Advanced / Embedded C Programming

 Objectives:
 Clearly understand concepts of C language
 To obtain good quality and style in programming
 Gear you up for programming in Embedded environment
 To induce confidence in you!

 Detailed course contents:

 Basics of C:
 Operators
 Conditionals
 Arrays
 Functions
 Advanced C programming:
 Structures
 Unions
 Files
 Deep dive into pointers
 Pre-processor directives
 Recursion
 Project environment - Creating & Building a project, Makefiles
 Deep dive - Logic to program translation, Creating your own library, Dry-run
 Introduction to Data Structures

Module (4/8)
Module Name: Micro-controller programming using Arduino platform

 Objectives:
 Understand Embedded Systems and its components
 Learn how to build embedded applications using Arduino Platform
 Become familiar with hardware interfacing using Arduino
 Should be able to read device datasheets and board schematics
 Learn basic communication protocols and communicate using Arduino Libraries
 Build IoT applications using wired and wireless protocols (ex: Bluetooth, Wifi)
 Debug applications using Arduino IDE

Emertxe Certified IoT programmer - Syllabus


 Detailed course contents:

 Overview of Embedded Systems
 Components of Embedded Systems
 Micro-controller Architecture and Properties
 Installing and Setting up the Arduino development environment
 Blinky Sketch – A walk through
 Arduino Sketches
 Classes
 Sketch Structure
 Pins
 Arduino Shields
 Hands-on working with GPIOs, Analog I/Os, Memory usage
 Micro controller peripherals usage - Timers, Counters, Interrupts and its sources
 Communication protocols I - UART, SPI, I2C, CAN
 Interfacing IoT sensors and Actuators
 Debug applications using Arduino IDE
 Communication protocols II – Wired and Wireless communication
 Ethernet Client Server Implementation
 Build WiFi Application
 Build Bluetooth Application

Module (5/8)
Module Name: Programming with Python

 Objectives:
 Become a professional python programmer
 Learn basic to advanced features of Python programming language
 Build object oriented programs using python
 Work with file streams, access csv files
 Create packages, Implement exception handles and learn to debug python application
 Learn basics of regular expressions

 Detailed course contents:

 Overview of Programming with Python
 Native Datatypes and Operators
 Python Statements and Conditionals
 Functions
 Strings
 Object oriented programming with Python
 Errors and Exception Handling
 File handing
 Regular expression
 Modules and Packages

Emertxe Certified IoT programmer - Syllabus


Module (6/8)
Module Name: Building IoT Applications using Raspberry Pi

 Objectives:
 Become familiar with Raspberry Pi (Rpi) hardware
 Setup and Install Raspbian OS on Rpi
 Understand how Rpi can be leveraged as an IoT gateway
 Become familiar with Linux OS
 Setup Rpi as an IoT gateway
 Using Python Interface with Arduino using Serial Port Interface
 Build Socket applications to communicate to Arduino device using Ethernet, Wifi and
Bluetooth interfaces
 Build IoT applications using HTTP and MQTT protocols
 Learn to use Node Red programming tool

 Detailed course contents:

 Overview of Raspberry Pi (RPi) hardware platform
 Peripherals on Rpi
 Setup and Install Raspbian OS on Rpi
 Overview of Linux OS and its sub-systems
 Process
 Memory Mangement
 Multi-Threading
 Linux CLI and important commands
 Linux File System
 Everything is a file concept in Linux
 Device Access using system calls
 Install packages on Raspbian OS
 Setting up Raspbian as an IoT gateway
 Write Python program to interface with Arduino using serial libraries
 IoT Communication Models and Protocols
 Request-Response, Publish-Subscribe, Push-Pull, Exclusive Pair
 Application Protocols: HTTP, CoAP, MQTT, AMQP
 Communication APIs: REST-based, WebSocket-based
 Network Layer: IPv4, IPv6, 6LoWPAN
 Building python based programs to communicate to cloud server using various application
 Develop a complete python based application IoT application
 Rpi as a device
 Interfacing with sensors and actuators using GPIO pins
 Interfacing with camera on Rpi

Emertxe Certified IoT programmer - Syllabus


Module (7/8)
Module Name: IoT Cloud Infrastructure

 Objectives:
 To understand IoT cloud infrastructure blocks
 Making right IoT platform choice by understanding various popular platforms
 Configuring IoT platforms to get required analytics
 Learn integration elements (ex: REST APIs) for devices

 Detailed course contents:

 IoT cloud building blocks
 Using the platform specific dashboards
 Device configuration and addressing
 IoT Platforms in detail
 MQTT Server
 Injection Engine
 Time Series database
 Rules Engine
 Data monitoring, visualization and IoT Analytics
 Rest API interface
 Device Management
 Application Service

Module (8/8)
Module Name: Performance and Security in IoT

 Objectives:
 Learn how to benchmark IoT applications and platforms
 Understand the security risks in IoT, counter measures and design consideration
 Get an understanding of using crytography in IoT

 Detailed course contents:

 Benchmarking IoT applications and Platforms
 MQTT vs HTTP performance
 Security considerations
 Firmware updates
 Cryptography basics
 Cryptography in IoT
 Privacy considerations and design guidelines

Emertxe Certified IoT programmer - Syllabus

Emertxe Information Technologies Private Ltd
#83, 1 st Floor,
Farah Towers,
MG road,
Bangalore - 560001

T: +91 809 555 7 333 (M), +91 80 4128 9576 (L)

E: training@emertxe.com


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