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Entrance Test For M.Sc. (Biotechnology) I May 2L, 2oll I

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Registration No.

Centre of Exam. :
Name of Candidate :

I Entrance Test for M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

I May 2L, 2OLL I

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100


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(i) Write your Name and Registration Number in the space provided for the purpose
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(ii) This Question Paper has Two Parts'
(iii) Part-A has 30 questions of 1 mark each.

(iv) Part-B has 120 questions out of which please attempt 70 questions only. Each
question carries 1 mark.


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1. A haploid human genome would have

(a) 3xloe bp

(b) 2xtoe bp

(c) 6xtoe bp

(d) 9xloe bp

2. pH of an aqueous solution is 4. What is its pOH?

(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 10
(d) 12

3. Non-pigmented bacterial suspensions also show optical density in visible light, becduse
(a) absorption of light of specific wavelength
(b) refraction of specific wavelengths of light
(c) non-specific refraction of light
(d) scattering of light

4. The counts of bacteria per mL in samples withdrawn at two time points separated by
one hour in the exponential phase are ca 1.5x 108 and 6x 108, respectively. The
generation time of the bacterium should be
(a) I hour
(b) 4 hours
(c) j trour

{ hour

5. For precipitating DNA from a solution in saline aqueous medium, it is recommended to

add 2 volumes of absolute ethanol. The final concentration of ethanol in precipitating
medium would be
(a) 33o/o (v/v)
(b) 33o/o(w/vl
(c) 660/o (v/v)
(d) 66% (wlvl

t3-A I P.T.o.
6. A restriction enzyrne recognizes four contiguous base pairs in DNA. What will be the
approximate frequency of its occurrence?

(a) Once in 300 bp

(b) Once in 3 kb

(c) Once in 10 kb

(d) Once in 100 kb

7. The primary hosts for HIV-I virus are

(a) monoc5rtes

(b) T4 helper cells

(c) T8 killer/suppressor cells

(d) B cells

8. A father's age is the sum of the ages of his three sons. If the ratio of the ages of the sons
is 1 : 2 : 3 and eight years later the difference between the ages of the father and the
youngest son is 35 years, what is the current age of the eldest son?

(a) 30 years

(b) 28 years

(c) 21 years

(d) 24 yeats

9. Carbon atoms in graphite are in

(a) sp2 configuration

(b) sp3 configuration

(c) unbound form

(d) There are triple bonds between carbon atoms

10. The age of the universe is estimated to be

(a) 4.5 billion years

(b) 13. 5 billion years

(c) 200 billion years

(d) 3. 5 billion years

lg-A 4
11. Human existence on the earth can be traced back to

(a) less than 10000 years

(b) 10000 to 100000 years

(c) 1 million to l0 million years

(d) 10 million to 100 million years

12, Which of the following transformations is an oxidation?

(a) voJ -+voi

(b) cro! -+ crol-

(c) so! -+so!-

(d) No! +Nol

13. How many different compounds have the formula CuHrO ?

(a) One

(b) TWo

(c) Three

(d) Four

L4. Which of the following salts is colourless?

(a) KMnOo

(b) BaSOo

(c) NarCrOo

(d) CuSOo

15. Which of the following molecules contains the. sho;test carbon-carbon bonds?

(a) CzHz

(b) czH+

(c) CaHa

(d) coHtz

l3-A I P.T.O .
16. Gregor Johann Mendel's experirnents with garden peas established that

(a) inheritance of characters is mediated by DNA

(b) there is a quantitative pattern of inheritance traits that correlate with the traits of
paxents. This suggests for some material basis of inheritance

(c) those are the chromosomes that are passed on to next generation

(d) the nature of genetic material is acidic

t7. The unit of organization and functioning of living systems is

(a) cell

(b) nucleus

(c) plasma membrane

(d) mitochondria

18. The non-covalent bonds in biological system have a free energr in which of the following

(a) 0. I kcal/mole

(b) 1-7 kcal/mole

(c) > l0 kcal

(d) No range of free eners/ can be defined for weak interactions

19. How many decapeptide variants will result if during peptide synthesis, ten of the twent5r
amino acids are allowed to be incorporated randomly?

(a) 1o2o

(b) lor '

(c) loro
(d) 2OLo

20.. The pressure of 14'7 pounds per square inch is equivalent to

(a) I atmosphere

(b) 2 atmosphere

(c) 5 atmosphere

(d) 1O atmosphere

/3-A 6
2L, Nitrogen liquefies at

(a) - 196 K

(b) - 196'C

(c) 77 "F

(d) -273 K

22. Which of the following const_ituents.is present in.viruses?

(a) Protein synthesis platform (ribosomes)

(b) Enzyme system for energr metabolism

(c) Mitochondria

(d) Genetic material

23. In an ecosystem, at which trophic lqvel is the biomass maximal?

(a) Primary producers

(b) Herbivorousconsumers

(c) Carnivorous consumers

(d) Decomposers

24. Which of the following cellular organisms has been revived by putting a synthetic
genome in ghost cells?

(a) Mgcobacteium smegmati.s

(b) Mgcobacteium tuberculosis

(c) Mgcoplasma genitalium

(d) Escherichia coli

25, Who among the following scientists was responsible for adopting X-rays for clinical

(a) Ernest Rutherford

(b) Niels Bohr

(c) Marie Curie

(d) Wilhelm Roentgen

ls-A I P.T.O.
26, If log" 9 =2, then x =

(a) 4.s

(b) 18

(c) 3

(d) 2

27. Which of the following amino acids contains sulfur?

(a) Alanine

(b) Glutamine

(c) Tryptophan

(d) Cysteine

24. As brakes are applied in a car, books on the passenger seat suddenly fly forward. That
is most likely, because

(a) the car is not an inertial reference frame

(b) the seat supplies a forward push to make the books accelerate

(c) there is a strong gravitational field generated by the brakes

(d) there is a strong magnetic field generated by the brakes

29, Zero kelvin is defined as the temperature at which

(a) ice coexists with seawater at 1 atm

(b) ice coexists with pure water at 1 atm

(c) steam coexists with pure water at 1 atm

(d) one mole of argon gas would exert zero pressure

30. What is the oxidation number of manganese in KMnOo?

(a) 3

(b) s
(c) 7
(d) e

l3-A 8

31. Which of the following is closest to the number of different sequences in a pool of
random sequence 25-mer oligonucleotide?

(a) lor2

(b) lors

(c) 1o2o

(d) ro25

32. In a four-point (ABCD) cross between Hfr and F- strains of E. coli, the pair-wise
frequencies of recombination fell in the following order :

rhe most probable order chromosome would be

(a) ABCD

(b) ACDB

(c) ADCB

(d) ABDC

33. In the Holliday model of DNA recombination, branch migration is mediated by

(a) Ruv A and Ruv B

(b) Ruv A and Ruv C

(c) Ruv B and Ruv C

(d) Ruv A alone

34. At low titres, adsorption of virions by host cells follows a Poisson distribution. If a
suspension of 106 virions is added to lO6 host cells, the number of cells that will
receive at least one virus particle would be close to

(a) 3.7 x los

(b) 6.3 x los

(c) 3.7x106

(d) 6.3 x 106

ls-A 9 I P.T.o.
35. A genetic signature is created, based on'6unlinked markers (a-f) with the frequeacies
(a) O'01, (b) 0'02, (c) 0'003, (d) 0'001, (e)O'OOaand (f) 0'05. The theoretical probability of
two individuals sharing this signature is

(a) L.2 x lo-r2

(b) 1.2 x 1o-r3

(c) 1.2x 1o-11

(d) 7.2 x Lo-6

36. Embryonic cleavage in most of the teleost frshes is

(a) holoblastic

(b) semi-holoblastic

(c) meroblastic

(d) All of the above

37. Placental connection is typical of

(a) viviparousreproduction

(b) ovoviviparousreproduction

(c) oviparous reproduction

(d) All of the above

38. The optic lobe is also referred to as

(a) cerebellum

(b) tegmentum

(c) tectum

(d) pons

ls-A 10
39. Larvae of the crab genus Carcinus swim towards the water surface when pressut-e
increases. This is an example of

(a) photokinesis

(b) thigmokinesis

(c) barokinesis

(d) orthokinesis

40. Ciliary wheel organ used for locomotion is typical of

(a) molluscs

(b) sponges

(c) rotifers

(d) Animals do not have wheels

4L. Retting is biodegradation of

(a) cellulose

(b) lignin

(c) pectin

(d) retinol

42. The value of which of the following parameters is zero when the cell is fully tur$d?

(a) Turgor pressure

(b) Wall pressure

(c) Osmotic pressure

(d) Diffusion pressure deficit

l3-A 11 I P.T.O.
43. The edible part:of black pepper is

(a) aril

(b) perisperm

(c) embryo

(d) cotyledon

44. The advanced character in Cucurbitaceae is

(a) inferior ovary

(b) pepo fruit

(c) tendril

(d) parietalplacentation

45. Krattz anatomv is seen in

(a) all monocots

(b) monocots with C4 pathway

(c) monocots and dicots with Co pathway

(d) legumes

46. The nurnber of pyrrole rings included in a porphyrin is

(a) three

(b) four

(c) five

(d) six

/3-A L2
47. Among the E. colt DNA polymerases, which of the following haq. a 5',i.3' gxonuclease

(a) Pol5rmerase I

(b) Pol5rmerase II

(c) Polymerase III

(d) Polymerase e

44. Which of the following amino acids is found both'in:D and L forrns in peptidoglycan? '

(a) Alanine

(b) Glutamic acid

(c) Glutamine

(d) Lysine

49. Which one of the following enzymes in mammalian cells is attached to ttrg membrane by
a GPl-anchor?

(a) Alkalinephosphatase

(b) Lysyl oxidase

(c). NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase

(d) Adenylate cyclase

50. Cell surface protein that is .not present in. a B cell,is

,(a) cD4

(b) cD8

(c) cD3

(d) All of the above

l3-A 13 I P.T.O .
51. Smallpox virus genome is a

(a) single-strandedDNA

(b) double-stranded linear DNA

(c) single-stranded RNA (+strand)

(d) single-stranded RNA (-strand)

52. The nucleic acid base with no o:(ygen in its molecule is

(a) adenine

(b) c5rtosine

(c) guanine

(d) thymine

53. Which of the following operons is regulated by both repression and attenuation?

(a) Arabinose operon

(b) Histidine operon

(c) Tryptophan operon

(d) p-Galactosidaseoperon

54. Which of the following is closest to the size of a white blosd-cell?

(a) 1 mm

(b) 0. 5 mm

(c) 0.05 mm

(d) O.Ol mm

ls-A 14
Transposons (jumping genes) were discovered by

(a) Temin

(b) Abelson

(c) Harvey

(d) McClintock

56. SDS-PAGE separates proteins mainly on the basis of mass and not charge, because

(a) SDS neutralizes the proteins to be separated

(b) neutral species can move in electrical field only on the basis of mass

(c) SDS confers homogeneous negative charge on the protein molecules

(d) B-mercaptoethanol neutralizes the protein molecules

57. Southern blotting detects

(a) DNA

(b) RNA

(c) proteins

(d) carbohydrates

58. Which of the following subunits of E. coli RNA polymerase is essential for promoter

(a) Alpha

(b) Beta

(c) Beta'

(d) Sigma

/3-A 15 I P.T.o.
59. Which of the following membranes'has the greatest ratio of lipid to protein?

(a) Mitochondrial inner membrane

(b) Myelin

(c) Sarcoplasmic reticulum

(d) Membrane of the Golgi bodY

60. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase decreases the rate of synthesis of

(a) acetoacetate

(b) cholesterol

(c) palmitate

(d) phosphatidic acid

61. Biosynthesis of proline employs which of the following precursors?

(a) Alanine

(b) Glycine

(c) ,{spartic acid

(d) Glutamic acid

. ' '
62. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium

(a) Clostridium tetani

(b) Pseudomonns aentginosa

(c) Borrelia burgdorferi

(d) Bordetellnperfnsstis

/3-A 16
63. The haemoglobin chain that replaces the beta chain in embryonic haemoglobin is

(a) delta

(b) epsilon

(c) gamma

(d) alpha

64, The codon found to ertcode sehenocysbine: is'

^ (a) UAA

(b) UAG

(c) UGA

(d) uAc

65. The oncogene that was ldentified frrst is '

(a) Mas

(b) Myc

(c) Src

(d) sip

66. Vitamin 812 Fobalamin) i$ only'synthesiured by

(a) fishes

(b) microorganisms

(c) plants

(d) mammals

/3-A L7 I P.T.O .
67, Chlorophyll molecules in chloroplasts are located in

(4 stroma

(b) thylakoid

(c) internal lipid micelle

(d) inner chloroplast membrane

68. In addition to AUG, what initiation codon is reeognizedby prokaryotes? : ,

(a) AcG

(b) cuc

(c) GUG

(d) AAG

69. The dye used in Gram's staining protocol'for baeteria is

(a) eosin

(b) hematorylin

(c) iodine and crystal violet

(d) methylene blue

7o. Which of the following bacterial protein toxins is tlre most potent toxin?

(a) Botulin

(b) Diphtheria toxin

(c) Tetanus toxin

(d) Cholera toxin

I3.A 18
7L. The bases that can pair with inosine (in tRNA) according to the wobble hypothesis fre

(a) A, C and G

(b) A, C and U

(c) C, G and U

(d) A, G and U

72. The number of chromosomes in the budding yeast (Saccharomgces cereuislae) is

(a) 16

(b) 17

(c) 18

(d) I

73. Fc and Fab fragments of IgG are produced upon digestion with

(a) chymotrypsin

(b) papain

(c) trypsin

(d) lysozyme

74. The activity of transaminase is dependent on the coenzyme

(a) biotin

(b) pyridoxalphosphate

(c) tetrahydrobiopterin

(d) albumin

ls-A 19 lP.r.o.
75. .Which one'of the following is riot a plant horrnone?

(a) Indoleacetic acid

(b) Gibberellic acid

(c) Prephenate

(d) Zeatin

76. ' -edtabolie' bredkdown of ala.nine yrelds

(a) fumarate

(b) oxaloacetate

(c) pynrvate

(d) rnalate

77. Which of the ftllit!9{ng irirtrses replicat€s in the cytbplasm?

(a) Epstein-Barr virus

(b) Poliovirus

(c) Vaccinia

(d) Papillomavirus

7E. Plant leghaemoglobin in:root nodules provides oxygen to t*re

(a) roots

(b) amyloplasts

(c) bacteroids

(d) chloroplasts

l3-A 20
79. Retroviral replication is prirneil by

(a) a short linear RNA

(b) a tRNA

(c) a viral protein

(d) a ribosomal RNA

80. Bv which year were all the triplet codons defined?

(a) r9s2

(b) 1es8

(c) 1966

(d) 1e68

81. The lanibda'phage's represdot piotein.binds' tb"DilIA aS a

(a) dimer

(b) monomer

(c) trimer

(d) tetramer

a2. The lirst recessive'gClreticdisorder dSicribed'tdas : ' r:":' -i

(a) albinism

(b) alkaptonuria

(c) phenylketonuria

(d) sickle-cellanaemia

/s-A ci I P.T.o.
83. The selection markers on the plasmid pbr322 confer resistance to

(a) chloramphenicol and kanamycin

(b) kanamycin and ampicillin

(c) kanamycin and tetracycline

(d) tetracycline and ampicillin

84. Ribotyping is

(a) 55 rRNA based

(b) 165 rRNA based

(c) 23S rRNA based

(d) None of the above

85. In protein structure, the cr-helix and B=pleated sheets are examples of

(a) primary structure

(b) secondarystructure

(c) tertiary structure

(d) quatemary structure

86. Genetic engineering requires which of the following enzymes?

(a) B-Galactosidase

(b) Amylase

(c) Lipase

(d) Restrictionendonuclease

l3-A 22
87. The minimum size of an epitope is

(a) one amino acid residue

(b) two amino acid residues

(c) five amino acid residues

(d) twenty amino acid residues

88. Plastics do not elicit good antibody response, because

(a) they are toxic

(b) they are hydrophobic

(c) they are artificially synthesized

(d) they cannot be processed and presented as antigens

89. An autoimmune disease is caused by

(a) defective thymus development

(b) defective cellular immunity

(c) defective bone marrow

(d) immune response against self-antigens

90. Which of the following drugs is used for immunocompromising patients receiving

(a) Streptomycin

(b) Cyclosporine

(c) Tetracycline

(d) Penicillin

l3-A 23 I P.T.o.
91. Suppose the density of a solid is D and its average atomic r-nassis M. Which of thp
following represents the average spacing between the atoms in the solid?

(a) D/M

(b) M /D

(c) (D/uflz

(d) (M/n1r/s

92. A person A is in an elevator. Another person B, sitting on the ground, observes A to be

travelling upward with a constant speed of 5 m/s. At one instant, A drops a pen from i
rest. Immediately after, the acceleration of the pen according to A is

(a) 10 m /s2, down

(b) 0

(c) 15m/s2, down

(d) 5m/s2, up

93. A mass hangs from an ideal spring. When the mass is set into oscillation with
amplitude of I cm, its frequency is 1O Hz.lf the amplitude is increased to 2 cm, the new
frequency will be

(a) 5 Hz

(b) 7 Hz

(c) LO Hz

(d) 2o Hz

94. ,Ttvo artificial bones.{solid cylindrical) are made of the same rnaterial and length; one
with twice the radius as the other. When the two have the same tension force applied,
the larger bone stretches by what factor compared to the smaller bone?

(a) 2

(b) o.2s
(c) 0.5

(d) 4

/3-A 24
95. Ttvo identical blocks of mass m are tied together (by a light cord) and pulled up a rough
inclined plane at constant speed by a pulling force F directed along the incline and
applied to the upper block. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) The work done by F is zero because the blocks move at constant speed

(b) The total friction force must equal F because the blocks move at constant speed

(c) The tension in the cord is F because dhe two blocks are identical

(d) The work done by F is equal in magnitude to the work done by gravity plus the
work done by friction

96. In a head-on collision between a bird and a jet airplane

(a) the momentum of the airplane is exactly conserved

(b) the total kinetic enerry is exactly conserved

(c) the magnitude of the change in momentum of the bird divided by the collision time
equals the magnitude of the average force on the jet

(d) the total momentum is zero

97. A damped driven oscillator has €ur equation of motion given by

rrtn = - loc - bu + Fo cos (oo t), where oo is the angular frequency of the driving force.
At resonance, ma must be equal to

(a) - li.lc

(b) - bu

(c) + .{o cos (root)

(d) zero

98. ultrasonic imaging (ultrasonography/ultrasound) is not based on

(a) pulse-echo techniques

(b) differences in acoustic impedance

(c) cavitation

(d) scanning

/3-A 25 I P.T.O.
gg. The equipotential surfaces around a long straight wire with a uniform charge/length
are concentric

(a) spheres

(b) cylinders

(c) triangles

(d) planes

1OO. "The current in a resistor is directly proportional to the potential difference across the
resistor." It is known as

(a) Coulomb's law

(b) Gauss's law

(c) Ohm's law

(d) Ampere's law

1O1. If the first-order double-slit diffraction minimum lies at the same place as the
fourth-order interference maximum, how many fringes will be visible in the central
diffraction maximum?

(a) 3

(b) s

(c) 6

(d) 7

1:O2. Which of the following is not true of an optically active molecule?

(a) It produces a circular birefringence signal

(b) It produces a circular dichroism signal

(c) It must be asymmetric

(d) A solution of them can always be imaged in a polarizing microscope

l3-A 26
1O3. According to Bohr's theory, when a hydrogen atom makes a transition from n =5 to
n = 2 state, the average radial distance of the electron from the nucleus changes by

(a) 3 rr

(b) 25 r,

(c) 2l r,

(d) 5 rr

1O4. The spectrum resulting from blackbody radiation is

(a) line spectrum

(b) continuousspectrum

(c) band spectrum

(d) Blackbody does not emit any spectrum

1O5. Which of the following have the same dimensions?

(a) Enerry and G

(b) Work and energr

(c) Specific gravity and relative density

(d) Two physical units cannot have same dimensions

106. At absolute zero, a semiconductor behaves as

(a) an insulator

(b) a metal

(c) a superconductor

(d) a plasma

t3-A 27 IP.T,O.
1O7. In the equilibrium state, AG is

(a) positive

(b) negative

(c) zero

(d) either positive or negative

1O8. Current in a circuit becomes wattless when phase transition between current and
voltage is

(a) zero

(b) n /2

(c) +n

(d) - TE

1O9. Wien's displacement law expresses the relation

(a) between colour of light and temperature

(b) between wavelength and temperature

(c) among radiation, enerry and temperature

(d) None of the above

11O. If a certain polymer has the formula (-CH2CCI2CH2CC|2-1,.,, then from which
monomer is it made?

(a) Hc-tcl

(b) clHc-cclH

(c) CI2C4}I2

(d) H2C:CCIH

ls-A 28
111. The nitrite ion (NOl) may be represented by two major resonance forms. The lengths of
the nitrogen-to-oxygen bonds in this ion are expected to be

(a) the same as the lengths of nitrogen-to-oxygen double bonds

(b) the same as the lengths of nitrogen-to-oxygen triple bonds

(c) between the lengths of a nitrogen-to-oxygen single bond and a nitrogen-to-oxygen

double bond

(d) between the lengths of a nitrogen-to-oxygen double bond and a nitrogen-to-oxygen

triple bond

lL2. How should a student prepare 100 mL of a 1.0 M H2SO* solution from a 10M H2SO4

(a) Adding 90 mL of HrO to 10 mL of 10M H2SO4

(b) Adding 10 mL of IOM H2SO4 to 90 mL of HrO

(c) Adding 10 mL of IOM H2SO4 to 80 mL of HrO, stirring and diluting to 100 mL

after allowing to cool

(d) Adding B0 mL of HrO to 10 mL of lOM H2SO*, stirring and diluting to 100 mL

after allowing to cool

113. Which of the following pairs of gases has the same average rate of diffusion at 25 'C?

(a) He and Ne

(b) N, and O,

(c) NrO and CO,

(d) NH, and HCI

114. Which of the following is true for any endothermic reaction?

(a) AH<0

(b) aH>0

(c) AG< 0

(d) aG>0

ts-A 29 lP.T"O,
115. How many valence electrons are there in one ion of thiosulfate, S2o3-?

(a) 26

(b) 28

(c) 30

(d) 32

116. Zero-order chemical reaction will have the unit as

(a) mol lit-l sec-l

(b) sec-l

(c) sec/mol

(d) mol-l lit sec-r

LL7. The temperature at which a real gas obeys the ideal gas laws over a wide range of
pressure is called as

(a) Boyle'stemperature

(b) criticaltemperature

(c) ideal temperature

(d) inversiontemperature

118. The order of reaction for decay of a radioactive substance is

(a) o

(b) I

(c) 2

(d) 3

l3-A 30
119. The last element in uranium decav series is

(a) lead

(b) platinum

(c) plutonium

(d) bismuth

L2O. A triatomic molecule will have - degrees of freedom.

(a) 3

(b) 6

(c) e

(d) 1

l2t. Rank the enthalpies of fusion, sublimation and vaporization for water.

(a) Sublimation = Vaporization = Fusion

(b) Vaporization < Sublimation < Fusion

(c) Fusion < Sublimation < Vaporization

(d) Fusion < Yaponration < Sublimation

122. Which of the following statements about the radii of atoms and their ions is correct?

(a) Cations are smaller than their atoms, but anions are larger

(b) Cations and anions are both smaller than their atoms

(c) Cations and anions are both larger than their atoms

(d) Cations are larger than their atoms, but anions are smaller

/3-A 31 I P.T.o.
LZg, What would be the coeflicients x, a, z, respectively, in order to balance tne fJtouiing
xCuHrrOu + gCrHrOH+ zCO,

(a) 1,2,2

(b) 1, 3, 3

(c) I, l, 4

(d) 2, 4,2

124. The process in which fine particles clump together to form flakes is called

(a) precipitation

(b) peptization

(c) flocculation

(d) extraction

l2S, Which of the fotrlowing properties of liquid does not increase with increasing strengths of
intermolecular forces?

(a) Boiling point

(b) Enthalpy of vaporization

(c) Vapour pressure

(d) Viscosity

126. Which of the follgwing is the weakest acid?

(a) Ascorbic acid (K" = 8.0 x tO-s)

(b) Boric acid (Ku = 5.8 x 10-10)

(c) Butyric acid (r(" = 1'5 x lo-s)

(d) Hydrocyanic acid (K" = 4,9x 1o-1o)

/3-A 32
LZ7. Which of the following techniques can be used todetermlne the number of componefts
in a plant pigment?

(a) Calorimetry

(b) Chromatography

(c) Colorimetry

(d) Gravimetry

L28. The IUPAC n€rme of adipic acid is

(a) Heptanedioic acid

(b) Propanedioic acid

(c) Hexanedioic acid

(d) Butanedioic acid

!29. Which of the following functional groups is not commenly found in proteins?

(a) Alcohol

(b) Aldehyde

(c) Amide

(d) Amine

13O. What is the position of the bromine atom relative to the methyl group in

(a) meta

(b) ortho

(c) para

(d) trans

l3-A 33 I P.r.o.
131. An s-32p-CTP preparation has a specific radioactivity of 400 Ci per millimole]It has
been aliquoted as 10 pci per pL. The amount of crp in each pL in this aliquot would be

(a) 250 pmoles

(b) 25 pmoles

(c) 25 pmoles

(d) 40 pmoles

L3.2. Phenol on distillation with zinc dust will give

(a) alcohol

(b) primary amine

(c) aromatic aldehyde

(d) benzene

133. An enz5rme facilitates biochemical reaction by

(a) creating an excited state of the substrate

(b) holding the transition state for longer time than in an unaided reaction

(c) not letting the product undergo a reverse reaction and regenerate the substrate

(d) locally increasing the temperature

134. Which of the following parts of nucleic acid has/have maximal hydrophobicity?

(a) The bases

(b) The ribose and deoxyribose sugars

(c) The phosphodiester backbone

(d) The 5'and 3'ends

l3-A 34
135. The conversion of Rl-CO-R2 into (R1, R2, R3)-C-OH can be accomplished b;f-

(a) Grignard reaction

(b) aldol condensation

(c) Beckmann rearrangement

(d) None of the above

136. Rate of sedimentation depends on applied centrifugal field (G) which is directed
outward, angular velocity coand the radial distance r of the particle from the axis of
rotation. Which of the following equations correctly describes the relationship among
the three?

(a) G = ro2r

(b) a= G2r

(c) G = ar2

(d) G=a/12

137. Covalent bonds can either stretch or bend. If a molecule has n atoms, then it will have
(3n - 6) fundamental vibrations in total. Out of (3n - 6) vibrations, how many of them will
be stretching vibrations?

(a) n-l

(b) 2n-r

( c ) 2 n- 5

(d) 3n- 5

138. The reagent, you would use to measure steroids by colorimetric methods, is

(a) Folin's reagent

(b) Liebermann-Burchardreagent

(c) Ehrlich's reagent

(d) ammonium molybdate

t3.-A 35 lP.T.O.
139. Which of the following compounds is used for separation of cells by density gradient

(a) Caesium sulphate

(b) Sodium iodide

(c) Ficoll

(d) Glycerol

14O. Passing of charged particle through a gas causes ionization of the atoms of the gas. i
Which of the followirrg correctly represents the ability to induce ionization in increasing

(a) c>F>T

(b) F>cr>y

(c) y>p>cx

(d) y>cr>B

L4l. The first five terrns of the sequencedefined inductively €lsu, = l and u* + L = uk + 2k are

(a) L, 3, 7, 15,31

(b) 1, 3, 5, 9, 17

(c) 3, 7, 15,31, 63

(d) 3, 5, 9, L7, 32

L42. For large values of n" the value "- : tends to
"f n + l

(a) €

(b) 0

(c) I

(d) an unknown value

l3.-A 36
143. For the functibn f :x+x2 t^rithdomain x:-3S.xS3, what is the range?

(a) {y:0<a<9}

(b) The set of all real numbers

(c) la,-9<a<9\

(d) {y:y<3}

L44. Which of the following expressions is/are true?

x c- - a -t = x - u
( E 2 l ( ^ l a + J - A=l 2a * b

(a) El and E2

(b) El only

(c) E2 only

(d) Neither EL nor E2

145. The mean of a data set is equal to L2 and its standard deviation is equal to 1. If we add
4 to each data value, then the mean and standard deviation become

(a) mean = 16, standard deviation = 5

(b) mean = 12, standard deviation = 5

(c) mean = 16, standard deviation = I

(d) mean = 12, standard deviation = 1

L46. What number must be added to A= x3 +5x2 +lox+1to make (x+1) a factor?

(a) 10

(b) 1

(c) s

(d) 3

/3-A 37 lP.r.o.
147. At what points does the graph of g=2x3 -6x2 equally reach a maximum and a

(a) (0, 0) (maximum) and (2, 8) (minimum)

(b) (0, 0) (maximum) and (2, - 8) (minimum)

(c) (0, 0) (maximum) and (3, - 5) (minimum)

(d) (2, - 8l (maximum) and (0, 0) (minimum)

148. Given logro 100 = logro lo2 =2, what is the value of lo9164?

(a) 6.0

(b) 2.3

(c) 1.s

(d) 4 .o

149. lf 2x = 10q, then the value of c is approximately

(a) I

(b) 0. s

(c) 0.3

(d) 2

x]/[1+ sec(x]lis
15O. [sec(x)sin2

(a) r.0

(b) .tr
(c) Jz
(d) 1- cos x


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