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Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Freshwater Bodies in Tubay, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2015; 3(5): 440-446

E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2015; 3(5): 440-446
Aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity and physico-
© 2015 JEZS chemical characteristics of freshwater bodies in
Received: 02-07-2015
Accepted: 03-08-2015 Tubay, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Dawn Rosarie M Fajardo Dawn Rosarie M Fajardo, Romell A Seronay, Joycelyn C Jumawan
Biology Department, Caraga
State University, Philippines
Romell A Seronay Macroinvertebrates have been utilized to monitor water bodies to evaluate water quality and complement
Biology Department, Caraga water quality surveys. The physico-chemical features of four freshwater bodies near nickel mining
State University, Philippines activity was assessed using selected physico-chemical parameters in combination with macroinvertebrate
composition scoring and diversity indices. Results showed that a total of 20 species from 13 families of
Joycelyn C Jumawan aquatic macroinvertebrate were collected. Tagmamarkay stream had higher species richness and
Biology Department, Caraga abundance with 16 species but with notable Taxa 3. In Bugnam creek and upstream stations,
State University, Philippines macroinvertebrates, particularly Taxa 2 and Taxa 1 species make up majority of the organisms. Physico-
chemical parameters studied in all four stations are within acceptable limits. Results of this study would
serve as baseline data for water quality of these water bodies near mining activity. Long term monitoring
and improvement of riparian vegetation nearest these water bodies are recommended to improve
macroinvertebrate population and quality of water.

Keywords: Macroinvertebrates, Freshwater Conservation, Water quality, Mining

Mineral extraction and construction can potentially increase sedimentation in rivers and
streams that may result to a low habitat quality [1]. Although sedimentation is naturally
occurring in rivers, increase in anthropogenic inputs and intensely managed land-use may
contribute to this problem. Wetland deterioration and land reduction might cause the loss of
biodiversity [2].
Aquatic macroinvertebrates species are animals without backbone and can be seen with the
naked eye. Aside from that, they were also involved in nutrient cycles, primary productivity,
translocation of materials and decomposition of organic material within aquatic environment
. Monitoring macroinvertebrates could be a powerful tool in the assessment of habitat quality
because aquatic macroinvertebrates can indicate changes in environment the reason why
they were utilized as bioindicators [5-7]. Studying macroinvertebrates is an essential way to
detect aquatic pollution such as high level of sediment inputs that is influenced by mining
activity and decomposition [1]. In most studies, using macroinvertebrates to assess water and
habitat quality, water chemistry parameters were also measured to develop possible impact of
that specific chemical characteristic to biological data that has been obtained [8]. While there
are several reviews that suggest different bioindicators to utilize for the assessment water
quality, the use of aquatic macroinvertebrates is still the best [9] and it is well documented
because of the amount of sample that the researcher could get, they were manageable and
relatively easy to collect [10, 11]. The frequency at which macroinvertebrate species appear in
certain parameters could give significant information about the quality of water that every
species could tolerate [8].
Threats like large scale nickel effluents are situated in Tubay, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines.
Pollution and fine sedimentation due to mining activity could alter natural flora and fauna
assemblage that thrive inside the mining area. Riparian zone, as an ecotone serves as the vector
propagating matter, energy and organisms [12]. Riparian vegetation has the ability to control
Correspondence: and recycle allochthonous input from upland area thus riparian zone alterations may affect the
Dawn Rosarie M Fajardo whole river ecology [12, 2]. The primary aim of this study is to assess the population of
Biology Department, Caraga macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical features at the four sampling stations (1) Bugnam
State University, Philippines
Email: dawn.fajardo@yahoo.com
(2) MBR (3) Dumlao and (4) Tagmamarkay, in Tubay, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines.

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Material and Methods appearance and minimum channel enlargement resulting from
Study period and location sediment accumulation hence, silts are common (due to bank
Four freshwater bodies in Tubay, Agusan del Norte, erosion). Upstream Mountain Beach Resort or MBR is the
Philippines (Figure 1) were utilized for collection of samples. second study station with tight vegetation and rocks that are
This research was conducted last June-July 2015. Study sites present in the streams. It is located far from mining activities
for macroinvertebrates collection, and physico-chemical in a slightly elevated area (94 meters above sea level). Dumlao
analysis includes Bugnam (station 1), Mountain Beach Resort (station 3) and Tagmamarkay (station 4) are located at lowland
(station 2), Dumlao (station 3) and Tagmamarkay (station 4). agricultural landscape where runoff is high and this serves as
Among the four sampling sites Bugnam is located at the catchment basin from high elevated streams. Different types of
highest elevation (136 meters above sea level). It is exactly farming are employed with various physical modifications.
located inside the mining area with visibly disturbed physical

Fig 1: Map showing four freshwater bodies studied in Tubay, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
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Diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates Macroinvertebrates found in four sampling stations within the
Collection of macroinvertebrates was conducted following the premises of nickel mine site were shown in Table 4. Twenty
Reach-wide benthos (Multihabitat) procedure of SWAMP (20) aquatic macroinvertebrates belonging to thirteen (13)
(2007) with some modifications. Each station consist of three families were collected and identified. Most of the collected of
replicated transect lines with a length of 100 m. A 100 m organisms belonged to Phylum Arthropoda (Figure 2A) which
transect line was established perpendicular to the water body. was dominated by family Gerridae with 5 species. Compared
Collected samples were identified up to the lowest practical to other stations, Tagmamarkay had the most number of
level, generally genus or species with the aid of LASEZ (Leica species and individuals observed, followed by Dumlao,
Application Suite) ver. 1.7.0. The identification of upstream MBR and Bugnam creek. According to Wood and
macroinvertebrates was done using the information from the Armitage (1997) fine sediments could alter the feeding
Journals and Internet data base. Macroinvertebrates were activities of filter feeder organisms such as most of benthic
classified as to their tolerance value depending on their invertebrates. Deposition of silt in Bugnam creek due to
response to specific changes in water conditions. Stream unstable substrate, could affects the respiration of
invertebrates were grouped into three Taxa based on their macroinvertebrates from silt, due to low oxygen concentration.
tolerance to aquatic disturbances [13]. Taxa 1 were pollution That explains why collected samples from Bugnam creek were
sensitive organisms found in good water quality and included dominated by two species of water strider Gerris marginatus
species belonging to orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Rhagovelia sp. (Table 3). Further, upstream MBR has
Tricoptera, and Coleoptera. Taxa 2 were from orders thick riparian vegetation that provides shade to the bodies of
Hemiptera, Diptera, Odonata, Decapoda, and Veneroida that water and the only station that has the presence of large
could exist in moderate water quality. Taxa 3 were species that boulders of rock especially at the elevated part of the station.
were very tolerant to poor water quality and belonged to order Pollution sensitive species such as damselfly and whirligig
Tudificida, Gastropoda, Hirudinidae, Cerithioidea and beetle were found at MBR. Thiarids (snails) dominated the
Isopoda. Water quality index (WQI) scores developed by macroinvertebrate population in Tagmamarkay. It is important
Armitage et. al. (1983)[16] were used, the identified to note that freshwater shrimps were only observed abundantly
macroinvertebrates were sorted and scored with their particular in this area, Hirudo (leech) species which is known to be
points then, the sum was obtained and subsequently divided by highly tolerant to poor water quality were also found at
the number of species scored (Table 1). Tagmamarkay. Portion of the Tagmamarkay stream were
clogged with water hyacinth, it has clear water but becomes
Table 1: Water Quality Index easily turbid when disturbed.
Score Indication Water quality based on bioindicator aquatic
7.6-10 Very Clean macroinvertebrates species show WQI scores that says the
5.1-7.5 Rather clean-clean water water quality is of “average” quality. The results obtained may
2.6-5.0 Average be due to the fact the there was a minimal number of families
1.0-2.5 Dirty Water from Taxa 1 that are known to be pollution sensitive species
0 Very Dirty (No life found) like whirligig beetles and coccinellid beetles. In contrast, Taxa
2 species which are species that can exist in a wide range of
Water Quality Assessment water quality such as Gerrids, damselflies and dragonfly
In each study station, three replicates at 30 m distances within nymphs were found abundantly in most areas. Accordingly,
each of the 100 meter were utilized to measure some physico- Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Tricoptera representative were
chemical parameters. To record temperature (°C), dissolved absent in all areas. Lenat (1984)[7] reported that streams that
oxygen (mg/L), pH (1-14), Total Dissolved Solids (ppm) and receives inputs from agricultural runoff would also have
conductivity (microsiemens), Waterproof Cyberscan CD 650 greater suspended solids and high sedimentation, increase in
multimeter kit (®Eutech Instruments) a standard hand-held particulate organic matter and elevated nutrients
meter was used. concentrations, which lowers the abundance of
Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera. Such groups are
known as pollution sensitive species. The disturbances along
Diversity indices such as abundance, evenness, richness and
the riparian zone also contributed to these results. Figure 2B
Shannon-Weiner Index of diversity were determined using
showed that the composition in Bugnam and upstream MBR
Paleontological Statistics Software (PAST). Nonparametric
were mostly Taxa 1 and Taxa 2 while in Dumlao and
analysis to compare indices between stations was done using
Tagmamarkay were mostly Taxa 2 and Taxa 3. The
nMDs and cluster analysis through PAST® software.
observation of large number of palemonid shrimps and
Results and Discussion thriarids along with single species of leech have affected the
Macroinvertebrate study WQI of Tagmamarkay although there was high diversity and
Study stations differ mainly from channels structure, substrate abundance of macroinvertebrates in this study station. This
appearance, vegetation in riparian zone, elevation and degrees explains the distinct cluster of macroinvertebrates population
of anthropogenic disturbances. Hence, differences of aquatic in Tagmamarkay compared to the three other stations (Figure
macroinvertebrate community in study stations are evident. 3).

Table 2. Description of the four sampling sites showing their coordinates and respective physical parameters
Site/Parameter Bugnam MBR Dumlao Tagmamarkay
N 09°11’47.5’’ N 09°11’38.8’’ N 09°09’44.6’’ N 09°12’34.1’’
GPS readings
E 125°32’32.2’’ E 125°31’55.8’’ E 125°33’04.5’’ E 125°33’15.3’’
Elevation 136 masl 94 masl 53 masl 37 masl
River width (average) 2.4m 1.6m 17.4m 1.4 m
River depth (average) 1.1m 0.5m 11.6m 0.7m
Width of riparian area (average) 2.4m 1.6m 17.4m 1.9m
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Table 3. Inventory of aquatic macroinvertebrates and their corresponding Taxa grouping based on sensitivity/tolerance to pollution
Phylum Order Family Scientific Name Common Name Taxa
Annelida Hirudinida Hirudinidae Hirudo sp. Leech 3
Arthropoda Hemiptera Notonectidae Notonecta sp. Back swimmer 2
Gerris marginatus Water striders 2
Gerris sp. Vertical stripped strider 2
Gerris najas River skater 2
Metrobates sp. Short bodied strider 2
Rhagovelia sp. Small water strider 2
Belostomatidae Diplonychus rusticus Water bug 2
Nepidae Ranatra linearis Water stick 2
Odonata Coenagrionidae Ischnura sp. Damselfly nymph 2
Coenagrionidae Enallagma sp. Damselflies 2
Macromiidae Macromidae sp. Dragonfly nymph 2
Coleoptera Gyrinidae Dineutus sp. Whirligig Beetles 1
Coccinellidae Harmonia axyridis Lady bug 1
Palaemonidae Palaemonid sp. Small-sized Freshwater Shrimp 2
Parathelpusidae Brachyurid sp. Small freshwater crab 2
Mollusca Gastropoda Thiaridae Melanoides tuberculata Red rimmed melania 3
Thiara scabra Spike tail snail 3
Pomacea canaliculata Channeled apple snail 3
Veneroida Corbicula Corbicula fluminea Asiatic clam 3
Taxa 1- Pollution sensitive organisms found in good water quality
Taxa 2- Can exist in wide range of water quality conditions; generally moderate water quality
Taxa 3- Can exist in wide range of water quality conditions; highly tolerant to poor water quality

Table 4: List of aquatic macroinvertebrates and their WQI from waterways of Tubay, Agusan Del Norte
Sampling Sites and WQI
Scientific Name Bugnam WQI MBR WQI Dumlao WQI Tagmamarkay WQI
Hirudo sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Notonecta maculata 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0
Gerris marginatus 28 5 9 5 48 5 8 5
Gerris sp. 3 5 0 0 2 5 1 5
Gerris najas 0 0 19 5 0 0 0 0
Metrobates sp. 1 5 0 0 0 0 2 5
Rhagovelia sp. 13 5 28 5 13 5 0 0
Diplonychus rusticus 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 6
Ranatra linearis 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6
Ischnura sp. 0 0 0 0 2 6 8 6
Enallagma sp. 0 0 1 6 0 0 6 7
Macromidae sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6
Dineutus sp. 2 5 1 5 0 0 0 0
Harmonia axyridis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
Palaemonid sp. 0 0 9 4 1 4 28 4
Hemigrapsus nudus 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 4
Melanoides tuberculata 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 3
Thiara scabra 0 0 0 0 7 3 5 3
Pomacea canaliculata 0 0 0 0 4 3 13 3
Corbicula fluminea 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4
Total 47 25 72 35 78 37 111 75
WQI score 5 5.28 4.5 4.65
7.6-10--very clean water; 5.1-7.5--rather clean- clean water; 2.6-5.0-- rather dirty water- average; 1.0-2.5--dirty water; 0-- very dirty water (no
life at all)

Table 5: Diversity indices of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the four study stations near mining area of Tubay, Agusan Del, Norte
Indices Bugnam MBR Dumlao Tagmamarkay
Taxa 5 7 8 16
Individuals 47 72 78 113
Dominance 0.4378 0.2573 0.4404 0.1249
Simpson 0.5622 0.7427 0.5812 0.8798
Shannon 1.056 0.7427 0.5596 0.8751
Evenness 0.5749 0.6682 0.4432 0.6735

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Fig 2: Percent (%) composition of major phyla of aquatic macroinvertebrates (A); and Taxa groupings of indicator macroinvertebrates in the
four study stations in Tubay, Agusan Del Norte (B)

Fig 3: Dendogram of similarity of macroinvertebrate populations in the four study stations in Tubay, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines.

Fig 4: Physico-chemical parameters of the four study stations.

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Fig 5: Multivariate relationship of study stations based on their physico-chemical features. A: Dendogram of similarity of study stations based
on physico-chemical parameters; B: Principal component analyses (PCA) showing distinct groupings/relationships physico-chemical data for
MBR (blue), Bugnam (Red), Dumlao (Pink) and Tagmamarkay (Purple).

Physico-chemical Assessment prefer pH range “between” 6.5-8.0. The value of TDS range
Water quality of four sampling stations was characterized from 144-260 ppm, which was still as the prescribed limits of
based on four physico-chemical parameters (Table 6), Figure DENR. This is due to high dissolved salts of calcium,
4). Data that has been collected showed that all study stations magnesium and iron [14] in the study station. Statistical analysis
are within the standard limits as required by DENR however, show that there were similarities in the physico-
Administrative Order No. 34 series of 1990 (DAO 90-34). chemical features of the two nearest stations-Bugnam and
Basic water quality parameters are generally the same in terms upstream MBR and the other stations- Dumlao and
of temperature. Among the four study stations upstream MBR Tagmamarkay. This similarity could be due to elevation,
has higher level of pH and conductivity due to the presence of similarity in vegetation and shade of areas.
large boulders of rocks. Ideally, freshwater aquatic organisms

Table 6: Physico-chemical features of the four study stations within and nearest the premises of mining area (Mean±SEM).
Parameters Bugnam MBR Dumlao Tagmamarkay
pH (1-14) 8.017± 0.047 8.265± 0.044 7.887± 0.027 7.146± 0.471
Conductivity (µs) 199.31± 1.26 248.32± 4.87 138.27± 0.355 164.43± 4.059
Total Dissolved Solids (ppm) 209.22± 1.44 260.22± 4.41 144.88± 0.355 166.26± 3.759
Temperature (°C) 25.744± 0.047 26.117± 0.186 25.922± 0.149 25.889± 0.086
Dissolve Oxygen (mg/L) 5.144± 0.044 5.25± 0.0763 5.522± 0.795 4.956± 0.192
Standard Values for Freshwater
DO pH TDS Salinity Conductivity
>5 mg/L 6.5-8.5 <1000 mg/L <0.5 mg/L <1500 (µs)/cm

Conclusion based on pollution sensitive and pollution tolerant for all

Macroinvertebrate community and physico-chemical stations revealed a score ranging 4.5-5.28 indicating “average”
parameters were studied to assess habitat and water quality. water quality.
Five important environmental variables such as temperature, Aquatic organisms such as benthic macroinvertebrates are
dissolved oxygen, pH, total dissolved solids and conductivity filter feeders and favor an environment that has a great supply
were also recorded. These supported macroinvertebrate data of oxygen. Considering the health of organisms, improvement
and revealed that the water quality was still within acceptable of the riparian habitat such as planting more native tree, shrubs
limits that was implemented by DENR (DAO-90-34). and lesser disturbance in this buffer zone is highly
Tagmamarkay had the most number of species and individual recommended. Improvement of the riparian vegetation near
that was dominated by pollution tolerant from Taxa 3 and the water bodies will eventually improve the quality of water
species that could live on moderate water quality Taxa 2 and the diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates.
particularly Thiara and Melanoides. Taxa 1, the pollution
sensitive species were also present in Tagmamarkay but in Acknowledgment
minimal number only. One Hirudo sp. from Hirudinidae The researchers are grateful to the support that was given by
family was collected at Tagmamarkay. Annelids were noted as San Roque Metals Incorporated for allowing us to conduct the
species that could tolerate pollution. Water quality assessment study within their premises. Special thanks to Mr. Richi Lador
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